Peril in Freeport (PFRPG) PDF

2.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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Something evil lurks in the waters off Freeport!

A tidal wave and the ravings of a shipwrecked halfling lead your heroes to discover a conspiracy to sink ships headed in and out of Freeport, a black market in stolen cargo, a slaver's hideout, a Great Hunt called by the Captain's Council, and a final showdown against a horrific plan to release an abyss-spawned sea monster from its centuries-old prison!

For 6th-8th Level Characters.

Peril In Freeport is a Pathfinder adventure release set in one of the most beloved fantasy cities in gaming: Green Ronin's Freeport, City of Adventure!

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2.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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1.5 stars - soulless adventure anthology with neat maps


This pdf is 69 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 1 page SRD, 1 page back cover, leaving 65 pages of content, so let's check this adventure (anthology) out!

Peril in Freeport is actually a series of short adventures that build upon each other and are connected via a metaplot, each of which can be run in approximately a session -an interesting approach that has not yet been done for the City of adventure, at least to my knowledge. This being an adventure review, the following will contain massive SPOILERS. Potential players should jump to the conclusion.

Still here?

All right, Peril in Freeport's basic premise is that once, a war raged under water. In said war, a hero of the sea-elves sacrificed his life to bury a spawning ground of infernal aquatic monstrosities and entomb them forever. Now, a coven of hags is utilizing its allies and minions to kidnap people to enslave them and have them excavate said spawning ground, which has the unfortunate byproduct of rather unsubtle sea-quakes, the first of which hits Freeport in the first part of the series.

In the wake of the approaching tidal wave and the chaos that ensues, the players will have the opportunity to track and catch some wanted fugitives as well as help some common folk endangered by the tidal wave, hopefully gaining the trust of sergeant Yarrick by tracking aforementioned fugitives through a tailor's shop and finally hunt them down before they escape Freeport. I really liked the tidal wave as an environmental hazard and backdrop for this section.
In the next chapter, the PCs rescue a halfling from a floating barrel and being eaten by a giant moray eel and represents the only one who has managed to elude a merrow-attack on his erstwhile vessel, the tradewind. Hiring the PCs, he wants them to find his familiy and save them from the brute's clutches. After reaching and exploring the vessel (the PCs will have fun with creatures on the way), the PCs witness an attack by a merrow warband and hopefully track them back to their mostly submerged little base. After rescuing the folk there and finding some piece of evidence, the PCs can determine the name of a collaborator with the aquatic brutes and upon their return to Freeport, hopefully bring justice to this scoundrel.

In the wake of the close-down of the rather unpleasant Safe Passage company, the halfling Glinder Fontonry stumbles across irregularities in the ledgers (which are provided as a handout - commendable!) just as a former business associate pops up. Quick-thinking PCs might track the slave trader, confront them and via them, find an island inhabited by ogres and their hell hound pets and hopefully rescue more enslaved from the degenerate brutes.

This year's Great Hunt takes place on the high seas due to 3 different vessel being capsized by a dread tentacled horror, a fiendish giant squid. Preventing their vessel from capsizing due to sea quakes while fighting the squid. This might make for some rather interesting battle situations.

After dealing with the squid, the PCs are contacted by a nixie while lounging in a bar - after the obligatory brawl, the PCs venture out to a reef to infiltrate an aboleth-lair and kill their way through this most powerful of the coven's allies and attain a scroll that finally fits them in on the whole background story.
The final chapter has the PCs attack the ogre-staffed stronghold of the coven and finally a showdown with the hags - the last of which escapes through a portal to the spawning ground to unleash the fiendish offspring on the oceans. The PCs will be hard pressed to stop the hag while being hounded by the dread sharks and squids. One of the problems of this showdown is that we don't get any information on the positions of said creatures apart from the hag.
The pdf has the NPCs and creatures in the back, a page of sample nautical encounters, and comes with extensive maps: We get a map of the tailor shop, of the wreck of the Tradewinds, the merrow lair, the safe passage, the slaver ship, the ogre island, the ogre camp, the dame fortune, a tavern, an alchemist's shop, the aboleth's lair, the hag's lair and finally the depths. We also get 3 handouts as well as a rather half-hearted 1-page write-up of the new half-ogre race.

Editing and formatting are still ok, although e.g. in the last encounter, the amount of creatures is missing from the write-up and I noticed some glitches. Layout adheres to a 2-column standard and the adventure features an used parchment background makes for a rather strange read due to the font: I don't know why, but the no-frills font feels oddly out of place in the otherwise beautiful layout. The artworks are mostly b/w and nothing special, the amount of cartography provided, though, is awesome. On the whole, I am quite torn about this module: On the one hand there are some rather interesting ideas and environmental hazards and fighting under-water is something not seen too often. On the other hand, this adventure feels like a mostly unrelated sequence of encounters held together by a rather flimsy overarching plot and fails to evoke any true sense of urgency. The foes we encounter are rather run-of-the-mill as well and for example the aquatic aberration falls a bit short of its presumed intelligence in the planning of its defense. Furthermore, the unique 3-dimensional aspects of under-water combat are largely ignored and environmental complications are mostly absent from the adventure.

