GM Numbat PFS(2) 1-01 The Absalom Initiation - PbP Gameday VIII (Inactive)

Game Master numbat1

PFS2 1-01 The Absalom Initiation

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VC Australia - WA


I will always do my best to run a friendly game. I want all of us to be able to share the enjoyment of this adventure, to laugh when something crazy happens and immerse ourselves in our characters as they develop.

My goal is to check the game several times each day and post as appropriate. I am usually situated on the west coast of the USA and currently have a somewhat erratic schedule. I ask my players to post at least once a day, preferably more. If you know you are going to be away from the game for a short period (such as attending a convention, on a short vacation, or needing to do some business travel), I ask that you please post here so everyone involved is aware and can plan appropriately. I also realise that life happens and sometimes we are unexpectedly away from the game. If this is the case, please post here as soon as you can to let us know what is going on and when to expect you back. I hold myself to these same standards.

Character Profiles

Please have a profile header displaying a brief overview of your character's current status and keep it updated. As PF2 is a new system I do not yet have a template to link but hope to have one available before we start. At a minimum I ask you to include your Name; HP, AC, Saving throw modifiers, Perception and any common Initiative skills; Speed, Special senses, Focus points and other expendable daily resources, Active conditions; Gender (pronouns), Alignment, Class, Level. These should not be in a spoiler but be easy to access by a quick glance at your character. I may also request common secret check skills or I may gather these another way.

In the character profile, please include a complete stat block. You may put it under a spoiler if you wish, but if you do please put it under a single spoiler, not split across multiple spoilers.

For anyone wishing to play a pre-generated character – I hope to have those available as BB Code before the start of the game though I make no guarantee.


Botting is when someone else makes a roll or otherwise does something on behalf of your character.

Please include instructions in your profile and general tactics in case someone else needs to bot your character. I strongly request this include the dice expressions used for common actions. Frequently players place botting instructions in a spoiler. I do ask that you place them toward the top of your character sheet for easy access.

If there are resources you don’t mind being used up by botting, please say so. If there are resources you never want someone using, please state this in bold to make it less likely to be missed.

If it makes you more comfortable, you could specify who you want to run your character when you can’t post.

If your character has any abilities that interrupt play, I ask that you have something in your Botting instructions about when you want this used. Usually, it would be Reaction [R] that changes the result of the triggering action. It can really slow down a PbP if you need to serialize actions between multiple people, good botting instructions can help minimalize this.

As this is a new game, I am sure we will be working together toward fast, smooth and fun play and developing best practices.

In my experience, botting instructions are actually most useful for you, the player, as you can quickly cut and paste complete dice expressions to use in your post.

Initiative and other group checks in PbP

As GM, I will roll all Initiative for PCs and NPCs, sort them, and organize them into blocks. I will bold the names of characters that should act. I will take the NPC actions in order and reserve the right to delay an NPC in order to make them act with a group of other NPCs.

When it is your turn to act, please post. Do not wait for someone else to post just because they had a higher Initiative. If you know what you want to do but want to wait for someone else’s action to go off first, just say that.

Here is an example of how you could post before another player but have it go off after another player:

Sir Cumference waits for the elven archer Mister Oakleaf to get done firing his arrow before charging the Wily Snark.
Attack with Pointy Stick: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Piercing Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

I (and most other PbP GMs) do grouped Initiative in order to keep the adventure moving. In PbP people will have different posting schedules and often live in different time zones, Waiting for posts in order could make a single round of combat take days to resolve.

Within the rules, it is as if everyone within the same Initiative block delayed until they could post.

Other group rolls may be provided when everyone needs to make the same check and waiting for each individual to post has the potential to seriously slow the game. This will most likely be used for perception checks and when everyone needs to make a saving throw.

Including full information in posts

While it can be useful in any game, it will be especially helpful as we all learn the new system if you post all relevant information when you make an attack, cast a spell, use a skill for a specific purpose, etc.

Some checks are only successful if a character has a particular level of proficiency so noting whether your proficiency is untrained (U), trained (T), expert (E), master (M), or legendary (L) is likely useful.

Chronicle information

Shortly after I have seen the chronicle so I can confirm what information is needed, I will post a link to a survey for you to complete so that I may gather that information.

