Pathfinder Battles: Heroes & Monsters Brick

3.60/5 (based on 47 ratings)

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Pathfinder RPG combat comes to life on your tabletop with Heroes & Monsters, the debut release in the new Pathfinder Battles prepainted miniatures line! Produced in cooperation with Paizo Publishing, Heroes & Monsters presents a fascinating array of 40 beautifully painted miniatures perfect for use with the Pathfinder RPG or any fantasy miniatures game! From the brave Gnome Fighter to the mighty evil lich, Heroes & Monsters offers a wide range of player characters and dungeon denizens that make a perfect start to your Pathfinder Battles collection!

  • Heroes & Monsters Standard Boosters contain 1 Medium or 2 Small miniatures.
  • Heroes & Monsters Large Boosters contain 1 Large miniature.
  • Heroes & Monsters Bricks contain 16 Standard Boosters and 3 Large Boosters.
  • Heroes & Monsters Cases contain 4 Bricks (64 Standard Boosters and 12 Large Boosters).

Purchasers should get no to very few duplicate figures in a brick. Buyers who purchase factory-sealed cases should get a nearly complete set of figures. (As with any randomized product, collation is not guaranteed.)

Begin your Pathfinder Battles collection today! The Heroes & Monsters of the Pathfinder world await!

See the press release for questions and answers about this exciting new product line.

Heroes & Monsters Set List

1  Goblin Warrior (Red)
2  Goblin Hero (Red)
3  Goblin Warrior (Blue)
4  Goblin Hero (Blue)
5  Orc Brute
6  Orc Warrior
7  Skeleton
8  Watch Guard
9  Watch Officer
10  Lizardfolk Champion
11  Zombie
12  Giant Spider
13  Wolf
14  Venomous Snake
15  Mummy
16  Human Rogue
17  Human Ranger
18  Elf Wizard
19  Half-Elf Cleric
20  Dwarf Fighter
21  Human Druid
22  Gnome Fighter
23  Dire Rat
24  Gargoyle
25  Half-Orc Barbarian
26  Spectre
27  Seelah, Human Paladin
28  Werewolf
29  Medusa
30  Minotaur
31  Ogre
32  Troll
33  Ettin
34  Chimera
35  Manticore
36  Giant Caveweaver Spider
37  Frost Giant
38  Succubus
39  Lich
40  Vampire

Additional Product Images

(click to enlarge)
WizKidsHeroesAndMonsters-PFB1 WizKidsHeroesAndMonsters-PFB3 PFB4 WizKidsHeroesAndMonsters-PFB5
Medusa Lich seelah orc
092311_EttinPreview 092311_RangerPreview 093011_GoblinPreview
(go to main product page)

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3.60/5 (based on 47 ratings)

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Too Much $$$


I hate to be a bad mouth, and I am honestly not motivated here by vehemence. This figs just cost way too much for what you get ESPECIALLY because they are random and plastic.

I am not saying there is anything better out there - as far as I can tell there isn't. My local store is 1 of 2 significant stores, in a metro area of around half a million folks. The store I frequent has yet to sell out of the ORIGINAL , the 2nd line has barely sold at all, and he has refused to order anything else. It just doesn't sell. And its not placement - they are quite actually the first and last thing you see when you enter his store.

When I bought DND mini's the price for randoms eventually became to high for me and I was able to still get the minis I wanted by buying singles. So far, everything I have seen indicates the singles market is incredibly over-inflated.

So, quality wise they are top notch. The paint jobs and sculpts are in every way superior to what I have seen anywhere else here in America. There are foreign companies doing comparable work in similar markets, but that is irrelevant to this review.

For me though, the final thing comes down to money. They are too expensive.

Individual figures


I would be more willing to buy these if one could select individual figures desiered rather than getting a "Grab Bag (box)" of unknowns.

Vibrant, but Overpriced


I didn't even want to buy any originally because of the price, but I decided to grab 3 small (1 medium or 2 small figures each) and 1 large (1 large figure) boxes. This cost me $19 before taxes and I ended up with 1 large and 3 medium figures. When D&D Miniatures was producing boosters I would pay $15 or $16 before taxes to get 8 figures and I'm pretty sure there was 1 large per booster.

I then placed them side by side with the D&D Miniatures I have and I would say the quality is about the same, but the Pathfinder minis are more vibrant. The D&D minis though each came with a stat card and could be used to play a separate minis tactical game.

Even if I were to get 2 small figures in each of the small boxes of Pathfinder minis I purchased I'd have 7 figures. For $3 or $4 less I would have 1-4 more figures and I never remember seeing a full booster of D&D minis as small figures, maybe half at most.

I really like the Pathfinder RPG books, but I'm sorry, I won't be buying any more minis because I think they're overpriced. Maybe I'm just behind times though because I know the D&D minis are not being produced any more, but I can still buy singles for $1 each for commons and uncommons.

