Pathfinder Module: We Be Goblins! (PFRPG)

4.80/5 (based on 52 ratings)
GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope (OGL)
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A most unusual adventure for 1st-level goblin characters.

The Licktoad goblins of Brinestump Marsh have stumbled upon a great treasure—fireworks! Yet unfortunately for them, the tribe member responsible for the discovery has already been exiled for the abhorrent crime of writing (which every goblin knows steals words from your head). To remedy this situation, the Licktoads’ leader, His Mighty Girthness Chief Rendwattle Gutwad, has declared that the greatest heroes of the tribe must venture forth to retrieve the rest of the fireworks from a derelict ship stranded in the marsh. In order to prove themselves as the Licktoads’ bravest goblins, the PCs must complete a series of dangerous dares, from swallowing bull slugs and braving the dreaded Earbiter to dancing with Squealy Nord himself. Yet even once they’ve proven their mettle, the adventure is just beginning. For the ship in question is far from uninhabited, and Vorka the cannibal goblin would like nothing better than a few tasty visitors....

We Be Goblins! is an adventure for 1st-level characters in which the PCs play a horde of malicious and murderous goblins, written for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and compatible with the 3.5 edition of the world's oldest RPG. The adventure takes place outside the town of Sandpoint in the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be adapted for any campaign world. It also serves as a preview of Pathfinder Player Companion: Goblins of Golarion, and as an optional prequel to Pathfinder Adventure Path's upcoming Jade Regent Adventure Path.

Written by Richard Pett.

This special 16-page Pathfinder Module was initially made available for Free RPG Day on June 18, 2011.

Note: Due to the special nature of this product, it is NOT part of the Pathfinder Modules Subscription.

We Be Goblins! is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. Its Chronicle Sheet and additional rules for running this module are a free download (232 KB zip/PDF). Pregenerated characters are available here (803 KB zip/PDF).

DriveThruRPG: This product is available as print-on-demand from DriveThruRPG:

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Archives of Nethys

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Fulfilled immediately.



This product is non-mint. Refunds are not available for non-mint products. The standard version of this product can be found here.

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Average product rating:

4.80/5 (based on 52 ratings)

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Loved the beginning of this module as the opportunity for goblin roleplay was too good to miss. Fantastic. But as the story gets going I found that the interest level began to wane in the middle for some reason, which in hindsight might be because of the weaker nature of playing a goblin.
The final encounter is tough but could easily become a TPK if both sides of the screen are not careful.

Fun as a one off but not 5 star material.



Having prepped and played this module i love it. It doesn't get old to me and I would run it at the drop of a hat. It may be a bit short (but you can run it and We Be Goblins Too in 4-5 hours). It's just great, the flavor, each character's song, the enemies. Fantastic

Lots Of Fun!


Run this module as my first GM experience & had a great time, so much so that I couldn't wait to run it again. This module is great for introducing new players to Pathfinder or re-introducing those who have not played tabletop rpg recently. Well balanced action and written for the players and GM to fall right into character with ease for the fun to roll.

Fun for all


OK this is great. Everyone had tons of fun playing this.

Humorous and Fun


I've played this twice, and GM'd it twice, it has been a lot of fun each time. Excellent module with lots of possibilities for Role Playing and "hamming it up", plus a handful of skill-check encounters and a few combats to balance it out. Provides some nice background and insight into how Goblin societies function, while keeping things funny and lighthearted. Also, since everyone is playing with Pre-Gens, there is no fear of character death. This allows PCs to try crazy things they may not normally try.

This adventure takes place near the town of Sandpoint, so it could fit right in with Beginner Box campaigns (although you will need access to the Core Rulebook and Bestiary, or an SRD, as there are a some things in "We Be Goblins" which aren't found in the Beginner Box rules).

Also, it is Pathfinder Society compatible. There is a link to download the Chronicle Sheet and PFS rules in the product description.

Bottom line:
Highly recommended, and a true bargain at the price!

Note for GMs:
I would highly recommend bringing a swamp/marsh flip-mat or pre-drawing a map for the possible "Lots-Legs" encounter.

