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Bunnies and Burrows 3rd Edition Something wicked this way hops!
Frog God Games has partnered with Dr. B. Dennis Sustare and Dr. Scott R. Robinson to return a venerable and influential piece of tabletop roleplaying games to print. This tactical roleplaying game weighs in at approximately 200 pages of full color adventure in the style of Redwall and Watership Down. Featuring brand new, full color art by artists Darlene, Moa Wallin, Maggie Vandewalle, Faith Burgar, Terry Pavlet, and others, this book will be beautiful. It also contains a map of the known world (okay, the world is pretty small when you are a rabbit) and printable tactical maps and animal tokens for various encounter types and scenarios. It is also versatile, allowing play either as a storytelling-focused game or as a tactical (and perhaps brutal) battle series between our plucky rabbits and voracious predators! After all, anyone who has read Watership Down knows that at times a rabbit’s life can be short and filled with peril. The book will be a perfect-bound softcover — but wait, there’s more! If 300 backers purchase the rulebook, it will be upgraded to hardcover for everyone who gets a physical book, free of charge!
The Quests of Doom KS had finished getting written and the books were sent out. The Blight KS was completed except for the Pathologies which are being written and edited as of now. The maps for VTT for RA are in production. Some have been completed and released. The Tome of Horrors for 5E is in production and editing. The maps, ToH, and RA for 5E are all set to be sent out around the same time. I suspect that is so you don't have a dungeon that you don't have monster stats for or maps for.
Here is the link to the newest KS from Frog God Games. From what I can gather there is a new team doing the work up. The text basically stays the same with few updates but the artwork is updated. The primary reason is the 2nd printing is nearly gone.
Chuck Wright is the Layout director of Frog God Games. He went in for emergency surgery on Saturday. Please check out this link and if you can help it will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
If this is in the wrong place please move it. I would like to know if a circumstance bonus stacks with a competence bonus. For example, would the +2 from Masterwork Thieves' Tools stack with the +5 competence bonus of Trapspringers' Gloves. Here is the write up on the gloves. These studded leather gloves look similar to workman’s gloves, though they are reinforced with numerous metal strips that the user can extend or retract as she wills, turning the tip of each finger into a customizable tool useful in examining and disarming traps. While worn, these gloves grant a +5 competence bonus on all Disable Device checks made to disarm traps. In addition, the gloves grant the user a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws made against traps.
Matt wrote on Facebook: As part of the "event" for the Borderland Provinces Kickstarter, Frog God Games is putting out a 26 page first-level city adventure for 5e, Pathfinder, and Swords & Wizardry in a few days (probably October 17-19 somewhere). I'll do another announcement when I have a link. Here's the description-thing:
A Witch player of mine wants to import the spell Black Karma Curse into my Rappan Athuk game. I cannot find that spell in all the 3.5 PDF's I have. Does anyone know of a spell that maybe similar to it in PF? Here is what she sent as a description of the spell: "Also there is a spell from 3.5 that I enjoy the fluff of that was considered underpower. It was a 2nd lvl mind effecting enchantment (compulsion) spell named Black Karma Curse, Verbal and Somatic components, Will Negates SR negates, 1 standard action, Close Range, Instantaneous casting time,
I would like to set my shipping preference to USPS First Class. I receive my orders in 2-3 days. When they are shipped using Mail Innovations it can take anywhere from 1-1/2 weeks to 3 weeks to arrive. I cannot find where to change my shipping choice either on My Account or when I order. It appears that UPS-MI is the primary choice for domestic shipping. I will state again I do not want anything I order shipped using UPS-MI. I will gladly pay the few pennies more to have items sooner.
I posted this question in Gamer Talk, but thought I would ask about it here. Wherever it is appropriate please delete the duplicate. Has anyone ever tried to match the Gods of Golarion to the Gods of the Lost Lands/Rappan Athuk? I am starting a group in RA in January and need to be able to give them a listing of what Gods are available. Hopefully without going through all of my FGG books individually.