Pathfinder Module: We Be Goblins! (PFRPG)

4.80/5 (based on 52 ratings)
GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope (OGL)
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A most unusual adventure for 1st-level goblin characters.

The Licktoad goblins of Brinestump Marsh have stumbled upon a great treasure—fireworks! Yet unfortunately for them, the tribe member responsible for the discovery has already been exiled for the abhorrent crime of writing (which every goblin knows steals words from your head). To remedy this situation, the Licktoads’ leader, His Mighty Girthness Chief Rendwattle Gutwad, has declared that the greatest heroes of the tribe must venture forth to retrieve the rest of the fireworks from a derelict ship stranded in the marsh. In order to prove themselves as the Licktoads’ bravest goblins, the PCs must complete a series of dangerous dares, from swallowing bull slugs and braving the dreaded Earbiter to dancing with Squealy Nord himself. Yet even once they’ve proven their mettle, the adventure is just beginning. For the ship in question is far from uninhabited, and Vorka the cannibal goblin would like nothing better than a few tasty visitors....

We Be Goblins! is an adventure for 1st-level characters in which the PCs play a horde of malicious and murderous goblins, written for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and compatible with the 3.5 edition of the world's oldest RPG. The adventure takes place outside the town of Sandpoint in the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be adapted for any campaign world. It also serves as a preview of Pathfinder Player Companion: Goblins of Golarion, and as an optional prequel to Pathfinder Adventure Path's upcoming Jade Regent Adventure Path.

Written by Richard Pett.

This special 16-page Pathfinder Module was initially made available for Free RPG Day on June 18, 2011.

Note: Due to the special nature of this product, it is NOT part of the Pathfinder Modules Subscription.

We Be Goblins! is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. Its Chronicle Sheet and additional rules for running this module are a free download (232 KB zip/PDF). Pregenerated characters are available here (803 KB zip/PDF).

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4.80/5 (based on 52 ratings)

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Amazing One Shot


This adventure is wall-to-wall goblin hilarity. We used it to introduce a new player to roleplaying... which seems like an odd choice, even as we were doing it, but turned out amazingly.

The entire group still slips into their goblin voices from time to time, if that gives you any idea of how popular it was.

The only possible problem I can see is if you have a player that just won't get into the goblin frame of mind. I wouldn't worry about it too much, though. Being a goblin is just too much fun to sit out.

Short Version: Download it, it's free.

A whole lot of evil fun in a tiny package.


With a simple premise (not that the poor licktoads could handle anything more complex) this short module takes only a few hours to play and is a whole goblin village full of fun.
A one-shot adventure where your players will be given control of a group of the evil little cretins known as goblins, the combats, social and everything inbetween is a barrel of laughs.
I've run this mod three times now and would gladly run it again because unlike regular games where a GM tries to kill the players (not really), this time the players do it for you...



Played this recently with my wife running the game and I must say the most fun I have head playing a character in a long time. I had so much fun that i will most likely play a goblin for my next character, or as my next npc when I run a game.

Simply irresistible


Recently played this with five friends and my 11 year old daughter to introduce her to roleplaying. I had to add a couple of characters and boost the villains but this was simple. The module is simply the best one shot I've ever had the pleasure to run. The goblins all have their own characteristics and terminology, which players quickly grasp and love to run with. I had the pleasure of watching a lengthy conversation between four characters in which the only words used were "Bomb" and "Fire", resulting in a decision to blow up a fifth to clear the "Earbiter", before they'd even left the goblin village. Download this now!


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AWESOME!! Reminds me so much of the good "old" Pathfinder days!

Dark Archive

Nodnarb wrote:
This makes me want an ALL GOBLIN Adventure Path

Would Paizo ever entertain the thought of doing an Adventure Path around goblins as players?

the Haunted Jester wrote:
Nodnarb wrote:
This makes me want an ALL GOBLIN Adventure Path
Would Paizo ever entertain the thought of doing an Adventure Path around goblins as players?