1-2 random for HOW MUCH!


For random minis, the pricing is obscene. Tack on a buck and let me know what I am Getting. The local store has yet to sell out of the Original Brick. And from what I have seen, the sculpts and painting is so sub-par.
As much as I hate the Paper Minis, I will take those over these in a heartbeat.

Excellent Beginning Run.


I have just gotten into my box set that I recieved (in no specific order). Individual Review will be added later.

Box 1:

Frost Giant
Venomous Snake
Red Goblin Hero
Red Goblin Warrior
Giant Spider
Watch Officer
Watch Guard
Dire Rat
Half-Elf Cleric
Human Rogue
Gnome Fighter
Human Ranger
Seelah, Human Paladin

Box 2:

Human Rogue
Blue Goblin Warrior
Blue Goblin Warrior
Blue Goblin Hero
Blue Goblin Hero
Red Goblin Warrior
Red Goblin Hero
Gnome Fighter
Dire Rat
Human Ranger
Seelah, Human Paladin
Lizardfolk Champion
Watch Guard
Venomous Snake
Giant Spider
Orc Warrior

Box 3:

Orc Warrior
Giant Spider
Watch Officer
Lizardfolk Champion
Elf Wizard
Half-Elf Cleric
Blue Goblin Hero
Blue Goblin Warrior
Half-Orc Barbarian
Dwarf Fighter
Human Druid

Box 4:

Giant Caveweaver Spider
Elf Wizard
Human Druid
Watch Officer
Giant Spider
Blue Goblin Warrior
Blue Goblin Hero
Half-Elf Cleric
Venomous Snake
Orc Brute

Final Count:

Red Goblin Warrior x2
Red Goblin Hero x2
Blue Goblin Warrior x4
Blue Goblin Hero x4
Orc Brute
Orc Warrior x2
Skeleton x3
Watch Guard x2
Watch Officer x3
Lizardfolk Champion x2
Zombie x3
Giant Spider x4
Wolf x3
Venomous Snake x3
Mummy x2
Human Rogue x2
Human Ranger x2
Elf Wizard x2
Half-Elf Cleric x3
Dwarf Fighter
Human Druid x2
Gnome Fighter x2
Dire Rat x2
Half-Orc Barbarian
Spectre x3
Seelah, Human Paladin x2
Werewolf x2
Medusa x3
Ogre x2
Troll x3
Ettin x2
Giant Caveweaver Spider
Frost Giant
Succubus x2

84 Minis, out a minimum 76, and was able to get the full collection. I can safely say that I am over all pleased, though I was hoping for more humanoid opponents, but can't be to grumpy since I did get a full collection, with a few doubles of key members. Add to this the ones Irecieved from random Store Boughts as well as a minion order from this site and the six-man Evil Booster and you have a good assortment of minis to choose from.

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Cartigan wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
Cartigan wrote:
The market for "collecting sets" and "collecting the sweetest cards/minis to make me the winner in all the contests" are not really the same. You notice how you said "some" people collect baseball cards still? The emphasis is on "some." Baseball cards are not really a very successful market any more where Magic: The Gathering still is. And these are being sold like they themselves have some ephemeral worth other than as a collector's set. They don't.
Given the option is dont do it or do it this way, what exactly are you arguing for - do you have some model you are suggesting would be both achievable and more successful?
Yes, I did. Several pages back. It is package multiples to a single box.

I would also suspect a sort of 'half a brick' option would be feasible. As I understand it, they are intending this sort of thing once the set size is larger - or once the line is better established.

Steve Geddes wrote:
Cartigan wrote:
Skeld wrote:

Also, your arguments against random packaging seem to be predicated on the buyer only wanting a few miniatures, where the randomness will have the greatest effect. For buyers that want to buy a couple hundred minis, the randomness is much less of a factor (and would be cheaper than buying the same distribution of minis on the secondary market). Paizo seems to be counting on this and is ever offering to sell minis by the case where, they have noted, you should wind up with a complete or nearly complete collection.
I have repeatedly posited an argument for the mass buyer. They are sold as randomized SINGLES. This hurts both mass gatherers and single character representation buyers. Randomness is predicated on the stock, not the box. If you buy a box with 8 characters, you are probably guaranteed not to get a duplicate and to get a good spread. If you buy a single 8 times, you could get 8 of the same or 8 random or 4 of two unhelpful things. Both buyer markets are hampered.
This isnt quite true (since they offer bricks) but is a surprise to me as well. I would have thought there'd be call for something between the one/two mini booster and the nineteen-twenty five you will get in a brick. Nonetheless, who is more likely to come up with a successful model - you or Wizkids?

Me as likely as WizKids since WizKids' business is selling collectible miniature game figures.

