GMBobJones PFS 3-10 Haunting of Hinojai (Inactive)

Game Master TheBobJones

Where in Golarion | PreGens | 1st Floor | 2nd Floor | Basement

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Dice Rolls | Tactical

Arriving at the Lantern Lodge in Absalom’s Petal District, the team is ushered into an immaculately maintained garden where Venture-Captain Amara Li is found pruning a rose bush. She rises gracefully while handing the gardening shears to a servant and tugging off her gloves. “Thank you for coming,” she says, gesturing for the group to walk with her through the garden.
“I am sending you to Minkai, on the other side of Golarion. The lands of Tian Xia are rich in mysteries unknown here in the Inner Sea. There is one legend in particular that has intrigued me for many years, and astute agents many find it an opportunity to see their investigations chronicled for their colleagues to read and admire. In the land of Minkai, a mansion sits atop a hill, where no one dares to venture. It is called Hinojai, and stories tell that it was the home of a wealthy and powerful woman before the fall of Imperial Lung Wa a century ago. It is a long trip, but I strongly suspect the manifestations are genuine and worth the trek. You see, there is but one thing more interesting than discovering a haunting—discovering how it came to be.
“Your transportation is arranged, of course. Hinojai sits in a triangle between two villages and a small town named Nagura. Nagura is large enough to allow you to do any last minute provisioning you require, as well as any background investigation you may wish to do. Remember that the Pathfinder Society is not as well-known in Minkai as it is in the Inner Sea. Be mindful of local traditions and represent the Pathfinder Society in a positive light—do not upset the local people! Damaged relationships only hurt future agents who may be following up on your discoveries. Finally, remember your mission is to discover what happened at Hinojai, not burn it to the ground. Protect and defend yourself, by all means, but we seek the truth, we do not destroy it.”

Knowledge Religion DC 15:

Feel free to ask Amara Li any questions

(Damien) | Male N Human Occultist 7 | HP: 53[+10]/53 | AC: [24]19 ([13]12 Tch, [22]18 Fl) | CMD: [22]21, CMB: +9 | F: +10, R: [+7] +6, W: +10 (+2 vs emotions) | Init: +1 | Perc: +14, SM +0 | Spells: 3rd: 2/2, 2nd: 1/4, 1st: 5/6 | Focus: Abj 2/2, Div 3/9, Nec 1/1, Tra 1/3 | Active conditions: Shield (7 minutes), False Life (15 hp), Haste.

Mavaro runs his hand over his fresh-shaven face. Not sure if I'll get used to this look. Ah well, it is only facial hair.

"Oddly, this isn't my first haunting," says Mavaro in his thick Varisian accent. He leans forwards, and the light of the lanterns in the Lodge use his eybrows to draw stark lines across his face, "The first was in a place called Harrowstone - but that was me in a former life. It would be my pleasure to travel there and lend what aid I may! Allow me a moment while I commune with the spirits. I may have questions for you later..."

Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22

Halfling Mesmerist 7, HP 54/59 | AC 20, Touch 14, FF 18 | Fort: +7 Ref: +10 Will: +14 |Perc +10 | Init: +2 | CMB: +3 | CMD: 16 | Speed: 20 | Spells 1st: 5/6 2nd: 3/4 3rd: 2/2| Tricks: 8/10 | Touch Treatment 8/8 | Wand of Slow 13/13 | Active conditions: Invisible (7 minutes)

"Haunts!?" Meligaster says, flabbergasted. "I have to say I know absolutely nothing about such things! Wasn't this Erasmus fellow joining us? I have understood he is quite an expert on being possessed. I, on the other hand, only claim expertise on being the possessor." An evil gleam at the very thought. So he continues, rubbing his hands together: "Having said that, the other half of the assignment shall be no problem. Give me a week, and all the people in Minkai shall be singing praise to the Society. Yes, yes... gentle suggestion here, some psychic conditioning there.. Excellent! What would you like them to do? Build statues in your honor? Donate their gold to our 'noble cause'?"

Questions... Yes, I do have a question... Who is the fûcker who nicked my fez? I want my fez back! If ever catch the bastard, I'll make him wish he'd never been born!!! This hat must do for now. The owner shan't miss it. We'll be on our way to Minkai before the spell wears out.

Grand Lodge

Yoon, Female CG Human Pyrokineticist 7 | HP: 81/87 Burn/NL: 4/28 | AC: 21 (16 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: 3, CMD: 17 | F: +11, R: +10, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: Elemental Overflow (4)

Dotting in...

A stuffed owl flutters over a bush followed by a squeal, and a small girl crashing through to pick it up.

"Gom Gom can fly! He's a good flyer. I taught him myself." the tiny, dark haired girl says as she rocks back and forth from her heels to her toes, a huge smile of pride plastered on her face.

"He didn't have a mommy to teach him. Like me..." She says to herself, her chin now pulled into her chest, her eyes examining the grass beneath her feet.

"My name is Yoon. I'll do my best not to burn anything. I am getting much better with the fire. I only burned down 1 house last time I practiced!" The little girl exclaims with joy and pride suddenly again, punctuating it with a delighted giggle.

"I know Minkai. I just left there. I will go and help, just not to Oda province. The bad men who killed my father and Gammy are still there, and they might be looking for me. No Oda Province. Yes Hinojai. Do you know if people are sad where we are going? I will tell them stories and Gom Gom can show them how he flies. Then they will be happy and like the pathfinder society!"

Despite the grim news she has just blatently shared with everyone, an oversized smile remains fixed on the small girl's face. She continues to rock back and forth, heel to toe, heel to toe, with her hands clasped behind her back and Gom Gom, her stuffed owl tucked neatly in a belt pouch by her side.

Can't access the haunt link at work, I will look it over tonight at home and come up with some questions.

Grand Lodge

(Jack) Female LN Human (Vudrani) Psychic 7 | HP: 50/51 | AC: 20 (12 tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 15 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +9 | Init: +1 | Perc: +12, SM: +11 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 4/8, 2nd 6/7, 3rd 3/5, SLA 1/1, Phrenic Pool 3/5 || Active conditions: Mage Armor (7 hours), message 70 min, Shield 7 mins, Elect. Resist 10 (25 mins)

A Vudrani woman sits, listening to Amara Li describe the mission at hand. "We are being sent to investigate a haunting, you say. I believe that you chose well selecting me for this mission. Haunts, in other words the remnants of troubled souls that remain to torment the living. Yes, I believe I am a perfect choice.