As great as this module is, something just seems wrong about the thought of competent (i.e., surviving to mid- to high-level) goblins...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

the Haunted Jester wrote:
Nodnarb wrote:
This makes me want an ALL GOBLIN Adventure Path
Would Paizo ever entertain the thought of doing an Adventure Path around goblins as players?

Heh... but no.

Golarion's not really built for this kind of thing.

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
the Haunted Jester wrote:
Nodnarb wrote:
This makes me want an ALL GOBLIN Adventure Path
Would Paizo ever entertain the thought of doing an Adventure Path around goblins as players?

Heh... but no.

Golarion's not really built for this kind of thing.

Too much destruction huh!?! :)

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I recieved my copy of We Be Goblins! two weeks ago, since I was going to be running it for Free RPG Day, got it signed and illustrated (Tyler Walpole was fantastic at PaizoCon, and even drew little goblins in the module for those who asked. I'd use him as my Avatar pic if we didn't have to use the Paizo-supplied ones).
I ran it and played it both on Saturday, and it really is amazing.


As a GM: I had been somewhat worried, because despite my love of Pathfinder, everybody in my crew had transferred over to 4th Ed and never looked back. I hadn't run a Pathfinder game ever, and the first time I'd gotten to play it was the previous week at PaizoCon.
But, the adventure ended up being awesome. The four players I had completely got into it, random goblin cheers rang out from our table constantly, people kept coming over or peering around gameshelves wondering what the hell was going on with all the shouting and chanting and laughing.
During the dares, the perfect goblins picked the perfect dares.
Reta Bigbad(with her extra large head) picked the earslicer, came out torn, bloody, and missing a few hit points and choice pieces of ear, but triumphant.
Mogmurch somehow hid in the swamp the entire night, not even coming back when Slorb was calling out Olly Olly Oxens, which proved he was the winner of "Hide or get Clubbed."
Chuffy, little iron-bellied Chuffy, made short work of the slugs in "Eat a Big Bag of Bull Slugs Real Quick."
And Poog of Zarongel, despite his usual failures in riding animals, decided it was his destiny to Ride Squealy Nord. ANd fell. and got back on, and fell. And then rode squealy for more than the required three rounds. And then the next day, rode Lotslegs Eats Goblin Babies Many. While it was on fire. Because Zarongel is the god of dog killing, fire, and most holy mounted combat.
At the ship, Reta caught the hornets nest and threw it at Stomps the horse, and Chuffy spilled its intestines in a horribly well-described manner before it died... horribly. They systematically killed every dog on board, and when they came up on deck and realized Vorka was hanging off the mast directly above them dropping a clay pot and then leaping down to slaughter and teat the lot of them...
Reta caught the pot and threw it back into Vorka's falling face, causing the pot of dog poop to shatter and coat her. Then the alchemist's fire set her ablaze, and Chuffy was backstabbing, and Poog was firebolting her, and Vorka fought as well as she could, but it wasn't enough. Spider climbing up the mast, with only one hit point left, she cast cure light wounds on herself, and was just about to follow up with a potion of cure light wounds, when Mogmurch, who had climbed the mast after her using his "Ring of Climbs Real Good," stealthed in above her and poured a vial of acid into her opened mouth.
Vorka died horribly, crying, "What a world! What a world..."

Returning triumphantly with their fireworks and many other goodies, The group were treated as heroes. Chuffy is now Overseer of Village Stabbings, Poog is Master of the Big Pit, Mogmurch is Boss of Big Fire, and Reta is Head Village Watcher. And after all the stories were told, she was declared Most Bestest Team Member for the "Throwing of the hornet's nest" and the "Throwing of the crock o' poop," which will both go down in history, and so the chief married Reta to his daughter, the fearsomely corpulent and ferociously lusty Gupy Wartbits.

Upon which one of my players shouted, "Do you know what we've just DONE? We've just made same-sex marriage legal for all goblinkind!"

Thus endeth the session.

- Rebis

That's awesome. I'd recommend a spoiler tag on that narrative though.

So people who haven't played it don't have it ruined for them.


Added a spoiler tag to your post Rebis.

