N male Rock Dwarf Fighter 1 HP 21/22 | AC 17(19w/shield) | F +7 R +5 W +5 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) | Stealth +0 | speed 20 |
Bert looks up from his knots a little confused, but Orla's pointed look and demanding eyebrows quickly clues him in. "Oh right, yeah mate, yeh've got a little problem right here..." He reaches in and gives the eye a forceful tug. Athletics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15 (That seems edgy, let's hero point it)
N male Rock Dwarf Fighter 1 HP 21/22 | AC 17(19w/shield) | F +7 R +5 W +5 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) | Stealth +0 | speed 20 |
Bert sits up with a grumble, albeit a thankful one. Blackened, bloody, bruised, and sticky with rotten leshy goo, he's not a pretty sight. "Mah thanks one again, Orla," he gives a nod to the halfling. "Desna must be gettin' sick o' hearin' about me in yer prayers. Oof it's that troublesome grumblepuss o' a dwarf again." Grabbing the rim of his cracked shield, he levers himself up to a standing position, swaying slightly. He shoots Inzo a tender smile at the goblin's concern. "Agh I ain't that attached to me beard, just handy to hide mah face from the sun an' pleasant company. It'll grow back quick 'nuff," he reaches up to touch the singed patches, and winces. "Might be needin' some attention if'n we're needin' to present a fine face for the Pathfinder Society in the near future." "Well, that it? We bested the fiendish leshys an' saved the forest, or is this but a vanguard o' their force?"
N male Rock Dwarf Fighter 1 HP 21/22 | AC 17(19w/shield) | F +7 R +5 W +5 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) | Stealth +0 | speed 20 |
Bert glances up from his furious centipede-crushing. The sweet sound of the doctor's fall drifting to his ears, buoyed by Nazgub's melody emerging from the pit. "Mental grappling...?" he muses, as a small shudder runs through the dwarf. Terror? Awe? Envy? Who can tell.
N male Rock Dwarf Fighter 1 HP 21/22 | AC 17(19w/shield) | F +7 R +5 W +5 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) | Stealth +0 | speed 20 |
Bert looks up blearily at Inzo's approach. Though it is early, a pair of empty bottles are keeping him company. "Mate, you brought more t' drink? ow' I've missed yeh. Had to get some liquid courage in meh to stomach another ride aboard this cursed ship. Sailin' into bleedin' storms an' being wet all the time. An' then when we finally get off it's so hot even meh beard drips with sweat." Inzo's words however cause him to pause in his drinking. He tugs at his beard, rubs his head, then wipes his eyes as if trying to find the source of some fine wisdom to impart upon the goblin. "Oh hey Orla," he nods at the halfling before turning back to Inzo. "Listen mate, I dun remember the specific particulars that got yeh tossed from yer folks in the first place, but think about how tiresome the journey all the way to Absalom was for us, an' we had hopes an' dreams of wealth and glory - as well as fine company - to spur us on." His words grow stronger as he becomes more convinced by what he's saying. "Either yeh did somethin' unspeakably evil an' yeh might as well be the whisperin' tyrant himself or else this uncle o' yers really does care about yeh, enough that he came all the way here by his lonesome. Least yeh got a chance to bond: nothin' pulls people together like a bit o' panic-inducing danger. Yeh'll either be better friends by the end o' this or I'll have been driven t' madness by what he thinks is music." Bert finally grabs the drink - throat parched from so much talking at once - and downs it. "Bleooffffhhehgggg, pah, that's some stuff.
N male Rock Dwarf Fighter 1 HP 21/22 | AC 17(19w/shield) | F +7 R +5 W +5 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) | Stealth +0 | speed 20 |
"WHO THREW THAT!" Bert roars at the brawling mob in the corner. His eyes flash with sudden anger and he pounds the stool against his shield in a heavy banging beat. "DOWN ON THE FLOOR NOW 'FORE I SIT YOU ALL DOWN FOR GOOD." Intimidate: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17 Unsure if his words had their intended effect - or furious enough to not care - he wades into the group beating about with his improvised weapon. Improvised Weapon: 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 7 - 2 = 23 | damage (B): 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 "TAKE. A. SEAT!" he yells, punctuating each word with a strike from the splintering stool. Still one action left, so if that intimidate was enough to cow them he'll move to another group for the attack action. Otherwise he'll moved towards the door after finishing dealing with the blue area.
