Want: Undine Have: A crap ton of figures to trade and Worldwound Gambit book + boon to trade. Boon:
Choose one of the following three boons for your character and cross the rest off the Chronicle sheet:
Demonic Scholar: You gain a permanent +1 bonus on Knowledge (planes) checks when making checks regarding demons. Opportunistic Strike: Your experience fighting demons in the Worldwound and your patience carrying out a long con has granted you insight into when and where demons are the most vulnerable. At any time in the future, when fighting a creature of the demon subtype, you may recognize an opening for an opportunistic strike. As an immediate action, you may declare a single attack roll to be an opportunistic strike, allowing you to bypass the demon’s damage reduction of a value equal to your base attack bonus on a single attack. Once this attack has been made, the GM should cross off this boon. The Long Con: Your experiences bringing down the Tower of Yath have honed your skills at deceiving those who worship Abyssal forces. You gain a permanent +1 bonus on Bluff checks made against demonic cultists in noncombat situations. Sorry about the repost it wouldn't let me edit my last post.
How much do Undead enemies come up in PFS? I am making a Dhampir Kinslayer (don't worry I am trading for the boon) and I am worried that he will be too focused on undead to be useful. I mean, if undead show up every other adventure that wouldn't be too bad since that means I shine everyother module but I just want some advice from people who have played more than me. And on a side note, any general advice for a Kinslayer in PFS?
1. Can I gain boons by playing at tables that occur at cons or anyway by playing or is it restricted to GMing? 2. I read that I can get the Dhampir boon by GMing certain society games? Is that true? And if so how do I do it? 3. Can I get boons by attending local events that are happening at my location but are not cons? For example my local society is having a big get-together that will be having "special" games for pathfinders to participate in. Thank you to anyone who helps me answer these questions.
roll4initiative wrote:
So if I wanted to add a boon to a new character but I already used it on another one, I would have to buy the book again?
Hey guys. I was thinking of making my first real PFS character to be an Ancient Lore Keeper, due to the fact that I like skills and being a character that talks a ton. Does anyone know the best revelation for a Lore Keeper that focuses on the skill aspect of the racial archetype. My goal is to make the most optimal Lore Keeper. Can anyone help with spells? Right now I am thinking Time due to the rerolls and the general great revelations. Maybe wood to create an archer Mage? Please note this is a repost from the PFS page, because I was told this would be a better place.
Hey guys. I was thinking of making my first real PFS character to be an Ancient Lore Keeper, due to the fact that I like skills and being a character that talks a ton. Does anyone know the best revelation for a Lore Keeper that focuses on the skill aspect of the racial archetype. My goal is to make the most optimal Lore Keeper. Can anyone help with spells? Right now I am thinking Time due to the rerolls and the general great revelations. Maybe wood to create an archer Mage?
Out of the above classes, which one do you guys think would be the best for a face of the party and for skills. I am thinking Ancient Lore Keeper with Time due to rerolling knowledge checks and high charisma, but apparently bards are good as well. Somewhat related question, if I play as a Halfling/Gnome how much differently will I be treated in PFS in a roleplay perspective.
So I decided to make a list of all Pathfinder Society Legal Racial Archetypes, so people know what I and other like minded individuals are looking for. Please be warned this is initial race legal classes for PFS. Exarch - Inquisitor - Dwarf
Westerner wrote: If you go ancient lore keeper oracle, take a look at the Time mystery. Why should I choose time over other ones if you don't mind me asking. I think Elven Ancient Lore Keeper is the class I will choose, cause I like being a class that has a lot of skills and be the face of the party.
John Compton wrote:
Yeah I have been noticing a lot of the suggestions have been for characters that can't be used and since I have only started playing a month ago I don't have any boons. I hope to be able to use their suggestions in the future however. And thank you for clearing up Blood God Disciple for me.
pH unbalanced wrote:
Yeah but would he be good enough for a PFS game? Or does it really matter what class I am. I have only played one PFS game and We Be Goblins so I am still new to this.
Also, in regards to what talbanus said, what I do is make a character and focus them around a combat element and optimize it, and then make a story that matches all of the decisions I made for the character. Right now, I am focusing on archetypes or race exclusives for pathfinder so any help in regards to what works in PFS and one that I can get to level 12 would be great. I also play almost any role, but I like being the leader and using skill checks.
I am creating some characters for PFS and I wanted to know people's opinions on their favorite/the best racial archetype that can be used in PFS. Personally, I think I will be doing a Bonded Witch that uses dexterity as well as intelligence to support and hurt. But if anyone knows a good racial archetype for a first time player, it would be much appreciated.
I am really new to this so I do not know if asking this question is allowed, but does anyone know of a play by post that I could start to learn how to play pathfinders. I have the beginners box and my core rule book is coming soon, but I actually haven't played a real game with other players yet. It is mostly due to the fact that no one I know in real life will play the game. Can anyone help me?
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Hello, I am trying to optimize my paladin for max defense/damage to Evil Outsiders (Specifically Devils). I need to keep race aasimar and I would prefer to keep Paladin. 20 point by - added abilities to Strength +2 and Charisma +2. Any advice? Mihály:
Angel-blooded aasimar (angelkin) oracle 1/paladin (oath against fiends, divine defender) 15 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Angels 21, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 42, 116, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 7, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 60) LG Medium outsider (native) Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12 Aura courage (10 ft.), faith (10 ft.), justice (10 ft.), shared defense (15 ft.) -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 31, touch 13, flat-footed 28 (+14 armor, +3 Dex, +4 natural) hp 169 (16 HD; 1d8+15d10+86) Fort +24, Ref +21, Will +23; +2 vs. [evil], +2 vs. death Immune disease, fear -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor) Melee valor's minion +26/+21/+16 (1d10+15/17-20 plus 2d6 vs. evil) Ranged +1 adaptive bane greenwood composite longbow +17/+12/+7 (1d8+10/×3 plus 2d6 vs. ) Special Attacks channel positive energy 6/day (DC 23, 8d6), smite evil 5/day (+6 attack and AC, +15 damage) Paladin Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th; concentration +21) . . At will—detect evil Oracle Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +7) . . 1st (5/day)—celestial healing, comprehend languages, cure light wounds . . 0 (at will)—create water, ghost sound (DC 16), light, mage hand, purify food and drink (DC 16), read magic . . Mystery Battle Paladin (Oath against Fiends, Divine Defender) Spells Prepared (CL 12th; concentration +18) . . 4th—crusader's edge (DC 20), sacrificial oath[APG] (DC 20) . . 3rd—burst of speed[UC], life current (DC 19), shield of wings . . 2nd—inheritor's smite, protection from outsiders, righteous vigor[APG] (DC 18), shield other . . 