Sacred Killer

Zurnzal the Brawler's page

24 posts. Alias of Jhaeman.

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Starfinder! You've been summoned to the recently re-established underwater Starfinder Society Lodge on the icy planet of Arniselle. As your submersible shuttle plunges through the ocean on the way to the new lodge, you have a chance to introduce yourself to your fellow agents.

Please describe what your character looks like and feel free to do some introductory role-playing before the shuttle arrives at the lodge.

General Notes:

I try to post every day to keep things moving, and if you can keep a similar pace, that would be great. We all have real life interruptions of course, so if you can't post and we're in the middle of something like a combat, please give me bot instructions or I'll assume your PC does Total Defense.

Please place a good array of information in your character header. Knowing your PC's EAC/KAC, Perception mod, Initiative mod, etc., saves me a lot of time when doing posts. If you need help figuring out how to format that, we can help you. Important: I don't keep track of your character's stamina, hit points, resolve points, or daily resources. You need to do this yourself and update your tagline regularly as the game goes on.

If you want to earn extra GM love and you're not playing a pre-gen, posting a full character sheet in your profile is great. That way I can look stuff up and answer my own "how did they do that?" questions. Related, if you have some crazy weird or complicated build and want to explain anything, here's a good place.

You'll need a picture of your character for the grid scenes.

If you're new to Starfinder, Starfinder Society, or play-by-post, welcome! I'm always happy to help, and please don't be embarrassed if you have any questions.

Finally, role-playing is good! Please give your PC some personality and engage with the other PCs and NPCs. I'll gently move us along if we're dwelling too much in one part of the scenario.

Any questions, ask away!

After the Starfinder Society made first contact with the morlamaws of Arniselle, the walrus-like people of that world have worked alongside several Pact Worlds organizations to explore their homeworld and other planets beyond. Recently, a group of radical morlamaws was discovered to have been working with an individual opposed to the Society's interests. The PCs travel to Arniselle to follow-up on this group's activities and link it back to the mysterious ysoki known as Datch. The truth behind these morlamaws is beyond comprehension, and threatens all life on Arniselle and beyond!

Welcome to Forbidden Tides and Gameday XIII! Recruitment is via the convention spreadsheet and is first-come, first-served.

A few notes:

* If possible, I'd like to run this at low subtier (7-8) so please bring characters in that range if you can (if you can't, that's okay).

* I'm going to be away, without computer access, for two weeks in October and one week in November. I'll try to keep us moving at a good pace to finish on time, but please be aware of the possibility we might go over if you sign on to this game.

If you're on the official sign-up sheet, please go ahead and check-in here with the following details:

Player Name:
Character Name:
SFS #:
Current XP:

Pathfinder! You've been summoned on a mission to fabled Jalmeray! As you set foot on the docks near the northern tip of the isle, you see other Pathfinder agents are there as well. Explore, Report, and Cooperate!

This is a good time to describe your character and make introductions.

General Notes:

I try to post every day to keep things moving, and if you can keep a similar pace, that would be great. We all have real life interruptions of course, so if you can't post and we're in the middle of something like a combat, please give me bot instructions or I'll assume your PC does Total Defense.

Please place a good array of information in your character header. Knowing your PC's armor class, Perception mod, Initiative mod, etc., saves me a lot of time when doing posts. If you need help figuring out how to format that, we can help you. I don't keep track of your character's hit points, expended spells, etc., so please update your tagline when you take damage or expend resources.

If you're new to Pathfinder, Pathfinder Society, or play-by-post, you are very welcome! Just let me know--I'm always happy to help, and we have a great community here..

If you want to earn extra GM love, posting a full character sheet in your profile is great. That way I can look stuff up and answer my own "how did they do that?" questions. Related, if you have some crazy weird or complicated build and want to explain anything, here's a good place.

You'll need a picture of your character for the grid scenes.

Finally, role-playing is good! Please give your PC some personality and engage with the other PCs and NPCs. I'll gently move us along if we're dwelling too much in one part of the scenario.

Any questions, ask away!

The Pathfinder Society sends you to the fabled Kingdom of the Impossible, the island of Jalmeray, to stop an Aspis Consortium black market relics dealer who is organizing the local bandits and violently robbing Jalmeray and Pathfinder Society caravans laden with relics, artifacts, and magical mysteries. When a venture-captain is murdered by the Aspis Consortium agent, it's up to the PCs to find him and do whatever it takes to stop him.

Now recruiting for the Pathfinder Society (First Edition) scenario Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible for characters of Level 1 or 2 only. This will done by play-by-post here in the Paizo forums.

If you'd like to play, please complete the check-in sheet below.

Only completed check-ins are accepted.

To thanks GMs and encourage more PFS1 games being offered on this site, for the first 72 hours, applicants who are currently GMing a PFS1 session will be offered priority seating.

Pathfinder Society Number:
This Chronicle #:
Starting XP:
Initial Prestige:
Initial Fame:
Starting Gold:
Currenting GMing a PFS1 game via play-by-post? (if so, please link)

[Recap of Conclusion to Chapter Four]

The Sun Diver blasts off, leaving the darkened and still-mysterious prison behind. The ship's special shielding holds up well over the next several days, but the gradual deterioration of its ablative hull due to the tremendous heat and pressure mean another such journey won't be possible until the Sun Diver receives repairs at the Deep Culture Institute. Still, another dangerous voyage into Mataras has been successful. Having overcome burning undead of untold eons past, cursed artifacts, and even soul-draining entities from the depths of space, the crew of the Sun Diver have earned a well-deserved rest!

