
Vailis's page

837 posts. Organized Play character for Balacertar.

Full Name

Vailis Vown


| Senses Low-light +1 (Coco darkvision 60' +10)

Diplomacy+7,Bluff+7,H.Animal+10,Arcana+5,Hist+6,Planes+5,Local+5,Linguistic s+9,K.nature+5,Stealth+1,Sense motives-1,Spellcraft+13,Use Magic Device+20,Concentration+17


Male Half-elf Summoner 9| - (Inactive)


HP 83/84 AC 20 TAC 13 FF 18 | CMD 19 | F +12 R +9 W +9 (inmune to sleep, +2 vs enchantments) | L1: 4/7 L2: 2/6 L3: 5/5 Sm: 6/9 Timelost Chronicler:1/1





Special Abilities

Summon monster




Common, Elf, Chelish, Infernal, Celestial, Igneus, Abyssal

Strength 9
Dexterity 14
Constitution 16
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 7
Charisma 22

About Vailis

GM Harker, rest in peace... we will remember you for the days of gaming you gave to us. Thanks, wherever you are now.

PFS Chronicles (id: 134452-3):

Prestige points: 24 (Enlarge Person Wand, Shield Wand, Cure Light Wounds Wand, Faerie fire wand, Jade wayfinder enhancement, Farmstead, Extra cure light wounds wand)
Fame: 45
Experience: 23.5
Chronicles: - Chronicles copy archive

1) 1.1/2; #4-11: The Disappeared - PbP
2) 1.2/4; #1-39: The Citadel of Flame (PFRPG) - GM
3) 2.0/6; #1-47: The Darkest Vengeance (PFRPG) - GM
4) 2.1/8; #6-01: Trial by Machine - PbP
5) 2.2/10; #1-43: The Pallid Plague - PbP
6) 3.05/12; Module - Crypt of the Everflame - PbP
7) 3.15/14; #0-17: Perils of the Pirate Pact - PbP
8) 3.25/16; #3-02: The Sewer Dragons of Absalom - PbP
9) 4.05/18; #6-22: Out of Anarchy - GM
10) 4.15/20; #4-05: The Sanos abduction - PbP (p)
11) 4.25/22; #7-00: The Sky Key Solution - GM
12) 5.05/24; #0-16: To Scale the Dragon - PbP - pregen (p)
13) 5.15/26; #4-21: Way of the Kirin - PbP (p)
14) 6.15/30; Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition - Book 2 - Skinsaw Murders - PbP
15) 6.20/31; #5-14: The Day of the Demon - GM
16) 7.00/33; #4-03: The Golemworks Incident - PbP (p)
17) 7.10/35; #4-23: Rivalry's End - PbP (p)
18) 7.15/36; #4-06: The Green Market - GM
19) 7.25/38; #4-16: The Fabric of Reality - PbP (p)
20) 8.00/39; #4-09: The Blakros Matrimony - GM (p)
21) 8.10/41; #4-17: Tower of the Ironwood Watch - PbP (p)
22) 8.15/42; #4-04: King of the Storval Stairs - PbP (p) <- Not properly reported (Dead GM)
23) 8.20/43; #1-36: Echoes of the Everwar, Part I: The Prisoner of Skull Hill - PbP
24) 8.25/44; #1-42: Echoes of the Everwar, Part II: The Watcher of Ages - PbP
25) 9.00/45; #1-44: Echoes of the Everwar Part III: Terror at Whistledown - PbP
26) 9.05/46; #1-53: Echoes of the Everwar Part IV: The Faithless Dead - PbP

Idea: Buy a farmstead for 5 PP.

