Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Condition Cards (PFRPG)

4.80/5 (based on 38 ratings)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Condition Cards (PFRPG)
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Never miss a modifier again!

With Condition Cards, it's easy for players and GMs to keep track of the Pathfinder RPG's most common conditions. Did the bard fascinate your party? Is your wizard invisible? Is the fighter bleeding out? Simply hand out the appropriate condition cards to have all the rules for each condition at your fingertips. This set of 52 hilariously illustrated, full-color cards allows you to play faster and more easily than ever before.

There are 4 copies each of 13 different cards, with different (but related) conditions on each side:

  • blinded/deafened
  • dazed/stunned
  • exhausted/fatigued
  • grappled/pinned
  • shaken/frightened
  • sickened/nauseated
  • staggered/paralyzed
  • helpless/flat-footed
  • dazzled/fascinated
  • confused/entangled
  • bleed/dying
  • prone/unconscious
  • incorporeal/invisible

Also included is a new spell, soothing word.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-285-2

Condition Card Errata: The "Confused" card's second sentence "You treat all creatures as neither allies nor enemies." should be read as "You treat all creatures as enemies." and the "Fatigued" card's reference to "you move at half speed" should be ignored. The cards with textual changes are pictured below.

Errata-ed cards are not included in the current reprints of the Condition Cards.

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Archives of Nethys

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Condition Cards (PFRPG) Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Condition Cards (PFRPG)

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This product is non-mint. Refunds are not available for non-mint products. The standard version of this product can be found here.

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4.80/5 (based on 38 ratings)

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I've been using the Pathfinder Condition Cards for a few years now, so obviously I think they're a helpful addition to the game. The idea with the cards is that they provide a quick rules "shortcut" about the different status conditions that characters in the game can suffer from, like being knocked prone from getting tripped, paralyzed by a ghoul's touch, or fatigued from force marching. Conditions like this are extremely important, but it can be easy to forget a character is suffering from one and it can be even harder to remember exactly what the mechanical implications are.

Each card is double-sided, and the designers were clever: where possible, one side is a less serious condition than the more serious related condition on the other side (for example, "fatigued" and "exhausted" will be on opposite sides of the same card, and the same for "sickened" and "nauseated"). Not all conditions come in escalating pairs, of course, but the combinations chosen are still logical, like putting "blinded" and "deafened" on opposite sides of a card or "invisible" and "incorporeal" on opposite sides. There are four individual cards for each pair of conditions, which should be plenty for most tables; you can simply hand a player a card if their PC is suffering from the condition, or prop it up in front of them so everyone can see. Each of the type of cards has a different colour background and a different humorous picture of a goblin suffering from that condition (so the "helpless" goblin is tied to a stake, the "fascinated" goblin is entranced by a jewel, etc.). The cards are standard playing cards size, and have held up just fine to a lot of use.

Each deck also comes with an extra card that has an explanation of the deck on one side (common sense really) and a new spell, Soothing Word, on the other side. It's frankly odd to introduce a new spell to the game through a deck of cards like this, but the spell is actually extremely useful, as it reduces a serious condition (like "stunned") to its less serious counterpart ("dazed").

I have only one minor complaint about the deck: there are some conditions listed in the Core Rulebook that are not present in the cards: Cowering, Disabled, Energy Drained, Panicked, Petrified, and Stable. I would rather have paid a dime more for a 55 card pack and had these covered.

Still, all in all, these cards save a *lot* of flipping through the book trying to remember the effects of different conditions, and they've become something I make sure I have on the table every time I play Pathfinder.

They are a must use!


They make old and new games so easy to play its incredible. With new groups its easy to show them and effect and make them understand and with experienced high level groups its perfect to keep track of stacking effects. The most helpful product I've bought. I hope they make a comprehensive buff card pack as well.

Good product. It could be improved


First my experience: I purchased this product May 3, 2015 and I received an old edition deck (no "roleplaying game" writing on the box, just "pathfinder cards") with errors on the two incriminated cards. Not sure why Paizo still prints and ships old products. I was disappointed but luckily you can easily cancel the wrong statements with a marker.

EDIT: Paizo staff noticed the error in my comments in the forum and they immediately shipped a new deck. Sadly, this deck was an old edition too. It happened that Paizo actually made an error in the printing process.

The arts are very good, goblins are a pleasure to see. Many of the cards have the same drawing on both sides, so for example the pinned/grappled card presents the same goblin for the two conditions. Few cards present a different art on the two sides (e.g. invisible/incorporeal). I think it would have been much better if every condition had its own art (4 stars mainly due to this).

