Vengeance is Nigh (Inactive)

Game Master Jubal Breakbottle

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Alright comic fans, Defenders is just about to drop on Netflix, and I’ve got the bug to attempt another Super campaign. There appears to be some appetite for Supers games here on the Paizo Pbp site, so I’m starting to recruit. I plan to use the game mechanic of BASH UE (Ultimate Edition).

You don’t know about BASH? You should, because it’s great. It’s a super simple, Supers game mechanic (pun intended). Here’s the preview of the rules that we’ll be using. You don’t need to buy the game, because I’ll be making the characters to ensure power level playability.

The game will be set in Megapolis. Characters will be first year members of the local URGENT team. Description of Megapolis and URGENT are on the Campaign page, but think Avengers.

Since I will build your characters after selection, your submission will be ALL DESCRIPTION. I’m looking for a team of characters to work together against local super villains. If you need to see how the game mechanics work, in order to imagine how your character will be built, there are two links to follow:

For your submission, please include the following descriptions of your character:

  • Summary Give me an overall description of the character is few sentences to set the tone. Feel free to use famous comic characters as a guide. For example, you could start with, “she’s Batman without the wealth.”
  • Stats Use page 8 as your guide here. Remember think Year One characters.
  • Powers Think of just a couple powers to identify your character as “gifted.”
  • Skills What are they trained to do?
  • Mental Malfunction Why are they superheroes?
  • Origin & Current How did your character become gifted? Who else is in their life?
  • Picture Worth a thousand words. Not required but very cool. You could say, she looks like this except with green hair.

I prefer once per day, but games can get a bit slower especially around holidays. After a couple of weeks of silence, characters are written out. After a couple of characters are written out, I’ll reopen recruitment.

I’ll use Roll20 for maps and combat. Plus, the chat there is nice.

I would like to set the deadline for Sunday, August 20. It could change depending on the amount of submissions. I would appreciate a final post with your complete submission. You could link previous posts if you build the character in stages. We will start as soon as possible, but I probably will open the Gameplay sooner rather than later for you to start role-playing while I finalize the character builds with you.

Summary Joe Wesker was born psychic and sensitivity to the vibrations of the supernatural. He markets himself as a 'supernatural investigator and go-between'. Joe Wesker is much like John Constantine, but not British, but American midwest.
Stats Brawn (1), Agility (1), Mind (2 or higher).
Powers Sense supernatural, Empathic, Psychic, Mental Defenses, Astral Projection. Later in game, powers derived from supernatural artifacts and weapons.
Skills Knowledge (mythology), Knowledge (religion), Knowledge (occult), Knowledge (arcana), Sense Motive.
Origin and Current Joseph "Joe" Wesker was born into a family where psychic sensitivities run. Initally raised catholic, Joe branched out tried other religions, like Judaism, Spiritualism, Shamanism, Rosecrution, etc. Little Joe Wesker was troubled by monsters in closets and dream bogeymen until he realized he could fight back. And fight back he did. But Joe has some supernatural friendships as well, like his dead grandma on his father's side, who died 6 months before Joe was born; a mostly-rehabiliated imp who was Joe's first spiritual teacher; and his trustly pug dog, Kaixin, who is actually a foo dog in disguise, a gift from The Emerald Emperor.
Joe recently moved to Megapolis from Michigan, finding the large city has many dark corners due to it's long history. He's currently dating Valeriya Perchanko, a witch and recent immigrant from Romania.
Picture Winter, but with brown hair and a 9 month old beard to match.

Joe Wesker looks good.

Don't forget Mental Malfunction. There is no such thing as a “normal” superhero (or villain). The very nature of being a superhero warps one’s reality. Every superhero/villain has some mental quirk. One hero may be the prototypical boy-scout while another has an unending thirst for vengeance. One may have amnesia while another is trying to forget his past. What is your Mental Malfunction?

An easy way to come up with an answer is to think “what drives this character to put on a costume and risk life and limb?”


Scarab Sages

Dot as well

15 points (10 Stats, 4 Powers, 1 Advantage )
Joe Wesker was born psychic and sensitivity to the vibrations of the supernatural. He markets himself as a 'supernatural investigator and go-between'. Joe Wesker is much like John Constantine, but not British, but American midwest.

Brawn 1 Agility 1 Mind 3
x1 Defence, x3 Mental Defence, x1 Soak


    * Sense Supernatural : Super Senses 1 (1pts)
    * Empathy : Telepath 1 (Empathic; sense emotions, visual range. If mind protected, requires Mind Contest.) (1pts)
    * Pierce the veil : Clairvoyance 2 (See visions from two of :past, present or future.) Collect information from Supernatural network (Past) Astral Projection (Present) (2pts)
Mental Skills: Deception/Detect Deception x3, Investigation/Gut x3, Occultism/Legend x3
Physical Skills: Need one skill focus.
Advantages & Disadvantages
Sidekick/Pet: (1pts) His trustly pug dog, Kaixin, who is actually a foo dog in disguise, a gift from The Emerald Emperor. - 12 pt. build
Priority: x1, Defence: x1, Mental Defence: x3, Soak: x1, Hits: 100

Lift: 50 lbs, Run: 3 squares, Jump: 1 squares, Climb: 1 squares, Swim: 1 squares

Creator code:
{"playerName":"TheWaskally ","name":"Supernatural","realName":"Joe Wesker","description":"Joe Wesker was born psychic and sensitivity to the vibrations of the supernatural. He markets himself as a 'supernatural investigator and go-between'. Joe Wesker is much like John Constantine, but not British, but American midwest. ","pointAllowance":"15","brawn":1,"agility":1,"mind":3,"powerInstances":[{"nameAndLevel":"Super Senses 1","coolName":"Sense Supernatural","active":true},{"nameAndLevel":"Telepath 1","coolName":"Empathy","active":true},{"nameAndLevel":"Clairvoyance 2","coolName":"Pierce the veil","note":"Collect information from Supernatural network (Past)\nAstral Projection (Present)","active":true}],"mentalSkills":[{"name":"Deception","slots":1,"specs":["Detect Deception"]},{"name":"Investigation","slots":1,"specs":["Gut"]},{"name":"Occultism","slots":1 ,"specs":["Legend"]}],"advantages":[{"name":"Sidekick/Pet","description":"His trustly pug dog, Kaixin, who is actually a foo dog in disguise, a gift from The Emerald Emperor. - 12 pt. build"}],"hits":100}

Summary Pete Padavona is Predator, the ultimate hunter. Devil-may-care scrapper and full-time party animal, he is the Wolverine equivalent of the group.