N male Rock Dwarf Fighter 1 HP 21/22 | AC 17(19w/shield) | F +7 R +5 W +5 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) | Stealth +0 | speed 20 |
Kutu RainKin wrote: "Best thing after a few drinks is having to do physical labor to save your life, eh Bert" Bert lets out a laugh, inhales a breath of sea spray and sets about coughing. When he recovers he yells over the sound of the storm: "Physical labor's been me whole life, could do it in my sleep. Better down here stowin' crates than trying to climb that bare tree they call a mast." After the storm Heavy clothes dripping with water, and beard crusting with a layer of salt as it dries, Bert looks miserable. However, the dwarf can't stop grinning. "The sea tried to take us, an' it couldn't!" he lets out a manic laugh, and - squelch, squelch, squelch - walks over to the railing. "No dwarven feast for you, ye toothsome, dead-eyed shark-bastards." He makes a number of rude gestures at imaginary sea creatures, before returning - squelch, squelch, squelch - to a safe position in the center of the ship. Bert already has a crowbar and a couple of javelins, so doesn't need any of the gear. Upon arrival at the wreck Leaning on the railing, Bert peers through the fading lines of fog. He grins at the appearance of the Ulfen longship, though something about the arrangement of it all puzzles him. Reminds him of a tale he heard trading banter and beer in a dockyard tavern. Nature (trained): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24 Bert blurts out: "It's a trap!" Jabbing a stubby finger at the broken hulls and crumbling wrecks. "That's a sea serpent's lair if I ever saw one. Ain't so many boats would wreck like that, an' The Shoreseeker just wedged on top." He paces back-and-forth with frantic energy, muttering to himself: "Can't go back empty-handed now. Jus' need to slay a terrible beast or two and it'll be fine. Just fine. Smooth sailin', easy choppin', all that. Sea didn't take us before, an' no miserable creature in it is gonna do so either."
jadony wrote: 2. As soon as it was revealed that Calmont was seen running away from the scene of the fire, and that he worked for the bookseller, the very first thing the group did was to go try to find/break into Voz's shop. We anticipate that many other groups will do something similar, setting up some issues in terms of plotting. Just going to second that (after picking this up to run to introduce some folks to roleplaying and try out PF2), as much as I tried to assuage the party's suspicions and steer them towards following Calmont out of town, they wanted to investigate Voz's shop and - after finding it suspiciously closed - considered breaking in to continue the investigation. As a follow-up they continued on to The Pickled Ear, and started pressing Roxie for information about Voz just because she was the innkeeper and someone to talk to! Fortunately their dice and lines of inquiry were unfavourable, so they eventually continued on to Hellknight Hill, naught gained but some pickled pigs' ears (proved useful for the goblin dogs). Would've loved some assistance from the module in what to do if the PCs don't immediately chase off after Calmont. Also, I'm curious as to how other parties handled putting out the fire. Once they defeated the mephit and had the bucket chain set up I handwaved them putting out the fire with the assistance of the townsfolk, but that fire grows awful fast, there's a lot of people to get out of the room, and the room is really kinda large. I had a party of five, with one using their familiar to help escort people out of the room, and they were still brushing up against the "townsfolk remaining in the room die" round timer. Also, my assumption is that the full-page art spread on page 2 is of Citadel Altaerein (and it is SWEET art by the way), except it doesn't match any of the actual maps or descriptions in the module. Unless it's of something else? I'm only guessing by the vague shape, importance, and the signal fires burning atop the (really tall) battlements.
Male NG Vesk Xenoseeker Envoy 1 SP 7/7 HP 12/12 | RP 3/3 | F+1 R+4 W+2 | Init +2 | Perc +4 SM +4 low-light vision
"Am Knows-No-Bounds, name is sometimes for my enthusiasm, my ignorance, or possibly my appetite! Was cook-in-training, now Starfinder-in-training. Soon to be Starfinder-not-in-training if we continue to excel!" He drums his fingers on his belly as he eyes up the candies, eventually selecting three of the strongest-flavoured ones. He slowly eats them one-by-one, face screwed up in analysis at each flavour. The wasabi one elicts a grin and a hearty snort. "Ooh, is like a fire inside my nose! Many thanks, Ziggy." Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 + 1d6 ⇒ (19) + 4 + (4) = 27 "Historia-7 must be the greatest of friends for you to give her such a gift! Why do you not give it to her yourself? Music - like food - is better shared together." His grin fades as he stops to consider the first request. "What is this strange creature? We have had success already in capturing - no - rescuing a poor lost alien. Is there not some habitat for this one? How many has it killed?"