Shadow Lodge

Thanks Wolf, and thanks, Liz. I'm kinda new at this.

Liz Courts wrote:
Added a spoiler tag to your post Rebis.

*looks at Rebis's post*

*looks at Wolf's post*

*looks back at Rebis's post*


Just read through this and cannot wait to run it. I plan to run it once for kids aged 11-15 and again for my adult group aged "We all bought the original D&D boxed set"
One question came up with the Goblin Alchemist. He has a book with his formula. Are we to assume it is all pictures as he could not write anything without incurring the wrath of his tribe.

For all those wanting an all Goblin adventure, the difficult thing would be buying supplies and magic items since there are no high level goblin friendly merchants.


praetorian wrote:

Just read through this and cannot wait to run it. I plan to run it once for kids aged 11-15 and again for my adult group aged "We all bought the original D&D boxed set"

One question came up with the Goblin Alchemist. He has a book with his formula. Are we to assume it is all pictures as he could not write anything without incurring the wrath of his tribe.

For all those wanting an all Goblin adventure, the difficult thing would be buying supplies and magic items since there are no high level goblin friendly merchants.

I posted this in another thread, but when I played the alchemist, I assumed his formulae book was full of stains in appropriate portions. Kind of like a scratch and sniff, or taste and touch (I took a lot of inspiration from "Strange Stains and Mysterious Smells".)

So you can't continue playing PFS as a Goblin by playing this mod? :(

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Uninvited Ghost wrote:
So you can't continue playing PFS as a Goblin by playing this mod? :(

Let's see what happens in about a month.

Liberty's Edge

I meant to ask - is the

Minor Spoiler:
Teeter Chair

...meant as a nod to the inimitable PMG?

James Jacobs wrote:
the Haunted Jester wrote:
Nodnarb wrote:
This makes me want an ALL GOBLIN Adventure Path
Would Paizo ever entertain the thought of doing an Adventure Path around goblins as players?

Heh... but no.

Golarion's not really built for this kind of thing.

<engage devil's advocate mode>

I'll grant you that an entire AP geared toward goblin PCs probably isn't a smart move, financially speaking... but if Golarion can't handle goblin heroes, then why are we getting a "Goblins of Golarion" sourcebook?

By all accounts, the book is designed to give players more information on running goblin PCs - the product description pretty clearly implies that its content isn't meant to be just a GM tool. Additionally, "We Be Goblins" has marketing blurbs in the back promoting just this sort of play alongside Jade Regent as a heroic alternative.

Considering that the drumbeat of Golarion promotional boilerplate is, "You can tell any sort of story you want to tell in this world", and combining that with the implications of the upcoming products, this statement seems a little odd - especially taking into account that a strong number of fans liked "We Be Goblins" and are clamoring for more of the same.

Is this merely symptomatic of a difference in opinion between you as creative director and other people at Paizo? Or is this the sort of gap that a 3PP could fill, but a venture which Paizo simply isn't interested in exploring at this time?

(If so, maybe it's time for me to start up a 3PP!)

Shadow Lodge

I know this - when we were done,every person who played wanted for me to turn it into a regular campaign, along with a few people who had been popping in every few minutes to ask if there were any other spots in the group.
The thing about playing Goblins is that it's FUN. GMing them is fun, too. The reaction I recieved makes me want to remake "Burnt Offerings" from the goblin's point of view. I have no idea how far I could take it, storyline-wise, but it is an intriguing idea, and I know a few people who would love to play Poog, Reta, Mogmurch & CHuffy again (and possibly Doz, the goblin gunslinger I played in the second running of the adventure).
Somebody during the game said, "The thing about Paizo is that they've provided Goblins with the greatest personalities in the world!"
I agree. I think an all goblin advrnture path would do really well.

- Rebis

The thought of parties of high-level goblins may be a little too much for Paizo. If they won't touch it, I'm sure we'll see a 3PP taking up the slack pretty quick.

The "comically evil buffoons" might get a little old by 20th, though. LOL!