"I am Rivani, and learning all there is to know is my... mission. We shall learn about these haunts and report back.

"Venture-Captain, can you tell us what manifestation these haunts have already taken?"

Grand Lodge

Yoon, Female CG Human Pyrokineticist 7 | HP: 81/87 Burn/NL: 4/28 | AC: 21 (16 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: 3, CMD: 17 | F: +11, R: +10, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: Elemental Overflow (4)

Yoon walks over to the graceful venture captain and tugs on her blouse ever so gently.

"Um... Miss Li? Do you know anything about the mansion before it became haunted? Or about the woman who used to live there?"

I wonder who she was? Mavaro says horrible bad things have to happen to make a place haunted. I wonder if I would have haunted people if the bad men who killed daddy and gammy had gotten me?

Dice Rolls | Tactical

Addressing Ravini, "That is s wonderful question. We don't know specifics of the house, only what we suspect." I am sure that you will learn much and report much.

Grand Lodge

Erasmus Human Medium 7 - PFS# 141231-4: HP 59/59, Init +5, AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 16, CMB +8 (+15 vs. trip and disarm), CMD 20, Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +7 (+1 vs. charm and compulsion) Perception +13, Sense Motive +4, Current Condition:


Dice Rolls | Tactical
Papasteve's PFS Pregen wrote:
"Um... Miss Li? Do you know anything about the mansion before it became haunted? Or about the woman who used to live there?"

"The noblewoman who lived in Hinojai prior to its haunting has been linked to an organization called the Way of the Kirin, which the Pathfinder Society also has an interest in. Other answers, better answers, can be found once you reach Hinojai”

I will be moving this along later tomorrow. You can purchase items now or in Hinojai, if your Pregen have extra coin

Silver Crusade

Estra Female N Human Spiritualist 7 HP 52/52 | AC 16 (20) (10 Tch, 16 (20) FF) | CMB +5, CMD 14 | F +8, R +5, W +11 (+13) (+13 (+15) vs illusions) | Init +3 | | Perc +4, SM +14 Speed 30 ft | [ooc]Bonded Manifest 1st 3/5, 2nd 1/4, 3rd 0/2 | [ooc]Active Conditions: Shared Consciousness (+4 vs Mind-Affecting, +2 Will) Bonded Manifestation 7/7, Bonded Senses 7/7[/ooc] | Spells:

The older woman sits in the back, absorbing the words being exchanged, occasionally tilting her head as though listening to someone else. Sometimes she nods, at other times she vigorously shakes her head, one time even cutting her hand across the air as if to end an argument.

"Yes, yes, antiquities must be preserved, Venture Captain, though some manifestations are much more violent than others. If this House has remained a mystery for so long, it is likely a powerful spirit calling it home. We fear for our group, but we shall go along for the good of the Society, and perhaps learn something along the way."

The woman has a smooth voice, which rises and falls in a rather pleasant rhythm. It is clear she is used to telling stories to an audience. Perhaps a favorite grandchild or a group of friends. At this point, she again withdraws into herself, muttering under her breath.

Dice Rolls | Tactical

With no more questions, Venture-Captain Amara Li ushers the Pathfinders outside and gives them the contact information for a ship with passage to Tian Xia.

The Pathfinders make their way to the docks where they meet an old salt dog named Braberos. Looking at the man, one can almost smell the week old fish on him. Eye patch, check. Wooden peg leg. Check. Parrot on his shoulder. Check. Tricorn hat. Check.

The Pathfinders are quickly ushered aboard, and the Crusty Wench makes her way swiftly out of port. Favorable winds, and a skilled crew make splendid time from the sloop, and the Pathfinders seem to tolerate the long voyage, and mayhaps enjoy it.

The Captain regales them with his exploits in the Inner Sea.

"Argh, there wasin this one time, when these here lads, well we had this shipment o' Chelish red, and the harbor guard, you knows them Chelish curd, well One Eye Jude over there, he" at this Barbaeros begins a loud guffaw. "See he steals this wenches dress, corset and all, and he dresses up and puts on their face paint. We he saunters up to this guard, and can you believe, yup, the grad makes all googely eyes at ol Jude, when Cruncher comes up behind the guard and brains him with that old mace. I tells yah, them where the funs days. Now I just run rich folks from one location to another. You lot ain't so bad, except for the halfling always b*#@~ing about the cloth not fine enough. Does for old Barberos, do for him.

And little kid Yoon. Freaks me out something. Starting fire with his mind. Just ain't right.

Well, you all take care. Gonna wait here for two weeks. Then well. Been real fun."

The Pathfinders are excited to exit the ship and rest their feet once more on dry land. After a short overland journey they reach Nagura. The exotic spices of Tian Xia mingle with the familiar smells of unwashed bodies, and large groups of people congregating.

Nagura is a small but active town at the crossroads of three major highways. It serves as a hub for transportation and the distribution of lumber, rice, and other foodstuffs between several smaller villages and two larger cities. Besides numerous residences, the town offers accommodation for merchants and travelers, a general store, and a number of
cottage industries such as pottery and weaving. Smoke wafts in the sky from the chimney’s of active ceramic kilns, while the street is filled with the scents and sounds of vendors selling both raw and cooked food items from booths. To the west of town, a large residence for government officials sits empty and waiting, reserved for the local samurai or the representative of the regency. To the east are a number of shrines to various gods, separated from the rest of town by a bright red torii gate.

Basically, let me know where you want to go gather information, or if you want to head towards the HOUSE

(Damien) | Male N Human Occultist 7 | HP: 53[+10]/53 | AC: [24]19 ([13]12 Tch, [22]18 Fl) | CMD: [22]21, CMB: +9 | F: +10, R: [+7] +6, W: +10 (+2 vs emotions) | Init: +1 | Perc: +14, SM +0 | Spells: 3rd: 2/2, 2nd: 1/4, 1st: 5/6 | Focus: Abj 2/2, Div 3/9, Nec 1/1, Tra 1/3 | Active conditions: Shield (7 minutes), False Life (15 hp), Haste.

