
Suileman Kayin's page

20 posts. Alias of Ira kroll.

Full Name

Suileman Kayin


Expert 1, HP 8, AC 13, Init +2, Saves 3/2/2

About Suileman Kayin

Suileman Kayin:
Lawful Evil
Expert 1
STR 10
DEX 14
CON 10
INT 19
WIS 10
CHA 10

HP 8
Speed 30
Init: +2

AC 13 Tch 13 FF 10
Fort 3 Reflex 2 Will 2

Unarmed strike +0 (1d3)
CMD 12
Spell Resistance 10

Languages: Common, Abyssal, Draconic, Infernal, Aboleth, Aklo

=== Cash ===
2.28 gp

=== Skills ===
Acrobatics (1 rank) 3
Appraise 4
Bluff 2
Climb 0
Craft Books (1 special rank) 5
Diplomacy 0
Disguise 0
Escape Artist 2
Fly 2
Heal 0
Intimidate 0
Knowledge Arcana (1 rank) 8
Knowledge Dungeoneering (1 rank) 5
Knowledge History (1 rank) 5
Knowledge Planes (1 rank) 5
Knowledge Religion (1 rank) 5
Linguistics (1 rank) 8
Perception 2
Ride 2
Sense motive 0
Spellcraft (1 rank) 5
Stealth 2
Survival 0
Swim 0
Use Magic device (1 rank)5

=== Dhampir traits ===

* Undead Resistance (ARG 97): You have a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease and mind-affecting effects.
* Resist Level Drain (Ex) (ARG 97): You take no penalties from energy drain effects. After 24 hours, any negative levels a dhampir takes are removed without the need for an additional saving throw.
* Manipulative (ARG 97): You have a +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Perception* checks.
* Spell-Like Abilities (Su) (ARG 97): You can use detect undead three times per day as a spell-like ability.
* Darkvision (ARG 97): You have darkvision out to 60 feet.*
* Low-light vision (ARG 97): You have lowlight vision
* Light Sensitivity (ARG 97): You are dazzled in areas of bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.
* Negative Energy Affinity (ARG 97): You react to positive and negative energy as if you were undead—positive energy harms you, while negative energy heals you.

=== Traits ===
* Focused Mind (APG 329): You gain a +2 trait bonus on concentration checks*.
* Deathtouched (Fortitude Saves) (UCa 62): You gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saving throws.*

=== Feats ===
* Great Fortitude (Core 124): You get a +2 bonus on all Fortitude saving throws.*
* Armor Proficiency, Light (Core 118): You are proficient wearing light armor.
* Extra feat: Dodge


Suileman is the son of a bookbinder. About 16 years ago, she moved into this town with Suileman and began taking in books to repair.
Suileman has never known his father, but he does have some inkling that he is different. He spent most of his youth much like the other children, and learned bookbinding from his mother. Being the bookbinder's son, he has had access to many books, and is intent upon reading every single one that passes through their doors. Eventually, he'd like to marry and settle down, with no other goals than taking over the bookbinding tasks after his mother becomes too old.