Liberty's Edge

Speaking for myself, the thing that made me facepalm about the last few years of 3.5 was that every party had a drow in it who was just like Drizzt, but wasn't Drizzt. I really don't want that to happen with goblins. It's cool when the odd one pops up here or there, but I really like that Pathfinder draws lines like "This race is evil". Hard stop.

As James pointed out, heroic goblins are doing different things to become heroes. Unless you can find a way for them to do those things and have that be the aim of an entire adventure path - which means an evil adventure path - I don't think this would work.

Rebis Ouroboros wrote:
The reaction I recieved makes me want to remake "Burnt Offerings" from the goblin's point of view. I have no idea how far I could take it, storyline-wise, but it is an intriguing idea, and I know a few people who would love to play Poog, Reta, Mogmurch & CHuffy again (and possibly Doz, the goblin gunslinger I played in the second running of the adventure).

This has been done! Check out this campaign journal for pointers.

Sovereign Court

Jeremiziah wrote:

As James pointed out, heroic goblins are doing different things to become heroes. Unless you can find a way for them to do those things and have that be the aim of an entire adventure path

This is an issue. Goblins don't really think big. Fireworks are a major treasure. They worship stumps that kind of look like monsters, for cryin' out loud. They have oddly-specific gods of killin' Dogs and settin' things on fire.

Adventure Paths have, by definition, a broader scope. They don't necessarily need to be world-shattering, but they need to think big. If someone can really justify an escalating threat that starts goblin-level and then gets to the kind of crap 15th-level characters get up to, while still remaining something goblins are interested in, then we might be able to sell Paizo on a goblin AP in, like, 2015 or so.

Jeremiziah wrote:

Speaking for myself, the thing that made me facepalm about the last few years of 3.5 was that every party had a drow in it who was just like Drizzt, but wasn't Drizzt. I really don't want that to happen with goblins. It's cool when the odd one pops up here or there, but I really like that Pathfinder draws lines like "This race is evil". Hard stop.

As James pointed out, heroic goblins are doing different things to become heroes. Unless you can find a way for them to do those things and have that be the aim of an entire adventure path - which means an evil adventure path - I don't think this would work.

I agree with your first paragraph entirely - goblins should be selfish, vicious, murderous little pyromaniacs. That's what people are enjoying about them - the over-the-top zany evil characterization.

I'm not advocating doing an AP just for goblins (though I think it could be done by the right writers). But I object to the statement that "Golarion's not really built for this kind of thing" when the marketing strategy imbedded in Paizo's own products AND the fanbase imply or outright state the exact opposite.

I noticed Chuffy has a book for his alchemy. I assume this book contains writing in it. How would this be handled? (sorry if this has been asked)

Sporker wrote:
I noticed Chuffy has a book for his alchemy. I assume this book contains writing in it. How would this be handled? (sorry if this has been asked)

Twelve posts up!

Thank you, I don't know how I missed that.

Sovereign Court

Why on earth aren't more modules like this being made?

This is foundational, it's pretty much the apogee of roleplaying.

Liberty's Edge

I had fun playing Poog

Power Word Unzip wrote:
I'm not advocating doing an AP just for goblins (though I think it could be done by the right writers). But I object to the statement that "Golarion's not really built for this kind of thing" when the marketing strategy imbedded in Paizo's own products AND the fanbase imply or outright state the exact opposite.

I assumed he meant Golarion isnt built for an entire goblinoid-AP. It seems quite easy to run a goblin one-shot, sure but I suspect 'maintaining the mayhem' for fifteen levels or so would be better suited to a slightly sillier world than Golarion.

I'd be a big fan of some follow-ups (akin to the Crypt of the everflame or the D-series mini-campaigns) but am skeptical an AP would work in the fairly grim and dark world of canonical Golarion.

I wrote a half Page Player into:

Mum had told you....
We are Licktoad’s, mightiest of mighty tribe of Brinestump Marsh. You be PROUD to be Licktoad. If you NOT Licktoad you food. You not food so your good Licktoad, been raised by Licktoads to be a Licktoad. Or so might Chief Gutwad sais. Right..not Gutwad himself, normal Licktoads would fall over in shock, his might awesome voice too much too awesome, Advisor of the Super Mighty Chief Gutwad, name Slorb, talks.

