Glass River Rescue by TheBobJones (Inactive)

Game Master TheBobJones

The Grey Revelation Inn| CLW Charges: 7

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A light aura of smoke fills the a tap room outside the Grand Lodge of the Pathfinder Society in Absalom. Patrons litter the room eating, drinking, and conversing. One table remains open, near the center of the room.

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Halfling Cavalier (Gendarme) 9.1 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 26 (13 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 (26 Bull Rush) | F: +11, R: +7, W: +6 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +1 | Perc: +5, SM: +4 | Speed 15ft (40ft mounted) | Daily Abilities: Challenge: 3/3, Danger Ward: F – R – W | Active conditions: Mounted

A heavily armored halfling tropes in through the doors and shakes off the chill from outside as he leans a long lance and halberd in the designated spot. A small banner hangs from the lance, and though folded as it hangs, the symbol of the new liberty's edge faction can be seen quite clearly.

The halfling pulls his helmet and visor off of his head, hanging it on a peg next to the lance and runs stubby fingers through messy blonde hair, pulling it back off of his face. A heavy flail still hangs from his back, clanking on the bands of his mail as they swing. As he makes his way to the empty table, the gauntlets are removed while his armored boots clank on the floor with each step. He tosses the gauntlets onto the table with a thud and climbs into one of the taller chairs available.

Eh, first one here. Well hopefully Luna doesn't scare anyone off...

With that thought, he realizes that the pup hasn't followed him in. He puts two fingers just inside his lips and lets out a sharp, quick whistle, which brings the din of conversation in the room to an awkward silence.

Liberty's Edge

Female Bonded Mount - Dog | HP: 52/59 | AC: 24 (14 Tch, 20 FF) | CMB: +9, CMD: 23 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +3 (+4 vs Enchant) | Init: +3 w/ Pooka | Perc: +7 | Speed 40ft | Tricks: Attack, Combat Riding, Come, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel, Seek, Track, Fetch | Active conditions: Prayer

At the sound of the whistle, the silver-grey haired dog lifts her head from the sign post she was sniffing, and turns to look at the door hanging open. She turns back to the enticing scent, then back to the door, and quickly trots inside.

Her gait is smooth as she navigates the chairs and tables in a silent room, all eyes on her for some reason or another. No matter, her eyes are focused on one thing, the miniature mountain of armor sitting at a table by himself in the center of the room, the source of the call.

"Good girl" her master says as he flips her a delicious treat.

mmmmm bacon! where does he always get the bacon from! more bacon! oh your hands taste good. Something smells good in here too, its probably more bacon!

"Luna, Down." A swipe of his hand in front of her face snaps the dog out of her trance and she immediately curls up on the floor at the halfling's feet. The conversation noise seems to have picked back up, and her master doesn't seem to be agitated, so after a few sniffs of the air to make sure there isn't anything else interesting near her new spot, she plops her head down on her paws, and with a great big sigh, closes her eyes.

Master will tell me when to wake up, sleeeeeep....

A whip-thin man approaches the table. His greasy apron sporting what appears to be a full fledged war with countless greasy spits, bubbling brown stews, and a tapestry of fermented beverages. He looks at the halfling's flail, and swallows hard before saying, "Oi, mister. Dat your dog? If 'e sh*ts or pisses on me floor, I'll charge you double. What 'ou'll be h'ving? Cook serves meat or stew. Got plenty 'o brews too."

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Halfling Cavalier (Gendarme) 9.1 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 26 (13 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 (26 Bull Rush) | F: +11, R: +7, W: +6 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +1 | Perc: +5, SM: +4 | Speed 15ft (40ft mounted) | Daily Abilities: Challenge: 3/3, Danger Ward: F – R – W | Active conditions: Mounted

Pooka looks up at the grimy man with a scowl on his face.

"Alright, turn about is fair play then. If any of that filth there ends up in my stew, it'll come out of yer tip." he says with a bit of a sneer, pointing at the messy apron.

"Stew, and a double of yer finest whiskey. A pint of ale for Luna." the halfling quips matter-of-factly, dropping his hand down to scratch his mount's ear and pass her another snack.

this guy doesn't dabble in alchemy, or date any shady ship cooks does he? :)

-Posted with Wayfinder

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

"Wow, smells ripe here!" exclaims an enormous man with a shaved pate and tribal tattoos covering his entire, reddish tanned, well muscled body, "That smell be waiter or dog? Me be Xûll the Outcast, of Blue Cliff Tribe. You be Pooka, yes? Me been looking for you and other comrades. Pleasure to at last be meeting you."

The man sits down but does not order anything. He instead takes a sip of cool spring water from his waterskin, sighing in delight when he is done. Xull looks to Pooka, but not expectantly. He is perfectly comfortable sitting in silence and contemplation.

Returning, the man lowers the stew, held with two-hands, shaking slightly. He is concentrating so much on not spilling that he does not notice that another patron has joined the halfling. Just before the cracked enamel bowl reaches the table, he spies the enormous Shoanti. Taken aback, a tablespoon of brown goo flops over the side and onto the table a few finders-breath away from the halfling. Grabbing the end of his apron, he wipes up the goo and turns to the halfling. "Oi, perfect landin' it was. Not a drop on yous. I'll be expectin' that double tip."

Turning to the Shoanti, "What'll it be? Meat o' stew? Got brews too. Boy's a brin' them drinks, Sir Halfling. After that dogs done drink his ale, just be makin' sure you take em out for a piss."

Turning back to the Shaonti after he politely rejects the food and drink, the man replies in an incredulous tone, "Wadda you mean yous not eatin'? What's a point a comin' in here if yous is not gonna eat or drink some brews? It's a sittin' fee then. Half what the Sir Halfling is gonna pay. Oi, boy! Get them brews out 'fore I box 'uor ears!"

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

Xûll noisily pushes his chair backwards and stands to his full height, making sure to stand uncomfortably close to the inn keep.

"If sitting fee there be, then me be standing. If problem, speak. If not, go," Xûll speaks in even, non threatening tones but from this distance, the bar keep can clearly see a red fire blazing in Xûll's pupils.

Knuckling under, the man backs away a step. "'ous come in here, 'ous no eat, no drink. Howdda 'ous think I make any money? 'ous seem to be rich 'venturers. 'ous not too good for meat or stew. Me brews be hearty 'n strong. So be it. Boy a brin' out the drinks." The man turns and walks past the swinging doors and into the kitchen.

A scrawny, big-eared boy comes hustling out. The resemblance to the thin man is uncanny. He places the double shot glass mostly filled with a tanish liquid before the halfling. Staring at the halfing, he utters a squeak, before bending down and pouring a frothy-amber color brew into a tin bowl. As the dog moves closer to the brew, the boy quickly scampers away.