1st—bless, challenge evil[APG] (DC 17), divine favor, fallback strategy, lesser restoration -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 26, Dex 10, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 22 Base Atk +15; CMB +24; CMD 33 Feats Angelic Blood[ARG], Cornugon Smash, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Fey Foundling[ISWG], Furious Focus[APG], Improved Critical (bastard sword), Intimidating Prowess, Power Attack Traits armor expert, omen Skills Acrobatics -2 (-6 to jump), Diplomacy +10, Fly +1, Heal +8, Intimidate +28, Knowledge (planes) +13 (+15 vs. Devil), Knowledge (religion) +9 (+11 vs. Devil), Perception +12, Ride +2, Sense Motive +6, Spellcraft +4; Racial Modifiers +2 Heal, +2 Knowledge (planes) Languages Celestial, Common SQ anchoring aura, divine bond (weapon +4, 3/day), exalted resistance[ARG], holy vessel, lay on hands 13/day (7d6), oracle's curse (haunted), revelation (sidestep secret) Other Gear angel's wings, +1 adaptive bane greenwood composite longbow, valor's minion[UE], amulet of natural armor +4, belt of physical might +6 (Str, Con), cloak of resistance +4, headband of mental prowess +4 (Wis, Cha), 3,865 gp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Anchoring Aura (DC 23) (Su) At 8th level, a paladin's aura hampers extradimensional travel by evil outsiders. The aura extends 20 feet from the paladin. Evil outsiders attempting to use abilities such as dimension door, plane shift, or teleport to leave or Angelic Blood +2 saves vs. evil effects, to stabilize while dying, and 1 damage to evil or undead if bleeding. Aura of Courage +4 (10 ft.) (Su) Allies in aura gain a morale bonus to saves vs. fear. Aura of Faith (10 ft.) (Su) Attacks vs. foes in range bypass DR as good-aligned. Own attacks always count as good. Aura of Justice (10 ft.) (Su) As a standard action use 2 smite evil, allies in area gain smite at your bonus for 1 min. Cornugon Smash When you damage an opponent with a Power Attack, you may make an immediate Intimidate check as a free action to attempt to demoralize your opponent. Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only). Detect Evil (At will) (Sp) You can use detect evil at will (as the spell). Divine Bond (Weapon +4, 15 mins, 3/day) (Sp) Weapon shines with light and gains enhancement bonuses or chosen properties. Exalted Resistance (21) You have spell resistance 21 vs. evil spells, or any spell cast by evil outsiders. Fey Foundling Magical healing works better on you Furious Focus If you are wielding a weapon in two hands, ignore the penalty for your first attack of each turn. Haunted Retrieving stored gear is a Standard action or worse, dropped items land 10' away. Holy Vessel (Su) At 9th level, a paladin whose divine bond is with a weapon can also use her divine bond to augment her armor or shield with enhancement bonuses, or add any of the following armor or shield properties: bashing, fortification, and spel Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases. Immunity to Fear (Ex) You are immune to all fear effects. Lay on Hands (7d6 hit points, 13/day) (Su) As a standard action (swift on self), touch channels positive energy and applies mercies. Paladin Channel Positive Energy 8d6 (6/day, DC 23) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect. Power Attack -4/+8 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage. Shared Defense (6 rounds, 15 ft., +3 AC, immune to bleeding, stabilize) (Su) Lay on hands use: Aura provides AC and other bonuses to allies. Smite Evil (5/day) (Su) +6 to hit, +15 to damage, +6 deflection bonus to AC when used. Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at https://www.wolflair.com
Thanks for looking
Hello, I am trying to optimize my paladin for max defense/damage to Evil Outsiders (Specifically Devils). I need to keep race aasimar and I would prefer to keep Paladin. 20 point by - added abilities to Strength +2 and Charisma +2. Any advice? Mihály
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at https://www.wolflair.com
So my GM is allowing me to houserule the samasaran alternate racial trait, Mystic Past Life. SRD wrote: Mystic Past Life (Su) You can add spells from another spellcasting class to the spell list of your current spellcasting class. You add a number of spells equal to 1 + your spellcasting class’s key ability score bonus (Wisdom for clerics, and so on). The spells must be the same type (arcane or divine) as the spellcasting class you’re adding them to. For example, you could add divine power to your druid class spell list, but not to your wizard class spell list because divine power is a divine spell. These spells do not have to be spells you can cast as a 1st-level character. The number of spells granted by this ability is set at 1st level. Changes to your ability score do not change the number of spells gained. This racial trait replaces shards of the past. Since I a playing an occultist, he is allowing me to adds spells from any psychic class (i.e. Medium). I am playing a 1st level Occultist filling in a front line fighter role. My school are Transmutation and Abjuration. I flipped through the spells and came up with a short list of
Any other suggestions from the collective?
Dice Rolls | Tactical
As the caravan slowly rolls away from Jace's Stanchion, the caravan guards look back one last time. What would become of the residents? Is this the end of House Duarran? What of the green slime? Questions left unanswered, the group once more turns their sight to the open road ahead. As the caravan passes the spot of their ambush by the hansohfyr a few days ago, the guards are on alert but pass the area safely. Finally on the open road again, their cares fall away as the dust rises. The journey to Abril is a lengthy one, but not by caravan standards. At night Simon, Morris, Syonne, and Bertrand try to banish the thoughts of the horrors of Jace's Stanchion. Keeping mostly to themselves, they are warm to the other caravan guards, but not overtly friendly. Here is your chance to (re)introduce yourself to each other. A bit later you will pull into Abril. Please make sure stat lines are correct, and all purchases are complete. We will hit the ground running!
Dice Rolls | Tactical
FYI ... running two tables of The Opened Mind is not a big deal for me, but running two tables of The Third Dawn not so sure. We will have to see what happens after we finish The Opened Mind. Without further ado: The Opened Mind Table B
Please dot in Gameplay Thread B by posting with your Opened Mind character alias, and then deleting your post. Then please read the Discussion Tab on how to set up your character and how I run my PbP. Official Start Date for GamePlay will be November 8th.
Dice Rolls | Tactical
In the waning light of day, when shadows stretch along the beaten furrows of the caravan ruts, and the twinkling light of Golarion's stars start to shimmer in the purple sky, the caravan manager walks you up to a crackling camp fire. Four hewn stumps are occupied by four caravan guards. All the occupants are scooping some sort of oily brown stew into their mouths from carved bowls with horn spoons. "New guards." the caravan master declares to the four. "Heard there was trouble further down the road before we hit Jace’s Stanchion. Best keep your wits about you." and with that statement of the obvious, he turns heel and strides back towards his wagon. None of the four look up as you approach the fire until you are close enough to feel its warmth. You notice that two of the four are obviously related, dark haired, strapping youths. "I am Morris, and this is my brother Simon." one of the guards announces. You see that next to his stump rests a huge, two-handed sword. "Look at that one’s boots, Morris. Quite a fancy pair for someone supposed to be guarding a caravan." adds in Simon as he flips a pair of knives with one hand. The remainder of the group is rounded out by a married couple. ”I am Syonne." states a comely, red-headed woman. "This is our fire and you will find a different one to warm yourself." as she finishes talking, her apparent husband rises from his carved stump and interposes himself between you and her. "If you are smart, you will listen to her. I am Bertrand, one of the smartest people you will ever meet because I know to listen to my wife." he chuckles, his heavy brown beard wagging forth. "Though she may be gruff of tongue, she has the right of it. Places around the fire are earned, and green recruits make their own fire. "You also will take rear detail on the caravan when we pull out tomorrow when we head into Haver's Marshland. Anything west of the Barony of Soliel is basically a lawless land outside of the small settlements." The large man resumes sitting and eating, clearly finished with the conversation. You all know, though many of you are novices, that rear detail is the worst, most dangerous post when guarding a caravan.