The survey will also ask for your email address which I will not look at or use except to submit if you win a boon or to contact you if the forums are down or for some reason we have not heard from you in an unexpectedly long time and you have not responded to a PM. The email field will be voluntary but I do ask you to seriously consider completing it.

Rules Questions

If there are rules questions, please post them in the discussion thread rather than interrupting the gameplay thread with rules debates.

The discussion thread is also a good place for out of character division of loot, consideration of options, etc. I also encourage you to exchange pleasantries with your fellow players and get to know them a little.

In closing:

We will be discovering the PFS(2) rules together. I expect we will need to adjust things as we go and I am very open to suggestions to improve our play experience.

I know this post is long, thank you for sticking with me and reading it. I believe communication can help make a better game. I encourage you to make use of this discussion thread to that purpose.

I look forward to a fun game together!

Hello! I'm Roxxie and I'm super excited to be here. I'll be making a goblin alchemist for this scenario. I wasn't part of the playtest, so all I know of 2E are snippets from the forums, my local GM, and reading some of the spoiler cards that were passed out.

Do we know when we will be able to create 2E characters? Also, do you mind if I dot-delete with this alias until I can create my character?

Howdy! Checking in and excited to be here. I'm looking at making a goblin bard (*high-fives Roxxie*) once they open up character creation and I get my hands on the CRB. Once all of that happens I'll get a profile and header set up as per your request.

The only thing I can think of right off about me as a player that bears mention is that I'm on CST but work night shift and mostly (not today as you can see) tend to stick to those hours even when on my 'days' off. This means that you're less likely to see posts from me during the 10am-7pish CST range than at any other time. That said, the nature of my job does allow for me to post if things are quiet so maintaining at least 1 post/day is usually pretty doable.

Masculine (He/Him) Software Engineer

I'm not sure yet what character I'll be creating. I plan to play a would-be Eldritch Knight at GenCon, so assuming I'm allowed to use that character (i.e. no date conflicts) I'll probably use that. I have a few other character ideas but won't harden any of them until I see the CRB. Wish I didn't have to wait for the first Lost Omens book!

In the last few days I also invited a relative to start pbp gaming with me. He's most interested in PF2, so if a spot opens up here let me know; otherwise I'll be signing us both up for another game once open enrollment starts.

VC Australia - WA

Hello Roxxie. You are most welcome to dot and delete now, I have done the same in one of the games I am playing. You should have access to information to begin constructing your character on 01 August as soon as the release is official.

I actually suspect that if you have HeroLab Online, you may have access that day from earlier than the official release time as they will probably be up and running for the Character Creation Station at GenCon.

Lady Ladile - Welcome to my game. I love that in PbP it rarely matters what time zone we are in. Though I do find it interesting to know where people are based and try to keep it in mind when looking for posts.

Hello Caps. If you have made a character at GenCon, you should be good to use them for this game. I don't think it will be possible to level them out before we start so as long as you don't have them tied up in another game, you should be fine. I am excited that you have recruited someone else to PbP and PF2. If we do have a player drop then I will try to keep in mind your request to add your relative. (Keep an eye on the signup sheet as well, if you see a spot open then feel free to grab it for them.) General player signups are currently open, the only restriction is three FCFS (first come first served) games per player. There is no restriction on the games on the "other recruitment" tab, though I do suggest you be conservative estimating how many games you can handle when you will also be shepherding a new player through the process.

Anyway, welcome all, it was a delight to see such quick responses.

Grand Lodge

Keeping up the trend, I just want to shout out to the masses, "Hey". Also, to go with the masses, I am planning on playing a Goblin rogue. I've told my IRL gaming group, that I would never play a goblin, but I am going back on my word for this game. I'm really excited for 2E. I read all there was to read for the playtest, but never had a chance to participate. I salivated at the thought of playing while listening to the GCP do their (partial) run-through of the playtest and, more recently, their 2E game with Bulmahn and Mona at PaizoCon. As soon as I saw 2E spots open for GameDay, I had to jump at it.

I look forward to learning this system with all of you and (hopefully) learning to love me some goblins on the way.

^Meh, don't worry too much about the masses. I mean yeah, I'm sure everyone and their mother is going to make at least one goblin PC, but to be honest...?

