Shadowborn |

KaeYoss wrote:I'll buy this only if it has an 11-foot-pole!How about a masterwork 10-foot pole that you can enchant to +1?
Sorry, but there are some things an adventurer won't touch even with a 10-foot pole...
Any other cool items you can use to hook us?
Masterwork potion belt, FTW!

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How about the Scroll Organizer? Fifteen scrolls in a bandelier that can be removed as a free action?
Just asking.
Already a magic item similar to that in Magic of Eberron, the Infinite Scrollcase. Holds up to 50 scrolls, and if you have a BAB of +1 or more you can draw forth a scroll as part of a move action. Also gives a +4 competence bonus to cast defensively.

KnightErrantJR |

The Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting book for 3.0 had scroll organizers and potion belts in it so that you could draw said items for free, especially handy for those times that you need a scroll or a potion to save an ally this round with said item and you have to move to them and use your standard action to perform the saving.
I don't like making such items magic items, as it seems to be that a cleverly built piece of equipment should be able to do the job. Obviously the equipment from the FRCS can't be used, since its not OGL, but given that swift actions didn't exist back then, it doesn't seem like it would be too hard to come up with an item that lets you assign X number of scrolls or potions that can be drawn as a swift action for emergency situations.

Shadowborn |

The Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting book for 3.0 had scroll organizers and potion belts in it so that you could draw said items for free, especially handy for those times that you need a scroll or a potion to save an ally this round with said item and you have to move to them and use your standard action to perform the saving.
I don't like making such items magic items, as it seems to be that a cleverly built piece of equipment should be able to do the job. Obviously the equipment from the FRCS can't be used, since its not OGL, but given that swift actions didn't exist back then, it doesn't seem like it would be too hard to come up with an item that lets you assign X number of scrolls or potions that can be drawn as a swift action for emergency situations.
The FRCS book's MW potion belt was the specific reason I brought up the item. I remember sprawling threads on the Wizards forum with people fighting tooth and nail over this item. On one side you had the crowd that considered it horribly broken for its ability to make retrieving a potion a free action, thus denying an opponent an AoO. On the other you had the people who said it wasn't a big deal, well worth the money, and that if you drank said potion within reach of an enemy, you still take an AoO anyway...
Of course, that's why you have the invention of a certain helmet that allows the wearer to drink potions without a problem.

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The Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting book for 3.0 had scroll organizers and potion belts in it so that you could draw said items for free, especially handy for those times that you need a scroll or a potion to save an ally this round with said item and you have to move to them and use your standard action to perform the saving.
I don't like making such items magic items, as it seems to be that a cleverly built piece of equipment should be able to do the job. Obviously the equipment from the FRCS can't be used, since its not OGL, but given that swift actions didn't exist back then, it doesn't seem like it would be too hard to come up with an item that lets you assign X number of scrolls or potions that can be drawn as a swift action for emergency situations.
In my campaign, I allow each player to have two quickdraw slots where they can put small items like potions, scrolls, wands, gems, etc. They can draw the item from that slot as part of their action to use the item. It forces them to think about which items they want to be able to access quickly.

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blope wrote:This has the feel of the book: Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog.
I have a feeling I will need several copies of this one for my group. :)
Funny you should mention that... that's what Lisa had in mind when she pitched the idea.
It'll be a little more Companiony than that, though.
This was Lisa's idea? Lisa, have we told you you're the best-iest CEO EVAR?!?

