Vencarlo Orinsini

User69's page

Organized Play Member. 43 posts (48 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters.


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Congratulations and thank you.

Buona fortuna per il futuro!

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Great map!

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I would like to cancel my Subscription to Pathfinder Adventure Path.

Thank you

Sara Marie wrote:

Just as a heads up, as we figure some of this stuff out, you might see future subscription shipments' shipping and handling go up. We're looking at current international orders, and it is looking like several locations are/were being underquoted.

Please also keep in mind that the EU has new VAT requirements and many places are cracking down on making sure international orders are getting taxed.

Hi, so can you confirm that the shipping cost for Italy (EU) of a single AP volume has increased from $5.65 to $15.72?

Should I expect the same amount for shipping cost to Italy in the future?

This manual is very interesting. Especially if the part about the shops and merchants is set up in a similar way to the Otari Gazetter featured in Ruins of Gauntlight.

I love this cover!!!

Can't wait!!!!

In the Major Staff of Transmutation statistics on page 595, the 5th level spell Humanoid Transformation is mentioned but this spell is not present in the Core Rulebook. Could it be Elemental Form or what?

RicoTheBold wrote:
User69 wrote:
Investing Magic Items, how does it work?
** spoiler omitted **

Thank You!

Investing Magic Items, how does it work?


(thank you)

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About measures.
Hi, my name is Umberto Boni and I work on the official Italian translation of Pathfinder, below is our conversion table that we use starting from Pathfinder Playtest.

1 foot (ft) = 30 centimetri (cm)
5 foot (ft)(1 square) = 1,5 metri (m) (1 quadretto)
10 foot (ft) = 3 metri (m)
15 foot (ft) = 4,5 metri (m)
20 foot (ft) = 6 metri (m)
100 foot (ft) = 30 metri (m)
1 yard (yd) = 1 metro (m)
1 mile (m) = 1,8 chilometri (km)
1 fluid ounce (fl oz) = 30 millilitri (ml)
1 ounce (oz) = 30 grammi (g)
1 pint (pt) = 0,5 litri (l)
1 gallon = 4 litri (l)
1 pound (lb) = 0,5 chilogrammi (kg)
1 square yard = 1 metro quadrato (m2)
1 cubic feet = 30 decimetri cubi (dm3)

In the past we converted 1 mile to 1.5 kilometers, but this created some problems over long distances.
By doing some reverse engineering, on the TABLE 9-2: TRAVEL SPEED (Core Rulebook 2e 479) we found that for Paizo 1 mile it's about 1.8 kilometers.
For the "uninitiated", there are many types of miles in the US, but the most used are this:

1 statute mile (m) = 1609,344 metri (m)
1 US nautical mile (nm) = 1853,24 metri (m)

So it seems that Paizo used the nautical mile for his measurements.

To convert temperatures, instead we rely on measurement converters like pocket calculators or google. Too complicated to convert F ° to C ° manually.

Waiting for the US to convert to the International System of Units (SI) like the rest of the world, I hope all this can be useful to you.

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Congratulations to Brazilian friends! Last year, with an enormous effort, we were able to release the Playtest in Italian only in November. This time we decided to take more time and go out in April 2020. So again congratulations to Brazilian friends, they must have spent several sleepless nights to be able to reach such goal!

Hello Sam,

thanks for the quick reply, it seems that now everything is ok.



could you change my sidecart by deleting the last volume of Tyrant's Grasp and start my subscription with the first volume of Age of Ashes?
It seems that something has gone wrong while filling the order.

Thank you

Can't wait!

Second Edition Adventure Path will come in the usual 100 pages format?

Thanks for the quick reply.

It is also for this reason that I love Paizo!

In the list of recommended readings on page 13 there is Pathfinder Campaign Setting: City of Secrets, which I think is a mistake.
Specifically, it should be interpreted as Pathfinder Campaign Setting: City of Strangers, or as Pathfinder Comics: City of Secrets?

Yes, page 67, my mistake.

Page 60.
The bard House of Imaginary Walls 10th level feat has no traits, is it correct or at least it has the bard trait?

Most of the time we play the Italian version (IT), but we have also played them in the original language (EN).


- Rise of the Runelords (GM) (IT)
- Kingmaker (Player) (IT)
- Reign of Winter (GM) (EN)
- Warath of the Righteous (GM) (IT)

Partial (for various reasons)

- Carrion Crown (Player) Book 3 (IT)
- Shattered Star (GM) Book 3 (EN)
- Iron Gods (GM) Book 4 (EN)

Currently Playing

- Curse of the Crimson Throne (GM) (IT)
- Giantslayer (Player) (IT)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Can't wait!!!
After three consecutive Adventure Path that were not of my liking, finally something interesting!

After shipping the order number 4215844, I would like to cancel my Adventure Path subscription.

Thank you

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It appears that on the map there is a planet whose shape looks like that of Star Trek Attack Wing.

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Nohwear wrote:
User69 wrote:

Personally, I suggest you to wait until September and buy Curse of the Crimson Throne Hardcover, definitely the best ever written Adventure Path.

The plot is full of twists that players, especially those beginners, will appreciate.
While I am sure that CotCT is a good AP and will be something that I would enjoy running, I feel that I am faced with an opportunity that I need to act on soon in order to grow my local community.