I don't really care :3

VC Australia - WA

Welcome, Eijel. If we end up with an all goblin party, so be it. But there is definitely no pressure to play a goblin, now or ever. If you have a character concept that you are excited by and that includes being a goblin, then go for it!

Now is a good time to chat about general character concepts, desired backgrounds and roles. Once August arrives, I am sure there will be a mad flurry of character building, scenario prep, and the like. This is also when I will post the survey to gather your character information for reporting and chronicles.

Now is also a good time for discussion regarding what you, the players, like and dislike about various GM/play styles. If there is something you have encountered you really like or dislike, I would appreciate knowing about it so I can consider adjusting my play style. If relevant it would also allow fellow players to consider adjusting their style.

In addition, if you have tips on making the GM's life easier or improve game flow then I'd love to read those as well.

Masculine (He/Him) Software Engineer

Now I will consider making a Goblin PC just to play with y'all, haha.

I think there are GM style things I have disliked in the past, but they're not coming to me. I'm sure I'll enjoy the way you run the game.

Grand Lodge

I'm just curious what your thoughts are on calling out our specific actions and action count given the new action economy as a GM. Would you like us to account for these in a spoiler tag or would you be okay with everything being very narrative and keeping track of those on our own?

Now, as for a concept for my character, assuming that the playtest backgrounds are still in play, I was thinking (as I said), a goblin street urchin rogue. He is going to be very sneaky and can't keep his hands out of others' purses. He's a bit of a klepto, actually. In combat, he is going to (hopefully) rather agile and do more of hit-and-run style attacks. With all that being said, this is all fluid and I reserve the right to make changes based on what will actually be published come 1 August.

I would love hear more on what everyone else is thinking for their characters.

Hum...I always hesitate to comment much on the more intangible aspects of GM styles because a lot of that purely comes down to GM preference. I will say that I personally prefer a style that is more RP-focused and has some substance to it. And really, as long as it seems like a GM is actually putting some effort into what they're doing I'm unlikely to complain.

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Masculine (He/Him) Software Engineer

I like that the PF2 actions are named such that they are easy to narrate with.

Halgir steps away from the golem, strides over to the construct, and strikes it with his hammer.

Huron steps up to the construct, strikes it with her sword, and brutally shoves it away from her.

VC Australia - WA

I like the idea of a great narrative. A line of OOC comments at the bottom of an action post to state clearly the actions used could help in some circumstances, particularly when activities are used.

Caps, those are great examples of using the correct terms to clarify actions while incorporating them into the narrative. I certainly don't want to constrain people to only writing in that style but do believe we can all be looking at ways to make use of the language provided.

Lady Ladile, your feedback will always be welcome, even if I choose not to change anything, having another perspective is valuable. Please feel free to PM if it would increase your comfort level.

Sounds like this is going to be a good group to play with. :-)

Normally I explain my use of actions in OOC text at the bottom, especially if there's a lot happening (swift actions, immediate, etc.). Usually my format as a player is something like:

<Body of post, including RP, dice rolls, etc.>

<Character> moves to their current map position and casts Glitterdust; DC 16 Will or be blinded~

I've seen some GMs that prefer for Gameplay to be as free from OOC text and/or dice rolls as possible, encouraging all of that stuff to either be hidden behind a spoiler like:


Stride x2 to current position
Strike vs. Mimic

Attack vs. Mimic: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Or shunted over to Discussion entirely, depending on the circumstances. As a player, I generally don't have a preference and am happy to conform to whatever the GM prefers. Their house, their formatting rules :)

VC Australia - WA

I think Lady Ladile did a better job of describing what I meant with the OOC text at the bottom.

For 2E that may include ...and casts spell (2 actions) or something similar. We can experiment a bit and work out what works best for clarity as well as ease of play.

With a new system though, I expect a lot more of the details to be added instead of just assuming everyone knows how something works or what an item's properties are, etc. This, from my side as well as the players.

To that end, I would ask that attack and damage rolls include all relevant information including the weapon used, any non-permanent modifiers identified, type of damage, if there is a specific critical effect, etc. Again, we can work out what is really necessary as we go.