Stats Brawn 2, Agility 2, Mind 1

Powers Predatory senses, Animal instincts, Strength, Reactions, Toughness, you know, the typical.

Skills Perception, Sense Motive, Intimidate, most physical skills.

Origin and Current Peter was the archetypical mess of a university student, to the point he accepted money in exchange for being the subject of some experiments. He got his powers as a result, and when he managed to escape he joined a group of similarly gifted people in the hopes of catching the people that so recklessly experiment with humans. He wouldn't admit it, but also since he 'changed' he feels that common people are a bit afraid of him, so he is more comfortable around his gifted friends.

Weakness Pete is prone to suffer from demoralisation if things go wrong, while his morale is boosted if he feels useful or is given some good feedback. That is another reason he keeps himself within the company of other superheroes.

I'm intrigued, and I like learning new systems. Here's my offering; dates are assuming that the modern year in the game is our modern year, although obviously technologies and specific histories might be quite different.

Wu Zhihao, the South Fist:
Summary: The intelligent but directionless heir of a business mogul's wealth, Wu Zhihao also inherited a mystical connection to ancient Chinese martial artists. (In relation to existing heroes, he'd fit something like Daredevil, except he isn't blind.)

Stats: Brawn 1, Agility 2, Mind 2.

Powers: Wu changes form to become a superhero, taking on an earthen appearance similar to a terracotta soldier; that could add some armor or something, perhaps? Mostly his powers would revolve around wuxia martial arts fightan magic: soaring leaps, supernatural fighting skill, that sort of thing.

Skills: Acrobatics and gymnastics, maybe sneaking? And then he's got good skills with computers and a knowledge of medicine, since that's what his family's company is based on. I'd specifically rather he not have much knowledge of mysticism or things like that--he doesn't really get his powers right now, but he'll hopefully learn as time goes on.

Mental Malfunction: Besides being infused with a spirit of martial arts prowess that drives him to protect and help others, Zhi mainly fights crime because he isn't sure what else to do. His grandfather's wealth is mostly held in a trust fund, and a board of directors runs the company, so Zhi has everything he needs, but he's always craved a purpose. Being a superhero fills that hole: it's a rush he's never felt otherwise.

Origin and Current: The Terracotta Army of the first Qin emperor was discovered in 1974, and much of it has been excavated since, but the actual mausoleum has been left untouched. If it were opened, more of the clay statues would be found accompanying the emperor, including a group of four unarmored, unarmed men, standing eternal vigil not far from the tomb itself. These are the Terracotta Monks, or Four Masters: the greatest martial artists of the era, whose teachings were the foundation of all known Chinese martial arts--although very few if any people know this. Even less well-known is that their spirits still live on today, passed down through the centuries from father to son, master to student... all the way to Wu Zhihao, a young man living in Megapolis. A spirit grants mystical martial arts prowess beyond the ken of normal men, and it manifests by giving the bearer the earthen apperance of a Terracotta Monk.

Wu is actually the second hero to take on the mantle of the South Fist, although he's the first to do so as a registered member of URGENT. As a young man, his grandfather, Wu Yazhu, also fought crime as a Terracotta Monk--on the streets of Hong Kong in the 50s and 60s. But Yazhu was a brilliant mind as well as a supernatural warrior, and once he started a family he began working with the growing computer industry, believing it would take off into something marvelous as time went on. In the early 1980s he moved his burgeoning company and his family to the United States, eventually settling in Megapolis. There, he continued to build his company on state-of-the-art computer technology, but coupled it with medical engineering--after all, one of the world's foremost medical institutes was nearby, and Yazhu still harbored a spirit that craved helping others.

Wu Zhihao was born in 1995, but he never knew his father--he was a military man who was killed in action shortly before Zhi was born. Zhi grew up wanting for very little beyond a sense of fulfillment and destiny: his grandfather's money supported the family in a very comfortable lifestyle, but Zhi quickly found he needed pastimes to occupy himself. He was an active and very intelligent youth, and his grandfather thought it might be wise to start grooming the boy to take up his mantle--in more ways than one. By the time he was in high school, Zhi was an accomplished martial artist as well as a computer whiz, but he still lacked drive. He ended up attending university with a dual majors in computer engineering and biochemistry, a courseload that would crush most students but which merely kept Zhi from getting too bored until he graduated.

All that changed a month or two ago, however, when Wu Yazhu died in what by all appearances was a tragic car accident. Almost immediately, Zhihao began feeling the presence of the spirit within him: strange dreams of ancient battles, and suddenly enhanced skills when he sparred. He also felt a sudden rush of inspiration and direction in his life: an urge to go out and help others. His first crimefighting incident saw him save a young couple from muggers, during which he took on an earthen appearance, and the energy he felt in that moment has spurred him to continue heroing since. He applied with URGENT as soon as he could, and now he's ready to take on the world, because nothing has made him feel as good.

