
Zayne Iwatani's page

Organized Play Member. 740 posts (9,741 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 49 aliases.


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Hmmm. Let me think.

So what are you looking for in a submission? A functional character sheet as per Monkeygod's rules (less important) and a Backstory (more important)? Something long and detailed. Is there a place we should start in or around?

How bad of an idea would a dragonrider be?

Don't mind me, just dotting in. I've never finished either so I'd be happy to jump in no matter the choice.

Sebecloki wrote:
I have some elaborate maps of these areas I'll try to post over the weekend if there's enough interest to give you a better sense of the lay of the land -- there's essentially a wide strip of green, verdant territory that makes up the north eastern coast of the continent the Empire of Eboncar -- the Dominion of the Obsidian Compact/Realm of the Dreadlords -- occupies. The interior has several high mountain ranges and the western border runs up against an enormous plateau of red rock. I'll try to make a longer post to describe some of the geography and cultural zones.

This place is sounding more and more like Preas from the web novel A Practical Guide to Evil. They even have Green Stretch. That helps give me a better image of the place.

I might not be the kind of person you are looking for then. I'm more of an over-thinker. While I have lots of ideas I rarely put them down because I don't like it or it doesn't make since or I thought of something better later. Despite all that I still want to give it a shot. If I can't meet expectations I'll bow out. You've given me some inspiration and I want to see where it goes.

Expanding on the first idea I was thinking of a female, half-elf, Incanter from Spheres of Power with a focus on Nature and possibly Destruction, specifically fire. Forest fires and regrowth. Either living in the lands of the Dreadlords or fled from them. Depends on where it starts. I was imagining the realm of the Dreadlords as being a post-apocalyptic kludge of medieval and high magic. Industrialized farms tended by slaves treated as little more than shovels. She's forced to grow nothing but staple crops over and over yet in the little free time she has, grows things with a little more color. Flowers and shrubs that would be considered useless.

I'll tentatively declare interest. I've been wanting a creative outlet for a while now so this might work. My knee-jerk reaction is to reuse an old character but I don't think that will work here. I have some ideas but unfortunately I don't know most of the stuff you're pulling from for inspiration. I never played Dark Sun and don't know what the Mughal Empire is. Never learned about the Mesopotamian gods and what I know of the Egyptian ones mostly comes from things like Age of Mythology. Plus this a lot of high level history and events. Nothing small scale and I can cling to.

Still I do have a few ideas. I was thinking some kind of divine druid called by the weakened god or spirit of the earth to either heal the world or burn away the corruption. Maybe both. Duel aspect.

Another is an undead necromancer plagued by the restless, angry souls sacrificed for the ascension of the Chosen or annihilated by the resurgence of the elves and kobolds.

Then again I always wanted to play the Spheres of Might Blacksmith. A simple man with simple ideals. Breaks some things and fixes others.

I've perused the free quick start stuff. More complex than I was expecting but I've had something like a Talent in mind for a while. If you've ever seen Chronicle, I am basing it off those powers. How close could you create a character with that level of telekinesis? How many points do we have?

How high a level will this reach? I was thinking a caster since the team is melee heavy but they aren't that fun at low levels.

Ever prepare all day for test but absolutely blank on the first question? That's what it felt like looking at the races. And I knew what would follow. Classes, abilities, feats, weapons and armor. I knew Pathfinder. I might know it too well. Cause I have absolutely no idea what to play first. The halfling druid with a flying mount? Cause flying level 1? Yes please. The necromancer that doesn't want to kill all life but instead make it easier by making undead do menial labor? The simple-minded, half-giant paladin? The dragon rider? The murder kobold? So many options. So little time to choose. Gut instinct time.

Human. Warder Class, I say. Yeah, that sounds good. If I was in an isekai then sword and board would probably be my go to. I have always wanted to play sword and board that was actually good at combat. Something that could keep up with the two-handed fighters. Path of War had those options.

Great. What shall his name be?