Shadow Lodge

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*beep beep beep* Ok that's good, back it up there. Right arm please. Ah that's the stuff, pure Paizo goodness.

That's what I thought when I read this, that's what I wanted when I bought the case. I get my little plastic toys to play a game with, and I get to support the company that makes the game I enjoy playing. Once you decide you want the little plastic toys and can afford them, does it matter how much they cost per?

Do you want this, and are you willing to pay for it? Doesn't really seem to be worth a 600+ post fight over it. You guys are just saying the same thing over and over, and nobody is going to convince anybody else otherwise.

If we're going to fight this strenuously about it, we're going to need something to represent the sides. Who wants to be the Orcs and who wants to be the Guardsman? Don't worry, for those not buying I'll lend you some if you need them.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

13 people marked this as a favorite.
Cartigan wrote:
Me as likely as WizKids since WizKids' business is selling collectible miniature game figures.

Well, it was a good run, but I can't in good faith hold on to this award for the biggest ego on the Paizo forums. Here, good sir, treat it well. We all look forward to the launch of your Best Win Fun edition of d20 and the corresponding line of Super Awesome Everyone Wins Minis.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Steve Geddes wrote:
This isnt quite true (since they offer bricks) but is a surprise to me as well. I would have thought there'd be call for something between the one/two mini booster and the nineteen-twenty five you will get in a brick. Nonetheless, who is more likely to come up with a successful model - you or Wizkids?

I think...

It's possibly an attempt to snag the impulse buy at game shops. At $4 I can see adding one onto an order. On a whim.

As I said above, I'm not a huge fan of the single mini packaging because I think it's wasteful. Lisa, Vic, and the WizKids guys are the ones betting real money on the outcome.

mcbobbo wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:

I grew up in New Orleans. 100 degrees and 100% humidity was the norm during many summers.
100% humidity? But that means you're under water!
You may be joking, but it just means the air can't hold any more water...

Of course air can't hold water. Water is heavier. That's why there's rain. Water falling down. Though that doesn't explain how it got up there in the first place. I think it's because of tides. The whole planet spinning until we're all dizzy, and then the moon also pulls at the water (something I never managed without a straw!), some of the water is bound to fly up in the air. And then it comes back down.

I bet that happens in the middle of the ocean, where no one ever sees it. Or it's the whales with their blow holes.

And I am, of course, 100% serious. That means I can't hold any more serious thoughts.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We will see a year from now what they are doing with these, if anything.

KaeYoss wrote:
GentleGiant wrote:
Just watched Jason's tour of the Paizo Gen Con booth.
360p? Someone send him out again with a better camera. We need this as 1080p HD! I can't make out the figures. If you selfish bastards won't do this GenCon thing closer to my home, you could at least do that! ;P

Methinks he might have recorded the video with his iPhone. Same iPhone which he later used to take an out of focus picture of the Ezren miniature. Sheesh people, get some better equipment than those cruddy Apple products. ;-)

Liberty's Edge

Cartigan wrote:

I have repeatedly posited an argument for the mass buyer. They are sold as randomized SINGLES. This hurts both mass gatherers and single character representation buyers. Randomness is predicated on the stock, not the box. If you buy a box with 8 characters, you are probably guaranteed not to get a duplicate and to get a good spread. If you buy a single 8 times, you could get 8 of the same or 8 random or 4 of two unhelpful things. Both buyer markets are hampered.

Not quite true. According to what has been posted the distribution of a case would allow for you to get nearly an entire set. Thus picking up a few packs from a store at once should see a variety of miniatures. It would still be possible to get several of the same miniature, but the same is true of buying multiple packages of DDM.

Sebastian wrote:
Well, it was a good run, but I can't in good faith hold on to this award for the biggest ego on the Paizo forums.

WTF does a guy have to do to get noticed around here?

Cartigan wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
Nonetheless, who is more likely to come up with a successful model - you or Wizkids?
Me as likely as WizKids since WizKids' business is selling collectible miniature game figures.

And you think their experience doing that is just as relevant to developing a market for RPG figures as your experience in whatever field you work in?

That seems very unlikely to me. As I said though - extrapolation from personal experience is hard to avoid and I much prefer their model to the others I've seen put about. (Leaving aside where I agree with you, namely that a set between individual booster and brick would be desirable).

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jeremiziah wrote:

Vic doesn't lack credibility. Lisa certainly doesn't. I'm going to go ahead and trust them on this one.


Paizo is fair, forthright, open, friendly, honest, and you get the feeling that this is a company run by gamers - but gamers who also have a decent business sense.

People can call them liars and pretend that it's normal that companies lie (By the way, you guys need to state the companies you're basing your insider knowledge on, so we can all avoid them like the plague).