Additional Note: If, like in many superhero RPGs, there's a way to have a nemesis in this, I'd definitely want that! As a bit of lore that Zhi doesn't know, there were rivalries that became bitter falling-outs between some of the Four Masters, particularly the Northern and Southern Fists. As such, Zhi has an as-yet-unknown nemesis in whoever harbors the spirit of the North Fist.

I guess I mixed the Mental Malfunction into the Origin and the Weakness sections... Basically, Pete is easily demoralised if no friend is supporting him. Something weird for a hunter who commonly does some of his job alone.

Mental Malfunction Loss. Cyndy Wesker, Joe's late wife, died nearly 5 years ago, not by a vicious spirit or a marauding demon, but by a drunk driver who ran into her on a rainy evening. When Joe is reminded of his dead wife, either by listening to a particular song they both loved, or meeting someone with like traits, Joe gets very sad. He's been close to alcoholism for years. To Joe's great relief, Cyndy has never appeared to him as a ghost, hopefully finding true rest in the afterlife.

"What makes Joe Wesker 'put on the costume'" Well, Joe picked the costume because he sure as hell wasn't gonna wear spandex. He originally toyed with the idea of wearing a men's work romper, but Joe thought he'd look to much like a ghostbuster.
Joe Wesker wears the bowler hat because it was a gift from his dead wife for Christmas one year. Over the years, Wesker has woven strong mental ward into it's fabric, giving him an advantage over mental defense rolls. Under his clothes, Joe Wesker wears various religious symbols, charms, stones, crystals, and other baubles worn to help ward evil or enhance his abilities.
As for the 'why' Joe Wesker is a 'hero'? You either do something, or evil flourishes. The longer someone is in demonic possession, the greater the damage to their bodies, psyche, and soul. You fight evil so it doesn't come to your door. You fight to protect the ones you love. You beat the unliving s#it out of evil so badly, it has to think twice before coming around again.

Physical Skill I was thinking he could be a brawler. Not a martial artist, but being over 6 ft tall, Joe Wesker know how to land a punch and make it hurt. Either that, or give Joe an extra +1 to endurance checks.

Pete would look more or less like that, though a bit heavier built.

I'm in. I don't know this ruleset but I'm happy to learn and more than willing to buy the books.

Summary Max Berne aka Live-Wire is a young-ish, upbeat, and joking daredevil who slings electricity when he isn't slinging booze at a downtown bar. Reference: 'Electrical' Johnny Storm but less of a flamboyant boy scout.

Stats Brawn (1), Agility (2), Mind (2) Not familiar with the game, so tweak as needed to complement his powers.

Powers Ranged electrical attack, H2H electrical attack, Movement via electricity (either 'Riding the Lightning' or - preferably - becoming an electrical charge), perhaps some sort of electrical 'shielding' since he's likely to jump into trouble? Maybe absorb electricity?

Skills Bartending, Psychology (goes along with being a bartender), Electrician, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering

Mental Malfunction Max is a reckless daredevil. He wants fame, fortune, and public adoration - both at his day-job and super-heroing.

Possible Disadvantages Weakness to water/cold?

Origin & Current Max is fairly certain he was born with the ability to 'play' with electricity. He never got zapped, no matter how many power outlets he destroyed as a kid by shorting them out with paperclips. But he was sure electricity was his friend when he got hit by a bolt of lighting and found it only 'tingly' and then he 'called down' a second strike. Currently - to make ends meet - Max works as a up-and-coming cocktail bartender and an 'off-the-books' electrician. He shares a 4th floor walk-up apartment with his roommate Dave and Dave's irritating semi-live-in girlfriend Sheila. His family isn't in the city but he has regulars at his bar - Scotch Sanitorium - that he considers pals.

Picture Max doesn't wear a costume. A t-shirt and jeans are good enough since he frequently ends up scorching off most of his clothes when 'doing the superhero thing'. He does wear a mask which he powers with a minor electrical charge, so it's eco-friendly. Surprisingly, he hasn't accidentally destroyed it... yet.

This is really cool. One question though, Where can we find the powers?

Dot Either going to play a martial character or one with mediocre stats (1,1,1) and a huge list of powers
Leaning toward martial but as I can't find the styles anywhere that's going to be hard

Will respectfully withdraw my interest; this sounds rad but I don't want to spread myself too thin with my games. Cheers, all!

Ancient Dragon Master wrote:
This is really cool. One question though, Where can we find the powers?

Just describe your character, and I'll build him. The game can do most anything.

I can't think of a personality for a serious law-Abiding Martial arts master

Just realized my earlier post was eaten.

@Jereru - Can you be more specific about your powers. Does he has claws? Regeneration? Or primary senses?

@Loup Blanc - His only power is the Terra Cotta armor? That's alright, because good M'arts will take quite a few points

@Stormraven - ok

@all - I'll draft the characters tomorrow. It's been crazy at work.

Well, I haven't read what powers are there to be chosen, but... He'll mostly have a enhanced senses, enhanced strength and agility, and a way of enduring punishment (either regeneration or nice toughness). Haven't had claws in mind.

I guess it will all depend on how many points to spend, costs, etc, but sadly I can't help with that.

Stats Brawn (3), Agility (2), Mind (1)

Powers Martial arts and intense powers Unarmed strike?

Origin and Current As a child he was always competing with his twin brother so when he took up martial arts it was only natural that he did too. Soon however his brother quit martial arts, foolishly seeing this as an opportunity to best his brother he continued on. Meanwhile his brother focused on studying the paranormal, eventually taking up dark arts.

Mental malfunction To beat his brother. When his brother went to the dark side it was only natural that he would join the light

Other Arch-enemy (his brother). (Yes that's how bad their sibling rivalry is)
How can you add to your die rolls?
How do you get hero points?

Can you get more character points?