We have the potential to help establish best practices for PFS(2) PbP games and pass on those things that really help improve the game for everyone. Obviously, there will remain different, and legitimate, variations in styles of play and that's fine too.

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I'm just over here soaking in all this info about 2E.

As player and GM (so far, as I'm rather inexperienced in both tabletops and PbP), I love seeing both the rp side and the mechanics side, however people tend to do that. I really like Lady Ladile's method.

For character concept, I don't have a clue how goblins are supposed to fit into society, so all I have so far is a personality. Socially awkward know-it-allish mad scientist would be a good tagline for what I've got so far.

As for GM pet peeves, I haven't ran into any so far. ^.^

Masculine (He/Him) Software Engineer

So far we have goblin bard, goblin alchemist, and goblin rogue. Haven't heard from the other two players but I can't resist the wave; I will build a goblin PC for this table.

My CRB came in the mail today so I am reading through the classes. This table is in the back of my mind as I read, and so far Barbarian and Champion both look appealing. I'll probably be tempted by Fighter and Ranger when I get to them, though.

We'll be the bestest goblin adventurers ever :D

Slightly more seriously, my idea for a goblin bard originally goes back to an off-handed comment I once made about how I'd make a bard based off El Kabong if they ever made a goblin boon for PF1.

(Yes, yes, the vigilante class would technically be a better fit for that idea but shhhh.)

Now that goblins are a thing for PF2 I figured I should probably try to make at least the spirit of the idea a reality :)

Are you... are you going to hit things with your instrument? That sounds amazing!

I'll confess, my desire to make a goblin comes from my love of playing the odd races in games. I can't stand playing humans, no matter how much they're the standard for everything. I also have a penchant for small races.

First I would like to say Hi to everyone and can't wait to play some 2nd edition. The whole time I was reading this I was laughing because I already planned on making a goblin cleric before reading this so its PERFECT. Can't wait for the goblin adventure to begin!

VC Australia - WA

Welcome, Bozzinator.

Now we are just waiting for one more player to make an appearance. No pressure on them to make a goblin character though. Maybe they will choose to be the lookout who can see above the hedges ;-)

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Pfft! That's fantastic. We could always make a Goblin Tower! Or better yet, goblins in a trench-coat!

Anyhow, a friend of mine who's already been shipped the 2E CRB said goblin society has splintered, but their reputation has remained unchanged. goblin adventurers are shunned/exiled by the rest of goblin society. With that in mind, plus the 1E 'goblins raise their children almost as pets communally,' my character is the kid that blew up the orphanage (or whatever you call the place goblins put their kids) with his science experiment.

I'm really looking forward to this game!

Greetings, sorry im a bit late to the party. I was planning on playing a goblin druid after enjoying it during free RPG day. Im fairly new to PbP, but looking forward to playing some second edition.

WOO! Goblin party is a go!

VC Australia - WA

Welcome, Valeric.
It's official then. My first PbP PFS(2) GM experience will be with an all goblin party. :-) Let the good times roll.

VC Australia - WA

So it looks like we have:
and one of Barbarian, Champion, Fighter or Ranger

Its very fitting for the all goblin party to be playing a scenario named The Absalom Initiation. This is going to be fantastic!

I'll second Roxxie's goblins-in-a-trenchcoat idea :3

Masculine (He/Him) Software Engineer

I have it narrowed down to Barbarian or Ranger. Thing is, the Ranger would be a scrawny, sneaky, crossbow user that *actively avoids* being in melee. That would leave the party without a natural tank or front liner. I think that sound like an interesting experiment; how would such a party fare?

But if that makes the other PCs nervous I can just play the barbarian.


Grand Lodge

I personally see no issue with not having a tank. From what I've seen of 2E, combat can effectively be more spread out. I say play what you will enjoy playing.

I agree, play whatever speaks to you and we'll make it work :)

VC Australia - WA

Low level, introductory adventures seem like the perfect time to test the system and see if that kind of party mix works well. Let's have some fun and mix things up a bit.

If, when I finally have a chance to read this, I see anything that indicates to me you would be advised to have a more traditional party approach, then I will let you know. Honestly though, I think you should be fine with whatever group you want to take in.