"Mon Dieu! It is good to be away from that capitaine an his ridiculous accent," Mavaro exclaims in his ridiculous Varisian accent, "Well, I suppose we should be talking to les petit péquenauds* a little to help inform us of what the spirits are saying. Shall we? Allons-y!**"

* Varisian:
The little uncultured peasants (derogative, of course).

** Varisian:
Let's go!

Mavaro slowly hefts his bulk down to the town, looking like a man taking a pleasant stroll but keeping his nose aloft as though to avoid whatever stagnant air may lurk an inch below it. "I think," he begins, for all the world like that statement was all-important and could stand alone, "I shall go to the bar." Not a one of the traveling companions is surprised by his choice of intelligence gathering locale.

After entering the establishment, with much straining accompanied by loud huffing and puffing, Mavaro pulls himself up onto the stool. He places a skull with a missing jawbone nonchalantly on the bar and turns to the barmaid (who probably owns the bar in a town like this, but if someone wears an apron, Mavaro treats them like hired help), "Mademoiselle, we are here from far away. I was wondering if I might have un petit moment to talk to you about recent goings-on. Oh, and I prefer wine. See to it that my glass is never empty." Mavaro looks expectantly at the counter that noticeably has no wine glass on it. "S'il vous plaît," He adds with a sneer when she does not immediately jump to the task.

Diplomacy (gather information): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10 -- Oh, how appropriate.

Let me know if all the French gets a bit much (or becomes unintelligible. I'm spoiler translating the French that I think is non-obvious. However, I've done the interspersed "obvious French" before and my real life GM said, "I have absolutely no f*cking idea what you are saying sometimes. Keep the stupid f*cking accent if you have to, but speak in English for f*ck's sake." He was Australian, of course.

Me playing a character more arrogant than Lort? I feel I must apologize in advance...

Grand Lodge

Yoon, Female CG Human Pyrokineticist 7 | HP: 81/87 Burn/NL: 4/28 | AC: 21 (16 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: 3, CMD: 17 | F: +11, R: +10, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: Elemental Overflow (4)

No, don't lose the extra French... It's awesome. In fact, don't even feel like you have to spoiler the non obvious stuff. I get the feeling your character wouldn't care if we couldn't understand him... Love it.

Eyes clenched shut, Yoon exits the sloop verily crawling down the center of the gangplank, fear clearly etched on her face.

oof... Meetings. Will finish this later

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

Yoon, Female CG Human Pyrokineticist 7 | HP: 81/87 Burn/NL: 4/28 | AC: 21 (16 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: 3, CMD: 17 | F: +11, R: +10, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: Elemental Overflow (4)

*cries* Just had a loooooong edited post. Swallowed by the fickle forum gremlins. Curse you forum gremlins!!!!!

Yoon makes her way to the shrine to the gods, making sure to pass underneath the red torii gate. Eventually she locates a gentle old woman, struggling to light the incense she has brought in offering. With a flick of her fingers, Yoon assists the old woman, then speaks.

"Pardon me, I am here with some of my friends, and we are trying to find out more information about the haunted mansion. Do you know anything about the lady who lived there?" She lowers her voice, in case speaking about it is taboo, "I heard she was part of a group called the Way of the Kirin..."

I am so crestfallen at my lost post. Lots of stuff about her reaction to water (she hates it) and how she just spent 6 months walking from Tien Xia to Absalom, only to be sent back by boat. It was fun to write, and I don't have the heart to try to recreate it. Dangit...

Halfling Mesmerist 7, HP 54/59 | AC 20, Touch 14, FF 18 | Fort: +7 Ref: +10 Will: +14 |Perc +10 | Init: +2 | CMB: +3 | CMD: 16 | Speed: 20 | Spells 1st: 5/6 2nd: 3/4 3rd: 2/2| Tricks: 8/10 | Touch Treatment 8/8 | Wand of Slow 13/13 | Active conditions: Invisible (7 minutes)

"Hey Mavaro, are you trying to impress us language skills, or do you just have gaping holes in your Taldan vocabulary?" Meligaster seems even more irate than normal. Maybe it's the long journey on the boat, or maybe it's just his normal moodiness. "But if it's a speech impediment, I'm sure we can fix that. Just let me know, and Doctor Meligaster will fix you right up," he adds, winking.

But please keep the french, it's great!

The halfling strolls around the streets, staring and sneering at the locals. He stops by different street vendors, takes a look into their offerings, makes a face and continues his walk. "Oh my gods, tinks everywhere. Crooked tink eyes, smelly tink food, funny tink talk everywhere. Hey you, boy in the horrible-smelling-rice-booth! Yes, you! CAN. YOU. SPEAK. TALDAN? You can? Excellent. Now, look deep into my eyes."

Meligaster stands close to the vendor-boy, staring deep into his eyes. His voice loses all it's edginess, becoming very smooth, very pleasant, extremely relaxing.

"My friend. Would you be so kind and tell me all that has been going on here recently. And tell me everything you know about that haunted mansion and its former resident"

Diplomacy, gather knowlegde: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27

Grand Lodge

Yoon, Female CG Human Pyrokineticist 7 | HP: 81/87 Burn/NL: 4/28 | AC: 21 (16 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: 3, CMD: 17 | F: +11, R: +10, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: Elemental Overflow (4)

Aaaaand I just realized that when I lost my post, I lost my dipolomacy roll and forgot to add another one in. I have no idea what it was previously, because when I tried to preview it lost everything...

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

Silver Crusade

Estra Female N Human Spiritualist 7 HP 52/52 | AC 16 (20) (10 Tch, 16 (20) FF) | CMB +5, CMD 14 | F +8, R +5, W +11 (+13) (+13 (+15) vs illusions) | Init +3 | | Perc +4, SM +14 Speed 30 ft | [ooc]Bonded Manifest 1st 3/5, 2nd 1/4, 3rd 0/2 | [ooc]Active Conditions: Shared Consciousness (+4 vs Mind-Affecting, +2 Will) Bonded Manifestation 7/7, Bonded Senses 7/7[/ooc] | Spells:

The woman follows behind the others. The loud, ridiculous Varisian. The man who seemed to always want to lock eyes, as though he were speaking with a lover. The little girl who seemed shy and a rather poor fit for the rest of the group. The other gentleman and lady who so far had been rather quiet.

