Pathfinder Module: We Be Goblins! (PFRPG)

4.80/5 (based on 52 ratings)
GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope (OGL)
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A most unusual adventure for 1st-level goblin characters.

The Licktoad goblins of Brinestump Marsh have stumbled upon a great treasure—fireworks! Yet unfortunately for them, the tribe member responsible for the discovery has already been exiled for the abhorrent crime of writing (which every goblin knows steals words from your head). To remedy this situation, the Licktoads’ leader, His Mighty Girthness Chief Rendwattle Gutwad, has declared that the greatest heroes of the tribe must venture forth to retrieve the rest of the fireworks from a derelict ship stranded in the marsh. In order to prove themselves as the Licktoads’ bravest goblins, the PCs must complete a series of dangerous dares, from swallowing bull slugs and braving the dreaded Earbiter to dancing with Squealy Nord himself. Yet even once they’ve proven their mettle, the adventure is just beginning. For the ship in question is far from uninhabited, and Vorka the cannibal goblin would like nothing better than a few tasty visitors....

We Be Goblins! is an adventure for 1st-level characters in which the PCs play a horde of malicious and murderous goblins, written for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and compatible with the 3.5 edition of the world's oldest RPG. The adventure takes place outside the town of Sandpoint in the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be adapted for any campaign world. It also serves as a preview of Pathfinder Player Companion: Goblins of Golarion, and as an optional prequel to Pathfinder Adventure Path's upcoming Jade Regent Adventure Path.

Written by Richard Pett.

This special 16-page Pathfinder Module was initially made available for Free RPG Day on June 18, 2011.

Note: Due to the special nature of this product, it is NOT part of the Pathfinder Modules Subscription.

We Be Goblins! is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. Its Chronicle Sheet and additional rules for running this module are a free download (232 KB zip/PDF). Pregenerated characters are available here (803 KB zip/PDF).

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Archives of Nethys

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Fulfilled immediately.



This product is non-mint. Refunds are not available for non-mint products. The standard version of this product can be found here.

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4.80/5 (based on 52 ratings)

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A Ton of Fun in Just One Session



We Be Goblins! was Paizo's Free RPG Day offering in 2011, and it has solidified as one of the most beloved Pathfinder adventures ever (the PDF is available for a free download here). The premise is all in the title: the PCs are goblins, and in Pathfinder, goblins are fire-loving, dog-hating, baby-eating little psychopaths of illiteracy and idiocy. In short, they're a blast to play once in a while to let off a little steam and just go crazy with the role-playing. This adventure, which can be finished in one session, is a perfect introduction to the goblins of Golarion and is a blast to play. The last section proved surprisingly hard when I played it, and my group TPK'd--but that's okay, as we had a lot of fun in the process. The module comes with four pre-generated goblin characters, each of whom is described well with little quirks and traits. If you're looking for something different, or maybe want to show skeptical non-gamers just how much fun RPGs can be, We Be Goblins! is a great choice.

We Be Goblins! casts the PCs as members of the Licktoad tribe in Brinestump Marsh (near Sandpoint, the starting point for multiple adventure paths). After a member of the tribe is kicked out for the horrible crime of reading (books steal your soul!), a treasure map is found among the possessions left behind. In the hopes that the map will lead to more of the strange fireworks that the outcast goblin also left behind, the chief of the Licktoad designates four champions to see if "X" really does mark the spot. But giant spiders, evil dogs and horses, and a cannibal witch stand in the way; and even before they leave on the adventure, the PCs need to prove their mettle through a variety of tribal contests! I'll quickly go through the various elements in turn.

Chief Gutwad, a goblin so obese he needs help getting in and out of his chair, starts the scenario by summoning the PCs and telling them about the map and their mission. The way Gutwad and his instructions are portrayed is hilarious, and should instantly put the players in the right frame of mind for what follows. And what follows is a series of dares (little mini-games) that PCs can volunteer to take part in, like "Eat a Bag of Bull Slugs Real Quick" and "Hide or Get Clubbed." The mechanics for playing the game are fast and fun, with losing sometimes carrying real consequences (like a loss of hit points or the sickened condition) and winning earning real rewards (minor magic items that could come in very handy on the quest that follows). It's a silly, fun way to see how goblin tribes pass the time, and if the players and GM get into the spirit of the adventure, it's a memorable time.