DM Jubal wrote:
@Loup Blanc - His only power is the Terra Cotta armor? That's alright, because good M'arts will take quite a few points

Probably, at least to start. I'd love for him to be able to do crazy leaping through the sky type maneuvers, but that could probably be accomplished with Agility 2 and a Skill in Gymnastics, I imagine. So the Armor as his only starting power sounds good to me, assuming that the Martial Arts stuff wouldn't count as "Powers" necessarily.

This sounds like a great place for a super hero idea I've had.

Summary Kenny "The Tank" Harrison is an aggravatingly tough street brawler. He's arrogant, narcissistic, and bull-headed but is proving to be quite the asset to URGENT. He is not the brightest bulb or the sharpest tool but has a knack for annoying people enough that he becomes the focus of their attention, leaving the rest of the URGENT team room to do the real work.

Stats Brawn (2), Agility (1), Mind (1)

Powers Extreme physical resilience bordering on invulnerability. He's never really tested this power to its fullest because it could lead to irreparable damage or death but he can take stabs, bats, and even bullets (all the way up to shotguns) without damage. Even hit by a car once. Also resistant to electricity, acid, fire, cold and other elements (Mundane levels like a car battery, industrial cleaning acids and bases, house fire, and walk in freezer). The cap is still unknown. I think as he gets stronger I'd like to add internal and mental resistance as well. Poisons disease, suffocation, mind control. That seems a bit much for now. He also has a supernatural aggro effect, capable of pulling enemies focus towards him rather than others.

Skills Some street smarts and a self taught unarmed brawler. Limited knowledge of Megapolis underground.

Mental Malfunction Mild megalomania.

Origin & Current Kenny was born with a uniquely tough body. As a child he'd hit his head on the coffee table, fallen out of a tree countless times, and fallen down the steps without so much as a broken bone. Maybe some mild bruising. The power got stronger as he grew but made him arrogant and selfish. He was a bully and constantly got in fights, even with kids bigger than him, but none could ever wound him or keep him down. He won out a lot of times on pure stamina. He eventually quit and fell in with a bad crowd. He bounced around in Megapolis' underground as a prize fighter, bouncer, bodyguard, "the muscle" and various other jobs for local criminal organizations. Kenny has never had the intelligence or ambition to truly utilize his abilities. His criminal activity is fairly petty compared to the people he used to work for. Minor theft and a relatively few assault charges (he's never used a weapon and mostly lets people tire themselves out trying to hurt him before knocking them out with a well placed punch). Just so long as he has enough money to get women, booze and some minor luxuries he was easy to control.

The first time Kenny was ever humbled was when URGENT cracked down on the criminal organization he was working for. He went up against a real Super, one that took him down quick and efficient, which knocked him down a peg and shattered his bubble of self delusion. Because of his information, willingness, and lack of any major criminal infractions, Kenny was offered a job rather than incarceration. He's still raunchy and undisciplined but he is beginning to show potential as real asset and team his own way.

Alternate: Instead of getting beat down I was thinking, as an alternate story, he was instead smitten by an officer of URGENT that got wounded in the raid. He moved to protect her from his own group rather than stop URGENT. That or both. He got beaten down by a female super and fell in love.

15 points (10 Stats, 5 Powers )

Brawn 2 Agility 2 Mind 1
x2 Defence, x4 Mental Defence, x2 Soak


    * Heightened Perception : Boost (Mind) 3 (Increase Mind by 3 in specific conditions or circumstance.) Perception x4, Perception-based skills (Outdoor/Tracking x4, Deception/Detect Deception x4, etc.) (3pts)
    * Martial Arts Mastery (Tough, Grappling, Tricky Styles) 2 (Tough: +2 Brawn to soak hand-to-hand attacks (max 5, does not stack with Armor). Grappling: Get reversal of 10+, even on foe's panel. +1 Brawn on wrestling rolls. Tricky: If an attack on you misses and you roll doubles on defence, get free unarmed attack.) (2pts)

Mental Skills: Outdoor/Tracking x4
Physical Skills: Athletics/Climbing x2, Stealth/Prowling x2
Priority: x2, Defence: x2, Mental Defence: x1, Soak: x2, Hits: 100

Lift: 400 lbs, Run: 6 squares, Jump: 4 squares, Climb: 2 squares, Swim: 2 squares

Creator Code:
{"playerName":"Jereru ","name":"Predator","realName":"Pete Padavona","description":"Description...","pointAllowance":"15","brawn":2,"a gility":2,"mind":1,"powerInstances":[{"nameAndLevel":"Boost (Mind) 3","coolName":"Heightened Perception","note":"Perception x4, Perception-based skills (Outdoor/Tracking x4, Deception/Detect Deception x4, etc.) ","active":true},{"nameAndLevel":"Martial Arts Mastery (Tough, Grappling, Tricky Styles) 2","active":true}],"mentalSkills":[{"name":"Outdoor","slots":1,"specs":["Tracking"]}],"physicalSkills":[{"name":"Athletics","slots":1,"specs":["Climbing"]},{"name":"Stealth","slots":1,"specs":["Prowling"]} ],"hits":100}

South Fist
15 points (10 Stats, 5 Powers )

Mental Malfunction: Besides being infused with a spirit of martial arts prowess that drives him to protect and help others, Zhi mainly fights crime because he isn't sure what else to do. His grandfather's wealth is mostly held in a trust fund, and a board of directors runs the company, so Zhi has everything he needs, but he's always craved a purpose. Being a superhero fills that hole: it's a rush he's never felt otherwise.