Dice Rolls | Tactical
FYI ... running two tables of The Opened Mind is not a big deal for me, but running two tables of The Third Dawn not so sure. We will have to see what happens after we finish The Opened Mind. Without further ado: The Opened Mind Table A
Please dot in Gameplay Thread A by posting with your Opened Mind character alias, and then deleting your post. Then please read on how to set up your character and how I run my PbP. Official Start Date for GamePlay will be November 8th.
Dice Rolls | Tactical
In the waning light of day, when shadows stretch along the beaten furrows of the caravan ruts, and the twinkling light of Golarion's stars start to shimmer in the purple sky, the caravan manager walks you up to a crackling camp fire. Four hewn stumps are occupied by four caravan guards. All the occupants are scooping some sort of oily brown stew into their mouths from carved bowls with horn spoons. "New guards." the caravan master declares to the four. "Heard there was trouble further down the road before we hit Jace’s Stanchion. Best keep your wits about you." and with that statement of the obvious, he turns heel and strides back towards his wagon. None of the four look up as you approach the fire until you are close enough to feel its warmth. You notice that two of the four are obviously related, dark haired, strapping youths. "I am Morris, and this is my brother Simon." one of the guards announces. You see that next to his stump rests a huge, two-handed sword. "Look at that one’s boots, Morris. Quite a fancy pair for someone supposed to be guarding a caravan." adds in Simon as he flips a pair of knives with one hand. The remainder of the group is rounded out by a married couple. ”I am Syonne." states a comely, red-headed woman. "This is our fire and you will find a different one to warm yourself." as she finishes talking, her apparent husband rises from his carved stump and interposes himself between you and her. "If you are smart, you will listen to her. I am Bertrand, one of the smartest people you will ever meet because I know to listen to my wife." he chuckles, his heavy brown beard wagging forth. "Though she may be gruff of tongue, she has the right of it. Places around the fire are earned, and green recruits make their own fire. "You also will take rear detail on the caravan when we pull out tomorrow when we head into Haver's Marshland. Anything west of the Barony of Soliel is basically a lawless land outside of the small settlements." The large man resumes sitting and eating, clearly finished with the conversation. You all know, though many of you are novices, that rear detail is the worst, most dangerous post when guarding a caravan.
Hello, I am having an issue with a PbP Game I created. I have an active recruiting, and I can edit both the Campaign Tab and the Discussion Tab, but I cannot seem to post to the Gameplay Thread. Long time PbP GM, first time this has ever happened to me.
Play Guide This play guide has been compiled from my own experience with PbP (things I liked and things I didn't) and also from my favorite tips from the following excellent guides: Doomed Hero's Guide to PbP An awesome introduction to PbP. Don't miss his second post on that thread with some "advanced tips", too. Painlord's further tips builds on Doomed Hero's work. I strongly recommend reading these in addition to my guide below. They contain much more rationale and detail than mine does. Things I expect These are more of a requirement than a guide. Players who do not comply will be asked to improve and eventually asked to leave. Think of these things as non-optional "table" etiquette. Have Fun:
No, seriously, have fun. If you're not having fun, why are you playing? If you find you're not having fun in one of my games, please send me a PM and I'll do my utmost to rectify the situation. If it can't be resolved, I'm perfectly happy for you to leave the game. This is about all of us enjoying ourselves. Post Frequently:
Be ready to post every 24 hours. This doesn't mean you have to interject with nonsense just to keep up posting every day (though a quick post to describe your character's demeanor, reaction to the last action, or something of the like is always welcome). The main thing is to ensure that no one is waiting more than 24 hours for your action. If you take longer and we are in combat, I will place your character in delay. This would be the equivalent of what I would do in real life if a gamer went for an extended toilet break, took a long phone call, ran off in search of caffeine or something similar that takes them off the table in the middle of things.
Unusual real life events notwithstanding, I will be prepared to post at least twice a day. If there's nothing for the GM to add, you may not see anything - but I will check the gameplay thread 2 or more times each day. I will try for more often during combat. If you cannot post within 24 hours for any reason, please let me know. I will be happy to bot you as required until you're back to normal. Vital Statistics:
Put your vital stats, expended charges and active conditions in your forum tag line. It really helps for those situations when a GM needs to make a roll for the whole party (eg. everyone makes a reflex save). That means I can easily do the rolls, resolve all the effects and move the game along in a single post. Please use this temple for your tagline. Rolling:
The following PC rolls will always be made by me to keep things moving:
1. Initiative 2. Perception 3. Sense motive 4. Saving throws 5. Group diplomacy* Player dice rolls of these types will be ignored, unless specifically requested by me. I may make the following where appropriate, but you may request to make these yourself (let me know if you prefer to roll these yourself):
Further, I may make a roll of any kind on your behalf if you do not post within the 24 hour timeframe (see above fore more on this). * Where the group is involved in a diplomatic action and a diplomacy roll is required, I will roll using the PC with the highest modifier for the group as the primary roll and the next highest modifier for an assist. Depending upon roleplaying and other circumstances, I may allow multiple assists also, or require someone other than the PC with the highest modifier make the primary roll. Otherwise, the players roll these individually. Finally, a convention I have adopted (mostly for rolling during combat) in PbP games that I run is as follows: 1. No rolls during combat for any checks that do not specifically require an action unless called for by the GM. Same for free actions that do not influence combat. Eg. Knowledge (dungeoneering) to identify that ooze is a free action, but this is a roll you must ask the GM to make for you (unless he has asked for it). Concentration check to cast a spell is a free action, but that's fine to roll yourself (since it forms part of your cast spell action). 2. Always roll for actions in the order in which they occur. When in doubt, roll reactions to GM first, reactions to players next and then your actions. This should help minimize players swapping over save throws for attack rolls (and the like). 3. If you do want to make an "actionless" skill check, ask the GM to roll it for you. He'll have to post to tell you the results anyway. How to format your roll:
In case you didn't know, you can make a dice roll using the bbcode Roll type: 1d6 + 100d1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + (4, 6, 5, 9, 1, 13, 4, 19, 19, 16, 13, 8, 5, 18, 3, 4, 13, 5, 10, 9, 4, 3, 11, 18, 19, 9, 6, 7, 6, 2, 12, 2, 16, 18, 8, 14, 14, 14, 2, 4, 8, 12, 10, 17, 10, 3, 19, 18, 8, 8, 20, 6, 2, 8, 13, 13, 7, 15, 15, 6, 17, 14, 9, 1, 19, 6, 14, 19, 5, 8, 4, 15, 5, 5, 20, 10, 11, 15, 10, 10, 8, 9, 8, 1, 4, 12, 1, 9, 2, 20, 3, 19, 9, 11, 14, 1, 20, 9, 13, 16) + 5 = 1008 Here is an example of my 8th level magus and a correctly formatted combat post. Tips and advice Doomed Hero's Commandments:
These are so good, that I've included these verbatim (except for correcting his "Ye Olde" English):
Thou Shalt Avoid Walls Of Text Thou Shalt Not Hog The Spotlight Thou Shalt Not Assume The Actions Of Others Thou Shalt Not Assume Outcomes Of Actions Thou Shalt Not Derail Gameplay Thou Shalt Use The Discussion Thread Formatting your posts:
Format speech in bold with the quotes still there. This helps to draw attention to what the character is actually saying (as opposed to what you are saying about the character).