And since what they're saying about the possibilities of the PPM market checks out with what I kept hearing by other people who are also in a position to know about this stuff AND with my personal observations, I wouldn't have a reason to suspect or accuse them of lying even if they didn't have the reputation they have.

There is a difference between "lie" and "not be completely forthcoming." As an outsider, it's silly not to expect the latter from Paizo (or any other company).

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

KaeYoss wrote:
People can call them liars and pretend that it's normal that companies lie (By the way, you guys need to state the companies you're basing your insider knowledge on, so we can all avoid them like the plague).

Well apparently the lizard sale business is very unethical...

deinol wrote:

If it were easy enough to make pre-painted plastic miniatures in a non-random manner cheaply, I am certain that any number of existing companies who are in the marketplace would do so. Even WotC couldn't do so, and they've got the brand and market presence to try.

Exactly. Note that wotc did have non-random miniatures towards the end. And they still canned the whole product line. And the non-randoms were rehashes of old figures with new paint jobs, not new sculpts.

Plus, and I keep mentioning them, Reaper does non-random pre-painted plastic miniatures called Legendary Encounters (well, actually, Asylum Miniatures does, but that's a spin-off company wholly owned by reaper, made for this purpose). Their prices are higher than those for these random PF minis, and once Heroes and Monsters is out, PF plastic will have more different miniatures than Legendary Encounters - and LE has been around for several years.

Yes, they do non-blind, non-random PPM. They have new releases something like 1-2 times a year, and it's usually a handful of miniatures.

They're not up to speed yet, but even if they get to where they want to be, they won't be anywhere near the Pathfinder Battles line in variety. And it's mostly pretty standard stuff: Elf with bow, orcs, skeletons. If you want more exotic stuff, you're fresh out of luck, as exotic LEs are few and far between.

And, again, we're talking about Reaper here. One of the big veterans when it comes to miniatures (though usually metal).

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
KaeYoss wrote:
Plus, and I keep mentioning them, Reaper does non-random pre-painted plastic miniatures called Legendary Encounters (well, actually, Asylum Miniatures does, but that's a spin-off company wholly owned by reaper, made for this purpose). Their prices are higher than those for these random PF minis, and once Heroes and Monsters is out, PF plastic will have more different miniatures than Legendary Encounters - and LE has been around for several years.

Legendary Encounters uses existing sculpts to save money and the still end up more expensive than these PF ones.

And for all the complainers out there, you can still buy all the nice metal reaper figures if those suit your needs better.

Myself, I'm still waiting for someone to link to a troll or ogre for $6 or less on the internet. Painted or otherwise.

Cartigan wrote:
We will see a year from now what they are doing with these, if anything.

Not sure what they will be doing, but I would bet serious money that I will still be enjoying using the minis from this set. It will be years yet before I have enough, whether that be from Paizo or some other source doesn't matter beyond the fact that Paizo is somewhat more likely to create figures I want since they produce the game I will be using the figures in.

deinol wrote:
Myself, I'm still waiting for someone to link to a troll or ogre for $6 or less on the internet. Painted or otherwise.

Here you go. Le Troll

KaeYoss wrote:
deinol wrote:

If it were easy enough to make pre-painted plastic miniatures in a non-random manner cheaply, I am certain that any number of existing companies who are in the marketplace would do so. Even WotC couldn't do so, and they've got the brand and market presence to try.

Exactly. Note that wotc did have non-random miniatures towards the end. And they still canned the whole product line. And the non-randoms were rehashes of old figures with new paint jobs, not new sculpts.

Plus, and I keep mentioning them, Reaper does non-random pre-painted plastic miniatures called Legendary Encounters (well, actually, Asylum Miniatures does, but that's a spin-off company wholly owned by reaper, made for this purpose). Their prices are higher than those for these random PF minis, and once Heroes and Monsters is out, PF plastic will have more different miniatures than Legendary Encounters - and LE has been around for several years.

Yes, they do non-blind, non-random PPM. They have new releases something like 1-2 times a year, and it's usually a handful of miniatures.

They're not up to speed yet, but even if they get to where they want to be, they won't be anywhere near the Pathfinder Battles line in variety. And it's mostly pretty standard stuff: Elf with bow, orcs, skeletons. If you want more exotic stuff, you're fresh out of luck, as exotic LEs are few and far between.

And, again, we're talking about Reaper here. One of the big veterans when it comes to miniatures (though usually metal).

I would like to point out that the Pathfinder Beginner's Box Heroes Set is 4 for $13. That's little more than $3 each.

deinol wrote:

Myself, I'm still waiting for someone to link to a troll or ogre for $6 or less on the internet. Painted or otherwise.



Legendarius wrote:

The second item is the price of the case at $275, while leading to a better $2.55/mini price, is still about 1.5 to 2 times what I paid for a lot of my cases of DDM.