Brawn 1 Agility 2 Mind 2
x2 Defence, x2 Mental Defence, x2 Soak


    * Super Jump 1 (Jump up to 10 squares, at 10 squares per panel.) (1pts)
    * Martial Arts Mastery (Defensive Style) 1 (+2 Agility to defend against hand-to-hand attacks (max 5).) (1pts)
    * Armor 1 (+1 to Brawn to Soak damage.) (1pts)
    * Wuxia martial arts : Weapon Technique (1 to Hit, 1 Damage) 2 (+1 to Agility to Hit, and +1 to damage multiplier with specific weapon.) Unarmed x3 to Hit, and x2 Damage (2pts)

Mental Skills: Computers/Hacking x2, Medicine/Paramedic x2
Physical Skills: Athletics/Acrobatics x2, Stealth/Prowling x2
Advantages & Disadvantages
Instant Change: You can instantly change from normal identity to super identity.
Normal: You are a normal person (max Brawn and Agility 2) when not in super form.
Priority: x2, Defence: x2, Mental Defence: x2, Soak: x2, Hits: 100

Lift: 50 lbs, Run: 6 squares, Jump: 10 squares, Climb: 1 squares, Swim: 1 squares

Creator Code:
{"playerName":"Loup Blanc ","name":"South Fist ","realName":"Wu Zhihao","description":"Description...","mm":"Besides being infused with a spirit of martial arts prowess that drives him to protect and help others, Zhi mainly fights crime because he isn't sure what else to do. His grandfather's wealth is mostly held in a trust fund, and a board of directors runs the company, so Zhi has everything he needs, but he's always craved a purpose. Being a superhero fills that hole: it's a rush he's never felt otherwise.","pointAllowance":"15","brawn":1,"agility":2,"mind":2,"powerInst ances":[{"nameAndLevel":"Super Jump 1","active":true},{"nameAndLevel":"Martial Arts Mastery (Defensive Style) 1","active":true},{"nameAndLevel":"Armor 1","active":true},{"nameAndLevel":"Weapon Technique (1 to Hit, 1 Damage) 2","coolName":"Wuxia martial arts","note":"Unarmed x3 to Hit, and x2 Damage","active":true}],"mentalSkills":[{"name":"Computers","slots":1,"specs":["Hacking"]},{"name":"Medicine","slots":1,"specs":["Paramedic"]}],"physicalSkills": [{"name":"Athletics","slots":1,"specs":["Acrobatics"]},{"name":"Stealth","slots":1,"specs":["Prowling"]}],"advantages":[{"name":"Instant Change","description":"You can instantly change from normal identity to super identity."}],"disadvantages":[{"name":"Normal","description":"You are a normal person (max Brawn and Agility 2) when not in super form."}],"hits":100}

OK. First drafts. Please review and ask questions.

Think about your Mental Malfunctions. They should be concise, like with Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility.

I forgot to ask for Descriptions of your characters in Hero form.

Please look for a link to a cool picture for your Hero.


15 points (8 Stats, 7 Powers )
A t-shirt and jeans are good enough since he frequently ends up scorching off most of his clothes when 'doing the superhero thing'. He does wear a mask which he powers with a minor electrical charge, so it's eco-friendly. Surprisingly, he hasn't accidentally destroyed it... yet.

Mental Malfunction: Max is a reckless daredevil. He wants fame, fortune, and public adoration - both at his day-job and super-heroing.

Brawn 1 Agility 1 Mind 2
x1 Defence, x2 Mental Defence, x1 Soak


    * Electricity : Immunity 1 (Immune to 1 sources of harm.) (1pts)
    * Riding the Lightning : Teleportation 1 (Teleport 5 squares as a move; teleport to near city with concentration (tens of miles).) (1pts)
    * Wield lightning : Special Attack 4 Enhancement: Variable When you use this power, you can trade levels of this power for points in Area or Range effects. (5pts)
    *** 4 levels to add to attack, damage, range or area
    *** 1 level of range/area is 25 ft or a Line of 20 ft
    *** 2 levels of range/area is 125 ft or a Line of 40 ft

Mental Skills: Social Science/Psychology x2, Technology/Electrical x2
Physical Skills: Drive/Control x1

Priority: x1, Defence: x1, Mental Defence: x2, Soak: x1, Hits: 100

Lift: 50 lbs, Run: 3 squares, Jump: 1 squares, Climb: 1 squares, Swim: 1 squares, Teleport: 5 squares

Creator Code:
{"playerName":"stormraven ","name":"Live-Wire","realName":"Max Berne","description":"A t-shirt and jeans are good enough since he frequently ends up scorching off most of his clothes when 'doing the superhero thing'. He does wear a mask which he powers with a minor electrical charge, so it's eco-friendly. Surprisingly, he hasn't accidentally destroyed it... yet.","mm":"Max is a reckless daredevil. He wants fame, fortune, and public adoration - both at his day-job and super-heroing. ","image":" Men-Spiky-Hairstyles-Pictures.jpg","pointAllowance":"15","brawn":1,"agility ":1,"mind":2,"powerInstances":[{"nameAndLevel":"Immunity 1","coolName":"Electricity","active":true},{"nameAndLevel":"Teleportation 1","coolName":"Riding the Lightning","active":true},{"nameAndLevel":"Special Attack (Hand to Hand/Thrown) [2 to Damage, 2 to Hit] 4","coolName":"Wield lightning","note":"Base melee is x1 to Hit and x1 Damage\nBase ranged is x1 to Hit and x2 Damage\n* 4 levels to add to attack, damage, range or area\n* 1 level of range/area is 25 ft or a Line of 20 ft\n* 2 levels of range/area is 125 ft or a Line of 40 ft","active":true,"enhancements":[{"name":"Variable","pointCost":1}]}],"mentalSkills":[{"name":"Social Science","slots":1,"specs":["Psychology"]},{"name":"Technology","slots":1,"specs":["Electrical"]}],"physicalSkills":[{"name":"Drive","slots":1,"specs":["Control"]}],"hits":100}