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Goblin King Grog wrote:
cappadocius wrote:
I'm looking forward to making a Goblin Alchemist for this adventure, and wailing at the end of every encounter, "Why didn't Chief just ask ME to make fireworks!?"

Goblin alchemists would be awesome...

If they could figure out how to scribe formula without writing them down.

I would think there would be a feat, Formula Mastery, that would be the alchemist equivelant of Spell Mastery. Your spell selection would be limited, but its probably just a one-shot module anyway...

Dark Archive

Is there a way that we can get a copy of this at Paizocon?

Grand Lodge

0gre wrote:
Kyle Baird wrote:
Is this module going to be legal for Society play? ;-)
I think it would be a blast. Obviously you'd have to use pregens.

Goblin Ninja War-party! Mona wasn't joking apparently!


Male Goblin Ninja 1
CN Small Humanoid (Goblinoid)
Init +4; Senses Darkvision (60 feet); Perception +6
AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +4 Dex, +1 size)
hp 9 (1d8)
Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +2
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Kama +5 (1d4+1/20/x2) and
Nunchaku +5 (1d4+1/20/x2) and
Sai +5 (1d3+1/20/x2) and
Sai +5 (1d3+1/20/x2) and
Unarmed Strike +5 (1d2+1/20/x2)
Special Attacks Sneak Attack +1d6
Str 13, Dex 19, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 14
Feats Rogue Weapon Proficiencies, Weapon Finesse
Traits Killer, Touched by the Sky (Numeria)
Skills Acrobatics +7, Climb +0, Disable Device +5, Escape Artist +7, Fly +5, Perception +6, Ride +7, Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +15, Swim +0, Use Magic Device +3
Languages Goblin
SQ Poison Use
Combat Gear Studded Leather, Kama, Nunchaku, Sai, Sai; Other Gear Acid (flask) (2), Wrist sheath, spring loaded (2)
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Killer Add weapon's critical modifier to its critical bonus damage.
Poison Use You don't accidentally poison yourself with blades.
Sneak Attack +1d6 +1d6 damage if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.
Touched by the Sky (Numeria) Stabilize a dying creature with a touch as a standard action.

Created With Hero Lab® - try it for free at!

Dark Archive

Yeaaaaaaaa....... Goblins. I so want this. My players so don't want me to get this. Too bad for them!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Chris Ballard wrote:
Is there a way that we can get a copy of this at Paizocon?

Vic already said no, as Paizocon is a week before Free RPG Day.

Lazaro wrote:
I gets to play a goblin!

THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!! I need a musical!!!!!

(snicker) or a montage...everybody needs a montage!!!!

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Adventure, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So if I would like to run this adventure on Free RPG Day at my store, can it be done as a Society event?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Dracogn Vrashnak wrote:
So if I would like to run this adventure on Free RPG Day at my store, can it be done as a Society event?

Mark said yes, It will be run similar to Godsmouth for rewards, But you won't be bale to use PFS characters.

Looking forward to seeing this, sounds perfect for a one-off/short term game for our group!

Grand Lodge

As this module is intended for 4 players, is there any guidance for how to handle/scale what is likely to be much greater than 4/table turn out for this awesomeness?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mark Garringer wrote:
As this module is intended for 4 players, is there any guidance for how to handle/scale what is likely to be much greater than 4/table turn out for this awesomeness?

Not in the module itself, no.

Grand Lodge

James Jacobs wrote:
Mark Garringer wrote:
As this module is intended for 4 players, is there any guidance for how to handle/scale what is likely to be much greater than 4/table turn out for this awesomeness?
Not in the module itself, no.

There are two questions that I have in mind for this:

1 - Encounter size. Is it/should it be safe to assume a table of 6 can have the encounter increased by 50%?

2 - Pregen characters. I assume you should just offer renamed versions of the 4 included pregens as table size goes up?

Again I'm asking only because I expect there to be a lot of interest in running this and knowing where to stick the table size will help in planning the number of GMs...