The next day, while travelling through the swamp and following the map, the PCs drift into the den of the hilariously-named "Lotslegs Eat Goblin Babies Many", a giant spider. Four goblins up against a giant spider is a fair fight, and my only regret is that my group didn't think about searching the spider's den for treasure, as there's enough there that may have turned the tide in our favour at the end. The rest of the journey to the "X" on the map is uneventful, apart from whatever hijinks your PCs get up to amongst themselves (PvP is a definite possibility here!).

The "X" turns out to be an old shipwreck. The module was designed as a sort-of prequel to the Jade Regent adventure path, which was released the same month, so there's a plot connection between it and some of the treasure that can be found within. Anyway, the shipwreck is the home of Vorka, the infamous cannibal-witch, who is a goblin so evil and depraved that she keeps dogs and horses! I found the layout of the ship confusing as a player because it's difficult to represent multiple vertical decks on a flat mat; apart from that problem, it's a solid site for combat. The problem my group ran into, and the reason we TPK'd, is that there are (depending on how you count) four to five encounters packed into the shipwreck location, but most of them are mobile threats and the battle can quickly flow into PCs facing multiple combats at the same time. Since the PCs are playing goblins (not exactly the most tactically-savvy of creatures), they're likely to get in way over their heads. And although I had a lot of fun with the module, I do think the threats it presents aren't really fair: a mean dog named Cuddles, for example, has 17 hit points, but the PCs' damage output with their dogslicers range from 1d4-1 to 1d4+1. If Cuddles were a boss battle, that would work well, but the PCs still have a horse, two other dogs, a trap, Vorka herself (a level 3 druid), and Vorka's giant frog animal companion to deal with. That's a lot for four Level 1 goblins!

Still, I had fun and I can see why the module was such a hit and led to four (!) sequels. I wouldn't want to play goblin adventurers all the time, but as a refreshing chance it worked well, and I'd definitely be up for the next one in the series.

Lovely goblins


I love the first part of task, full of laughing, a must try for everyone :)

The second part is combat-oriented, the goblins have weaker abilities than usual characters, so the BBEG fight might be a little difficult, have to use some tactics, we just play hide and seek, even got TPK finally, we had a memorable night.

Strongly recommeded for new or veteran players, incredible scenarios.

Who doesn't want to be a goblin?


I could write a long wall of text to explain the 5-star rating I gave it, but it really is not needed. You get to play a goblin. You get to act like a goblin. You get to annoy your fellow goblins. You get to be as silly as a goblin. What is there not to like about that?

Ok, if you hate role-playing, this is nothing for you. Then again, why are you even on this page and reading this in the first place? I can only assume you're as silly as a goblin then, so you're bound to have fun with this module regardless.

So go on, embrace your inner greenskin and go nuts. You know you want to..

An amazing module!!


I ran this module for the mastering tournament during the last "Lucca Comics and Games" Con.
It was very fun for me and my players in fact they loved to play C/E goblins, totally out of minds!
I really recommend it, all Pathfinder player have to play it!!!

Great tag along advenutre


This is the best advenutre I have ever seen in any RPG at setting the theme for the players.

The goblin games that start the adventure are fun and allow the player to get into the adventure.

The actual advenutre can fall a little flat if the players and/or Dm do not push the goblin silliness along. The last fight has some awesome parts, but clever minds to keep it up.

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Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I gets to play a goblin!



*gnashs teeth*


Liberty's Edge

But I want to be a part of my PF-subscription...would be so much easier.
Couldn't you add an option to add it to your sub?!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Nice, I am looking forward to this.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Dryder wrote:

But I want to be a part of my PF-subscription...would be so much easier.