- House Thrune's Favor #1: Your complete discretion in iniltrating the Chelish embassy has earned you a rare token stamped with the insignia of the House of Thrune, signifying your avor in the eyes of Cheliax's ruling house. This grants you a +3 ircumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks to influence high-standing members of House Thrune, the Chelish government, or a Hellknight order in good standing. This bonus remains in effect as long as the token remains on your person, and the token imparts its bonus only to you.
- Exemplar of Falcon's Hollow #5: You have saved the town of Falcon's Hollow from sure death. You are now a known adventurer and receive a +1 circumstance bonus in any Charisma check with any Andoran citizen.
- Hero of the Fey #5: You saved the fey of Darkmoon Wood from certain death. You may succeed automatically in any Charisma based check when dealing with fey at any time in the future. Cross this boon afterwards.
- Kassen's Blessing #6: You carry a small charm from the spirit of Kassen. You may reroll a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check after the roll is made but before the results are revealed. You must take the result of the second roll, even if it is worse. Once this ability has been used, cross it off the Chronicle.
- Koboldfriend #8: Token for neck, when worn +2 Diplomacy with humanoids (reptilian).
- Master of Secrets #9: You provided Zarta Dralneen with valuable leverage over one of her enemies; in return, she is willing to assist you against one of your enemies. Before rolling Intimidate check against a named NPC, you maiy show this boon to your GM and announce that Zarta Dralneen has provided you with blackmail or other information that can assist you in intimidating this NPC. Zarta's information provides you with a +4 bonus on your Intimidate check. Once you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle sheet.
- Skillful Barterer #9: Your experience bartering in Pezzack prepares you to negotiate without coin. Once during a scenario, while in a settlement of at least 100 people, you may trade up to 300 gp worth of non-magical equipment for non-magical equipment of equivalent value. You may not receive coins, gems or other money as part of this trade.
- Azlanti wonders #11: While interviewing the Azlanti general Krahnaliara Lac Suhn, you learned the location of an Azlanti site. When adventuring in a ruin or archaeological site, or other structure that predates Earthfall, including Azlanti or Thassilonian sites, you can cross the boon to get a +1 insight bonus to AC, attack rolls, saving rolls or skill checks during the whole adventure.
- Champion of Time #11: Get a bonus trait from a list when creating a new PC.
- Timelost Chronicler #11: You have journeyed through the ancient serpentfolk city of Sessegishoss and witnessed the fall of the Starstone, granting you a remarkable perpective of Golarion's history. You gain a permanent +1 to Knowledge (history). Once per scenario you may call on the power from your exposure to the Starstone to find inner greatness, granting you a +1 morale bonus to a single d20 roll. You must declare the use before rolling.
- True Ally of the Lantern Lodge #13: Amara Li promises to help you in the future. Whenever you spend 1PP to gain a +4 on any skill check while in Tian Xia the bonus rises to +5, or +6 if in Goka.
- Friend of the Foxgloves #14: Through your service to the Foxglove family in ridding the family’s ancestral home of its many haunts, you have earned the respect of the surviving members of the family. You gain a +2 bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks made to influence or otherwise interact with a member of the Foxglove family.
- Ghoul Hunter #14: Your experience fighting ghouls and ghasts beneath Foxglove Manor has given you insight into these undead abominations’ strengths and methods of attack, granting you a better chance of survival against such foes in the future. You gain a +1 insight bonus to AC against natural weapon attacks made by ghouls and ghasts, and a +1 bonus on Fortitude saving throws to avoid the effects of the disease, paralysis, and stench special attacks of ghouls and ghasts.
- Haunt Survivor #14: Your perilous interactions with the many haunts in Foxglove Manor have made you more attuned to the residual supernatural energies that power such manifestations. You gain a +2 bonus on Perception checks to notice haunts. Once per day, you can reroll a saving throw to avoid a haunt’s negative effects. You may only use this ability before the results of the original saving throw are revealed and must take the second result, even if it is lower.
- Scholar of The Gates Ajar #15: You studied the profane texts known as The Gates Ajar, and gained from them knowledge of the denizens of Abaddon, the Abyss, and Hell. You gain a +2 competence bonus on Knowledge (planes or religion) checks regarding daemons, demons and devils.
- Fool Me Once #17: Grandmaster Torch’s sudden betrayal and subsequent escape have left you questioning the motives of everyone around you-particularly your allies. You gain a +2 bonus on Sense Motive checks against current and former Pathfinders.
- Greenheart's Blessing #18: The peaceful and benevolent spirit of Galdron Greenheart infuses you when you set it to rest in the shrine beneath the Green Market. A small fraction of the luck and fortune in business that imbues the market stays with you as a result, and brings you success for the rest of your life. You receive a +2 bonus on all Day Job checks.
- #23: Recovered Akila's wand and ring.
- #24: Recovered Meskhenet's staff and ring.
- #25: Recovered Kamilah's sword and ring.
- Protector of Whistledown #25: Your deeds protecting Whistledown have spread to other gnome communities. You get a +1 Cha when dealing with other gnomes.