The Tank
15 points (8 Stats, 7 Powers )

Brawn 2 Agility 1 Mind 1
x1 Defense, x5 Mental Defense, x5 Soak


    * Resilience : Boost (Brawn) 3 (Increase Brawn by 3 in specific conditions or circumstance.) Soak x5 (3pts)
    * Mind Shield 2 (+4 to Mind to resist mental attacks.) (2pts)
    * Unarmed : Weapon Technique (1 to Hit, 1 Damage) 2 (+1 to Agility to Hit, and +1 to damage multiplier with specific weapon.) Unarmed attacks: x2 to Hit, and x3 damage (2pts)

Mental Skills: Streetwise/Gut x1
Physical Skills: Drive/Control x1

Priority: x1, Defence: x1, Mental Defence: x5, Soak: x5, Hits: 100

Lift: 400 lbs, Run: 3 squares, Jump: 4 squares, Climb: 2 squares, Swim: 2 squares

Creator Code:
{"playerName":"Zayne Iwatani ","name":"The Tank","realName":"Kenny Harrison","description":"Description...","pointAllowance":"15","brawn":2,"a gility":1,"mind":1,"powerInstances":[{"nameAndLevel":"Boost (Brawn) 3","coolName":"Resilience","note":"Soak x5","active":true},{"nameAndLevel":"Mind Shield 2","active":true},{"nameAndLevel":"Weapon Technique (1 to Hit, 1 Damage) 2","coolName":"Unarmed","note":"Unarmed attacks: x2 to Hit, and x3 damage ","active":true}],"mentalSkills":[{"name":"Streewise","slots":1,"specs":["Gut"]}],"physicalSkills":[{"name":"Drive","slots":1,"specs":["Control"]}],"hits":100}

Master Scorpion
Stats Brawn (3), Agility (2), Mind (1)

Powers Martial arts and intense powers Unarmed strike?

Origin and Current As a child he was always competing with his twin brother so when he took up martial arts it was only natural that he did too. Soon however his brother quit martial arts, foolishly seeing this as an opportunity to best his brother he continued on. Meanwhile his brother focused on studying the paranormal, eventually taking up dark arts and making a pact for power.

Mental malfunction To beat his brother. When his brother went to the dark side it was only natural that he would join the light.

Skills Whatever skills would be appropriate for a master of Martial arts

Other Arch-enemy (his brother). (Yes that's how bad their sibling rivalry is)

15 points (12 Stats, 3 Powers )

Brawn 3 Agility 2 Mind 1
x2 Defence, x1 Mental Defence, x3 Soak

* Unarmed : Weapon Technique (1 to Hit, 1 Damage) 2 (+1 to Agility to Hit, and +1 to damage multiplier with specific weapon.) Enhancement: Variable When you use this power, you can trade levels of this power for points in Area or Range effects. (3pts)
Base melee: x2 to Hit and x3 damage
*** Mix 2 levels to Hit and damage

Mental Skills: Humanities/Philosophy x1
Physical Skills: Athletics/Acrobatics x3

Priority: x2, Defence: x2, Mental Defence: x1, Soak: x3, Hits: 100

Lift: 5 tons, Run: 6 squares, Jump: 9 squares, Climb: 3 squares, Swim: 3 squares

Creator Code:
{"playerName":"Ancient Dragon Master ","name":"?","realName":"?","description":"Description...","pointAllowance" :"15","brawn":3,"agility":2,"mind":1,"powerInstances":[{"nameAndLevel":"Weapon Technique (1 to Hit, 1 Damage) 2","coolName":"Unarmed","note":"Base melee: x2 to Hit and x3 damage\n*** Mix 2 levels to Hit and damage","active":true,"enhancements":[{"name":"Variable","pointCost":1}]}],"mentalSkills":[{"name":"Humanities","slots":1,"specs":["Philosophy"]}],"physicalSkills":[{"name":"Athletics","slots":2,"specs":["Acrobatics"]}],"hits":100}

I think all character drafts are posted. Please review yours. Please especially review your missing material, like Descriptions, Mental Malfunction, etc.

In the Campaign Tab for inspiration and explanation, I've linked and spoilered many references to character builds, game mechanics, Character Creator, etc. You can tinker with your character by Importing your code that I've spoilered.

Ancient Dragon Master wrote:

Can you get more character points? How can you add to your die rolls?

How do you get hero points?

More character points come from Experience. You can use Hero Points to add to your die rolls, which are described on the Campaign Tab. You get Hero Points based on the difficulty of the encounters.

I'm going camping with the family this weekend, so I'll post again on Sunday.


Question, Jubal, since I'm not entirely familiar with the rules yet. Livewire's Wield Lightning ability. To Hit with a Line of Lightning... is that based an Agility roll against an opponent's Defense roll or some other mechanic?

stormraven wrote:
Question, Jubal, since I'm not entirely familiar with the rules yet. Livewire's Wield Lightning ability. To Hit with a Line of Lightning... is that based an Agility roll against an opponent's Defense roll or some other mechanic?

No worries. Line is an Area attack and you effect everyone in the Area. You still roll to Hit vs. their Defense.

Then, if you hit, you roll Damage vs. their Soak. Then, Knockback to send them flying backwards.

Your basic damage in melee is x2 to Hit and x1 Damage and x2 to Hit and x2 Damage at range. I accidentally deleted that note for you. Then, you had your Special Attack, which is variable, so you can mix the 4 levels to Hit, Damage, Range, Area. I listed some options.

Question about my character: my Unarmed strike says that I can trade points for Area and range because of the Variable enhancement. How does that work?

Do we start with a headquarters?