Eg. Jambon the Ranger runs back to the party. "Goblins around the corner, beware!" Use "ooc" tags to say things out of character. It puts your post in blue and helps GMs and players alike to tell when you are talking about mechanics and when you are talking about your character. Eg. Jambon tries to squeeze through the door. Do I need to make an escape artist check or something? Make sure to use the discussion thread for "ooc" text that is not relevant to your current post. For some cool ideas on how else to format your text, see Doomed hero's advanced tips Writing Style:
Use Third Person Limited and write in the Simple Present* tense. Full stop. If for no other reason, it will keep everyone's posts consistent. It is also what most PbP posters use.
* Note that we are specifically using the Simple Present to describe something that 'is true in the present' (ie. what our character is doing). Keep it moving:
Painlord says "Always be pushing" but I think "Keep it moving" captures it a little better. After all, you can pull as well as push. The main idea is to always provide a hook for another character to pick up on and keep the game moving towards the goal. If your post doesn't provide a way forwards, consider revising it. After all, we do want to finish the adventure some time this century, right?
Eg. Post that doesn't keep it moving. Jambon sits down, head in hands, heavily wounded and exhausted from the fight Eg. Simple modification to the above that keeps it moving. Jambon sits down, head in hands, heavily wounded and exhausted from the fight. "Well, friends, looks like we all need a rest. Shall we set up camp for the night?" Maps:
For all my games, I use Google Draw to simulate minis and a play mat / game board. They are publicly editable (with the link) and you shouldn't need a Google account to use them.
Everyone needs to update their own positions as part of their posts. Where this isn't possible, please describe where you would like to move to, and I will do it next time I'm near a laptop. If anyone is able to do so before me, please do feel free to move them for me! This is known as "a Lockwood" or "Lockwooding". eg. "Please Lockwood my token to just north of the werewolf", "Sure thing, just Lockwooded you." Please, please, please write about how your character moves in the post. Don't just say "see my location on the map". That will help to maintain the roleplaying flavor and also make sure we don't have to constantly flick between the map and the gameplay thread to find out what's going on. It can also help me to adjudicate what happens as you move. But the most important reason is: your position on the map will change over time, but your post will not. Describe your movement. Finally, in adjudicating movement (mostly for attacks of opportunity and traps) I will assume you take the most direct route to an enemy while still avoiding attacks of opportunity and hazards. If you close to a square and you can't get there within your available movement without provoking, I will make an AoO against you. Otherwise, though, I will assume your character doesn't move like a brain-damaged zombie and avoids such things. If you would like to specify how you move, please use a dashed line to show where you moved (or describe it if you're posting from a phone). Important conclusion: Thanks for reading. If you are trying to get into one of my games, please PM me for a special question that (if answered correctly) will rocket you to the top of the selection list. Of course, everyone who wants in on one of my games should send me a PM, but I'm realistic. Doesn't mean you shouldn't be rewarded for reading, though!
Dice Rolls | Tactical
Play Guide This play guide has been compiled from my own experience with PbP (things I liked and things I didn't) and also from my favorite tips from the following excellent guides: Doomed Hero's Guide to PbP An awesome introduction to PbP. Don't miss his second post on that thread with some "advanced tips", too. Painlord's further tips builds on Doomed Hero's work. I strongly recommend reading these in addition to my guide below. They contain much more rationale and detail than mine does. Things I expect These are more of a requirement than a guide. Players who do not comply will be asked to improve and eventually asked to leave. Think of these things as non-optional "table" etiquette. Have Fun:
No, seriously, have fun. If you're not having fun, why are you playing? If you find you're not having fun in one of my games, please send me a PM and I'll do my utmost to rectify the situation. If it can't be resolved, I'm perfectly happy for you to leave the game. This is about all of us enjoying ourselves. Post Frequently:
Be ready to post every 24 hours. This doesn't mean you have to interject with nonsense just to keep up posting every day (though a quick post to describe your character's demeanor, reaction to the last action, or something of the like is always welcome). The main thing is to ensure that no one is waiting more than 24 hours for your action. If you take longer and we are in combat, I will place your character in delay. This would be the equivalent of what I would do in real life if a gamer went for an extended toilet break, took a long phone call, ran off in search of caffeine or something similar that takes them off the table in the middle of things.
Unusual real life events notwithstanding, I will be prepared to post at least twice a day. If there's nothing for the GM to add, you may not see anything - but I will check the gameplay thread 2 or more times each day. I will try for more often during combat. If you cannot post within 24 hours for any reason, please let me know. I will be happy to bot you as required until you're back to normal. Vital Statistics:
Put your vital stats, expended charges and active conditions in your forum tag line. It really helps for those situations when a GM needs to make a roll for the whole party (eg. everyone makes a reflex save). That means I can easily do the rolls, resolve all the effects and move the game along in a single post. Please use this temple for your tagline. Rolling:
The following PC rolls will always be made by me to keep things moving:
1. Initiative 2. Perception 3. Sense motive 4. Saving throws 5. Group diplomacy* Player dice rolls of these types will be ignored, unless specifically requested by me. I may make the following where appropriate, but you may request to make these yourself (let me know if you prefer to roll these yourself):
Further, I may make a roll of any kind on your behalf if you do not post within the 24 hour timeframe (see above fore more on this). * Where the group is involved in a diplomatic action and a diplomacy roll is required, I will roll using the PC with the highest modifier for the group as the primary roll and the next highest modifier for an assist. Depending upon roleplaying and other circumstances, I may allow multiple assists also, or require someone other than the PC with the highest modifier make the primary roll. Otherwise, the players roll these individually. Finally, a convention I have adopted (mostly for rolling during combat) in PbP games that I run is as follows: 1. No rolls during combat for any checks that do not specifically require an action unless called for by the GM. Same for free actions that do not influence combat. Eg. Knowledge (dungeoneering) to identify that ooze is a free action, but this is a roll you must ask the GM to make for you (unless he has asked for it). Concentration check to cast a spell is a free action, but that's fine to roll yourself (since it forms part of your cast spell action). 2. Always roll for actions in the order in which they occur. When in doubt, roll reactions to GM first, reactions to players next and then your actions. This should help minimize players swapping over save throws for attack rolls (and the like). 3. If you do want to make an "actionless" skill check, ask the GM to roll it for you. He'll have to post to tell you the results anyway. How to format your roll:
In case you didn't know, you can make a dice roll using the bbcode Roll type: 1d6 + 100d1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + (9, 5, 3, 6, 14, 15, 16, 18, 2, 15, 7, 18, 1, 20, 16, 18, 12, 19, 6, 12, 8, 11, 18, 4, 20, 4, 19, 12, 14, 8, 4, 1, 14, 3, 20, 11, 12, 17, 16, 11, 4, 2, 6, 19, 16, 5, 9, 14, 18, 6, 14, 3, 6, 19, 18, 2, 3, 18, 11, 6, 1, 9, 9, 5, 6, 19, 5, 13, 2, 3, 16, 4, 5, 11, 15, 20, 13, 12, 12, 12, 18, 8, 1, 3, 5, 17, 17, 10, 4, 4, 10, 2, 8, 18, 10, 14, 14, 16, 15, 10) + 5 = 1064 Here is an example of my 8th level magus and a correctly formatted combat post. Tips and advice Doomed Hero's Commandments:
These are so good, that I've included these verbatim (except for correcting his "Ye Olde" English):
Thou Shalt Avoid Walls Of Text Thou Shalt Not Hog The Spotlight Thou Shalt Not Assume The Actions Of Others Thou Shalt Not Assume Outcomes Of Actions Thou Shalt Not Derail Gameplay Thou Shalt Use The Discussion Thread Formatting your posts:
Format speech in bold with the quotes still there. This helps to draw attention to what the character is actually saying (as opposed to what you are saying about the character).
