Dr Davaulus

Carl, Phasing Addict's page

116 posts. Alias of Ira kroll.

Full Name

Carl Verblan




Agility d12, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d12, Climbing d6+2, Fighting d6, Lockpicking d10+2, Shooting d12, Stealth d10+2, Charisma 0, Parry 5, Toughness 10, Bennies 3+1







Special Abilities




About Carl, Phasing Addict

Carl's crunch:
Race Human- see edges

Novice 1: raised Spirit die from a d6 to a d8

====== Attributes =======
Agility (3 points) d10 (d12 see below)
Smarts d4
Spirit d4 d6 d8
Strength (1 point) d6
Vigor (1 point) d6 (d12, see below)

===== Skills 15 of 15 skill points ===
Climbing (2 for 2/18) d6 (+2 from Thief)
Fighting (2 for 4/18) d6
Lockpicking (4 for 8/18) d10 (+2 from Thief)
Shooting (3 for 11/18) d8 d12
Stealth (3 for 14/18) d10 (+2 from Thief)

===== Hindrances and edges =====
===== Hindrances =====
Major- Combat drug addiction, used for thief edge
Super Karma - Power Negation -- Black Siamese Cats

Minor- phobia cats.
Minor- Loyal
Together used for Trademark Weapon edge

===== Edges ======
(1) AB superpowers. free. 10 or 10 power points spent
=== Intangibility (5 of 10 power points)
=== Toughness - (8/10 power points) (base toughness +2)
=== Super Attribute (Vigor - 2) from d6 to d8 to d10 (10/10 power points)

(2) Extraction - human free edge
(3) Thief - from Major hindrance Habit
(4) Trademark weapon- Minor hindrances

(5) From Super Karma (5 power points)
=== Lair ( ⅕ power points)
=== Super Attribute (Agility - 1 point) up from d10 to d12 (⅖ power points)
=== Super Attribute (Spirit - 1 point) up from d4 to d6 (⅗ power points)
=== Super Attribute (Vigor - 1 point) up from d10 to d12 (⅘ power points)
=== Shooting (1 point) up from d8 to d12

Charisma 0
Pace 6”
Parry = Base (2) + fighting/2 (3) = 5
Toughness = Base (2) +Vigor/2 (6) + Arcane Background Toughness (2) = 10


$960/$1000 spent
Kevlar Vest $250 8wt
Dad’s old M1911A1 (2d6+1) $250 5wt (Double tap = +1 to hit/damage, but uses two rounds)
Lockpicks $200 1wt
Switchblade $10 (Str + d4) 1wt
Combat Drugs (Red Agility) x 10 = $200 owt
100 bullets =2*$25 5wt =50
money clip with $90 in cash
saw knife
blue gel tabs
key ring with keys
Vibroknife, STR+d6+2, AP2 Heavy, weight 1
blaster pistol * 2, Range 15/30/60, Damage 3d6 AP4, Rate of fire 1, Weight 5, 20 shots, double tap, overcharge.
take two more yellow belts
One pair of fully functional Nullifier Cuffs.
Bag of $8,000 cash.
Bag of drugs ($4,000 EZ and $4,000 traditional)


Concept: Can turn into a ghost-like form.

Rather than "fight the good fight", Carl used it to do smash-and-grabs without the smash. Basically, walk up to a jewelry display, break the display case, grab the jewelry, turn intangible, and escape. Combined with his burglary abilities, this more than supports his drug habit.

Looks: Carl is well-built and relatively good looking with sandy hair and hazel eyes. He is not too bright (low Smarts) and kind of stupid (low Spirit).

Carl is part of the underground crime world. He never cared about the V'sori occupation. It just meant there were fewer police. Grab the jewels and fence them. Then get high. Then get more jewels.

Sent by Imagine to obtain something from the V’sori, Carl made the grab, but in the heat of the chase was unable to turn ghost-like. Carl ran. Got caught. Got banged on the head.

The Very Sorry interrogated him to find out how the item got targeted. Carl figured that he might get let go if he told. So, he gave up Imagine’s name.

Now? Now, you ask? Carl is wearing a little device the Very Sorry put on him. As soon as he goes intangible, it zaps him unconscious. Carl does not like having a shocking dog collar.

Carl's mother, Rosita Verblan, is very worried about her son. She does tarot readings for him, and consistently things come up bad. She's spoken to her friend, Red, about it.

Red takes it very seriously, since she has used Rosita's tarot readings to inquire of the future throughout their friendship.

Rosita Verblan has a minor ability to fortell the future. She has to use a Tarot reading to do it, and, while it is never wrong, it is often cryptic or open to further interpretation.