Yet, deep in the heart of Mataras, events have been set in motion. Out of the churning cauldron arises a threat to the entire Burning Archipelago! For, perhaps, the sun is not as uninhabitable as everyone thinks . . .

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Welcome back everyone! Please check in here so I know you're back into the campaign. We've got some miscellaneous bits to do while we wait for Jin's and Hani's replacements, and I'll start going over that stuff soon.

(If you played in my Chapter 4 and you intend to come back, please make your way to Discussion.)

If you haven't played in my Chapter 4, welcome! The premise of the campaign is that an expedition from a Near Space university has been sent to the Pact Worlds to explore that system's sun (Mataras). The chapters of this AP are largely self-contained, so it won't be hard to bring you up to speed. If you'd like to join, please post below a character proposal in this thread (remembering it needs to be a Near Space species ready for one of the two expedition roles listed below). I don't need a character sheet at this point, just a one or two paragraph description of of personality, background, capabilities, etc. I'll wait a bit to see who's interested and then choose from there. And of course, questions are always welcome.

Roles Needed

Security Officer

Lead Engineer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I’ve gone through the PF1 books I have, and here’s a list of references I’ve found to the places and NPCs in Second Darkness. Please note that, to avoid spoilers, I haven’t gone through any future adventure paths (but I have looked at prior ones, since I’ve run them) and I haven't looked at anything from PF2. If you know of other useful things to add, please go for it!



# The campaign setting book Inner Sea World Guide has entries on the Darklands, Kyonin, and Varisia (including a picture of the Cyphergate).

# The Second Darkness Map Folio has maps of Zirnakaynin, Rygirnan, Edrissil, Riddleport, the Gold Goblin, and several more.

# The player companion Pathfinder Society Primer on page 27 says a Pathfinder published proof of the existence of drow in 4707 A.R. (which contradicts the timeline of the A.P. which starts in 4708 A.R. and drow are still secret).

# Pathfinder Adventure Path # 3 has a gazetteer on Varisia with bits on Celwynvian, Calphiak Mountains, the Mierani Forest, Riddleport, and Roderic’s Cove.

CHAPTER ONE (Riddleport)

# According to Pathfinder Adventure Path # 10 page 73, the Tamiir-Quah occasionally attacks travellers on the road from Riddleport to Roderic’s Cove, forcing much trade via sea.

# The novel Winter Witch has an interesting “in universe” map of the area around Riddleport, and there’s a couple of pages at the beginning of Chapter Nine that take place on the outskirts of the city.

# The campaign setting book Darklands Revisited on pages 56-57 has a write-up and stats for a CR 7 urdefhan cult leader who abducts travellers around Riddleport.

# The campaign setting book Inner Sea Temples on page 2 has a sample temple priest with alterations for Cayden Cailean and Calistria.

# The campaign setting book Mystery Monsters Revisited says bunyips are a known problem in Riddleport (page 8), that there’s a famous sasquatch in Churlwood (page 45), and that the Serpentine Lodge (a group devoted to slaying sea serpents) has a base in Riddleport (page 49).

# The Rise of the Runelords Map Folio has a close map of Varisia include the area around Riddleport.

# The player companion Second Darkness Player’s Guide has lots of information on Riddleport.

# The player companion Varisia, Birthplace of Legends has information on Riddleport and surrounding areas, and a couple of new campaign traits for Second Darkness.

# The player companion Pirates of the Inner Sea has two pages on Riddleport, highlighting notable pirates and ships. It also features two pages on Besmara.

# Pathfinder Adventure Path # 10 on page 69 says the Shadde-Quah of the western Calphiaks protect the northern approach to the Varisian Gulf from raiders of the Land of Linnorm Kings.

# Pathfinder Society Scenario # 4-07 (‘Severing Ties) is set in Riddleport and includes visits to the city’s three temples.

# Pathfinder Society Scenario # 4-15 (‘The Cyphermage Dilemma’) is set in Riddleport and has some useful description of the city Cyphermage NPCs.

CHAPTER TWO (Devil’s Elbow)

# In the campaign setting book Inner Sea Bestiary on page 18, it says that once noqual is discovered, a cabal of Cyphermages start work on building a noqual golem.

CHAPTER THREE (Celwynvian/Mierani Forest)

# The campaign setting book Into the Darklands references Celwynvian on page 4.

# The player companion Elves of Golarionp has some information on Celwynvian.

# Pathfinder Society Scenario # 4-17 (‘Tower of the Ironwood Watch’) takes place in the eastern regions of the Mierani Forest and involves drow from Zirnakaynin.

CHAPTER FOUR (Zirnakaynin)

# The campaign setting book Darklands Revisited on page 8 has brief bits on Zirnakaynin and House Azrinae.

# The campaign setting book Into the Darklands has a table of wandering monsters (inside front cover), a random hazard chart (page 9), and a discussion of travel times and challenges (page 10) in the Darklands in general. Drow are discussed on page 31 and Zirnakaynin is on page 43.

# Pathfinder Adventure Path # 100 has a special gallery of new NPCs for previous adventure paths. For Second Darkness, the new NPC is the drow Chessadril Odranata, a resident of Zirnakaynin who is a potential ally for the PCs.

