I've played this twice, and GM'd it twice, it has been a lot of fun each time. Excellent module with lots of possibilities for Role Playing and "hamming it up", plus a handful of skill-check encounters and a few combats to balance it out. Provides some nice background and insight into how Goblin societies function, while keeping things funny and lighthearted. Also, since everyone is playing with Pre-Gens, there is no fear of character death. This allows PCs to try crazy things they may not normally try.
This adventure takes place near the town of Sandpoint, so it could fit right in with Beginner Box campaigns (although you will need access to the Core Rulebook and Bestiary, or an SRD, as there are a some things in "We Be Goblins" which aren't found in the Beginner Box rules).
Also, it is Pathfinder Society compatible. There is a link to download the Chronicle Sheet and PFS rules in the product description.
Bottom line:
Highly recommended, and a true bargain at the price!
Note for GMs:
I would highly recommend bringing a swamp/marsh flip-mat or pre-drawing a map for the possible "Lots-Legs" encounter.