Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
Soluzar |
I gotta ask. How can this be out of print? I was hoping to get one of these for when I run The Elven Entanglement. Everywhere I look it's out of stock. How could something being used (on both sides) in a current season PFS scenario be allowed to go out of print?
Matt Thomason |
I gotta ask. How can this be out of print? I was hoping to get one of these for when I run The Elven Entanglement. Everywhere I look it's out of stock. How could something being used (on both sides) in a current season PFS scenario be allowed to go out of print?
Much as with the APs going "out of print", I suspect the truth is there's only one printing/production run of these, so if they sell fast it exhausts the stockpile.
At that point the question has to be asked - is it selling well enough that there should be a second production run, or did it sell so well that most people that wanted it now have it, making a second run unprofitable?
That doesn't solve the issue of people still wanting it, but at the end of the day there has to be profit for it to be viable, which means running off another however-many-thousand are needed to meet the economics of printing these things.
The PDF is available, so the best option may be to get it printed somewhere that does poster-size stuff.
Deanoth |
I gotta ask. How can this be out of print? I was hoping to get one of these for when I run The Elven Entanglement. Everywhere I look it's out of stock. How could something being used (on both sides) in a current season PFS scenario be allowed to go out of print?
Just because it is in a PFS product or even an Adventure path or some such by Paizo... it does not mean it is protected against going out of print. If anything it is more likely to go out of print because it is in a product.
But you can always buy the PDF and get it printed out somewhere and then laminated. It will be almost the same as the original hard copy.. not quite as it will not fold.. but almost :)
Deanoth |
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Much as with the APs going "out of print", I suspect the truth is there's only one printing/production run of these, so if they sell fast it exhausts the stockpile.
At that point the question has to be asked - is it selling well enough that there should be a second production run, or did it sell so well that most people that wanted it now have it, making a second run unprofitable?
That doesn't solve the issue of people still wanting it, but at the end of the day there has to be profit for it to be viable, which means running off another however-many-thousand are needed to meet the economics of printing these things.
I have never known them to do a second print run of a flip mat. It has always been a single one. It is an economics thing as in if they did do a second run... will they be stuck with a stock pile of them that will not sell then? So because of that they will not do another print one that has already been printed.
Now on the other hand they have been known to do another type of the same type of flip mat. Such as yet another type of deep woods mat again. :)
Millefune |
PLEASE either do another print run of these (and the "normal" Forest) flip mat)!? Mine has begun to have a small hole form at one of the cross-folds, and I want to replace it. Or perhaps make a new forest/woodlands flip mat people can order/use, since both the Forest and Deep Forest flip mats are out of print? It's not like they won't sell, practically every campaign has a forest/wilderness encounter... and no one likes drawing out sh!t tons of trees on blank mats that won't ever look as good as the ones that have been released thus far.
trik |
I understand the economics behind the decision to not reprint. However, for it to be true that "everyone who wants one has one", the market needs to never grow. I'll flat out say that if the market isn't growing, you're doing it wrong. New players should always be encouraged. Creating PFS scenarios with out of print maps can be rather off-putting to a new GM that never had a chance to purchase from the initial run.
william tipton |
"Mine has begun to have a small hole form at one of the cross-folds, and I want to replace it"
I just made a carrying case for my maps so they can stay unfolded.
Its a little bulky, but frankly when Im playing a game at someone elses place Im already lugging around a lot of crap and these maps are SOO worth keeping in mint condition, so its worth any amount of trouble to keep them flat and in perfect shape.
I just used two sheets of 1/4" plywood cut a little longer than the maps, then used Gorilla Tape for the folding hinge on the bottom. Works really great for carrying them around unfolded and great for storage.
william tipton |
" Creating PFS scenarios with out of print maps can be rather off-putting to a new GM that never had a chance to purchase from the initial run."
Definitely agree.
Always keep popular items coming. There are a list of old flip mats I cant get hold of that Id sell my first born for right now. Cant even find them for a reasonable price on ebay.
Marco Massoudi |
Given that this is used in one of the evergreens (The Confirmation), I want to add my request for a re-print. Please?
+1 for a reprint!
I really like this map, but i fear with this coming up: Bigger Forest, we won´t get a reprint so soon as side A: "a stream winding through woods near a druidic circle" is super-similar to: "a thriving forest".
Side B: "a woodland environment perfect for a scenic ambush" is cooler than: "a blighted, dead stretch of former woodlands, which can be home to everything from monsters to outlaw archers to ancient druids" imo, but it is very similar too.
So basically Paizo whould hurt the sales of the Bigger Forest if they would put out a Classics version of deep Forest right now.
Also, with starfinder getting at least 2 initial Flip-mats, i don´t see new "Flip-mat Classics" coming out at least until october. ;-(