
vegecannibal's page

63 posts (330 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 aliases.


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yall are going at a pace i just can't keep up with. im gonna bow out

I think Saashaa would make for a better clandestine guild master.
Bragus is definitely more physical than mental.

GM Wolf wrote:

Yeah sure I can understand that assumption. Though as I have said before a lack of posting means a lack of interest. I am sure that there are many questions each of you have and as you create a character you would ask them.

So far it looks like vegecannibal has the closest thing to a completed character and that is a far cry.

well statistically i built my character out a while ago
i wanted to get a little bit of discussion going/make sure i wasn't writing for no reason before i started hammering away at the backstory

So I'm thinking my character would just be obsessed with like honorable combat, which he envisions as WWE style wrestling matches. I've built around that ideal but I'm interested in what other characters we'd have in the Guild, and how I might adjust accordingly.

I've built the character with the given character-build outline, I haven't yet wrote a long backstory or anything, but I'd like to wait on that until we have a confirmed group.

vegecannibal wrote:

I'm thinking a Lvl 7 Gestalt Suli with a (Dire Wolf) Natural Lycanthrope Template.

I'm hoping that's Monstrous enough.
Iron Ring Striker (Magus) on one side of the Gestalt, and Constructed Pugilist (Brawler) 1, then Master of Many Styles/Drunken Master (Monk) on the other side.
Bragus Brogan is a wrestling champion, and will find a way to grapple anything.
Stats Adjusted for Race/Template:
Ability Score: Base/Hybrid
Strength: 23/27
Dexterity: 18/16
Constitution: 21/23
Intelligence: 18/18
Wisdom: 21/21
Cha: 13/13

Hit Dice: 6d8 ⇒ (3, 5, 7, 7, 3, 3) = 28

I'm thinking a Lvl 7 Gestalt Suli with a (Dire Wolf) Natural Lycanthrope Template.
I'm hoping that's Monstrous enough.
Iron Ring Striker (Magus) on one side of the Gestalt, and Constructed Pugilist (Brawler) 1, then Master of Many Styles/Drunken Master (Monk) on the other side.
Bragus Brogan is a wrestling champion, and will find a way to grapple anything.
Stats Adjusted for Race/Template:
Ability Score: Base/Hybrid
Strength: 23/27
Dexterity: 18/16
Constitution: 21/23
Intelligence: 18/18
Wisdom: 21/21
Cha: 13/13

Stat Roll: 30d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 4, 2, 2, 1, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 1, 5, 5, 6, 4, 6, 5, 1, 3, 6, 2, 6, 3, 6, 4, 2, 4, 6, 5) = 120
Oh I can have some fun with these roles.

sorry. I'm a bit overcommitted timewise, and being without internet access for the past three weeks has really set me back in this.

Sorry. Been without internet for a few weeks. Just moved to a new apartment.

GM Caster of Diobel wrote:

Maeve: Please use a mix of in-character text "Maeve throws a card" and ooc text The card alignment matters for XYZ to make a nice gameplay post and help me out with what all your dice rolls mean. I know I haven't been clear about what kind of gameplay posts I like so I'm trying to help establish that now.

I'm guessing your alignment rolls are related to your Role Dealer ability from Card Caster? But that doesn't come online until level 3 so I'm confused.

Yes, not quite relevant yet, I can lose the expressions for alignment and suit. Just wanted to demonstrate how it works. I'm not really sure how to demonstrate that technically speaking a deck can only have one of each card and so of the 54 only 6 of an alignment and only 9 of a suit, I guess it really won't matter at all because next level my spell deck cards are not destroyed when used with Deadly Dealer and gain Returning. so really I'd only need the first expression I have. but for now Its so that I know what cards are now Missing from my non spelldeck set of harrow cards (if it's ever relevant)

I'm in PNW as well! Portland/Vancouver, not the Canadian one.

I just saw that I actually have the wrong Race in the Profile of Maeve, she's a Tiefling. I was originally building her as a human but decided against it. I'll edit it when I get home.(Mobile Paizo doesn't let me edit profiles)

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hustonj wrote:
Vanulf Wulfson wrote:
A lot of drug addicts lying around
You aren't kidding. 7 out of 15 submissions.

