Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
Perhaps getting way ahead of myself here, and apologize if this has been brought up elsewhere (new to the forum), but can we expect an update to the iPhone app including the APG data?
We haven't published an iPhone app. Third parties can use our Open Game Content under the OGL, though, but you'd have to contact the publisher of your app directly to find out about their plans.
Sniggevert |
I pre ordered the Players Guide. Dumb question. Will you start shipping when you get them in or are you going to wait to right before the street date? I have not pre order something from you guys before.
They generally ship subscription and pre-orders after they get done shipping to the distribution channel warehouses. The books ship before street date, and normally, are received well before that time as well.
This time, the last I heard, they were planning on processing the pre-orders/subs the last week of July/first week of Aug to have them in the mail before GenCon. First day of GenCon is the official street date for this round of releases.
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
Tim Statler |
magnuskn wrote:that is crazy cus the 21st is my birthday too. What year?mightyjules wrote:Does anyone knows when the pdf is coming out? Gotta date?My hope is that it'll be the 21st of July for suscribers. That's my birthday. ;)
Every year?
Dark_Mistress |
The smitter wrote:Every year?magnuskn wrote:that is crazy cus the 21st is my birthday too. What year?mightyjules wrote:Does anyone knows when the pdf is coming out? Gotta date?My hope is that it'll be the 21st of July for suscribers. That's my birthday. ;)
Not mine, mine stopped when i turned 29.
The smitter |
Tim Statler wrote:Not mine, mine stopped when i turned 29.The smitter wrote:Every year?magnuskn wrote:that is crazy cus the 21st is my birthday too. What year?mightyjules wrote:Does anyone knows when the pdf is coming out? Gotta date?My hope is that it'll be the 21st of July for suscribers. That's my birthday. ;)
well then this is my last year, man I feel like i could be getting old.
magnuskn |
magnuskn wrote:that is crazy cus the 21st is my birthday too. What year?mightyjules wrote:Does anyone knows when the pdf is coming out? Gotta date?My hope is that it'll be the 21st of July for suscribers. That's my birthday. ;)
Well, I'm getting to be 35 tomorrow, so I fear it's 1975. <sigh> Where did the years go? :p
Papa-DRB |
Happy Birthday to me today (July 20th) !!!! and Happy 41st Anniversary of man walking on the moon !!!!
-- david
Grognard (definition 1)
My better half and me
Madness takes its toll - please have exact change.
ps. If 29 is the cutoff age for claiming birthdays, I've been 29 longer (by 5 years) than it took me to *get* to 29 !! ( lol )
Dark_Mistress wrote:well then this is my last year, man I feel like i could be getting old.Tim Statler wrote:Not mine, mine stopped when i turned 29.The smitter wrote:Every year?magnuskn wrote:that is crazy cus the 21st is my birthday too. What year?mightyjules wrote:Does anyone knows when the pdf is coming out? Gotta date?My hope is that it'll be the 21st of July for suscribers. That's my birthday. ;)
Jam412 |
All of you are young. 38 here.
But as for the APG, glad to hear we finally get an Anti-Paladin class. On another note, does Pathfinder have the equivalent of a Death Knight? I didn’t see anything in the Bestiary.
The Graveknight. It's in Pathfinder AP #26.
Edit: Ninja'd Here is an alternate source.. Graveknight
Gorbacz |
Is there any other source of information for the Graveknight? I don’t have any of the APs.
As of now, not. I wouldn't be surprised if it turned up in Bestiary II, iconic monster and all.
And the stats are open content, so somebody might file off the serial numbers and post it online ... EDIT: I see, PFSRD is one step ahead :)
Gorbacz |
And any idea why the name was changed? Not that Graveknight sounds bad, but Deathknight sounds so much better. Is Deathknight one of the copyrighted creatures (like the Beholder)?
The name Deathknight as associated with the monster in question, is WotC IP. It appears in MM2 (I think) and hence is not open content.
Enlight_Bystand |
I guess I am not sure how to determine if a creature is a WoTC IP or not. I mean it is certainly not determined by what creatures are in the Monster Manuals as Paizo uses a large amount of them.
Everything that is in the SRD is open content. Anything else the mechanics is WotC IP, and the names are unless they took them from other sources (generally mythological sources, so Tiamat is a name that can be used, but the five headed dragon version is IP)
Jam412 |
I guess I am not sure how to determine if a creature is a WoTC IP or not. I mean it is certainly not determined by what creatures are in the Monster Manuals as Paizo uses a large amount of them.