She sighs, listening to a voice that didn't exist before nodding. "Too true, Honaire. Oft times we do not choose our partners in crime, but we must make the best of the cards we're dealt."

She enters the bar behind the others, walking up to the counter and sitting down wearily, glad to be on a surface that wasn't constantly rocking. As the person manning the bar happened to walk by, Estra pulled a gold coin out and gently set it on the bar.

"A drink, if you will. Something gentle on the palette."

Another gold coin follows the first, set on the bar top by its companion.

"Now this if you can tell me anything about Hinojai? Or direct me to one who has such knowledge?"

Diplomacy + Shared Consciousness: 1d20 + 14 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 14 + 3 = 32

Grand Lodge

(Jack) Female LN Human (Vudrani) Psychic 7 | HP: 50/51 | AC: 20 (12 tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 15 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +9 | Init: +1 | Perc: +12, SM: +11 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 4/8, 2nd 6/7, 3rd 3/5, SLA 1/1, Phrenic Pool 3/5 || Active conditions: Mage Armor (7 hours), message 70 min, Shield 7 mins, Elect. Resist 10 (25 mins)

Would never have thought of Varisian as French... Galt is Revolutionary France, after all, and all Galtans speak with really bad French accents. On one hand, I see Varisians as Gypsies, which gives them Romani as a parent language. However, given the Sczarni ties to many, a lot of them tend to have... shall we say, a more "Guido" style of speaking? (sorry, no offense meant there). I feel like Gunari probably comes from the Brooklyn side of Magnimar, if you catch my drift!

The Vudrani woman walks quietly behind the troop, her feet barely touching the ground beneath her. Her eyes are not focused on anything, of if they are, it would seem to be far in the distance.

'These that I am traveling with seem to have a way about them. This land, Minkai, is a marvelous place. So many new things to see, so many things to learn about. It is too bad that this town is so... small. But a place full of haunts? This must be a place of marvel.. I must learn everything I can about them.'

She drifts over to where Estra is sitting, a nearly silent whoosh of silks. In a voice that is perhaps a tiny bit more excited than she meant it to be, she asks, "Knowledge of the manor, and those that remain behind. Yes, I... I mean we... seek to understand, to learn about what is going on at Hinojai."

Diplomacy - Assist: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (7) + 0 = 7

Chris and Steve, would you mind adding your pregen's character name to your tagline, probably before the class, etc? Actually, it appears Steve needs to set up EVERYTHING on his tag line. Bad Cyrus/Steve!

Grand Lodge

Yoon, Female CG Human Pyrokineticist 7 | HP: 81/87 Burn/NL: 4/28 | AC: 21 (16 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: 3, CMD: 17 | F: +11, R: +10, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: Elemental Overflow (4)
Rivani 7 wrote:

Chris and Steve, would you mind adding your pregen's character name to your tagline, probably before the class, etc? Actually, it appears Steve needs to set up EVERYTHING on his tag line. Bad Cyrus/Steve!

I accept your public flogging with shame and moderate regret.... I will try to have that up by tonight, if I can't get to it today.

(Damien) | Male N Human Occultist 7 | HP: 53[+10]/53 | AC: [24]19 ([13]12 Tch, [22]18 Fl) | CMD: [22]21, CMB: +9 | F: +10, R: [+7] +6, W: +10 (+2 vs emotions) | Init: +1 | Perc: +14, SM +0 | Spells: 3rd: 2/2, 2nd: 1/4, 1st: 5/6 | Focus: Abj 2/2, Div 3/9, Nec 1/1, Tra 1/3 | Active conditions: Shield (7 minutes), False Life (15 hp), Haste.
Meligaster wrote:
"Hey Mavaro, are you trying to impress us language skills, or do you just have gaping holes in your Taldan vocabulary?"

"Nothing of the kind, ma petite coshon noir," Mavaro continues in as condescending a manner as it is possible to affect, "Taldan, this 'common', borrows much from Varisian. I am simply allowing it to borrow un p'tit peu more."

Mavaro turns his attention back to the barmaid, "Now, mademoiselle, where is my wine? Du vin! Maintenant!"

Dice Rolls | Tactical

Technically they speak Tien, and you are supposed to hire an interperter or buy a scroll of Comprehend Languages, but I hand waved that as it is just a pain in the arse. Keep up your dialects Mavaro - all good with me

Mavaro wrote:
After entering the establishment, with much straining accompanied by loud huffing and puffing, Mavaro pulls himself up onto the stool. He places a skull with a missing jawbone nonchalantly on the bar and turns to the barmaid (who probably owns the bar in a town like this, but if someone wears an apron, Mavaro treats them like hired help), "Mademoiselle, we are here from far away. I was wondering if I might have un petit moment to talk to you about recent goings-on. Oh, and I prefer wine. See to it that my glass is never empty." Mavaro looks expectantly at the counter that noticeably has no wine glass on it. "S'il vous plaît," He adds with a sneer when she does not immediately jump to the task.

A pitete woman approaches from behind the bar, her jet black hair pulled in a tight bun. Her face, unreadable, looks directly at the man as he speaks, giving no indication whether or not she understands or approves of his requests.

"Wud-i-na. Yes, yes" She quickly hustles away only to reappear a moment later with a tray, a small glazed porcelain cup, and a glass bottle with tiny beads of perspiration. She pours the clear liquid into the small cup and hands it to him. She looks pleased with herself and waves her hands on the universal gesture to say [oi]Come on, go ahead, this isn't bad[/i].

Dice Rolls | Tactical
Papasteve's PFS Pregen wrote:

Yoon makes her way to the shrine to the gods, making sure to pass underneath the red torii gate. Eventually she locates a gentle old woman, struggling to light the incense she has brought in offering. With a flick of her fingers, Yoon assists the old woman, then speaks.

"Pardon me, I am here with some of my friends, and we are trying to find out more information about the haunted mansion. Do you know anything about the lady who lived there?" She lowers her voice, in case speaking about it is taboo, "I heard she was part of a group called the Way of the Kirin..."

The grandmotherly woman smiles as the child helps her light the candle. However, once the child starts speaking, her face immediately clouds over.