Jade (2 PP): Crafted in distant Tian Xia, the jade casing of this
wayf inder is decorated with serpentine dragons wound around the Glyph of the Open Road. Instead of light, a jade wayfinder can be used to cast

Farmstead (5 PP): You own a fully functional farm located just outside a larger city, such as Absalom, Egorian, Almas, or Oppara. This farmstead includes a sizable farmhouse, a barn, and a plot of land suitable for raising livestock or growing crops. If you own a farmstead you can use Handle Animal to make Day Job rolls.

- Vailis explains why he is part of the Society
- Master and eidolon grumbling about possession and commanding

N Medium humanoid (half-elf)
Summoner (APG grandfathered) 9
Init +3; Senses low-light vision ; Perception +1

AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+2 Dex, +7 chain shirt, +1 deflection)
hp 84 (9d8+27+9)
For +12 (3 Con, 3 class, 4 resistance, 2 feat), Ref +9 (2 Dex, 3 class, 4 resistance), Will +9 (-1 Wis, 6 class, 4 resistance) [immune to sleep; +2 vs enchantments; +1 once/scenario; 1 time reroll boon]

Speed 30 ft.
Melee longspear +6/+1 (1d8+0) 20/x2 piercing reach 2-handed
Ranged acid splash +8 (1d3) 20/x2 touch acid, or
darkwood light crossbow +9 (1d8) 19/x2 80' piercing

Attack templates:

Hound archon
[dice=mwk greatsword]1d20 +11[/dice]
[dice=Slashing/Lawful/Good damage]2d6+6[/dice]

[dice=mwk greatsword]1d20 +6[/dice]
[dice=Slashing/Lawful/Good damage]2d6+6[/dice]

[dice=B/S/P/Lawful/Good damage]1d8+4[/dice]

Archon: HP 32/51; DR 10/evil; circle vs evil 10', aura of menace (Will DC 16)

Str 10, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 24
Ability increases
: +2 Cha (racial), +1 Cha (4th), +4 Cha (item), +1 Cha (8th), +2 Con (item)
Base Atk +6/+1; CMB +6; CMD 19
Feats Skill Focus (Use magic device) B, Spell focus (Conjuration), Augment summoning, Superior summoning, Versatile Summon Monster (fiery and chtopic), Great Fortitude
Skills (3/level = 27; ACP -1) Diplomacy +7 (7 Cha; +3 vs House Thrune, Chelish government, or Hellknight; +2 vs humanoid reptilians; +1 vs Andoran citizien; auto-succeed with fey), Handle animal +10 (7 Cha, 1 rank, 2 class; +2 on Day Job checks), Bluff/Disquise/Perform +7 (7 Cha; +1 vs Andoran citizien; auto-succeed with fey), Intimidate +7 (7 Cha; +4 one time; +1 vs Andoran citizien; auto-succeed with fey), K. arcana +5 (1 Int, 1 rank, 3 class), K. history +6 (1 Int, 1 rank, 3 class, 1 boon), K. planes +5 (1 Int, 1 rank, 3 class; +2 vs daemons, demons, devils), K. nature +5 (1 Int, 1 rank, 3 class), K. local +5 (1 Int, 1 rank, 3 class), K. religion (+2 vs daemons, demons, devils), Linguistics +9 (1 Int, 5 rank, 3 class), Spellcraft +13 (1 Int, 9 rank, 3 class), Use magic device +20 (7 Cha, 7 rank, 3 class, 3 Skill focus), Perception +1 (-1 Wis, +2 elven senses), Sense Motives -1 (-1 Wis; +2 vs Pathfinders), Concentration +17 (9 level, 7 Cha, 1 trait)
Arcane temper: +1 to initiative and concentration checks
Linked surge: 1/day use Eidolon's ability score in a Strength or Constitution ability or skill check.
Languages: Elf, Common (Chelish), Infernal, Celestial, Terran, Igneous, Abyssal, Auran
Favoured class (summoner): 9x hp