What is To Hit rolled against?

messed up character who took the personal drawback for intense powers (Creator Code):

{"playerName":"Ancient Dragon Master ","name":"Master Scorpion","realName":"?","description":"Description...","pointAllowance":"1 5","brawn":3,"agility":2,"mind":1,"powerInstances":[{"nameAndLevel":"Weapon Technique (1 to Hit, 1 Damage) 2","coolName":"Unarmed","note":"Base melee: x2 to Hit and x3 damage\n*** Mix 2 levels to Hit and damage","active":true,"enhancements":[{"name":"Variable","pointCost":1}],"limitations":[{"name":"Personal","pointCost":1}]},{"nameAndLevel":"Skillful 1","active":true,"limitations":[{"name":"Personal","pointCost":1}]},{"nameAndLevel":"Martial Arts Mastery (Fast, Tough, Defensive Styles) 2","active":true,"limitations":[{"name":"Personal","pointCost":1}]}],"mentalSkills":[{"name":"Humanities","slots":1,"specs":["Philosophy"]}],"physicalSkills":[{"name":"Athletics","slots":3,"specs":["Acrobatics","Running"]}],
"advantages":[{"name":"Headquarters","description":"You have a Headquarters built on 8 points."},{"name":"Fearless","description":"Immune to fear; +2 dice bonus to intimidate others."}],"disadvantages":[{"name":"Age (Old)","description":"You are over 50; you only have 80 Hits."},{"name":"Arch-Enemy","description":"You have an enemy worth similar character points. (His brother)"}],"hits":80}

@Ancient Dragon Master
The variable advantage is generic for special attack and weapon technique. In the unarmed WT case, it only allows to mix to hit and damage multipliers not range and area.

You start with a headquarters that you don't have to pay for. If we continue, you can invest an advantage to make it useful, like the bat cave.

To hit is rolled against your target's defense.

Thanks for the draft of your nemesis. However, you cannot put the Personal limitation on powers that are already Personal.


12 points (10 Stats, 2 Powers )
trustly pug dog, Kaixin, who is actually a foo dog in disguise, a gift from The Emerald Emperor.

Brawn 2 Agility 2 Mind 1
x2 Defense, x1 Mental Defense, x2 Soak


    * Sense Supernatural : Super Senses 1 (Pick 1 extra senses.) (1pts)
    * Shrinking 1 (Shrink to 3ft tall; +1 Agility dice bonus; -1 Brawn dice penalty; Lift half; Move -2 sq.; Double knock-back; +1 DM falling soak.) (1pts)

Mental Skills: Outdoor/Tracking x3
Physical Skills: Athletics/Acrobatics x2, Stealth/Prowling x2

Advantages & Disadvantages
Non-Sentience: +2 Mind for senses and cunning; limited skill use.
Duty: You are a loyal servant of an organization.

Priority: +1x2, Defense: +1x2, Mental Defense: x1, Soak: -1x2, Hits: 100

Lift: 200 lbs, Run: 6 squares, Jump: 4 squares, Climb: 2 squares, Swim: 2 squares

Creator Code:
{"playerName":"TheWaskally","name":"Kaixin","realName":"Kaixin","descriptio n":"trustly pug dog, Kaixin, who is actually a foo dog in disguise, a gift from The Emerald Emperor.","pointAllowance":"12","brawn":2,"agility":2,"mind":1,"powerInstan ces":[{"nameAndLevel":"Super Senses 1","coolName":"Sense Supernatural ","active":true},{"nameAndLevel":"Shrinking 1","active":true}],"mentalSkills":[{"name":"Outdoor","slots":1,"specs":["Tracking"]}],"physicalSkills":[{"name":"Athletics","slots":1,"specs":["Acrobatics"]},{"name":"Stealth","slots":1,"specs":["Prowling"]} ],"advantages":[{"name":"Non-Sentience","description":"+2 Mind for senses and cunning; limited skill use."}],"disadvantages":[{"name":"Duty","description":"You are a loyal servant of an organisation."}],"hits":100}

DM Jubal wrote:
Thanks for the draft of your nemesis.


Will fix character tomorrow.

Ancient Dragon Master wrote:
DM Jubal wrote:
Thanks for the draft of your nemesis.

Thought that was your nemesis.

I won't allow certain Disadvantages (like Arch-Nemesis), because there probably won't be time to have them come into plan, and thus not be real Disadvantages. Which is why I'm building all of the characters. That and to ensure playability balance.


DM Jubal wrote:

The Tank

15 points (8 Stats, 7 Powers )

Brawn 2 Agility 1 Mind 1
x1 Defense, x5 Mental Defense, x5 Soak


    * Resilience : Boost (Brawn) 3 (Increase Brawn by 3 in specific conditions or circumstance.) Soak x5 (3pts)
    * Mind Shield 2 (+4 to Mind to resist mental attacks.) (2pts)
    * Unarmed : Weapon Technique (1 to Hit, 1 Damage) 2 (+1 to Agility to Hit, and +1 to damage multiplier with specific weapon.) Unarmed attacks: x2 to Hit, and x3 damage (2pts)

Mental Skills: Streetwise/Gut x1
Physical Skills: Drive/Control x1

Priority: x1, Defence: x1, Mental Defence: x5, Soak: x5, Hits: 100

Lift: 400 lbs, Run: 3 squares, Jump: 4 squares, Climb: 2 squares, Swim: 2 squares

** spoiler omitted **

Slight miss. Replace Mind Shield with something like Resistance and I will be a lot closer (electricity, fire, cold, and acid). I noticed in the character creator that powers can have limitations. If I add Personal to Resilience and Resistance that should give me a point or two to spend on a kind of aggro effect. Some sort of mental attack that increases aggression towards him. Something like that.

For a mental malfunction, mild megalomania and insubordination. He is prone to being selfish and arrogant as well. He's getting better but you can't change someone like that over night.