Uh. Kyūzo Sadamune, I said after a bit of a fumble. I almost called him Will but I think I will save that for the backstory. Will will be the First Blade.

Okay. And what would you like your character's personal history to be? Allie asked.

Oh uh. He's uh, a student of the Shaokai School of Martial Arts. He is merely a bronze blade, the lowest of their ranking system, with experience in their Iron Turtle and Piercing Thunder disciplines. He is here in Dusst following the footsteps of the legendary First Blade, the Dragon's Bane, who came here many years ago and drove the Black Dragon across the mountains to the desert it is rumored to still be in. The stories of the Drgon's Bane have always inspired him and he hopes Dusst will aid him in following the path of the warrior. Maybe even become First Blade himself though it feels like an impossible dream right now. Yeah I think that's all I got.

Great. Creating character.

Well. Here we go.

Cucumber you glorious bastard, thanks for the inspiration.

Wait! Wait! You barely make it through the doors before they close behind you. That was really close. A one like, a bajillion chance to win the DiamondTech Lottery for a chance to try out their latest immersion tech and you nearly blew it cause you were almost late. But you didn't and here you are. You practically bounce all the way through the profound speeches about the future of technology, the DiamondTech mission statement, the instructions, the waivers. Until finally you see it.

The Sphere. With a capital S.

They help you put on the suit and helmet and you leap in. You can barely contain your excitement when pleasant looking young women with a saccharin voice appears before you. Hello, my name is Allie. I am your fully integrated adaptive personal assistant using Realife AI. Shall we get started?

Whoo! Yeah! Let's do this Allie! you shout, bouncing back and forth.

Terrific. What biological sex would you like to play? she asks as two figures appear. One is solid blue and the other solid pink with just enough definition to know they were male and female.

Male. Female would be fun Let's not go down that rabbit hole.

Along this gradation scale what gender would you like to set your characters personality to? A bar flowing from pink on the right into blue on the left pops up in front of him.

Uh. Male. Well...that was very progressive of them. This was a VR. How would that affect your character? Questions for another time. You slide it most of the way blue.

Great. And what race would you like to play? Do note that race will have an effect on NPC perceptions of your character. Unlike the male and female characters, a row of male, humanoid races appears before you in the typical, casual fashion one of their race would wear. You wave your hand and the races flit by. There were a lot to choose from.


Leaving work soon but wanted to dot in. Still narrowing down choices. Is Path of War allowed? That will help narrow further.


Sorry. I saw this as a recruitment and was expecting the usual submission, evaluation, decision, with the cut off some time around Monday or Tuesday. Then when a decision came through 8 hours later I was upset that I haden't even had a chance. Now I feel bad I might be kicking someone out without having delivered much. I have a solid concept and build but I haven't presented much.

To recap:

Zayne Iwatani wrote:

I don't know what would be available if I took over but I do have an idea for a character. I was thinking of an android that awoke only several years ago because of a malfunction in his stasis escape pod. He's a survivor of the crashed ship in the AP but has no memory of it and has been wandering the lands in search of his past, who he is, and who he should be. He is also incredibly niave and and doesn't get sayings or metaphors (A less violent Drax). He mistakenly goes by the name Monk because he has advanced hand to hand combat techniques and the first people to meet him thought that's what he was. So that became his name.

3pp was case by case so I was wondering if I could use Path of War? The justification being that he was a built for security. All the neat effects from path of war are fluffed as high tech augmentations. They are so far ahead in tech they seem like magic, even to those who work with tech in torch.

I have played this character IRL and had a lot of fun. But the stasis pods gave me the idea of erasing his years of wandering and popping out literally right in the middle of the story, very confused and very naive. Is my idea even something you want? I can probably have him put together by the end of the day.

Wait. What? You're accepting all 4?

DireMerc wrote:

Think I'm gonna be going with Ayla Noya, Aramis Keel and Fifteen?

Played by Azure zero, TClegg and Zayne I believe.

Seriously? I thought I would at least have the weekend to put something together, not 8 hours.