Yeah. I know, it sucks. But that's the reality. The prices I know from back when I bought DDM case are a thing of the past. DDM itself didn't even keep the prices - The price for boosters went up all the time, the number of miniatures in a booster went down, and the quality plummeted.

And then they canned the whole thing.

Legendarius wrote:

But $15 for 5 minis seems like it would be doable in today's market.

Well, If you buy a case, you end up paying 3,02 dollars for a regular booster (unless you benefit from the Pathfinder Advantage, then it's 2,57). So 5 minis will cost little more than 15$ (without PFA). Large miniatures will cost 50% more, small miniatures half.

Legendarius wrote:
Especially without the added development cost of the mini game and included stat card.

The stat cards themselves cost next to nothing in production. And while the development of such a game might cost something, it also means that you'll get another customer base: People who play that game but not PFRPG (or other RPGs). And even those who play PFRPG in addition to that game might buy more minis because they can use them in the game.

And since the cost per mini depends heavily on how many minis you can sell, that might pay for itself or even generate profit on its own.

Legendarius wrote:

Fifth, just wondering, what will be the real price you'll be able to buy a case for, if you don't buy the case from Paizo? Will there be miniature retailers selling cases at 10%-30% off of MSRP?

I'll get back to you with the answers when my oracle is back from her shopping spree. I'm not that good at divination magic myself :P

Shops can charge what they want. Lots and lots of shops sell cases of all kinds of minis games for a discount, and I don't see why PFB should be any different.

Note that Paizo's price for a case comes out as a 24% discount for boosters when you get a case. With the Pathfinder Advantage, it's a bit over 35%.

If you're located in the USA, shipping is almost nothing, too, as they have a 10$ discount on shipping costs for orders over 100$

Gary Teter wrote:
I removed a post. Be as critical as you like of our business model, but please do not use terms like "rape" unless you are talking about sexual assault.

I'd like to make a request: Can we please not talk about sexual assault, either? At least not in this thread?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Goblin King Grog wrote:

If you send a message you have to make it loud and clear.

I'm so angry I made a sign!

Cartigan wrote:
deinol wrote:

Myself, I'm still waiting for someone to link to a troll or ogre for $6 or less on the internet. Painted or otherwise.



Arent they after-market sales of randomised sets? That may be a technical point to you (although note that many of them are over $6), but it doesnt really help your case overall does it?

Are there any prepainted, nonrandom, plastic trolls/ogres available for $6 or less per mini from the manufacturer?

Ben Kent wrote:

There's still incentive to collect - having the whole collection.

Yes, <less> incentive - but not none.

Definitely! I used to collect whole sets of DDM. I didn't usually buy multiples of any figure just because it was really b!$$%ing in the DDM game, and I did play (though I didn't play it "professionally" I must "profess").

Having complete sets was always my main drive for getting singles after I bought the cases. Beyond that, I might have gotten some extras when I liked the figure in question (i.e. nice sculpt or usefulness in D&D).

As you say: Even without a game and cards with numbers of them that make an otherwise sucky miniature more desirable, there is a collecting and completion drive.

Steve Geddes wrote:
Cartigan wrote:
deinol wrote:

Myself, I'm still waiting for someone to link to a troll or ogre for $6 or less on the internet. Painted or otherwise.



Arent they after-market sales of randomised sets? That may be a technical point to you (although note that many of them are over $6), but it doesnt really help your case overall does it?

Are there any prepainted, nonrandom, plastic trolls/ogres available for $6 or less per mini from the manufacturer?



Are you quite done?

Cartigan wrote:
And so is your overcomplication of claiming people are drilling oil to make a single 1"x1"x1" figure. Oil is a very lucrative market. That's why people drill for it. Plastics are cheaper to make then metal casts or wood sculpts. That's why people make them. So save your crap.

Let's just go ahead and save this one for later. On another day, come on back and re-read what you've been writing today and enjoy the knowledge that "yup, that's who I am, how I like to express myself."

ThatWeirdGeckoGuy wrote:

Oh, who cares. I'm going over to

where I can pay too much for a piece of plastic that I can pick out myself.

Sure. Reaper will let you pick from 39 (thirty-nine!!!!!!!!!) different products (though, to be fair, some of them are just 3packs of figures, so the actual number is a bit lower. And some of the figures aren't out yet. So it's even lower).

Yeah, that's right, after only a couple of years, Reaper managed to get almost 3/4 of the variety PFB will have at launch in a couple of months.

That is the price of being able to choose what minis you'll get - the choice is from among a much smaller range.

And Paizo (not to mention countless other online stores, ebay sellers, and B&M stores) will sell specific miniatures, too. So we will get to choose, too, if we want to.

ThatWeirdGeckoGuy wrote:

Good Marketing though. It appears EVERYONE has bought into this Wallet-...burglary.

