Pathfinder Adventure Path #27: What Lies in Dust (Council of Thieves 3 of 6) (PFRPG)

4.00/5 (based on 6 ratings)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #27: What Lies in Dust (Council of Thieves 3 of 6) (PFRPG)
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Chapter 3: "What Lies in Dust"
by Michael Kortes

In Westcrown, darkness brings fear and death, the night haunted by the spawn of a terrible curse. Striving to free the city from its decades-old blight, the PCs must reveal a long-buried secret and a treasure locked away for ages.

Their journey will set them against the scum of Westcrown’s underworld, denizens of the haunted night, and the very forces of Hell itself, all in an attempt to rekindle the memories of long-dead spirits with stories still to tell. Yet what those souls reveal might prove even deadlier than the city’s midnight curse.

    This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path includes:
  • “What Lies in Dust,” a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 5th-level characters, by Michael Kortes
  • Revelations on and rules for joining Golarion’s most feared law bringers, the infamous Hellknights, by F. Wesley Schneider
  • Diverse and exotic treasures recovered from across Golarion by the Pathfinder Society, by Craig Shackleton
  • The unfortunate return of Radovan’s gangster past in the latest chapter of the Pathfinder’s Journal by Dave Gross
  • Seven new monsters by David Eitelbach, F. Wesley Schneider, and Hank Woon

A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for characters of 5th to 7th level. The Council of Thieves Adventure Path is the first to take full advantage of the new Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules, and works with both the Pathfinder RPG and the standard 3.5 fantasy RPG rules set.

Pathfinder Adventure Path is Paizo Publishing's monthly 96-page, perfect-bound, full-color softcover book printed on high-quality paper. It contains an in-depth Adventure Path scenario, stats for about a half-dozen new monsters, and several support articles meant to give Game Masters additional material to expand their campaign. Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes use the Open Game License and work with both the Pathfinder RPG and the standard 3.5 fantasy RPG rules set.

ISBN–13: 978-1-60125-197-8

What Lies in Dust is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure Path and Chronicle sheet are available as a free download.

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription.

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Average product rating:

4.00/5 (based on 6 ratings)

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Enjoyable Dungeon and Change of Pace


After the terrific second volume, the third book in Council of Thieves is a return to a more standard adventure. This is mostly a dungeon crawl with some investigative portions beforehand. The investigation is, unfortunately, more of a way to run players through mini-dungeon crawls with some RP on top. But they're still not bad mini-dungeons.

The larger dungeon is pretty good, with varied encounters and good atmosphere. The module does a good job of making the final dungeon something to be discovered, rather than something that's stumbled upon. Good pulp adventure vibes.

Best item in the game lies here


One of the best items in Pathfinder is in this book - even legal in PFS.

Keep an eye out for the quite cheap Dream Journal of the Pallid Seer, which will very likely save all of your character's lives once.

Even if you never plan to play the game, this singular item is probably worth it.

Dungeon-Centric Adventure, Players Enjoyed It


Not the most memorable of the Council books, but a nice bridge into the more intense second-half of the AP. An intriguing dungeon crawl with a few city-wide elements that were fun. I liked the flavor, and the players had a good time. Plot-light exploration and some cool enemies/items that we remembered long after.

One major concern though: There's an encounter in here that will skewer most parties unless they run like hell or have exactly the right spell or two to deal with it. Just beware. I had two player deaths on this one, and that was off-putting.

Overall, not bad, but not mind-blowing compared to some AP books.

Enjoyment was had


We finished what lies in dust and everyone enjoyed every bit of it. Well almost anyway so I will start with the good.

The small side missions that are available in the start of the game gave the players a great brake from the one big dungeon way this adventure path loves (at least 2, 3 and 4 does). The side missions where a lot of fun, and everyone was stunned when a certain someone almost killed the melee powerhouse in close-combat after having immobilized the rest of the party in a cage. With the sisters I heard one of my players who hate monk as a class and a concept say those are the only monks I have ever enjoyed (sorry for paraphrasing Fenge).

The only bad thing I can say about this part is that the information the players got was not worth the effort. (not counting the stash, wow that was useful)

When they arrived at the BBD (Big Bad Dungeon) everyone was re energized by the small quests and where ready to explore. They enjoyed the traps and puzzles that where at first. There was however one problem, and that is properly the only real shortcoming of the dungeon. There is a “monster” that without enough foreshadowing comes and kills a player or two without any doubt. While I am not against killing a few players, it serves the purpose of making them feel mortal I think the timing for this encounter I not good. It is early in the dungeon where no one wants to leave the dungeon to raise a guy. My solution (at least the one I would use next time) is more foreshadowing of the dangers this creature pose.

Area B2, add a small similar creature with some of the same abilities as the bad thing with its own platform. Show off the abilities so that everyone thinks “I hope they did not do the same thing to that big one missing, and where is it now”.

The upper level had memorable encounters especially when the sorcerer picks up a cute doll and gets critically hit by inflict serious wounds leaving her with something like 5 hp after a surprise round.

