![]() GM Mort wrote: Well my Strange Aeons game ended in book 3,I suspect in part because the party found the Dreamlands section weird. Like they never get any loot that can be taken back to Golarion. I think the PCs have to be self motivated for this AP. 100% not because of loot. I liked the dreamlands section myself. ![]()
![]() "Alignment is a tool for developing your character’s identity—it is not a straitjacket for restricting your character. Each alignment represents a broad range of personality types or personal philosophies, so two characters of the same alignment can still be quite different from each other. In addition, few people are completely consistent." "Characters also risk having their alignment changed if they continually act in accordance with an alignment other than the one they chose. For many characters, this matters little, but in the case of characters bound to a specific alignment for rules-related purposes, an alignment change might mean having to reimagine their entire character. Instead of springing this on a player, make it clear when an action risks violating an alignment-related requirement. Sometimes this will be seen as the voice of the character’s conscience, and allow the player to refrain from the action or suitably justify it to themselves (and you) to bring it into accordance with their values." Sounds to me like Seamus suitably justified it as he doesn't see this dumb bag of detritis as innocent. And he hasn't been continually acting contrary to his alignment, either. ![]()
![]() I'm not interpreting anything. It's very simple. Your interpretation is based on a spell that affects for for X rounds. Inspiration is part of the skill or ability check, not a temporary boost. It has no time limit other than once per check. You compare apples to oranges and then say it's a valid interpretation which is not RAI or RAW, it's just trying to justify an unwarranted nerf on something that you don't want to happen. It'd be one thing if you said, "new houserule that your main class ability doesn't work as written", instead of trying to say it's written or interpreted in some way contrary to what is actually there. And apparently there's another house rule about uninterrupted rest requiring nothing happening at all around you even if it doesn't involve you. Which is beyond bizarre and seems like you just want to flat out disallow the recovery mechanic without outright saying it. ![]()
![]() The inspiration bonus doesn't have a duration. It is used as part of a check. It doesn't matter whether the check is an immediate action or takes 6 days, you only use inspiration once (whether or not it is free to use with that skill). And it can obviously be used on profession and craft. There's even a talent to make it free on profession. You could take another talent to make it free on craft if you wanted also. If it didn't work on some ability or skill checks it would say so. It works on any of them, though. That's just the way it is. At the very least don't use a rounds per level booster to compare something that helps "once per check or roll", which would be defined by whatever the check or roll uses. Leonard can decide for himself. I am going to finish dreamlands. I'd rather he go than not but I'm going either way. After we rest. ![]()
![]() If it was dependent on sleep it would sound like this: "He must choose and prepare his spells ahead of time by getting 8 hours of sleep and spending 1 hour studying his spellbook." 'Typically' does not mean 'only' If they wanted what you said, it would say that it refills each day after a restful sleep, or after 8hrs of sleep, or only after restful sleep. "An investigator’s inspiration pool refreshes each day, only after he gets a restful night’s sleep. Otherwise the pool does not refresh." That's not what it says. It's only indicating time of day. What if I slept twice a day? It only refills once a day, typically after I sleep. Like cleric spells, who can choose dusk or Dawn, but typically it is Dawn. ![]()
![]() Questions. I am fatigued? Am I able to recover extracts? Also, the inspiration says it refills EACH DAY, typically (not always) after a restful sleep. Not sure why it would not refill, it doesn't say it requires it unlike some abilities/casters. Do I think the animated dream was responsibl? I know enough Spellcraft to know someone had to target me with it. And why is there a new studying if we didn't actually do the last round? Are we considered to fail that mission? Or are we just studying the next one ahead of time? And finally, is there a rush? If I woke up jacked up wouldn't I just recommend we wait a day before proceeding to dreamlands? I assume whatever it is isn't the nightmare curse from the dream since it has a different effect. But it does have a nightmare SLA. I don't think I'd have volunteered to do a ritual if I think there's an enemy around somewhere while we are sleeping. ![]()
![]() I don't need to move to the door I'm adjacent to it... And you said ritual is 50minutes long and mutagen not up. So basically I cast my spell, open door, 5ft through it. Otherwise I'd have had the imp open it for me. The dream isn't the only one smart enough to not stand in a room of confused people. ![]()
![]() I obviously have not finished my submission, but I am building towards a human raised half orc, middle aged, who is an engineer and mathematician in addition to having a proclivity for map making and desires to be the cartographer of the newly acquired territory. Will be going spellslinger wizard, and then prestige into arcane savant (at 6th) to add other useful spells to his list, along with being able to identify, UMD, and analyze dweomer later on. He will use a gun, but mostly to fire spells through when needed. He won't be very minmaxed but I like the flavor a lot. ![]()
![]() I wouldn't mind making a spellslinger(wizard), with possibly a level dip into gunslinger or maybe Eldritch knight. Christmas is looming, so I won't have anything right away. But half-orc naturally, in a nice suit, with a gun and a pair of glasses. Interested in mapping the new land and documenting the travel. ![]()
![]() Finishing up now :) I was super excited about taking bonded investigator with an imp (at 7th level) with the figment archetype until I noticed it removed their SLAs. The idea of having an abberant, usually invisible 'figment of my imagination' whispering in my ear for this game was so cool! Instead it looks like base imp will have to do. ![]()
![]() I am still working my character over. Is it possible to start on Tuesday instead of Monday? My activity on weekends is pretty crappy so if I don't finish by today my demanding wife and children may prevent me from finishing before Monday :) I am thinking of investigator with a possible dip into archaeologist. Might go half elf or halfling, maybe even half orc or human (still undecided).