Couldn't you add an option to add it to your sub?!

Once it's available, you can add it to your next subscription shipment, which will have pretty much the same effect.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Please tell me it's really Richard Pett writing this one.

The Exchange

Awesome, on all counts.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Man, I'd really love to have this adventure... right now! Sigh.

Paizo Employee CEO

Gorbacz wrote:
Please tell me it's really Richard Pett writing this one.



runs into the thread and volunteers for the mission

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Will there be a Goblin Cavalier on a Goblin Dog?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:
Dryder wrote:

But I want to be a part of my PF-subscription...would be so much easier.

Couldn't you add an option to add it to your sub?!
Once it's available, you can add it to your next subscription shipment, which will have pretty much the same effect.

Could you at least make it available for pre-order????

Sovereign Court

I'm looking forward to making a Goblin Alchemist for this adventure, and wailing at the end of every encounter, "Why didn't Chief just ask ME to make fireworks!?"

AWESOME! We have a goblin group of PCs that has needed the perfect adventure to get things going!

This adventure looks awesome like masters of the fallen fortress before it. Playing a goblin with weapon finese will be interesting.

cappadocius wrote:
I'm looking forward to making a Goblin Alchemist for this adventure, and wailing at the end of every encounter, "Why didn't Chief just ask ME to make fireworks!?"

Goblin alchemists would be awesome...

If they could figure out how to scribe formula without writing them down.

*running around erratically, yelling madly at top of lungs, waving a burning puppy*

smashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmash smashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmash smashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashgnawgnawgnawgna wgnawgnawgnawgnawgnawgnawgnawgnawgnawgnawgnawgnawgnawgnawgnawgnawgnawgnawgn awgnawgnawgnawgnawgnawgnawgnawgnawgnawgnawgnawgnawgnaw

Rules say no player goblins!!!

Rules goblin must now go drown self in barrel...

Rules Goblin wrote:

Rules say no player goblins!!!

Rules goblin must now go drown self in barrel...

In other words...I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

Sovereign Court

Goblin King Grog wrote:

If they could figure out how to scribe formula without writing them down.

I have in my possession, a scan of a page from a Goblin Alchemist's formula book with the recipe for gunpowder.

Pyromania will find a way.

Excellent. :)


This was unbelievably awesome fun to write and to be let loose on those pesky goblins.


DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Will there be a Goblin Cavalier on a Goblin Dog?

If they can bend the rules this far, I think that's entirely reasonable.

Woot!! And I'm the owner of a regular participant in the Free RPG Day Program so I really cannot wait!! Swweeeeet!! I love all these fun adventures!

cappadocius wrote:
Goblin King Grog wrote:

If they could figure out how to scribe formula without writing them down.

I have in my possession, a scan of a page from a Goblin Alchemist's formula book with the recipe for gunpowder.

Pyromania will find a way.

This is a crude form of writing!

Burn him BURN HIM!!!!

Shadow Lodge

Nate Petersen wrote:
Woot!! And I'm the owner of a regular participant in the Free RPG Day Program so I really cannot wait!! Swweeeeet!! I love all these fun adventures!

I just hope they include it in the Paizocon swag like they did last year :D

Or failing that I hope they make it available for sale at Paizocon since no-one nearby participates in FreeRPG day.

0gre wrote:
Nate Petersen wrote:
Woot!! And I'm the owner of a regular participant in the Free RPG Day Program so I really cannot wait!! Swweeeeet!! I love all these fun adventures!

I just hope they include it in the Paizocon swag like they did last year :D

Or failing that I hope they make it available for sale at Paizocon since no-one nearby participates in FreeRPG day.

Where are you at? I'm in the winter wonderland of Michigan (, but also always happy to ship out if you can't pull one up~

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Vic Wertz wrote:
Dryder wrote:

But I want to be a part of my PF-subscription...would be so much easier.

Couldn't you add an option to add it to your sub?!
Once it's available, you can add it to your next subscription shipment, which will have pretty much the same effect.