# Pathfinder Adventure Pathp # 13 on page 81 mentions some fungi specific to the Darklands.

CHAPTER FIVE (Kyonin/Iadara)

# The novel Queen of Thorns has a lot of information on Kyonin as well as a map not reproduced elsewhere.

# The campaign setting book Book of the Damned Volume 2: Lords of Chaos has a paragraph on Tanglebriar on page 63.

# The campaign setting book Inner Sea Bestiary on page 13 references a fungus queen commanding vegepygmies in Tanglebriar.

# The campaign setting book Inner Sea Races has a lot of information on elves, elf gates, and drow.

# The campaign setting book Inner Sea Temples on page 54 references a temple of Calistria in Kyonin.

# The campaign setting book NPC Guide has a useful NPC who lives in Kyonin named Vendlara Alderane (page 15), and stat blocks for the following: Kyonin Greenscout (page 42) and Kyonin Nightfall Sniper (page 42).

# The campaign setting book Occult Realms has a ritual to activate dormant elf gates on page 54.

# The campaign setting book Undead Revisited on page 56 says banshees plague Kyonin.

# The Pathfinder Chronicles Gazetteer on page 37 has a page on Kyonin and a picture of an elf gate.

# The campaign setting book Fey Revisited on page 63 discusses Druellian, an enormous village of sprites in the Fierani Forest in Kyonin.

# The campaign setting book Dungeon Denizens Revisited on page 62 notes that hundreds of shambling mounds serve Treerazer in southern Kyonin.

# The player companion Inner Sea Primer on page 10 has a useful brief on Kyonin.

# The player companion Elves of Golarion has some information on Kyonin and a stat block for the queen.

# The bestiary in the back of Pathfinder Adventure Path # 5 mentions Lukarazyl, a shemhazian demon who serves Treerazer as an assassin and general in Kyonin.

# Pathfinder Society Scenario # 5-05 (‘The Elven Entanglement’) is set in Kyonin.

CHAPTER SIX (Land of Black Blood)

# The campaign setting book Into the Darklands has a table of wandering monsters (inside front cover), a random hazard chart (page 9), and a discussion of travel times and challenges (page 10) in the Darklands in general. The Land of the Black Blood is mentioned on page 51.

# The novel Called to Darkness includes Orv (but not the Land of Black Blood specifically).

# The campaign setting book Darklands Revisited on page 44 has a brief mention of the neothelid Midnight Emperor who lives in the Land of Black Blood.

# The campaign setting book Dungeon Denizens Revisited on page 14 notes that cloakers serve the Moldering Emperor in the Land of Black Blood.

# Pathfinder Adventure Path # 13 on page 81 mentions some fungi specific to the Darklands.

Starfinder! You've been summoned to a mission briefing. On your way through the Lorespire Complex, you notice new, eye-catching details: colorful alerts plastered across notice boards and flashing on holoscreens call for Starfinder volunteers to assist with a disaster-relief supply run to the Vast.

You soon arrive in the cluttered loading dock office of Venture-Captain Naiaj, a bleachling gnome in humming armor. She's standing amid a cloud of holographic supply manifests; the area tints her platinum hair and pale skin a bluish hue. She holds up the palm of her hand to signal for you to wait, as she speaks into a comlink and manipulates a datascreen. Soon, you're joined by other Starfinder agents.

Please go ahead and describe your character and introduce yourself to your fellow agents.

General Notes:

I try to post every day to keep things moving, and if you can keep a similar pace, that would be great. We all have real life interruptions of course, so if you can't post and we're in the middle of something like a combat, please give me bot instructions or I'll assume your PC does Total Defense.

Please place a good array of information in your character header. Knowing your PC's EAC/KAC, Perception mod, Initiative mod, etc., saves me a lot of time when doing posts. If you need help figuring out how to format that, we can help you. Important: I don't keep track of your character's stamina, hit points, resolve points, or daily resources. You need to do this yourself and update your tagline as the game goes on.

If you want to earn extra GM love and you're not playing a pre-gen, posting a full character sheet in your profile is great. That way I can look stuff up and answer my own "how did they do that?" questions. Related, if you have some crazy weird or complicated build and want to explain anything, here's a good place.

You'll need a picture of your character for the grid scenes.

If you're new to Starfinder, Starfinder Society, or play-by-post, welcome! I'm always happy to help, and please don't be embarrassed if you have any questions.

Finally, role-playing is good! Please give your PC some personality and engage with the other PCs and NPCs. I'll gently move us along if we're dwelling too much in one part of the scenario.

Any questions, ask away!

When a Pact Worlds colony out in the Vast calls for medical assistance, the Starfinder Society dispatches the PCs with much-needed medicinal goods. Arriving at the colony, the PCs must help the colony survive, as most of the settlement’s inhabitants are afflicted by a mysterious illness. As the PCs work to save the colony, they uncover the truth behind the illness and a conspiracy that could change the shape of the Pact Worlds.

Now recruiting for SFS # 2-17: "Cost of Living" for characters who are Level 5 or Level 6. This will be played via PBP here on the Paizo forums. Please note that I will be away for 1 week in the middle of January and for 3 weeks in March, so only sign up if the interruption won't bother you.

If you'd like to play, please complete the check-in sheet below.

Only completed check-ins are accepted.

To thanks GMs and encourage more SFS games being offered on this site, for the first 72 hours, applicants who are currently GMing an SFS session will be offered priority seating.

Player Name:
Character Name:
SFS #:
Current XP:
Currently GMing an SFS game via play-by-post? (if so, please link):

Pathfinder! You've been almost literally dragged out of bed in the middle of the night by a servant of the Grand Lodge in Absalom. It seems there's an urgent mission, and waiting for dawn is too late! As you grab your gear and make your way partially dressed into the hallway, you see some fellow agents being similarly alerted. What could be so important to truncate a Pathfinder's good night's sleep?

