
jjaamm's page

**** Pathfinder Society GM. 862 posts (2,299 including aliases). No reviews. 13 lists. No wishlists. 25 Organized Play characters. 5 aliases.

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Mark Stratton wrote:
Brent Bowser wrote:

Make sure you run him through PFS2 3-16.

I don’t get the reference?

I didnt either. my roommate told me is new one written by "some guy named Brent". In the end though I dont GM 2E. I am having the problem I think a lot had with 1E form 3.5. plus my mew meds keep me a little fuzzy. I am playing 2E but death is a companion to offten

The Exchange 4/5

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Tonya Woldridge wrote:
Removed some posts that were personally harassing, and quotes, as we'd like to keep this civil to all. Not locking the thread, as there are stages of loss/grief to work through for some, but am watching it closely and will shut it down if it goes sideways. Thanks!

Thank you Tonya, Im Ok. thank you for letting me vent. maybe be good if take it away after all. Thank all for helping me talk this out.

The Exchange 4/5

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Mark Stratton wrote:

As a way of background, I served as a VL for Indianapolis for about a year, and then as VC for a total of about 4 1/2 years, give or take. I can say without equivocation that having a title along the lines of Venture-something is no license to violate the rules. The title doesn't give you a defense to act in bad faith or to behave badly.

In fact, Venture-Officers, generally speaking, are to be brand ambassadors for Organized Play. How VOs behave, in person and on these forms, directly impact the impressions people have the Organized Play program.

Now, it is easy to get heated on these boards, and to sometimes react hastily and harshly. I'm guilty of it myself, so I don't point the finger at anyone else. And, it might happen more than once, but repetitive violations can not, and should not, be tolerated.

Now, a kind forum goer (in response to my private message to them) told me who the former VO was. I'm really sad it has come to this. The former VO DID do a *ton* for Organized Play - he was my RVC when during part of my time as Venture-Captain. I like him personally. I have disagreed with him (on these boards, in person, and in other on-line venues.) I didn't know anything about this "enemies" list (I call it that because that's what others have called it, but I never saw it for myself.) And, though I consider him a friend, I cannot condone the act of reposting a list that was specifically deleted and one which, apparently, he was told not to do.

I think this whole thing is sad and unfortunate. I do. Others may find it to be neither. He was a great volunteer and organizationally, one of the best organizers I have seen in any organization. But, there's a code of conduct that we all are obliged to follow. And if it's true that he willfully violated that, I don't know else Paizo's response could have been.

To the original poster, I will say that it's probably best for you to let this go, especially if you consider him a friend and want to respect his work and volunteer time...

I do remember you. your words are heard. THANK YOU.

The Exchange 4/5

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Gisher wrote:
Jeff Morse wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Jeff Morse wrote:
Gisher wrote:

I have lots of private lists that no one cares about.

But if I posted an "Enemies List" on a public forum I think people would be right to see that as an act of aggression and intimidation.

And if I reposted that list after moderators ordered me to take it down I would expect to be banned.

But maybe that's just me.

I see, more trees to look at
I don't know what that means.

yea reason i dont post so much other than being a 2 finger typer. it makes since in my head but on paper not always to others.

you provided more for me to think on. you added more trees to the forest of my forest of understanding?

I understand now. I thought that might be some "Urban Dictionary" phrase that my old brain hadn't learned yet. :)

I have to say that I'm curious about how you think rules enforcement should work here. You seem to be suggesting that contributing to the Pathfinder community should be a way to earn freedom from the rules that are supposed to apply to everyone. I'm not sure how that would work in practice.

I think I've contributed a little bit to the Pathfinder community over the last decade so presumably I would have earned some "Get Out of Jail Free" cards under your system. That makes me consider all sorts of questions. For example...

∙ Which rules would I be allowed to violate without getting banned?

∙ How many times could I violate those rules without getting banned?

∙ If you did impose some restrictions on me for a rules violation, would I be allowed to ignore those restrictions without getting banned?

∙ If my violations were attacks on a person who had also "earned credit" here, would I still be free from repercussions or would their credit cancel mine out and result in my banishment?

∙ If my violations cause other people with substantial contributions to abandon the site, do I get banned when their lost "credit" exceeds my earned "credit?"