She begins in a shaky voice, "Child, I am old and near the great sleep. You are young and have many years before you. Best to have fun, plays with your friends, and enjoy life. Asking the wrong questions here is always a bad idea. Come, let me walk you back to your parents. I assume you have wandered off from their caravan?"

Dice Rolls | Tactical
Lufien's Pregen Character wrote:
"Now this if you can tell me anything about Hinojai? Or direct me to one who has such knowledge?"

The same waitress hustles off, this time appearing with a rich amber beverage in a clear glass. The liquid has accumulates a white foam hat, and some of it is staring to slowly drip over the rim, cascading down the glass in a torrent of bubbles.

"Bee-her-e" The woman says.

Another patron, one with the look of a grizzled veteran, approaches the group. He begins in a friendly tone, [b"]Ugh, outsiders, though you don't know no better, not yer fault. Come, finish up them drinks and let's get out of here."[/b] He slaps Mavaro on the back just as he begins to drink the Sake.

"Damm Tien make everything out of rice. They call that sake and that is a frikin' rice beer. Who though to mess up beer by fermenting rice. Crazy this side of the world. Hurry up fancy man, or let me down that for you." He gives Rivani an appraising smile, and motions for them to follow him outside.

Dice Rolls | Tactical

Once outside he turns to Erasmus, and Meligaster. "You two seem the brains of this operation, and you know how to speak to people. That explains why you have lived this long. here though, be careful what questions your asking. I come through here quite a bit, caravan route is good, little trouble, though we do lose a guard or two around here.

See, Hinojai was originally owned by a benevolent noblewoman named Minasako Himiju. She disappeared around the same time as many unsolved murders and atrocities associated with the manor began, approximately 90 years ago.
Hinojai is abandoned but always appears in fair condition even today. Shadowy figures have been seen on the property from a distance, but have never been identified.
Over the last century, the worst supernatural events concerning Hinojai have involved a mysterious fog descending from the house. No one who goes into that fog is ever seen again.
Few victims have ever been found since the original spate of murders 90 years ago, but over the years a few bodies have been found near the estate—all were drained of blood. Stranger still, no tracks were ever found around them.

Grand Lodge

Yoon, Female CG Human Pyrokineticist 7 | HP: 81/87 Burn/NL: 4/28 | AC: 21 (16 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: 3, CMD: 17 | F: +11, R: +10, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: Elemental Overflow (4)

Yoon speaks Tien actually, you can use her to help translate. Miffed opportunity to speak in tien and spoiler it... More tonight when I get home

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

Estra Female N Human Spiritualist 7 HP 52/52 | AC 16 (20) (10 Tch, 16 (20) FF) | CMB +5, CMD 14 | F +8, R +5, W +11 (+13) (+13 (+15) vs illusions) | Init +3 | | Perc +4, SM +14 Speed 30 ft | [ooc]Bonded Manifest 1st 3/5, 2nd 1/4, 3rd 0/2 | [ooc]Active Conditions: Shared Consciousness (+4 vs Mind-Affecting, +2 Will) Bonded Manifestation 7/7, Bonded Senses 7/7[/ooc] | Spells:

The woman nods her thanks to the waitress, sipping at the foamy beverage as the rough-looking man makes his way over. Though the beer is bitter and has a very different flavor and even texture than she is used to, Estra manages a few polite sips without a grimace before following the seemingly helpful man outside.

Though she is not being addressed directly, the spiritualist listens to the man with the same earnest intensity she gives to that unseen partner she can be seen listening to on occasion. At the end of the man's short story on the manor, she pauses for a moment, digesting the information.

"So this noblewoman, this Minasako, was a good-hearted woman, yes? Was there anyone else residing at the manor that these atrocities you mentioned could be tied to? A spoiled child? An abusive husband?" She taps her chin, then adds, "Drained of blood, you say? Were there any marks? Punctures?"

(Damien) | Male N Human Occultist 7 | HP: 53[+10]/53 | AC: [24]19 ([13]12 Tch, [22]18 Fl) | CMD: [22]21, CMB: +9 | F: +10, R: [+7] +6, W: +10 (+2 vs emotions) | Init: +1 | Perc: +14, SM +0 | Spells: 3rd: 2/2, 2nd: 1/4, 1st: 5/6 | Focus: Abj 2/2, Div 3/9, Nec 1/1, Tra 1/3 | Active conditions: Shield (7 minutes), False Life (15 hp), Haste.

"Merde, I've had better while in Riddleport!" Mavaro complains, "... and, who might you be. I do not believe you introduced yourself, m'sieur, useful though you may believe your information to be."

Mavaro pulls his belt up higher, but the pull of gravity and the weight of his stomach cause it to slip back down - perhaps even lower than before.

"Shadowy figures, mes amis? Our specialty!" Mavaro cries, suddenly becoming animated and interested in what is going on, "Shall we head along to this Hinojai house?"

Dice Rolls | Tactical

"Sorry if I have seemed to have slighted you Estra. Don't rightly trust those who talk to people who aren't there. No offense, mind you. To remember fine details like puncture wounds, well those details are lost to history. There was some talk betwixt her companions, seems Shortly before her disappearance, Minasako took on strange advisers".

Dice Rolls | Tactical

"Right, names Fumigo Zataki. I travel far and wide. Heading out for Amanandar in the coming months. Look me up if you find yourselves there."

He will hang around for more questions unless you are done - 1 vote to head towards the house

************ IMPORTANT *******************
Also - Faction Quest. Slipped my mind that you need to complete a Faction Quest to earn your 2nd PP. Chose Grand Lodge Quest.

Grand Lodge

Yoon, Female CG Human Pyrokineticist 7 | HP: 81/87 Burn/NL: 4/28 | AC: 21 (16 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: 3, CMD: 17 | F: +11, R: +10, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: Elemental Overflow (4)

"ありがとう。私は私の友人を見つけることができます。私の両親は私が自分自身の世話をする方法を知っている、昨年死亡しました。あなたは女性に何が起こったの かについて話をしたくない場合は大丈夫です。時々私はどちらかのことについて話をしたくありません。私は今、パスファインダーの社会としています。私たちは、物 事をより良くするためにここにいます。 バイバイ!"

