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![]() We are currently seeking 1-2 additional players to join a 3PP Class PF1 game of Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands. The original recruitment thread can be found here. The party currently consists of: Ninja, Kunoichi
Characters are still level 1 and they've completed about 1/4th of the ruins. ![]()
![]() Does anyone know if the Hindering Projectile has a duration for the debuff other than spending the move action to remove it? ![]()
![]() Now recruiting for Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands where classes must be from a third party publisher. This game is to get some use out of 3PP content that tends to sit dormant. "A ruined monument to folly and ego, the Shadowed Keep stands atop an isolated bluff deep in a mist‐wreathed forest. Sacked by marauding goblins decades ago the place was thought abandoned, but shadows now creep among the forest's great boles and footprints
Dare you brave the terrors of the Shadowed Keep to crush that which lurks within or will darkness shroud the surrounding lands?" =========================================================================== ========== Crunch:
Level: Characters will start at 1st level.
Attributes: 20 point buy. Hit Point Generation: Max at first level. Classes: 3pp classes only. Additional rules for your class are limited to the original material where the class originates. This is to limit abuse of unforeseen 3PP interactions. Ideally, I would like access to the material (because I already own it, it's on d20PFSRD, or you own it and can can the corresponding info verbatim). Classes are subject to DM approval if I don't own it and it's not on d20PFSRD. See Campaign Info for "safe" classes. Races: Core races. Alignment: No evil. Starting Wealth: Average starting wealth for your class. Traits: Two traits. Submissions:
Submissions have a soft close of Dec. 21st. This is subject to change based on the amount of submissions and the holidays. I'm looking for 4-6 characters. Selection:
If someone has GM'd for me before, I will give preference to them. It's a small way I can show gratitude for the work they've put in. Otherwise, I will make the selection shortly after the submission deadline. Fluff: Characters will begin in Olfden, located in the Darkmoon Vale region. In addition to providing a character description and using a template (example) for your character data, please fill out the following for your character: Have a Goal: Strive to be the best at something, to create something, to see a place, to get married, or to achieve some other goal. Whatever it is, have something you want above all other things. Have a Reputation: Maybe you’re a great juggler, or maybe you slipped on the stairs in front of the whole town. Whatever it is, it’s something locals remember about you. Have a Friend: Whether a friend from school, a coworker, an army buddy, or someone you saved, have someone you’re close to and whom you wish well. Have a Home: It might be a neighborhood you love, your parent’s house, or a room you rent; in any case, it’s the place you call home. Have a Signature Item: A signature item is something that is recognizably yours, be it a weapon with a distinctive grip, a piece of jewelry, a lucky charm, or your favorite scarf. Have a Problem: Maybe you don’t have any money, a member of your family is sick, or you’re trying to get home. Whatever the issue is, you’re doing your best to solve it. Have a Secret: Maybe you can’t read, left your crew mates to die, or made your long-lost sister run away. This should be something that would embarrass or endanger you if others found out. Have a Reason to Be Brave: Maybe it’s to be like your hero, maybe it’s to repay a debt, maybe it’s for your child, but have a reason to occasionally face your fears.
![]() Since I've accumulated a lot of 3PP over the years without the opportunity to use it, I thought I'd run a PbP where class selection has to be from 3rd parties. To control the flood gates of material, I would limit class options to the source material. For example, if you make a luckbringer don't start adding feats from another 3rd party source. I'm considering a few options:
============================================================ I will be running an old-school module, ported to Pathfinder/Golarion. I do not plan on disclosing the name of the module until after the adventure completes to preserve the experience. The title gives away more than I would like. This is my first time DM'ing PbP outside my normal play group, so please keep that in mind. Players should expect:
Level: Characters will start at 1st level.
Submissions: Submissions close on Jan 10th. I'm looking for 4-6 characters. In addition to providing a character description and using a template (example) for your character data, please fill out the following for your character:
![]() I plan on running Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands and I was curious what locations in Golarion people have used for it. The obvious would be Falcon's Hollow, since that is where Creighton (RSP) placed it in his campaign. However, Falcon Hollow doesn't strike me as the best starting town for a new group of adventures; at least not for generating native's of the town. Thus the question: where would you place the Shadowed Keep? |