Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide (PFRPG) Hardcover

4.60/5 (based on 34 ratings)
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide (PFRPG)

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The Best of All Possible Worlds

Discover the world of Golarion, the official campaign setting for the smash-hit Pathfinder Roleplaying Game! A time of lost prophecies grips the world, bringing with it an unending maelstrom, a tear in the fabric of reality, a surge of diabolism, and the endless threat of war. Yet all is not lost, for these dark times provide ample opportunity for adventure and heroism.

    Inside this exciting and informative 320-page tome you will find:
  • Detailed summaries of the player character races native to Golarion, including more than a dozen distinct human ethnicities
  • Elaborate gazetteers of more than 40 crumbling empires, expansionist kingdoms, independent city-states, and monster-haunted wildlands of Golarion’s adventure-filled Inner Sea region, with locations perfect for nearly any type of fantasy campaign
  • Cultural information and Pathfinder RPG rules covering the 20 core deities of the Inner Sea, plus entries on other gods, demigods, forgotten deities, weird cults, strange philosophies, and more!
  • An overview of the Inner Sea’s history, a look at time and space, a discussion of magical artifacts and technological wonders, discussions of important factions and organizations, and hundreds of locations ripe for adventure!
  • Tons of new options for player characters, including Inner Sea-themed prestige classes, feats, spells, adventuring gear, and magic items!
  • Nine new monsters, including exotic humanoids of the skies and seas, undead and dragons, and an angry demon lord in exile!
  • A giant 21.75"x33" poster map that reveals the sweeping landscape of the Inner Sea in all its treacherous glory!

by James Jacobs with Keith Baker, Wolfgang Baur, Clinton J. Boomer, Jason Bulmahn, Joshua J. Frost, Ed Greenwood, Stephen S. Greer, Jeff Grubb, Michael Kortes, Tito Leati, Mike McArtor, Rob McCreary, Erik Mona, Jason Eric Nelson, Jeff Quick, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Leandra Christine Schneider, David Schwartz, Amber E. Scott, Stan!, Owen K.C. Stephens, Todd Stewart, James L. Sutter, Greg A. Vaughan, Jeremy Walker, and JD Wiker

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-269-2

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscription.

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide (PFRPG) Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide (PFRPG) Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide (PFRPG) Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide (PFRPG)
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide (PFRPG)
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4.60/5 (based on 34 ratings)

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The Kitchen Sink, and Everything But


To put it simply, the Inner Sea World Guide is *the* setting book for Pathfinder. There are several other books (softcovers) that provide more insight into particular areas, but this is the book that introduces the whole shebang. Weighing in at 318 pages, it provides an overview of everything that makes up Pathfinder's official campaign setting: the Inner Sea region of the planet Golarion. There are entries on each of the core races and human ethnicities, overviews of each of the nations of the region, a chapter on gods and religion, miscellaneous information like holidays and languages, an introduction to some major organisations that PCs might belong to (or fight against), player-facing material like new equipment and prestige classes, and finally a handful of new monsters for the GM. In short, there is a *lot* of information in the book and I've come to rely on it heavily.

In terms of overall production quality, a reader won't be disappointed. It's attractively laid out, with tons of maps, artwork (some of it recycled from earlier Paizo products), sidebars, etc. It's clear that a lot of love and attention to detail went into the book, which makes sense as it's one of the premier products in the Pathfinder line.

An Introduction (4 pages) kicks things off. One page is a map of the entire Inner Sea region. The theme of the setting is encapsulated nicely: against all prophecies, the God of Humanity, Aroden, has died suddenly, leading to a world "where nothing is foretold, and anything can happen." From another perspective, that's really what Golarion is: a kitchen-sink setting where no matter what kind of fantasy game-play your group wants, it can find a place for it--whether it's gothic tales of horror, swashbuckling tales of pirates, barbarians with laser-swords, steampunk gunslingers, or more traditional elves and wizards. The sum really is greater than the parts, and somehow it all works. The entire setting has a surprisingly rich and detailed history, which helps to tie everything together into a more coherent whole. The Introduction also contains a really nice in-game summary of the Pathfinder Society and a short sidebar explaining how the Inner Sea World Guide has expanded upon and updated the two previous overviews of the setting (the Gazetteer and Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting, respectively).