A good rule is anything that was printed past MM1 is not open content. There are some exceptions however. Monsters that were printed in the Tome of Horrors books are open (such as Orcus). It can get confusing sometimes..
Hobbun |
Hobbun wrote:I guess I am not sure how to determine if a creature is a WoTC IP or not. I mean it is certainly not determined by what creatures are in the Monster Manuals as Paizo uses a large amount of them.Everything that is in the SRD is open content. Anything else the mechanics is WotC IP, and the names are unless they took them from other sources (generally mythological sources, so Tiamat is a name that can be used, but the five headed dragon version is IP)
I guess is what I am asking is how do I look at Monster Manual 1-5, or any other sourcebook for that matter, and know which creatures in those books are SRD or not?
Enlight_Bystand |
Enlight_Bystand wrote:I guess is what I am asking is how do I look at Monster Manual 1-5, or any other sourcebook for that matter, and know which creatures in those books are SRD or not?Hobbun wrote:I guess I am not sure how to determine if a creature is a WoTC IP or not. I mean it is certainly not determined by what creatures are in the Monster Manuals as Paizo uses a large amount of them.Everything that is in the SRD is open content. Anything else the mechanics is WotC IP, and the names are unless they took them from other sources (generally mythological sources, so Tiamat is a name that can be used, but the five headed dragon version is IP)
MM1 - the majority
MM2 - about 2MM3-5 - nothing
The SRD is online, both on Wizard's site and (I think).
Gorbacz |
Can I make this even more complicated ? Dark Creepers and Stalkers appear in MM2, which is closed content, but are open content.
That's because of Necromancer Games Tome of Horrors, which includes many classic D&D monsters and was published under OGL before Wizards printed MM2,3,4,5 - thanks to ToH, several iconic monsters (among them Flumphs, Eye of the Deep, Daemons and Orcus himself) are open content.
The legalities of D&D monstets are a fascinating yet frustrating topic :)
And yes, it is a crying shame that WotC was selfish enough to make almost all monsters they printed closed content. After inventing the OGL they were quick to remove the people behind the idea and try to reverse their policy as much as possible. Luckily, Paizo is publishing 99%* open monsters !
* - Deep Crow and Coeurl excluded.
Gorbacz |
James and Erik did several times state that they are not interested in "carbon copy" replacements of closed content monsters. They respect WotC's property, and prefer to develop their own awesome monsters instead of "piggybacking" on somebody's cool stuff.
James wrote that WotC was generous enough to give away big chunks of their valuable IP as to earn respect as to what they decided to keep to themselves.
There are several PF monsters the fill a similiar niche to the closed content ones (Denizens of Leng -> Mind Flayers, Proteans -> Slaadi), but I doubt we will see a "semi-beholder" from Paizo.
Joe Wells RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |
James wrote that WotC was generous enough to give away big chunks of their valuable IP as to earn respect as to what they decided to keep to themselves.
I think this is important to keep in mind. Rather than lamenting the unavailability of certain aspects of the game, we should be pretty grateful that the OGL exists at all. I was stunned when D&D was opened. That was a pretty big gamble for WotC.
Hobbun, you can still use beholders, mind flayers, gemstone dragons, etc. in your game. They still work just fine with the Pathfinder ruleset. Just don't expect Paizo to publish material that includes them.
Hobbun |
Gorbacz wrote:James wrote that WotC was generous enough to give away big chunks of their valuable IP as to earn respect as to what they decided to keep to themselves.I think this is important to keep in mind. Rather than lamenting the unavailability of certain aspects of the game, we should be pretty grateful that the OGL exists at all. I was stunned when D&D was opened. That was a pretty big gamble for WotC.
Hobbun, you can still use beholders, mind flayers, gemstone dragons, etc. in your game. They still work just fine with the Pathfinder ruleset. Just don't expect Paizo to publish material that includes them.
I do agree, it was nice of WoTC to start the OGL in the first place. But a bit of poor taste to suddenly start making content unavaliable after what I can guess they felt was their ‘mistake’ of the OGL.
And it is funny how you say you can use D&D 3.5 monsters for PFRPG, but then I see posts on here that say 3.5 and PFRPG are a different beast and not to compare the two.
But if need be, we will make the conversion for the Beholder, but it would really be nice to see the ‘official’ Pathfinder version down the line.
