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Organized Play Member. 2,584 posts (3,012 including aliases). 7 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 8 aliases.

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The IGG Launches are written for three game systems, 5E, Swords & Wizardry, and Pf1.

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These are short modules usually with small print runs. The current IGG has 42 hours remaining.

https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/one-last-thing--5/x/5703569?create_edit= true#/

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It's alive.

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Welcome, Brother Fen & DanyRay

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I've been running the Modules that are separate from The Blight. We've gone through The Crooked Nail, and will start Horror in the Sinks soon. We are using the 5E version and it is going fairly well. My players always leave saying they had fun. Which is all any GM can ask.

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The FGG forum is definitely a better choice for information about anything including the uncompleted KS The Blight. I'm basically the one tasked with watching the forum, KS, and Paizo and Enworld. But Sqd Cdr Flashheart is correct that I don't watch KS that have sent out the main purpose of the KS. I've notified the Powers-that-be as to your question.

The Noble Herald Frog

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Just wanted to say thank you for fixing the problem. I hope there aren't anymore like this one was.

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I can leave the site and return and I am still logged in. However, when I refresh the page I am logged out.

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In about the first 2-1/2 hours we are FUNDED!

The Noble Herald Frog

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It's alive!

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Here's some more info/rumors on the upcoming KS. There should be about 100+ maps of the Wilderness area surrounding Rappan Athuk and depending on the pledge level maps of the interior. These will come in color, JPEG, and physical maps.

It will depend on the pledge level you pick as to what you get. Spend enough and you may get to attend a session online of RA V gaming. They have opened up the Temple Dallas level for NTRPG Con 2018 also.

I will post when it goes live. So stay tuned, folks.

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I've heard a rumor that there is a Map KS due to arrive sometime this evening. Stay tuned.

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Look for an announcement about a new Kickstarter from Frog God Games soon.

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$25,547 pledged of $6,000 goal
249 backers
3 days to go

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Here is another link to the KS.

There are 7 days remaining. The main idea behind this KS was to offer a way for PF, 5E, and S&W backers to get all of the modules in one place instead of scattered over several books. Another good idea was that you can pick and choose which modules you want so you don't have to take the "good with the bad". Although I doubt there are any bad ones with these writers.

So if you are on the fence waiting to see what happens it's time to get off the fence and join us.

See you folks again soon.

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Skeeter wrote:
Zach is proofing the SW version. Still on schedule.


Zach wrote:
I hate to contradict Skeeter but I am not proofing the SW version, I am DONE proofing it (and the other 2 as well). Finished about 3 hours ago. There are not very many submitted changes and those that were found were very minor. -Zach

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Consider also that over the Memorial day weekend and the first weekend in June they were at two different Cons. First PaizoCon then North Texas RPG Con.

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Greg just posted an update. We have a date!

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I hope you are okay. I have missed the Friday gifts you send.

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Here is part of the Introduction:

Perilous Vistas

The latest additions to the Perilous Vistas: Mountains of Madness and Marshes of Malice are environment sourcebooks that delve into the foreboding mountains and explore the mysterious wetlands respectively.

The Perilous Vistas line brings the great outdoors to life. Like their predecessors, the highly acclaimed Dunes of Desolation and Fields of Blood, Mountains of Madness and Marshes of Malice are black and white, 225+ page supplements that build upon real world details and their gaming applications to provide all of the essentials and extras to run campaigns set in one of these remarkable biomes.

These huge Tomes are all well-researched and use real-world information tailored to meet fantasy roleplaying rules that create a feel of "really being there" in each terrain type. For example, we engaged a professional mountain guide, Nate Paul, to work with us on Mountains--so the travel and skill rules were in part developed by a real-life mountaineer!

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My copy of Bard's Gate, The Riot Act, BG Players' Guide, and Quick Rules Guide for S&W arrived just now. A late Christmas Present but one very well received.

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Update by Skeeter just posted.

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I have four KS that failed to deliver, Five that are way behind on delivery, but of the rest, FGG has always delivered. Yes, they may have been somewhat late but they did deliver a quality product. My total number pledged is 47 KS, not all were FGG.

So I at least am not worried about will they deliver. Sometimes they have the main product of the KS completed, but what slows things up are the Stretch goals. If they are not already written then that must happen. FGG members all have day jobs, too.

The Blight will happen.

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Here are some of the stretch goals of this KS:

$40,000 - We will reprint Tome of Adventure Design and make it available as a $21 PDF and $42 Hardcover +PDF!
$50,000 + ???
Number of Backers
600 Backers - we reprint all 7 of the Hex Crawls for Kickstarter and make each available as a $10 softcover +PDF or a PDF only for $4!
700 Backers - we reprint all 10 Splinters of Faith for Kickstarter and make each available as a $9 softcover +PDF or a PDF for only 4$!
800 Backers - we reprint all 5 One Night Stands for Kickstarter and make each available as a $10 softcover +PDF or a PDF for only $4!.

