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Sprites are Diminutive. "This lithe, diminutive creature looks like a humanoid with wispy, mothlike wings and long, thin ears." is the descriptive text. The spite in the picture has long ears, wild hair, face and body paint, a pointed twig or thorn as a weapon, and clothes made from leaves and plant parts. I think the sprite's wings look like leaves in the picture provided, which is kind of cool. Sprites have Constant Detect Good/Evil, At will Dancing Lights/Daze, 1/day Color Spray, Perfect Flight, Low-Light vision, DR 2/ Cold Iron, and are Luminous (able to shift color and intensity). Sprites can be taken as familiars by CN spellcasters that are Level 5 or higher.
Atomies are CR 1; there isn't an option to use them as familiars.

Dragon78 |

Did they change or add any abilities the Nixie had from bonus beastairy version?
Darn we can't get Atomies as familiars.
Looks like the sprites lost the ability to become invisible but I gues they had to if they were going to be a familiar. Though they still sound like a CR1/2 to me.
What in opinion are the top 5 artwork for the monsters?
What in opinion are the top 5 coolest monsters?
So ther is a new artwork for the Allip, cool.
Did the Tetzlwyrm, Peluda, or Hodag make it into the book?
What are all the Fey creatures that are in the Beastairy 3?

atheral |

Did they change or add any abilities the Nixie had from bonus beastairy version?
Darn we can't get Atomies as familiars.
Looks like the sprites lost the ability to become invisible but I gues they had to if they were going to be a familiar. Though they still sound like a CR1/2 to me.
What in opinion are the top 5 artwork for the monsters?
What in opinion are the top 5 coolest monsters?
So ther is a new artwork for the Allip, cool.
Did the Tetzlwyrm, Peluda, or Hodag make it into the book?
What are all the Fey creatures that are in the Beastairy 3?
Bandersnatch, Boogeyman(mainly because he looks like a Jaeger from Girl Genius), Catfolk, Ghul, Fossil Golem win for me the best art slots though in no particular order.
Coolest monsters eh I can't really say as I haven't read indepth and won't till I get my physical copy (300+ pages on a computer screen is painful) but Zoog is up there for me for sure.
Tetzlwyrm and Hodag made the cut Peluda did not.

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* Did they change or add any abilities the Nixie had from bonus beastairy version?
No, but they added an evil variant called the Bog Nixie that is CR 3 and has Captivating Song, Change Shape, and Minor Wish.
* So ther is a new artwork for the Allip, cool.
It appeared as the artwork for the example Allip in Undead Revisited if you had that.
* Did the Tetzlwyrm, Peluda, or Hodag make it into the book?
Tatzlwyrm and Hodag, yes. Peluda, no.
* Coolest / best looking monsters
I'll get back to you a bit later on that one. There's a lot of interesting monsters here. The artwork by and large is very good, making it hard to pick 5 pieces in particular that stand out. 'Fossil Golem' is an initial standout in my mind, primarily because of the T-Rex-skull-hands.

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Norns are pretty awesome. They're CR 18 Fey. They cat cut the threads of someone's life (20d6 untyped damage with a Fort save for half), preventing resurrection without Miracle or Wish if they kill you with it. They also have some fate manipulation, magic shears, and a fairly good assortment of magic powers.

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Now that Bestiary 3 is out it is time to plan Bestiary 4. I have a request for a new template that can be added to any creature. How about a Mummy Template?
Just like any creature can become a skeleton through foul magic, someone has to prep a body and cast create undead to create a mummy. This should be able to apply to any creature someone wants to make into an undead guardian.

nighttree |

Norns are pretty awesome. They're CR 18 Fey. They cat cut the threads of someone's life (20d6 untyped damage with a Fort save for half), preventing resurrection without Miracle or Wish if they kill you with it. They also have some fate manipulation, magic shears, and a fairly good assortment of magic powers.
Do the Cold Rider fey have anything to do with the cold fey of Irresen ?

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Lord Gadigan wrote:Norns are pretty awesome. They're CR 18 Fey. They cat cut the threads of someone's life (20d6 untyped damage with a Fort save for half), preventing resurrection without Miracle or Wish if they kill you with it. They also have some fate manipulation, magic shears, and a fairly good assortment of magic powers.AWSOME.....
Do the Cold Rider fey have anything to do with the cold fey of Irresen ?
There is no mention of Irresen in their text.

atheral |

Is the fey template like the celestial or fiedish template in power or is it more powerful?
I'd say slightly more powerful as it gains a variety of abilities based on its HD including DR, low light vision, gains a fly speed (or improves it if existing), gains an ability tree that improves with HD, gains spell like abilities based on HD, gets bonuses to Dexterity, charisma and Intelligence as well as a skill points pool and languages. The downside is a reduction in Natural armor and a small penalty to strength.

Dragon78 |

So what are the asian monsters that got in?
I know about the Tanuki, Kappa, Kirin, Yuki-onna and that there are Oni.
I was hoping that ether the Tanuki or the Kappa would be Fey.
Sounds like an interesting template that is more like the half-celestial/fiend/dragon templates, thanks for the info atheral.
Are there any celestials except for the Archon familiar one?

