Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 3 (OGL)

4.90/5 (based on 15 ratings)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 3 (OGL)
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Test your courage against the most infamous foes of myth and legend! Bestiary 3 presents hundreds of monsters for use in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Within this book you’ll find demiliches and demodands, grave knights and goblin snakes, norns and nephilim, imperial dragons and unfettered eidolons, and so much more! Yet not every creature needs to be an enemy, as winged garudas, crafty tanukis, and leonine lammasus all wait to join your party and answer the call of glory.

The Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 is the third indispensable volume of monsters for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and serves as a companion to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook and Pathfinder RPG Bestiary. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 10 years of system development and an Open Playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time bestselling set of fantasy rules into the new millennium.

The Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 includes:

  • More than 300 different monsters
  • Classic terrors from myth and literature, from the frumious bandersnatch and the righteous valkyrie to the cunning dybbuk and elusive kappa
  • Hordes of new creatures you can construct, grow, or summon to aid your party in its adventures
  • New player-friendly races to let you adventure as canny ratfolk, genie-blooded sulis, and more
  • New familiars, animal companions, and other allies
  • Challenges for any adventure and every level of play
  • Some of the strangest and most beloved creatures from fantasy roleplaying history and the Pathfinder campaign setting
  • Hosts of new templates and variants
  • Appendices to aid in monster navigation, including lists by Challenge Rating, monster type, and habitat
  • Expanded universal monster rules to simplify special attacks, defenses, and qualities
  • ... and much, much more!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-378-1

Last Updated - 11/10/2014

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

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4.90/5 (based on 15 ratings)

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A Major Contribution to the Game


The third bestiary of monsters for Pathfinder is chock-full of cool stuff. A few major themes for the book can be extracted: creatures from myth and literature (like sasquatches and valkyries), creatures with an Asian theme perfect for adventuring in Tian-Xia (such as kami and jiang-shi vampires), and the just plain really weird (like yithians and zoogs). As always with reviews of books like this, there's no way I can go through the hundreds of monsters individually, but I can say the writing and artwork is top-notch. Some particular things to note:

* The book has five new playable races: catfolk, ratfolk, suli, vanara, and vishkanya. There's always a demand for anthromorphic races like catfolk, and ratfolk later become prominent (under the name ysoki) in Starfinder. Suli don't do much for me and vishkanya are a race I've never seen played. But I do have to shout out to the monkey-like vanara, since a vanaran PC features prominently in my Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign!

* Several of the attempts from Misfit Monsters Redeemed to make goofy old monsters cool again are reprinted here, such as adherers and wolves-in-sheep's-clothing.

* Man, vulnudaemons are creepy.

* Love the artwork for animal lords--very Black Panther.

*The book introduces several new categories (sub-types) of monster: asuras (very cool concept I've never seen used), behemoths (creatures of divine vengeance on entire nations or worlds; a neat story idea), clockworks (a classic), demodands (titanspawn who hate the gods), divs (corrupted genies who strive for the ruin of all things made by mortals), imperial dragons (wingless, serpent-like dragons of Asian legend), kami (fixed-location nature spirits), kytons (creepy devils from the Plane of Shadows!), leshy (plant-like sentients), linnorms (cruel wingless dragons with a death curse), oni (evil spirits given form--the opposite of kami), rakshasa (drawn from Indian myth), sphinxes (with an interesting write-up), and thriaes (female bee-like seers). There's a real contribution to the richness of the game here, as all of these categories can then serve as the basis for rules-coherent variants introduced in later books.

All in all, Bestiary 3 is an excellent book and a smart purchase for a GM.

Another great addition to the Bestiary products


Reading through Bestiary 1 and 2, I was hoping that there will be even more eastern themed monsters. This Bestiary delivers just what I wanted! A must buy! Also, Flumph!!!

Best of the Bestiary


Bestiary 3 review is up on my blog.

This is probably my favorite of the Bestiaries so far, the content covers many iconic monsters from editions past, and stuff from the Adventure Paths. With great Asian flair for the Tian Xia world guide that is coming up, as well as many incredible monsters that have never graced the pages of a monster guide but are very welcome.

A great addition!