Caedwyr |
Since we can't use Beholders, I like Set's Oblivion's Eye as an alternative that might even surpass the original:
Original post: PG/houseRules/archives/setsStuff&page=1#28
Recent chatter about WotC IP conversions, such as Mind Flayers, Beholders, etc. reminded me of this critter, which was thrown together as an idea of how you could put a 'beholder' into the Golarion setting both organically and without ripping off someone elses ideas.
Instead of making a straight Beholder clone, take whatever aspects of the Eye Tyrants interest you and incorporate them into a Golarion specific, but radically different creature like so;
Called forth by the cults of Groteus on moonless nights, Oblivion’s Eye is regarded as the herald of annihilation, and precious and unique items are brought before the Eye to be sacrificed to oblivion. Living sacrifices are also made annually, and each must be a singular individual, the best or brightest or most beautiful person of their sort in the land, with master craftsmen famous for unique skills, and talented vocalists renowned for their ethereal voices sought out to be kidnapped and sacrificed to Oblivion’s Eye on these nights. After accepting whatever sacrifices are to be made to Groetus, Oblivion's Eye wanders, destroying all that its baleful gaze falls upon, until the dawn comes or it is destroyed a more powerful force.
Oblivion’s Eye hovers unblinking before you, a throbbing unwholesome meter and a half diameter grey-white eyeball, with a violet iris mixed with orange patterns reminiscent of an aura of flames radiating out from the jet black pupil.
Oblivion’s Eye CR XX
NE Medium AberrationInit +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +11
Aura aura of corruption
DEFENSE_______________________________________AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+5 natural)
hp 76 (8d8+32 +8)
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +9
DR 10/magic; partial incorporeality; Immune mind-affecting effects, polymorph, suffocation; Resist Cold 10, Electricity 10
OFFENSE________________________________________Speed fly 20 ft. (perfect)
Melee none
Special Attacks gaze of dissolution, cry from beyond, lashing tendril
STATISTICS______________________________________Str 11, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 15
Base Atk +6; CMB +6, CMD 10
Feats Improved Initiative (B), Hover, Skill Focus (perception), Toughness
Skills Acrobatics 0 (+0), Climb (+0), Escape Artist 0 (+0), Fly 8 (+11), Intimidate 0 (+2), Knowledge (one of; arcana, dungeoneering, history, nature, the planes or religion) 8 (+11), Perception 8 (+14), Spellcraft 8 (+11), Stealth 0 (+0), Survival 0 (+3), Swim 0 (+0)
Languages Abyssal
Special Qualities instinctive counterspell, aura of corruption
Gear none
ECOLOGY_______________________________________Environment any
Organization solitary
Treasure noneSpecial Abilities
Gaze of Dissolution (Su): As a standard action, the creature can cause it’s dark pupil to bulge inwards and rupture, unleashing a cold wind that carries tiny black motes of swarming darkness that swarm around like insects, striking a single target within 60 ft. as a disintegrate spell at CL 8. The swarming black motes dance around the subject and then are sucked back into the iris of Oblivion’s Eye. Once it has unleashed this attack, it must wait 1d4 rounds before it can repeat this action.
Cry from Beyond (Su): As a standard action it can pulse unnaturally, its entire surface strumming and vibrating sickeningly, producing a throbbing sound that functions as a shout spell, also at CL 8.
Instinctive Counterspell (Su): As a free action, once per round, it can cast greater dispel magic at CL 8, and it can use this ability to counterspell an incoming hostile effect, even if it has not delayed to take the counterspell action. As it can only perform this action once in a round, multiple spells can overwhelm this instinctive defense. If it counters a spell of less than 3rd level, Oblivion’s Eye can choose to turn the spell back upon its caster, as if Oblivion’s Eye had cast the spell in question, for determining range and effect.
Aura of Corruption (Su): The unnatural aura that surrounds Oblivion’s Eye causes all natural animals to immediately flee, if it approaches within 30 ft. of them, and any creature that remains within its presence at the end of a round takes damage. Those ending their turn within 30 ft. suffer 1d6 damage, those within 20 ft. suffer 1d3 damage and those within 21 to 30 ft. suffer a single point of damage. Even if a living creature leaves the area, the damage recurs thereafter as bleed damage unless treated, as the toxic exposure to Oblivion’s Eye continues to rot the afflicted creature from within. Unliving creatures, and unattended objects, suffer the initial damage, and additional damage for each additional round spent in the presence of the Eye, but do not suffer any form of bleed damage. This damage bypasses any form of energy resistance, damage reduction or object hardness, and Oblivion’s Eye can slowly bore through stone using just this aura, without resorting to its shout or disintegrate spell-like abilities.