Here is how things stand:

930 backers
$31,625 pledged of $12,000 goal
5 days to go

This is the most interesting pledge level:

Pledge $225 or more

Complete Gamer Package

Receive a Hardcover +PDF copy of Swords & Wizardry Complete Rulebook, Monstrosities Hardcover +PDF, Cover Poster, Bill Webb's Deck of Dirty Tricks, Bill Webb's Book of Dirty Tricks Softcover +PDF, MCMLXXV (1975) Softcover +PDF, Grimmsgate Softcover +PDF, The Five Maidens Softcover +PDF, Zaya’s Promise Softcover +PDF, +All unlocked physical and digital stretch goals!

Shipping charges to be collected through Backerkit after the campaign. See FAQs for more information about shipping costs.

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Here are some sites that may be of help.

Seventh Sanctum

Yet another fantasy name generator


If you have access to Gygax's Book of Extraordinary Names it is a very good resource of names for locations and geographical locations.

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I had gone through and printed out several of your lists after downloading them. Then when I moved I found some of your books that I had bought and compared what I had against the downloads. So it turned out that I reduced the number of printed material a lot. I have a game tomorrow that I intend to use your stuff again. I appreciate what you do for us overworked and underappreciated GM's.

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Just going through and making each list print on a separate sheet of paper so I can organize them by subject.

I thought I would share my favorite quote when a PC is searching for traps. "You don't think it's trapped". I use it whether it's trapped or not. My group is going through Rappan Athuk and they are notoriously leery of doors now.

BTW I used the 20 Triggers for Secret Doors in our last game and got a compliment from one player. She said she liked the idea of having a description of the trigger instead of "you open the secret door".

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There may be other companies that would sell the HL files just to get the money whether it was supported or not, but not FGG. I respect their decision to remove the files until they can support it.

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While I can understand the first time Backers concern over The Blight's apparent lack of updates and delay, I have pledged several FGG ks and have received everything that was promised. The delay on this one is a combination of many things, none of which would delay a project on their own but when combined together did affect the production schedule.

Having Bill and Greg come out to try to explain why this project is behind goes a long way on calming my fears. So I ask that you settle back in anticipation of what an awesome book this will be when it arrives, not if it arrives.

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I have heard this part of a KS as being referred to as the Doldrums. Once it has funded you will see an increase in the numbers of backers joining.

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464 backers
$55,006 pledged of $70,000 goal
25 days to go

My name was changed by Matt (The S&W Master) at NTRPG Con, but I can't change it here.

The Noble Herald Frog

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390 backers
$46,539 pledged of $70,000 goal
31 days to go

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After only 5 days we are at:

324 backers
$40,040 pledged of $70,000 goal
38 days remaining

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It's Alive and active.

Sadly I found out about it just a few minutes ago myself and was number 33 backer. My email came at 9:35 am.

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Allow me to hijack the thread for a moment. Please check out this thread.

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Went to that other place and got the print/PDF bundle.

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Mr Broadhurst I wish to say thank you for your extremely useful 10/20 Things lists. I have copied several of them prior to tonight's run of Rappan Athuk. I plan on getting them all eventually. Thanks from a very tired GM.

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After rereading the sidebar and thinking it over I tend to agree that it only affects the one who removes the item.

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I will be behind the rest of you in receiving my rewards. I pledged for the Steel cover. so I have to wait til the blacksmith finishes with the book before it can all be shipped together. Makes sense to save on shipping costs but adds to frustration.

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cycnet, I had to drop back to the HC book and no add-ons yet. I will add in the rest of the add-ons once the Backerkit survey comes out.

Here's a suggestion, just add the add-ons that are exclusive to the KS and add the ones that show a retail cost either when the Backerkit surveys come out or as you can afford them. That's pretty much what I have done in the past.

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Posted earlier:

"...The Tome of Blighted Horrors will be in print for 5e, PF, and S&W even if we don't hit the 100k 5e print goal.

So join in and spread the news to 5e fans everywhere. Even if they don't want a whole campaign setting or a pdf, they might still like a book of new, twisted, and depraved monsters, the likes of which could only be found in the Blight.


This is a monster book that is separate from The Blight book. The 5E print of the Blight is still set at $100,000 level.

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When the Backerkit survey comes you can add anything else you want to your order then you will enter your credit/debit card info and they will store the information until FGG Locksdown the surveys. That's when you will actually see money leave your account. That is usually close to the time the books are ready for shipment.

Hope this helps. BTW the Stretch goal of $78,000 gets you another Players' map so I would suspect any overage will go towards shipping cost.

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Bill and Greg just commented in the Comments section of the KS.

Here is the Link.

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@ Technotrooper, here is what Bill said about a similar question back on November 29.

"Nathan. We can let you mix and match. Go ahead and pledge if you like.


Now with the understanding that he might have had a change of heart since then but I doubt it. I sent Bill and Chris an email asking them to come answer your question.

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pledged of $75,000 goal

days to go

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New update on KS.

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There is a new update.

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The level is at $44607 with 39 days left. Just making sure people don't forget about this KS.