Please describe your character and introduce yourself to the other PCs.

General Notes:

I try to post every day to keep things moving, and if you can keep a similar pace, that would be great. We all have real life interruptions of course, so if you can't post and we're in the middle of something like a combat, please give me bot instructions or I'll assume your PC does Total Defense.

Please place a good array of information in your character header. Knowing your PC's armor class, Perception mod, Initiative mod, etc., saves me a lot of time when doing posts. If you need help figuring out how to format that, we can help you. I don't keep track of your character's hit points, expended spells, etc., so please update your tagline when you take damage or expend resources.

If you're new to Pathfinder, Pathfinder Society, or play-by-post, you are very welcome! Just let me know--I'm always happy to help, and we have a great community here..

If you want to earn extra GM love, posting a full character sheet in your profile is great. That way I can look stuff up and answer my own "how did they do that?" questions. Related, if you have some crazy weird or complicated build and want to explain anything, here's a good place.

You'll need a picture of your character for the grid scenes.

Finally, role-playing is good! Please give your PC some personality and engage with the other PCs and NPCs. I'll gently move us along if we're dwelling too much in one part of the scenario.

Any questions, ask away!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

When rumors stir of a hidden treasure ship in Absalom's Flotsam Graveyard, the Pathfinder Society sends you beneath the Inner Sea to investigate. Mayhem, undersea adventure, and chaos are to be had in this rousing rampage beneath the roiling waters of Absalom's harbor.

Now recruiting for the Pathfinder Society (First Edition) scenario Sniper in the Deep for characters of Level 8 or 9 only. This will done by play-by-post here in the Paizo forums.

If you'd like to play, please complete the check-in sheet below.

Only completed check-ins are accepted.

To thanks GMs and encourage more PFS1 games being offered on this site, for the first 72 hours, applicants who are currently GMing a PFS1 session will be offered priority seating.

Pathfinder Society Number:
This Chronicle #:
Starting XP:
Initial Prestige:
Initial Fame:
Starting Gold:
Currenting GMing a PFS1 game via play-by-post? (if so, please link)

Dear Mr. Mona,

I'm really sorry I TP'd the trees in front of your house on Halloween seven years ago. Can I please stop writing reviews now?

Yours Sincerely,


Starfinder! The Society has dispatched arranged a a chartered transport vessel piloted by a curmudgeonly vesk named Thresker to take you out to a nameless and uninhabited shepherd moon orbiting Liavara in the Pact Worlds. Curiously, you haven't received any instructions apart from being told that you will be in charge of important geological work and will receive further directions upon arrival. Strapped into the seats next to you are several other experienced Starfinder agents.

Please go ahead with introductions.

General Notes:

I try to post every day to keep things moving, and if you can keep a similar pace, that would be great. We all have real life interruptions of course, so if you can't post and we're in the middle of something like a combat, please give me bot instructions or I'll assume your PC does Total Defense. Because this is a convention game and we have a fixed deadline, we may need to move a bit faster than normal.

Please place a good array of information in your character header. Knowing your PC's EAC/KAC, Perception mod, Initiative mod, etc., saves me a lot of time when doing posts. If you need help figuring out how to format that, we can help you.

If you want to earn extra GM love and you're not playing a pre-gen, posting a full character sheet in your profile is great. That way I can look stuff up and answer my own "how did they do that?" questions. Related, if you have some crazy weird or complicated build and want to explain anything, here's a good place.

You'll need a picture of your character for the grid scenes.

Finally, role-playing is good! Please give your PC some personality and engage with the other PCs and NPCs. I'll gently move us along if we're dwelling too much in one part of the scenario.

Any questions, ask away!

There's a data leak somewhere inside the heart of the Starfinder Society, somewhere in the Lorespire Complex. Assembled for what was supposed to be an ordinary mission, the PCs find themselves sent to break into to the Society's central hub of operations. Travelling through ancient accessways, it's up to this group of dedicated Starfinders to plug the data leak and stop the Society's most precious secrets from ending up in the hands of their mysterious foes.

This scenario is being run as part of Gameday XII. Only those who signed up in the convention spreadsheet are eligible. The following have signed up and should feel welcome to post an introduction in Gameplay:

Z Data Z
[1 slot is open at time of posting]

The light from the rising sun performs a splendid dance upon the windows of Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch’s Magnimarian manor house. You've been summoned for a mission briefing, and as you wait in the reception area, now's a great opportunity to introduce yourself to your fellow agents!

Some general notes:

* Please make sure you have a good tagline with character stats. This saves me a lot of time while GMing and makes the game go by faster for everyone. If you're new to PbP and need help figuring out how to format things, just post here and we'll help you. Similarly, keep your tagline updated if you're casting buffs, have ongoing conditions, take damage, etc. I don't keep of the damage you've taken, so you'll need to do it in your tagline.

* If you have a really strange or complex build and want to explain anything in advance, please feel free to use this thread. If you want to earn extra GM love, posting a full character sheet in your profile is great. That way I can look stuff up and answer my own "how did they do that?" questions.

* I try to post at least once every day, and it would be good if you aim for the same thing. Real life comes up, of course, so if you need me to bot you, give me instructions or I'll play your character very conservatively (probably doing Total Defense). Because this is a convention game and we have a fixed end-date, we may need to move a bit faster than normal.

* You'll need a picture of your character for the grid scenes.

