Dual wielding Barbarian?


I'd like to create a 9th dual-wielding Barbarian but I do not know what weapons / feats I should choose. I'd like the Barbarian to use some sort of swords but I really don't want to go with Scimitars (as I'm trying not to pull a Drizzt clinch on my friends). Can anyone help?

Flagging thread to be moved to the "Advice" forum. I know they're named awkwardly, but this forum is for third-party products specifically. The Barbarian is first party, so you'll get more help elsewhere.

Edit: As for actual advice, I'd recommend using two Kukris. Being light weapons, they have the smallest penalty from Two Weapon Fighting as well as a Crit range of 18-20, which is awesome. Whatever you decide on, it should be two weapons of a kind. Or a double weapon.

Feats: Two weapon Fighting, Improved Two Weapon fighting. I say this next one to everyone; if you can get 15 con Raging Vitality will repeatedly save your life. Avoid Greater Two weapon fighting and Two Weapon defense, they're not as great as they sound at first.

Yeah, thanks dude. I definitely didn't want to post this on the third party products page. My bad.

Take titan mauler. Duel wield oversized axes. Use enlarge person frequently. Consider having it permanently.

Shortswords, Kukris, Longsword+Shortsword, all of those are completely viable. You'll need two-weapon fighting and improved two weapon fighting. Since you're probably going STR-based, you'll also want Double Slice. Make sure you have the dexterity and strength to follow through with this. Invulnerable Rager is an amazing archetype and you probably want to use it with this, although most other archetypes are OK. Also pick up the Lesser Beast Totem, Reckless Abandon, and Beast Totem rage powers when you get the chance. Also consider the Unchained Barbarian instead of the regular Barbarian, because it gives flat bonuses to damage instead of strength-based bonuses.

In addition, try to fit in Power Attack and Raging Vitality in somewhere.

Goddity wrote:
Take titan mauler. Duel wield oversized axes. Use enlarge person frequently. Consider having it permanently.

Wait, isn't the largest weapon a Titan Mauler archetype can wield a large two-handed weapon?

My Self wrote:

Shortswords, Kukris, Longsword+Shortsword, all of those are completely viable. You'll need two-weapon fighting and improved two weapon fighting. Since you're probably going STR-based, you'll also want Double Slice. Make sure you have the dexterity and strength to follow through with this. Invulnerable Rager is an amazing archetype and you probably want to use it with this, although most other archetypes are OK. Also pick up the Lesser Beast Totem, Reckless Abandon, and Beast Totem rage powers when you get the chance. Also consider the Unchained Barbarian instead of the regular Barbarian, because it gives flat bonuses to damage instead of strength-based bonuses.

In addition, try to fit in Power Attack and Raging Vitality in somewhere.

Thanks but will the Power Attack feat still work with Short Swords or Kukris? As for the Rage Powers, I was thinking about taking advantage of the Human's favored class bonuses and getting Superstition, Ghost Rager, Witch Hunter etc etc? Good idea?

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Power Attack wrote:
Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to damage is increased by half (+50%) if you are making an attack with a two-handed weapon, a one handed weapon using two hands, or a primary natural weapon that adds 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage rolls. This bonus to damage is halved (–50%) if you are making an attack with an off-hand weapon or secondary natural weapon.

It works normally (-1/+2) for on-handed weapons, and in a reduced form (-1/+1) for off-handed weapons. You'll have your shortsword or kukri in your off-hand.

If you want those rage powers, I'd recommend picking Superstition before Witch Hunter before Ghost Rager. Superstition and the favored class bonus are amazing, Witch Hunter is pretty good, and Ghost Rager is situational. Also look at Spell Sunder. Consider taking the Extra Rage Power feat to pick some of these up- it's worth it.

Superstition is very powerful, but make sure your party is OK with it. If you're just building, then by all means, feel free to take it.

You'll be pretty feat-hungry with these many things going on. What part of your build do you want to get done first?

Yeah but aren't Short Swords and Kukris Light Weapons? If so, is the Power Attack feat still usable for them? I thought there was some sort of restriction using the Power Attack feat with Light Weapons?

We're all starting out with 25 Point Builds and other members of my friends have gone with the Superstition Rage Power freight train before so I think they'll be okay. We have five party members (I'm the 5th) including a Cleric and a Paladin. I assume I won't have an issue with an ally channeling positive energy to heal me or am I wrong on that?

I'm torn though between using two short swords or using a longsword and a short sword. Here's my abilities scores:

STR: 16 DEX: 18 CON: 14 INT: 10 WIS: 14 CHA: 10

I'm definately picking up Improved Two-Weapon Fighting if possible. I might wait on the Extra Rage Power for now (especially for Rage Powers that require Sunder Checks [at least until I can pick up Improved Sunder which I'm guessing will be useful but maybe I'm wrong]).

There is no restriction with using Power Attack with light weapons- it's only for off-handed weapons. I'd recommend longsword and shortsword, although double shortsword is fine for flavor. Longsword just gives you the option to two-handed hit if you just really need to beat some DR.

There is no problem with positive channeling to heal. The only thing you are required to resist are spells. However, you do get a bonus to resist channeling, if you wish to.

I'd recommend keeping DEX at a bare minimum necessary to qualify for feats. 17 is as high as you need it, after you use stat-boosting items. I'd try to pump strength as much as possible, as that is what will determine your damage and hit chance. If you're willing to drop INT, WIS, and CHA a bit to push a few more points into your physical stats, that will make you more powerful. Superstition will cover your saves.

What level are you guys going to?