Eidolon: Creature companion which can be shaped with mutation points earned each level.
Life link: Transfer HP from the summoner to its eidolon whenever a blow is going to kill him.
Summon monster (Sp): 9/day (3+Cha) cast summon monster as a spell-like ability with 1 min/level duration instead of the usual 1 round/level. Currently Summon Monster V, 9 minutes.
Bond senses (Su): Standard action; 1 round/level feel the world through eidolon senses
Shield ally (Ex): +2 shield AC and +2 circumstance to saves while at eidolon's reach (if eidolon is not grappled, helpless, paralyzed, stunned, or unconscious).
Maker's Call (Su): At 6th level, as a standard action, a summoner can call his eidolon to his side. This functions as dimension door, using the summoner's caster level. When used, the eidolon appears adjacent to the summoner (or as close as possible if all adjacent spaces are occupied). If the eidolon is out of range, the ability is wasted. The summoner can use this ability once per day at 6th level, plus one additional time per day for every four levels beyond 6th.
Transposition (Su): At 8th level, a summoner can use his maker's call ability to swap locations with his eidolon. If it is larger than him, he can appear in any square occupied by the eidolon. The eidolon must occupy the square that was occupied by the summoner if able, or as close as possible if it is not able.

* used spells today

Summon monster IV (9/day)

Level 0 (at will; 6 known)
Acid splash: Ranged touch, 1d3 acid
Detect magic
Mage hand
Daze (Will DC 17)
Read magic

Level 1 (7/day; 5 known)
Grease (Ref DC 19)
Feather fall
Protection from Evil
Corrosive Touch: Touch; 1d4/level (5d4 acid)
infernal healing

Level 2 (6/day; 4 known)
Create pit (Ref DC 20)

Level 3 (5/day; 4 known)
Wall of ice (Ref 20)
dispel magic


+1 elven chain, 6150 gp . lbs, +7 AC, +4 Max Dex, -2 Armor Check
ring of protection +1, 2000 gp

longspear, 5 gp 9 lbs
darkwood light crossbow, 375 gp 2 lbs
10 bolts
10 cold iron bolts

summoner outfit, 1gp 2 lbs
headband of alluring charisma +4, 16000 gp
belt of Constitution +2, 4000 gp
+4 Cloak of Resistance, 16000 gp
spell components pouch, 5gp 2 lbs

Spell components pouch
miniature shovel focus (create pit), 10 gp
diamond dust (stoneskin), 500 gp

Waterskin, 4 lbs
Rations x2, 2 lbs

Enlarge person wand [Charges: 45 44], 2PP
Shield wand [Charges: 40 37], 2PP
Cure light wounds wand [Charges: 25 22] (UMD 20), 2PP
Extra light wand: 2PP
Faerie fire wand [Charges: 47 49] (UMD 20), 2PP
Antitoxin [x2], 50 gp (+5 alchemical to Fort vs poison)
Antiplague, 50 gp (+5 alchemical to Fort vs illness)
Vermin repellent, 5 gp

Waterproof bag
Tanglefoot Bag 50gp

Scroll case
Resist Energy, Comunal, 375gp
Endure Elements scroll, 25 gp
Comprehend languages scroll (UMD DC 21), 25 gp
Magic weapon scroll (UMD DC 21), 25 gp
Glitterdust scroll, free #8