Lashing Tendril (Ex): Behind Oblivion’s Eye, a lashing grey tendril whips around furiously, as if propelling the eye with its frenzied flagellations. Anyone standing in the square directly behind the Eye is struck this tendril, which inflicts 2d6 slashing damage that ignores hardness and damage reduction of all sorts. Oblivion’s Eye never uses this tendril as a deliberate attack, but it automatically strikes any who enter the square directly behind the creatures facing.
Partial Incorporeality (Su): Oblivion’s Eye is not made of earthly material, and is treated as being ‘partially incorporeal,’ so that any physical attack has a 20% chance of failing to harm it, including weapon attacks (whether from magical weapons or mundane ones), acid, boulders, the natural weapons of monsters or other physically damaging effects, such as falling hail or the rubble from an avalanche. Affects that fail to penetrate this unearthly defense do not seem to pass through the creature, so much as shudder around it, avoiding contact with its form, or even, in some cases, splashing harmlessly off of it as if the solid striking force was liquid, reforming after failing to injure the creature to its solid state. Energy effects, whether force, fire, electricity or cold, bypass this partial incorporeality and affect the creature normally.
While wingless, Oblivion’s Eye causes a disruption when flying, distorting and shuddering the air in its wake, and is capable of stirring up a cloud of debris via the Hover feat, as if possessed of wings.
Obviously, I picked 'floating man-sized eyeball that does horrible magical things to you' as my base point here. The creature is a singular aspect of an 'Old God' called up for ritual sacrifices, not a race of aberrations, but has the same basic form and function in an encounter, down to being hard to beat with magic, and having deadly 'gaze' related abilities.
If I instead wanted a race that aped the basic personality and nature of the beholders, I could instead have made a humanoid race with innate sorcerous abilities that stored spells in glyphs painted upon their skin. Same powers as a Beholder, more or less, but a radically different form. I could even have differing 'tribes' of these humanoids hate each other with a great passion, perhaps looking identical to outside viewers (unlike the warring racist Beholder factions), and only being remarkable in that they use different glyph-languages, and consider their own personal language to be the true 'words of creation,' and all different magical glyph-tattooed membered of their species to be defilers and corrupters of the pure language primeval or whatever. In this case, they would have similar powers, personalities and societies to Beholders, but look nothing like them, being just tattoed humanoids, to the naked eye.
This sort of thing, IMO, is more interesting than just making a straight conversion of a floating aberration that shoots 10 specific spells at you from its ten eyestalks.
Gorbacz |
As intriguing as the OGL conversation has been, it would probably be best if it traveled to its own thread since this is the product discussion for the Advanced Player's Guide.
Wait, this isn't a monster thread ? *looks up the topic* damn, it isn't *kicks dust*
Hobbun |
Hobbun wrote:Everyone's young from some perspective. I'll be 50 in about three weeks.All of you are young. 38 here.
Sorry, wasn't trying to say anyone else was 'old'. I think maybe I should just keep my mouth closed, foot keeps flying in it.
Oh, and it appears my quote derailed the thread again. *sigh*
The smitter |
Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide Preview #3
under the section for alt build for the ranger it says that there will be new combat styles
first I am really looking forward to the alt build it reminds me of class kits in ad&d 2nd edition
and B. not sure but I am guessing that a Crossbow style, two handed style, shield style, maybe a natural att style to go with the shape shifter alt
magnuskn |
Happy Birthday to me today (July 20th) !!!! and Happy 41st Anniversary of man walking on the moon !!!!
-- david
Well, happy birthday then, before it's too late! Still 40 minutes here to midnight in Germany. :p
magnuskn |
*crosses fingers* I'm hoping we will hear soon that the APG is in the warehouse. I'm really looking forward to this.
I think it'll be around Monday, but every day waiting is agony. It's my second most anticipated product of the next months, behind Star Wars: The Old Republic. And that game is 8 months away. ^^
Snorter |
I got a peep at the dummy copy on Sunday (quite a feat, given we had to extract it from the clutches of a Mr C. Evans, who was clutching his precious, and committing the whole tome to his photographic memory).
I can't recall all the Ranger combat styles, since I was half asleep, but I can confirm the 3.5 Scout Skirmish ability is back, as a form of Sneak Attack, available on a charge, thus allowing solo Skirmisher Rogues to operate without the need for flanking.