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*Are there any celestials except for the Archon familiar one?
Legion Archon, Peri (though the Peri is native)
*So what are the asian monsters that got in?
5 Imperial Dragons
5 Kami
Foo Creatures
If you're counting Indian stuff in the Asian category:
5 Rakshahsa
2 Nagas
5 Asuras
There's also the Humbaba, which I think is technically from somewhere in Asia.
That's just from a glance. I may have missed some or miscounted a bit.

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This is a combination preview and a complaint about a missing appendix, so I just made one on my own.
New Familiars from Bestiary 3
Improved Familiars are listed as (Alignment, caster level)
Archon, Harbinger - (LG, 7th)
Asura, Tripurasura - (LE, 7th)
Carbuncle - (N, 5th)
Div, Doru - (NE, 7th)
Dragon, Faerie - (CG, 7th)
- Flying Squirrel
- Fox
- Goat
- Otter
- Pig
- Raccoon
Kami, Shikigami - (LN, 7th)
Kyton, Augur - (LE, 7th)
Oni, Spirit - (LE, 7th)
Rakshasa, Raktavarna - (LE, 7th)

atheral |

Just downloaded and looked it over. Some nice stuff in there. I'm still waiting for some borogoves and mome raths and such but I'm pretty happy.
But...what's with the kung fu panda? That one's maybe a bridge too far! :)
I assume you mean this guy
The depiction is similar to the stylized (very) statues but bears little resembles to the actual real world animal. This makes me somewhat sad as the actual beastie is, I think, every bit as cool as their mythlogical counterpart.

atheral |

Hopefully the next Beastairy will have the Cheshire Cat, Mome raths, and Borogoves.
Thanks for the Familiar info Kvantum.
What are the new types of Drakes?
Are there any dragons other then the Imperials, Linnorms, Drakes, Faerie dragon, Gorynych, and Tetzlwyrm?
So what are the CR20+ monsters?
Let me see new Drakes include:
desert drake, , rift
drake, river drake,
As far as other draconics just one more the kongamato,
and High CR Beasts
CR 20
akvan, ancient sovereign dragon, asurendra, eremite,
jinushigami, maharaja, thalassic behemoth, void yai
CR 21
tor linnorm
CR 22
tempest behemoth
CR 24
the hekatonkheires is a very very scary critter.

atheral |

atheral wrote:Dragon78 wrote:define Scary let me guess the tarrasque is breakfast for himHopefully the next Beastairy will
the hekatonkheires is a very very scary critter.
Not quite, but they would both have a fight on their hands. Just one example as a full round action the hekatonkheires can make four attacks starting at +38 dealing 6d6+22 , this attack hits any creature with in its 30ft reach and damage is epic and evil typed. These are weapon attacks, all weapons held by the hekatonkheries (has 100 hands by the way) count as +3 enhanced.
err edit on the damage was reading hp lines...*embarrassed silence*

Kajehase |

Shem wrote:Well, I would love to get a copy of them. Word works.Well, since there's two of you who's asked for it now - give me a few days to make it complete (some of the Kingmaker stuff hasn't been added yet because... I was lazy around that time, I guess) - and once I have somewhere to e-mail it, it'll be in your mailbox.
And my e-mail (which is good to know if you want to send me one) can be found in my profile.

Azure_Zero |

nighttree wrote:There is no mention of Irresen in their text.Lord Gadigan wrote:Norns are pretty awesome. They're CR 18 Fey. They cat cut the threads of someone's life (20d6 untyped damage with a Fort save for half), preventing resurrection without Miracle or Wish if they kill you with it. They also have some fate manipulation, magic shears, and a fairly good assortment of magic powers.AWSOME.....
Do the Cold Rider fey have anything to do with the cold fey of Irresen ?
Cold riders originally appeared in the "Carnival of Tears" module
and it also talked a bit about their origins in Golarion
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Dark_Mistress wrote:The Core Rulebook line is campaign setting–neutral, so the fact that Irrisen is not mentioned doesn't mean anything.nighttree wrote:There is no mention of Irresen in their text.AWSOME.....
Do the Cold Rider fey have anything to do with the cold fey of Irresen ?
Yeah I know, I was just answering the question there was no mention in the Bestiary 3 of Irrisen.

That Guy With the Fox |

nighttree wrote:There is no mention of Irresen in their text.Lord Gadigan wrote:Norns are pretty awesome. They're CR 18 Fey. They cat cut the threads of someone's life (20d6 untyped damage with a Fort save for half), preventing resurrection without Miracle or Wish if they kill you with it. They also have some fate manipulation, magic shears, and a fairly good assortment of magic powers.AWSOME.....
Do the Cold Rider fey have anything to do with the cold fey of Irresen ?
The Cold Rider was introduced in the Carnival of Tears module, and yes, they do have stuff to do with the cold fey in Irrisen.

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What are Bandersnatches powers, and what does it look like?
Any interesting plant creatures?
Hard to describe the art for the bandersnatch...sort of like a nightmare version of a six-legged quill-covered cat. Power-wise, it's a bit like a cross between a tiger, a howler, and a manticore. Plus it has a confounding gaze and shakes off many negative conditions.
Once you see the picture, keep in mind that it's the size of a school bus. And it's coming right at you.
Plant creatures....there's leshys, which are cute as can be, mind-controlling fungus men, and a fair few more :)