Gordon Bratiwade
Human rogue 1
True Neutral (He doesn't like the law, but likes that laws make people wealthy enough to steal from. And he doesn't steal from the poor, but he's not above killing the innocent if it means that he gets away.)
STR 14
DEX 19
CON 12
INT 10
WIS 10
CHA 12
Speed 30
HP 9
AC 17 Tch 15 FF 12
Fort 1 Reflex 6 Will 0
CMD 17
Sneak attack: 1d6
Trapfinding: +1
Feat (Human): Dodge
Feat 1: Weapon finesse
Trait 1: Killer (additional crit damage)
Trait 2: Fast Talker (+1 bluff - already added)
Rapier +4 (1d6+2) 18-20/x2
Shortbow +4 (1d6) x3
Leather Armor
20 Arrows
20 Blunt arrows
* Silk rope
* Grappling Hook
Belt pouch
* MW thieves tools
* 23 gp
Acrobatics (1 rank) +8
Bluff (1 rank) +6
Climb 2
Diplomacy (1 rank) +5
Disable device (1 rank) +10
Disguise (1 rank) +5
Escape artist +4
Fly 4
Perception (1 rank) +4
Sleight of hand (1 rank) +8
Stealth (1 rank) +8
Use magic device (1 rank) +5