Says a lot about the world that half of all adventurers need to cope with drugs

GM Caster of Diobel wrote:

Round-up of applicants:

Organizing GM's PC:
(caster4life) Maxy, Gillperson Druid/Unmonk

(vegecannibal) Maeve, Tiefling Magus/Witch
(Malinor) Tocash, Nagaji Sorcerer/Monk
(Simeon) Aygavan, Human Investigator/Slayer

Looks like I might be the pseudo-healer! Hello, wands!

There are several more who have expressed interest and ideas.

I have access to the Cure Wounds spells and was intending to, at least starting 3rd level, dedicate roughly half my spell slots to healing and the other half to debuffs/direct damage(you're gonna get harrow cards thrown at you that heal you.)

But there should probably be a secondary healer as well. Since at least some times one of us won't be a player.

Maeve the Harrower
3. I intend to run a recurring threat that the party could become familiar with, as well as Big Bosses, and when I mean Big, I mean actually physically large and with fun Boss Mechanics related to their size.
4. My philosophy is to challenge my players, but never in a way that would be unfun (for example, if my players have bad AOE, i'm not going to send swarms at them because it would simply be unfun to deal with.)
5. In PBP I'd like to make sure that each player is participating to the extent they wish, as well as making sure that the content is something that each player would actually like to engage with.
6. In this ongoing campaign, I'm playing as Lawrence Skarney: Bite Back! (A VTM 20th Anarch Chronicle) I believe I'm being a pretty good player.

My application is almost ready. Just have to write up the backstory/motivation.

Hi, dotting. Will complete an alias in the next couple days. Going to be a Magus / Witch Harrower (Cartomancer and Card Caster Archetypes)

A. It seems there might be enough interest that I'll have to pick player-GMs somehow. I can either pick a party as well as I can as organizing GM or set up a voting process by which player-GM applicants rank each other after recruitment closes.
I'm not sure how to do that at all tbh so i'll leave that to you
B. Does the party have some prior connection/glue besides working on the same team for this merchant guild?
I'd have us start out as new hires, being put on a team together to solve whichever situation happens to be the first we encounter.
C. What kind of problems are the party facing? Extraplanar? Criminal? Some unholy alliance of the extraplanar and criminal? Civil unrest? Overzealous law enforcement? Etc.
All of those, but in particular i've been thinking of running things that involve a Kraken as the Boss so probably also some monster hunting of the giant tentacley variety, as well as like pirates/naval military inspecting cargo.
D. How high should GMs try to set the difficulty/deadliness level? I like medium-high, personally, meaning that at least one PC is KOed per adventuring day but player deaths are fairly unlikely/rare.
Medium-High for most things, but Challenges for Bosses.
E. What posting rate commitment? For me, the acceptable range is from 2x/day to 6x/week.
1x/day 6x/week minimum. More if you have the time, but not necessary.

I've done a bit of PbP as a player, not as a GM.
Also I like the Smuggling Angle, but I'd be more interested in a position where we could work for the city's underworld or fight baddies as we see fit. Perhaps we're like, Problem Solvers for a not-always-above-board Merchant Guild.
So a little smuggling here, some merchandise escorting there, a little sprinkle of committing or stopping a political assassination. Investigating trade possibilities with a new region/company. Something that gives us some leeway.

I'm interested. I'd be down for something Nautical themed, or at least based in a city that has a port, as I have some Nautical-themed encounters in mind.

Lawrence Skarney wrote:

Character Idea: Jinx Witch/Living Tome Inquisitor. Peri Blooded Aasimar.