∙ If I'm...

I have no answers because dont think there is any. you make good points

The Exchange 4/5

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Gisher wrote:
Jeff Morse wrote:
Gisher wrote:

I have lots of private lists that no one cares about.

But if I posted an "Enemies List" on a public forum I think people would be right to see that as an act of aggression and intimidation.

And if I reposted that list after moderators ordered me to take it down I would expect to be banned.

But maybe that's just me.

I see, more trees to look at
I don't know what that means.

yea reason i dont post so much other than being a 2 finger typer. it makes since in my head but on paper not always to others.

you provided more for me to think on. you added more trees to the forest of my forest of understanding?

The Exchange 4/5

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Dancing Wind wrote:

Flag and move on.

Or, flag, report to with "Intolerance" in the subject line. But then, move on.

so you will start using the new flag ability on a post that isnt. not a good idea I think. I attacked no one or any group. i expressed anger on something and my opinion to it. do you though

The Exchange 4/5

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Jeff Morse wrote:
If I spent a decade building up this community at the cost of 1000s of personal hours. I get on here and help lots of people, while being hounded by some because I am a VO and they need someone to argue with. I finally get wise and make a list to remind me of whom to stop engaging with because it wont go anywhere. On this list there are some women so i get told I have no respect for women. OH, there is some from that place, so I must hate all people from there. AND THAN YOU BAN ME!!!! because I dont agree with everyone on everything THAT ISNT about rules of a game we play in, SHAME ON YOU!!!! No I dont have all the facts on everything, BUT I KNOW, this didnt need to happen. this company is falling fast and hard when you kick a person out that has done A LOT to build it up and support it through thick and thin. KNOW THIS, I will let him at my table anytime and anywhere.

SIGH, anger or tears. sometimes we are given some info and we are full of feelings and dont respond in the best way. sometimes we have more feelings about something than on others.

In this case it has grown from years of watching these boards get worse. in the early years we had lots of VOs on here helping but now hardly any because they know it will be followed by criticism. I have not always agreed with them either. I have watched so many people whom I enjoyed helping me learn leave because they just got tired. one person stuck around and if you look over his over 8000 posts will see he has done a lot to help. has he let some of his anger to finally show, yes. BUT, I think he has shown great restraint over the years. I have seen him post and than within 5 or 6 posts later others show up to tear him down because they have an issue with him. I used to spend hours every day on here reading to learn how to GM better for over 10 years. I get so frustrated seeing people go to facebook or discord because they dont like it here anymore. I always try to link back to these boards to answer questions but i feel its not worth it sometimes. I loose count of the times i get sent somewhere else when clicking a link. but there was one that kept trying even when he stepped down from being a RVC and above.
have i seen all the trees, no, but i have seen enough of the forest that this whole thing hurts.
as for my table it is moot since i only GM 1e and he stopped playing 1e.
I miss mike, john, sarah, doug, kyle and others that helped make this place better.

The Exchange 4/5

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Gisher wrote:

I have lots of private lists that no one cares about.

But if I posted an "Enemies List" on a public forum I think people would be right to see that as an act of aggression and intimidation.

And if I reposted that list after moderators ordered me to take it down I would expect to be banned.

But maybe that's just me.

I see, more trees to look at

The Exchange 4/5

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If I spent a decade building up this community at the cost of 1000s of personal hours. I get on here and help lots of people, while being hounded by some because I am a VO and they need someone to argue with. I finally get wise and make a list to remind me of whom to stop engaging with because it wont go anywhere. On this list there are some women so i get told I have no respect for women. OH, there is some from that place, so I must hate all people from there. AND THAN YOU BAN ME!!!! because I dont agree with everyone on everything THAT ISNT about rules of a game we play in, SHAME ON YOU!!!! No I dont have all the facts on everything, BUT I KNOW, this didnt need to happen. this company is falling fast and hard when you kick a person out that has done A LOT to build it up and support it through thick and thin. KNOW THIS, I will let him at my table anytime and anywhere.