Chapter 1 is Races (22 pages). It starts with a *very* brief overview (a sentence or two each) of where some of the uncommon humanoid races (like tieflings or kobolds) fit into the Inner Sea before devoting a single-page to each of the human ethnicities of Golarion (many with sensitively-handled analogues to real world cultures) and then the other core races like elves, dwarves, etc.. I'm not necessarily a fan of this way of handling things, as it gives the appearance that only humans have different ethnicities while all the other core races are homogeneous. Still, the chapter does succeed in adding a ton of Golarion-specific lore that is absent from the setting-neutral Core Rulebook.

Chapter 2, "The Inner Sea" (184 pages) is clearly the heart (and, by page-count, a full half) of the book. It starts by explaining that the Inner Sea consists of the continents of Avistan and (northern) Garund, explaining that the planet of Golarion contains several other continents that are outside the scope of the book. There's a detailed timeline of the setting's in-game history, which makes for interesting reading once some additional context is provided. The bulk of the chapter consists of four-page entries on each of the major countries/regions of the Inner Sea. Each entry starts with a sidebar giving basic information (like notable settlements, rulers, population, etc.) and is then sub-divided by topics: history, government, and a gazetteer of notable locations. There are 41 of these entries in alphabetical order, so it's pretty hard to cover them adequately in a review like this. I think the best thing to do is repeat my earlier point that there's a place for almost everything somewhere: revolutionary America has an analogue in Andoran, revolutionary France is Galt, Osiron is ancient Egypt, etc. But there are also some very original countries, like Razmiran (a theocracy ruled by a con-man), Rahadoum (a country that has turned against the gods and where worship is illegal), the Worldwound (a wasteland devastated by the presence of an open portal to demonic planes), the Mana Wastes (where magic doesn't work, and technology has stepped in), and so much more. If nothing else, each entry serves as a nice overview to give the area some basic flavour, and then a GM who really wants more detail can look for the matching softcover campaign setting line book for more depth. I was particularly intrigued by the eight page "Beyond the Inner Sea" section, which is more detailed than I would have thought (and definitely worth expanding someday, Paizo!).

Chapter 3, "Religion" (32 pages), contains a half-page introduction to each of the "Core 20" deities of the setting. Other gods get a paragraph or two, but there's also space devoted to archdevils, demon lords, elemental lords, dead gods, and philosophies. It's enough to get started, though serious players and GMs will likely want more detailed information. In terms of game-play mechanics, two new clerical domains (Scalykind and Void) are introduced here.

Chapter 4, "Life" is sadly just ten pages long. This is the chapter that covers the calendar, holidays and festivals, languages, weather and climate, and distinctive flora and fauna, among other subjects. There are some nice samples of things that make Golarion distinctive, but it would be good to someday have an "Inner Sea Almanac" that expanded on the little things that don't seem exciting but help add a major degree of verisimilitude to the setting.

Chapter 5, "Factions" (14 pages) provides a two-page introduction to five different organisations: the Aspis Consortium (an unprincipled group of colonialists & merchants), the Eagle Knights (anti-slavery freedom-fighters), the Hellknights (extremely strict "law and order" types), the Pathfinder Society (explorers and treasure-hunters), and the Red Mantis (assassins). Several lesser groups also get a one-paragraph overview. Overall, the chapter again serves nicely as a brief introduction, though more detailed information on each of the groups is available elsewhere.

Chapter 6, "Adventuring" (30 pages) is for the players. It starts with suggestions on where in the Inner Sea various classes might hail from. It then introduces four new prestige classes: the Harrower (a cool fortune-teller with an interesting suite of special abilities), the Hellknight (an armored juggernaut), the Low Templar (a sort of cowardly knight; it's hard to envision this one appealing widely), and the Red Mantis Assassin (maybe more for GMs than players, but with some eye-raising abilities). The chapter introduces several new feats; most of them are forgettable but a couple (like Rapid Reload and Fey Foundling) have become crucial to some builds and are, frankly, probably overpowered. The chapter provides updated rules for several pieces of equipment introduced in earlier adventure paths, including goblin weapons like dogslicers, Shoanti weapons like the Earth breaker, and more. It also briefly covers firearms, which are suitably rare and problematic (until someone plays a Gunslinger). Finally, there are some new spells (the most famous of which is infernal healing) and magic items (many of which are essential to parts of the campaign setting, like the final blades for Galt, the sun orchid elixir for Thuvia, and wardstones for the Worldwound). On the whole, I don't think buying the book purely for the "crunch" would be a good idea; the material in this chapter is only a supplement to what's essentially a "flavour/fluff" book.