Gold obtained: 150+520+553+515+511+607+1398+1271=5525gp
Gold spent: -13-250-50-375-25x3-1000=-1763gp-375(scroll)-10(shovel focus)
Gold remaining: 3758gp
01)150+520-250(chain shirt mwk)=420
02)+553-50(tanglefoot bag)-375(darkwood light crossbow)=448
03)+515-25(sc. comprehend lang.)-25(sc. endure elem.)-25(sc. magic weap.)=888
06)+699-1000(cloak +1)=1805
08)+1287-375(sc. resist energy communal)-10(shovel focus)=3978
09)+1900-4000(headband +2)=1878
18)+2075-12000(headband improved to +4)-8000(cloak improved to +3)-100(antitoxin x2)-50(antiplague)-5(vermin repellent)=6569.5
21)+5512-6150(+1 elven chain)+125(mwk chain)-2000(ring prot)-50(bless weapon oil)
-750(daylight oil)-375(displacement)-375(locate creature)-375(resist energy communal)-375(breath water)-375(dimension door)-150x2(see invisibility)-150x2(delay poison)-150(remove paralysis)-150(lesser restoration)-150(suppress charms)-150(silence)-150(align weapon)
-375(tongues)-375x2(cure serious)-375(remove blindness)-375(remove disease)-700(freedom of movement)-700x2(restoration)-1125(breath of life)=2151
22)+2193=4344 gp
23)+2220=6564 gp
24)+2217-4000 (belt)=4781 gp
25)+2189+50-7000 (cloak to +4)=20 gp
26)+3123+75-500 (diamond dust x2)=2718 gp

Equipment obtained in current scenario:


Coco is Vailis the Summoner eidolon loyal friend and guardian.

Evolution pool: 13 points (1: Skilled x5, 2: Ability Increase x3, Flight, Free: claws, limbs (arms), limbs (legs))

N Medium outsider (eidolon, biped)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60'; Perception +10

AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 19 (+2 Dex, +3 mwk studded leather, +6 natural)
hp 44 (7d10+7)
Fort +6 (1 Con, 5 class), Ref +4 (2 Dex, 2 class), Will +5 (0 Wis, 5 class) [+4 Will vs enchantment]

Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (good)
Melee 2 claws +10 (1d4+4) slashing/bludgeoning

Str 19, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 11
Ability increase +1 Int (4th level), +6 Int (evolution x3)
Base Atk +7; CMB +11; CMD 23
Feats Skill focus (K. history), Skill focus (K. engineering), Skill focus (K. planes), Multiattack*, Skill focus (Linguistics)
Skills (7x6=42 (+9); class skills: Bluff, Craft, K. planes, Perception, Sense Motives, Stealth + K. history, K. nobility, K. nature, K. engineering, Use magical device)
Bluff +4 (0 Cha, 1 rank, 3 class), Craft, K. engineering +23 (2 Int, 7 rank, 3 class, 8 racial, 3 feat), K. history +23 (2 Int, 7 rank, 3 class, 8 racial, 3 feat), K. nature +14 (2 Int, 1 rank, 3 class, 8 racial), K. nobility +20 (2 Int, 7 rank, 3 class, 8 racial), K. planes +15 (2 Int, 7 rank, 3 class, 3 feat), K. religion +3 (2 Int, 1 rank), Linguistics +7 (2 Int, 2 rank, 3 feat), Perception +10 (0 Wis, 7 rank, 3 class), Sense Motives +7 (0 Wis, 4 rank, 3 class), Stealth +6 (2 Dex, 1 rank, 3 class), UMD +18 (0 Cha, 7 rank, 3 class, 8 racial)
Languages Common, Elf, Chelish, Infernal, Celestial, Igneous, Terran, Abyssal, Ancient Osiriani, Osiriani

Share spells
Evasion (Ex)
Ability increase (Ex): +1 Int (5th)
Devotion (Ex): An eidolon gains a +4 morale bonus on Will saves against enchantment spells and effects.
Evolutions [13]: skilled[1x5], Ability Increase (Int)[2x3]
Flight (Ex)[2] - Wings

mwk Studded Leather, 20 lbs +3 AC, +5 Max Dex, 0 Armor Check

* Note leather armor does not impose any penalty to attacks to non proficient characters, as its armor penalty is 0.

Next level ideas:

Level 3: Augment Summoning feat, summoning spells
Go Cha 20 at level 4
Resilient eidolon, Superior summoning
Expanded summon monster
+1 Elven chain 6150 gp (improve armor from +4 AC to +7 AC)
