Dragon78 |

So what spells do you wish were on a class's spell list?
Cleric- Disrupt Undead.
Druid- Acid Splash, Ray of Frost, and Wall of Ice.
Psychic- Greater Restoration, Lesser Restoration, Regenerate, Reincarnate, and Restoration come to mind. Healing spells, at least cure light to cure critical if not higher level ones. Some more elemental spells and some ray spells.
Sorcerer/Wizard- Raise Dead and Regenerate.
Witch- Ray of Frost.

VoodistMonk |

Everything with access to Cure spells should have access to corresponding Inflict spells.
About half the Bloodrager spells should be on the Ranger spell list at the same spell level... and vice-versa. Rangers should have full Caster Level, like the Bloodrager, too.
Bard list should have more Witch spells. Gypsies and witches seem like a lot of their magic would be similar.

Meirril |
Let's not forget that wizards and arcanist study magic so they must not have limitations in what spell to learn
Very specifically they study arcane magic. As in manipulating magical energy found in the world surrounding them through arcane formula.
This significantly differs from the other two major studies of magic.
Psychic casters work by using the caster's mind as a medium to manipulate magic energy. While that sounds very similar to Arcane magic, practitioners of the two types would find the process to be alien to them. Psychics themselves are the source of their powers, while arcane casters manipulate external forces, often through sympathetic or symbolic means.
Psychic components refer to the state of the mind. Arcane components refer to performing symbolic rituals or offerings. Divine casters perform rituals that entreat divine agents for assistance.
Divine Casters call upon Outsiders to generate magical effects. While worship of deities are often involved, it is ridiculous to presume that a deity is directly involved each time a novice casts Guidance. Some agent of the deity is presumed to respond when a divine caster attempts to cast a spell, but what that agency is isn't ever described.
Miracles happen. Honestly same thing for Arcane magic, nobody really look at exactly how any of this 'works'.
And technically, through spell research you can re-create spells from other casters lists though the GM is free to charge extra spell levels for things difficult to do through your chosen style of magic or even say the effect is beyond what your study of magic is capable of. (Like say you wanted to create limited wish for a Paladin)

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Ok Toby welcome to the angelic choir today you'll be manning the help desk and answering prayers for aid in our lady's name. If you need help I'm your supervisor and I'll be sitting right there don't be afraid to ask for help its what I'm here for till you get the hang of things.
More seriously I'm not so sure I'd say arcane casters manipulate outside powers given the arcanist who can have a literal arcane bloodline but uses it the same way a wizard does. Said bloodline grows more powerful with them so they are almost certainly using their own internal magic. It is distinct to divine casters but this is another topic so I'll leave it here unless you want to continue it in a new thread.

TheMilestone |
Pretty much all the healing spells on wizard/sorcerer lists. Clerics already get a bunch of other perks including full armour they don't need that exclusivity as well.
Not to fast.... there is a school of thought that believes that spells dealing with the 'life' and 'death' energies should be the preserve of divine casters, and especially clerics.... and thus Wiz/Sorc should not only not get to any healing/inflicting spells but also many other spells from the school of Necromancy.
One of my nit-picky peeves with PF1 is that all healing/inflicting spells should come under the school of Necromancy.
And I do think that armour usage should be toned down a bit for certain divine classes.

TheGreatWot |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Divination wizards can't cast divination!
Also, healing spells should be necromancy. Necromancy has somewhat turned into "the school of nasty bad evil things", when it should just have to do with forces that manipulate life energy.

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Divination wizards can't cast divination!
Also, healing spells should be necromancy. Necromancy has somewhat turned into "the school of nasty bad evil things", when it should just have to do with forces that manipulate life energy.
On the one hand, Necromancy should never be *creating life* via a spell like contagion. Necromancy absolutely should be useful for *killing stuff* including unwanted micro-organisms, infestations or tumors, via remove disease. (And that's just assuming it's all about death and negative energy, as it is currently. If it's *also* the school of positive energy and life-force manipulation and healing magic, then yes, contagion *also,* but not because it's evil and nasty, because it's all about life!)
On the other hand, Evocation is about *creating* energy or force. Cold and darkness spells are *negating* or removing energy, draining it away, not so much 'creating' cold or darkness, as destroying / warding away light or heat. Abjuration or Necromancy seem totally on-theme for spells of cold or darkness, instead of evocation. You could even make an argument that *acid* spells are attacking the weak forces that bind matter together (stripping electrons or whatever sciency-boo), and are better suited to Necromancy or Abjuration than Conjuration! (Some flavor about the waters of the river between the worlds of the living and the dead, decay and corrosion and dissolution of all things physical, blah-blah. Certainly more on-theme than acid and *earth.*) :)
But also, restoration for druids? Yes, please. Along with adding various elemental spells to appropriate elemental casters (fire wizards/sorcerers unable to cast produce flame or heat metal or flame blade, flame oracles that can't use scorching ray or meteor swarm, etc.), that's a big one for me.