Pulled on one side by their mischievous Patron, and the other by their Holy Calling
Intended Progression: Bloatmage on Witch side

1. What is your character’s name? Belatri Ignar

2. How old is your character? 35
3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)? Belatri has fiery red hair and a tall, fat build. Her eyes are a yellow embers.
4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)? She carries the holy scripture of Sarenrae bound in chains across her waist, and a Black Mongoose coiled around her neck.
5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who?
6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living?
7. Do you have any other family or friends?
8. What is your character’s marital status? Kids? Single no kids.
9. What is your character’s alignment? NG
10. What is your character’s moral code? She follows the teachings of Sarenrae as best as she can but sometimes falls to the desires of her impish patron.
11. Does your character have goals? She wants to burn do enough good to counteract her evil failings.
12. Is your character religious? Heavily
13. What are your character’s personal beliefs?
14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)? Belatri is arrogant and optimistic in the face of evils she can beat or burn. She's paranoid when it comes to the evils that haunt her within.
15. Why does your character adventure? She finds it to be the most effective way of routing out evil.
16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer? She's a purifier and a redeemer. She aids her allies with healing abilities and smites her foes with righteous fire.
17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)? She has branded her forehead with wings of fire.
18. How does your character get along with others? She does her best.
19. Is there anything that your character hates? Evil. Figs.
20. Is there anything that your character fears? Falling completely.
Beyond just this, you need to make sure you explain why your character is in Katapesh, and how much general knowledge they have of the area.(This merits more research. I'll return to this question later as I'm working)

just wanted to make the others were still responding

New to PF2. I've played through the first act of Kingmaker in PF1 and in the CRPG, but that's it.
Applied via the app but I'll post here to expand.
Character Concept:
Hobgoblin Inventor from the Inner Seas. Kho-boom, born Khoneg, altered their name after becoming a decorated military cannoneer. After he spent his early years as Cannoneer aboard a military vessel, then found his love of numbers and gears. He holds onto the training as an Artillerist for practical purposes but his true passion lies within the Constructs he builds. Reaching the ripe age of 30 he's found that research is expensive and he's looking for a noble to siphon funds from.

No worries

The Controller wrote:
You can post them here if you wish to but then people will be able to see. You can rely on peoples integrity not to look. You may also send them to me by PM.

At work right now but I'll be whipping up a sheet when I get home. Thinking Primalist/Bloodrider Bloodrager.

Thinking a Primalist/Bloodrider Bloodrager, Abyssal/ferocious mount rage lines

Working on an Embrace post. Shits been hectic and I don't get off work til late today so i might post tomorrow

ST Gloaming wrote:
Just a head's up, it is possible I'll skip a future day on the count down just to get closer to 'big night of your deaths' which I'm sure you're all looking forward to.

I'm definitely stearing my character headlong into possible danger.

Checked thread today from work and realized I didn't hit submit on my post last night x/

ST Gloaming wrote:

Hope folks are still enjoying. For some it's going quick, lots of posts per day, others it's going one or two a day and tht's what I figure ALL will eventually settle to tops. RL if nothing else will slow folks down a bit.

The trickier part will be finding a pace everyone is cool with in scenes you share. When that happens I may ask for one post a day from everyone, but if you don't post in 24 hours I 'bot you' and hope I don't get the RP out of character. I'll also likely limit my own reactions so no one one character appears to zip ahead as if they had celerity six :)

Marcel player, if you're still out there, let me know if you still want in despite the weirdness of it all. Not too late.

Currently most of you are having a 'slice of life' sort of situation but some of you are already meeting vampires and just not knowing about ICly. I'm trying to sprinkle some plot seeds, but do forgive me if let some of those wither on the vine.

One post a day seems reasonable. I had been posting a lot at first but can't reasonably guarantee that level of attentiveness.

ST Gloaming wrote:
vegecannibal wrote:

OK, went one level down with Larceny, for 2 points and added 2pts of flaws, Repulsed by Garlic and Cold Breeze. Put 2 points directly into Willpower then spent 2 on upping a virtue. Humanity 6/Willpower 7

Looks like you're ready, and thank you for putting up with my nit pickiness :)

I've played VTM:Bloodlines (So I'm familiar with the lore/setting/genre) but never actually played the TTRPG, so i'm trusting your judgement on it.

vegecannibal wrote:

OK, I can probably shuffle some more points down into virtues. I'll need to consider what though.