The Exchange

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Only through open public discourse are people exposed to all the possible perspectives to make up their own mind. "Good" and "bad" are subjective terms and cannot—must not—be used as a justification for censorship. Only by permitting "bad" speech can we expose it for what it is and provide context for the "good" speech. Without the yin-yang you lose the value and context of "good" speech. This is a paramount foundation of public discourse.

how did this turn into the rest of this thread being focused on trans only stuff. this was not what he was talking about at all. if you did your research you would find he has tried to stand up for equality on these forms and in the game. as well as just getting the same rules for all. to call out how he thinks things could be better, BUT because he was a VO, they would ban him BECAUSE YOU CANT SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT US.
please stop putting ideas and words not there. Are there people posting anti this or that yes, BUT I think he was referring to THE GAME more so.
could I be wrong and missed something he posted, not sure.
Paizo is not perfect and has made many mistakes. They too am human and I hope strive to be better. If they dont allow us to discuss there faults on here and help find answers than that is bad. ON the other hand, sometimes they need to be handled in house and not the public. The problem is that the more we think we know the more we may not trust. sometimes people that are good at making games arnt good at managing others. sometimes people are wrong too.

The Exchange 4/5

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Farmageddon VIII is not online but at a country club.

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druids and beast shape and elemental shape

The Exchange 4/5

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Adam Yakaboski wrote:

Why am I doing this? Well it's a combination of slowly working up the nerve to talk about my harassment and to make sure people are aware of this. There at least you know half of the disaster involving Totalcon.

Take your time and your pace. If I understand, it has taken awhile for you to find a place that you feel safe talking. I know that it can take time to work up to it.

I ask others to give you this time and place at your pace

The Exchange 4/5

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TwilightKnight wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:

Mark, since you stopped by, can you please clarify the intended functionality of the Battle Medicine feat? There are over 400 posts across at least two threads discussing this.

I know you (an the rest of the design team) did not design the game specifically for organized play, but this past weekend, as an example, I played at three consecutive PFS tables at a convention and each GM ruled Battle Medicine to work differently each time. In one case, I was essentially allow to heal an ally by merely standing next to them. No tools, no hands, I didn't even have to touch them. In another case, I had to use two hands and my medicine kit which was so extreme it made the feat virtually useless in combat which is designed purpose. With the addition of the Godless Healing, I expect this to become an even bigger issue.

I know I'm not alone in this. Please provide some insight so we can understand the rules and provide a good play experience. Thanks for your time.


The Exchange 4/5

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Kate Baker wrote:
Could the same goal be accomplished by simply encouraging new GMs to run the repeatable scenarios? I know much of my road to my first star was We B4 Goblins and the Wounded Wisp run multiple times each. You get a chronicle each time you GM a repeatable scenario, and many players are looking to play repeatable content on as many PCs as possible, so they get scheduled often.

this, i think got overlooked so showing it again. Kate mentions that there are several repeatable solutions for you already. I suggest giving them all a try and than see where you are at.

The Exchange

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"as if it were a wizard spell he knew and had prepared"
I guess it would work by this sentence, BUT whom can use said scroll would be the bigger question.

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I won't even try an item that take 10 isnt guaranteed. Nor going top waste all that money on a dice roll.

The Exchange 4/5

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Swarm tokens, they make

The Exchange 4/5

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YEA, I got more replays!!! At the current rate of use, I should be good till 2027. By than I hope to learn 2nd edition and be running it for PFS.

The Exchange 4/5

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GM Chyro wrote:


After a raise dead for 3 PCs in the mission, the cleric intends to pray for 3 restoration castings to help the other three, so they pay 1000gp to have him remove 1 permanent negative lvl.

I can't find this in the guide, only that restoration can be bought as service at the cost of 2 PP for 1 negative level. Is it at all possible for the removal of the 2nd negative level?
If so, is it any more costly than the cleric's 1000gp?

It seems a bit silly to have them wait a week after debrief for new castings, or is that allowed?

It ends when you leave the table, so if they want there characters to hang out so a party member can cure them, it is fine.

The Exchange

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so something like this feat does

The Exchange 4/5

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As I read through the torch comments, I kept thinking, what an awesome novel that would make. I would pay more than the normal price for a chance to read his history and how he "fell". I couldn't help but think, now this would truly be a moving story filled with tears and anger. Oh well

The Exchange 4/5

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PFS2 is now up

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Megatron777 wrote:

The Wizard does not fall unconscious. The poison happened first, so the Fatigue penalty is applied to his current stat score which is 2. Since Fatigue is a penalty, it can not lower his stat to less than 1.