Finally, role-playing is good! Please give your PC some personality and engage with the other PCs and NPCs. I'll gently move us along if we're dwelling too much in one part of the scenario.

Any questions, ask away!

In the shadow of the cyclopean Cyphergate that spans Riddleport's harbor, the PCs find themselves embroiled in a dangerous plot of deception that one could only find in Varisia's infamous pirate port.

This is the thread for PFS1 # 4-15: "The Cyphermage Dilemma". Only those who have signed up on the Gameday XII spreadsheet are eligible to play. As of the date of this post, those individuals are:

Mage of the Wyrmkin
Shadow Dragon
Great Green God
Ed Birnbryer

If you're one of those people, please check in below. Right now, we have a real range of character levels on the spreadsheet. If you have multiple characters available and can choose to play one who's between level 1-3, we could go low subtier and it'll likely be a more smoother experience for all concerned.

Pathfinder! You've been summoned to the Nirmathi capital of Tamran, a sparsely populated meritocracy on the western shores of Lake Encarthan, after being contacted by a Pathfinder named Reginar Lacklan. Lacklan asked you to meet at the docks ready for an important mission that could affect the fate of the entire region!

As you pace the docks and wait for him to arrive, you notice some other Pathfinder field agents approaching.

Please describe your character and introduce yourself.

Some general notes:

* Please make sure you have a good tagline with character stats. This saves me a lot of time while GMing and makes the game go by faster for everyone. If you're new to PbP and need help figuring out how to format things, just post here and we'll help you. Similarly, keep your tagline updated if you're casting buffs, have ongoing conditions, take damage, etc. I don't keep of the damage you've taken, so you'll need to do it in your tagline.

* If you have a really strange or complex build and want to explain anything in advance, please feel free to use this thread. If you want to earn extra GM love, posting a full character sheet in your profile is great. That way I can look stuff up and answer my own "how did they do that?" questions.

* I try to post at least once every day, and it would be good if you aim for the same thing. Real life comes up, of course, so if you need me to bot you, give me instructions or I'll play your character very conservatively (probably doing Total Defense).

* You'll need a picture of your character for the grid scenes.

Finally, role-playing is good! Please give your PC some personality and engage with the other PCs and NPCs. I'll gently move us along if we're dwelling too much in one part of the scenario.

Any questions, ask away!

In the center of Lake Encarthan looms the dreaded Isle of Terror, accursed land of mystery and treachery. Hidden within the island's negative energy storms, the secret treasure city of the wizard-king Tar-Baphon has lain sealed for centuries. Now masked cultists have opened the golden city of Xin-Grafar to claim the wealth of the legendary city for the Living God Razmir. Can a small group of Pathfinders stop them and prevent a dark faith from spreading across the world?

Now recruiting for City of Golden Death a Pathfinder (first edition) Module for Pathfinder Society. This game will be played here on the Paizo forums through play-by-post and is for characters levels 4-6. Please remember that modules are substantially longer than scenarios, so your character will be locked into this adventure for a fair amount of time. The module is worth 3 XP and 4 PP.

If you'd like to play, please fill out the information below. Only complete entries are accepted, and it's first-come, first-served until I get four players.

Please note that I'll be travelling until the 24th, so my response to this recruitment thread may be spotty. We'll start once I get back, assuming we have enough players.

Pathfinder Society Number:
This Chronicle #:
Current XP:
Current Prestige:
Current Fame:
Current Gold:

If you're new to PFS or have any questions about what the categories above mean, please feel free to ask.

New members of the Starfinder Society are often contracted out to private firms to gain experience (and to earn the Society some much-needed credits). You’ve been directed to Ysanto, a small town located on the banks of the Yaro River on the planet Castrovel. The prosperous town has recently started to attract investors from the city-state of Qabarat, located just a few days’ boat ride away.

One of those investors has hired TeleWright, a construction business known for building revitalization projects. A recent advertisement was posted seeking “enterprise freelancers”, and when you arrive outside TeleWright’s office, a massive sign reads “TeleWright: You Think It, We Build It!” Other Starfinder agents are waiting outside as well--it seems like a good time to introduce yourself.

Please note that this adventure comes with a content warning as follows:

While Echoes of Woe is a typical Starfinder adventure, it’s also a tragic ghost story set in a haunted hospital and involves themes of horror, disease, and patient death.

If these themes concern you, please PM me as I may be able to minimise the problem.

General Notes:

I try to post every day to keep things moving, and if you can keep a similar pace, that would be great. We all have real life interruptions of course, so if you can't post and we're in the middle of something like a combat, please give me bot instructions or I'll assume your PC does Total Defense.

Please place a good array of information in your character header. Knowing your PC's EAC/KAC, Perception mod, Initiative mod, etc., saves me a lot of time when doing posts. If you need help figuring out how to format that, we can help you.

If you want to earn extra GM love and you're not playing a pre-gen, posting a full character sheet in your profile is great. That way I can look stuff up and answer my own "how did they do that?" questions. Related, if you have some crazy weird or complicated build and want to explain anything, here's a good place.

You'll need a picture of your character for the grid scenes.

Finally, role-playing is good! Please give your PC some personality and engage with the other PCs and NPCs. I'll gently move us along if we're dwelling too much in one part of the scenario.

Any questions, ask away!