The patrons return to the repast as the conflict seems to be over. A few still cast furtive glances at the large Shoanti to see if he remains standing or reclaims his rickety chair.

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

Xûll stands for a while in quiet contemplation. He did ask the man to tell him if there was a problem. Evidently, there is. Determined, the big tattooed Shoanti strides boldly into the kitchen after the barkeep.

"You be right," says Xûll matter-of-factly, "Me not mean to give offense. Me not pay fee to sit in chair, but will make order. Goat's milk please. If no have goat's, then lamb's will do. A thousand pardons and thank you."

Xûll returns to the table and continues to stand.

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Halfling Cavalier (Gendarme) 9.1 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 26 (13 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 (26 Bull Rush) | F: +11, R: +7, W: +6 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +1 | Perc: +5, SM: +4 | Speed 15ft (40ft mounted) | Daily Abilities: Challenge: 3/3, Danger Ward: F – R – W | Active conditions: Mounted

"You sir, are an interesting man, xull. A pleasure to meet you. You know, if it makes it easier for you, we can avoid a confrontation if you order a meal, then just give it to Luna here. We can keep it between us, I'll be happy to pick up the tab. That is a gruff barkeep, and he might not be smart enough to not pick a fight with you..." pooka says with a smile. I might have just saved that barkeepers life

"Luna, say hi to Xull."

The muscular dog pushes herself up and ambles over to the hulking man, sniffing his feet and hands. After getting to know him better, she nudges her head and body against his leg before flopping back down at the halflings feet. A few laps of the ale, and she curls up a little more, closing her eyes for a bit of a nap.

-Posted with Wayfinder

All right. Milk for the big 'o man. Boy 'd brin' it out.". The thin man turns abruptly back to his companion, just a fat version of the skinny man, with a matching spotted apron. Whispering back and forth, the fat man begins a belly rumble laugh before heading out back.

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

Xûll perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Blissfully unaware of the conversation between Brother Fat and Brother Thin, Xûll cheerfully continues to stand in silence at the table.

"Hello Luna!" he exclaims when introduced to the dog. He immediately kneels down next to it and scratches its back, "Oh, that is lovely coat you have. You be good dog, yes? Good dog for Pooka? Good dog for Xûll? Yes, good dog." Xûll clearly loves animals, and spends a good while scratching and petting Luna until his milk arrives.

Xûll thanks the waiter and takes a hearty swig. It tastes funny. Kind of like...

... water down chalk. Whatever Xull has just drank, it is not, nor has ever been, the wondrous, nourishing liquid squirted out of a mother's teat to sustain her child. After a few moments of standing, Xull noticed no ill effects of his beverage other than it's initial foul taste and the odd coating to his tongue.

Grand Lodge

Human Male Slayer 1 - PFS# 141231-5: HP 12/12, Init +2, AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14, CMB +5, CMD 17, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0 Perception +4, Sense Motive +0 Current Condition:


The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

"Euargh!" Xûll spits the foul liquid back into the vessel it came in, "If man even think about ask for payment, me make him drink this first."

Xûll shoots a very dark look in the direction of the kitchen as he places the mug back on the table, pulls his skin of fresh water and rinses his mouth out with it. When he is done, he spits the wash into the mug and takes another pull from the skin, this time swallowing the delightfully crisp water.

The enormous Shoanti tribesman continues to stand, but decides to pull his massive curved blade out of its sheath. Xûll very non-threateningly and casually uses it for something to lean on. Those familiar with eastern Golarion or exotic weaponry would recognize it as a nodachi, a very unusual weapon for a Shoanti to be carrying. A keen observer familiar with the Pathfinder society may notice a small tattoo on Xûll's right hand of a money bag with a set of scales emblazoned upon it. The man is clearly a member of the Exchange faction. It is the only clue as to why he may be wielding the strangely thin and subtly curved sword.

Dark Archive

Male Human Druid 3 / HP: 22 of 22 / Init: +3 / AC: 16 / FF: 13 / Touch: 13 / Fort: +4 / Reflex: +4 / Will: +6 / Perception: +8

The door to the tavern opens slowly and an older looking human walks in. Well tanned wrinkly skin from years of living outdoors, bald head, mostly grey wisps of hair, and well worn leathers adorn the newcomer.

Glancing around, Sun catches a glimpse of a dog on the floor of the tavern as he scans for an open seat.

That dog looks familiar,and out of place. I remember a dog of that color for a few months back. Now what was I doing a few months ago is the question... He thinks to himself before moving closer to see if he recognizes the dog. As he gets closer however, he hears a big Shoanti yell something, near where the dog is. Distracted from watching where he was going, he barely manages to avoid colliding with a larger fellow in a stained apron.

Closing the distance to the table, Sun remembers about the adventure a few months ago at the same time he recognizes Pooka and Luna.

"Pooka! Luna! What a crazy random happenstance meeting you here!" Sun says, slapping a hand to the halfling's back.

The thin man approaches the table. Turning to Sun, "Oi, wadda 'ous have? We have meat 'o stew. Brews good too, but milk, 'tas for 'em little 'ons." he says with the barest chuckle.

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

Xûll considers showing the man exactly what he can do with his "milk", but thinks better of it. Instead, he decides to stand a little closer to the thin man. Xûll crosses his arms and flexes his muscles to show the thin man exactly how little the last person to order milk was.

"Me be Xûll the Outcast," Xûll greets Sun before the little man can take his order, "You friend of Pooka? Me thinks we be here to meet together, yes? New mission. Do not order milk. If you not hungry nor thirsty, there be charge to sit in chair. That is why me stand."

Xûllish is damned hard to "speak"... still getting the swing of it. If anyone knows of a link to somewhere that can help me with similar syntax / grammar to what I've been using, that'd be awesome.

Dark Archive

Male Human Druid 3 / HP: 22 of 22 / Init: +3 / AC: 16 / FF: 13 / Touch: 13 / Fort: +4 / Reflex: +4 / Will: +6 / Perception: +8

Sun does a slight bow of the head towards Xûll before taking a slow seat at the table next to Pooka, easing his tired bones into the chair.

"I'll have some broth, beef preferred. Oh and some brew, hopefully something strong if you please." Sun says to the thin man before turning to Xûll. "Greetings master Xûll, I am indeed a friend of Pooka here. And thank-you for the heads of the seating charge, more and more taverns are doing that these days. Never understood that."