Yeah, and we'll be laughing all the way to the bank! :))

Laschoni wrote:
According to what has been posted the distribution of a case would allow for you to get nearly an entire set.

Actually, it has been said that in all likelihood, getting a case will mean you have a complete set. The talk about "almost" was because the cases are seeded by humans. Humans can make errors. That means while they aim for complete sets in each case, it can occasionally happen that one of the meatbags messes things up and you end up missing something in the case. Humans not being perfect, and all that.

So they weren't comfortable saying "We can guarantee a complete set in a case!"

We'll see about that once people got their cases.

The fun part here is that a case contains more figures than a set, so you can actually get a complete set here.

In DDM back when I was buying, a case was 12 boosters, which netted you 12 rares - out of 24. Also 1 or 2 of every uncommon and 4 of every common (I don't think I ever had a messed-up case, though I heard about a set or two where things apparently were messed up more than usual. And I don't count War of the Dragon Queen, which was a huge set and a complete mess when it came to seeding).

That meant that after one case, you were missing 12 rares. However, there was no such thing as a "double case". If you were really, really, lucky, you could buy two cases and get a whole set, but it was quite unlikely. It was far more likely that you'd end up with 6 or so dupes (meaning you'd be missing 6 or so rares with 2 cases). Even with 3 cases, you'd usually be missing 3 rares.

But here, with 76 boosters in a case and 40 figures in the set, our chances for a complete set right out of the box are excellent! Unless they mess up. I already suggested draconian punishments to minimise human error.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Matthew Morris wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
People can call them liars and pretend that it's normal that companies lie (By the way, you guys need to state the companies you're basing your insider knowledge on, so we can all avoid them like the plague).
Well apparently the lizard sale business is very unethical...

"That lizard is dead!"

"No, it's just pinin' for the fjords!"

deinol wrote:

Myself, I'm still waiting for someone to link to a troll or ogre for $6 or less on the internet. Painted or otherwise.

Well the LE ones cost $3.86 and 4.76, respectively. However, they're quite shrimpy. A bit big for a medium figure, but not nearly in size of the DDM ogres or trolls.

I expect PFB ogres and trolls to be more massive than that, too.

It's very obvious that most of the people complaining about the $4 cost of a single miniature are from the US.
As a comparison, let's look at the Legendary Encounters Pre-Painted miniatures.
If I were to order them from a shop in my country, I'll have to pay between $6.05 (DKK 32.- e.g Giant Spider or Female Vampire) and $7.57 (DKK 40.- e.g. Bugbear or Dwarf Warrior).
Large (Minotaur of the Maze) is $9.08.
The Young Dragon is $10.60.
That's without shipping (I don't live in our capital where the store is located and I don't have any local gaming stores).

If I buy a case of the new miniatures (going with the average of 108 miniatures) that'll cost me (including shipping, toll (4.27%), VAT (25%) and a steep fee for paying the toll and VAT ($30.27)) a total of $384.48 (DKK 2,032.-).
That's an average of $3.56 per miniature (which also includes the large miniatures).
That's still frackin' cheap!

You were complaining about what again?

All prices done with today's conversion rate ($1 = DKK 5.28696).

Another comparison:
The DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 4TH: Dungeons of Dread Starter (5 miniatures) is $22.71 or $4.54 per miniature...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GentleGiant wrote:

It's very obvious that most of the people complaining about the $4 cost of a single miniature are from the US.

As a comparison, let's look at the Legendary Encounters Pre-Painted miniatures.
If I were to order them from a shop in my country, I'll have to pay between $6.05 (DKK 32.- e.g Giant Spider or Female Vampire) and $7.57 (DKK 40.- e.g. Bugbear or Dwarf Warrior).
Large (Minotaur of the Maze) is $9.08.
The Young Dragon is $10.60.
That's without shipping (I don't live in our capital where the store is located and I don't have any local gaming stores).

If I buy a case of the new miniatures (going with the average of 108 miniatures) that'll cost me (including shipping, toll (4.27%), VAT (25%) and a steep fee for paying the toll and VAT ($30.27)) a total of $384.48 (DKK 2,032.-).
That's an average of $3.56 per miniature (which also includes the large miniatures).
That's still frackin' cheap!

You were complaining about what again?

All prices done with today's conversion rate ($1 = DKK 5.28696).

Another comparison:
The DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 4TH: Dungeons of Dread Starter (5 miniatures) is $22.71 or $4.54 per miniature...

You get subsidized healthcare, no complaining.

KaeYoss wrote:
deinol wrote:

Myself, I'm still waiting for someone to link to a troll or ogre for $6 or less on the internet. Painted or otherwise.

Well the LE ones cost $3.86 and 4.76, respectively. However, they're quite shrimpy. A bit big for a medium figure, but not nearly in size of the DDM ogres or trolls.