A century ago, tragedy claimed the lives of the patients and staff at a rural Castrovelian hospital. Now, thanks to a profitable land deal, investors from the nearby city of Qabarat have given the town a means to demolish the dilapidated building and build a brand new laboratory in its place. All that remains is to enter the hospital and clear it for demolition. There’s just one catch: the hospital is haunted and no one in town dares enter… It’s up to a team of outside troubleshooters to brave the hospital’s haunted halls and clear the site for demolition! Will our heroes survive their brush with the past? Or will they be the hospital’s latest victims?

Now recruiting for Starfinder Bounty # 5: "Echoes of Woe" (Level 1 PCs only). Bounties are short adventures, and this one provides .25 XP, 200 credits, and no reputation or Downtime. They're great for testing out a new character. We'll do it via play-by-post here on the Paizo website. If you'd like to play, please note the content warning in the Discussion thread and then provide the following information:

Player Name:
Character Name:
Organized Play #:
Current XP:
Current Credits:
Current Reputation:

2/5 5/5

For sanctioned content like bounties, Free RPG Day adventures like Skitter Warp, adventures like Junker's Delight, and one-shots like System Takedown, do the two-player minimum rule of regular Society play apply? I've been running or playing these "just for fun" with one other player, and I'm not sure if that counts for SFS purposes or not.

Is there a product page for this? I can't find one, and I'd like to leave a review.

A brisk breeze carries the scent of the sea up to the Pathfinder Society’s lodge in Katheer, the capital of Qadira. The lodge’s shaded balcony gives a panoramic view of Katheer’s harbor, revealing hundreds of ships moored in the busy port, lateen-rigged merchant dhows and the bright-sailed warships that protect Qadira’s shipping. As you wait for the Venture-Captain to arrive and explain why you've been summoned here, it seems like a good idea to introduce yourself to your fellow agents.

Please go ahead with character descriptions and introductory role-playing.

General Notes:

I try to post every day to keep things moving, and if you can keep a similar pace, that would be great. We all have real life interruptions of course, so if you can't post and we're in the middle of something like a combat, please give me bot instructions or I'll assume your PC does Total Defense. Because this game is part of a convention, we have a hard deadline to close, so we need to move a bit faster than normal.

Please place a good array of information in your character header. Knowing your PC's armor class, Perception mod, Initiative mod, etc., saves me a lot of time when doing posts. If you need help figuring out how to format that, we can help you.

If you're new to Pathfinder, Pathfinder Society, conventions, or play-by-post, just let me know--I'm always happy to help.

If you want to earn extra GM love, posting a full character sheet in your profile is great. That way I can look stuff up and answer my own "how did they do that?" questions. Related, if you have some crazy weird or complicated build and want to explain anything, here's a good place.

Please note that I don't keep a running tally of the damage your character has taken (or other expenditures of resources like spell slots, etc.) You'll need to do this yourself and regularly update your tagline.

You'll need a picture of your character for the grid scenes.

Finally, role-playing is good! Please give your PC some personality and engage with the other PCs and NPCs. I'll gently move us along if we're dwelling too much in one part of the scenario.

Any questions, ask away!

You and your fellow Pathfinders are sent to Katheer, the shining capital of Qadira, to witness the wedding of Pathfinder Faireven to the wealthy and beautiful Lady of Silver and bring back a trove of relics given to the Society as part of the wedding dowry. When the wedding is disrupted by unscrupulous thieves, you soon find yourself dodging double-crosses, accusations of grave robbery, and worse. You must find the relics soon, or risk facing the eternal expulsion of the Society from the treasure-filled deserts of Qadira.

All recruitment for this scenario must take place through the official Outpost VI event listing. Gameplay for this scenario will officially start on 6 March 2023. If you have registered to play, please list the following information in this thread:

Pathfinder Society Number:
This Chronicle #:
Current XP:
Current Prestige:
Current Fame:
Current Gold:

Pathfinder! You've received word of an urgent mission briefing to be held in Trail's End, a small community just across the river from Korvosa. Amidst the ramshackle houses and Varisian trail wagons, an old shop has been turned into a discrete location for your briefing. The Venture-Captain hasn't arrived yet.

Please feel free to describe your character and introduce them to the other PCs.

General Notes:

I try to post every day to keep things moving, and if you can keep a similar pace, that would be great. We all have real life interruptions of course, so if you can't post and we're in the middle of something like a combat, please give me bot instructions or I'll assume your PC does Total Defense.

Please place a good array of information in your character header. Knowing your PC's armor class, Perception mod, Initiative mod, etc., saves me a lot of time when doing posts. If you need help figuring out how to format that, we can help you.

If you're new to Pathfinder, Pathfinder Society, or play-by-post, just let me know--I'm always happy to help.

If you want to earn extra GM love, posting a full character sheet in your profile is great. That way I can look stuff up and answer my own "how did they do that?" questions. Related, if you have some crazy weird or complicated build and want to explain anything, here's a good place.

Please note that I don't keep a running tally of the damage your character has taken (or other expenditures of resources like spell slots, etc.) You'll need to do this yourself and regularly update your tagline.

You'll need a picture of your character for the grid scenes.

Finally, role-playing is good! Please give your PC some personality and engage with the other PCs and NPCs. I'll gently move us along if we're dwelling too much in one part of the scenario.

Any questions, ask away!

The innumerable cairns and burial mounds of Barrowmoor in northern Nidal contain untold treasures and terrors, and the local taboos and Nidalese theocracy are typically enough to keep any but the boldest from exploring the site; however, when the Blakros family informs the Pathfinder Society that their shared enemy is in pursuit of a dangerous artifact, the PCs must brave the shadow-stricken region to keep this object from falling into the wrong hands.