The thin man quickly disappears behind the double doors. He returns moments later with a medium size bowl, hot vapors swirling above it. "'eres 'our broth. Boy be bringin' the brews. Top 'o the line brews here. Got an ale 'at will do the trick." As Sun looks at the broth, he notices that instead of a clear brown liquid, it is more viscus and cloudy. He does not notice any 'chunks' in the broth, but it does look surprisingly like Pooka's stew minus 'chunks'.

Moments later the boy rushes out from the back room with Sun's mug. He put it down, glances at each in turn, opens his mouth to speak, then rushes back to the kitchen.

Seriously, dialectic is soooo hard.

Liberty's Edge

Female Bonded Mount - Dog | HP: 52/59 | AC: 24 (14 Tch, 20 FF) | CMB: +9, CMD: 23 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +3 (+4 vs Enchant) | Init: +3 w/ Pooka | Perc: +7 | Speed 40ft | Tricks: Attack, Combat Riding, Come, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel, Seek, Track, Fetch | Active conditions: Prayer

Luna's ears perk up at the aging druid's voice. She hops up to her feet and trots across the room, tail wagging, to greet the friendly old man, nuzzling up to his leg as he walks by. She follows him to the table, sniffing his hands as if expecting a treat to magically appear. When none does, she sits back down next to Pooka's chair, and scans the room for something, or someone, who might provide her with her next snack.

Feeling braver, she eventually creeps back to her feet, and starts to circle the table, sniffing the floor as she goes. With each circle, she goes further out, eventually getting to the bar, where she stops to lick the floor in a few places. Each time the thin man shoots her a look as he walks by, her hackles raise up, though she suppresses the growl, for now.

With her exploration of the room complete, she saunters back to her master and his companions, flopping back down on the floor with a heavy sigh, and closes her eyes.

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Halfling Cavalier (Gendarme) 9.1 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 26 (13 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 (26 Bull Rush) | F: +11, R: +7, W: +6 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +1 | Perc: +5, SM: +4 | Speed 15ft (40ft mounted) | Daily Abilities: Challenge: 3/3, Danger Ward: F – R – W | Active conditions: Mounted

"Sun! My friend! So good to see you again. I must say, I am particularly glad to be seeing anyone at all after that trip we took last. Luna and I barely survived, and even if we had, I was nearly turned into a raving beast even more primal than her." Pooka smiles as he scratches his loyal mount's ear, just away from the patch of skin where hair stubbornly refuses to grow back on the side of her neck.

"It seems we are destined to re-write the annals of history together my friend. He has already introduced himself, but Xull here is another of our companions for whatever this next excursion is to be. I should mention, after our last foray, I decided that one of these little babies," Pooka pats a slightly protruding wand of cure light wounds from a belt pouch, "would be a wise investment. We were almost not ready for that last tussle with those druids, and we nearly all paid for it with our lives."

Grand Lodge

Human Male Slayer 1 - PFS# 141231-5: HP 12/12, Init +2, AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14, CMB +5, CMD 17, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0 Perception +4, Sense Motive +0 Current Condition:

"So long as we are introducing ourselves," calls a voice from the now open door. "Don't let me miss my chance."

The man's blonde hair hangs messily over his face, and jostles dashingly as he makes his way across the room to those gathered at the table. "The name is Augustus, though everyone calls me August for short." says the man, unstrapping his great-sword and lucerne hammer before sitting down.

"It would appear I'm here to join you," he adds, his eyes falling upon the wand of curr light wounds. "Though now I fear I may be a little underprepared."

" 'Oi 'ow many more 'ous got?" turning to Augustus, "Same choice heres as I told 'our friends. Meat or stew, brews best 'o round."

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

"You honestly asking if have too many customers here for you?" asks Xûll, about to snap as a result of this man's rudeness. The Shoanti takes a deep inwards breath, rubbing the pommel of his nodachi and closing his eyes to find a measure of peace within his mind. Succeeding, he turns from the uncouth waiter to the newcomer.

"Me Xûll the Outcast. Pleasure to meet new man Augustus-Aeyon-Though-Everyone-Call-Him-August-For-Short," says Xûll in a much more even tone than before, "Why you be underprepared? We sit here to eat and drink. After we prepare. If Augustus-Aeyon-Though-Everyone-Call-Him-August-For-Short be smart, he eat and drink after also."


1: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
2: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
3: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
4: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
5: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

6: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
7: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17

Good thing this wasn't your first combat ;)

@ Everyone notices that the boy keeps opening the door, looking in your general direction, starting towards you, and heading back into the kitchen.

Sun, Augustus, Xull:
You notice that the thin man, when passing tables or ordering food, has twice reached into purse strings and grabbed some coins.

Currently, the thin man, fat man, and boy are not present in the tap room.

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

Xûll decides to flout the rules and sit at the table. He leans forwards conspiratorially to speak with his new companions.

"Any other notice thin man be stealing moneys?" Xûll checks to make sure they are still nowhere to be seen, "Me not be liking man first. Now me be really not liking man. Want do something? Me like to teach lesson. Suggest Pooka take Pooka dog around back. Cut off escape. Augustus-Aeyon-Though-Everyone-Call-Him-August-For-Short be coming with me into kitchen to find men. Sun be waiting here for signs of trouble and come help when can. Good plan?"

Grand Lodge

Human Male Slayer 1 - PFS# 141231-5: HP 12/12, Init +2, AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14, CMB +5, CMD 17, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0 Perception +4, Sense Motive +0 Current Condition:

"Agreed," August says, a smirk spreading across his face. "If for no other reason than it is something to do."

Ok so this is just for fun. I want to breeze through this and get to handout #1.

Taking the Shoanti's advice, the Pathfinder push back from the table and move to the selected location.

Upon entering the kitchen, all Augustus Gloop, and Xull see is the Fat Man standing over a steaming pot of what appears to be stew. He is stiring it with one hand while digging so far up his nostril with his other that it is a wonder he isn't scratching what is left of his brain.
"'Oi what the fock 'ous doin' back 'ere. Get out and don't let the door smack 'our arse."

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Halfling Cavalier (Gendarme) 9.1 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 26 (13 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 (26 Bull Rush) | F: +11, R: +7, W: +6 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +1 | Perc: +5, SM: +4 | Speed 15ft (40ft mounted) | Daily Abilities: Challenge: 3/3, Danger Ward: F – R – W | Active conditions: Mounted

Pooka and Luna make it out the door and the halting quickly mounts up on his steed. The two make a quick scamper around the back side of the building, and the diminutive man draws his heavy flail, mostly for dramatic effect. Dog and rider stand at the back door, both with teeth bared, waiting for one of the cowardly thieves to try to make a run for it.

