Flesh Golem

ikki3520's page

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So yeah, filling out the series but after that im done for now. See ya later.

It was kinda hinted they were made as some kind of techno-magical batteries by the Cyclopses.

So now with technology made a bit more clear, any ideas on power output?

I Imagine that with the smoking tower having its own 100 point techno-magical power plant it should be somewhat similar. Considering that Tiberoliths can also defend themselves, well, maybe halve that to 50. And that it is very much a kind of free add-on effect..
Or perhaps just 25, forcing the old cyclops empire into a really inefficient mass-production of their dear Tiberoliths to get any kind of serious power.. haha! (and thus ruining themselves on a lack on power)

There has been an awful lot of dark colors. And relatively few light (kingmaker a suitable absolutist royal white & Reign of Winter IcyBlue) and a couple yellow.

How about red, still dark tho. Pink?
Imperial Purple? Other purple.
One orange, pretty please?
Or perhaps even more exotic choises like Polka... lol

And not just small. All it comes down to is the head, once that is thru, everything else fits too. Unless ofcourse one is in terrible shape...

Even 12" would be doable, but that would already require some serious squeezing. That, or being downright athletic. Anyways, 18" is more than enough space for a medium sized person. But then there is that 100lbs limit, which is a lot tougher. If one chooses to enforce it.

Isnt that what happens if a guy should claim the ring of Artrosa? :D

Just done the barest quickest read so far, with a 8" minilaptop..

The place would have to have open savannas, lions would be common enough and horselords are optional.

If anyone remembers this lil solo:

Im sort of thinking Taldor, but isnt that place crowded by small villages?
Kesh maybe better.. but we havent seen much of Kesh.
Or perhaps Katapesh would work best.

In essence combining the traits of timeless demiplanes, and a magical effect casting major creation at will.

So as long as this STUFF stays inside the demiplane/castle/pocket(?!) its real forever.. but remove it and the time starts ticking.

So is this imaginary gold, gems, mithral etc good for anything?
Actually yes. Oh yes indeed. *evil cackle*

Aside from having your castle fitted out with the neatest semi-theft-proof interior decoration, that arent even illusions... you could create literally ANYTHING. That includes food, poisons, special oils..
Yes. All the stuff needed for ANYTHING. Since ANYTHING can be created.

That should include magical items. Golems. Simulacras. No shortage of healing magic, just need to get home. Too bad spellcomponents are excluded tho.

So okie, you make a staff of power, waste 100 days and cannot take it out of your home, or it will fall apart. Still feeling bright?
Yup. Golems dont need to leave home.
Scrying stuff is good to keep at home. Along with magical traps.
And buffers.

(why do feel this post will result in major creation being rewritten to exclude magic item creation aswell? lol)

Seems like the major problems can be mnostly negotiated, rather than doing it sword and fireball thru consequtive rooms in a dungeon as the AP appears to be marketed.

Yes, an option to talk with the girls.
An option to go runelord, and from there negotiate with the factions. Going friendly with the monsters is a bit less obvious... but ohwell.
Talk thru the whole missing oracle and other problems.

Not too much actual battle that cannot be avoided by being even moderately diplomatic.

A Colossal++ thanks for that, I love the diplo, but wish it could have been actually marketed as such, rather than figurimg it out later. But then, I dont know what the rest will look like...

http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/h-l/helm- of-telepathy

The wearer can use detect thoughts at will. Furthermore, he can send a telepathic message to anyone whose surface thoughts he is reading (allowing two-way communication). (my bolding)


If the highest Intelligence is 26 or higher (and at least 10 points higher than your own Intelligence score), you are stunned for 1 round and the spell ends.


Detect thoughts seems to indicate that direct mindcontact between the supersmart and the less brainy can result in the less brainy one being stunned.
Now, this was a defensive ability of sorts for the smart.

But with helm of telepathy, can this be made offensive?
It even seems like theres no save.. althought im sure that can be overruled as the caster is normally "opening their mind" to read minds, whereas someone who is assaulted is well... one their guard as far as that helps them.

Seems like a way to debuff the BDF fighter, having him drop weapons.. while your own BDF is busy taking them apart.

UMD is available as a skill.
And simulacrum scrolls can be bought..