What's Priority? And I assume Brawn effects Soak?

DM Jubal wrote:
Ancient Dragon Master wrote:
DM Jubal wrote:
Thanks for the draft of your nemesis.

Thought that was your nemesis.

I won't allow certain Disadvantages (like Arch-Nemesis), because there probably won't be time to have them come into plan, and thus not be real Disadvantages. Which is why I'm building all of the characters. That and to ensure playability balance.


Sorry, that was a jury rigged me. I'll fix him up today. My character as is looks fine except for no Advantages or drawbacks

@ Zayne: Priority=initiative and Brawn does affect Soak

Fixed character (Creator Code) (Zaynes):

{"playerName":"Zayne Itwani","name":"The Tank","realName":"Kenny Harrison","description":"Description...","mm":"Mild Megalomania and Insubordination. Prone to being Selfish and Arrogant","pointAllowance":"15","brawn":2,"agility":1,"mind":1,"powerInstan ces":[{"nameAndLevel":"Boost (Brawn) 3","active":true},{"nameAndLevel":"Weapon Technique (1 to Hit, 1 Damage) 2","coolName":"Unarmed","active":true},{"nameAndLevel":"Resistance 2","note":"Electricity, Fire, Cold, Acid","active":true,"limitations":[{"name":"Always On","pointCost":1}]},{"nameAndLevel":"Armor 2","active":true,"limitations":[{"name":"Always On","pointCost":1}]}],"mentalSkills":[{"name":"Streewise","slots":1,"specs":["Gut"]}],"physicalSkills":[{"name":"Drive","slots":1,"specs":["Control"]}],"hits":100}

You can't take the personal limitation for things that are already personal. I took the Always on limitation instead for you, However the GM may want to restrict that too.
I saw no way to mentally aggravate people beyond changing their memory's so that you attacked them. Instead I gave you Armor as well as Brawn giving you x7 Soak

The creator code necer seems to work for me.

Zayne Iwatani wrote:
The creator code necer seems to work for me.

Probably because the code in my post has a split in it 'Power instances' is divided so it does not recognise the code. Remove the space and you should be fine. If it still doesn't work check that you are using a browser that supports it.

Hmm, seems like we're getting more unarmed fighter types. If we want a little diversity, I wouldn't be opposed to swapping Wu to fighting with an ancient jian that might also be a source of power. If we want to go that route, his hero name would also change to the South Sword rather than Fist.

Also, in terms of pictures, he'd look something like this or this, without the facial hair. It's still basically him in terracotta form, but his features get a little altered and his clothes take on an armored look. If he knows he's going out on patrol or something, he puts on a gi before transforming to get the right kind of look, but even a sweatshirt and jeans will do. (I'd imagine formal wear might look kind of odd, though.)

Hey Jubal,

I'm not sure on one point... Are you OK with us taking a Weakness to get an extra point or two to spend, or would you prefer we stay at our 'no weaknesses' point totals for play balance?

Loup Blanc wrote:
Hmm, seems like we're getting more unarmed fighter types.

You're right and that's kind of sad. If I wasn't set on this character (who is inspired by Achilles from Grrl Power) I'd have thrown something more crazy at you. Like someone who can temporarily duplicate the abilities of another for a short amount of time. Someone who can teleport themselves or anything they can hold no more than 10ft. A speedster, but only on roller blades. Kinetic absorption and redirection. Someone who can give life to figures and statues he makes. Someone who wields portals, but short range. Someone who can paralyze with eye contact. My Hero Academy is great inspiration for low power abilities.

DM Jubal wrote:


Thank you.

Zayne Iwatani wrote:
Loup Blanc wrote:
Hmm, seems like we're getting more unarmed fighter types.
You're right and that's kind of sad. If I wasn't set on this character (who is inspired by Achilles from Grrl Power) I'd have thrown something more crazy at you. Like someone who can temporarily duplicate the abilities of another for a short amount of time. Someone who can teleport themselves or anything they can hold no more than 10ft. A speedster, but only on roller blades. Kinetic absorption and redirection. Someone who can give life to figures and statues he makes. Someone who wields portals, but short range. Someone who can paralyze with eye contact. My Hero Academy is great inspiration for low power abilities.

All your ideas in 1!! (Creator Code):

{"playerName":"Zayne","name":"?","realName":"?","description":"Description. ..",
"pointAllowance":"15","brawn":1,"agility":1,"mind":2,"powerInstances":[{"nameAndLevel":"Copycat 2","active":true},
{"nameAndLevel":"Teleportation 1","active":true,"limitations":[{"name":"Custom","note":"Max 5 squares","pointCost":1}]},
{"nameAndLevel":"Super Speed 3","active":true,"limitations":[{"name":
"Gadget (Easily Taken)","note":"Roller blades","pointCost":1}]},{"nameAndLevel":"Summoning (Animation) 1","active":true,"limitations":[{"name":"Only Affects X","note":"Only affects statues and figurines","pointCost":1}]},{"nameAndLevel":"Immobilization [1 Strength, 0 to Hit] 1","active":true,"limitations":[{"name":"Only Affects X","note":"Only affects Humanoids","pointCost":1}]},{"nameAndLevel":"Teleportation (Gateway) 2","active":true,"limitations":[{"name":"Custom","note":"Maximum 20 squares","pointCost":1}]},
{"nameAndLevel":"Armor 1","coolName":"Telekinetic Absorbtion","active":true},
{"nameAndLevel":"Deflect 1","coolName":"Telekinetic Deflection","active":true}],"mentalSkills":[{"name":"Investigation","slots":1,"specs":[]},{"name":"Science","slots":1,"s pecs":["Mathematics"]}],"physicalSkills":[{"name":"Craftsmanship","slots":1,"specs":["Stonework"]}],"hits":100}
it should work

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