-Posted with Wayfinder

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

"Where be thin man?" asks Xûll, continuing to move into the kitchen (his blade mercifully sheathed at his back), "He been stealin'. Me thinks you know. Me thinks you steal too. Now we get to go to authorities. First, me search rooms and make sure evidence stay there. Put hands up or me make you eat stew."

Xûll's eyes begin to glow red, the veins spreading out from his corneas thicken and threaten to take over his whites entirely.

Looking the large man up and down, the fat man begins to stutter. "Stealin'. What the fock? Din' steal nothin'" The fat man raises a quivering arm and points to a staircase to the side of the room that ascends. "He up 'ere"

Xull Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 11

Xull clearly knows that something the fat man said was a lie, but he is not sure if it is the former or the later. He can also hear voices upstairs. Judging by the height of the stairs, the people must be yelling for Xull to hear them standing where he is.

Grand Lodge

Human Male Slayer 1 - PFS# 141231-5: HP 12/12, Init +2, AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14, CMB +5, CMD 17, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0 Perception +4, Sense Motive +0 Current Condition:

August enters the kitchen paces behind Xull, dragging the tip of his great-sword behind him and along the floor.

"Am I going up then, new friend?" August says with a grin looking at Xull, shaking the blade in hand for a moment so its tip bounces of the floor in a clatter.

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

"Him first," says Xûll in a tone that will brook no argument, "Unless fat man is guilty and want escape? If fat man innocent, then fat man want help screaming woman. Up stairs fat one. Now."

Xûll continues to close the distance between the fat man and himself as he speaks. If fatty even takes a single step towards the exit, Xûll will pounce.

Looking at now another large armed man, the fat man makes his way up the stairs. Xull and Augustus follow at a safe distance, prepared for foul play.

Upon reaching the top of the stairs there is a door to the right and a door to the left. Shouting can be heard from the door to the right and a crash is audible. Looking back at Augustus' bared sword, the fat man opens the door to the right.

As the door swings open, the Pathfinders see the thin man standing over the boy. The boy is on his back, sliding away from the thin man. Behind them the Pathfinders can spy a pile of blankets that have been formed into a human shape.

"Boy, 'ous leave the downstairs again and I'll more 'an box 'our ears." Looking up, the thin man sees the fat man and the Pathfinder standing behind him. "What the fock is 'ous doin' 'ere?"

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

Before they go upstairs.

"Tell friends to follow," Xûll says to August.


"Teaching a thin man a lesson," says Xûll, and without hesitation rushes the thin man.

Allowing the blood to rise to his head at the sight of the bully and thief, Xûll's eyes go completely red, and glow with an inner magic. A feral growl escapes the Shoanti's lips as he leaps for the thin man to throttle him with his bare hands.

Xûll starts his bloodrage (su, free action) and will initiate combat. Let me know if there's a surprise round to be had or whatever else.

I will rule that Pooka, Luna, and Sun are 1 round away.

Agustus: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Luna: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Pooka: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Sun: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Xull: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
thin: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (11) - 1 = 10
fat: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (17) - 2 = 15
boy: 1d20 ⇒ 1

Combat Table- Round 1
=> Luna
=> Augustus
=> Pooka
=> Sun
=> Fat
=> Thin
=> Xull
=> Boy

Everyone except Xull is up

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3
TheBobJones wrote:
Everyone except Xull is up

Aww! Nuts!

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Halfling Cavalier (Gendarme) 9.1 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 26 (13 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 (26 Bull Rush) | F: +11, R: +7, W: +6 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +1 | Perc: +5, SM: +4 | Speed 15ft (40ft mounted) | Daily Abilities: Challenge: 3/3, Danger Ward: F – R – W | Active conditions: Mounted

Luna will hold initiative and act on Pooka's as he is mounted currently... this is exactly the reason why I made my cavalier a halfling...

Pooka starts for a moment as he sees the back door open, but settles down when he recognizes August stick his head out and motion him inside. Luna trots in, Pooka firmly in the saddle, and they begin to move through the kitchen. All at once Pooka hears a massive commotion, and doesn't hesitate.

"Luna, Yip!" The halfling kicks his heels back into the dog's rear haunches and leans forward, prepping for the sudden momentum change. The muscled canine rockets forward on command, easily passing several yards in each graceful bound. Turning on a dime, the dog lifts her front paws to the first step and treats the staircase the same way, the boards passing beneath them in a blur. In mere moments, dog and armored rider crest the top of the staircase and appear in the doorway of the now crowded room.

Yea... thats right. Horse can't do that!

Combat Table- Round 1
=> Augustus
x Luna/Pooka - RODE up the stairs
=> Sun
=> Fat
=> Thin
=> Xull
=> Boy

Everyone except Xull is up

Pooka Bladespinner wrote:
Luna will hold initiative and act on Pooka's as he is mounted currently

Will this always be the case?

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Halfling Cavalier (Gendarme) 9.1 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 26 (13 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 (26 Bull Rush) | F: +11, R: +7, W: +6 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +1 | Perc: +5, SM: +4 | Speed 15ft (40ft mounted) | Daily Abilities: Challenge: 3/3, Danger Ward: F – R – W | Active conditions: Mounted
TheBobJones wrote:
Pooka Bladespinner wrote: Luna will hold initiative and act on Pooka's as he is mounted currently Will this always be the case?

Yea, there won't be many cases where I won't be mounted, so you can just give us 1 initiative, I would assume mine. It would kinda stink to always have to roll twice and take the worst result

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Human Druid 3 / HP: 22 of 22 / Init: +3 / AC: 16 / FF: 13 / Touch: 13 / Fort: +4 / Reflex: +4 / Will: +6 / Perception: +8

Sun sees Augustus fetch Pooka and watches them both rush upstairs. Sun catches Pooka's eyes and points to himself then to his chair and mouths I'll-wait-here before the halfling moves on.

Grand Lodge

Human Male Slayer 1 - PFS# 141231-5: HP 12/12, Init +2, AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14, CMB +5, CMD 17, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0 Perception +4, Sense Motive +0 Current Condition:

August studies the thin man for a moment, then rushes forward and grasps the colossal great-sword in both hands. As his motion ends, he voices an odd challenge to the thin man, though spoken quietly and under his breath, "Please don't surrender..."

Move Action: Studied Strike
Move Action: approach the thin man

Combat Table- Round 1
x Augustus - counting the wisps of hair on the old man's head, up close and personal
x Luna/Pooka - RODE up the stairs
x Sun - waiting at the foot of the stairs
x Fat - crying grotesquely
x Thin - being brave?
=> Xull
=> Boy

Seeing more Pathfinders, and one ridding a dog no less, the fat man collapses into a blubbering mess.