Teodorn wrote:
GM Diremerc, do you have a timeline in mind for making a decision?

Seconded. I won't likely get to any in depth building until this weekend.

DireMerc wrote:
I was thinking of the new character joining being a member of a failed expition who now finds him/her self trapped in a stasis pod in the medbay were the characters are now.

Oooo. He could start out at the very beginning then if that is the case. A blank slate character. So is Path of War good or not? Was thinking Warlord (Steelfist Commando).

I don't know what would be available if I took over but I do have an idea for a character. I was thinking of an android that awoke only several years ago because of a malfunction in his stasis escape pod. He's a survivor of the crashed ship in the AP but has no memory of it and has been wandering the lands in search of his past, who he is, and who he should be. He is also incredibly niave and and doesn't get sayings or metaphors (A less violent Drax). He mistakenly goes by the name Monk because he has advanced hand to hand combat techniques and the first people to meet him thought that's what he was. So that became his name.

3pp was case by case so I was wondering if I could use Path of War? The justification being that he was a built for security. All the neat effects from path of war are fluffed as high tech augmentations. They are so far ahead in tech they seem like magic, even to those who work with tech in torch.

Down to hourly refreshes.

avr wrote:
I figure it must be the end of the 10th everywhere by now so recruitment's closed. I should have picks made and some plans by Monday.

It's okay. Didn't need the sleep anyway. I'll just pace here in the corner until Monday.

Got a backstory for now. Build will take a bit since I want to try a Sphere Druid. Heavy focus on weather, wind, storms and whatnot. Never done Spheres before but I have wanted to give it a shot.

Chell Silves:

"Hey! Get back here!" a man shouted from behind. Chell didn't even bother to look back. She couldn't afford to lose focus now. Not when she was running for her life. Okay. Running for a her life might be a bit strong but it certainly felt like it. She knew what they wanted to do with her. They were going to take her away and make her some poof noble's pet Stormborn, floating on some ostentatious, pleasure barge through clear skies. Clear skies. They wouldn't even need her power for that. But one frigate makes it through the mother of all storms thanks to another Stormborn and now everyone wants one for good luck. Sailors and their superstitions. That's what awaited her if she got caught and she'd rather die than be a bird in a gilded cage.

She was Stormborn. All that meant was that she was born on a Drifter during a storm. In her case a particularly massive one. One that was said to reach to the Heights themselves. Maybe that was why fog sometimes filled her room as a child. Maybe that was why, now, she could calm the wind and rain around any ship she flew on and fling gusts of wind and bolts of lightning like party tricks. People believed that Stormborn held an affinity for the wind and sky. That they could ward off bad whether or bring luck during a particularly bad squall. And maybe that was true. Maybe there was something to it. She was a walking proof of concept. But that didn't mean people could choose what she was going to do with her life. She had enough of that during the war.

Chell took advantage of her smaller frame and wove through the crowd. Every now and then she'd yank something into the path of the men following her. In an open stretch she chanced a look back and found she'd managed to gain some distance. Searching frantically ahead, she spied a tight alley just past a fish vendor. Chell darted down the alley but didn't stop to catch her breath. They'd likely seen her come down here anyway. Chell looked up and focused on the sky above. She let the burning passion she felt for everything that infinite above stood for flow through her. The Wonder of what lay above and beyond. The Freedom of open skies. She mentally reached for the Heights above, eyes glowing with blue lightning, and felt herself lift off the ground. She'd only just learned how to do this and thankfully hadn't told anyone yet. In seconds her entire upper body became clear yet opaque like barely contained mist. Her lower body disappeared altogether into a swirling whirlwind. Just as her pursuers rounded the corner, she shot into the air.