Chapter 7, "Monsters" (14 pages) starts off with a nice overview of the role that various traditional groups of monsters (like dragons, trolls, ogres, etc.) play in Golarion. It then goes on to introduce seven new monsters, each with a 1-page Bestiary-style entry. Potential players will be interested to see that two of them, Gillmen and Strix, are given rules to make them playable races. Rise of the Runelords GMs may be interested to see full stats for the Sandpoint Devil.

As I write this review, Pathfinder Second Edition is on the horizon and Paizo has said they plan to update the official setting with the "results" of all previous adventure paths. For now, however, the Inner Sea World Guide is the best one-stop resource to get started on anything involving the Inner Sea. Lots of books have more on a single given topic, but no book has so much on so many different topics when it comes to the Inner Sea.

Incredible Product


So I had a few new players starting a session zero, but after making characters, they wanted to jump in to a game. I had nothing prepared because we were deciding what type of game we were going to play. After thirty minutes and this book, I had a strong beginning to a campaign. Every location, government and current events in this book is PERFECT for a campaign. So many starting points and storyline openings. Rich with interesting information and plot hooks. Easy five star and beautiful map. Thanks paizo

An Engaging Setting


This was the first Pathfinder Campaign Setting product I bought. That would have been early in 2013. I was curious about the references to Golarion in the Core Rule Book and wanted to know more. I got what I wanted in spades! This is an excellent resource for the Golarion setting.

I recently bought the PDF because I forgot where I had put my hard copy. It's excellent because I can just open the file on my computer, find what I'm looking for with a bookmark and I'm good to go.

The Inner Sea is Good for Me


This is a great resource book. The layout is great and even if you don't feel like using the various nations of The Inner Sea itself it the book gives you tons of ideas on how to build your own fantacy nations. The kinds of civilizations are diverse and all look like great places to have adventures in and make me want to read all of the Campaign Setting product line.

Add to that the feats, prestige classes, items, and the handful of monsters and you've got icing on what is already a great cake of a book.

All in all definitely worth the $9.99 asking price for the PDF!

Best RPG Product Ever


I can honestly say this is the best RPG product I've ever bought. There's so much reading in it, and I keep dipping back into it over and over again.

This book made me fall in love with Golarion, and each entry has made me dive off looking for more in the campaign setting and tales line.

If you haven't already hit the link to buy, then stop reading and do it now, you deserve it!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Eric Hinkle wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
(And for folks who aren't quite ready to shell out the full price for the print copy, there's always the ten dollar PDF for the revision-curious.)
Don't listen to him—the PDF is only $9.99. James is just trying to execute his hare-brained scheme that involves siphoning all of those rounded-off pennies into his own store credit account. The guy is a criminal mastermind, I tell ya!

Hmm, to pick up the PDF first and see what it's like before going for the hardcover? Or to simply stock up the pennies and get the hardcover, like I know I will?

Decisions, decisions...

Subscribe get both! :)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
But please, please, avoid the FR syndrome of "for every nice town there's at least one bronze dragon who comes round for Friday night drikinig". Pleeease.
Haven't we so far?

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. We will be on lookout for drunken bronzes in taverns, and we'll let you know the moment they step in :)

And don't forget that copper dragon who according to Dragons revisited seems to spend a lot of time drinking around Olfden... ;)

Lisa Stevens wrote:
Kvantum wrote:
March now? Seriously? How many delays can this book get?

Until it is as great as we can make it. This is a book that we want to keep in print for a LONG time, so taking the extra time to look it over one more time and catching a few more errors is worth it. A lot of companies are willing to sacrifice quality in order to hit deadlines. Not us. I would rather have a book be a lot late than to have it be something that we aren't proud of. And having stayed at work until almost midnight on Friday giving this book the last once-over, I have to say that I am very proud of this book and think it may very well be the single best campaign book I have ever seen. :)


Yup, it's this commitment to quality that makes Paizo the (imo) absolute best at what they do.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

And don't forget that copper dragon who according to Dragons revisited seems to spend a lot of time drinking around Olfden... ;)

In fact, I'm all about forgetting that guy.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Charles Evans 25 wrote:

And don't forget that copper dragon who according to Dragons revisited seems to spend a lot of time drinking around Olfden... ;)

In fact, I'm all about forgetting that guy.

