Sign in to create or edit a product review. Pathfinder Tales: The Worldwound GambitPaizo Inc.Print Edition Unavailable Add PDF/ePub $6.99 Non-Mint Unavailable Macabre PantomimeCharles Evans 25 —This book comes across to me as pantomime taken to a macabre level. There is witty banter amongst the protagonists. There is slapstick comedy and farcical fight scenes where the heroes defy the odds and win as the bad guys step on metaphorical banana skins. There are melodramatic moments of doubt. The heroes swagger. The villains are sadistic and have a cunning plan for domination of their little slice of the world - which is remarkably ineffectual in the face of the heroes' even more cunning counter-plan (which goes off without a hitch). The only significant casualties at the end of the day are the bad guys and a couple of bit-part characters whose demises are there to emphasise how horribly sadistic the bad guys actually are; everyone else goes home to their respective rewards and with the world safe yet again.
Pathfinder Adventure Path #50: Night of Frozen Shadows (Jade Regent 2 of 6) (PFRPG)Paizo Inc.Add PDF $19.99 Print Edition Unavailable Non-Mint Unavailable Good; just don't point out on the boards that a caravan isn't necessary...Charles Evans 25 —If you pay attention to the details of the adventure, and ignore the posters who insist that there is 'only one true way to run this module!' this module is actually quite good, with a lot of built-in flexibility which allows for customisation by GMs.
There are also an examination of the goddess Shelyn and her faithful plus the usual Pathfinder fiction and a short bestiary... Pathfinder Adventure Path: Jade Regent Player's Guide (PFRPG) PDFPaizo Inc.Our Price: FREE Add to CartWhat??? They're giving this pdf away free???Charles Evans 25 —Someone at Paizo has apparently gone insane. Besides tips on how characters might (or might not) fit in with the Jade Regent path, and the usual Campaign traits, James Jacobs and his crew have designed a set of rules for travelling caravans (in the sense in this case of overland merchant wanderers with wagons) and included them in this Jade Regent player's guide. And that means they're giving them away free when it comes to the pdf version...
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 2 (OGL)Paizo Inc.Hardcover Unavailable Add PDF $19.99 Non-Mint Unavailable Cautiously recommendedCharles Evans 25 —I find some of the artwork choices dubious and some of the stat-blocks clearly don't hold up under close examination.
BUT, all that said, in a book this size at this price that third of content is the right side of value for money for me, and there's enough variety here in the creatures that I don't personally have much time for that I'm certain most of them will appeal to a fair portion of the audience amongst other readers. This is a follow-up bestiary - and like most such works it faces the challenge that most of the decent staples of fantasy have already been covered in an earlier work, inviting the editors to try and diversify to give everyone a bit of what they might want... Warts and all this is a pretty spiffing book, and I would cautiously recommend it.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Magic (OGL)Paizo Inc.Hardcover Unavailable Add PDF $19.99
Excellent artwork, missed opportunityCharles Evans 25 —(version 4.0 of this review)
Sadly this is where I run out of nice things I can find to say about this book. As the large quantity of errata and FAQs either dealt with or still awaiting attention suggest the text of this book is in places highly muddled and/or confusing, besides lacking in clarity. I have nicknamed my hardcover copy of this book The Necronomicon: The Bulmahn Edition and archived it somewhere deep and dark. So far I have only bought and gone over the 'Heavenly Inferno' deck. However, as a preconstructed deck (even by the standards of 'Commander' (a variant of Elder Dragon Highlander)) it's a likely quick trip to being first out of any multiplayer game. It's a triple colour deck with limited dual-land/mana-artifact support, which due to a shortage of low cost creatures is effectively wide open for the first half-dozen turns whilst it struggles to reach four points of power and (if they actually match the cards in hand- there are a disturbing number of double-pointer cards in the CMC 4 bracket for a three colour deck) the possibility of doing something. Some of the deck's own creature removal is of the 'does two or three mass damage' variety, which of course includes in the target range its own few early starters and the 'recommended' commander. And a deck with a main strategy which relies on a commander with toughness of only 2 surviving long enough to attack is somewhat haphazard in functioning at best... Especially when it has shortage of card drawing, too.