I'm sure these cards will be useful in my game sessions.

Mandatory Luxury Item


This is a great product, making the Pathfinder RPG even easier to play or GM. While not essential to game play, I really consider it a "Mandatory Luxury Item" at the game table.



I use my deck literally every session. Not only does it have the rules for these conditions at the ready, but it is a great reminder to make the adjustments. Useful both as a player and as a GM.

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Sovereign Court

So how are sales going? Reprint on the horizon yet?

Sovereign Court

My cards have lost their credibility .
I'm ready to buy a corrected set anytime.
2 mistakes and my players won't shut up about it.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Unavailable. Does that mean a corrected reprint is on the way?

Cat-thulhu wrote:
Unavailable. Does that mean a corrected reprint is on the way?

I'm ready to buy a updated set myself. This has sold out at least twice now, so I can't imagine they won't reprint it...I expect that they're just reeling from GenCon.

Same here. Will these ever be available again or should I grab a set at another retailer while i still can?

Webstore Gninja Minion

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A reprint is on its ways, but I don't have an exact ETA as of yet.

Will the reprint incorporate many errata?

Grand Lodge

Is the current product a reprint yet.. or is there any news on when the reprint is to come out yet??

Deanoth wrote:
Is the current product a reprint yet.. or is there any news on when the reprint is to come out yet??

What I think you're asking -- and what I'd like to know myself -- is whether the just-arrived new printing features corrections.

Any Paizo folks in the know?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

No reprint yet—these are the original print run.

Vic Wertz wrote:
No reprint yet—these are the original print run. I'm confused. I know there have been at least two printings, and that some errors were corrected in the 2nd run.

Grand Lodge

bugleyman wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
No reprint yet—these are the original print run. I'm confused. I know there have been at least two printings, and that some errors were corrected in the 2nd run.

I had not heard that? Now I am confused? I think I will take Vic's Word for it and not buy these yet if they are from the original print run and the errors are still there at the moment. Considering I do have two sets of these already :)

Deanoth wrote:
bugleyman wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
No reprint yet—these are the original print run. I'm confused. I know there have been at least two printings, and that some errors were corrected in the 2nd run.
I had not heard that? Now I am confused? I think I will take Vic's Word for it and not buy these yet if they are from the original print run and the errors are still there at the moment. Considering I do have two sets of these already :)

Better to be safe than sorry. I'm 99% sure, though, that my VL's fatigue cards that do not have the errors that mine do.

Grand Lodge

All the people I have played with in Pathfinder Society have the error on the card thus far. So I am just not sure if it has been reprinted yet.

Deanoth wrote:
All the people I have played with in Pathfinder Society have the error on the card thus far. So I am just not sure if it has been reprinted yet.

I thought there had been several printings already, and that that particular error had already been addressed. But since I don't have proof in front of me, I'll have to defer to Mr. Wertz and say I made a mistake.

My apologies for the confusion.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Is there an ETA on the reprint?

Webstore Gninja Minion

Soluzar wrote:
Is there an ETA on the reprint?

We've received our reprint and have been shipping out the reprint for a while now. The latest version says "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game" on the box, while the original version says "GameMastery."

Can anybody from Paizo please let us know if the latest printing of cards are corrected or not? How hard can it be to answer the one question everybody keeps asking over and over? I'll be getting these no matter what but seeing Paizo not answer this question is making me hesitate.


Webstore Gninja Minion

CorallineAlgae wrote:

Can anybody from Paizo please let us know if the latest printing of cards are corrected or not? How hard can it be to answer the one question everybody keeps asking over and over? I'll be getting these no matter what but seeing Paizo not answer this question is making me hesitate.


Per my post just above yours, if the card box says "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game" it is the latest printing and has been corrected. The cards that have been corrected are the additional product images above.

Liz Courts wrote:

Per my post just above yours, if the card box says "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game" it is the latest printing and has been corrected. The cards that have been corrected are the additional product images above.


Will order. Thanks for the info.

Sovereign Court

Yea reprints.

Dark Archive

I just ordered these cards on Friday, Jun 13. I like how they are redesigned (thinner). However, the pack I received only contained the updated text for Fatigued (no mention of 1/2 speed movement). The Confused card still had the text "You treat all creatures as neither allies nor enemies". Did I somehow receive an old edition? Not sure about that because even the box design is different than the pack I picked up 2 years ago. Actually, the box design is different than what is pictured above. The box I received has "Pathfinder Cards", not "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game". Was it because I ordered on Friday the 13th? (Sorry, couldn't resist that last question, lol).