The thin man extends his arm, and pulls the boy behind him. In a terrified stutter, "'at the fock 'ous doin' in me room? 'ous can kill me but donna hurt the boy 'o me wife."

Xull SM: 1d20 ⇒ 10
Xull does not think the man is lying.

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

"Teaching a thin man a lesson!" repeats Xûll, this time his voice is full of menace, enough to curdle blood, "No steal and no beat children!"

Alas for the thin man, Xûll's rage is formidable and has already begun!

Punch vs Thin Man, bloodrage, charging: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 8 + 2 = 18
Damage, nonlethal: 1d3 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

The man crumples to the ground in a heap.

The boy deftly dodges his falling father.

Crying hysterically, "Why did 'ou do tat? He only takes the money cuse she's sick. I just wanna help my mum. Now you kill my pa too!"

The little boy rushed to hug his fallen father. Once he has moved, the Pathfinders can see a woman covered in blankets, breathing shallowly behind the boy and his father. The fat man rises, suddenly finding a bit of courage. "Get out now, and ne'er return."

Thanks for the interlude, it was very beneficial for me as a GM to determine what was subtle and what was not. I actually gleaned quite a bit from this and have already altered 2 encounters to make your success more likely, or less likely to fail because of me. Feel free to tie up any loose ends you want here if you want.

Now to the real scenario:

A man rushes upstairs, barely catching his breath, "I ... have .... been .... looking for .... you .... forever. Valsin wanted you ..... 10 minutes ago. Come on."

The Pathfinders follow Valsin's page into the Grand Lodge, and into his familiar office. As the Pathfinders walk into the familiar office of Venture Captain Ambrus Valsin, they notice that the man's dour expression has only worsened. He barely glances up from reading a random parchment on his desk before sighing heavily, placing the parchment in a pile, and steepling his fingers. With a stern look of disapproval, he begins, "Pathfinders, as you know we are suffering severe casualties holding the demon horde back in the Worldwound. Recently it has come to the Society's attention that a previously undocumented Sky Citadel, in what was once Sarkoris, has now been consumed by the Worldwound."

Exhaling sharply, the Venture Captain continues. "Knowing we don't have the resources to reclaim this citadel ourselves, we have been in contact with a dwarven contingent of Highhelm to provide military assistance and historical expertise. The dwarven entourage headed northwards towards Mendev to meet with Venture-Captain Jorsal of Lauterbury."

After a dramatic pause, "They never made it. En route, the dwarves encountered the religious zealots of Razmiri just outside Xer." The Venture-Captain faces flushes slightly, the thought of a ruined plan making the vein on his forehead pulsate with anger. "The dwarves tried to pay the tribute, but those damn Razmiri just tried to squeeze them for more money. Greedy bastards."

"Once the dwarves never showed up, Jorsal had one of his wizards cast a sending spell to Rahuska Ingardam, the mission leader. All he got back was this."

Sliding a sheet of paper over to the Pathfinders, they read:

"Passed Xer, paid our way, but attacked and over come. Razmiri priests hold us for unknown purpose. We are held somewhere near the Glass River at …"

After giving the Pathfinders the barest moment to scan the contents, he continues, "Our best guess is that they are held at the Gray Revelation Inn, about 30 miles east of Xer. Your goal is to liberate the three dwarves envoys and escort them into Mendev. We also want to keep our involvement in this a secrect from the Razmiri. The last thing we need is more enemies. To aid you I am sending you to meet with Metella Raugar, and respected Pahmet mystic Amauhak. These dwarves will take the place of the imprisoned dwarves should you not be able to liberate them."

Looking intently, the Venture-Captain studies the Pathfinders' faces for signs of comprehension. Blowing heartily, he concludes "You are headed to Durma, specifically the capital city of Kerse. You are to meet Temel Passad there. He has agreed to furnish the Society with a boat to transport you north. Building a good working relationship with one or more influential merchants would be to everyone benefit. Don't let us down."

What that, the Venture Captain picks up another parchment and continues reading, ignoring the Pathfinders sitting across from him.

Feel free to make a Knowledge (History) or Knowledge (Religion) check regarding Razmiri or ask the Venture Captain anything.

Razmir, known as the Lord of the 31 Steps, claims to have taken the Test of the Starstone and ascended to divinity. He appeared before the people of Xer in the Duchy of Melcat 52 years ago and now acts as both sovereign and god of those captured lands.

DC 20:
It is no secret that the Razmiri clergy rely more on bullying than on divine miracles, often exploiting travelers to fill the church’s coffers. The regular patrols of faithful enforcers searching for dissension has resulted in the paranoia that runs throughout the government and the populace. Any friendliness from a native is cause for suspicion.

DC 25:
While not all citizens of Razmiran worship the living god, none would admit as much publicly, especially to outsiders who may be undercover clergy.

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3
TheBobJones wrote:
Thanks for the interlude, it was very beneficial for me as a GM to determine what was subtle and what was not. I actually gleaned quite a bit from this and have already altered 2 encounters to make your success more likely, or less likely to fail because of me. Feel free to tie up any loose ends you want here if you want.

Happy to know we rightfully punished a thief (and fake milk distributer)! ;-) Xûll can understand subtle... right up until he rages. I knew he was likely not a hardened criminal, and so left my weapon sheathed. No need to tie up loose ends, I think you know how this will end.

"Me be eager to help, Venture-Captain," says Xûll thoughtfully, "But who be these Razmiri? Me not know much about religion, geography nor history. Also, who be these influential merchants and what they like? Me be happy with trading, but me not have much to trade."

Xûll waits patiently for his friends to also ask questions and for the Venture-Captain to reply.

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Feel Free to dot in.

Ok, so we should have 4 confirmed - you all want to run with the 4 and the 4 player adjustment or do you want me to recruit 2 more? I am cool either way.

Been reading over the adventure, and there are 2 BIG info dumps. I have some scene setting already prepped. There are 2 success conditions and some variability on faction boons. I am still trying to figure out how to share these with the PCs without directly telling you. I may have to be a little heavy handed in the RP, and possible just directly tell you although that is a last resort.

In the meantime, enjoy this crap hole of a tavern I have placed you in. {insert evil laugh} - so hot cat-women in here.

Important, please make sure your tag lines are updated.

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

Damo's character here... Sorry for the delay on dotting in - missed the link on the word "dot"! ;-)

My personal preference is for the 4 character adjustment. Keep an ear out for other players, and if things prove too hairy for 4, we can always recruit for the next scenario.

Let me know if you need more (or less) on my tag line.