Now recruiting for # 5-23 Cairn of Shadows. This will be run via play-by-post here on the Paizo forums and will be run in CORE mode starting around 13 February 2023. I'm aiming for Subtier 8-9 (with Level 7 PCs taken in a pinch). Recruitment is first-come, first-served, with one spot reserved for Qstor. If you would like to play, please fill out the information requested below (only completed check-ins will be accepted).

Pathfinder Society Number:
This Chronicle #:
Current XP:
Current Prestige:
Current Fame:
Current Gold:

After the lifetime of adventuring it takes for a Pathfinder Society field agent to attain Seeker status, many choose the sedate life of retirement. But for others, the siren song of further danger and discovery cannot be resisted! Scattered throughout Golarion, four such intrepid adventurers are about to receive a startling invitation--one that could change their lives forever!

Unlike most adventures, this one doesn't assume that all the PCs are in the same place when it begins (though you'll come together very quickly). Have fun detailing as an introduction what your high-level character is doing now that they've attained a position of prestige and influence (or, perhaps, notoriety!) in the Pathfinder Society.

General Notes:

I try to post every day to keep things moving, and if you can keep a similar pace, that would be great. We all have real life interruptions of course, so if you can't post and we're in the middle of something like a combat, please give me bot instructions or I'll assume your PC does Total Defense.

Please place a good array of information in your character header. Knowing your PC's armor class, Perception mod, Initiative mod, etc., saves me a lot of time when doing posts. If you need help figuring out how to format that, we can help you.

If you're new to Pathfinder, Pathfinder Society, or play-by-post, just let me know--I'm always happy to help.

If you want to earn extra GM love, posting a full character sheet in your profile is great. That way I can look stuff up and answer my own "how did they do that?" questions. Related, if you have some crazy weird or complicated build and want to explain anything, here's a good place.

Please note that I don't keep a running tally of the damage your character has taken (or other expenditures of resources like spell slots, etc.) You'll need to do this yourself and regularly update your tagline.

You'll need a picture of your character for the grid scenes.

Finally, role-playing is good! Please give your PC some personality and engage with the other PCs and NPCs. I'll gently move us along if we're dwelling too much in one part of the scenario.

Any questions, ask away!

Every year the Acadamae--Korvosa’s prestigious school of the arcane arts—opens its gates to the city to host the Breaching Festival, where the most skilled infiltrators are invited to enter the magically guarded Hall of Wards or die trying. Testing their luck against the university’s strongest defenses, the competitors pull out all the stops as they vie for a chance at a fortune in gold and magical treasure. This year, the school’s headmaster has invited the heroes to participate, against the contest’s longstanding traditions. While the Breaching Festival has not seen a champion in over a century and a half, this year’s festival promises to be the deadliest trial the school has ever known. Should the heroes reign victorious, the secrets they may uncover promise more than gold and glory—they may rock the very foundation of the Acadamae, and even the entire city!

Now recruiting for Pathfinder Society (First Edition) module Academy of Secrets. This is for characters of Levels 12-14 and will be played via play-by-post here on the Paizo forums. Please note that modules are longer than scenarios, and your character will be tied up in this adventure for several months (modules are a bit of a commitment!). I'm looking for four PCs and it's first-come, first-served basis but only completed check-ins below are accepted.

Pathfinder Society Number:
This Chronicle #:
Current XP:
Current Prestige:
Current Fame:
Current Gold:

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Intrepid explorers from Near Space have achieved the seemingly impossible! Not only have they braved the interior of the Pact Worlds' sun to visit a mysterious city called Noma, they've managed to return alive! And in their possession: a mysterious tablet from a sector of Noma. As the protocite-modified Sun Diver returns safely to the Burning Archipelago, the tablet’s inscriptions become harder to see, but faint whispering can be heard emanating from it . . .

Arrival at the Deep Cultures Institute is greeted with joy and wonder. Nib, Taeress, and Lurian listen with awe at the details of your journey, and even Beran--the institute's gruff quartermaster--seems pleased to see you've returned safely. Nib takes custody of the survey drone and directs DCI researchers to begin an in-depth study of the tablet. Inevitably, word of the wondrous journey spreads beyond the walls of the institute, sparking interest throughout the galaxy. Praise and additional research funding from the consortium of Near Space research groups that originally organised the expedition pours in. But perhaps the most interest comes from Aballon’s anacites, as some maintain the discovery of the protocites represent iterative forms that anacites must strive toward while others believe they were a preliminary basis that anacites evolved from. Surely, there's fodder for decades of future research!

But as the members of the research team rest and recover from the rigours of the journey, Nib summons everyone to dinner at her favourite restaurant in the bubble-city of Stellacuna, the White Rat. It seems she has something important to discuss . . .

Okay, here we go! In the Discussion thread, please feel free to decide how you want to dispose of any excess inventory/loot from the previous chapter (dividing the spoils, of course). Assume that you each receive an additional 5,000 credits from your Near Space sponsors to support future research. Last, although the modifications the protocites made to the Sun Divers only lasted for the duration of the journey back, assume you gained some valuable insights: the Sun Diver should now be treated as a Tier 7 vessel with a total of a 192 Build Points--please upgrade the vessel accordingly.

Please feel free to discuss Chapter Four here.

If you played in my Chapter 3 and you intend to come back, please confirm it here and make your way to Gameplay.