The basement has this cool new game mechanic that scared the “s-word” out of the players. The finishing steps in the basement resulted in two casualties before defeating the major guardian of the level. This was a fine brake and the loads of cool elements that they had encountered before made this bearable and a good place for it to happen.

When they returned they went straight for the vault. All of the encounters that was down there even if similar had their own flavor (only enhanced by one of the big bad guys being a loved one by one of the players before “the accident”)

With regards to the writing it was alright, but there were quite a few bad production things like when they refer to something on the map that was removed.

All in all they were scared all the way through the dungeon and lost a lot of good people down there(and got them back after paying a load of gp), but everyone enjoyed it in the end with only a few sour feelings about that one encounter mentioned above.

What went wrong?


Despite some neat ideas throughout the adventure, I find this Pathfinder disappointing in terms of presentation, with apparently rushed work and incomplete/missing information. I can only assume that 'What Lies in Dust' was flanked & repeatedly sneak-attack during production by the twin monsters of GenCon 2009 and an office move.
Whilst this might represent average or even good work for another games company, it seems to me to be well below Paizo's usual high standards. :(

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Who's that on the Cover?? and I thought Elaine Cunningham was doing the Pathfinder Journal? (or is that just for Legacy of Fire?)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The Painted Oryx wrote:
Who's that on the Cover?? and I thought Elaine Cunningham was doing the Pathfinder Journal? (or is that just for Legacy of Fire?)

It's just placeholder art (this art was taken from the as yet unpublished Pathfinder #20).

Elaine is doing the Pathfinder Journal for Legacy of Fire only.

When will we see the cover for this?

The Painted Oryx wrote:
Who's that on the Cover??

She's just a temp, but I hear she has a thing for you. I am to tell you that she wants a... "private meeting" with you.

You should jump on that opportunity like Garfield on a Lasagne!

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Gray wrote:
When will we see the cover for this?

This. Also, Seekers of Secrets, Dwarves of Golarion, Carrion Hill, Cities of Golarion, Cities Map Folio, etc, etc, etc.


From the few titbits I know, my appetite for seeing Mike's adventure is getting big.



Dark Archive

yoda8myhead wrote:
Gray wrote:
When will we see the cover for this?
This. Also, Seekers of Secrets, Dwarves of Golarion, Carrion Hill, Cities of Golarion, Cities Map Folio, etc, etc, etc.

As those are all products I've ordered via my FLGS, I'm definitely thirding (is that even a real word?) this! :)

Dark Archive

Richard Pett wrote:

From the few titbits I know, my appetite for seeing Mike's adventure is getting big.



Aren't you *always* hungry, Rich?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

I've updated the cover image to match the finished product. If you still see a red background, clear your browser's image cache.



Asgetrion wrote:
Richard Pett wrote:

From the few titbits I know, my appetite for seeing Mike's adventure is getting big.



Aren't you *always* hungry, Rich?

Good point, but this is making me *more* hungry:)

Dark Archive

Richard Pett wrote:
Asgetrion wrote:
Richard Pett wrote:

From the few titbits I know, my appetite for seeing Mike's adventure is getting big.



Aren't you *always* hungry, Rich?
Good point, but this is making me *more* hungry:)


[meek voice] Eep, maybe you could just focus your tentac... er, hunger on adding more horrific details to 'Carrion Hill'? [/meek voice]

Who is she? And is her fur ALIVE?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

vagrant-poet wrote:
Who is she? And is her fur ALIVE?

Her fur is not alive. It IS creepy though! As for who she is...

She's Chammady Drovenge, one of the two siblings who serve as the main bad guys in Council of Thieves. She has a cameo in the 2nd and 3rd adventure, but the PCs don't actually confront her until the final adventure.


Richard Pett wrote:

From the few titbits I know, my appetite for seeing Mike's adventure is getting big.



Thanks Rich! You are one tough act to follow man. Not looking forward to that.

Ah! Thanks for posting the new cover guys!


James Jacobs wrote:
vagrant-poet wrote:
Who is she? And is her fur ALIVE?

Her fur is not alive. It IS creepy though! As for who she is...

** spoiler omitted **

She is AWESOME! Better than I could have imagined!

Can't wait to see Ecarrdian! I assume he'll be on #6, with the Shadow master Vampire on #5, that being his big moment on stage. Well, I'm guessing.

vagrant-poet wrote:
Who is she? And is her fur ALIVE?

No, but it was! Yes. She uses actual fur from actual dead animals.

I hear she also enjoys the Cooking Mama games because they advocate killing people for food.

She's the head of PAA (People Against Animals) or so I hear.

KaeYoss wrote:
vagrant-poet wrote:
Who is she? And is her fur ALIVE?

No, but it was! Yes. She uses actual fur from actual dead animals.

I hear she also enjoys the Cooking Mama games because they advocate killing people for food.

She's the head of PAA (People Against Animals) or so I hear.

Still better than PETA!

vagrant-poet wrote:

Still better than PETA!

PAA is PETA's arch-nemesis.