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Halfling Cavalier (Gendarme) 9.1 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 26 (13 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 (26 Bull Rush) | F: +11, R: +7, W: +6 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +1 | Perc: +5, SM: +4 | Speed 15ft (40ft mounted) | Daily Abilities: Challenge: 3/3, Danger Ward: F – R – W | Active conditions: Mounted

I am good with 4. Did Sun ever confirm with you ? I need to update my sheet after the goblins chronicle, let me know if you need anything else on my tagline.

-Posted with Wayfinder

He has not. If you could pm him the link that would be great. Once the other 2 dot in and vote on 4 or 6 we'll start.

Dark Archive

Male Human Druid 3 / HP: 22 of 22 / Init: +3 / AC: 16 / FF: 13 / Touch: 13 / Fort: +4 / Reflex: +4 / Will: +6 / Perception: +8

Good Morning! Sorry for the giant delay in posting, life is a squirmy little bugger at times.

Grand Lodge

Human Male Slayer 1 - PFS# 141231-5: HP 12/12, Init +2, AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14, CMB +5, CMD 17, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0 Perception +4, Sense Motive +0 Current Condition:

Any class that would be helpful to the group? I haven't rolled this toon out yet, so we have the opportunity to tailor him to the party.

Also, I'm good with 4. Sounds fun to me.

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

Hey there Sun, great to meet you. Looking forward to some fun of a different kind. I changed Xûll from a sorcerer into a bloodrager before leveling up to 2. Ever since the Advanced Class Guide was released at Gen Con, I'm just not feeling the base classes anymore!

I was thinking a bloodrager would be a maniac wielding a two-handed weapon, but then I already had one of those.

Xûll, I think, is going to be calm and collected right up until the exact instant he enters his blood rage. Can't wait.

Glad that everyone had a chance to dot in.

Before we begin we have 2 options:

1) go with the 4 we have and I will make the 4-player adjustment.
Pro we can start right away
Con might be more fun with more

2) I can recruit 2 more
Pro some better party diversity but I don't see this as a huge issue
Con takes time

Xull & Pooka vote 4-party.

Regardless I have a non-sanctioned vinyet going on the gameplay quickly followed by the official beginning. Instead of the dreaded player handout we will "flashback" for info dump #1. Then we will "flash forward" to info dump #2.

Augustus Aeyon wrote:

Any class that would be helpful to the group? I haven't rolled this toon out yet, so we have the opportunity to tailor him to the party.

Also, I'm good with 4. Sounds fun to me.

Plenty of time. Just have the character 100% by info dump #2.

Sun Desin wrote:
Good Morning! Sorry for the giant delay in posting, life is a squirmy little bugger at times.

No worries. Happy to have you. My only requiremt is at least 1 post per day once we start. If you have a seperate alias for an AC make surre to dot it in too.

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

Cool. At least Sun is a druid - so he can help my wand of Cure Light Wounds get its whore on and heal everyone. ;-)

Anyone else have a CLW wand?

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Halfling Cavalier (Gendarme) 9.1 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 26 (13 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 (26 Bull Rush) | F: +11, R: +7, W: +6 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +1 | Perc: +5, SM: +4 | Speed 15ft (40ft mounted) | Daily Abilities: Challenge: 3/3, Danger Ward: F – R – W | Active conditions: Mounted

Pooka learned his lesson last mission and has a wand, I am good with it normal sharing of charges

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Human Druid 3 / HP: 22 of 22 / Init: +3 / AC: 16 / FF: 13 / Touch: 13 / Fort: +4 / Reflex: +4 / Will: +6 / Perception: +8


I plan on spending some prestige to get a CLW wand, and anything else that sound suitably flashy and shiny i just have to have. I should have it done tonight for review.

Posting for me will be limited during work hours (8am - 6pm-ish) but I should be able to keep up outside of that time frame.

Dark Archive

Male Human Druid 3 / HP: 22 of 22 / Init: +3 / AC: 16 / FF: 13 / Touch: 13 / Fort: +4 / Reflex: +4 / Will: +6 / Perception: +8

All set, level 2 and ready to go! No animal companion, chose the elemental affinity style for a change of pace.

I am good with a 4 member squad, for me vote.

Ok so that is 3/4 for 4 and the vote carries. Once Augustus checks into the tavern, we will quickly wrap up this interlude, and move quickly into what is supposed to be a player handout.

Grand Lodge

Human Male Slayer 1 - PFS# 141231-5: HP 12/12, Init +2, AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14, CMB +5, CMD 17, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0 Perception +4, Sense Motive +0 Current Condition:

Ok, Augustus will be a Slayer (class). And I'll update the Paizo character sheet this evening when I have my computer, but I have him all rolled up currently (just not the electronic stats to show-off yet). I'll be posting in the gameplay thread this morning.

4 players all the way!

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Halfling Cavalier (Gendarme) 9.1 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 26 (13 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 (26 Bull Rush) | F: +11, R: +7, W: +6 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +1 | Perc: +5, SM: +4 | Speed 15ft (40ft mounted) | Daily Abilities: Challenge: 3/3, Danger Ward: F – R – W | Active conditions: Mounted

Here an example of a guy Ibid and I gamed with before joining up with this group. I thought he was pretty good at a kind of 'island style' orcish. At least thats the way I read it.

I think personally the easiest way to do it is just make it as 'phonetic' as possible. Then the way it sounds in my head when I read it is pretty much exactly the way you pictured it coming out when you typed it. As far as syntax and grammer... I think you are doing fine.

The hardest part is maintaining the whole style. The way I try to do this is pick a few things to do, and always do it. Those 'things' could be a certain type of word, or specific word, and always just leave it out of the sentence. Or always use the same word in a specific syntax, for example:

when describing someone or something, you always say 'be' instead of 'is/are/am' : "You be short halfling! Harhar!" "Me be thirsty" "Dat hole be deep..."

If you pick just a few quirks, it makes it easier to stick to. I have a dwarf who always says ye, yer when referring to other people. Thats about the only thing I change, but its easier to keep track of because its the one thing I try to make sure I consistently change.

Does any of that make sense? It does in my head....

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

Great advice! I actually do that with Sheeba. Triple every "r".

Xûll has the whole "me" instead of "I" thing, but I'll find a few more. Damn English and its inconsistent rules. Makes it tricky to mess with them consistently. Also damn the new ducking autocorrect (wow, typed ducking and it auto corrected to fūckinf - wtf). Where and how it chooses what to replace and capitalize, I've got no idea.

Augustus Aeyon wrote:

Ok, Augustus will be a Slayer (class). And I'll update the Paizo character sheet this evening when I have my computer, but I have him all rolled up currently (just not the electronic stats to show-off yet). I'll be posting in the gameplay thread this morning.

4 players all the way!

