Dwarf Monk 1
HP 12
AC 15, Tch 15, FF 13 (+4 vs Giant)
BAB +0
Fort +5, Reflex +3, Will +5 (+2 vs poison, spells, and spell-like abilities)
CMB +2, CMD 17
Languages: Common Dwarven
Traits: Reactionary and Suspicious
Darkvision 60
Unarmed Strike: +2, 1d6+2, x2
Flurry of Blows: +1/+1, 1d6+2, x2
Stunning fist 1/day Fort DC 13
Nunchaku: +2, 1d6+2, x2
Sling: +1, 1d4+2, x2
(+1 attack vs Orc and Goblinoid)
=== Feats ===
Improved unarmed strike
Stunning fist
Scorpion style (Fort DC 13)
=== Skills ===
Acrobatics (1 rank) +5
Perception (1 rank) +7 (+9 notice unusual stonework)
Sense Motive (1 rank) +8
Stealth (1 rank) +5