+1. I was unwise enough to mention him, and one of my groups spent one whole day trying to figure out a way to contact that dragon and get his help. Blergh.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Dragons posing as humans all over the place is very much a Forgotten Realms AND a Dragonlance thing; by not embracing and encouraging that story element we create a bit more of a difference between Golarion and those settings.

Gorbacz wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Charles Evans 25 wrote:

And don't forget that copper dragon who according to Dragons revisited seems to spend a lot of time drinking around Olfden... ;)

In fact, I'm all about forgetting that guy.
+1. I was unwise enough to mention him, and one of my groups spent one whole day trying to figure out a way to contact that dragon and get his help. Blergh.

Well, you could work it into a campaign by having your PCs search for him, only to find his mangled corpse as well as whoever slew him and is plundering his hoard.

Truth be told, I like the idea of a few dragons interacting with humans on a non-hostile basis, like the copper and Taxthyl/whatever her name is, the scholarly green in the Arthfell forest. I'd like to use her as the "local scholar", except that she gets VERY touchy when the furless apes keep bothering her. That, and she means to use them against Daralathaxyl in the long run.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

I've updated the image and description to reflect the finished product.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Ooh izzat Tar-Baphon?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Ooh izzat Tar-Baphon?

Why yes, yes it is.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Ooh izzat Tar-Baphon?
Why yes, yes it is.

I like him, he looks like he's got moxie.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Cool cover art and I like the logo at the bottom.

NOW I am forced to face a problem. I have Forgotten Realms stuff all over...I used to be able to walk from Arabel to Zhentil Keep to Mulmaster by memory. I have BOXES of 2nd and third edition stuff with Volo's This and Elmister's that added to the mix. I loved some of the things done there and love the land still but Golarion steadily entices. It's definately more low magic/grittier which I like but it would be a sad moment if I box up the FR to make needed room for PFRPG stuff which I kinda need to do. How does one say goodbye to the NPCs that lurked in my brain and the PC moments that I didn't record like I should have, like a good DM would have...
Ahh Golarion I grow fond of your embrace but within your realms will I ever end up having a beer with a local drunk that turns out to ba a dragon?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Fellwalker wrote:

NOW I am forced to face a problem. I have Forgotten Realms stuff all over...I used to be able to walk from Arabel to Zhentil Keep to Mulmaster by memory. I have BOXES of 2nd and third edition stuff with Volo's This and Elmister's that added to the mix. I loved some of the things done there and love the land still but Golarion steadily entices. It's definately more low magic/grittier which I like but it would be a sad moment if I box up the FR to make needed room for PFRPG stuff which I kinda need to do. How does one say goodbye to the NPCs that lurked in my brain and the PC moments that I didn't record like I should have, like a good DM would have...

Ahh Golarion I grow fond of your embrace but within your realms will I ever end up having a beer with a local drunk that turns out to ba a dragon?

Unfortunately/fortunately yes, there's at least one "local drunkard" dragon in Golarion ...

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

OK, 9 monsters. It's time for some speculation.

AFAIK it was confirmed that:


are in, leaving us with 6 more. What other iconic Golarion-ey monsters might that be ?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Gorbacz wrote:

OK, 9 monsters. It's time for some speculation.

AFAIK it was confirmed that:


are in, leaving us with 6 more. What other iconic Golarion-ey monsters might that be ?

Most will be reprints picked up from previous books... but one will be brand new. Technically, the Charau-ka and the gillmen are ALSO brand new, I guess...

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Fellwalker wrote:

NOW I am forced to face a problem. I have Forgotten Realms stuff all over...I used to be able to walk from Arabel to Zhentil Keep to Mulmaster by memory. I have BOXES of 2nd and third edition stuff with Volo's This and Elmister's that added to the mix. I loved some of the things done there and love the land still but Golarion steadily entices. It's definately more low magic/grittier which I like but it would be a sad moment if I box up the FR to make needed room for PFRPG stuff which I kinda need to do. How does one say goodbye to the NPCs that lurked in my brain and the PC moments that I didn't record like I should have, like a good DM would have...

Ahh Golarion I grow fond of your embrace but within your realms will I ever end up having a beer with a local drunk that turns out to ba a dragon?