Cool - Trask jr. Some very cool options in that class.

Ok so please post the following:

Character Name:
Your Name:
PFS #:
Chronicle for this character:
Day Job roll:

and Perception/Int/Saves unless they are current in your tagline.

There are faction specific boons in this one ....

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Halfling Cavalier (Gendarme) 9.1 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 26 (13 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 (26 Bull Rush) | F: +11, R: +7, W: +6 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +1 | Perc: +5, SM: +4 | Speed 15ft (40ft mounted) | Daily Abilities: Challenge: 3/3, Danger Ward: F – R – W | Active conditions: Mounted

Character Name: Pooka Bladespinner
Your Name: Steve Hanis
PFS #: 133958-1
Faction: Liberty's Edge
Chronicle for this character: 6th
Day Job roll: Day Job, Handle Animal via Farmstead Vanity: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24

Woohoo! Dinging level 3 after this! And I have an emerald spire chronicle to give this guy when he hits level 4 that will whisk him immediatly to level 5! ... Why is leveling characters so much fun? I'll never know...

Grand Lodge

Human Male Slayer 1 - PFS# 141231-5: HP 12/12, Init +2, AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14, CMB +5, CMD 17, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0 Perception +4, Sense Motive +0 Current Condition:

Character Name: Augustus Aeyon
Your Name: Chris L.
PFS #: 141231-5
Faction: Grand Lodge
Chronicle for this character: currently has 1 chronicle, this will be #2
Day Job roll: none

Perception +4, initiative +2, Fort +4, Refl +4, Will +0

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

Character Name: Xûll
Your Name: William Gates
PFS #: 135100-3
Faction: The Exchange (Qadira)
Chronicle for this character: 4
Day Job roll: No day job, but I have this boon...

Treasure Map: You recently inherited or purchased a map that promises buried riches to any adventurer willing to follow its convoluted instructions. When you would roll a Day Job check, you may instead check one of the boxes. Upon checking the third box, you uncover the hidden cache, earning you a number of gold pieces equal to 150x your current character level. You may spend 4 PP to acquire another promising map and reuse this boon; if you choose not to do so upon checking the final box on the Chronicle sheet, cross the entire boon of the Chronicle sheet. You may only use one Treasure Map at a time.

One box is already checked. Please just print it out, check it (sign it) and scan it with my chronicle sheet for this scenario.

Xull is in search for some hidden treasure!

Now, that's a useful boon. Stupid other one that you linked to in the Zedroom!

Anyway, the boon and all my chronicle sheets are now sorted out: Xûll Chronicles & ITS

I've also finalized Xûll's stat block on his online profile. He's got over 1,000 gp unspent so I will probably do a little shopping once we've been briefed on the scenario (maybe some bladeguard, more holy water and other cool supplies).

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

Lucerne hammer, eh? Looks like we are teh suck for ranged attacks. Who wants to pick up a masterwork composite longbow? Xûll can, but raging + ranged breaks my mind, so he'd have to do it from close in.

When he gets to level 4, he can start to pick up some ranged options (from his sorcerer parent class)... but I'd like to focus on spells that give me melee buffs (and no saves for my enemies!).

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Halfling Cavalier (Gendarme) 9.1 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 26 (13 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 (26 Bull Rush) | F: +11, R: +7, W: +6 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +1 | Perc: +5, SM: +4 | Speed 15ft (40ft mounted) | Daily Abilities: Challenge: 3/3, Danger Ward: F – R – W | Active conditions: Mounted

Chances are we won't need a ranged focus if each of us has a ranged option. I have a sling, Sun has some ranged touch attacks. You could probably pick up a spear as a backup weapon, which can be thrown. I think we will be ok. (famous last words)

-Posted with Wayfinder

@ Xull that is fantastic. I will check the box and sign.

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Halfling Cavalier (Gendarme) 9.1 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 26 (13 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 (26 Bull Rush) | F: +11, R: +7, W: +6 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +1 | Perc: +5, SM: +4 | Speed 15ft (40ft mounted) | Daily Abilities: Challenge: 3/3, Danger Ward: F – R – W | Active conditions: Mounted

Oh yea, where did you get that boon from? That is Awesome! I want one :) Probably a GM boon right? All the more incentive...

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

Nah, GM boons tend to be race boons and that kinda level. It was a player boon. 2 tokens at GenCon 2014 (get 1 token per table you play at, turn in 2 for a boon, random on a d20 roll... all rolls get a boon).

Dark Archive

Male Human Druid 3 / HP: 22 of 22 / Init: +3 / AC: 16 / FF: 13 / Touch: 13 / Fort: +4 / Reflex: +4 / Will: +6 / Perception: +8

Character Name: Sun Desin
Your Name: Jason H.
PFS #: 143436-1
Faction: Dark Archives
Chronicle for this character: 4th
Day Job roll: Herbalist Day Job: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

All other data is located in tagline.

Dark Archive

Male Human Druid 3 / HP: 22 of 22 / Init: +3 / AC: 16 / FF: 13 / Touch: 13 / Fort: +4 / Reflex: +4 / Will: +6 / Perception: +8
Pooka Bladespinner wrote:

Chances are we won't need a ranged focus if each of us has a ranged option. I have a sling, Sun has some ranged touch attacks. You could probably pick up a spear as a backup weapon, which can be thrown. I think we will be ok. (famous last words)

-Posted with Wayfinder

Yup, my trusty sling and my spells are ranged, though they won't do much damage very quickly. I do have a lightning touch attack that is fun to use, but only a d6 each time.

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Halfling Cavalier (Gendarme) 9.1 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 26 (13 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 (26 Bull Rush) | F: +11, R: +7, W: +6 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +1 | Perc: +5, SM: +4 | Speed 15ft (40ft mounted) | Daily Abilities: Challenge: 3/3, Danger Ward: F – R – W | Active conditions: Mounted

Ok - So random question. How does one find out the details of what boons might be available to GMs should they run games during certain events? That Sylph race looks cool, I remember you saying that is the boon the GM gets for running the gameday games. I am getting more and more enticed to run some PFS...

Granted, I am not sure if I will be able to pull off PbP GM'ing... (It would take far more time daily than I currently spend, and my wife already gives me looks...) but I could certainly pull off a (planned) live game.... Seems like it could be worth it for the boons...

The boons, the boons!

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

You only get the boons at events. You could definitely stick your hand up for GMing at GenCon. The man to ask about all that is Jack, as I've only ever GMed at the PbP GameDay event. For that one, the Sylph boon was announced after GMs had signed up and the GameDay had begun (November 5 to be precise). I'm fairly certain it's different for live events.