Eg. Jambon the Ranger runs back to the party. "Goblins around the corner, beware!" Use "ooc" tags to say things out of character. It puts your post in blue and helps GMs and players alike to tell when you are talking about mechanics and when you are talking about your character. Eg. Jambon tries to squeeze through the door. Do I need to make an escape artist check or something? Make sure to use the discussion thread for "ooc" text that is not relevant to your current post. For some cool ideas on how else to format your text, see Doomed hero's advanced tips Writing Style:
Use Third Person Limited and write in the Simple Present* tense. Full stop. If for no other reason, it will keep everyone's posts consistent. It is also what most PbP posters use.
* Note that we are specifically using the Simple Present to describe something that 'is true in the present' (ie. what our character is doing). Keep it moving:
Painlord says "Always be pushing" but I think "Keep it moving" captures it a little better. After all, you can pull as well as push. The main idea is to always provide a hook for another character to pick up on and keep the game moving towards the goal. If your post doesn't provide a way forwards, consider revising it. After all, we do want to finish the adventure some time this century, right?
Eg. Post that doesn't keep it moving. Jambon sits down, head in hands, heavily wounded and exhausted from the fight Eg. Simple modification to the above that keeps it moving. Jambon sits down, head in hands, heavily wounded and exhausted from the fight. "Well, friends, looks like we all need a rest. Shall we set up camp for the night?" Maps:
For all my games, I use Google Draw to simulate minis and a play mat / game board. They are publicly editable (with the link) and you shouldn't need a Google account to use them.
Everyone needs to update their own positions as part of their posts. Where this isn't possible, please describe where you would like to move to, and I will do it next time I'm near a laptop. If anyone is able to do so before me, please do feel free to move them for me! This is known as "a Lockwood" or "Lockwooding". eg. "Please Lockwood my token to just north of the werewolf", "Sure thing, just Lockwooded you." Please, please, please write about how your character moves in the post. Don't just say "see my location on the map". That will help to maintain the roleplaying flavor and also make sure we don't have to constantly flick between the map and the gameplay thread to find out what's going on. It can also help me to adjudicate what happens as you move. But the most important reason is: your position on the map will change over time, but your post will not. Describe your movement. Finally, in adjudicating movement (mostly for attacks of opportunity and traps) I will assume you take the most direct route to an enemy while still avoiding attacks of opportunity and hazards. If you close to a square and you can't get there within your available movement without provoking, I will make an AoO against you. Otherwise, though, I will assume your character doesn't move like a brain-damaged zombie and avoids such things. If you would like to specify how you move, please use a dashed line to show where you moved (or describe it if you're posting from a phone). Important conclusion: Thanks for reading. If you are trying to get into one of my games, please PM me for a special question that (if answered correctly) will rocket you to the top of the selection list. Of course, everyone who wants in on one of my games should send me a PM, but I'm realistic. Doesn't mean you shouldn't be rewarded for reading, though!
What: Welcome to psionics! This adventure is intended as a first taste of the system of psionics and power points, as presented
Why: I am a long time gamer and I have all always been intrigued by Psionics. I recently bought the Dreamscarred Press Bundle on the Open Gaming Store, and I have to say, "Wow, what a great product." I have been trolling the recruitment boards and getting into games is challenging enough and then to add in a niche system like Psionics, well, it is easier to run a game than get in a game. So I plan on running this adventure to have fun and to learn the DP Psionic system better, and if everything goes well, and we all have a blast, then I would strongly consider continuing with Dreamscarred's AP, Third Dawn. Who: First me, then you.
My personal preference for games are 50-50 role and roll. So what are my requirements for applying for this game, in importance order:
Knowledge of PbP I will be cyber-stalking you to find if you PbP, and how well you PbP. I am looking for well crafted posts, syntax, and ability to move a game forward. I am a horrendous spellur and can easily mix up my grammars so no sweat there. Knowledge of Pathfinder and Dreamscarred Psionics As I am a novice in the Dreamscarred Psionic world, a few experts here and there will help out greatly. If you don't know much about Psionics or Dreamscarred Psionics, don't let that stop you. Still reading? Cool. Crunch time! What books are allowed:
What Level: 1st What Classes: Any Paizo or Dreamscarred Psionic. I also have Sample Characters from the mod if you want to use them. They are Cryptic, Soulknife, Vitalist, and Psion. Just say in your post, " I'd love to run the Psion!" I care less about party balance and more about Players.
The Open Mind wrote:
What Race: Any race found in the above books, 15 RP or lower. No Race Builder Races. Don't get weird. Psionics are challenging enough without some obscure race. Abilities: 20-point buy. No abilities lower than 8 with racial modifiers included. You are supposed to be Heroes! Traits: 2 traits, no drawbacks. Wealth: Max starting gold for your class. Min/Max: On the fence. I love character creation, and applaud people with the time and acumen to create the various guides (which I use frequently), yet I dislike cheese builds. If you want to create an optimized character that is really good at a narrow ranges of abilities, have at it. Still reading? Cool. What you need to do. (Hint: If you don't follow the requirements, even if you are Painlord ((who I know and have PbPed with)) I will cut you like an 18th century barber). Recruitment will last until Midnight (GMT-5) on October 28th. Post before then. Please, in addition to posting a crunched out character following all the above rules, give me a background story. Here is some information about the adventure you are about to embark on.
The Open Mind wrote: You are hired to guard a caravan headed to the psionic town of Jace’s Stanchion So what I would like you to do is to write your own introduction to how you find yourself on a caravan headed to the Psionic town of Jace’s Stanchion. You may have your origin in Golarion or you may read From the Deep Player’s Guide, a free download from Dreamscarred Press for use with the Third Dawn AP. Click here to download. Specifically, Jace’s Stanchion is found in the northern portions of the continent of Femon, west of the Barony of Soliel. Questions? Best of luck to all involved. Character Creation will be posted on the Campaign Tab. Please check there for any updates.