In the end, I kept on reading and occasionally thinking "good idea", but my final impression was unfortunately a total "meh". The plot simply is not exciting in its narrative as the PCs essentially travel from A to B to clear out monster lairs at the behest of NPCs without the action feeling like there's anything truly at stake. The final encounter, which could have been AWESOME with information on the monsters, is rather disappointing - while the PCs should take out the BBEG and then frantically try to escape, there is no real information on the particulars of the tactical situation,, which is a major bummer. In the end, this adventure is not truly bad, as there are some nice ideas herein. It is, though also far away from being an interesting or captivating set encounters and does not feel particularly tied to Freeport or its canon and thus ultimately commits a cardinal sin - being bland. In fact, it would easily work (and possibly even better) with a generic harbor town. While I'd love to rate this higher, I still feel like had I known what to expect, I wouldn't have bought this adventure. It is just boring and the least exciting Freeport adventure I've read to date. My final verdict will be 1.5 stars due to the amount of handouts and cartography, rounded up to 2 stars for the purpose of this platform.

Endzeitgeist out.

How come I missed that one until now? Oo

Looks quite promising!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

I don't own any cubicle 7 products. How good are they as a rule? I love Freeport FWIW.

It's my understanding that Cubicle 7 are publishers and others use them to get out their print products.

A perfect example of this is Rite Publishing's Coliseum Morpheuon.

Cubicle 7 is e.g. RiP's print-partner and I loved their Coliseum Morpheuon full-color print-version. :)

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

This one is a collaboration with Adamant Entertainment.

Adamant has published some previous PDF-Only Freeport Adventures for DnD 3.5.

"Gangs of Freeport" and "Blood of Freeport" are their previous offerings (and Gangs is a really good adventure, by one Ari Marmell)

I got to look at this product at origins and I must say it looks very nice indeed.

And yes this was created by Adamant Entertainment with Cubicle Seven serving as the print/distribution partnership.

A big chunk of "event 1" appears to be missing from the pdf i purchased, not sure if its an issue for the print product.


I emailed Mr. Skarka of Adamant Entertainment to make sure he is aware of the issue.

Dark Archive

Coltaine wrote:
A big chunk of "event 1" appears to be missing from the pdf i purchased, not sure if its an issue for the print product.

I hope not. I will be getting my print version probably by Friday so i will post her when i do.

Coltaine wrote:
A big chunk of "event 1" appears to be missing from the pdf i purchased, not sure if its an issue for the print product.

Sadly, it is -- we've added an errata download to our website, which can be found here:

...and I'm uploading a corrected PDF to the Paizo store right now.

I should've caught it, and I didn't. Sorry about this.

Gareth-Michael Skarka wrote:
Coltaine wrote:
A big chunk of "event 1" appears to be missing from the pdf i purchased, not sure if its an issue for the print product.

Sadly, it is -- we've added an errata download to our website, which can be found here:

...and I'm uploading a corrected PDF to the Paizo store right now.

I should've caught it, and I didn't. Sorry about this.

No worries, i like what i see so far.

The upload has been completed, now only waiting for Paizo to approve it.

Gareth-Michael Skarka wrote:
The upload has been completed, now only waiting for Paizo to approve it.

What about those, who (like me) ordered directly via Adamant? Do we also get the corrected pdf?


The PDF has been updated—if you purchased this previously, you should have received an email notification about it.

Liz Courts wrote:
The PDF has been updated—if you purchased this previously, you should have received an email notification about it.

Sorry Liz, it seems my post hasn’t been clear. I have ordered via the Adamant Entertainment Store Site and have received my pdf from them. My question was for Mr Skarka, but thanks nonetheless!

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Will it be possible to get a print/PDF bundle?


dafaddu wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
The PDF has been updated—if you purchased this previously, you should have received an email notification about it.
Sorry Liz, it seems my post hasn’t been clear. I have ordered via the Adamant Entertainment Store Site and have received my pdf from them. My question was for Mr Skarka, but thanks nonetheless!

I was just posting an update in general to the thread—no worries!

This pdf is currently available for $2 at RPGnow...

(Unofficial) aerrata are available here.

Liberty's Edge

I just picked this up in PDF as part of Adamant's sale (I wasn't interested originally as it was written for Pathfinder, but for the price I couldn't say no). Is there anything to look out for when converting to D&D3.5?

Reviewed here and sent to GMS magazine. I'm rather annoyed I bought this at full price back in the day.

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