PFS 5-16 Destiny of the Sands Part 3: Sanctum of the Sages (Inactive)

Game Master TheBobJones

Where on | Mythic Rules | Tactical

We already have 3 players. Tier 3-4, need 1-3. PFS

Scarab Sages

I'll gladly join, though I will have to transfer the character sheet online for my character after work However. If that's an issue?

i have a blood bender... errr... i mean hydrokinetist. level 4

will have to put the stats in the profile still.

Thanks for posting. Few notes - we are a high paced, primarily focused on RP group. I put this as part of PbP Gameday IV, but we might not make the deadline.

I hope to start this game by Monday, November 30th at the latest.

We are also planning on running the next 2 parts, so if you have fun, and we have fun, there are 2 more scenarios in our future.

Quick up front expectations, more than 1 post a day to be realistic. I tend to check the boards three times a day, morning, afternoon, and evening, all US Central time.

If you are new to Pathfinder, or new to PbP, or serious about joining this game, please look at my good friend's GM guidelines. He and I share a common philosophy, but I don't have the time to invest at making a cool GM profile page, I am trying to run games here.

Please post here once you have your character ready and we will go from there.

Scarab Sages

That all seems fine by me, not new to Pathfinder or to forum roleplay but I do only have one PFS pBp to my name (finished this weekend). I am looking forward to the roleplay oppurutnity that face to face play sometimes denies, this character is made from GM credit so will be his first rodeo so I hope to let his character grow.

He is written in paper form, just needs to be transferred so will be done this evening, I post from the UK and seem to be checking these boards alot, should be able to post 2-3 times a day with no problem apart from rare saturdays.

Thanks for the oppurtunity, all three parts seem ideal ^^.

Amarok we regularly game with guys from Finland so time difference is all good. Most importantly though answer this question: The best team in the premier league is ... Not who is top of the table, just best team

Scarab Sages

GM_TheBobJones wrote:
Amarok we regularly game with guys from Finland so time difference is all good. Most importantly though answer this question: The best team in the premier league is ... Not who is top of the table, just best team

That question could cause a riot, especially in my home city :P. It is all a matter of perspective, I guess, my personal choice would be Manchester United (the team I grew up with and oddly the Telegraph currently agrees).

Grand Lodge

This guy is available. He's only level 2 now, but he's 1 xp away from 3. Would that work?

He's a support/face/knowledge character, so I'm hoping I could survive until I hit level 3 simply by being careful.

I can generally post 1 or more times a day, though weekends are tough for me, as will the upcoming holiday weekend.

And for full transparency, I'm finishing up a Core run of these three scenarios, but I can keep OOC and IC separate.

Given all that, would Kiddrik work? :)

holiday time for me, I hope to have the alias updated soon

Sovereign Court

Toorin just made 3rd level and took a level of Investigator to make him more versatile. He's a bit of a skill monkey now, but he can also hold his own in a fight and has a variety of useful spells in his spellbook and on scrolls.

I have been doing PBP for over a year now and playing D&D/Pathfinder for decades. Love the RP aspect and the way the PBP format allows me to be creative. Feel free to check my posts to get a sense of whether my style of play is a match for your group. I can definitely commit to multiple posts on most days. I only work about six hours a day/four days a week, and even when I'm at work, I can usually make a quick post during breaks or lunch time.

Grand Lodge

I have a level 4 Warpriest available and could play in all three scenarios. I'd like to offer him up for desert fun. Just click on the icon to go to the PFS alias.

Thank you for all who have posted so far. We are waiting for a PM or two to see how many slots are open.

As I live in the US and Thanksgiving is the greatest holiday every initiated, I will be offline for the next couple of days (excluding games I am in).

I will review all applicants Saturday night - about 8 US Central Time and let you all know so we can start on Monday.

Again I really appreciate everyone who took the time to post.

Just to make sure I have all who have applied so far

  • Amarok Sandstrider - waiting to transfer character to digital (likes ManU but I will let it slide - the correct answer was the Gunners) Huge Arsenal fan
  • Edward Sobel - hydrokinetist Level 4
  • Kiddrik Brown - Level 2 PC
  • Toorin - Monk/Investigator level 3 - seems to be older than me - which is not too common
  • Warpac - Warpriest level 4

I assume that all are available for all three scenarios?

Scarab Sages

Haha! Well played squire! I'm available for all three and got my sheet transferred over the other night so ready to go whenever.

Grand Lodge

Kiddrik is available for all three. And he's a Helpful-Traited, silver-tongued Lore Oracle.

Sovereign Court

Toorin is a Transmuter wizard (Spellbinder) / Investigator 1. And yes, I'm old enough that I remember playing D&D when it was brand new.

Happy Thanksgiving all.

Sovereign Court

That should have read Transmuter Wizard (Spellbinder) 2 / Investigator 1.


PMs have been sent, if you did not receive a PM let me know ASAP as accepted players have a window in which they must post.

Thanks again to everybody who applied!

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