OK, went one level down with Larceny, for 2 points and added 2pts of flaws, Repulsed by Garlic and Cold Breeze. Put 2 points directly into Willpower then spent 2 on upping a virtue. Humanity 6/Willpower 7

ST Gloaming wrote:

Well, my suggestion would be that maybe the Larceny should be 2 and you use some of those freebie points from ability boost to boost up the WP instead without sacrificing a virtue. But he's your character. I'm not saying Larceny will never come in handy, it will but you'll be facing some shovel heads and rivals alike with some mental disciplines now and then plus the usual troubles facing a Malk and the flaws you've got WP might be more valuable.

Which ever fits your concept best though.

And speaking of mentors, your character's sire will be a Malk named Writhe. As the name might suggest, Writhe has a few tics as well.

OK, I can probably shuffle some more points down into virtues. I'll need to consider what though.


If it's really driving you guys nuts not having a specific date, let me know, but I've found putting dates on each night can sometimes lead to a clutter as faster posters eventually want to move onto the next night while those who post at a slower rate feel a bit let out when they do post. More flexible time lets me try to accommodate both at least when the group isn't together.

Just Curious. I can work with a dubious time frame, but a month/season to start would probably help to have everyone start on the same page so to speak.

ST Gloaming wrote:

Lawrence Skarney wrote:
Here we are:[Lawrence Skarney]

How points does he have in Larceny? It looks like it got chopped off at the ":"

I'm worried about the WP being a mere 4. Fighting off paranoia for a scene will be hard.

Oh guys, don't forget you get a Dot in mentor for FREE. So that's one background or freebie point you don't have to spend.

Fair enough, since Willpower was based off of Courage I put more in courage than the the other two but I can put even more in, New Split is 2 Concientious,3 Instinct,5 Courage so my Humanity is 5, and my Willpower is 5

Ah and good catch, Fixed Larceny to 3.
I read ahead that the Mentor point was free so I did not pay for it

ST Gloaming wrote:

Okay. Looking over the write ups.

Dragoncat wrote:
What's the starting date in-game?
That's a good question. For now, I'm aiming for Tuesday evening, so folks can get back fully from Labor Day Weekend.

I think the question was more "What Month/Day/Year is it in game?"

I set my birthday as just Month/Day cuz i didn't know what year to set.

ST Gloaming wrote:

Looks like we got a Malkavian!

Hello I'm the Malkavian. Lawrence Skarney, not sure where to upload or write up the sheet but I've filled out my sheet as best as I could.

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Well I'm interested.
Been wanting to play VTM for a while.

Character Concept: Lawrence Skarney (Male28)
Lawrence is a Doomsday Prepper with a very keenly honed Paranoia.
He's been stocking on guns and non-perishable foods for a while now, keeping them all in his Aluminum-lined basement.
By day Lawrence works as an editor for a local news organization, a FOX affiliate. He figures the best way to stay in the know about what the lizard people are doing is to be in their chain of command.

Lawrence lives with his sister Dr. Samantha Skarney, MD (Female30), she doesn't approve of the doomsday prepping and she tries to get him to seek help for his paranoia but she figures him holding down a job, and a half-decent one at that, is probably the best he'll do. Samantha just graduated with her Medical Doctorate and has previously spent four years in the Army Medical Corps. Demeanor: Soldier

At work Lawrence primarily interacts with two individuals.

Denise Richardson (Female 32), a charming smile on camera, and an absolute goblin off screen. Denise is constantly screaming at Lawrence for perceived slights and "making her look fat on screen." Lawrence would never admit it but he has occasionally made her look slightly fatter on screen, although only after she complained for no reason to begin with. Lawrence has a tendency to duck into storage closets or otherwise be busy and away when he knows she's walking to the editing booth. To Lawrence's eyes, Denise has no journalistic integrity, and often rants about whatever conservative propaganda her masters are feeding her. Demeanor: Child