Okay, so here's my new ability scores:

STR: 16 DEX: 17 CON: 15 INT: 10 WIS: 14 CHA: 10

Do the following feats sound good: Cleave, Double Slice, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Raging Vitality, Two Weapon Fighting

My Rage Powers are (with Human Favored Class Bonuses factored in) the following: Superstition, Witch Hunter, Ghost Rager, Disruptive

Cleave is good for a two-hander, not so much for a TWF-er. Disruptive is pretty weak, as it requires you to threaten enemies and have AOOs to spare. I'd recommend swapping in the lesser beast totem in place of Ghost Rager or Disruptive, as by 10th level you can take the normal beast totem and full attack on a charge, which is much better than cleave. Also, unless you're planning to put level bonuses into CON, I'd recommend just leaving it in DEX. The best place to put your stat boosts is in strength, though. With the superstition rage power, you could afford to lose some WIS.

Play a unchained barbarian because the straight attack and damage bonus of the new rage mechanic is better overall than the normal bonus to strength that the normal barbarian gets.

Start with 15 dex, so you can pick up all the important TWF feats.

STR: 16 DEX: 15 CON: 14 INT: 12 WIS: 10 CHA: 7 would be a good stat array on a 20 point buy. Play a human or something else that adds to strength to get it up to an 18 to start with.

You're really only interested in Two Weapon Fighting, Double Slice (maybe), Improved Two Weapon Fighting, and Two Weapon Rend. Don't waste a feat on Greater Two Weapon Fighting, it's not really worth it. You will need to get a +2 bonus to dex somewhere along the lines to pick up the latter two feats.

Saw Tooth Sabers

Scarab Sages

Daggers and worship Pharasma. Between the +2 to hit from her obedience feat and the +1 to damage from river rat, they are the best TWF weapon other than shields.

Imbicatus wrote:
Daggers and worship Pharasma. Between the +2 to hit from her obedience feat and the +1 to damage from river rat, they are the best TWF weapon other than shields.

you would really have to get your dm's okay to take a trait from one deity and follow a completely different one

Scarab Sages

River rat is not a deity specific trait, it's a regional trait for anyone who grew up near a river. It has nothing to do with Hanspur.

Pharasma's weapon is the dagger?
I'm not sure what you mean.

As for the OP, might I suggest Unchained Barbarian?
It gets flat bonuses to melee attack and damage rolls instead of plain Strength, allowing two-weapon fighting to get higher damage bonuses.

bigrig107 wrote:

Pharasma's weapon is the dagger?

I'm not sure what you mean.

As for the OP, might I suggest Unchained Barbarian?
It gets flat bonuses to melee attack and damage rolls instead of plain Strength, allowing two-weapon fighting to get higher damage bonuses.

There's only a difference if he doesn't take Double Slice.

Scarab Sages

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bigrig107 wrote:

Pharasma's weapon is the dagger?

I'm not sure what you mean.

Deific Obedience feat for Pharasma gives a +2 sacred or profane bonus to hit with daggers. This offsets the penalty for two weapon fighting.

Dark Archive

Since you're starting with a few levels under your belt, you have lots of options. I would suggest taking a look at the Unchained Rogue. Three levels will get you weapon finesse, a rogue talent, a little sneak attack, and dex to damage with a finessable weapon of your choice. Unchained Barbarian gives a straight up bonus to hit and damage instead of strength, making 2 weapon fighting less fiddly. Just make sure to pick up 13 strength to qualify for Power Attack and you're golden.

You now have a single stat to focus on for melee instead of two, giving that tasty SADness.

I know it not two swords but a Thunder and Fang build might be pretty cool, plus once you have it if you prefer you could use Thunder and Thunder or Fang and Fang instead.

if you don't know heres thunder and fang.

"You have mastered the ancient Thunder and Fang fighting style, allowing you to fight with increased effectiveness when wielding an earth breaker and klar.

Prerequisite: Str 15, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (earth breaker), Weapon Focus (klar)

Benefit: You can use an earth breaker as though it were a one-handed weapon. When using an earth breaker in one hand and a klar in your off hand, you retain the shield bonus your klar grants to your Armor Class even when you use it to attack. Treat your klar as a light weapon for the purposes of determining your two-weapon fighting penalty.

Normal: An earth breaker is a two-handed weapon, preventing the use of a klar in one hand without imposing penalties for using the earth breaker one-handed. A klar can be used either as a one-handed weapon or a shield; it does not grant a bonus to AC during rounds in which it is used as a weapon."

if its the slashing damage that you like from swords, you can always pick up Weapon Versatility. you already meet the prerequisites.

Barb simply can't handle all the feat requirements for Thunder and Fang. Viking Fighters make better use of it, as they have the spare feats, get bonuses for having a "shield", and can even rage. So if you don't mind your class not actually saying barbarian, but want to do thunder and fang, it's the better option.

Dark Archive

LoneKnave wrote:
Barb simply can't handle all the feat requirements for Thunder and Fang. Viking Fighters make better use of it, as they have the spare feats, get bonuses for having a "shield", and can even rage. So if you don't mind your class not actually saying barbarian, but want to do thunder and fang, it's the better option.

Not true. And especially not true if you are starting at 9th level.

Human Thunder and Fang Barbarian:

1) Weapon Focus: Earth Breaker; Weapon Focus: Klar
2) Reckless Abandon
3) TWF
4) Superstition
5) Thunder and Fang
6) Witch Hunter
7) Power Attack
8) Spell Sunder
9) Improved TWF (assumes a +2/+2 DEX/STR belt by level 9)
10) Eater of Magic
11) Iron Will?

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