I expect PFB ogres and trolls to be more massive than that, too.

If I need ogres I'd much rather paint up some of the old GW Ogres.

Like these.
And these.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cartigan wrote:
You get subsidized healthcare, no complaining.

Actually we have a "universal public health system paid largely from taxation." Mexico has subsidized health care. ;-)

Dark Archive

GentleGiant wrote:

If I need ogres I'd much rather paint up some of the old GW Ogres.

Like these.
And these.

Slightly off topic but ...

Those aren't Ogres.
These Are Ogres

Of course, sorry, they don't come for less than $5 ... pre-painted.

Cartigan wrote:
Are you quite done?

Asking you questions? Yes. I thought I'd qualified my question enough - unfortunately by forgetting "large" you score another technical win with no substantial point.

VagrantWhisper wrote:
GentleGiant wrote:

If I need ogres I'd much rather paint up some of the old GW Ogres.

Like these.
And these.

Slightly off topic but ...

Those aren't Ogres.
These Are Ogres

Of course, sorry, they don't come for less than $5 ... pre-painted.

More slightly off topic...

I like some of the new GW ogres, but I think a lot of them are just too similar and the whole fat guys with Fu Manchu beards never clicked with me. Some of these new ones look fairly cool, though, especially the mounts.

Dark Archive

GentleGiant wrote:

More slightly off topic...

I like some of the new GW ogres, but I think a lot of them are just too similar and the whole fat guys with Fu Manchu beards never clicked with me. Some of these new ones look fairly cool, though, especially the mounts.

I share a similar opinion - I'm more a fan of the undead options; Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts (Needless to say it's been/is going to be a good few months for me).

Can't deny it though, the GW fantasy line is sure making some purrty models.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
GentleGiant wrote:

If I need ogres I'd much rather paint up some of the old GW Ogres.

Like these.
And these.

Those were nice models. Are they still available somewhere?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Anguish wrote:
Cartigan wrote:
And so is your overcomplication of claiming people are drilling oil to make a single 1"x1"x1" figure. Oil is a very lucrative market. That's why people drill for it. Plastics are cheaper to make then metal casts or wood sculpts. That's why people make them. So save your crap.
Let's just go ahead and save this one for later. On another day, come on back and re-read what you've been writing today and enjoy the knowledge that "yup, that's who I am, how I like to express myself."

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Regarding a miniatures game, the game that my groups enjoyed was the earlier version of D&D miniatures- Chainmail, the version I believe Chris Pramas was involved with. We had a lot of fun with that one, and were saddened when it was changed.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kolokotroni wrote:

I would like to personally welcome you to the internet. Where people go on and on about things they cant change.

But in all seriousness. This thread is specifically about both the announcement of the miniatures line and the press release. People have the right to talk about their views on the subject within the thread.

Kolo, you do me wrong.

First off, obviously I'm familiar with the internet, and more so familiar with this particular messageboard. My first post here at was roughly a month after yours, so you and I have had similar experiences here.

My point was not that people don't have a right to criticize product. Of course they do. My point is (and as a fellow Paizonian, I think you know that this is true), this type of very aggressive, antagonistic, and often non-topical discussion doesn't generally belong on a product page. Just as you said to me:

Kolokotroni wrote:
Please feel free to create a thread of 'what mini are you most hoping will be in the first set' or 'how many bricks will you buy?'

...I could turn around and say "Please feel free to create a thread titled 'why paizo's mini strategy makes kittens cry' or 'random blind minis: full of fail'".

Here's the thing: This is an bold, exciting move from Paizo. It has the opportunity to draw new players to the game, to enrich the game for current players, and to provide a new revenue stream for Paizo (which, contrary to popular sentiment, is actually a good thing).

As it stands, when people visit the product discussion page with questions they want answered or good-natured encouragement or even dissent, they'll be met with a 15-page crapstorm moan-fest not about the product, but about Paizo/Wizkids business model, which is not the product. Reading this thread, they'll gain a probably mistaken opinion that (Paizo is run by liars/Paizo is a money-hungry company content to openly exploit gamers/etc.), and they very well may turn away disgusted. Which benefits nobody.

I have no problem with "This is too expensive" or "Random? That suxx0rZ" or anything else negative, if it's about the product. This is not the place to slander company management, point fingers, expound at great length upon the virtues of various business models, or any of the rest of it. That discussion should be held, but it should be held elsewhere. People might have interest in the actual product and want to talk about it here. What's gone on here has been bad form, and I think you know that, man. I think you know that.

Jeremiziah wrote:
Kolokotroni wrote:

I would like to personally welcome you to the internet. Where people go on and on about things they cant change.

But in all seriousness. This thread is specifically about both the announcement of the miniatures line and the press release. People have the right to talk about their views on the subject within the thread.