Portraits | Tactical | Hollow Mountain
Crunchy So I love character creation. I love to read guides, and plan out my character's progression. I love options, and tinkering. I want you to enjoy it as much as I can so these are very open-ended to allow you maximum enjoyment. What to build for: You are intrepid adventures. You should prepare for a variety of situations. Having said that, see my mission statement. I am not going to put you in a situation where if you don't have magical X, you will die or sit in the corner twiddling your thumbs. That may happen as a result of things that happen, but I will not build encounters to kill you or nerf your abilities. I strongly believe that you are heroes living in your heroic story. When you cannot act hero-ly, it sucks. Sources: All Pathfinder books. If you are going to use a 3rd Party Product, you have to send me a copy of the pages in the source book you are using. I would prefer you stay away from 3PP, but that is because I am lazy and cheap. No Mythic. It is just - weird. No Technology. Races: Anything. You can customize a race, must be less than 17 RP. If your race is more than 17 RP, you loose a level, so start at level 3. I know Advanced race is 20 RP. Feel free to use any published Alternate Racial Trait. Level: Start at level 4. See classes for more details Abilities: 20 point buy HP: PFS progression Traits: 2+1. That bonus one must be a Racial or Regional trait. It would be cool if you could tie it into your backstory. Drawbacks No. Alignment: No CE. No exceptions.
Classes: Start with a 1 level of any NPC class: Adept, Aristocrat, Commoner, Expert or Warrior. This does not count in your 4 levels. Then take 4 class levels. All classes are legal except Gunslinger.. I reserve the right to say NO to severely broken archetypes. You all do a great job of creating well balanced characters, don't let me down. If you are multiclassing, you should use the Variant Multiclassing rule. I know you expressed an interest in the Summoner class Damien, careful with being too powerful. Maybe you could do an Unchained Summoner, with the regular summoner Eidolon progression. Feats: All are good. You will receive one bonus feat. To help with customization, and to balance the varied story settings, you can retrain this feat after each 'Chapter' for free. The feat can either be a teamwork feat (feel free to plan with your friends) or a specific feat that will be available as I move you from chapter to chapter. Some chapters have better options than others, and I will try to adapt to make your character 'fit in' better. For example, the first adventure will take place <> and you can choose from any of these Broken Link A bit premature here, but I will give you plenty of time to peruse material to make intelligent choices. Equipment: Start with 6,000 gp. Hero Points: Not at this time, maybe later. One free reroll per chapter. Backstory Quick synopsis of the Adventure: you are a very capable group of adventurers that have been together for a number of years. You have a reputation for being very successful using very unconventional means. Preaching to the choir here, I know. So your backstory will have two parts. The fist part is your Origin Story. Tell me where you come from before you became an adventurer and how you became an adventure. This can be a shared story as it would be nice to tie it into the group and how you all came together. The second part is your motivation. Why do you do what you do? That will be big for me as a GM to make sure your character has buy-in for my plot hooks. Questions or clarification?
Portraits | Tactical | Hollow Mountain
Oathday,10 Pharast, 4716 Absalom, City at the Center of the World. The noonday sun warms the spring air as grey clouds float lazily on the horizon.
Dice Rolls | Tactical
After the briefest respite, the Pathfinders once again seem themselves out on another mission for the society. It seems that the venture captains are over stretched at the moment as they are sending teams all over Gorlaion to put of small fires. The Society's enemies are slowly multiplying, looking for any sign of weakness. As the approach Sothis, they are reminded of the cities grand history. As Osirion’s first major city, ancient capital of the legendary Pharaoh Azghaad, and current capital of a resurgent nation and
Making their way to Sandswept Hall, the Pathfinder Lodge in Sothis. As they enter the city their eyes are drawn inexorably towards the Black Dome. The Black Dome is a glittering, iridescent black carapace of a singularly titanic scarab beetle. Both the royal palace and the fabulous estates of many of its noble elite, the Black Dome is the oldest and certainly most unique structure in the city. The Pathfinders also notice nine carved white sphinx statues lining the quarter-mile road leading to the Malhitu Bazaar's first gate. After their briefing they may want to visit it hawkers to equip themselves for their upcoming mission. Sadly they continue their trek, fearful of arriving late. They all to familiar dealings with Vaslin have thought them the necessities of arriving promptly. As they reach Sandswept Hall, they are ushered upstairs to meet Venture-Captain Norden Balentiir. Balentiir shutters of the windows in his second-story office overlooking the lodge’s tranquil gardens and seats himself behind his writing desk. He nods and introduces a thin, aging Garundi man in an ornately bejeweled and feathered turban. “This is Amenopheus, the Sapphire Sage. I trust most of you know of him already. If you don’t, know that he has served both the Ruby Prince and the Pathfinder Society for many years, uncovering vast troves of lore from Ancient Osirion and mentoring some of our finest agents. He recently approached
“Faithful servants of the past, I bid you greetings,” the wizened sage says with a shallow bow. “Our esteemed ruler, the Ruby Prince, recently released me from his service, which has freed me to learn more about a little-known organization to which I belong: the Jeweled Sages, protectors of Osirion’s history and chroniclers of its past glories. Quite by accident, I found myself initiated into this group, and have long believed myself to be its sole surviving member. Each sage in the group possesses a unique jewel—a priceless artifact that contains memories of Osirion’s golden age.” He pauses as if considering how to express his thoughts. “For many years, I have sought news of any other members of the Jeweled Sages. My agents recently learned of the Diamond Sage, whom they traced to the city of Eto in the Osirian Desert. "At the same time, I received word from a reliable source that several other jewels in the vicinity. I ask that you travel to Eto, negotiate with my contact in the city for his assistance, and then use what you learn to find the Diamond Sage and these lost jewels.” Venture-Captain Balentiir frowns and adds, “This contact has tried to remain anonymous, but we suspect he is none other than Grandmaster Torch. If you’ve heard of him—or worse, met him—you may know trading favors is his signature. Regardless of Torch’s past treacheries, we need you to deal with him fairly for the information. "There is a caravan leaving for Eto in a few hours, so don’t delay.” Before the Pathfinders depart or can ask any questions, Amenopheus pulls a weathered stone from his robes and strikes it once against the wall to break the stone into two crystalline geode halves. He hands
Feel free to ask any questions. Once you are done you can grab any last minute supplies or get them in Eto, then you head out to meet that caravan.
Portraits | Tactical | Hollow Mountain
In the halls of Skyreach, Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin’s familiar voice gathers the attention of the assembled Pathfinders.
The regally dressed noblewoman looks over the assembled party, her piercing eyes seeming to notice every detail, then speaks. “Greetings, Pathfinders. Recently, my daughter Michellia married the Hellknight Damian Kastner, and as is customary when one marries into the Blakros family, he provided a dowry in exchange for being honored with our illustrious name. Damian’s gift took the form of his ancestral home, an estate called Ostergarde in north-central Cheliax.