Given the urgency, then I support the suggestion of Lord Fyre, Rise of the Runelords Anniversary is definitely the right choice

Personally, I suggest you to wait until September and buy Curse of the Crimson Throne Hardcover, definitely the best ever written Adventure Path.
The plot is full of twists that players, especially those beginners, will appreciate.

We named our Kingdom Etruria, in honor of the ancient Etruscan civilization (c. 700 BC) who inhabited the lands where we live now, south of Tuscany, Italy.
All our cities are named after one of the cities of the so called Dodecapolis and our capital is called Vetluna

Perfect customer service as always.

Thank you

as per your request I proceeded to change the method of payment, but the order is still in pending status.
Can you verify the situation please?

please cancel my Adventure Path subscription.

Time to move on Italian language

Thank you

Cleanthes wrote:
User69 wrote:

In Italy we are lucky.

The Italian publisher Giochi Uniti has decided to do some adventure path in hardcover. Currently we have, Kingmaker, Jade Regent and Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition as a single hardcover book.
That's interesting! Do all the Adventure Path modules get released in translation, some of them as single modules and others as collected hardbacks, or are the only ones translated the ones that get published as single volumes?

Some have been translated as individual volumes. These are the available AP: Second Darkness, Council of Thieves, Carrion Crown and Shattered Star.

Regarding the main topic of discussion, I personally would love a remake of Curse of the Crimson Throne.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

In Italy we are lucky.
The Italian publisher Giochi Uniti has decided to do some adventure path in hardcover. Currently we have, Kingmaker, Jade Regent and Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition as a single hardcover book.

Hi from Italy.

We are doing Iron Gods in a "Play by Forum" game.

I'm the GM and this is the Party

Famale Human (Kellid) Gunslinger (Pistolero)
Male Human (Kellid) Investigator (Empiricist)
Male Android Fighter (Two-Handed fighter)
Male Human (Varisian) Arcanist (White Mage)

My hope is for hardback and updated version of Curse of the Crimson Throne , this AP in one of the best ever created and deserve a great rework like Rise of the Runelords.

About the other Adventure Path, here in Italy we are more fortunate than others. The local distributor has made a localized hardback version of Kingmaker and in the autumn 2014 we will see the release of Jade Regent.
I have to say that this choice was much appreciated among the Italian players, but Italy is a strange and anomalous market. Is difficult to make comparisons with other countries market.

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The next 2015 spring AP, could relate to the Darkland under Avistan (element of earth).
We had Skull & Shackles (2012) about element of water (ocean, island, ship, pirates).
Reign of Winter (2013) dedicated to the element of air (cold climate, flying drake battle, long travel).
Then, Mummy's Mask (2014) dedicated to the element of fire (hot, desert).

Possibly Paizo is doing a quadrilogy of the Elements and the next is earth?

I have only played as GM....

Curse of the Crimson throne: (my favorite AP)
-Group 1, TPK on book 3
-Group 2, stopped at the end of book 2
-Group 5, ongoing campaign, currently on book 2

Shattered Star
-Group 1, stopped on book 3

Rise of the Runelords
-Group 2, ongoing campaign, currently on book 4
-Group 4, ongoing campaign, currently on book 3

Reign of Winter
-Group 3, ongoing campaign, currently on book 5

Mine too

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Name: Danae
Race: Aasimar
Classes/levels: Sorceress 8th
Adventure: Maiden, Mother, Crone
Location: The Ratter
Catalyst: Forgot to use Knowlegde skill

The Gory Details:

After exchanging the Babilith for a common giant spider (she forgot to make the knowledge test), she cast the spell Phantasmal Killer on it.
Of course, the monster made ​​the saving throw sending back the horrific hallucinations and killing her instantly.

magnuskn wrote:

It depends on how much combat encounters are in the AP and how they are broken up. Lots of small encounters with minor monsters will eat up a ton of time.

Roleplaying content lasts, as written, a bit shorter but, depending on the GM and the group, can grow substantially in time commitment, too.

So, the answer is: It varies. I've played through modules in as short a time as eight to ten weeks of sessions (which about translates into 24 to 30 hours of play with that particular group), but some have lasted way longer.

Idem... I'm a GM for three different groups and the time to complete a single book are those indicated by magnuskn.

This means that it takes from ten to twelve months to complete an Adventure Path.

My players all died halfway from the end of Curse of the Crimson Throne, so in my setting Korvosa is....

....still ruled by Queen Ileosa I at the time when she is increasing her power and planning to start building statues for the final rite.
One of the PG come to Magnimar with the fugitives Neolandus and Vencarlo! :)

Good luck to Massimo.

I hope to see you in Lucca.

Hi, I'm from Italy too (Grosseto).
Go with Curse of the Crimson Throne, my group played this AP up to level 8 (3rd volume) before a TPK....

Very good AP!

p.s. There is 2 AP published in Italian too, Second Darkness and Council of Thieves.

Hi, I'm from Italy and I just started play CotCT as GM with two group.


Lem - LN Male Halfling Cleric of Irori
Seltyel - LG Male Half-Elf Paladin of Abadar
Zlatan - CN Male Human Ranger
Ziza - CG Famale Human Rogue
Jadzia - CG Famale Human Sorceress Draconic Bloodline (Copper)


Maser - LN Male Elf Monk
Derek - LG Male Dwarf Cleric of Torag
Shinji - LG Male Samurai (Sword Saint)
Lobo - CN Male Human Rogue (Swashbuckler)
Ancalima - N Famale Human Sorceress Elemental Bloodline (Water)