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Vic Wertz wrote:This was Lisa's idea? Lisa, have we told you you're the best-iest CEO EVAR?!?blope wrote:This has the feel of the book: Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog.
I have a feeling I will need several copies of this one for my group. :)
Funny you should mention that... that's what Lisa had in mind when she pitched the idea.
It'll be a little more Companiony than that, though.
Not quite often enough. :)
I was a big fan of Aurora's, and while browsing through the library, I came across my old, tattered copy and decided to bring it in to work for show and tell. Seems like it had its intended consequence. :)

KaeYoss |

Kvantum wrote:Vic Wertz wrote:This was Lisa's idea? Lisa, have we told you you're the best-iest CEO EVAR?!?blope wrote:This has the feel of the book: Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog.
I have a feeling I will need several copies of this one for my group. :)
Funny you should mention that... that's what Lisa had in mind when she pitched the idea.
It'll be a little more Companiony than that, though.
Not quite often enough. :)
I was a big fan of Aurora's, and while browsing through the library, I came across my old, tattered copy and decided to bring it in to work for show and tell. Seems like it had its intended consequence. :)
So you didn't just put it on the table and say "we should do something like that"? You just let things take their course? Very devious. I like it!

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So you didn't just put it on the table and say "we should do something like that"? You just let things take their course? Very devious. I like it!
If you worked at Paizo, you would know that I very rarely ever play the "CEO" card. I make suggestions, and if the rest of the editorial team likes them, then they get picked up. If not, then there is usually a really good reason why not. We almost always make decisions on products as a group consensus effort, which I think makes for a better product list and a more enthused editorial group.

The Dalesman |

Kvantum wrote:Vic Wertz wrote:This was Lisa's idea? Lisa, have we told you you're the best-iest CEO EVAR?!?blope wrote:This has the feel of the book: Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog.
I have a feeling I will need several copies of this one for my group. :)
Funny you should mention that... that's what Lisa had in mind when she pitched the idea.
It'll be a little more Companiony than that, though.
Not quite often enough. :)
I was a big fan of Aurora's, and while browsing through the library, I came across my old, tattered copy and decided to bring it in to work for show and tell. Seems like it had its intended consequence. :)
This is the best news I've heard today; my copy of Aurora's will enjoy the company on my bookshelf. 'Twill be a grand birthday present when it shows up in my mailbox!!
:)Your Friendly Neighborhood Dalesman
"Bringing Big D**n Justice to the Bad Guys Since 1369 DR"

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KaeYoss wrote:So you didn't just put it on the table and say "we should do something like that"? You just let things take their course? Very devious. I like it!If you worked at Paizo, you would know that I very rarely ever play the "CEO" card. I make suggestions, and if the rest of the editorial team likes them, then they get picked up. If not, then there is usually a really good reason why not. We almost always make decisions on products as a group consensus effort, which I think makes for a better product list and a more enthused editorial group.
THIS I believe is why I like Paizo. When they were at Origins a few years ago, with the rough adventure paths Lisa made an off hand comment about wanting to write up something and see if it would be published in an AP.
This stuck with me that the CEO would go through the same process that Wolfgang, or Clark, or Boomer or, hells, I would have to go through* that impressed me. It wasn't until later that I learned Lisa has a lot of 'gamer cred' not just the 'I own the company' cred. :-)

Gamer Girrl RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

Kvantum wrote:Vic Wertz wrote:This was Lisa's idea? Lisa, have we told you you're the best-iest CEO EVAR?!?blope wrote:This has the feel of the book: Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog.
I have a feeling I will need several copies of this one for my group. :)
Funny you should mention that... that's what Lisa had in mind when she pitched the idea.
It'll be a little more Companiony than that, though.
Not quite often enough. :)
I was a big fan of Aurora's, and while browsing through the library, I came across my old, tattered copy and decided to bring it in to work for show and tell. Seems like it had its intended consequence. :)
This is totally awesome. My gaming group is lucky enough to own two copies of Aurora's and I got a PDF copy from DriveThruRPG back in March, and we love the book! Constantly tweaking prices to bring them to current, but there are many, many items that appear in our games from that delightful little tome. I cannot wait to see the Adventure's Armory even more now :)