Thank you. I can find my friends. My parents were killed last year, I know how to take care of myself. It's ok if you don't want to talk about what happened to the lady. Sometimes I don't want to talk about things either. I am with the Pathfinder society now. We are here to make things better. bye bye!

Yoon makes her way back to where her companions were and finds them in the road speaking to a rough looking man.

"Mavaro told us about haunts before we left! He said... ah.. you said," She indicates Mavaro, acknowledging he is there sheepishly, "said that haunted places are created when something awful happens to a person. That sounds like it could be something awful! We have to find out what it is!" Yoon's voice gets uncomfortably loud and higher pitched, forgetting the sensitivity of the topic, and more focused on the fact that she has gleaned the first clue as to their ultimate purpose here.

(Damien) | Male N Human Occultist 7 | HP: 53[+10]/53 | AC: [24]19 ([13]12 Tch, [22]18 Fl) | CMD: [22]21, CMB: +9 | F: +10, R: [+7] +6, W: +10 (+2 vs emotions) | Init: +1 | Perc: +14, SM +0 | Spells: 3rd: 2/2, 2nd: 1/4, 1st: 5/6 | Focus: Abj 2/2, Div 3/9, Nec 1/1, Tra 1/3 | Active conditions: Shield (7 minutes), False Life (15 hp), Haste.

Actually, I said nothing of the kind, child. I wonder if you have some telepathy mixed in there with your telekinesis? Well, do you? Thought not.

Unless we can get a haunt cage in town, let's move on.

Silver Crusade

Estra Female N Human Spiritualist 7 HP 52/52 | AC 16 (20) (10 Tch, 16 (20) FF) | CMB +5, CMD 14 | F +8, R +5, W +11 (+13) (+13 (+15) vs illusions) | Init +3 | | Perc +4, SM +14 Speed 30 ft | [ooc]Bonded Manifest 1st 3/5, 2nd 1/4, 3rd 0/2 | [ooc]Active Conditions: Shared Consciousness (+4 vs Mind-Affecting, +2 Will) Bonded Manifestation 7/7, Bonded Senses 7/7[/ooc] | Spells:

Estra gives Fumigo a gracious nod to indicate she understands his reasoning. She understood. She often forgot that others could not hear Honaire, that most often he was only another voice in her head. It had been years, but she still missed him. She suspected it was her force of will that kept him here, instead of being able to move on to the Higher Planes, but such thoughts led her to depression.

She instead focused again on what the man was telling them. "Strange advisers, eh? Hmmmm...I guess ninety years puts a lot of dust on old mysteries. Best to move on, friends. I thank you for your help, Fumigo the well-traveled."

Grand Lodge

(Jack) Female LN Human (Vudrani) Psychic 7 | HP: 50/51 | AC: 20 (12 tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 15 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +9 | Init: +1 | Perc: +12, SM: +11 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 4/8, 2nd 6/7, 3rd 3/5, SLA 1/1, Phrenic Pool 3/5 || Active conditions: Mage Armor (7 hours), message 70 min, Shield 7 mins, Elect. Resist 10 (25 mins)
GM_TheBobJones wrote:

"Right, names Fumigo Zataki. I travel far and wide. Heading out for Amanandar in the coming months. Look me up if you find yourselves there."

He will hang around for more questions unless you are done - 1 vote to head towards the house

************ IMPORTANT *******************
Also - Faction Quest. Slipped my mind that you need to complete a Faction Quest to earn your 2nd PP. Chose Grand Lodge Quest.

Not exactly true per the Secondary Success Conditions document. I've put the actual conditions in the spoiler -- and have tried not to read it.

GM Only:
#3–15: The Haunting of Hinojai
Primary: The PCs drive Minasako away from Hinojai
and identify the cause of the hauntings—either by
recovering her journal or by encountering and observing
all four haunts).
Secondary: The PCs recover the Way of the Kirin
records and roster in area A7 (see the Lantern Lodge
faction mission).

Grand Lodge

(Jack) Female LN Human (Vudrani) Psychic 7 | HP: 50/51 | AC: 20 (12 tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 15 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +9 | Init: +1 | Perc: +12, SM: +11 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 4/8, 2nd 6/7, 3rd 3/5, SLA 1/1, Phrenic Pool 3/5 || Active conditions: Mage Armor (7 hours), message 70 min, Shield 7 mins, Elect. Resist 10 (25 mins)

Rivani can cast comprehend languages, though it does not help her to speak the language. I'll assume she has done so (70 minute duration)

"My friends," Rivani says, touching each of the occult Pathfinders, "it appears that there are eyes and ears everywhere here... that our words should be... guarded. Whisper, and I shall hear you, and pass on your words to the others."
(Casts Message - lasts 70 minutes)

"These haunts... they are similar to the walking dead, are they not? Apparitions of past trauma? I am afraid that my abilities do not excel against such things. True undead, those I can affect, at least a few times, as my mind is powerful enough to penetrate even the mindlessness of many of the undead.

"And, no, Mavaro, I do not boast. It is merely one of my many... talents. Meligaster, I hope you have a similar ability to affect the mindless... while I gather you are competent in influencing the weak of mind, are you able to do so against the mindless?"

Grand Lodge

Yoon, Female CG Human Pyrokineticist 7 | HP: 81/87 Burn/NL: 4/28 | AC: 21 (16 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: 3, CMD: 17 | F: +11, R: +10, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: Elemental Overflow (4)

"I can affect the mindless!" Yoon perks up with her undaunted, chipper attitude.

"Wait... do the mindless burn? Ok. As long as it burns, then I can burn it! Well... as long as we actually need to burn it. Whatever makes it so that mean Ambrussy man doesn't yell at me. Fire is fun though!" the smile on the little pyromaniac's face is slightly disturbing, accented by her age.

"Psst... are we going towards the house now?" she whispers as instructed by the elegant vudrani woman.

If we don't really have a proper front-liner, Yoon could substitute since she has so many hit points, but the best place for her is in the middle.