The answer is in the rules you linked, "While in effect, these penalties function just like ability damage, but they cannot cause you to fall unconscious or die. In essence, penalties cannot decrease your ability score to less than 1."

He now has a Strength of 1. He is most likely Heavily Encumbered now, so he can have fun dealing with that too. Depending on what he is wearing, he might not be able to move more than 5 feet a round. If he has a backpack I'm guessing it's over 10 pounds, which is now his max load. You can lift double your max load off the ground, but can only move 5 feet a round as a full round action.

strength damage does not effect encumbrance, where penalty does. Crazy ruling but I think they did it so people didn't have to refugee all the time cause damage happens a lot.

The Exchange

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Alchemical Affinity (Magical Marketplace pg. 18): Having studied alongside alchemists, you’ve learned to use their methodologies to enhance your spellcraft. Whenever you cast a spell that appears on both the wizard and alchemist spell lists, you treat your caster level as 1 higher than normal and the save DC of such spells increases by 1. Additionally, you may copy spells from an alchemist’s formula book into your spellbook just as you could with another wizard’s spellbook. You must be at least a 5th-level wizard to select this discovery.

The Exchange

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When you cast a polymorph spell that changes you into a creature of the animal, dragon, elemental, magical beast, plant, or vermin type, all of your gear melds into your body.
yes you keep your armor

The Exchange

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Altaica wrote:
willuwontu wrote:
SorrySleeping wrote:

So I'm not the only one that read it as Clerics having ACCESS to higher levels spell but only kept from casting them by not having the spell slots.

you are correct, you are not the first and will not be the last. That is why they felt the FAQ was needed. Sometimes, some of us read a rule a certain way that is not the intended way it is meant or written. hope we all was able to help and you continue to enjoy PFS.

The Exchange 4/5

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Mimo Tomblebur wrote:

I'm doing 7 tables for the first time, all 1E.

It seemed like an appropriate way to say goodbye to the old system. (Though I'm sure we will be keeping it alive locally for years to come.)


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from the FAQ which is pfs legal
Bonus Spells from a High Ability Score: Can I use these even if my spellcasting class level isn't high enough to give me access to those spell levels?
No. You only get the bonus spells if your class level grants you access to those spell levels. You can't even use them for lower-level spells. See page 16, Abilities and Spellcasters section: "In addition to having a high ability score, a spellcaster must be of a high enough class level to be able to cast spells of a given spell level. "

For example, a 1st-level wizard with 18 Intelligence has (according to table 1–3: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells) 1 bonus spell at spell levels 1, 2, and 3. However, he can only use the 1st-level bonus spell because as a 1st-level wizard he only has access to 1st-level spells (his class-based number of 2nd- and 3rd-level spells per day are "—", meaning "no access to spells of this level"). As soon as he becomes a 3rd-level wizard, he gains access to his 2nd-level spell slots and can use that bonus 2nd-level spell slot from his high Intelligence, and likewise for 3rd-level spells and bonus spells at wizard level 5.

Basically, ignore the columns for higher-level spells on table 1–3: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells until your class grants you access to those spell levels.

posted July 2011 | back to tops legal

The Exchange 4/5

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Blake's Tiger wrote:
Lau Bannenberg wrote:
Well, I think it's alarmist to say that there's ten GMs with bad judgement for every good one. However, it only takes one really bad experience to sour people. Even if the previous ten GMs were great people, one idiot who permadeaths your favorite character because he thought it wasn't challenging...

I don't think Jack was saying there are ten bad GMs for every one good one.

I think he was saying that it's a fine line between a fair fight and a TPK when you start fiddling with monsters--even within the same CR--and it a certain level of expertise and wisdom to fiddle safely. There are more GMs who lack that level of expertise and wisdom than those who possess it.

Also, let us not forget that there are two directions the difficulty can go when we fiddle with encounters. A GM can easily make an encounter too easy as too hard. Both GM A and GM B fiddle with the scenarios. GM A's tables finish 2 hours early and everyone steamrolls the encounters. GM B's tables always have at least 1 character death and run 2 hours late. Even worse, GM C fiddles with the scenarios, and it seems that every time his significant other sits at the table, the encounters are steamrolled and every time Player Z sits at the table his significant other doesn't sit at the table and everyone struggles to survive every encounter using far more than the expected resources to survive.