Although I'm generally opposed to the concept of core book "sequels," the content in 'Bestiary 3' is top notch. Whereas it took me some time to realize the usefulness of the monsters presented in 'Bestiary 2' (extraplanar/dimensional encounters rarely play a role in my campaigns), I immediately recognized many of the creatures in 'Bestiary 3' as either "iconic" or interesting variations on an established monster class.

As is to be expected, this book is well laid out and the illustrations are (mostly) top notch - Paizo rarely disappoints here! The Pathfinder Campaign Setting is still missing a few iconic monsters (mostly due to WotC's draconic licensing practices), but this volume (and the two which preceded it) gives GMs a huge variety of creatures to populate their encounters.

If I could make any suggestions for future 'Bestiary' volumes, the first would be to expand upon the lore provided - I realize it would likely halve the number of creatures included per book, but a two page spread (even for "simple" creatures like oozes) might help a GM find a place for a given creature within his campaign setting. Also, better illustrating a creature's size (perhaps even graphically) would be useful - general size classifications only go so far, and being able to see a silhouette of a given entry next to a human-sized creature would give both GMs and players a clear understanding of exactly how big a monster is (this was employed beautifully in an old FASA publication for Shadowrun: 'Paranormal Animals of North America' by Nigel Findley). Again, these are just suggestions on ways to improve an otherwise outstanding collection of Bestiaries. Keep up the good work!

Dodging the law of sequels


An excellent monster book, strong mythological presence (from various cultures). Probably even better than Bestiary 2. And it has the flumph! (this is a good thing, well its worth a page) If you're looking for a monster book for some critters outside of the real core you would well to pick this up.

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Liberty's Edge

jreyst wrote:

As a short, somewhat cynical, sidenote, I recommend that people take the list of what is going to be in the book with a grain of salt, based on recent experience. It seems that a list stating what is going to be in the book is more meant to be a list of "here's what we think is going to be in the book, some of it will be, some most likely won't, and some will be partly in and partly out, depending on how our editing goes."

Just sayin.

Yeah, I seem to remember being promised a bunch of new templates in Bestiary 2 and being supremely underwhelmed.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
jreyst wrote:

As a short, somewhat cynical, sidenote, I recommend that people take the list of what is going to be in the book with a grain of salt, based on recent experience. It seems that a list stating what is going to be in the book is more meant to be a list of "here's what we think is going to be in the book, some of it will be, some most likely won't, and some will be partly in and partly out, depending on how our editing goes."

Just sayin.

Oh, Jreyst is on about how editing goes. That's always fun.

*looks up Antagonize on d20pfsrd*

Yup, still with errors, on a cynical sidenote.

I must be masochist, because between Ultimate Magic and the upcoming Ultimate Comba, my wallet aches in pain, but picturing another Bestiary in my library feels soooooooooooo good.   

Dark Archive

There's going to be a bunch of monsters in this book that could be easily inserted into Jade Regent, meaning a bunch of eastern inspired monsters.

Dark Archive

Also announced at the banquet was Ultimate Races.

Nemo235 wrote:

Could we see the Lovecraft monsters from Wake of the Watcher?

That would seal the deal for me.

Ummm... just get Wake of the Watcher instead maybe? I mean, those monsters are perfectly good, and if they are ever featured in a Bestiary, I doubt they'd change much/at all.

Also, I seriously doubt this Bestiary will have any Carrion Crown monsters. Bestiary II intentionaly limited itself to monsters from the first 3 APs. Assuming Bestiary III does the next 3, I imagine we'll see a lot of beasties from Legacy of Fire, Council of Thieves, and Kingmaker.

Liberty's Edge

jreyst wrote:

As a short, somewhat cynical, sidenote, I recommend that people take the list of what is going to be in the book with a grain of salt, based on recent experience. It seems that a list stating what is going to be in the book is more meant to be a list of "here's what we think is going to be in the book, some of it will be, some most likely won't, and some will be partly in and partly out, depending on how our editing goes."

Just sayin.

I bet since we are so close to release date it's pretty solid. Maybe that is why they tried to keep it under wraps for so long.