Halfling Mesmerist 7, HP 54/59 | AC 20, Touch 14, FF 18 | Fort: +7 Ref: +10 Will: +14 |Perc +10 | Init: +2 | CMB: +3 | CMD: 16 | Speed: 20 | Spells 1st: 5/6 2nd: 3/4 3rd: 2/2| Tricks: 8/10 | Touch Treatment 8/8 | Wand of Slow 13/13 | Active conditions: Invisible (7 minutes)

"Strange advisers? How peculiar..." Meligaster commens, stroking his beardless chin. The halfling locks his gaze into the man, waves his hand and resumes his deep, pleasant voice. "Tell us all about these adviser."

"Mindless?" the mesmerist turns dramatically towards Rivani. "I gather you do not mean these peasants? The mind of the Great Meligaster knows no barriers - it penetrates also those of the long since dead and those of crafted of dead matter!" he proclaims, but adds in much lower voice: "But I admit it is much harder, and doesn't always work."

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

With this group, I think everybody's best place is in the middle. Sounds like a spirit companion and/or medium may ought to go first?

"Yes, Yoon, we should head over there. Unless one of our illustrious companions has any better ideas.

"Estra, perhaps before we leave, you should call your husband here."

(Damien) | Male N Human Occultist 7 | HP: 53[+10]/53 | AC: [24]19 ([13]12 Tch, [22]18 Fl) | CMD: [22]21, CMB: +9 | F: +10, R: [+7] +6, W: +10 (+2 vs emotions) | Init: +1 | Perc: +14, SM +0 | Spells: 3rd: 2/2, 2nd: 1/4, 1st: 5/6 | Focus: Abj 2/2, Div 3/9, Nec 1/1, Tra 1/3 | Active conditions: Shield (7 minutes), False Life (15 hp), Haste.

"It is my belief that energies normally affecting creatures of death or those from other planes should also affect a haunt, but you must be quick and alert, or you will miss your chance!" Mavaro says, eager to show his knowledge. (Positive energy works, but you have to act before the haunt in the surprise round, and it always goes at initiative 10... unless it is a persistent manifestation, in which case... run? Also, touch attacks that deal positive energy (eg. cure x wounds) will hit a haunt with a 10+)

"Alors, I think my purchases are almost in order... combien ça, madame?... dis donc, let us go to this house." As he tromps off towards Hinojai, Mavaro leaves a haunt siphon on the ground, "The quickest one of you to pick that up will be the most worthy! Vite!" And the slowest one of you will be left to pay that woman... I didn't have nearly enough money in that purse.

Grand Lodge

Erasmus Human Medium 7 - PFS# 141231-4: HP 59/59, Init +5, AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 16, CMB +8 (+15 vs. trip and disarm), CMD 20, Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +7 (+1 vs. charm and compulsion) Perception +13, Sense Motive +4, Current Condition:

The strange man, appearing aged beyond his years, tilts his head to the side as if listening to something. His eyes teeter to and fro while the corner of his mouth curls upward to a dangerous point, and he smirks at some unheard and utterly silent words. "If there are to be area which are haunted ahead, I may be of some... assistance... in this regard," says the man, at least breaking his long silence. With one finger he brushes a streak of grey hair set amidst an otherwise expanse of jet-black tangles. "And as for taking my place at the front of the line, I will do my best." he pats the starknife hanging from his waist.

"With the king's help," he says, looking to his side and regarding an empty space as if it were in fact a person. "I will not fail you."

"And if there is a haunting... stay back and give me space to work..."

Dice Rolls | Tactical

Cool item, like it. Someone has enough to pay for it so all good.

The Pathfinders, secure that they have gleaned all information they could from the tight-lipped populace. No time like the present, they head off towards Hinojai mansion.

Meandering stone steps, overgrown with vegetation in places, climb the slope of a hill underneath sheltering trees. On the final landing before the mansion itself is a freestanding moon gate—a circular stone gate that opens between the trees. The surface of the landing itself is stone and decorated with a sundial fashioned from colored tiles. The sundial’s blade rises two feet from the landing like a shark fin pointed toward the moon gate. Beyond the gate, a final set of stairs ascends to the house.

Survival DC 20:
allows a PC to determine that there has been foot traffic on the outdoor steps to the mansion in the last 24 hours, but little else can be determined as the terrain is hard and exposed to the weather. Examination of the sundial reveals that the masonry between the tiles is stained a rusty brown.

GM rolls:
Erasmus Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26
Estra Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Mavaro Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25+2 to avoid being surprised and detect invisible and incorporeal creatures; Aura sight, darkvision 60
Meligaster Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22
Rivani Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26
Yoon Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29

Erasmus Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12Can act in surprise round of a haunt
Estra Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Mavaro Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Meligaster Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Rivani Initative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Yoon Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Haunt Initiative: 10 = 10

As the Pathfinder think about entering the gate, some of them can hear cries from off in the distance, "Hurry .... please hurry .... she is going to kill us. Hurry .... while there is still time."

As attuned to the supernatural as this group, they can feel a haunt manifesting at the entrance to the Moongate, except Estra and Meligaster that is.

Up Next: Yoon, Erasmus

Combat Table:

Global Conditions:
Individual Conditions:
  • Erasmus:
  • Estra
  • Mavaro:
  • Meligaster:
  • Rivani:
  • Yoon:

Combat Table – Surprise Round

  • Meligaster x
  • Yoon <=
  • Estra x
  • Erasmus <=
  • Haunt <=
  • Rivani<=
  • Mavaro <=

Current Conditions:

Silver Crusade

Estra Female N Human Spiritualist 7 HP 52/52 | AC 16 (20) (10 Tch, 16 (20) FF) | CMB +5, CMD 14 | F +8, R +5, W +11 (+13) (+13 (+15) vs illusions) | Init +3 | | Perc +4, SM +14 Speed 30 ft | [ooc]Bonded Manifest 1st 3/5, 2nd 1/4, 3rd 0/2 | [ooc]Active Conditions: Shared Consciousness (+4 vs Mind-Affecting, +2 Will) Bonded Manifestation 7/7, Bonded Senses 7/7[/ooc] | Spells:

Before they approach the mansion, Estra goes through the short process of calling forth an ectoplasmic version of her husband, Honaire. She has a few whispered words with him, then he steps forth to take the place at the front of the party, providing a buffer between them and whatever they might encounter.

"Don't stray too far, my dear. I fear I am too used to having you right by my side."