Dragon78 |

I do think that healing, curative, raising the dead type spells, and inflict/harm spells should be in the school of necromancy.
Yeah, the divination spell should have been on the wizard/sorcerer list.
Too bad the Oracle didn't get a revelation to get thematic spells(fire for flame, plant for wood/nature, etc.) added to their spell list.

Andostre |

The magus should have a level 0 touch spell that deals damage or applies a debuff on its spell list. This is for use with Spellstrike. I fully get (and probably agree with) the fact that the designers never intended to have a free spellstrike every round, but it's already there.
As it stands now, we have magi running around leaving a pointless arcane mark on people they're trying to kill (or taking a trait to be able to get brand or touch of fatigue), so it's not like this exploit isn't already in use. It would just be nice to see a more thematic way to do this.

VoodistMonk |
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Bloodrager spells that should be Ranger spells (imagine the spells going off with bursts of feathers and leaves and pedals and other nature $#!+). More than a few of these would be welcome additions to the Ranger list... some are so obvious that it's painful that they aren't already on the Ranger list.
Barbed Chains (vines)
Blade Lash (more vines)
Blurred Movement
Ear-Piercing Scream (like an eagle?)
Enlarge Person
Expeditious Excavation
Feather Fall (duh)
Guardian Armor (Rangers get companions)
Icicle Dagger
Line in the Sand
Mudball (duh)
Reduce Person
Shadow Trap (duh)
Spiked Armor
Stone Shield
True Strike
Unerring Weapon
Web Bolt
Windy Escape
Acid Arrow
Certain Grip
Daze Monster
Delay Pain
Dust of Twilight
Eagle's Splendor
Elemental Touch
Extreme Flexibility
Gust of Wind
Perfect Placement
Protection from Arrows
Spider Climb
Stone Discus
Tremor Blast
Air Breathing
Beast Shape 1
Countless Eyes
Draconic Malice
Earth Tremor
Fey Form 1
Find Fault
Fire Arrow
Force-Hook Charge
Hydraulic Torrent
Keen Edge
Locate Weakness
Monstrous Extremities
Phantom Steed
Silver Darts
Stinking Cloud
Tail Strike
Twilight Knife
Vermin Shape
Versatile Weapon
Water Breathing
Wind Wall
Absorbing Inhalation
Banishing Blade
Beast Shape 2
Bestow Curse
Black Tentacles
Dragon’s Breath
Earth Glide
Elemental Body 1
Enlarge Person, Mass
Flash Forward
Ghost Wolf (duh)
Reduce Person, Mass
Ride the Waves
River of Wind
Tail Current
Telekinetic Charge
Wall of Ice

Dragon78 |

I agree, many of those spells from the bloodrager list should be on the ranger list.
Yes, animate objects should be on the wizard/sorcerer list.
I am still trying to figure out why the psychic has almost no elemental spells even though things like pyrokinesis, bioelectricity, etc, are classic abilities of theirs back in the day.

LordKailas |

TheGreatWot wrote:Yes it's a cantrip that destroy planets and gods; whit no's save and pass al srArtofregicide wrote:Ray of Steves sounds like a very powerful spell, if a little situational.The Witch list really, really needs help.
But mostly I want to see Ray of Steves on a (any) spell list.
and here I was thinking that it rapidly conjured a bunch of people named steve that get thrown at your enemy

glass |
The Witch list really, really needs help.
This is a tricky one, but I think I agree. As someone who has tried to make a which that avoids the usual suspects in terms of hexes (Slumber etc), it comes into very sharp relief just how little offence there is in the Witch list.
Which just channels people back towards Slumber again.
EDIT: That being said, I am not sure which spells I would suggest adding. Ideally of course they would get new, thematically appropriate, spells but that is tricky.