KaeYoss |

KaeYoss wrote:So you didn't just put it on the table and say "we should do something like that"? You just let things take their course? Very devious. I like it!If you worked at Paizo, you would know that I very rarely ever play the "CEO" card. I make suggestions, and if the rest of the editorial team likes them, then they get picked up. If not, then there is usually a really good reason why not. We almost always make decisions on products as a group consensus effort, which I think makes for a better product list and a more enthused editorial group.
So should I bother sending a resume or am I hired? ;-)
I know you're not playing big boss, but instead of showing them the book and telling them "you think we can use this", you just showed it. I guess you did it very subtly, like pretend it fell into your bag and then left it lying there because "you needed the bag space for your home journey" or something. Mess with everybody's heads to make them do your bidding without them ever realising it.
As I said: Devious. I like it.
I really like the bag space part. Pure genious on your part!
Oh, look at the time, time for my meds. ;-)

Stebehil |

KaeYoss wrote:So you didn't just put it on the table and say "we should do something like that"? You just let things take their course? Very devious. I like it!If you worked at Paizo, you would know that I very rarely ever play the "CEO" card. I make suggestions, and if the rest of the editorial team likes them, then they get picked up. If not, then there is usually a really good reason why not. We almost always make decisions on products as a group consensus effort, which I think makes for a better product list and a more enthused editorial group.
Everybody should have a boss like that. But I guess it works only for a small company with hand-picked staff.
Oh, and cool book as well, things like these are always useful. :-)

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I lost my Aurora's book many years ago. Not sure how, but it has never turned up. :(
Oh well, looks like we will have a replacement. :)
I still have mine; it's one of the books we are still using in *every* session (just like 'Faiths & Avatars', and, now, 'Gods and Magic').
My only complaint about this book is that I wouldn't have minded having this as a bigger book, i.e. a hardcover with 200+ pages.
Lisa, if there is a demand, is it possible to reconsider publishing this as a "real" supplement to PF RPG? Or, alternatively, would you guys consider putting out several volumes of Adventurers' Armory down the years?

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This sounds excellent! But I must ask if it's written as a supplement to the Golarion campaign world or if it's campaign neutral like the PFRPG Core Rulebook?
It's part of the companion series which means Golarion flavoured.
I don't think it will take much effort to 'file off the serial numbers' as it were.

Sean K Reynolds Contributor |

There will be many items that come from Golarion (bladed scarves, various drugs, and so on), but there will be many, many things that are worldless: many many real-world weapons, alchemical items, skill items, food and drink, entertainment items, animals, clothing, plus the familiar Combat, Faith, and similar articles. Even if you don't play in Golarion, this book should be very useful to you--our goal was players shouldn't have to look in a dozen different books for a comprehensive listing of adventuring gear; this plus the Core Rulebook should be all you need (though we're deliberately excluding firearms and Tien weapons/armor, as those could fill a book on their own).

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I'm getting the sense that some folks are focusing a bit too much on the first paragraph of the description, and are skipping the second. It's still a Pathfinder Companion, and as such, "contains several player-focused articles exploring the volume’s theme as well as short articles with innovative new rules for social, magic, religious, and combat-focused characters, as well as a persona section detailing helpful NPCs and traits to better anchor the player to the campaign." All of this will be weapons-themed, but it won't just be a big book of weapons. (We may yet do something like that, but it's not this.)

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This sounds excellent! But I must ask if it's written as a supplement to the Golarion campaign world or if it's campaign neutral like the PFRPG Core Rulebook?
This sounds excellent! But I must ask if it's written as a supplement to the Golarion campaign world or if it's campaign neutral like the PFRPG Core Rulebook?
Just a note here; even if this happens to be mostly "core" book, I haven't had any trouble using Golarion-specific lore in other settings (for example, stuff from 'Gods and Magic' in FR). Therefore, unless there are items which are uniquely exotic in nature (which I doubt), I don't mind if there are Varisian bladescarfs or Chelaxian Fiendish Poppy Opium Vials and stuff like that in this book -- they can be made to fit in my games. :)

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I lost my Aurora's book many years ago. Not sure how, but it has never turned up. :(
Oh well, looks like we will have a replacement. :)
Unless it comes in catalog format, on pulp paper with witty stories about the paladin stealing all the orcs socks because they were Aurora's, then no, we will never have a replacement.
And no one will ever have my copy of the precious