Knowledge (history, local, or nobility) please
It was an open secret that when occupied,
Ostergarde was a nexus for devil worship, and because of its reputation, most travelers leave the abandoned manor alone even though it sits near a highly travelled mountain pass between Kintargo and the rest of Cheliax. DC 20:
+Before Queen Abrogail I of House Thrune ventured
into the Barrowood, she visited Ostergarde to bolster her knowledge on infernal contracts. It is believed she used this knowledge in her infamous infernal bargain within the Barrowood, which led to her house’s victory in the Chelish Civil War. DC 25:
A sprawling dungeon complex exists under the
manor, accessible only through secret entrances. A gateway to Hell is believed to rest somewhere beneath Ostergarde’s abandoned halls. DC 30: One must enter Ostergarde with an escort of
Kastner blood, or speak aloud the following devotion to Asmodeus: “O, cleansing fires of the Prince of Darkness, wash me in your burning might. Purify me as I enter your house of cloven hooves.” Anyone who fails to do so incurs the wrath of Ostergarde’s eternal defenders.
Dice Rolls | Tactical
Please dot in if you have been invited. The insanity will start on September 19. Yaargh.
Dice Rolls | Tactical
Feel free to discuss and talk about your pregens. So this is tier 5-6 or 8-9 how does that work with the Pregens beings Level 4 or 7?
Dice Rolls | Tactical
Arriving at the Lantern Lodge in Absalom’s Petal District, the team is ushered into an immaculately maintained garden where Venture-Captain Amara Li is found pruning a rose bush. She rises gracefully while handing the gardening shears to a servant and tugging off her gloves. “Thank you for coming,” she says, gesturing for the group to walk with her through the garden.
Knowledge Religion DC 15:
Feel free to ask Amara Li any questions
Dice Rolls | Tactical
The grey skies and biting winds only serve as severe reminders of how much colder it can be on the sea. The hull of the Grinning Pixie creaks and groans in the freezing waters of Kalsgard, at the mouth of the Rimeflow River. The spray of salt, and the sway of the ship make boarding more challenging than it should be. The ship appears almost exactly as it did on their previous mission aboard.. The pathfinders make their way down to the captain’s cabin and arrange themselves in the tight quarters, awaiting her inevitable arrival. Venture-Captain Calisro Benarry, the half-orc captain of the vessel, shivers as she strides in to her well-furnished cabin and out of the bitter winds. A Varki woman clad in leathers and a snow leopard fur coat closely follows her and takes a seat inside the cabin. ”Ah, well met again Pathfinders. I haven’t see you all since that trip through the Gloomspires, to Old Sevenfingers’s tomb. I am so happy and relieved to see a group of capable agents walk through my door. I trust you are all comfortable, and ready to take some copious notes, if I remember.” She gives Ibid a nod and Cuyrs a warm grin. The half-orc continues, “Welcome to the Linnorm Kingdoms,” says Venture-Captain Calisro Benarry. She takes a long drag from a hip flask before continuing. “The North is no place for a free captain, but here we are. Oh, Kalsgard is fine—they’ve got stiff drink here—but you’ve got to head inland, where it’s even colder.” She pulls her mammoth-fur coat tighter across her body as she continues. “I hope you all weren’t planning to freeze to death and packed for the weather.” “You’ve all heard of Jormurdun? Well, that dwarven sky citadel contained an artifact called the Sky Key. King Gutheran broke it into five pieces and gave four of them to his heirs as they fled the invasion, keeping the fifth for himself. If my notes are correct, you already have recovered a few of them. One of Gutheran’s heirs, Naldak, traveled into what is now southwestern Irrisen and established a small town called Naldak’s Point. That’s where the trail goes cold. Most likely, Baba Yaga wiped them out when she invaded. The piece of the Sky Key and the ruins of Naldak’s Point are probably buried under a millennium of ice and snow, just waiting for someone—you—to go dig them out. I’ve packed you ten blocks of blackfire clay to make the task more manageable,” the venture-captain says, handing over a backpack stuffed with black bricks. “Don’t forget to take these with you.” “You’re heading east, up the Rimeflow and Thundering Rivers, past the Grungir Forest, and into Irrisen. Desna smiles—the site is about half a day’s hike north of Dalun, a small trade city on the Irrisen border. Take a small river boat packed with supplies and a letter of trade, make nice with the city officials, and see if you can get permission to travel inland. Head to the site and find our missing Sky Key piece. You’ll know you’re on the right track if you recover signs that the royal family settled there.” Watch yourselves in Irrisen. Antagonizing the locals is like poking a sleeping ice bear in the eye, except it won’t kill you as quickly. The Society is not especially welcome in Irrisen, so try to keep what friends we have, and if you can, make new ones. With that in mind, I’ve hired a local to bring you safely to Dalun.” Venture-Captain Benarry gestures toward the Varki woman. “This is Haltani, and she will guide you into and out of Irrisen alive.” The Varki woman springs to her feet gracefully and addresses the party. “It is always a pleasure to meet travelers from faraway lands. It is true that Irrisen is a harsher land than most. Keep your wits about you, and your journey should be profitable.” Venture-Captain Benarry looks them over. ”If you have any questions, ask, or if you need any supplies, see the quartermaster. We do have a limited stock here.” The Grinning Pixie’s quartermaster can sell them nearly any mundane or alchemical gear in addition to magic items worth 2,500 gp or less. FYI - You all know these from RoW, but I would be remiss if I did not include it here … Kn Checks (History) 15+:
Irrisen has a violent history with all of its neighbors, but especially with the Ulfen from the Linnorm Kingdoms. Jadwiga sometimes capture and enslave Ulfen people. 20+:
Baba Yaga and an army of monsters, including ice trolls, winter wolves, and evil fey, invaded the eastern portion of the Land of the Linnorm Kings in 3313 AR. They took only 23 days to conquer the entire region now known as Irrisen. 25+:
Every 100 years, Baba Yaga returns to Golarion and replaces the current queen with a new one. She takes the old queen away with her in a magical hut that stands on a pair of chicken legs. No one really knows where Baba Yaga takes the monarchs or why they never return. Knowledge (local) or Diplomacy (gather information) 15+:
Irrisen is known as the Land of Eternal Winter, as it stays freezing year round. Powerful witches known as the White Witches rule the nation and allow monsters the same rights as humanoids. The human descendants of Baba Yaga are called Jadwiga, and are the aristocracy of Irrisen. Ulfen people who find themselves in Irrisen at the bottom of the social hierarchy; the fortunate are serfs, and the rest are slaves. 20+:
Intelligent monstrous races, such as ice trolls and winter wolves, are citizens in Irrisen. Though not as socially powerful as the Jadwiga, they command considerable respect and are often able to do as they please without consequence. 25+: Recently, some younger Jadwiga have begun to question the insular culture and closed borders of Irrisen. They seek to learn about peoples outside of Irrisen, the more “exotic” the better. The White Witches have dubbed them the stilyagi, or “culture crows,” as they disregard the culture of Irrisen and mimic the cultures of other foreign lands. However, because they rarely have the opportunity to interact with foreigners, their depictions are often wildly outdated, stereotypical, and even downright offensive.