I've almost never played a scenario with a 'normal' party comp. I say play whatever your heart desires, and the rest will sort itself out.

Grand Lodge

I am getting very antsy for tomorrow! In the mean time, how do you plan on doing secret checks? Are these going to be done 'off-air' or will you put them behind spoiler tags, or possibly something else that I can't think of?

Horizon Hunters

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Male CG Unbreakable Goblin Cleric 2|HP: 28/28|AC: 16|Fort: +5|Reflex: +6|Will: +9|Perception: +7 (Darkvision)|Deity Jaidz|Cloistered Cleric Nightmare Domain|Focus Point 1/1|Heal 4/4|Hero Point 1/1|Speed: 25ft|1st Level Spells 3/3|Exploration: Search

The Goblin Cleric Krizz Krozz is here!

Grand Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Female Goblin Alchemist 1 | HP 15/15 | AC 17[T] | F: +6[E] R: +7[E] W: +3[T] | Perc: +3[T] Stealth: +5[T] | Speed 25 ft | Darkvision | Infused Reagents 1/5 | Infused Creations: Alchemist's Fire 2/2, Acid Flask 2/2, Elixir of Life (minor) 2/2, Eagle-Eye Elixir 1/2 | Active conditions: None

Kloink the Goblin Alchemist is ready to roll!

Horizon Hunters

Female Goblin Bard 4 HP: 50/50 | AC: 20 (21 w/ Shield) | F: +8, R: +10, W: +8 | Perc: +8 | Stealth: +8 | Speed: 25 ft. | Senses: Darkvision | Focus Points: 1/2 | 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/3 | Active Conditions:

Pooka Palooka reporting for duty!

Grand Archive

CG Female Goblin Alchemist 1 | HP 15/15 | AC 17[T] | F: +6[E] R: +7[E] W: +3[T] | Perc: +3[T] Stealth: +5[T] | Speed 25 ft | Darkvision | Infused Reagents 1/5 | Infused Creations: Alchemist's Fire 2/2, Acid Flask 2/2, Elixir of Life (minor) 2/2, Eagle-Eye Elixir 1/2 | Active conditions: None

Whoa. This is so different but so cool. Kloik is a Charhide Goblin Barkeeper turned Alchemist. That's as far as I've gotten so far, but I think it covers the basics. I'm looking forward to this!

Envoy's Alliance

CN Male Goblin (Unbreakable) Rogue 2 | HP 32/32 | AC 19 | F +7 R +8 W +5 | Perc [E] +5 | Stealth [T] +6 | Speed: 25ft | Darkvision | Active Conditions: Frightened 2 | Exploration: Avoid Notice

Loohi Loohi on the job! He is an Unbreakable Goblin Prisoner Ruffian Rogue. Changed the concept a bit to more of an enforcer that likes using his dogslicer to extort money out of longshanks. This is going to be fun.

Does anyone have any idea about the factions? I can't seem to find anything anywhere on them.

male goblin male CN Razortooth Goblin Druid/1 | HP12/16 | AC 17/19 w/shield | F +4 R+6 W+8| Perc +6 T| Stealth +6 T | speed 25 | focus 1/1 | spells 1 2/ 2 | Active Conditions: ---|wolf Bitey: HP 12/14 | AC 16 | F +5 R +6 W +4|spd 40| per +4 stealth +3

Sage Thyme the goblin druid ready to ride into battle

Horizon Hunters

Female Goblin Bard 4 HP: 50/50 | AC: 20 (21 w/ Shield) | F: +8, R: +10, W: +8 | Perc: +8 | Stealth: +8 | Speed: 25 ft. | Senses: Darkvision | Focus Points: 1/2 | 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/3 | Active Conditions:

@Loohi Loohi - They put out some blog posts a short time back to detail each of the new factions! Here they are:

Horizon Hunters & Radiant Oath

Envoys' Alliance & Verdant Wheel

Grand Archive & Vigilant Seal

Envoy's Alliance

CN Male Goblin (Unbreakable) Rogue 2 | HP 32/32 | AC 19 | F +7 R +8 W +5 | Perc [E] +5 | Stealth [T] +6 | Speed: 25ft | Darkvision | Active Conditions: Frightened 2 | Exploration: Avoid Notice

I have put together a profile format and quick reference format.