Kolo, you do me wrong.

First off, obviously I'm familiar with the internet, and more so familiar with this particular messageboard. My first post here at was roughly a month after yours, so you and I have had similar experiences here.

My point was not that people don't have a right to criticize product. Of course they do. My point is (and as a fellow Paizonian, I think you know that this is true), this type of very aggressive, antagonistic, and often non-topical discussion doesn't generally belong on a product page. Just as you said to me:

Kolokotroni wrote:
Please feel free to create a thread of 'what mini are you most hoping will be in the first set' or 'how many bricks will you buy?'

...I could turn around and say "Please feel free to create a thread titled 'why paizo's mini strategy makes kittens cry' or 'random blind minis: full of fail'".

Here's the thing: This is an bold, exciting move from Paizo. It has the opportunity to draw new players to the game, to enrich the game for current players, and to provide a new revenue stream for Paizo (which, contrary to popular sentiment, is actually a good thing).

As it stands, when people visit the product discussion page with questions they want answered or good-natured encouragement or even dissent, they'll be met with a 15-page crapstorm moan-fest not about the product, but about Paizo/Wizkids business model, which is not the product. Reading this thread, they'll gain a probably mistaken opinion that (Paizo is run by liars/Paizo is a money-hungry company content to openly exploit gamers/etc.), and they very well may turn away disgusted....

I think we should clearly hold it in the "Product review" tab.

I don't even remotely see how releasing plastic statuettes would draw new players into the game. I mean really. What is your logic for that? People who play Pathfinder/D&D may buy the minis because they want minis. Why would people who buy the minis play Pathfinder? Maybe they just like the overpriced plastic statuettes? Buying WoW figures hasn't made me even the slightest bit interested in play WoW.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

No problem, Cartigan.

Some people play D&D 4.0 and not Pathfinder.

Those people may buy the PF minis, since they'll be useful for 4.0 as well as PF.

Those same people might admire the (distinctive!) art style.

They might pick up a Pathfinder Core Rulebook.

Hope this helps your cognitive process.

Cartigan wrote:
Buying WoW figures hasn't made me even the slightest bit interested in play WoW.

As has been rightly pointed out to you several times just in this thread and probably countless times over the past year in other threads, there are people other than you in the world. They might even hold opinions different from yours and react differently to similar stimuli.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

ThatWeirdGeckoGuy wrote:
CREATING a market is what a marketing department does, and Paizo has one of those.

Actually, no we do not.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Cartigan wrote:

How easy do you think it will be for retailers to stock single creature boosters? Burned 1 too many times and no one is going to buy any of them as opposed to multiple creature boosters where you have a better gamble of not being burned when purchasing another pack.

WizKids has actually had a lot of luck with this format, and has been releasing a lot of HeroClix sets this way over the last year or so. Since we signed a deal with them, they have released a Green Lantern and Captain America set this way, to strong sales.

Further, this is not significantly different than the way a lot of capsule/boxed toys are sold as impulse/collector items in Japan and Europe. Kubricks, for example, are packed almost exclusively in single-toy blind boxes, as are several brands from highly successful brands like KidRobot.

The single-mini booster is largely the result of Heroes & Monsters being a "small" 40-miniature set. As I understand it from what I have been told, the set is a bit too small to have multi-figure boosters, because the collation would not be varied enough. Rise of the Runelords in June will be a 60-mini set, and the current plan is to release that set in a multi-figure booster that many will find more familiar.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

iZOMBIE wrote:

I think this would be more desirable for people who want to practically use the minis rather than simply collect them IF the rarity went something like this:

Common: things you always need a lot of. peasants, goblins, kobolds, skeletons, zombies etc.
Uncommon: things that you usually dont need more than one of, but could use a couple once in a while. also mini's suitable for PCs should fall into this rarity.
Rare: things you will only ever need one of. these are your Dragons, your Retrievers etc.

I wanted to quote this part specifically because it's a pretty accurate summary of the approach we are taking when it comes to determining a given miniature's rarity.

deinol wrote:
GentleGiant wrote:

If I need ogres I'd much rather paint up some of the old GW Ogres.

Like these.
And these.
Those were nice models. Are they still available somewhere?

Not officially I think. Maybe on obscure websites, e-bay or other auction sites. Between a friend and me, I think we have at least one of eacth of those (I know we have two of a couple of them).

Wow, this is still going on?

I'm excited about the new minis. I expected and don't mind randoms although more than one per box would have been nice. I believe Vic said later sets would or might go that way so it's no big deal to me.

Price? I blow money stupidly on all kinds of stuff so I'm not too worried about it. I'll likely go for a case for the savings. If not, I like knowing I'll always have at least a small dollar purchase when I'm in the local store.

Summary? Count me in.

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