I was a huge FR fan back in the day of the grey boxed set and they did all the small region books. But after awhile it just got to high magic for me and I went back to making my own worlds. Now i have moved on to Golarion. So why not pick up the Golarion stuff, I mean you could always in a few years go back and revisit FR like seeing a old friend.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

I believe that the Numerian spine-dragon has been mentioned before as a monster in this book. If that's the only new one... sigh. No metal men?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Demiurge 1138 wrote:
I believe that the Numerian spine-dragon has been mentioned before as a monster in this book. If that's the only new one... sigh. No metal men?

The spine dragon (which was mentioned before in Pathfinder #2 as being a type of dragon that lives in Numeria) is indeed in the book. It's not a "true" dragon (no age categories) but it is like CR 16.

Aw, heck. Why not.

Here's the list of monsters in the monster chapter:

Aluum (from Dark Markets)
Calikang (from Pathfinder #29)
Charau-ka (new)
Daughter of Urgathoa (from Pathfinder #8)
Gillman (new)
Sandpoint Devil (from Pathfinder #1)
Spine Dragon (new)
Strix (from Pathfinder #25)
Treerazer (from Pathfinder #17)

No metal men. The weird technological elements of Numeria require more pages than we would have been able to afford to give them in this book.

That said... we DO have plans to eventually say more about Numeria's denizens. Stay tuned!

Cool the creature list, can't wait.

More info on Numeria's denizens, star metals, etc. in a future book, sweet.

Spine dragon is not a "true dragon", so is it unigue or just primitive dragon like a drake or linnorm?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Dragon78 wrote:

Cool the creature list, can't wait.

More info on Numeria's denizens, star metals, etc. in a future book, sweet.

Spine dragon is not a "true dragon", so is it unigue or just primitive dragon like a drake or linnorm?

The spine dragon is a creature of the dragon type. It's not part of any "dragon family" (it's not a linnorm nor a drake); it's basically in the same category as things like pseudodragons or wyverns.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Excited to hear that the "Numerian" Spine Dragon has game stats.

Also excited to hear that "at some point in time" we will see more about Numeria's "metal men" and denizens. That is particularly interesting news.

Thanks James. (I mean, Mr. Jacobs). :-)

Dean (TMW)

Calikang - YAY!! More love for Vudra.

I didn't say it was a drake or linnorm, I said it was like them in the sense of not being a true dragon. Besides wyverns and drakes have the same body arch type as each other. Also calling a CR 16 creature like a pseudodragon is an interesting thought. So what kind of body arch type is it? Like a standard dragon with four legs, wings, etc? Does have a serpent like body? Is it like a drake/wyvern?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Dragon78 wrote:
I didn't say it was a drake or linnorm, I said it was like them in the sense of not being a true dragon. Besides wyverns and drakes have the same body arch type as each other. Also calling a CR 16 creature like a pseudodragon is an interesting thought. So what kind of body arch type is it? Like a standard dragon with four legs, wings, etc? Does have a serpent like body? Is it like a drake/wyvern?

Aside from revealing the names... that's about all I'm willing to do so far. Gotta leave SOMETHING in the book for everyone to anticipate, after all. :)

Dark Archive

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Fellwalker wrote:

NOW I am forced to face a problem. I have Forgotten Realms stuff all over...I used to be able to walk from Arabel to Zhentil Keep to Mulmaster by memory. I have BOXES of 2nd and third edition stuff with Volo's This and Elmister's that added to the mix. I loved some of the things done there and love the land still but Golarion steadily entices. It's definately more low magic/grittier which I like but it would be a sad moment if I box up the FR to make needed room for PFRPG stuff which I kinda need to do. How does one say goodbye to the NPCs that lurked in my brain and the PC moments that I didn't record like I should have, like a good DM would have...

Ahh Golarion I grow fond of your embrace but within your realms will I ever end up having a beer with a local drunk that turns out to ba a dragon?
I was a huge FR fan back in the day of the grey boxed set and they did all the small region books. But after awhile it just got to high magic for me and I went back to making my own worlds. Now i have moved on to Golarion. So why not pick up the Golarion stuff, I mean you could always in a few years go back and revisit FR like seeing a old friend.

