
EpicLvlPsion's page

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Per the Soulknife class, "The soulknife gains Wild Talent as a bonus feat at 1st level. This provides him with the psionic power necessary to manifest his mind blade. A character who is already psionic instead gains the Psionic Talent feat."
Per any of the psionic races in the Ultimate Psionics book, "Naturally Psionic:(insert psionic race here) receive Wild Talent as a bonus feat at 1st level. If a (insert psionic race here) takes levels in a psionic class, he instead gains the Psionic Talent feat."
My question is, what happens first? Does the race get wild talent then starts out as a souldknife and gets Psionic Talent? Or does the character get two Psionic Talent feats at first level?

Thread Necro, Ultimate Wilderness pg 142. Harvesting poisons, milking poisons, etc.

*Manifests Psionic Revivify on Thread*
I have a question about the half-orc Brawler favored class option of "Add 1/4 to the brawler’s effective level to determine her unarmed strike damage."
what happens at level 17-20?
Following the progression pattern:
20 === 2d10
21 === 2d10
22 === 2d10
23 === 2d10
24 === 4d8
25 === 4d8
or do you not increase since it goes by a table and not a specified scaling progression such as the rogue sneak attack?
thanks for any answers

Ok folks, I'm looking for a class archtype that gives an ability that gives you scaling d6 to damage and AC bonus when you move 10 ft or more in a round. I do know of the Scout archtype for the rogue. Just trying to find another route. Thanks in advance everyone.