Then manufacture two hag simulacrums and voila, your very own coven.

For more fun, add in the tripartite amulet of the hivemind (dungeon 148), now your coven has a hivemind (less need to order the mindless simulacrums around), and is also more than friendly with swarms.

...and all theese neat spells at will...


In addition to whatever your hag pets can do.

It would seem like the conversion rate is roughly speaking 1 plunder = 2,7 BP.

This as fixing a ruined castle was 27 BP, now 10 plunder.
Building a pier at 16 BP at 5. 6 would be closer.. but ohwell.

Also never was a big fan of 250 peasants feeding either 250 peasants (and themselves) or themselves and 9000 citydwellers. Thus a city district is better being 250 people when fully filled and also those 250m (750') a side.
Besides, no city makes any sense with that 1 mile and 9000 inhabitants rule.

Tazleford would not have a pop of 250, but 4500+
Similar "king and queen" of korvosa are kings of 2 citydistricts.
Absalom is hardly a barony at 33 districts. (instead of being a empire in its own right)

I guess with both willing allies capable of providing labour and a ready crew or more... one can rewrite that 1 building a month rule for small beginning ministates. Kinda made sense if all you had was a few reformed bandits and maybe some friendly kobolds doing the nightshift.

Now a crew of 100+ is sort of expected.
Plus any slaves captured, the allies and whatnot.

Start with a golem.
Make it inteligent
Grant it a 7th level spell at will, Limited Wish.

Purpose? Build a island paradise, and serve master by maintaining this paradise. Yes being an inteligent item i guess means someone else can possess it, but oh well. That almost makes it even cooler serving the "crown" rather than a particular master.

Starting with simple enough things like a few pyramids (casting wall of stone about 1.000.000 times), walls, roads, streetlights.. followed up by wall of stone & disintergrate canals.
Gardens, with inteligent life (awaken). Endless Glory!

Summoning monsters -> VI as needed.

Oh and wall of iron, fabricate. Not just for endless piles of masterwork armor, but also chains and bars.

Shouldnt be much it cannot do. As far as building a paradise goes.

I guess it will soon begin taking levels as an expert specialised in stuff like architecture, waterworks etc etc etc.

10.500 (flesh golem?)+105.250 (maxed intel, wis, cha, full senses and limited wish at will) = 115.750 gp and some feats to manufacture.

In short, a oracle with the juju mystery.
With the spirit vessel revelation, and corpse crafter feats (libris mortis)

Now, that means the jujus retain their levels and all.. except constitution... but gain strength +8 dex +2 channel resistance +8, +4 to initiative, improved initiative (yup, total +8!), toughness, FULL HP+3 +2(+3 with toughness) per hd, +5 natural armor, +10 ft/rnd speed, undead type, DR 5 (or 10)/magic and slashing (not too hard to overcome..), +d6 cold damage when hand to hand, climbing +8

oh and get the casters alignment

A true necromancers army in the making by other words, let the living serve (or why not go undead early? looks numerically like a good choise), and after death they can serve even longer as a reward for faithful service living forever and being stronger and better than they were when alive. And why not speak to the dead fallen enemies and see if they would like to live a bit longer and serve?
A true "deal you cannot say no to". Especially as you are stronger and better than you were when alive.

And while im sure the 150 dead men (and the dead mans chest) do want plunder, they probly take up less space with no need to sleep and such.. and no need for food... (or that bottle of rum). So the ship should be able to hold quite a crew of juju zombies.

Pirate hunters will not survive :p
(and may even be happy they didnt, as they too will soon be superior juju pirates or colonists of an island)

And with a ring of reduce person (shouldnt be more expensive than a ring of jumping?), or permancency, it can be permanent.
This idea gets really intresting once we think of some familliars, like the hawk which is small.

One can ride creatures a size bigger.

Plus you can squeze thru really small holes, stand 18 inches tall and weigh just 4 lbs.

Ok so that rolled strength went from 6 to 4 to 2, but ohwell. Get a tiny backpack of heward. Along with saddlebags for your hawk familliar. Meanwhile having a effective flightspeed that puts the party monk to shame.

Oh and flight quite early, lvl 2 or so (whenever that 2k gold can be afforded). For even more fun, deck out the familiar with equipment.