It wouldn't last long so she had to search fast. She only flew a few dozen feet in the air but as clear and fast moving as she was, she was barely discernible against the backdrop of the lightly, cloudy sky behind her. She zipped over buildings and roads headed for the port. The exact place she had just run from. This Drifter wasn't big enough to hide on. With a population barely over a thousand, her pursuers would eventually find here. Better to hitch a ride out of here before they caught on. Chell had to touch down twice to transform again before finally finding a good target. A small Lancer that was just about ready to leave. If she was lucky, it would leave before her sponsor could think to lock down the port. Zipping over and around the little ship, she regained her real form and grabbed onto the edge of the main deck opposite side that was still loading. She waited until the cost was clear before hauling herself and slipping deeper into the hold. She'd never stowed away on a ship before. But whatever the future held, she was positive it was better than going back.

dot. Hope this is still ongoing. Just had an idea for a character but it will be a few hours before I get the time to flesh it out.

Do all classes mean Path of War?


Can you mark me as inactive in the player's tab?


Can you mark me as inactive in the player's tab?


Can you mark me as inactive in the player's tab?


Can you mark me as inactive in the player's tab?


After four years on the boards and a lot of eventful games I have finally reached a point were I can no longer continue at the pace I am currently at. While I still love the pathfinder system my motivation but the spark of creativity, the wonder of such finally crafted realms and characters, is starting to diminish. I don't know if this is a slump, a wall, or just the passage of time changing my interests. But I can no longer dedicate the same time and energy that I used to. It is with a heavy heart that must withdraw my character from this game. I apologize the long delay and any inconveniences this creates. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.


After four years on the boards and a lot of eventful games I have finally reached a point were I can no longer continue at the pace I am currently at. While I still love the pathfinder system my motivation but the spark of creativity, the wonder of such finally crafted realms and characters, is starting to diminish. I don't know if this is a slump, a wall, or just the passage of time changing my interests. But I can no longer dedicate the same time and energy that I used to. It is with a heavy heart that must withdraw my character from this game. I apologize the long delay and any inconveniences this creates. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.


After four years on the boards and a lot of eventful games I have finally reached a point were I can no longer continue at the pace I am currently at. While I still love the pathfinder system my motivation but the spark of creativity, the wonder of such finally crafted realms and characters, is starting to diminish. I don't know if this is a slump, a wall, or just the passage of time changing my interests. But I can no longer dedicate the same time and energy that I used to. It is with a heavy heart that must withdraw my character from this game. I apologize the long delay and any inconveniences this creates. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.


After four years on the boards and a lot of eventful games I have finally reached a point were I can no longer continue at the pace I am currently at. While I still love the pathfinder system my motivation but the spark of creativity, the wonder of such finally crafted realms and characters, is starting to diminish. I don't know if this is a slump, a wall, or just the passage of time changing my interests. But I can no longer dedicate the same time and energy that I used to. It is with a heavy heart that must withdraw my character from this game. I apologize the long delay and any inconveniences this creates. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.

Nimue of Deepwood wrote:

To avoid any other people dropping me notes, and because GM has not posted a clarification:

Obviously my previous post was sufficiently offensive to be called out on it via PM with an ultimatum that I would get kicked out for good if I made one more mistake.
I explained that this was not my intent, I don't see it as deliberately hostile, and offered to quit right away if after my explanation he wanted me to.
GM TWO took me up on that offer and set me as inactive.
As such, I will not be rejoining and would appreciate no further notifications in any of my other games. Thank you.

TWO: This bothers me. A lot actually. I don't know what went on in the PM's but here in discussion, I have to agree with Nimue in that their post did not sound deliberately or even mildly hostile. Must I fear the ban hammer for the slightest criticism? Cause that's going to color every conversation from here on out. I didn't say that to harshly did I? Should I add an emote to show I am only kidding? Am I being too confrontational? I don't like that I have to self edit, that I can't speak my mind without fear of reprisal, that literally one post could be the difference between playing and expulsion.

This game is...head and shoulders above most in complexity, depth, drama, intrigue and more. It's like a whole different game compared to the original AP and we haven't even gotten out of Restov. I want this get off the ground. I want to see where you go with it. I want to know who's already trying to f$#$ with us with this mass summon of demons. But first and foremost I want it to be fun. Seeing someone get kicked right of the bat, irregardless of the reason, less fun. No suggestions or critiques, just wanted my feelings to be known.