VoodistMonk |

Artofregicide wrote:The Witch list really, really needs help.This is a tricky one, but I think I agree. As someone who has tried to make a which that avoids the usual suspects in terms of hexes (Slumber etc), it comes into very sharp relief just how little offence there is in the Witch list.
Which just channels people back towards Slumber again.
EDIT: That being said, I am not sure which spells I would suggest adding. Ideally of course they would get new, thematically appropriate, spells but that is tricky.
Just combine it with like 95% of the Bard list (minus Performance and musical instrument spells). You are only adding up to 6th level spells to a 9th level list... so it's not raising the ceiling for the Witch (or at least not by much).
And, add 95% of the 6th level and lower spells from the Witch list to the Bard list.

pad300 |
Artofregicide wrote:The Witch list really, really needs help.This is a tricky one, but I think I agree. As someone who has tried to make a which that avoids the usual suspects in terms of hexes (Slumber etc), it comes into very sharp relief just how little offence there is in the Witch list.
Which just channels people back towards Slumber again.
EDIT: That being said, I am not sure which spells I would suggest adding. Ideally of course they would get new, thematically appropriate, spells but that is tricky.
IMO, of course:
It needs much more significant self protection spells - right now witches are pretty invariably fragile pc's.
The other thing it needs is a secondary role. The witch playstyle is pretty much locked into de-buffs. It needs either a) enough condition removal spells that a witch can act as a party healer (things like remove blindness, remove paralysis and restoration) in a 4 person party sans primary divine caster or b) enough party buff/utility/area control spells to make a viable arcane support caster in a 4 person party sans primary arcane caster...
It could also use a review of thematically appropriate spells that should be on it's list - for example, how did Murderous Command not end up on the witch list?

TheMilestone |
This is a tricky one, but I think I agree. As someone who has tried to make a which that avoids the usual suspects in terms of hexes (Slumber etc), it comes into very sharp relief just how little offence there is in the Witch list.
Which just channels people back towards Slumber again.
You have to remember that the Witches list is supplemented by her Patron spells.

TheMilestone |
An interesting one is Implosion and Wail of the Banshee.... thematically they are sort of the wrong way round in terms of their lists.
Implosion is the better spell due to many creatures being immune/highly resistant to death effects at mid-higher levels. Also a creature with no hearing would be immune.
But interestingly, Paizo obviously picked up on this and the spells have been put in the opposite lists for PF2.

yukongil |
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it's been a little bit since I played my last Witch, but my constant thought process while looking through their spells is that they were lacking a good many that would fit their theme or give them a reasonable amount of options vs. certain opponents (I remember the undead being a problem for example)

TheGreatWot |

It's transformation spell to powerful in the magus spell list?
Magi can't make use of spell combat while transformed, so they definitely lose plenty of utility if they cast transformation. It increases Str, Dex, and Con, raises your AC, and improves your base attack bonus- in other words, it turns you into a fighter.
Magi can do all of those things with magic already, while retaining use of their spell combat and other caster abilities. It can definitely be a powerful spell if you've already got all your buffs up, but I wouldn't call it too powerful, especially since the bonuses to ability scores are enhancement bonuses and thus don't stack with other spells or magic items.
Plus it deprives magi of shocking grasp spam, which is sadly why most people pick the class in the first place.

OmniMage |
In my opinion, not letting wizards/sorcerers have Animate Objects is a major oversight. Especially considering that constructs typically have more arcane flavour than divine.
From what I've noticed, the spell lists of DND 3.0 resemble the spell lists of DND 2.0. It seems that the devs didn't change a whole lot when making DND 3.0. Some stuff did change, like how we now have lesser and greater versions of restoration, but there doesn't appear to be any effort to make a major overhaul of the spell lists.

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Zepheri wrote:and here I was thinking that it rapidly conjured a bunch of people named steve that get thrown at your enemyTheGreatWot wrote:Yes it's a cantrip that destroy planets and gods; whit no's save and pass al srArtofregicide wrote:Ray of Steves sounds like a very powerful spell, if a little situational.The Witch list really, really needs help.
But mostly I want to see Ray of Steves on a (any) spell list.
That's what I thought as well.

VoodistMonk |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Yes. The formidable Ray of Steves.
A line of nondescript, naked humanoids appear and rush towards the target. All the while they are chanting, "Steve. Steve. Steve. Steve."
If you fail the associated pathetic Will save, you strip nude and become the last Steve in the procession of Steves. And the entire Ray of Steves vanishes in the distance still chanting, "Steve. Steve. Steve. Steve."

avr |

Depends what you mean by controls. Frigid touch, frostbite, bestow curse and touch of blindness are assorted debuffs. The first two do damage. The latter two may when a magus is involved. Do any of them meet your definition of BFC?
Edit: if by controls you meant cantrips then there's brand (available to hexcrafter magi at least) which does 1 hp save negates, but not a lot else.