Liz Courts wrote:
The cards that have been corrected are the additional product images above.

I have a couple of the old decks, and I'm going to try to size the corrected card images above to exactly match those of the original cards, print them onto label sheets and cover the original cards with them.

The only real work there is sizing. If you already have correctly-sized images, could they be made available in the Community Use area?

Dark Archive

ckdragons wrote:
I just ordered these cards on Friday, Jun 13. I like how they are redesigned (thinner). However, the pack I received only contained the updated text for Fatigued (no mention of 1/2 speed movement). The Confused card still had the text "You treat all creatures as neither allies nor enemies". Did I somehow receive an old edition? Not sure about that because even the box design is different than the pack I picked up 2 years ago. Actually, the box design is different than what is pictured above. The box I received has "Pathfinder Cards", not "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game". Was it because I ordered on Friday the 13th? (Sorry, couldn't resist that last question, lol).

If I were to order these cards again, can I be sure that I'll receive the correct updated pack? Thanks!

I purchased this product May 3, 2015, when the "add print" button became clickable again and I received an old deck (no "roleplaying game" writing on the box, just "pathfinder cards") with errors on the two incriminated cards. Not sure why Paizo still prints and ships old products.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

Its possible we just found some old stock stashed somewhere in the warehouse and didn't realize the issue. I've passed your comment along to our warehouse to investigate further and customer service will be emailing you shortly to resolve this for you.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:

Its possible we just found some old stock stashed somewhere in the warehouse and didn't realize the issue. I've passed your comment along to our warehouse to investigate further and customer service will be emailing you shortly to resolve this for you.

Thank you Sara, customer service contacted me and already shipped a replacement. I overlooked it since it was a minor issue, but this is a super service!

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Can anybody tell me if the reprinted set fixes the Pinned condition error? The old cards stated that a Pinned creature is flat-footed, which is verifiably false. Thanks!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

The only changes in the reprint were Confused and Fatigued.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Vic Wertz wrote:
The only changes in the reprint were Confused and Fatigued.

Thanks for the info! Would there happen to be any plans to correct "Pinned" in the near future? I need to buy a new set, but I can wait if a correction is coming.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

We don't announce reprints until they're actually on sale... but since this printing is still available, one might assume a reprint is not imminent.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I would like to add that I just received my order of these cards today, and they are the old versions. Pathfinder cards. So, the Confused and Fatigued are wrong. I guess they had more old versions than they thought.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Sigh. Ok, I've figured out what's happened.

• The first printing (Gamemastery logo, © 2010) had the errors listed above.

• The second printing (Gamemastery logo, © 2012) corrected the Fatigued error but did not correct the Confused error.

• I could not find a copy of the third printing (Pathfinder Cards logo, © 2013) at Paizo, but one of Liz's posts above says that both errors were corrected.

• The fourth printing (Pathfinder Cards logo, © 2015) reverted to the first printing text, meaning the errors are again present on both cards.

The responsible parties have been made aware of the error, but given that we're only a couple months into this printing, this is going to be the status quo for quite some time to come.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

OK. My set is the Pathfinder Cards 2015 version.These are minor errors. Easily fixed with a sharpie.

As for the cards themselves, I am quite happy with them. I can't wait to be able to use them in my Wrath of the Righteous game I'm running.


I have the first printing set so I'm quietly amused to see the errors carried over to the 2015 set.

Grand Lodge

I put this in the accessories forum but maybe it belongs here:

Not sure if this is the right spot for it, but the condition cards come with a new spell, soothing word. My copy of the cards lists it as a ranger 2 spell (among other classes), however d20PFSRD's website lists it as a ranger 3 spell.

Normally I'd chalk it up to a mistake on d20pfsrd's part since they're not official, but I know the condition cards have gone through a few reprints where there were some mistakes, then the mistakes were corrected, then the mistakes were added back in on accident for the latest printing.

For everyone's info, my cards came with the box that say "PATHFINDER CARDS" on them rather than "GAMEMASTERY", and the errors on the Confused and Fatigued cards are still there, so it looks to be the latest printing (where the box was changed but the errors that were removed from previous printings snuck back in).

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The Archives of Nethys has it as a 2nd level ranger spell, so my guess is that D20pfsrd made an error since they don't cite a source for a correction.

Grand Lodge

Thanks! For some reason I just completely missed it on AoN.

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