For a while after reading that PM I had no idea who you were seeing as the last communication was 6 months ago. I forget what I have for breakfast after a few hours. I think most of what I wish to say has been stated so I will say nothing more than...Holy Shit It's Back!?

Awesome. I can bring my Hussar back into the fold. I always thought a dex based spear wielder was a neat idea.

This sounds like fun. Looks like a good fit for a character of mine. I have two problems though. I don't have a myth-weavers account and really don't want to make one. Hope that isn't a hard requirement.

And a 6? With no help from racial bonus? Isn't that a little low? 8 or 7 is the lowest O've ever been willing to go. I don't usually make characters with such an extreme flaw. I usually go for balance and breadth of experience then extreme focus.

2d6 + 4 ⇒ (1, 2) + 4 = 7
2d6 + 4 ⇒ (6, 2) + 4 = 12
2d6 + 4 ⇒ (2, 6) + 4 = 12
2d6 + 4 ⇒ (4, 6) + 4 = 14

A 6 and a 7? Well.

Derp. Meant 4.

What drives your character to put on a costume and risk life and limb?

Pride, competitiveness, and a budding sense of real belonging he didn't know he was missing.

And I like option 3. Take the hits, get close, and wrassle them into some hand cuffs.

Sorry about the delay. Just trying to consolidate the idea in my head. Can I go with pride/competitiveness as his mental malfunction? He was used to being the biggest without any real effort or challenge. And then got his ass handed to him. Even a lot of the normal men and women in URGENT could take him down through the simple means of throwing him to the floor and binding him up (he is only a little stronger than the average man). He wants to regain that pride and confidence he used to have in his strength. ANd the discipline and training aren't as bad as he thought. He's gotten noticeably stronger already after a few months. And even though he doesn't say it, he finds the looks of admiration the citizens give him when he steps in to help to be pretty awesome too. He's still raunchy, rude, and overly aggressive but he's firmly one of the good guys now.

That better?

As for the build I looked up the table and the x5 at an average roll of 7 (not sure how the exploding dice effects this) puts him at super human, which is what I had in mind. The aggro effect was meant to differentiate him from others but isn't necessary. And I have no idea how this game works so I don't even know how to optimize. I just want him to be extremely resistant to direct damage. As for what to do with the last points, maybe add some skill in grappling or escaping, or both if they are separate.


Also confused.

DM Jubal wrote:
@Zayne – I’m also not thrilled with your Mental Malfunction. It’s not why your character is not normal, Mental Malfunction is why your character defies bullets and monsters to be a HERO.

I think I have gone the wrong direction here. Was trying for a rehabilitated case and made a big dumb brute. Got a re-think things.

Ancient Dragon Master wrote:
Zayne Iwatani wrote:
Wow. Powers are cheap.

Especially low-level ones with drawbacks

Any other ideas? (Creating characters is fun)

Alright, some oddballs:

In the My Hero Academy Manga there was a guy with an odd ability. He had these poofy orbs for hair and he could pull them off and throw them. Whatever they hit they stuck too with extreme tenacity. Large robots couldn't get away. And he was immune to the ability.

Another weird one was a guy with 6 appendages that weren't quite arms. He could could grow other body parts on them however. It was never explained what he could actually do but he once put an ear on the end of each and significantly improved hearing. Sorry that ones vague.

What about a guy who can see and hear through any items he has held for more than a minute. No range or time limit but no more than 2 items. If he holds an item in his hand for more than a minute then he resets to that item. Through in some shooting and PI skills and you've got a great scout.

One of my favorite combos was Frank and the Beatstick. Frank was super strong and tough. Like Hulk Light. But a realistic strength. He can't lift or through cars without ripping them apart in the process. So enter Beatstick. Average human in all respects except he can freeze in place and become indestructible. He calls it Phase Lock. He takes a pose, activates his ability and becomes immune to all damage and gains some oddly powerful inertia despite his size. He can't move, but Frank can use him to hit things.