Their motto is "For every animal you don't eat, I will eat three!" One for themselves, one for the one the PETA disciple won't eat, and another to have a positive balance of suffering.

Their official bible is the Cooking for Mama game manuals.

Where can I sign up!? :D

vagrant-poet wrote:
Where can I sign up!? :D

Here, on this full leather book. Yes, the pages are leather, too!

And you have to sign with the blood of an animal you killed just to get the ink. And you MUST let the rest of the animal go to waste. AND it must be an endangered species of size huge or larger.

*dibs finger in a panda's pooling lifeblood*


Why do I feel so... empty?

Oh no... Your faction... Gah!

Dark Archive

vagrant-poet wrote:

*dibs finger in a panda's pooling lifeblood*


Why do I feel so... empty?

Oh no... Your faction... Gah!

Har har! You can kiss your soul goodbye, and now we officially welcome you to the Cheliax faction! ;)

(Well played, Kae, well played!)

I officially welcome our two new members: VP and Tippy the Panda Bear.

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

The new cover rocks! thanks

Dark Archive

I see that the release month has changed, does this mean the convention season knocked you off schedule again? Does this mean we will see another double issue month in December?

Atrocious wrote:
does this mean the convention season knocked you off schedule again?

Either that or "oh my god this book is HUUGE it's going to EAT ME EAT ME THIS BOOK WANTS TO EAT ME" Nightmares making people want extra rest.

Or both.

Or something else.

Or the nightmare thing.

Do I sense some librophobia from some Paizonians?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Atrocious wrote:
I see that the release month has changed, does this mean the convention season knocked you off schedule again? Does this mean we will see another double issue month in December?

The combination of convention season plus dealing with the 1,000 pages of RPG and Bestiary plus moving the office all back to back did indeed wreak havoc on the schedule. We're scrambling to get things caught up and back ON schedule, though, but with only seven days in a week, my old enemy TIME is preventing us from going as fast as I want.

James Jacobs wrote:
with only seven days in a week,

Lazy lazy...

work more


Paizo Employee Creative Director

BryonD wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
with only seven days in a week,

Lazy lazy...

work more


Since it looks like the only day in September that I'll be taking off from work was Saturday the 19th, there's not an awful lot of "more" to work.

Dark Archive

Is this the release that has the hellknight PRC in it?



Dark Archive

malkav666 wrote:

Is this the release that has the hellknight PRC in it?



Yeah, and it's going to be the most overpowered, broken PrC ever designed... and make those sissy Andorans with their Chicken Knights or whatever weep with envy! ;)

Minor nit to pick. In the description it reads: "The lodges is sealed".

*scurries off to proofread more*

Liberty's Edge

Mikhaila Burnett 313 wrote:

Minor nit to pick. In the description it reads: "The lodges is sealed".

*scurries off to proofread more*

Are you talking about the 3rd or the second installment?

If third how did you get your copy already. :O)


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Mikhaila Burnett 313 wrote:

Minor nit to pick. In the description it reads: "The lodges is sealed".

*scurries off to proofread more*

Well, hey! That was the placeholder description.

I've just updated the description to match the finished product, so that typo shall bother you no more.

Vic Wertz wrote:

Well, hey! That was the placeholder description.

I've just updated the description to match the finished product, so that typo shall bother you no more.

Woot! Another blow against grammar and typoes!

Have I mentioned that I love Paizo and their incredible staff? If not, I will now.

Hellooooo evil Chelaxian nurse!




The Murder Dolls sound like they'll be nice and creepy. Just the thing to give your very own little Damien!

Dark Archive

Whoa !

I *have* have that outfit !

She may have me a little bit on the cleavage department but I have hotter legs in spades.

Scarab Sages

any ETA on this one?

Yeah, any idea on the ETA?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Aaron Highcolor wrote:
Yeah, any idea on the ETA?

Probably another week or so.

Thanks Vic!

Vic Wertz wrote:
Aaron Highcolor wrote:
Yeah, any idea on the ETA?
Probably another week or so.

Bummer : ( It's holding up my Bestiary. I guess I'll have to wait...


malkav666 wrote:
Is this the release that has the hellknight PRC in it?

Yup. Four plus pages of prestige class in fact. It's a big'un by several standards.

I need mah fix to frag some player characters...

Oh well, perhaps the party can take down White Chin while #27 is getting shipped out. What should White Chin be? A Wererat or a Bargest, its a toss up for me. Thoughts?

Mathew Douvikas wrote:
Oh well, perhaps the party can take down White Chin while #27 is getting shipped out. What should White Chin be? A Wererat or a Bargest, its a toss up for me. Thoughts?

Make Whitechin your own, although personally Barghest is a lot of fun ...

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Mathew Douvikas wrote:
Oh well, perhaps the party can take down White Chin while #27 is getting shipped out. What should White Chin be? A Wererat or a Bargest, its a toss up for me. Thoughts?

I was planning on making Whitechin a barghest... who always keeps around old goblin adepts as "decoys" while he shifts into wolf form during confrontations with adventurers.

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