But I have the subscription so I don't forget to purchase something!

Shadow Lodge

Best move ever.

Is this module going to be legal for Society play? ;-)

Shadow Lodge

Kyle Baird wrote:
Is this module going to be legal for Society play? ;-)

I think it would be a blast. Obviously you'd have to use pregens.

I call the goblin oracle Gall, keeper of the glorious oral tradition of gargling!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Charles Scholz wrote:
Could you at least make it available for pre-order????

Nope. We don't want to do anything that will discourage people from heading out to get it at their FLGS on Free RPG Day. (And before anybody replies that they don't have an FLGS participating in Free RPG Day, well, that's why we'll have them for sale after the event. But the key words there are *after the event*.)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

0gre wrote:
I just hope they include it in the Paizocon swag like they did last year :D

We could do that last year because PaizoCon happened to be *on* Free RPG Day. This year, PaizoCon is the weekend before that.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Sebastian wrote:
But I have the subscription so I don't forget to purchase something!

I'll send an email to all Module subscribers to make sure they know when it becomes available. (At least, I will if somebody reminds me to....)

Grand Lodge

Vic Wertz wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
But I have the subscription so I don't forget to purchase something!
I'll send an email to all Module subscribers to make sure they know when it becomes available. (At least, I will if somebody reminds me to....)

How early would you like that reminder? (yes, I've got a Calendar and I'm not afraid to use it)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

verdigris wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
But I have the subscription so I don't forget to purchase something!
I'll send an email to all Module subscribers to make sure they know when it becomes available. (At least, I will if somebody reminds me to....)
How early would you like that reminder? (yes, I've got a Calendar and I'm not afraid to use it)

Kidding about the reminder. I have a calendar too!

So I'm as excited as the next guy, but any chance we can get the "review" that has been posted deleted?

Grand Lodge

Vic Wertz wrote:
verdigris wrote:

I'll send an email to all Module subscribers to make sure they know when it becomes available. (At least, I will if somebody reminds me to....)

How early would you like that reminder? (yes, I've got a Calendar and I'm not afraid to use it)

Kidding about the reminder. I have a calendar too!

Dang. And here I thought I'd finally found my niche in the world. ;) I suppose yours has pop-ups and bells and whistles too?

Vic Wertz wrote:
Dryder wrote:

But I want to be a part of my PF-subscription...would be so much easier.

Couldn't you add an option to add it to your sub?!
Once it's available, you can add it to your next subscription shipment, which will have pretty much the same effect.

I don't subscribe to the module lines and while this isn't going to be a part of this, I definitely must pick this up in hardcopy form.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

bugleyman wrote:
So I'm as excited as the next guy, but any chance we can get the "review" that has been posted deleted?

Given that it doesn't have a rating, it doesn't really matter.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

I should mention that this cover image is *not* a mockup—it's the real, finished cover.

Liberty's Edge

Bummer...after Pazio Con....or well it be a surprise their?


A module for Goblins, sweet.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Given that it doesn't have a rating, it doesn't really matter.

It may well matter as soon as someone post an actual review (depending upon how your system calculates the average). Also, IT guys such as myself are not fond of data pollution.

But hey, it's your database. :)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

bugleyman wrote:
It may well matter as soon as someone post an actual review (depending upon how your system calculates the average).

We don't count it in the average.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:
Kidding about the reminder. I have a calendar too!

But did you remember to use it? Do you need a reminder to set up your reminder? Should we organize a pre-meeting meeting to develop a plan to remind you to set up a reminder?

I love things like this, so really looking forward to it. And hoping for an eventual 'You be Food!' sequel.

Vic Wertz wrote:
We don't count it in the average.

Curse you for foiling my anal retentive requests.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Vic Wertz wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
But I have the subscription so I don't forget to purchase something!
I'll send an email to all Module subscribers to make sure they know when it becomes available. (At least, I will if somebody reminds me to....)

Awesome. Thanks Vic. If you remind me to remind you, I'll definitely do that.

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