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mark Garringer wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Mark Garringer wrote:
As this module is intended for 4 players, is there any guidance for how to handle/scale what is likely to be much greater than 4/table turn out for this awesomeness?
Not in the module itself, no.

There are two questions that I have in mind for this:

1 - Encounter size. Is it/should it be safe to assume a table of 6 can have the encounter increased by 50%?

2 - Pregen characters. I assume you should just offer renamed versions of the 4 included pregens as table size goes up?

Again I'm asking only because I expect there to be a lot of interest in running this and knowing where to stick the table size will help in planning the number of GMs...


If table size goes up, I would suggest just doubling up on the pregenerated characters; let the players come up with their own names for the goblins. As for encounter size... I wouldn't bother making big changes unless you're really experienced as GM, and even then I probably wouldn't bother, since a group of five people who have never met before are going to be at a "working together as a team" disadvantage anyway. My preferred way to handle this situation is organically; run the adventure as written, and if it becomes apparent that it's too tough or too easy, just start adjusting things like enemy hit points or number of enemies encountered on the fly. The players will never know you're adjusting things, and frankly, they'll probably be glad you're adjusting things (assuming you are doing so to make the game more fun).

All fairly bog-standard advice, though, for anyone running an adventure.

Legendary Games, Necromancer Games

This, right here, is a perfect example of what makes Paizo so great.

TSR would never have done this. They would have thought it beneath them, beneath their genius. The division between the views of the people making games at TSR (and perhaps somewhere else currently) and the people that play them was one of the things that led to their downfall, coupled with an arrogant belief that "they" and only they knew what games should be and knew better than the gamer.

Paizo is gamer. There is no division. And that is why Paizo gets it and rules 100%.

You guys rock.


Clark Peterson wrote:

This, right here, is a perfect example of what makes Paizo so great.

TSR would never have done this. They would have thought it beneath them, beneath their genius. The division between the views of the people making games at TSR (and perhaps somewhere else currently) and the people that play them was one of the things that led to their downfall, coupled with an arrogant belief that "they" and only they knew what games should be and knew better than the gamer.

Paizo is gamer. There is no division. And that is why Paizo gets it and rules 100%.

You guys rock.



Also, Squealy Nord is soooo cuuuute!

Clark Peterson wrote:

This, right here, is a perfect example of what makes Paizo so great.

TSR would never have done this. They would have thought it beneath them, beneath their genius. The division between the views of the people making games at TSR (and perhaps somewhere else currently) and the people that play them was one of the things that led to their downfall, coupled with an arrogant belief that "they" and only they knew what games should be and knew better than the gamer.

Paizo is gamer. There is no division. And that is why Paizo gets it and rules 100%.

You guys rock.


Agreed with Clark on general principles..but this module just leaves me cold I'm afraid.I see little humor in Golarion Goblins...Scary little Psychopathic Arsonists are just not funny..YMMV

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Remember a burning nursery is a tragedy, unless it happens to humans, then it's comedy gold!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Clark Peterson wrote:

This, right here, is a perfect example of what makes Paizo so great.

Paizo is gamer. There is no division. And that is why Paizo gets it and rules 100%.

You guys rock.



How did I miss this? My favourite race of all time getting its own adventure? Unpossible!

Liberty's Edge

For GMs that want to run this on game day, I presume they get it from the store, at the same time as everyone else?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Themes86 wrote:
For GMs that want to run this on game day, I presume they get it from the store, at the same time as everyone else?

They should get them earlier to give to the GMs, that at least has happened at my store last year.

Right then. I'm organising this for a couple of stores in Sydney, Australia.

If it's still going to be available to run as a PFS event, can we have the module adding to the scenario list for events, please? If it's not, let us know.


It will be made available as a PFS event but not until it goes live unfortunately.


The Exchange

....and Richard Pett is going to DM this for my mates and me at PaizoconUK.

I cannot wait!

But seriously do goblins talk with a squeaky foreign accent, I'm thinking Spanish or Mexican???


Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
French Wolf wrote:

But seriously do goblins talk with a squeaky foreign accent, I'm thinking Spanish or Mexican???

Oddly enough, Goblins have an Azerbaijani accent.