I was/am a huge FR fan, too; and I've played in and ran many memorable campaigns there. But now I've moved on, because I see in Golarion the same kind of attention to detail that originally made me fall in love with FR. So, to echo the words of Dark Succub... Mistress: why not give it a try? :)

Fellwalker wrote:

NOW I am forced to face a problem. I have Forgotten Realms stuff all over...I used to be able to walk from Arabel to Zhentil Keep to Mulmaster by memory. I have BOXES of 2nd and third edition stuff with Volo's This and Elmister's that added to the mix. I loved some of the things done there and love the land still but Golarion steadily entices. It's definately more low magic/grittier which I like but it would be a sad moment if I box up the FR to make needed room for PFRPG stuff which I kinda need to do. How does one say goodbye to the NPCs that lurked in my brain and the PC moments that I didn't record like I should have, like a good DM would have...

Ahh Golarion I grow fond of your embrace but within your realms will I ever end up having a beer with a local drunk that turns out to ba a dragon?

I recently encountered much the same problem and, having already used up the option of minimising space occupied by the second edition stuff by putting books in with the relevant boxes where possible (EG Skullport in Waterdeep boxed set, Stardock in with Ruins of Undermountain, Cloak and Dagger in with Zhentil Keep), I concluded disposing of third edition Realms source/rule books was the way to go, since a lot of them duplicated information I already had in greater detail in the second edition books.

I don't know if that would work for you though - I never played with 3rd edition Realms anywhere near as much as I did with the second edition ones.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Fellwalker wrote:

NOW I am forced to face a problem. I have Forgotten Realms stuff all over...I used to be able to walk from Arabel to Zhentil Keep to Mulmaster by memory. I have BOXES of 2nd and third edition stuff with Volo's This and Elmister's that added to the mix. I loved some of the things done there and love the land still but Golarion steadily entices. It's definately more low magic/grittier which I like but it would be a sad moment if I box up the FR to make needed room for PFRPG stuff which I kinda need to do. How does one say goodbye to the NPCs that lurked in my brain and the PC moments that I didn't record like I should have, like a good DM would have...

Ahh Golarion I grow fond of your embrace but within your realms will I ever end up having a beer with a local drunk that turns out to ba a dragon?

Welcome aboard!

I don't think you need to box the FR stuff, I utilize FR places and NPCs regularly in my Golarion campaign. A quick change of a name/god/etc, and you are good to go.

Silver Crusade

I like the finished cover. Now my question is: what about the spine? Will it match the other hardbacks, even though it's technically not a "crunch" book? I would guess if so, it'll be a burnt orange to match that logo?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Slipstream wrote:
I like the finished cover. Now my question is: what about the spine? Will it match the other hardbacks, even though it's technically not a "crunch" book? I would guess if so, it'll be a burnt orange to match that logo?

I can't remember for sure, but I'm 99% sure that the spine for this book does not match the rulebook's style or feel. Because the "Inner Sea World Guide" is not part of the hardcover rulebook line, we didn't want to brand it as one.

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:

I can't remember for sure, but I'm 99% sure that the spine for this book does not match the rulebook's style or feel. Because the "Inner Sea World Guide" is not part of the hardcover rulebook line, we didn't want to brand it as one.

That makes sense. Looking forward to it regardless.

I know the hubby's looking forward to this as well (All of the RPG stuff I buy is for him). He has the first one as well but since the copy was purchased at a used book store, the map was missing of course, and he likes (read: drools) over the idea of added goodies and a larger page count.

Liberty's Edge

Slipstream wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

I can't remember for sure, but I'm 99% sure that the spine for this book does not match the rulebook's style or feel. Because the "Inner Sea World Guide" is not part of the hardcover rulebook line, we didn't want to brand it as one.
That makes sense. Looking forward to it regardless.

I am glad to know that I am not the only one who was curious as to how the spine looked.

I was hoping it would match the other large Pathfinder books I own, but I get the reasoning.


I've not read the whole thread, but I'd like to know how much use this book could be for someone who really likes the setting but who has no interest in running it with the Pathfinder/D&D/d20 rules system. Is it worth the investment if one is looking solely for setting material (so little to no crunch)?

Thanks in advance!


Narno the Necromancer wrote:


I've not read the whole thread, but I'd like to know how much use this book could be for someone who really likes the setting but who has no interest in running it with the Pathfinder/D&D/d20 rules system. Is it worth the investment if one is looking solely for setting material (so little to no crunch)?

Thanks in advance!