Male NG Vesk Xenoseeker Envoy 1 SP 7/7 HP 12/12 | RP 3/3 | F+1 R+4 W+2 | Init +2 | Perc +4 SM +4 low-light vision
Knows joyfully claps Laboni on the shoulder in celebration of their victory: "Looks like we found a star. A job well-completed!" He turns to his companions: "Am proud of us! Well-scavenged, sabotaged, and piloted. Surprised that thing could race with all those guns!"
NobodysHome wrote: How a Small creature can do 203 points of damage to a Huge creature is beyond me; let's just say I wouldn't want to have to inspect the corpse's toes. I'd just imagine he's swinging away as the cyclops collapses, bringing parts he has yet to hit into range. Ankle, knee, stomach, big froggy hop, head.
Male NG Vesk Xenoseeker Envoy 1 SP 7/7 HP 12/12 | RP 3/3 | F+1 R+4 W+2 | Init +2 | Perc +4 SM +4 low-light vision
Aha. I misread the initial description: thought you couldn't socialize and improve. Check 3 & 4
He strolls over to Ratrod, a mocking grin plastered to his face. He glances over the ysoki's racer, before turning back to him: "Laboni is to worry about this piece of junk? Ha! Even with full belly and strong headwind could still outrun this thing on foot. Not just me: any Starfinder." He pauses a moment, scratching at his head as if in thought: "Let us raise the stakes. If you win we rename Starfinder flagship to 'Ratrod is best' so all galaxy know your name. If we win you tell all your race fans and viewers that Starfinders are the best and they should join today. Seems like more fair stakes, you think?" Check 1 & 2
Knows - not the most technically savvy of the group - picks out a bit of junk to attach to Laboni's racer and serve as ablative armour.
Zaister wrote:
You're not the only one. That was my initial reading as well. I can't believe I missed that! That's incredible.
jscott991 wrote:
As has been indicated multiple times during this thread: sexism does not preclude women in positions of power. It can make it difficult for those women to achieve those positions of power. Yes, they might have to achieve far greater deeds than their male colleagues to be recognised. Or they might have not been the preferred selection, but it doesn't mean they don't exist. Your quotes are evidence of a sexist culture, which exists, not evidence of a misogynistic or completely patriarchal culture, which you seem to think it must be. Also of note: there aren't any quotes from the actual "action" of the AP books. They're all back matter material. If sexism/misogyny were so rampant as you claim, why would the adventure material not reflect this? jscott991 wrote: ...a sexist, misogynist society that is so backward it treats women like chattel. This point remains unproven. jscott991 wrote: I honestly didn't think my thread would be that controversial. I thought it was a retcon, like "the bearded" or Sarenrae. I thought the discussion would revolve more around why than whether. Your previous attempts to question the "why" of the matter has been to call out the authours as being to unable to communicate and read their own material, which is disrespectful and it's unsurprising why people are refusing to engage on this point.
jscott991 wrote: And I think War for the Crown will make General Pythareus into a mustache twirling caricature that he was never presented as before. Well, he seems to be doing alright so far. Book one paints him as a traditionalist, if a bit of a warmonger. Not at all misogynistic. His alignment is LN, not even Evil. Doesn't twirl his mustache at all. jscott991 wrote: That complexity is completely stripped out when you transform it into a sexist, misogynist society that is so backward it treats women like chattel. I fail to see where this Taldor exists. There's certainly no evidence for it in the AP as of book two.
jscott991 wrote:
Mummy's Mask came out in 2014. We can gather from the announcement blog post that Crystal Frasier didn't begin to solidly work on War for the Crown until after Ironfang Invasion in 2016-2017. Your expectations for a different authour to guess at gender politics being a thing two years hence in a different AP might be a little bit unreasonable. As a side note, current Taldor politics don't preclude said Taldan from finding glory in Osirion and returning to her homeland. You could easily play it up: it's easier for her to leave the corrupt system and find glory/power/prestige elsewhere than it is for her to profit within it.