Hyrum Savage wrote:

It will be made available as a PFS event but not until it goes live unfortunately.


yay Golbins as PCs! LOL This is gonna be great!

BTW Hyrum or Mark Can you at least have the Chronicle sheet ready for us so we can download it?

June Soler
NYC PFS Member

Vic Wertz wrote:
Charles Scholz wrote:
Could you at least make it available for pre-order????
Nope. We don't want to do anything that will discourage people from heading out to get it at their FLGS on Free RPG Day. (And before anybody replies that they don't have an FLGS participating in Free RPG Day, well, that's why we'll have them for sale after the event. But the key words there are *after the event*.)

Ah that is cool. According to the FREE RPG Day site, my closest FLGS that participates is 35 miles away, although that's not a LONG way, might be easier to just order it from you.

Any thoughts on the price, I mean will it be free just shipping, or have an actual cost? That will probably make my decision on whether I drive 35 miles or not.

Either way, I for sure want it cause I'm going to be running a Carrion Crown game soon, but after it's done I will probably do Jade Regent, so this would be awesome as a break between especially it being a prequel of sorts. :P


French Wolf wrote:

....and Richard Pett is going to DM this for my mates and me at PaizoconUK.

I cannot wait!

But seriously do goblins talk with a squeaky foreign accent, I'm thinking Spanish or Mexican???


Yes, the Azerbaijani accent will be compulsory.

I hope everyone can sing.

Paizo Employee CEO

AbsolutGrndZer0 wrote:
Any thoughts on the price, I mean will it be free just shipping, or have an actual cost? That will probably make my decision on whether I drive 35 miles or not.

We usually sell the print version of the Free RPG Day product for $5. The PDF, of course, is free.


Lisa Stevens wrote:
AbsolutGrndZer0 wrote:
Any thoughts on the price, I mean will it be free just shipping, or have an actual cost? That will probably make my decision on whether I drive 35 miles or not.

We usually sell the print version of the Free RPG Day product for $5. The PDF, of course, is free.


That's cool. I called my FLGS and they aren't participating so the nearest one on the program website is 35 miles away, so at current gas prices $5 is probably cheaper. Save me a copy! :)

The Exchange

Richard Pett wrote:
French Wolf wrote:

....and Richard Pett is going to DM this for my mates and me at PaizoconUK.

I cannot wait!

But seriously do goblins talk with a squeaky foreign accent, I'm thinking Spanish or Mexican???


Yes, the Azerbaijani accent will be compulsory.

I hope everyone can sing.

Cannot sing like an elf, me is tone deaf. Can you give a few tips on sounding Azerbaijani - a few bars of their Eurovision song perhaps?

Brett barely roleplays so I doubt he will sing, but I'll try to get him to practice on the drive up.


Scarab Sages

Has somebody posted the pregens yet? I'd hate to tear up a copy to hand out pregens.

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
darjr wrote:
Has somebody posted the pregens yet? I'd hate to tear up a copy to hand out pregens.

I've got my hands on an advanced copy of this in order to run it next weekend. (Naturally, I have been sworn to secrecy regarding the contents of the adventure itself). I am very pleased with the quality of the product. Sixteen full-color glossy pages, most of which feature artwork, not to mention the map & additional artwork on the inside cover ... As freebies go, this is likely to blow whatever that other RPG company is bringing right out of the water.

One word of warning, though: if you are planning to run this for Free RPG Day, try to get your copy a day or two before so that you can make character sheets for the pre-gens. While they are presented in a very stylish way, it's not a very copier-friendly way. Also, two of the pre-gens are printed back-to-back, so you couldn't just pull out the pages even if you were willing to ruin this beautifully-crafted little book.

Legendary Games, Necromancer Games

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Watching Crystal run this module at PaizoCon was one of the highlights of the con. She is an amazing GM. It was awesome. I wish I was in the game, but even just watching for a bit was fun (don't tell Erik, but it was even more fun than watching him kill a PC, and that was pretty great).

Dark Archive

I sure hope I can get me a copy next weekend from my not so local game shop!!!