Wow. Powers are cheap.

Loup Blanc wrote:
Hmm, seems like we're getting more unarmed fighter types.

You're right and that's kind of sad. If I wasn't set on this character (who is inspired by Achilles from Grrl Power) I'd have thrown something more crazy at you. Like someone who can temporarily duplicate the abilities of another for a short amount of time. Someone who can teleport themselves or anything they can hold no more than 10ft. A speedster, but only on roller blades. Kinetic absorption and redirection. Someone who can give life to figures and statues he makes. Someone who wields portals, but short range. Someone who can paralyze with eye contact. My Hero Academy is great inspiration for low power abilities.

The creator code necer seems to work for me.

DM Jubal wrote:

The Tank

15 points (8 Stats, 7 Powers )

Brawn 2 Agility 1 Mind 1
x1 Defense, x5 Mental Defense, x5 Soak


    * Resilience : Boost (Brawn) 3 (Increase Brawn by 3 in specific conditions or circumstance.) Soak x5 (3pts)
    * Mind Shield 2 (+4 to Mind to resist mental attacks.) (2pts)
    * Unarmed : Weapon Technique (1 to Hit, 1 Damage) 2 (+1 to Agility to Hit, and +1 to damage multiplier with specific weapon.) Unarmed attacks: x2 to Hit, and x3 damage (2pts)

Mental Skills: Streetwise/Gut x1
Physical Skills: Drive/Control x1

Priority: x1, Defence: x1, Mental Defence: x5, Soak: x5, Hits: 100

Lift: 400 lbs, Run: 3 squares, Jump: 4 squares, Climb: 2 squares, Swim: 2 squares

** spoiler omitted **

Slight miss. Replace Mind Shield with something like Resistance and I will be a lot closer (electricity, fire, cold, and acid). I noticed in the character creator that powers can have limitations. If I add Personal to Resilience and Resistance that should give me a point or two to spend on a kind of aggro effect. Some sort of mental attack that increases aggression towards him. Something like that.

For a mental malfunction, mild megalomania and insubordination. He is prone to being selfish and arrogant as well. He's getting better but you can't change someone like that over night.

What's Priority? And I assume Brawn effects Soak?

This sounds like a great place for a super hero idea I've had.

Summary Kenny "The Tank" Harrison is an aggravatingly tough street brawler. He's arrogant, narcissistic, and bull-headed but is proving to be quite the asset to URGENT. He is not the brightest bulb or the sharpest tool but has a knack for annoying people enough that he becomes the focus of their attention, leaving the rest of the URGENT team room to do the real work.

Stats Brawn (2), Agility (1), Mind (1)

Powers Extreme physical resilience bordering on invulnerability. He's never really tested this power to its fullest because it could lead to irreparable damage or death but he can take stabs, bats, and even bullets (all the way up to shotguns) without damage. Even hit by a car once. Also resistant to electricity, acid, fire, cold and other elements (Mundane levels like a car battery, industrial cleaning acids and bases, house fire, and walk in freezer). The cap is still unknown. I think as he gets stronger I'd like to add internal and mental resistance as well. Poisons disease, suffocation, mind control. That seems a bit much for now. He also has a supernatural aggro effect, capable of pulling enemies focus towards him rather than others.

Skills Some street smarts and a self taught unarmed brawler. Limited knowledge of Megapolis underground.

Mental Malfunction Mild megalomania.