The other individual is Mei Nguyen (Female 26), the field reporter who seems to think she can change the system from the inside, she's constantly suggesting new ways to improve the atmosphere at the station and volunteers for all of the local charity pieces. Lawrence is pretty sure the reason she's been passed over twice for promotion to News Anchor is because she's actually a good person and a decent reporter. Mei often comes to Lawrence when she has to vent about work, such as when the execs cut a piece she'd worked hard on, or when the live-broadcast camera switcher cuts her off because she was about to say something off-script. Mei is the one who first suggested actually making Denise fatter as revenge for her abhorrent behavior. Demeanor: Idealist

Character Sheet not been made yet but pips would be primarily be in: Skills: Guns, Computers, Technology: Telecom, Subterfuge, Stealth, and Larceny
Post Embrace: Auspex, Obfuscation
Mental: High Perception, Mid-Int/Wits,
Physical: Low-Mid Strength, Mid-High Dexterity. Mid Stamina
Social: Low-Mid in all.
Nature/Demeaonr: Enigma
Clan: Malkavian
Derangement: Paranoia

Should we post full character builds here or wait until there are set teams?
Far-Strike/Four Winds Suli Monk w/ Firehand.

I'm putting my hat in as a Monk.

I'd love to join the game.
I already have an idea for a character I'm going to start building.

How does this sound for a character?

Morcrug, the Half-Orc Blacksmithing apprentice.

Morcrug was a wayward orphan wandering the streets of (a city in this setting) when he stumbled his way into the (Smith's name here) Smithy. He asked for food and work, and the tradesman could hardly believe that a wasting boy with hardly an ounce of muscle could swing a hammer well enough to make a weapon, but he let him try it out anyway.
He proved proficient enough, and having an extra pair of hands around would help lighten the ever-increasing load, and thus Morcrug was accepted as an apprentice. While training under (Smith's name here), (Smith's name here) discovered that along with his excellent work ethic and ability to swing a hammer without shattering his arms, Morcrug had a tendency to do something that he too was familiar with. He would watch people, taking care to go unnoticed.
Morcrug's hammer strikes rang true and in time (Smith's name here) would send him away with a coin to go to school.

Morcrug, Half-Orc Stalker(Path of War). Apprentice Tradesman of Craft(Weapons).

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I'm familiar with Fantasy Grounds and like playing in it for online games, is there anything prospective players should know about character creation?

Set One:
Stats Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 3, 4) = 13-1 =12
Stats Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 2, 6) = 12-1 =11
Stats Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 6, 3) = 21-3 =18
Stats Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 1, 6) = 14-1 =13
Stats Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 1, 2) = 9-1 =8
Stats Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 6, 6) = 22-4 =18
Set Two:
Stats Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 5, 5) = 13-1 =12
Stats Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 6, 1) = 15-1 =14
Stats Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 2, 3) = 11-1 =10
Stats Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 6, 6) = 16-1 =15
Stats Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 5, 3) = 18-3 =15
Stats Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 2, 3) = 8-1 =7

I'm interested in making a hunter, probably just human, but we'll see how the stats look.
Well I'm obviously going to go for the first stats roll. I mean DAMN,2 18s. Going Human, with an Ape for a companion animal. I'll update with the build later, at work right now.

Hi, sorry for late notice, but I don't think I'm going to be able to play in this campaign, I have a lot of things stacking up now and I can only really commit to one online campaign.

GM Deadly Secret wrote:
Vegecannibal, since we don't have your character yet. I'm going to push the story along and we will have to introduce yours later. When you get a chance, submit your character in the discussion thread and I'll tell you when you can start playing in the Gameplay thread.

sorry, I've been putting off creating the alias, I'll have it ready either in the next couple hours or tomorrow

So, I went with Counterfeit Mage Rogue because I assumed my first choice wouldn't be allowed, but I suppose there's no harm in asking, would an Undead Master Wizard or Undead Lord Cleric be feasable? The Undead Master Wizard states that it requires the character to be Evil (although besides being necromancy it doesn't seem to have a reason why) but the Undead Lord Cleric makes no such requirement, as the Death domain is Neutral.

I'm considering a Dhampir Rogue of the Counterfeit Mage Archetype

Sorry for not posting earlier, I'll submit an idea for a character in a few hours.

at least combat ended before my turn in the initiative order, that way my noob forum-play skills didn't affect the game.

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