Six months it will be December and it is sometime before that so getting it to the printers then slow boat from China (literally) they should in theory be close to a completed product.

I refuse to buy this if it has anything ressembling Cthulu or his minions in it.

I dislike lovecraft's work

nothing wrong with horror mind you....

Steelfiredragon wrote:

I refuse to buy this if it has anything ressembling Cthulu or his minions in it.

I dislike lovecraft's work

nothing wrong with horror mind you....

How about the shoggoths in Bestiary 1? Or shantaks and denizens of Leng in Bestiary II? Guess you didn't buy those either.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Steelfiredragon wrote:

I refuse to buy this if it has anything ressembling Cthulu or his minions in it.

I dislike lovecraft's work

nothing wrong with horror mind you....

I will still buy this book even if it does have all the oriental themed stuff which is loathe. To disregard a entire book because a few monster/creatures I dislike would be moronic IMO.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Gorbacz wrote:

Oh, Jreyst is on about how editing goes. That's always fun.

*looks up Antagonize on d20pfsrd*

Yup, still with errors, on a cynical sidenote.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention! That error is now fixed. While fixing that I also took this opportunity to fix the misspelled "Intimidate" in the 3rd from last sentence of the Benefit paragraph.

As an explanation for what I believe to be the error you were referring to... We "repurposed" a Template that we use for generating pages from one we used from the APG, and that Template already had dummy text in it so that our processes would know what content goes where etc. Somehow the dummy text from the Prerequisite sentence was left in. I've now gone back over almost every instance where we used that Template and could not find any other similar cases. I'll confirm the remaining few tomorrow once I'm in the office.

Since you were so kind to report this obvious error it has been a) noted, b) admitted, c) explained and d) fixed, in a matter of hours.

Not bad for unpaid volunteers I'd say.

"...Expanded universal monster rules to simplify special attacks, defenses, and qualities..."

Is this in order to support new simpler monster formats like those delivered in the game master book of the basic box?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Enpeze wrote:

"...Expanded universal monster rules to simplify special attacks, defenses, and qualities..."

Is this in order to support new simpler monster formats like those delivered in the game master book of the basic box?

I think that's a general blurb about having all the universal rules in the back of the book instead of reprinting them ad nauseam in every statblock.

Swan familiars/animal companions and swanmays!

this will definantly be interesting...

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

Bestiary 3 wrote:
Within this collection of creatures you’ll find grave knights and savage cyclopes, kappa and colossal kaiju ...

The down side of them having kaiju in here is that they don't have rules for creatures larger than Colossal, and the fact that they specifically are stating "colossal kaiju" probably means that this is probably similar a redo of the old 3.5e Titanic template.

I say this because I find it unlikely that they'll do a stealth add of rules for creatures larger than Colossal in Bestiary 3.

Unless, of course, they're in Ultimate Combat and they just haven't told us that tidbit yet.

New creatures drawn from the best-known beasts of legend, my favourite part, first we have garudas, now vanaras

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The noise I made when I discovered this... well, I struggle to accurately describe it, but needless to say it was of delight.

Shadow Lodge

Steelfiredragon wrote:

I refuse to buy this if it has anything ressembling Cthulu or his minions in it.

I dislike lovecraft's work

nothing wrong with horror mind you....

As stated, Bestiary 1 and 2 both had Mythos monsters. Bestiary 1 had the shoggoth and the ghoul (yep, hate to break it to you, the ghoul is pure Lovecraft). Bestiary 2 upped the stakes with denizens of Leng, gug, hounds of Tindalos, Leng spiders, serpentfolk, and shantaks. Did you refuse to purchase those?

There are a few monsters in both bestiaries that I don't really care for. But it would be stupid to ignore the other 300+ monsters that are totally awesome just because I think one or two are dumb.

Dark Archive

Please allow new feats for monsters rather than a copy of the feats last book which was a copy of the 1st book.

I'm not complaining, I just requesting new monster feats. Hopefully one that have requirements for creature type. Like for a creature to take this feat the requirement is to be a magical beast or to be an evil outsider. Something like that

Yeah, I could take out a dozen monsters from the Beastairy I and replace them the monsters from the bonus beastairy.