Dark Archive

Clark Peterson wrote:
Watching Crystal run this module at PaizoCon was one of the highlights of the con. She is an amazing GM.

Who's Crystal?

Crystal Frasier - she did the cover for the most recent Wayfinder, wrote the Harrowing, blogged about the process of creating Dwarves of Golarion, and, before joining Paizo, gave us Hirelings: Into the Wild. That's Crystal.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

If you are looking for a participating RPG shop you can enter your address and search at this site.

The Exchange

Brian Darnell wrote:
If you are looking for a participating RPG shop you can enter your address and search at this site. Linkified

Silver Crusade

Kajehase wrote:
Crystal Frasier - she did the cover for the most recent Wayfinder, wrote the Harrowing, blogged about the process of creating Dwarves of Golarion, and, before joining Paizo, gave us Hirelings: Into the Wild. That's Crystal.

Also wrote a couple of really well reviewed pfs modules. =)

SunshineGrrrl wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Crystal Frasier - she did the cover for the most recent Wayfinder, wrote the Harrowing, blogged about the process of creating Dwarves of Golarion, and, before joining Paizo, gave us Hirelings: Into the Wild. That's Crystal.
Also wrote a couple of really well reviewed pfs modules. =)

My bad. ;)

IT sure would be NICE(hint) to have the PFS Chronicle Sheet BEFORE(double hint) so we can run it on Free RPG Day. LOL!

Ok I'll get off the soapbox.

The Exchange

I don't suppose anyone knows where I can find a PDF of this right now do they?
I have the actual module and I'm going to be running it for Free RPG day, but I was gonna download the PDF so that I could print off the characters in the book to give to the players.

PDF available June 20.

I will be driving 1 hour each way to reach Dragon Snack Games, my closest participating retailer.

We Be Goblins, indeed!

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Shivok wrote:
IT sure would be NICE(hint) to have the PFS Chronicle Sheet BEFORE(double hint) so we can run it on Free RPG Day. LOL!

We plan to have it available sometime this week. Putting that Chronicle together is actually on my to-do list today, so keep an eye out in the next few days.

Dark Archive

Kajehase wrote:
Crystal Frasier - she did the cover for the most recent Wayfinder, wrote the Harrowing, blogged about the process of creating Dwarves of Golarion, and, before joining Paizo, gave us Hirelings: Into the Wild. That's Crystal.

Ooh, how did I not know about Hirelings: Into the Wild? Totally awesome!

Mark Moreland wrote:
Shivok wrote:
IT sure would be NICE(hint) to have the PFS Chronicle Sheet BEFORE(double hint) so we can run it on Free RPG Day. LOL!
We plan to have it available sometime this week. Putting that Chronicle together is actually on my to-do list today, so keep an eye out in the next few days.

Excellent! Well, as I know you love fan-imposed deadlines, Mark, ;-) can you please remember that we in Australia are 17 hours ahead at the moment? It sure would be nice to have the Chronicle sheet by Friday night AEST at the latest.

I have 15 players registered and expect up to around another 10 walk-ins and there has already been mention of wanting to play it as a PFS.

Grand Lodge

Will the chronicle be available from this page?

Ballto wrote:

I don't suppose anyone knows where I can find a PDF of this right now do they?

I have the actual module and I'm going to be running it for Free RPG day, but I was gonna download the PDF so that I could print off the characters in the book to give to the players.

Unfortunately it's doubtful. While those that planned with their game store to run it on Free RPG Day can be fair and get advanced copies to read up on and such, it would be unfair for Paizo to provide the PDF, as your advanced copy being arranged with your FLGS for promotional purposes is allowed, but Paizo giving you a PDF would be in violation of their contract(s) with the Free RPG Day program, at least the way I understand it.

Best thing to do would be to scan the character sheets if you have a scanner, or see if your friends do?

Other option is to go to Kinko's and copy them, just will have to do it on the self-serve machines, as them doing it would be a copyright violation.

Finally, you can find interactive character sheets that you can fill out and print. I personally like LittleMars' version at Pathfinder Database That's a direct link to the download page. You can find other options there too.

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