If you'll be at GenCon anyway, may as well put your hand up for GMing a table or two! I'm pretty sure I will. or GenCon's website will have more details.

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

Sorry for my delay in posting. My diplomacy skill seems to have disappeared. Trying to track it down. It used to be a class skill that I had ranks in. Just trying to figure out where in the sorcerer-to-bloodrager transition it went away! Can't very well have an Exchange faction PC without diplomacy (or at least appraise)! It'd be like a Sovereign Court faction PC without Knowledge (nobility)! Glad you got that sorted, Finarin. I know mechanically it's not the best, but can't be beat for flavor.

Har Har ;). I think that we can both agree functionally Finarin is ill suited for the Sovereign Court. I just like the role-playing flavor. That was a good suggestions to bring him more 'in-line'.

Obviously Diplomacy will be a useful skill in this scenario.

Have a bit of fun role-playing, it is important to get a handle on Passad and the dwarves before you all set out.

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

Okay, found it. I dumped my Intelligence a little, which caused me to have too many skill points spent. Additionally, I was toying with traits and had mistakenly replaced my "Upstanding" faction trait with "Focused mind" (y'know, even though I can't even cast spells right now). This made it look like diplomacy wasn't a class skill for Xûll and I absent-mindedly just removed those ranks.

Otherwise this part of his background makes no sense:

Xûll is now skillfully furthering Shoanti trade interests, using the Pathfinder Society to do so.


I've retro-fitted my character to include it back in (removing one rank each from survival and knowledge (arcana). I love playing around in Hero Lab, but sometimes I forget not to save! Makes me almost wish for pen-and-paper again. Well, actually, nah. F•cking love Hero Lab.

In updating my tagline, I realised that I made some mistakes with transcribing it, which you've copied over to your rolls in the Campaign Info tab. Saves: Please update my Fort save to +6 (+9 when raging), my Reflex save to +2, my Will save to +2 (+4 when raging). Note my sense motive is also now +1 due to my replaced trait.

Finally, I have made some additional purchases (which Xûll can complete in Absalom or Kerse, up to you):

  • Alchemist's fire (additional) x 1 (20gp)
  • Holy water (additional) x 1 (25 gp)
  • Bladeguard x 2 (80 gp)
  • Potion of Feather Step (50 gp)
  • Potion of Invigorate x 2 (100 gp)
  • Smoked goggles (10 gp)
  • Smelling salts (25 gp)
  • Potion of Touch of the Sea (50 gp)
  • Elixir of thundering voice (250 gp - 1PP)
  • Elixir of hiding (250 gp - 1PP)
  • Air crystal (50 gp)
  • Antiplague (50 gp)
  • Vermin repellent x 2 (10 gp)
  • Everburning torch (110 gp)

Seriously, this guide is the best! Very happy with my purchase of the Adventurer's Armory (currently cheaper than the postage - total of $7!). Of course, most of it now appears in Ultimate Equipment anyway... but Vermin repellent doesn't!

Next up? Handy haversack to keep it all in!

Thanks mate, and sorry for all the trouble! I'll try to be better next time I switch classes (which you probably won't have to GM for).

No worries about the updating the rolls, I will take care of that.

Locations of purchases doesn't matter.

Question though, I thought 1 PP = 150 gp & 2 PP = 750 gp?

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

Sh•t. Yes, you're right. Fek. Ah well, bye bye 500gp! Hmm. Actually, just 250gp. I'll grab only the elixir of hiding instead.

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

Hey, by the way, just holding off for a little while to allow the less obsessed posters to post. Need to reduce my addiction to PbP somehow... not quite sure how. Checking threads less than every half hour will probably help. Re-reading and reviewing my own posts for 5 minutes before finally hitting submit will also help.

Grand Lodge

Human Male Slayer 1 - PFS# 141231-5: HP 12/12, Init +2, AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14, CMB +5, CMD 17, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0 Perception +4, Sense Motive +0 Current Condition:

Sorry for the delay there!

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

Any issues, TheBob, if we buy some skill kits? Xûll should pick up a diplomacy kit, an intimidate kit and maybe a survival kit also...

Grand Lodge

Human Male Slayer 1 - PFS# 141231-5: HP 12/12, Init +2, AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14, CMB +5, CMD 17, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0 Perception +4, Sense Motive +0 Current Condition:

If Xull has all that money stashed away, maybe he should be the one paying the tolls on our journey? His fortune clearly contends with that of Passad :)

NO Problem. Just have all purchases done when we hit the river, which will be after you make your decision on Xer.

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

I'll buy all those kits. Thanks!

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Halfling Cavalier (Gendarme) 9.1 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 26 (13 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 (26 Bull Rush) | F: +11, R: +7, W: +6 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +1 | Perc: +5, SM: +4 | Speed 15ft (40ft mounted) | Daily Abilities: Challenge: 3/3, Danger Ward: F – R – W | Active conditions: Mounted

Pooka is all set with purchases, I had them updated before we started. After this chronicle I will probably stock up on the consumables list... still need to do that. Unless I finally have enough money for the full plate I have been itching for....

Edit: Nevermind... I wont. Might have to wait until I hit level 4, when I can apply a pre-gen credit from emerald spire (3xp in one chronicle!)

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

While he's at the store, Xûll also pulls out a masterwork set of perception tools (spyglass, magnifying glass, reading glasses... and a few other sundries). Totally forgot about that skill - most useful in the game! Updating my profile with the new perception very, very soon.

Grand Lodge

Human Male Slayer 1 - PFS# 141231-5: HP 12/12, Init +2, AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14, CMB +5, CMD 17, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0 Perception +4, Sense Motive +0 Current Condition:

I love that Xull attacked straightaway! Once I see the map, I'll post what August's action is, I.e. Specifying which soldier he moves against.

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3

Boring conversations with someone he knows he will need kill are not for Xûll. ;-)

Map isn't loading for me either.

EDIT: Loaded. No updates with positions yet, though. GM, happy for you to make whatever adjustments you need to and happy to roll again whenever.

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3
GM_TheBobJones wrote:

KK - thanks for that, not sure what is up. Regardless, you put out some serious freaking damage!

Heh. You're welcome. Barbarians are all about damage output - and I put quite a bit of thought into trying to optimize this build. I'm still not sure if I've got it right, but 18 damage for an "average" roll (6 on a d10) lets me know that even if it's not fully optimized, it's farking close. ;-)

The Exchange

Male Human (Shoanti) Level 5, #-3
Sun Desin wrote:
I'm here, I promise!

Heh. We do post insanely often. Let me know if you'd like me to put on the brakes a little. Obviously, having to wait my turn in combat does that for me anyway. ;-)

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