Please let me know what you guys think.

VC Australia - WA
eijel wrote:
I am getting very antsy for tomorrow! In the mean time, how do you plan on doing secret checks? Are these going to be done 'off-air' or will you put them behind spoiler tags, or possibly something else that I can't think of?

My apologies for my absence, I am having a very busy Gen Con and had not checked-in at all.

I was planning to place under a GM Screen spoiler and trust my players not to look.

Grand Archive

CG Female Goblin Alchemist 1 | HP 15/15 | AC 17[T] | F: +6[E] R: +7[E] W: +3[T] | Perc: +3[T] Stealth: +5[T] | Speed 25 ft | Darkvision | Infused Reagents 1/5 | Infused Creations: Alchemist's Fire 2/2, Acid Flask 2/2, Elixir of Life (minor) 2/2, Eagle-Eye Elixir 1/2 | Active conditions: None

Loohi, I'm digging your layout so far. I'll have to see how well it works when I'm writing mine, and I'll let you know.

Horizon Hunters

Male CG Unbreakable Goblin Cleric 2|HP: 28/28|AC: 16|Fort: +5|Reflex: +6|Will: +9|Perception: +7 (Darkvision)|Deity Jaidz|Cloistered Cleric Nightmare Domain|Focus Point 1/1|Heal 4/4|Hero Point 1/1|Speed: 25ft|1st Level Spells 3/3|Exploration: Search

Is there anything else special you want in the format for my character other than what I have put in there?

VC Australia - WA

Just checking in between planes on the way home from Gen Con. It will probably be tomorrow before I really catch up and answer questions.
I am very happy at the enthusiasm level in this group.

I ran 2E (though not this scenario which I have yet to access and read) throughout the convention and it was fun. I am looking forward to experiencing it via PbP and with such a great group of players.

Horizon Hunters

Female Goblin Bard 4 HP: 50/50 | AC: 20 (21 w/ Shield) | F: +8, R: +10, W: +8 | Perc: +8 | Stealth: +8 | Speed: 25 ft. | Senses: Darkvision | Focus Points: 1/2 | 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/3 | Active Conditions:

Me too!

Full disclosure: I ended up playing this scenario yesterday with my local lodge, though obviously not with Pooka. We were supposed to play #1-00 but since it wasn't available we went with #1-01 (and I had to quickly drum up a 2nd character).

Horizon Hunters

Female Goblin Bard 4 HP: 50/50 | AC: 20 (21 w/ Shield) | F: +8, R: +10, W: +8 | Perc: +8 | Stealth: +8 | Speed: 25 ft. | Senses: Darkvision | Focus Points: 1/2 | 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/3 | Active Conditions:

@All - If you're still trying to figure out the best way to get your profiles set up GM Blake posted a link to a formatted PF2 Character Sheet of his own creation over in Cottonseed if you haven't seen it yet. Always nice to have options :)

Grand Archive

CG Female Goblin Alchemist 1 | HP 15/15 | AC 17[T] | F: +6[E] R: +7[E] W: +3[T] | Perc: +3[T] Stealth: +5[T] | Speed 25 ft | Darkvision | Infused Reagents 1/5 | Infused Creations: Alchemist's Fire 2/2, Acid Flask 2/2, Elixir of Life (minor) 2/2, Eagle-Eye Elixir 1/2 | Active conditions: None

It's a bit of a work in progress, but I've been working off of GM Blake's sheet. I've had fun just building this character, I can't wait to play her.

Grand Archive

CG Female Goblin Alchemist 1 | HP 15/15 | AC 17[T] | F: +6[E] R: +7[E] W: +3[T] | Perc: +3[T] Stealth: +5[T] | Speed 25 ft | Darkvision | Infused Reagents 1/5 | Infused Creations: Alchemist's Fire 2/2, Acid Flask 2/2, Elixir of Life (minor) 2/2, Eagle-Eye Elixir 1/2 | Active conditions: None

As we're coming closer, I'm looking at some of the society specific details of builds, and I'm trying to decide if Kloink is a field agent or if she studied primarily under the master of Scrolls. Is anyone else questioning this decision pretty hard, or am I just letting my brain run away with itself?

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