Mark Seifter wrote: How does it work in PF1 if you multiclass monk and ninja? Ninja Ki Pool wrote: If the ninja possesses levels in another class that grants points to a ki pool, ninja levels stack with the levels of that class to determine the total number of ki points in the combined pool, but only one ability score modifier is added to the total. The choice of which score to use is made when the second class ability is gained, and once made, the choice is set. The ninja can now use ki points from this pool to power the abilities of every class she possesses that grants a ki pool. Simple and straight-forward. I like it.
Male NG Vesk Xenoseeker Envoy 1 SP 7/7 HP 12/12 | RP 3/3 | F+1 R+4 W+2 | Init +2 | Perc +4 SM +4 low-light vision
Knows shakes his head as he watches the final thug turn tail and flee: "Should have listened quicker." He looks down at the two bodies sprawled on the path and lets out a long sigh: "Am feeling sad that we brought violence to this place. Is pretty: all trees and plants. At least was for good cause." He cheers up when they finish up their work for Historia-7, especially at Lightfoot's comment. "Yes, to the Acquisitives. Am invesktigating what they want."
Mark Seifter wrote: There are definitely those at Paizo who agree with this, since everything else that is done by level is on that 0-20+ scale. On the other hand, certain deeply entrenched terminology being changed has a risk of dramatically changing the feel of the game, and I can see both sides on that topic. This is one of a few places. One other that springs to mind for me is that we don't change saving throws and attack rolls to be called saving checks and attack checks in PF1 or PF2, even though everything else is called check, and checks are d20 rolls against a DC, so they both are checks. But imagine how it would sound to call for a saving check? This isn't quite an equitable example: saving throws and attack rolls aren't treading on any other terminology. Yes, it would be neater to explain them to new players as just another kind of check, but there's no risk in confusing "saving throw" and "attack roll" with any other terminology in the game. So the cost of keeping those unique names for flavour purposes is low. Spell level vs caster level vs class/character level is a consistent point of confusion solely driven by the repeated usage of the word level. Just depends whether changing those names removes too much of the original flavour or not. While I've learned the differences between them over time, it would certainly make explaining those systems to new players a lot more simple.
Deighton Thrane wrote: So, I know it's really not a huge issue, but the listing for save results not going from best result to worst kind of bugs me. I made a thread to discuss this very thing.
Male NG Vesk Xenoseeker Envoy 1 SP 7/7 HP 12/12 | RP 3/3 | F+1 R+4 W+2 | Init +2 | Perc +4 SM +4 low-light vision
Knows up until this point has been struck dumb by the plants: wandering around touching, sniffing, and examining the produce. He finally turns to the young man: "Forgive us, barging in here with big, serious questions. What is your name? And most importantly-" he grins a large grin: "How much for some of these FINE plants! Wonderful smell, colour, texture. All good! I see many dishes bursting with flavour. Where did you get the seeds, the knowledge, the talent. Young man, you are an incredible root vegetable in a unknown paddock, just waiting to be discovered." Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 + 1d6 ⇒ (13) + 6 + (6) = 25
Male NG Vesk Xenoseeker Envoy 1 SP 7/7 HP 12/12 | RP 3/3 | F+1 R+4 W+2 | Init +2 | Perc +4 SM +4 low-light vision
A huge grin splits his face as Knows sees the strange, fascinating new creature: "What a specimen!" he crows, peering over Rozzicheep's head as the ysoki attempts to communicate with it. Life Science (-5 to DC for Rare Creature from Xenoseeker): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 He pauses to think for a moment, alternatively rubbing his hands across the scales of his neck and drumming his fingers on the spikes that jut from his chin. Finally, he speaks: "I have determined what this creature is." He pauses for effect. "Is cute, is what it is!" He laughs and leans down once more to peer across Rozzicheep at the creature: "Look at it go! Buttons, buttons, and more buttons. Is as smart as I am when it comes to computers. Maybe is looking for one that causes food to appear, or some other sustenance for it."