Slorb talking lots. Talking about hated Gnomes and how Licktoads should kill them. Talking about fearsome Horses, saw one ones...makes me fear. I like him talk about killing Dog. Killing dog is good, Dog is not like our Dogs, they evil, they bad, they stupid, they not taste good.

Remember don’t read stuff or so. Makes one dumb. Just see what happened to stupid Scribbleface. We saw he read stuff, we burned all and kicked his bud.. all way out of village. Fire sooo nice, fire is good, always. Reading is stupid, worse writings steels words from you skull, makes you stupid.

Now go ....feed Squealy Nord, fearsome boar in pit need food....give it stupid vegetables...we don’t like vegetables.

Liberty's Edge

Just read it. Gonna be fun to run once or twice. I need more PC goblin pregens though. Help a size small reptilian humanoid out?

Xuttah wrote:
Just read it. Gonna be fun to run once or twice. I need more PC goblin pregens though. Help a size small reptilian humanoid out?

I've got a witch pregen in .por and .pdf format, complete with toad familiar, personalized goblin song and trait, and appropriate equipment. Contact me at deadeye2891 [[[at]]] yahoo dot com if you'd like a copy.

Someone else in the community also made a bard and a barbarian - I believe links to those are circulating in some other related threads here on the boards.

praetorian wrote:

Just read through this and cannot wait to run it. I plan to run it once for kids aged 11-15 and again for my adult group aged "We all bought the original D&D boxed set"

One question came up with the Goblin Alchemist. He has a book with his formula. Are we to assume it is all pictures as he could not write anything without incurring the wrath of his tribe.

For all those wanting an all Goblin adventure, the difficult thing would be buying supplies and magic items since there are no high level goblin friendly merchants.

We goblins shop in Kaer Maga. Maybe Katapesh if we go south. They take goblon gold just good!

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
praetorian wrote:
For all those wanting an all Goblin adventure, the difficult thing would be buying supplies and magic items since there are no high level goblin friendly merchants.

There's always the all-but unthinkable "using the supplies and items you find while adventuring" method. I know most of you hate and despise playstyles from before the turn of the century, but it does remain a viable option. What's even can do with HUMAN parties as well. Radical concept, I know.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Has anyone made any handouts for this yet specifically the map to the fireworks? I think it would be cool to give that to the players.

Shadow Lodge

Power Word Unzip wrote:
Xuttah wrote:
Just read it. Gonna be fun to run once or twice. I need more PC goblin pregens though. Help a size small reptilian humanoid out?

Here are two additional pre-gens crafted by Jason Bulmahn.

(They're Buggy Bugeye & Stumpbiter.)

Also, I could post the stats for Doz, the Goblin Gunfighter I played in the adventure. I happpened to be in a group of 6 players (Chuffy, Mogmurch, Reta, Poog & Goop the cleric twins, and Doz the gunfighter) so I had to quickly adapt an elf gunfighter to liven things up.

- Rebis

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Xuttah wrote:
Just read it. Gonna be fun to run once or twice. I need more PC goblin pregens though. Help a size small reptilian humanoid out?

Of course, what is really needed ... a Kobold Adventure Path!

I just ran this last night for a group that made their own Goblin PC's.

Oxnuts - Goblin Anti-Paladin
Eep - Goblin Alchemist
Zeiela aka the Mad Hatter - Goblin Witch
Kermit - Goblin Summoner with his friend "Scales"

It was an interesting 1 shotter, in fact it has turned into a 2 or 3 shotter.
The payers had a blast and at one point I thought I had a party wipe on my hands, but the little buggers somehow pulled it together and pulled it off!

Next week is another 1 shotter homebrew for these intrepid Goblins where Gutwad sends them on various missions to recover other items he wants as well as protect the tribe from some hated man-things that are hunting them for something as petty as eating the local lords daughter....selfish, bad man-things!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Steve Geddes wrote:
Power Word Unzip wrote:
I'm not advocating doing an AP just for goblins (though I think it could be done by the right writers). But I object to the statement that "Golarion's not really built for this kind of thing" when the marketing strategy imbedded in Paizo's own products AND the fanbase imply or outright state the exact opposite.