Origin & Current Kenny was born with a uniquely tough body. As a child he'd hit his head on the coffee table, fallen out of a tree countless times, and fallen down the steps without so much as a broken bone. Maybe some mild bruising. The power got stronger as he grew but made him arrogant and selfish. He was a bully and constantly got in fights, even with kids bigger than him, but none could ever wound him or keep him down. He won out a lot of times on pure stamina. He eventually quit and fell in with a bad crowd. He bounced around in Megapolis' underground as a prize fighter, bouncer, bodyguard, "the muscle" and various other jobs for local criminal organizations. Kenny has never had the intelligence or ambition to truly utilize his abilities. His criminal activity is fairly petty compared to the people he used to work for. Minor theft and a relatively few assault charges (he's never used a weapon and mostly lets people tire themselves out trying to hurt him before knocking them out with a well placed punch). Just so long as he has enough money to get women, booze and some minor luxuries he was easy to control.

The first time Kenny was ever humbled was when URGENT cracked down on the criminal organization he was working for. He went up against a real Super, one that took him down quick and efficient, which knocked him down a peg and shattered his bubble of self delusion. Because of his information, willingness, and lack of any major criminal infractions, Kenny was offered a job rather than incarceration. He's still raunchy and undisciplined but he is beginning to show potential as real asset and team his own way.

Alternate: Instead of getting beat down I was thinking, as an alternate story, he was instead smitten by an officer of URGENT that got wounded in the raid. He moved to protect her from his own group rather than stop URGENT. That or both. He got beaten down by a female super and fell in love.

Well, well, well, look who's finally back from the pdp void. Good to see you back in action Nines. Do previous players get a leg up? I'd like to bring Hanz back if I can. Or roll up another. I am flexible.

Str: 10 + 2d4 ⇒ 10 + (4, 2) = 16
Con: 10 + 2d4 ⇒ 10 + (4, 1) = 15
Dex: 10 + 1d6 ⇒ 10 + (5) = 15
Wis: 10 + 1d6 ⇒ 10 + (1) = 11
Chr: 14 - 1d6 ⇒ 14 - (4) = 10
Int: 14 - 1d6 ⇒ 14 - (5) = 9


A new figure enters the tavern. One who appears to be quiet oblivious to the commotion going on around him. His gait was long and purposeful with the light bounce that came naturally to of a man so used to fighting. He seemed far more agile than his magnificent full-plate armor would allow yet it didn't seem to bother him a bit. Mithril? It certainly had the silvery sheen of the famous metal. He wore no helmet and not much of an expression underneath. Just the far away look of someone tired and in need of a drink. He was handsome, in a rugged, manly kind of way, and a few waitresses turn his way with a speculative eye.

He carries little in the way of gear. Just a few pouches on his waist and spear on his back. The spear was...deceptively simple looking. It had little in the way of decoration and ornamentation. But it was still beautiful in the way that something that was perfectly built for its function was. Not wasted ounce of metal or wood. but should someone slip into magically aided sight they would see it was a powerful magical artifact.

The most striking thing about him was the thing he carried though. or maybe who in this case. It was covered in a bluish cloth that hung from its four-eyed face like tentacles. Even in death the eyes glowed an eerie crimson. Those more knowledgeable about the would recognize him as an up and coming Ripper Demon by the name of...well, mortal mouths could not pronounce it but it translated into something like Sanguine Nightmare. He was a Nascent Demon Lord and strong one at that.

The stranger sits at the bar and places the demons head on the stool next to him. "The usual," he orders. His voice has a bored tone. He turns to look at the rest of the bar and his eyes widen a fraction at the activity. He looks up at the balor perched precariously in a chair not meant for his bulk. "Ain't friend of yours is he?"

DM Skull wrote:
Alrighty folks, we've got enough people that I'm doing to close up applications early. Deadline is now this friday, 08/11/2017 at 2359 EST.

Oh shit. Better work faster.

I would suggest that too or moving this to discussion. Once the game starts it should get quickly buried.

If I did a fighter/brawler, would the bonus feats be considered overlapping? So I would take the one that has the most, ie, the fighter? Same with fighter/monk? Take fighter bonus combat feat progression over monk?

Tal'ariel Rhuidon wrote:
If I'd known summarizing the applications would shut down further activity, I wouldn't have done it!

Well its six people (seven when fatmanspencer finishes) vying for 2 spots. I currently like my odds.

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