Full Name |
Luthor Rainmacher, Human Barbarian, Init +1, HP 14 |
About Luthor Rainmacher
Luthor Rainmacher looks almost like a half-orc. There's some orcish blood in there somewhere.
Human Barbarian 1 (Hurler archetype)
5369-18, Dark Archive
HP 14
Speed: 20
Init: +4
STR 16, DEX 19, CON 14, INT 8, WIS 8, CHA 7
AC 20, Touch 14, Flatfooted 16
Fort 4, Reflex 4, Will -1
CMD 18
Skills that have ranks
Acrobatics 3
Climb 2
Knowledge Nature 3
Perception 4
Throwing Axe (Melee) +4 (1d6+3 20x2)
Throwing Axe (Ranged increment 20 ft) +5 (1d6+3 20x2)
Improvised weapon +7 (1d3+3 20x2)
Greatsword +4 (2d6+4 19-20x2}
Shortbow +5 (1d6 20x3)
Hide Armor
Heavy Steel shield
20 Arrows
10 blunt arrows
1/3 FCO from superstitious rage power
Surprise weapon (+2 trait bonus on attack rolls with improvised weapons
Seeker (+1 trait bonus on Perception)
Rage 6/day (+4 STR, +4 CON, +2 Will, -2 AC)
Throw Anything
Distance Thrower (Reduce thrown weapon attack penalty due to range by 2)