I assumed he meant Golarion isnt built for an entire goblinoid-AP. It seems quite easy to run a goblin one-shot, sure but I suspect 'maintaining the mayhem' for fifteen levels or so would be better suited to a slightly sillier world than Golarion.

I'd be a big fan of some follow-ups (akin to the Crypt of the everflame or the D-series mini-campaigns) but am skeptical an AP would work in the fairly grim and dark world of canonical Golarion.

Correct—Golarion is a humanocentric realm, and while we've certainly got room to do one-off books and supplements like what we're doing with goblins here and there are one thing, but a six part Adventure Path with associated support books is quite another. Even a three-part module line would lock down our modules for half a year, and I'm not yet willing to risk a half a year's modules on something that risky.

Goblins of Golarion isn't even out yet, after all. We're still collating feedback about how folks like departures like "We Be Goblins!" as a result, and will be for a few more months. In that time, if you'd like to see us do some more stuff in this line... make sure to let us know! Folks are already making their delight for "We be Goblins" pretty clear, so it looks good so far!

Lantern Lodge

Liz Courts wrote:

I posted this in another thread, but when I played the alchemist, I assumed his formulae book was full of stains in appropriate portions. Kind of like a scratch and sniff, or taste and touch (I took a lot of inspiration from "Strange Stains and Mysterious Smells".)

One thing I *loved* about playing this module was the amount of imagination stretching it provided for. How *would* a goblin alchemist work? (which I thought Liz had a brilliant solution for) and Why does the goblin rogue have a cowbell in his inventory?. Also, it was ridiculous amounts of fun to be trying to sneak/scout with the rogue while my companions stood in the background yelling "BE CAREFUL I THINK I MIGHT SMELL A DOG!!!"

Crystal Frasier was running the game and all I have to say is, she took one hell of an AWESOME module and made it super crazy awesome fantastic.

Liberty's Edge

I'm honestly not lying when I say, although I haven't played the module yet, this is one of the best low-level modules I've ever read.

Also, Sara or James, see my post above with the spoiler - I'm really curious about it.

Lantern Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Additionally, I borrowed Gary's Goblin t-shirt (the one with the goblin song on the back) and convinced Crystal to let me get the faction reroll bonus thingy for wearing my Faction t-shirt :D

Looking forward to running this on Thursday with a group of teens new to Pathfinder. I may have to cut one or two of the encounters as we only have 3 hours (which includes getting them familiar with the basics of the game). The dares in particular seem like loads of fun!

Can someone tell me where the base stats for the dogslicer weapon are found? Is it essentially a short sword?

I did find the map of the shipwreck and the descriptions on p. 8 (esp. areas 3 and 4) to be a bit confusing and not match up precisely. Any clarification/insights for those who ran the game last weekend?

...and the advanced riding dog Cuddles should be a CR 2 creature, right?

Pai Twistletrinket wrote:

Can someone tell me where the base stats for the dogslicer weapon are found? Is it essentially a short sword?

Yes, same stats as short sword, but weighs half as much and not as reliable: link

I will be running this module at Emerald City Game Fest this weekend (stop by if you are in Kenmore, WA on Saturday).

I'm looking for something to follow it in the second slot? Preferably with the same goblin characters. Any suggestions?


Lantern Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I couldn't help but think of this module while watching the local fireworks display last night :)



Just read through we be goblins. It looks like a ton of fun and a great introduction for new players. I had the same questions about the Alchemist and his formula book but decided to over look it in the interest of fun and burning things down.

I don't know quite why, but everytime I see Richard Pett's name the song Kodachrome by Paul Simon starts playing in my head. You'd think it would be the goblin's song.

Liberty's Edge


I have 6 players I would like to run in this module. Does anyone have any suggestions on what other classes would fit well in the module? Also, can anyone suggest two other challenges for my group?

Thank you.

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