I had even fewer problems with the Beastairy II so my expectations might be a little too high but I am sure Paizo will deliver a good monster book if not a great one. I just hope that all the monsters in the description make it into this book. I am very interested in the Kaiju and hope it is like the template from the OA dragon magizine issue that too this day is one of my favorite issues.

I am sure we will see more Oni if not in this book than the jade empire APs.

As far as the asian monsters go I really hope for Nekomata, Yuki-onna, Bakeneko, Tanuki, and the Nine tail fox.

Dark Archive

Debating whether or not to get the roleplaying subscription now as I am already ordering the beginner box, this lovely, and soon to be ultimate races.........any thoughts? I love having bestiaries and if an additional volume came out every year that would be fine by me!!!!

Silver Crusade

Sorry, with the ultimate combat coming out, you can now make ninja turtles...... Turtle Power.

Like I said I'm sorry.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I love the cover art. According to Undead Revisited, the Demilich is going to be in it so I am excited about that.

Shadow Lodge

Brian Darnell wrote:
I love the cover art. According to Undead Revisited, the Demilich is going to be in it so I am excited about that.

You do realize that Undead Revisited and Bestiary 3 are two completely seperate book, don't you? Just because something appears in one, that doesn't mean that it's confirmed for the other.

Kthulhu wrote:

You do realize that Undead Revisited and Bestiary 3 are two completely seperate book, don't you? Just because something appears in one, that doesn't mean that it's confirmed for the other.

Wrong, Undead Revisited does confirm monsters for the Bestiary 3.

Chris Ballard wrote:
Also announced at the banquet was Ultimate Races.

Oh, can we get some hints as to what this will be? Will it only cover the major Pathfinder races, will there be optional races, rules for making your own, etc?

It's getting to the point I should just mail my money to Paizo as soon as I get it, it'd be easier that way.

Liberty's Edge

Eric Hinkle wrote:
Chris Ballard wrote:
Also announced at the banquet was Ultimate Races.

Oh, can we get some hints as to what this will be? Will it only cover the major Pathfinder races, will there be optional races, rules for making your own, etc?

It's getting to the point I should just mail my money to Paizo as soon as I get it, it'd be easier that way.

It was going to include races for Tina Xi or however that was spelled.

It includes more monster type races....

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

That is the final cover art, but the cover layout itself could *possibly* be tweaked a tiny bit before it goes to the printer. (Given its simplicity, I doubt it, but you never know if an art director might decide that the title is a millimeter too high.)

Dark Archive

Is there an intension of Paizo releasing one new hardcover Bestiary per year? I understand that nothing can be set in stone and the quality of the product takes precedence. I would like to know simply what you guys may attempt to aim for is all. Game on friends!!!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

the Haunted Jester wrote:

Is there an intension of Paizo releasing one new hardcover Bestiary per year? I understand that nothing can be set in stone and the quality of the product takes precedence. I would like to know simply what you guys may attempt to aim for is all. Game on friends!!!

Given that we *just* announced Bestiary 3, I'd say that I wouldn't expect an announcement of whether we do Bestiary 4—or something else in the winter 2012 slot—until... oh, let's say PaizoCon 2012.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:
the Haunted Jester wrote:

Is there an intension of Paizo releasing one new hardcover Bestiary per year? I understand that nothing can be set in stone and the quality of the product takes precedence. I would like to know simply what you guys may attempt to aim for is all. Game on friends!!!

Given that we *just* announced Bestiary 3, I'd say that I wouldn't expect an announcement of whether we do Bestiary 4—or something else in the winter 2012 slot—until... oh, let's say PaizoCon 2012.

So your saying that you are announcing that in a year, you will be announcing Bestiary 4. Cool... ;p

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
the Haunted Jester wrote:

Is there an intension of Paizo releasing one new hardcover Bestiary per year? I understand that nothing can be set in stone and the quality of the product takes precedence. I would like to know simply what you guys may attempt to aim for is all. Game on friends!!!

Given that we *just* announced Bestiary 3, I'd say that I wouldn't expect an announcement of whether we do Bestiary 4—or something else in the winter 2012 slot—until... oh, let's say PaizoCon 2012.
So your saying that you are announcing that in a year, you will be announcing Bestiary 4. Cool... ;p

Em-dashes don't mean "this part is optional," you!