Grand Lodge

Erasmus Human Medium 7 - PFS# 141231-4: HP 59/59, Init +5, AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 16, CMB +8 (+15 vs. trip and disarm), CMD 20, Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +7 (+1 vs. charm and compulsion) Perception +13, Sense Motive +4, Current Condition:

The man walks forward to the moongate, listening to the disembodied voices as he moves. Oddly, he does not draw a weapon, or walk with great haste, but instead takes cautious steps forward intent on listening.

"It is alright," he says to no-one. "There is no need to be afraid..."

As he stands at the moongate, he turns slowly, deliberately taking his time, seemingly offering himself up to some unseen force.

This is probably a bad idea, but it seems like fun ability, so I would like to use Erasmus' Haunt Channeler ability to funnel the haunt into himself. How the exact rules work, that part I'm a little foggy on :)

rules used to funnel a haunt into a Medium:
excerpt from Medium's Haunt Channeler ability
Additionally, the medium can forgo his saving throw against a haunt's effects to funnel the haunt entirely into himself. If he does so, the medium suffers the haunt's full effect, but the haunt doesn't affect anyone else (even if it normally would). The haunt then gains control of the medium's body for 24 hours. Once per minute, the medium can attempt to end this possession early by succeeding at a Will save (DC = 20 + 1/2 the medium's class level).

Grand Lodge

Yoon, Female CG Human Pyrokineticist 7 | HP: 81/87 Burn/NL: 4/28 | AC: 21 (16 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: 3, CMD: 17 | F: +11, R: +10, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: Elemental Overflow (4)

Yoon jumps at the sound, despite expecting to walk into a haunted place.

Unsure what to do, she pulls out her wand of magic missiles.

these never miss right? I wonder if it can hit a ghost...

I'm not entirely sure how to hurt a haunt, and it might not matter after that Bad@$$ stunt lockwood just pulled off... :) Thats some stones... but either way I will start with this.

Grand Lodge

(Jack) Female LN Human (Vudrani) Psychic 7 | HP: 50/51 | AC: 20 (12 tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 15 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +9 | Init: +1 | Perc: +12, SM: +11 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 4/8, 2nd 6/7, 3rd 3/5, SLA 1/1, Phrenic Pool 3/5 || Active conditions: Mage Armor (7 hours), message 70 min, Shield 7 mins, Elect. Resist 10 (25 mins)

Rivani just stands back... studying the situation. 'Hmm... this Erasmus fellow can absorb haunts? That's very interesting. Let's see what happens.'

Dice Rolls | Tactical

@ Erasmus - yes that is how it works. You take the entire haunt into your, suffer it effects.

Erasmus, hearing the cries, steps slowly forward. The groups sees six ghostly figures appear on the landing. Apparitions of a woman and two
small children huddle together, flanked by two spectral armored figures with drawn blades.

A robed and hooded woman stands apart from the others pointing down the stairs. The children sob, as their mother pleads to some
unseen person to hurry. The hooded figure calls out sharply, “You’re too late. It is sundown. Their lives are forfeit!” Despair, futility, and the feeling of being tricked wash over witnesses standing on the staircase as the spectral soldiers raise their blades and fall upon the family.

Erasmus, you are now subjected to the waves of exhaustion spell, and you are now exhausted

Erasmus Will DC 23: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11+1 vs charms and compulsions

You are free to proceed although it is important to note that I am currently controlling Eramus, and will for a minute when I make a new will save. Additionally, anyone except Eramus can make a Wisdom Check DC 14

Wisdom check, DC 14:
The woman giving the commands is the same as the waitress from the taver

Silver Crusade

Estra Female N Human Spiritualist 7 HP 52/52 | AC 16 (20) (10 Tch, 16 (20) FF) | CMB +5, CMD 14 | F +8, R +5, W +11 (+13) (+13 (+15) vs illusions) | Init +3 | | Perc +4, SM +14 Speed 30 ft | [ooc]Bonded Manifest 1st 3/5, 2nd 1/4, 3rd 0/2 | [ooc]Active Conditions: Shared Consciousness (+4 vs Mind-Affecting, +2 Will) Bonded Manifestation 7/7, Bonded Senses 7/7[/ooc] | Spells:

Wisdom Check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

The woman proceeds towards Erasmus, noting the man seeming to wither as he did...whatever it was he just did. Honaire stands a vigilant guard at the front of the group as Estra chants a quick spell, noting the internal fight the medium seems to be fighting.

"Here, friend, this should help a bit."

Cast Guidance on Erasmus.

Grand Lodge

(Jack) Female LN Human (Vudrani) Psychic 7 | HP: 50/51 | AC: 20 (12 tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 15 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +9 | Init: +1 | Perc: +12, SM: +11 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 4/8, 2nd 6/7, 3rd 3/5, SLA 1/1, Phrenic Pool 3/5 || Active conditions: Mage Armor (7 hours), message 70 min, Shield 7 mins, Elect. Resist 10 (25 mins)

"Erasmus, was that how it was supposed to work?"

Dice Rolls | Tactical

The man knows as Erasmus stares at the group, eyes wide with fear. Slouching, his gear seeming too heavy to carry, he begins in a high-pitched raspy voice, "Run... we need to run ... before she comes and kills us all. Hurry ... we need to run."

Erasmus does not yet begin his retreat, nor wait for a response from the group. He does turn from the group and looks longingly at the road back to town.

(Damien) | Male N Human Occultist 7 | HP: 53[+10]/53 | AC: [24]19 ([13]12 Tch, [22]18 Fl) | CMD: [22]21, CMB: +9 | F: +10, R: [+7] +6, W: +10 (+2 vs emotions) | Init: +1 | Perc: +14, SM +0 | Spells: 3rd: 2/2, 2nd: 1/4, 1st: 5/6 | Focus: Abj 2/2, Div 3/9, Nec 1/1, Tra 1/3 | Active conditions: Shield (7 minutes), False Life (15 hp), Haste.

"Alors, if anyone is capable of channeling positive energy or the like on this imbécile, that may be the best way to help him out," Mavaro suggests, "But if I am not mistaken, perhaps if he gets himself back to his senses he may be able to ask a few questions for us, non?"

Mavaro then produces a jawless skull from his pack and pulls it up to his eye level. "Mére Wren, what have you to say about these spirits who dance before us?"


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