Pathfinder Module: Realm of the Fellnight Queen (PFRPG)Paizo Inc.Add PDF $19.99 Print Edition Unavailable Fellnight Queen sneak-attacked by page count?Charles Evans 25 —(edited, tidied up)
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Kingmaker Player's Guide (PFRPG) PDFPaizo Inc.Our Price: FREE Add to CartOhhh, shiny.Charles Evans 25 —I hope Paizo ordered an extra large print run of Kingmaker, because if the Player's Guide is anything to go by this path may otherwise sell out. I purchased a copy of this yesterday at my FLGS, and I am still going through it in detail, but my initial impression is of a pair of larger-than-life protagonists snared in a web of complex political intrigue. It feels that it shouldn't work as a story, but the writing is sufficiently good that so far it does anyway. This review will be updated later, but four stars for now. Update (Tuesday, 20th April, 2010):
Pathfinder Adventure Path #19: "Howl of the Carrion King" (Legacy of Fire 1 of 6) (OGL)Paizo Inc.Add PDF $19.99 Print Edition Unavailable Non-Mint Unavailable Paizo at the top of their gameCharles Evans 25 —With a main adventure written to engage both GM and players, with interesting situations, colourful villains and other NPCs, and detailed locations, Howl of the Carrion King is written by a man (Erik Mona) who has mastered his craft; and a superb support article by Eric Haddock on the Brazen Peak gnoll tribes and a 'Set Piece' adventure by James MacKenzie (Sir Wulf of the Paizo messageboards) combine with a bestiary and fiction by Elaine Cunningham that show Paizo confident and at the top of their game. Even the end-covers are filled with interest featuring short fables from the setting.
Pathfinder Adventure Path #27: What Lies in Dust (Council of Thieves 3 of 6) (PFRPG)Paizo Inc.Add PDF $19.99
Print Edition
Non-Mint Unavailable What went wrong?Charles Evans 25 —Despite some neat ideas throughout the adventure, I find this Pathfinder disappointing in terms of presentation, with apparently rushed work and incomplete/missing information. I can only assume that 'What Lies in Dust' was flanked & repeatedly sneak-attack during production by the twin monsters of GenCon 2009 and an office move.
So after some searching (and a half hour train trip to Burton on Trent after the shops in Birmingham (UK) proved to be having supply difficulties) I tracked down an elusive first edition dead tree copy of the PFRPG Core Rulebook… And my initial impression is a mixture of excitement and frustration.
In terms of components (board, pieces, tokens, etc) this is the usual quality FFG production. The rulebook is a little rough around the edges, but does include a flowchart to help deal with what happens when you land on a new location.
I don't know if my judgement is influenced by unfair comparison with my warm fuzzy memories of playing the original game with school friends, but only three stars for this version. Still this could be worth getting for your gaming group, as it is the latest incarnation of a little piece of fantasy game history. This hardcover collects all the rules of the simple yet elegant system of the 1980's British paperbacks, and covers the part of Dave Morris and Oliver Johnson's world based on medieval Europe and its neighbours. Although GMs should invest in the Bestiary, too, all other information needed to play is in this one book.
Pathfinder Chronicles: Gods & Magic (OGL)Paizo Inc.Print Edition Unavailable Add PDF $15.99 Non-Mint Unavailable Difficult choice for hard timesCharles Evans 25 —Gods and Magic:
Only 4 stars. Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting (OGL)Paizo Inc.Print Edition Out of print Add PDF $29.99 Non-Mint Unavailable Luxury Campaign SettingCharles Evans 25 —The Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting is in the region of 250 pages long, has chapters headed ‘Characters’, ‘The Inner sea’, ‘Religion’, ‘Organizations’, and ‘The World’- plus a brief forward, appendices, and an index besides. It features a colour map of a sizeable portion of one continent, colour illustrations on many of the pages (some illustrations such as the human racial subtypes ‘iconics’ are recognisable as being shared with its partner product, the Gazetteer), and is printed on high quality paper. Whilst being easy on the eye it contains a good deal of general information, leaving specifics (and dozens of ideas which invite development) for DMs to fill in to suit their own purposes/campaigns. True, the (first) edition available at the time of this review (August 2008) features occasional typing errors and some rather humorous 'map lines moved' mistakes, but the overall standard of the work is otherwise very high.
The Arkham Horror is a game that plays on several levels; for the Cthulhu mythos fans, there are eight different ‘Ancient One’ threats from outside and minions that include the hounds of Tindalos, the mi-go, the ubiquitous cultists of the Cthulhu mythos (whose combat abilities vary, according to precisely which ancient one threatens Arkham in any particular game) and one of the terrifying dholes; for those who like to try to plan their games, there are resource options to manage and decisions to make which threats to go after- and how soon; and for those who just like weird things happening there are a selection of random encounters for each of the locations in Arkham, or for other worlds.
Fire and Brimstone: A Comprehensive Guide to Lava, Magma, and Superheated Rock (OGL) PDFExpeditious Retreat PressOur Price: FREE Add to CartUmm...Charles Evans 25 —Humorous, but rather too brief; whole categories of lava (with names and/or properties which I think the designers could have had a field day with) appear to have been omitted from the download. |