Wyssilka the Fantabulous stands out a bit in the list of major NPCs you can influence: the rest are nobles of rank (Kalbio notwithstanding, as he's about to become a noble anyways), and Wyssilka is...the children's entertainment? In order to integrate her more easily into the list, I'll probably have Martella note her as a person of interest: "She's new, and she's popular. A combination which is interesting to me, and should be interesting to you. Knowing the cause of her popularity could prove useful. If anything, she might possess knowledge about the other guests. Entertainers are excellent informants." Anyone have any other ideas?
Smite Makes Right wrote:
Bit early to judge, isn't it? It very well could be that the "particular aerial combo" is distinctly fighter-themed, and that other classes may have similar abilities that fit their own theme. Just because the fighter has one way of doing something, doesn't mean that nobody else gets a similar option. They also haven't covered any kind of multi-classing/archetype stuff yet either, which might allow you to get fighter feats for your rogue/barbarian/etc.
Male NG Vesk Xenoseeker Envoy 1 SP 7/7 HP 12/12 | RP 3/3 | F+1 R+4 W+2 | Init +2 | Perc +4 SM +4 low-light vision
Survival, untrained: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (5) + 0 = 5 Knows carefully hands the kids the packet of sweets: "Little friend, you say? Did this friend have teeth? Scales? Fur? Tentacles? Don't worry: will find this friend and make sure they are safe." He nods at any response they might have before standing and heading to investigate the other room. He sniffs the fog. "Good aroma and warmth, but too moist. Much prefer dry air: is better for breathing. Maybe this friend likes the wet." He peers through the mist, trying to catch a glimpse of something, before shrugging and settling down in a squat to appear non-threatening once more. "Come out little friend. Have food for yooooou," he calls in a gravelly sing-song.
It's not an interesting choice: you CLW Wand spam because it's the most resource-efficient way of healing between encounters. There's no reason to go into the next fight with less than maximum health when healing is such a minimal cost. Healing between encounters should consist of interesting decisions, or the time-consuming 1d8+1 roll spam and marking off of charges should be removed for a more efficient system.
Male NG Vesk Xenoseeker Envoy 1 SP 7/7 HP 12/12 | RP 3/3 | F+1 R+4 W+2 | Init +2 | Perc +4 SM +4 low-light vision
Knows searches through his backpack as he follows behind: "Thought I had sweets in here. Young humans really like them!" He plunges his hand into the depths and emerges with a brightly-wrapped - and rather squashed - package.
Male NG Vesk Xenoseeker Envoy 1 SP 7/7 HP 12/12 | RP 3/3 | F+1 R+4 W+2 | Init +2 | Perc +4 SM +4 low-light vision
"Pressing all the buttons? That too is my technique!" he watches the others set to work on the computer systems, giving them plenty of space to work. "Do your thing. Am not tech support: only morale support!"
Ubiquitous' War for the Crown Player's Guide I wrote up a short Player's Guide for my own upcoming War for the Crown game, and figured I might as well share it with the forums to see how it can be improved before turning it over to my players. And if it's useful to anyone else with their own games, bonus! Would love suggestions for the Character Creation Tips section: haven't played Pathfinder for so long I don't know what cool classes and archetypes to suggest for such a politically-motivated and social-heavy adventure path.
Male NG Vesk Xenoseeker Envoy 1 SP 7/7 HP 12/12 | RP 3/3 | F+1 R+4 W+2 | Init +2 | Perc +4 SM +4 low-light vision
Knows listens to the explaination of the implant's abilities with honest interest: "That sounds most handy! Thank you for your kind words of welcome, it is a most true honour." He bows his head, reserved and quiet, before placing his hand onto the glowing bad to receive an implant of his own. His broad face splits with joy as he toggles the symbol on and off. "A natural leader has emerged!" he says, to Rozzicheep's exclaimations of loyalty and drive. "I too am wanting to meet this Fitch, so is solid choice. Though I am interested in all their stories!" He itches at his face for a moment, casting his mind to kitchen gossip about the Starfinders. Diplomacy to Gather Information: 1d20 + 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (18) + (6) + 6 = 30
I am so excited by this announcement. I haven't been on the Pathfinder bandwagon in many years, because I burned out hard on all the niggling issues I had with Pathfinder that just added up over time. Starfinder was a breath of fresh air, and got me momentarily back into the hobby to try it out, but I just wanted to return to Golarion. Now this, this has my full attention. Plus I see that Jim Groves is on-board, and anywhere with more his adventures is a good place to be.