Vic Wertz wrote:
the Haunted Jester wrote:

Is there an intension of Paizo releasing one new hardcover Bestiary per year? I understand that nothing can be set in stone and the quality of the product takes precedence. I would like to know simply what you guys may attempt to aim for is all. Game on friends!!!

Given that we *just* announced Bestiary 3, I'd say that I wouldn't expect an announcement of whether we do Bestiary 4—or something else in the winter 2012 slot—until... oh, let's say PaizoCon 2012.

Let no good dead go unpunished. That will teach you Vic :)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
R_Chance wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
the Haunted Jester wrote:

Is there an intension of Paizo releasing one new hardcover Bestiary per year? I understand that nothing can be set in stone and the quality of the product takes precedence. I would like to know simply what you guys may attempt to aim for is all. Game on friends!!!

Given that we *just* announced Bestiary 3, I'd say that I wouldn't expect an announcement of whether we do Bestiary 4—or something else in the winter 2012 slot—until... oh, let's say PaizoCon 2012.
Let no good dead go unpunished. That will teach you Vic :)

Would anyone expect less from a succubus? :)

Owner - Caffeinated Dragon Games

Vic Wertz wrote:

Given that we *just* announced Bestiary 3, I'd say that I wouldn't expect an announcement of whether we do Bestiary 4—or something else in the winter 2012 slot—until... oh, let's say PaizoCon 2012.

For the sake of the rest of the world, instead of seasons, could quarters be used? ie, 3rd quarter or 4th?

It is confusing to think I have to wait for ages for something when it is coming out in a couple of months.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:

Given that we *just* announced Bestiary 3, I'd say that I wouldn't expect an announcement of whether we do Bestiary 4—or something else in the winter 2012 slot—until... oh, let's say PaizoCon 2012.
So your saying that you are announcing that in a year, you will be announcing Bestiary 4. Cool... ;p
Em-dashes don't mean "this part is optional," you!

I suspect whether or not sales of Bestiary 3 match or exceed sales of Bestiary 2 will be highly influential in determining whether or not they produce a 4th.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I love that Paizo is doing this book and I hope they continue to put them out. Even though I own all the adventure path issues. I much prefer to have all those monsters in their own hardcover when I am looking for something than dig through my old adventure path issues.

Keep up the great work...

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Shem wrote:

I love that Paizo is doing this book and I hope they continue to put them out. Even though I own all the adventure path issues. I much prefer to have all those monsters in their own hardcover when I am looking for something than dig through my old adventure path issues.

I think of the APs as test benches. If there are any problems they can be tweaked before going into a hardcover. And don't forget that there are other new monsters scattered in Modules, PFS scenarios, and campaign books.

Also, needs more qpplths.

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

deinol wrote:
Shem wrote:

I love that Paizo is doing this book and I hope they continue to put them out. Even though I own all the adventure path issues. I much prefer to have all those monsters in their own hardcover when I am looking for something than dig through my old adventure path issues.

I think of the APs as test benches. If there are any problems they can be tweaked before going into a hardcover. And don't forget that there are other new monsters scattered in Modules, PFS scenarios, and campaign books.

Also, needs more qpplths.


Yes, the qlippoths are nicely creepy. I will be doing something unpleasant with them, that's for sure. If only I had those high-level qlippoth rules - I'll just have to do with the demon prince rules from the last issue of the Dragon.

No, I mean the last real Dragon.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
R_Chance wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
the Haunted Jester wrote:

Is there an intension of Paizo releasing one new hardcover Bestiary per year? I understand that nothing can be set in stone and the quality of the product takes precedence. I would like to know simply what you guys may attempt to aim for is all. Game on friends!!!

Given that we *just* announced Bestiary 3, I'd say that I wouldn't expect an announcement of whether we do Bestiary 4—or something else in the winter 2012 slot—until... oh, let's say PaizoCon 2012.
Let no good dead go unpunished. That will teach you Vic :)
Would anyone expect less from a succubus? :)

No :D

I hope for a large amount of Fey creatures like the Atomie, sprites, gremlins, Faun, boggart, and some CR12+ Fey would be nice as well.