If this is anything like the original Campaign Setting, what mechanics there are can easily be ignored if you are looking purely for setting material. (I will snag somebody to confirm!)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Narno the Necromancer wrote:


I've not read the whole thread, but I'd like to know how much use this book could be for someone who really likes the setting but who has no interest in running it with the Pathfinder/D&D/d20 rules system. Is it worth the investment if one is looking solely for setting material (so little to no crunch)?

Thanks in advance!

If you really like the setting, the Inner Sea World Guide should be perfect for you, regardless of whether you use Pathfinder, D&D, BRP, BECMI, AD&D, GURPS, or any other all-caps acronym rules system.

There WILL be rules content in the book, but they are, for the most part, collected in two chapters (the "Adventuring in the Inner Sea" chapter, which has prestige classes, feats, spells, magic items, and equipment) and the Monsters chapter. Those two chapters account for about 50 pages of the 320 page book. (There ARE tiny rules bits scattered here and there through the rest of the book, but not a lot...).

In fact, the decision to compile the rules into two chapters was done partially to make it easier for folks who weren't using PFRPG to use Golarion in their games. (And also because those who DO use the PFRPG should find it easier to find the rules when they're not scattered across the entire book.)

Wow! That was quick, thanks!

I'm sold then! I love the great mix of high-adventure, sword-and-sorcery and pulp-action the setting provides. And the APs are a great sell too, especially all the useful articles and setting chapters they contain. The only problem is which to pick first, I like almost all of them :D


A Golarion branding separate from the Pathfinder branding ever considered (ie: Golarion logo)?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Uninvited Ghost wrote:
A Golarion branding separate from the Pathfinder branding ever considered (ie: Golarion logo)?

Not a Paizo person, but I would suspect that they would want the branding tied to the product line - so campaign setting, module, ap etc. Also a Golarion specific logo might cause problems if they did a book on the other planets in the solar system.

On that note, please do a book on the other planets in the solar system!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Uninvited Ghost wrote:
A Golarion branding separate from the Pathfinder branding ever considered (ie: Golarion logo)?

Since ALL of the books we publish are set in Golarion with the exception of the core book line... it'd be easier to make a separate logo for the RPG line. That said, we don't really want to create a schism in our branding like that, since to us, Golarion is as important as the Pathfinder RPG. Probably MORE important, actually, since Golarion is all our own intellectual property.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

James Jacobs wrote:
Uninvited Ghost wrote:
A Golarion branding separate from the Pathfinder branding ever considered (ie: Golarion logo)?
Since ALL of the books we publish are set in Golarion with the exception of the core book line... it'd be easier to make a separate logo for the RPG line.

Which is exactly what we did: It says "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game."

Nice, the book will be divided into "fluff" and "crunch" sections instead of everything mixed. I can't wait to see the monsters section, they will always be my favorite, next to magic items, then spells and feats will be tied.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Which sub-domains would Besmara have. Well, to be more precise, would she grant the Tactics sub-domain? :)

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I have to say I am really looking forward to this book. I still will be using my old crushed corner campaign setting book, along with my ragged gazetteer for the foreseeable future. I just wish the fighter school concept from the old campaign setting would have been expanded on more at some point by now. I have 7 fighter schools I have for my group which see regular use.

will the traits in the inner sea primer be in the inner sea world guide

or will I have to buy that too to get them?

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

The traits are in the Primer.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

magnuskn wrote:
Which sub-domains would Besmara have. Well, to be more precise, would she grant the Tactics sub-domain? :)

She would. For more details, tune in both this Thursday and, hopefully, NEXT Thursday to the blog...

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
Which sub-domains would Besmara have. Well, to be more precise, would she grant the Tactics sub-domain? :)
She would. For more details, tune in both this Thursday and, hopefully, NEXT Thursday to the blog...

Wow, I hadn't thought my question would get this much attention! oO

Anyway, many thanks for clearing that up! :)

Vic Wertz wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Uninvited Ghost wrote:
A Golarion branding separate from the Pathfinder branding ever considered (ie: Golarion logo)?
Since ALL of the books we publish are set in Golarion with the exception of the core book line... it'd be easier to make a separate logo for the RPG line.
Which is exactly what we did: It says "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game."

From where I'm standing, they all say Pathfinder, none of them say Golarion. :)

I'm not saying just one or the other, I'm saying that Golarion have it's own logo beneath the Pathfinder logo.

You know, like previous editions of Pathfinder did it, when it used to be called Dungeons & Dragons. ;)

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