If you haven't played in my Chapter 3, you can leave a note in this thread if you're interested and I'll let you know later if a spot opens up.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Yes, those of us who love first edition got dropped like a hot potato years ago when second edition came along. But for the first time in ages, there's a new Paizo book for PF1: the PFRPG Kingmaker Bestiary. I don't plan to run Kingmaker anytime soon, but I bought this because it's the only way to show Paizo that there's still people ready to shell out bucks for PF1, and that maybe they should throw us a bone once in a while. If you've just stubbed your toe on a glass jar containing $ 40 in coins, bandage your toe and then take that jar to a coin-sorting machine and order the book too. More monsters are always nice, and who knows what might happen!

You're on board the Brass Clutch, a personal starship of Radaszam, the leader of the Acquisitives. It’s a former Veskarium military ship outfitted as a private transport vessel with sleek and pristine corridors, supple black leather upholstery, and the official sigil of the Obsidian Spiders (Radaszam’s mercenary company) visible throughout. Radaszam made it clear when he brought you and several other Starfinder Society agents on board that he’d be involved in much of the operation, and that he considered it the adventure of a lifetime--but he hasn’t yet provided many specific details about the task. It seems like that's about to change, as you and your companions have just received a call to report to the bridge!

Please go ahead and RP introductions here.

General Notes:

I try to post every day to keep things moving, and if you can keep a similar pace, that would be great. We all have real life interruptions of course, so if you can't post and we're in the middle of something like a combat, please give me bot instructions or I'll assume your PC does Total Defense.

Please place a good array of information in your character header. Knowing your PC's EAC/KAC, Perception mod, Initiative mod, etc., saves me a lot of time when doing posts. If you need help figuring out how to format that, we can help you. Important: I don't keep track of your character's stamina, hit points, resolve points, or daily resources. You need to do this yourself and update your tagline as the game goes on.

If you want to earn extra GM love and you're not playing a pre-gen, posting a full character sheet in your profile is great. That way I can look stuff up and answer my own "how did they do that?" questions. Related, if you have some crazy weird or complicated build and want to explain anything, here's a good place.

You'll need a picture of your character for the grid scenes.

If you're new to Starfinder, Starfinder Society, or play-by-post, welcome! I'm always happy to help, and please don't be embarrassed if you have any questions.

Finally, role-playing is good! Please give your PC some personality and engage with the other PCs and NPCs. I'll gently move us along if we're dwelling too much in one part of the scenario.

Any questions, ask away!

A group of skilled infiltrators has stolen precious data from the Starfinder Society's most secure location. When these agents attempted to sell their data on the world of Daimalko, they didn't count on rousing the attention of the planet's native colossi. Travelling along with a prominent faction leader, the PCs visit Daimalko to retrieve the stolen data and any evidence pertaining to the theft--evidence now inside the belly of an immense colossal beast!

Now recruiting for Starfinder Society Scenario # 2-12: Colossus Heist. This will be run as PBP here on the Paizo forums and is for PCs of Level 7 or Level 8. Recruitment is first-come, first-served, until I get 5 players. Only completed check-ins are accepted. Please note that this game is not part of any convention.

Please tell me:

Starfinder Society Character Number:
Current XP:
Day Job Check (if applicable):

Just minutes ago, messengers from the Decemvirate banged on your door and demanded your presence at the Grand Lodge. Venture-Captain Hestram, it seemed, had received an important bit of news about work that a Nethys cleric Pathfinder named Rijana was doing in the Mana Wastes--important enough to summon you at such an early hour and demand your preparedness for a new mission assignment.

Please go ahead and introduce your character.

General Notes:

I try to post every day to keep things moving, and if you can keep a similar pace, that would be great. We all have real life interruptions of course, so if you can't post and we're in the middle of something like a combat, please give me bot instructions or I'll assume your PC does Total Defense.

Please place a good array of information in your character header. Knowing your PC's armor class, Perception mod, Initiative mod, etc., saves me a lot of time when doing posts. If you need help figuring out how to format that, we can help you.

If you're new to Pathfinder, Pathfinder Society, or play-by-post, just let me know--I'm always happy to help.

If you want to earn extra GM love, posting a full character sheet in your profile is great. That way I can look stuff up and answer my own "how did they do that?" questions. Related, if you have some crazy weird or complicated build and want to explain anything, here's a good place.

If you've made any purchases between the end of your last Chronicle and the start of this scenario, please post them here so I can reflect them on your new Chronicle.

You'll need a picture of your character for the grid scenes.

Finally, role-playing is good! Please give your PC some personality and engage with the other PCs and NPCs. I'll gently move us along if we're dwelling too much in one part of the scenario.

Any questions, ask away!

When a Pathfinder Society Priest of Nethys disappears in northern Geb while studying the Mana Wastes, the Society sends you to uncover her whereabouts and find her journals. Arriving in the town of Bitter End, you find it deserted but for a few mysterious creatures never before seen on Golarion. Those creatures quickly lead to more and soon you're embroiled in a mystery that could effect the very fabric of reality. Will you solve the mystery of Bitter End or find yourself lost forever in the Mana Wastes?

Now recruiting for Pathfinder Society (1E) Scenario # 0-26 Lost at Bitter End. This is for characters of levels 9, 10, or 11 and will be played via play-by-post here on the Paizo forums. Please note this is not a convention game, and will start on August 20th. If you'd like to play, please fill in the information below. Only completed check-ins will be considered and it's first-come, first-served until I get to four (a good number for these Season Zero scenarios).

Pathfinder Society Number:
This Chronicle #:
Current XP:
Current Prestige:
Current Fame:
Current Gold:

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