That is why we don't fiddle with encounters.

HWalsh could have made his point that he feels frustrated that he cannot alter scenarios because he feels that it stifles his creativity without insulting everyone who enjoys GMing PFS by equating them with mindless, skill-less automatons. He employed his self agency and chose to equate us so, however, and that is hurtful.

think you make agood point. i think of it this way, as soon as you change something and a PC dies,than they will claim foul. that is just extra work not neeed.

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LONG AS OUT BY END OF book six, imgood. I like having all six books before running, so I know where and how it will go.

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i think it is nice to help out, with the understanding of being in contact while they play. be it hangouts, skyping, text, maybe PBP

The Exchange 4/5

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since this Gaines you no mechanical advantage, will say, play

the heresy of man serious.

The Exchange 4/5

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TheFlyingPhoton wrote:
There's not a lot of explicit information here, mainly just follow-up to now hidden arguments/discussions. This thread is giving me the impression that the issue/drama is that there is one RVC that a couple of people really hate because he's the only RVC willing to tell people no.

Why is there a no? What determines yes's and nos? That I think is the bigger issue here. Is the rvc being fair to all our do some get better treatment? And the big question I would like to know is scarab getting the yes's more than others?

The Exchange 4/5

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My guess be, they are a new GM and are trying to learn all the rules. Keep it in the box per say. Heck, if i run that one, you could yell wait i forgot something and run to the nearest store. But than i have run a few and am a little more relaxed.
Good advice from Joe. You dont need to wait for box text, Be early and buy away.

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i did same. it is a starfinder interactive

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If I can help it, WinterWar will offer PF1 for as long as 4 people want to play it together. I will GM it

The Exchange 4/5

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nosig wrote:

Did someone cast summon Nosig?

I... am not even going to comment.

you are still there though. i feel you watching. your fingers are dancing to post. yesss you are

The Exchange 4/5

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For official you need to post in rules. Post it as a FAQ question and maybe if you get enough clicks they will answer it. Other wise expect table variation.

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Amedeo Lanatus wrote:
Nefreet wrote:

Greetings! Welcome to Society!

Let's start with the basics. Have you read the character creation section of the Guide to Organized Play?

Many times.

I intend to review it again this week.

if i could favorite this 1000 times i would.thank you taking the time to read the rule book.

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i think he said up stream somewhere that 3 was his goal all along.

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tried but not reading 1000 posts. broke down and got pdf of this and wanted to say
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FEY FORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and druid can cast it. now if only some errata to give them other poly spells

The Exchange 4/5

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FedoraFerret wrote:
HWalsh wrote:
It is also the reason why so many people try to get Paladins to be non-Lawful Good
"because I said so" too. Rules should have reasons, those reasons should be known.

if they explain to everyone that wanted to know why a ruling is or isnt, than it wouldnt be good enough. someone would than argue there answer and want a response. it would never stop. there have been alot of threads started this season of WHY. people give there opinion of why they think so. it turns into a back and forth of opinions. asking is OK, but expect no official answer.

The Exchange 4/5

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nosig wrote:
Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

♫ Welcome back

To the Baird I’ve only heard about
Welcome back
Let’s raise our pom-poms and scream and shout

Well the names have all changed here in PFS
But your legacy remains here nonetheless

Who'd have thought they'd lead ya (Who'd have thought they'd lead ya)
Back here where we need ya (Back here where we need ya)

Yeah we tease Baird a lot cause we've got him on the spot, welcome back,
Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back.

Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back. ♫

source: Welcome Back Kotter theme song

Wait... is that the Verbal Components for a Banishment spell?

No, binding spell

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PM BOB. he said he would help you since he thinks he knows your area.

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Wrong I be, sorry bout that

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You would use true strike on the to hit roll though, not the confirm roll. There is no to seperate tge two rolls so you get an action in between. Helm will allow you to roll a 20. It hits. No need to use true strike in same attack.

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This hurt my GM head reading it, but player--
Animate object. Now that we are moving into space and all.