Grand Lodge

Steelfiredragon wrote:

I refuse to buy this if it has anything ressembling Cthulu or his minions in it.

I dislike lovecraft's work

nothing wrong with horror mind you....

You will have Lovecraftian inspired horror's in most a lot of fantasy inspired RPG's because he inspired so many of the genre in general. The Cthulu Mythos inspired many a horror film in general. So it stands to reason it will spill in to RPG's and the like. It is the nature of his writing and skill. Not to mention the average RPG'r loves this type of creature.

Why you refuse to buy something with inspiration derived from that amazes me. There are many books in the Pathfinder set that you might not buy much. Same with D&D in general not to mention many other RPG's have some inspiration's pulled from Lovecraft.

His work while not for everyone does not mean inspiration can not be from it though and while I am not a huge fan of his writing I like the creatures and such inspired by it because of the alienness of them all and the like. :)

Let us know why you refuse to buy something that way so we can better understand.

Hopeful Bestiary 3 contains not only Oni, but Youkai and other oriental creatures, with correct names, folklore and abilities that fit the folklore.

Unlike the under-powered Genasi rip offs called Ifrit, Oread, Sylph, and Undine which also were incorrectly named and were way off from the folklore of their names (thou the element (fire, earth, air, water) part was right) in Bestiary 2.

I also hope that some of the creatures are configurable and that their are race options like in the APG for some of the PC races.

That is the final cover? Great! Add my petition to the pile requesting that Kaiju be a template. There is no other way to do it justice. Imperial Dragons will be Oriental Dragons you say? Nice! If at least a quarter of the monsters directly support the Jade Region AP I will be happy. I'm not impressed with what I heard Ultimate Races so far, I mean I glossed over the races section of the Inner Sea guide it was so boring to me, but this is a want for me definitely.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Orannis wrote:

Kaiju!? I love you folks. Seriously, infinite high-fives.

I feel greedy even for asking, but will this have more oni? I realize there will probably be some in the Dragon-whatsit book, but it'd be nice to have some others in the Bestiary collection to hang out with the Ogre Mage.

There will be more oni in this book, and six more spread out over the six volumes of Jade Regent, in which the oni play a VERY important role.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ProfPotts wrote:
Could we possibly hope for expanded Summon Monster and Summon Nature's Ally lists in this one? Or, at least, some rules / guidelines for creating custom lists?

Nope. That's not a direction we wish to go with Pathfinder's summon monster spells.

What you'll be seeing instead are NEW spells that allow for more specialized summons.

We're not interested in bloating the summon monster spell lists and creating option paralysis in play with constantly evolving and changing summon monster lists.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Wolf Munroe wrote:

Also hoping kaiju is a template. It makes more sense as a template.

I'm guessing that is actual cover art. It would be a very strange mix of creatures to appear anywhere together besides a bestiary cover.

It's actual cover art. For our hardcovers, we really do try hard not to reveal the covers until we have the actual art handy. Which means for our hardcovers, we generally order the art super early.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

chopswil wrote:

Bestiary 3, the big test.

Can Paizo keep up the quality from the first two or are we going to get wolf spiders, crabmen and lava children?

I'd say the quality will be as high but you can't let your guard down or the junk will slip in.

I suspect that the fact that we've managed to keep doing awesome monsters through dozens and dozens of Pathfinder Adventure Path bestiaries means that we'll be able to do some pretty high quality monsters in Bestiary 3.

If you liked what we did in Bestiary 1 and 2, you'll like what we're doing in 3.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Generic Villain wrote:
As this is clearly the "Asian" Bestiary, I'm guessing imperial dragons are "Asian"/lung dragons.

It's actually the "International" bestiary. We'll have a lot of monsters from Inuit lore, Norwegian lore, Arabian lore, Asian lore, Russian lore, etc. (Not much from Africa, since we did a lot of that stuff in Serpent's Skull and that AP was too recent—its monsters missed the "cut off" for inclusion in this one, but if we do Bestiary 4 next year... there ya go.)

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