Male NG Vesk Xenoseeker Envoy 1 SP 7/7 HP 12/12 | RP 3/3 | F+1 R+4 W+2 | Init +2 | Perc +4 SM +4 low-light vision
Knows rolls the apron up and tucks it away, before nodding towards Zeyram: "Ahhh, that would be a smart excuse. No, was working as cook because it is fun. So many different tastes and diets here." His voice lowers to a conspiratorial stage whisper: "Some of our new friends don't even consume what others would identify as food. Is fascinating! Much better than Vesk galley." "But I ramble, it is pleasure to meet you, new friend! Do you know where we are going?"
Male NG Vesk Xenoseeker Envoy 1 SP 7/7 HP 12/12 | RP 3/3 | F+1 R+4 W+2 | Init +2 | Perc +4 SM +4 low-light vision
A broad Vesk figure bustles in, backpack slung over one shoulder, a weathered hunting rifle over the other. A broad grin splits his scaly face as he surveys the gathering crowd. "New friends!" he bellows, lumbering forward. "Of all distinct and fascinating shapes and sizes. I-" he slaps himself in the chest with a fat fist: "am Knows-No-Bounds. Called so for my enthusiasm, my excitement, my-" he pauses, noticing that he's still wearing a colourfully stained apron from the kitchens. He shucks it off. "First real assignment, still getting used to...everything."
Looks like this is the font.
Jim Groves wrote:
I said may be! Perhaps some of how excited I am to begin MM2 this weekend is due to the excellent set up of MM1. You can handily steal some credit there.
I've run this scenario twice now, at low tier. Both times it has been a success, as the interactions with the merchants have been thoroughly enjoyable. The first fight could be a bit dangerous, but neither group had too much trouble with it. It's a fun scenario, but there are places where I have to wrestle the fun out of it a little. Not helped by the abundance of errors and oddities. 1. On page 12, when convincing Aaqir al'Hakam to perform a financial service for one of the lesser merchants, it says this: Page 12 wrote: A PC can convince the faction leader to invest in either merchant with a successful DC 26 Bluff or Diplomacy check (DC 29 in Subtier 4–5), though he is more willing to accept the offer if the PCs have done particularly well in their assignment thus far; any such check receives a circumstance bonus equal to the total number of Influence Points the PCs have earned with him. This is obviously incorrect, as there's no way that the PCs can gain Influence Points with Aaqir al'Hakam. Maybe that final "him" is referring to "the merchant in question." I'm unsure. 2. The chase was a little bit awkward to run both times. The players just want to fight the zombies. Both times I felt like I was rail-roading them by pushing them to go save the merchant. Although I like that the author has tried to change up chases (a much-disliked mechanic), it feels messy just having everyone roll and then assist the highest. 3. The Assassin's HP looks incorrect (too low) in both tiers. 4. After the chase the zombies just...disappear? Apparently there's enough that they're attacking all over the manor and there's too many for the PCs to fight, and then they're just gone. Makes the PCs seem a little unnecessary if there's guards/people around strong enough to get rid of a horde of zombies. 5. Both times the players have - right after the mummy fight - wanted to go to the Graveyard. The first time they didn't even think that anything had gone wrong with the ceremony, they just figured that the priest did it anyway. The second group knew that something was up. There's very little reason why they shouldn't just go to the Graveyard, other than Aaqir al'Hakam asking them to stick around and needing the PCs to stick around for the assassination to be prevented. 6. The assassin only goes for the merchant the PCs protect. Both times they were surprised that Temel Passad (they saved Metella) was still alive. People don't enjoy false choices. Jakti's motivation for the assassination and subsequent ignoring of the merchants seems underdeveloped. 7. Poor Umat/Shirin. Both times she's been mobbed on and beaten up before having a chance to do very much. She's just far too suspicious. Also she pings as evil - since she's a cleric - invalidating all her possible lying. The skeletons are an awkward fight since they've had to come up the stairs both times and fight in a tight space. It really feels like this scenario just needed another draft or two, and a thorough editing pass. It's still a really good 1-5 scenario thanks to the overwhelming leap in quality of season 5 scenarios, but the editing/plot issues are a serious problem.
I just Tirisfal wrote: This is the best thing I've read in a long time. How goes writing us some novels, Mikaze? :) That would part me with my money, for sure.