Dice Rolls | Tactical
Venture-Captain Norden Balentiir inclines his head in welcome as he opens the door and welcomes everyone into a modest office. “I’m glad you are on time—and with little to spare,” he says as checks outside and then closes the door. “Your ship leaves soon, and I’ve taken care of the details.” He places a neat stack of travel papers on the small desk and sits down. “I’m pleased that you volunteered to visit the remote monastery of Tar Kuata on the Society’s behalf, especially in light of your recent success in securing a piece of the Sky Key. It seems one of the dwarven descendants of the original Sky Key owner may have found her way to Tar Kuata, and we believe the Ouat monks that also reside there still have a piece of the key. Travel there, meet with them, confirm our intelligence, and barter for the relic as needed. Do aim to be respectful; few Pathfinders have traveled to Tar Kuata, so you’ll need to earn the monks’ goodwill—and perhaps even pave the way for future collaboration. “To that end, I am sending you with this.” Balentiir lifts a heavy bag and adds it to the desk. “You may be familiar with bags able to hold more than seems possible, and this one is filled with grain. I understand Tar Kuata has had a poor harvest this year, and this should help you get off on the right foot in negotiations. Any questions?”
Ok, so I play PFS, and according to the blog yesterday: Pathfinder blog wrote: The unchained monk does not qualify for any archetypes, save those in future publications that specifically cite their compatibility with the unchained monk class. Anyone know if/when this is slated to happen? I have one more PBP level to go before multilcassing into monk (so about 1-2 months). I would like to hold out to see the unchained archetypes compared to the un-unchained ones.
Dice Rolls | Tactical
Mendev’s Pathfinder lodge in the capital city of Nerosyan is housed within Starrise Spire, a defensive tower in the outer wall whose pinnacle glows with celestial light that shines out like a beacon, simultaneously giving comfort to Nerosyan’s defenders and acting as a warning to any who might wish the city harm. Venture-Captain Jorsal of Lauterbury calls a short meeting on a covered balcony overlooking the city. A middle-aged Mwangi man with greying hair, he closes the door to the spire’s interior and takes a seat in one of the set-up camp chairs, gesturing for his guests to do the same.
“We are here by the grace of her majesty, Queen Galfrey of Mendev. Without her support, we would surely be run out of town by Hulrun’s more fervent followers. Our agreement with her states that all Pathfinders are required to volunteer some of their time in the defense of the realm. As relative newcomers, I’ve recommended you to take part in a minor military mission under the command of a veteran crusader named Sir Ilivan of Erages. Although he is not a Pathfinder, you would be wise to follow his advice, as he has been fighting the Abyssal spawn longer than some of you have been alive. I expect you will give him the respect he deserves.” Venture-Captain Jorsal stands and opens the heavy wooden door leading back into the lodge, revealing a tall half-elven man clad in heavy plate armor, wearing a red tabard typical of the Mendevian Crusaders, and carrying a cavalry helmet in his left hand. He gives a professional nod to Jorsal before striding to the front of the group, surveying everyone with poorly disguised disappointment. “Pathfinders,” he barks in quick staccato without further preamble, “our mission is simple. The recent attacks on the wardstones have compromised our defenses, and the enemy presses its advantage. We have received word of attacks on Fort Portolmaeus to the north, but the crusader leadership suspects that other parts of the line may have been breached as well. We will proceed to Fort Portolmaeus tomorrow morning on horseback to assess the damage, using the passphrase ‘That the Black Prince might be redeemed’ to permit us entry. On the way there, we will scout for enemy movements and other signs of demon activity. Once we have completed our assessment, we are to return to Nerosyan and you will be relieved of your obligations to the Crown. Do you have any questions?”
Dice Rolls | Tactical
The Pathfinders find themselves outside the Pathfinder Lodge in Katheer, operated by Venture Captain Esmayl ibn Qaradi. A hot desert wind blows their clothing is whirling patterns. The Pathfinder quickly enter the lodge, eager for a cool drink and a quick washing. There are ushered to a waiting room where a Pathfinders offers apologies that the Venture Captain is away, but detailed instructions have been left for them.
Left on a table are a silver-chased scimitar, a gold ring bearing three sapphires, and a steel shield bearing an image of Sarenrae painted in gold and studded with garnets.
Venture-Captain Jorsal of Lauterbury's office is vastly different from all other Venture captain's office . The spartan conditions, the hanging weapons that seem to have been used recently, all point towards a utilitarian decor. "Come in, come in. Please sit. I have just finished debriefing the dwarves, both rescued prisoners, and emissaries. Nasty business those Razmiran. Totally understand what you all had to do to rescue our captive Pathfinders. Doesn't make it any easier but look where I am. Two days ride to the Worldwound, towns wiped out by demonic hordes. Watch these crusaders. Riding into town, gleaming armor, pristine swords, prayers to Iomedae on their lips. Spend a week fighting these monstrosities, come back changed. Different. Eyes wide open." As he speaks the Venture Captain paces around the office. As if remembering the Pathfinders are still here, he turns to them, a look of sadness on is face. "I know that you recently arrived here, and I truly hate to do this to you, but given how successful you were in Razmiran, I have another assignment for you." "Some weeks ago we received this letter from an anonymous source, advising us of the discovery of a Sarkorian site in rural Mendev, near the village of Dawnton. We sent three Pathfinders to perform an initial investigation. “Word came to us two days ago that the entire team has been arrested for murder and is scheduled to be hanged in seven days’ time. I would appreciate your traveling to Dawnton, investigating the crimes, and finding any evidence necessary to clear their names.” He pauses for a moment, as if gathering his will or holding back strong emotion. “As much as it grieves me to think this possible, you may find evidence that implicates our comrades. If they are guilty of this crime, let them hang. It’s justice of a sort, and we must all remember that we are guests in Mendev and subject to all its laws. Your predecessors’ reputation has tarnished the Pathfinders’ name in Dawnton, so I recommend you not travel and investigate openly as Pathfinders agents. Be careful and remember that three comrades are relying on you.”
So I am thoroughly enjoying my foray in to PFS after a long hiatus from 3.0 LG. I was fortunate enough to land with a great regular gaming group and we are tearing through adventures. We have all, in a way, settled into pseudo-niches. I have an elf magus (who after some advice on the boards I am enjoying much more), a human bear shaman druid, and a Nagaji Battle Oracle. As you can see my niche is front line - no problem I can handle that, or medium support, no problem I can handle that. I was hoping to make an alternate character in the similar vein, PFS legal, and interesting to play. and I have been all over looking for build ideas, and tossed a bunch around without any success. Skald, Cavalier, Witch, - nothing screamed "Roll Me Up'. As always thanks for looking, and any help would be appreciated.
So I have a level 1 Magus and quickly leveling him up. I like the Magus abilities, but I feel like the damage is low and the skills are hard to come by. I want to take him to level 3 as a Magus to get an Magus Arcana, but after that I am considering a 'dip' in to another level. What would you recommend a 'dip' into to boost damage & skills but still be 'magusy'? Strength 10
Feat Progression
So I am trying to create a Pathfinder Society legal character. I have no racial boons so I am limited to races that are currently legal without boons. Character concepts that I won't change:
Character concepts that I have explored:
Possible Feat Progression [Lore Warden in ()]
Any advice for class, race, feats, stats, traits would be appreciated
Ok, so I have a 1st Level Elven Magus
So when my character is adjacent to an enemy and using Spell Combat: 1) Melee attack w short sword +4 to attack -2 Spell combat for a +2 to hit 2a) I can cast Defensively or take an AoO
So for my spell casting do I use 2a, 2b, or a value from 2c? Thanks!
Thanks in advance. TheBobJones |