
Viondar's page

Organized Play Member. 355 posts (662 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 3 aliases.


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Silver Crusade

Be an alchemist with rogue dedication.

poison weapon

peshpine grenade

Use some potent alchemical poison...

One action to draw bomb
One action to apply poison and throw
Possibly less actions with more feats

Am I correct in assuming the injury or contact poison will affect all that are damaged by the piercing splash?

This would seem crazy powerful, but legal by RAW, right?

Silver Crusade

My interest bounced off when you said phb classes only, but since I really wondered, I'll ask, anyway...

What does timezone matter if you post once a week?

I'm GMT +1 and saw myself excluded by a rule I didn't get...

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for the PM, GM.
Wouldn't have noticed this, otherwise.

I'm going to think on a character

Silver Crusade

Thank you!
I'll finish up tonight or tomorrow morning.
I look forward to playing with you, as well. Your many and complete replies bode well ;)

Silver Crusade

I've decided I'll take you up on that VMC offer. So I've gained VMC (wizard) and lost the eldritch guardian archetype. I've also written a background. So... to put all in one post...

Kellion, knight of nature's beauty

Flying towards the festival came a strange and wondrous sight. An enormous speckled owl with a wingspan as wide as a human is tall. And on it was… a halfling with long black hair and a fashionable beard that was dressed up as a knight. Complete with plate armour and a lance in hand. Red, yellow and green ribbons were flowing from his helm and lance. He guided his owl deftly through the air and held its lance high as if accepting cheers from the crowd. From close by could be seen that a sigil was proudly displayed on his chest: a stag with jewelled antlers, and with a multi-coloured songbird sitting in those antlers The knowledgeable would recognise this as Shelyn’s bird sitting in the antlers of Cernunnos. After a few tours, the halfling landed skilfully, to walk proudly among the crowd, while his great owl picked a nice roof to sunbathe on.

20 pts
Str 14, 7 pts, -2 race, +1 lvl increase
Dex 16, 5 pts, +2 race
Con 12, 2 pts
Int 12, 2 pts
Wis 12, 2 pts
Cha 14, 2 pts, +2 race

Race: halfling
Small, humanoid, slow
Caretaker (+2 sense motive, familiar +2 str)
Fey thoughts (perception and stealth are class skills)
Keen senses (+2 perception)

Class: fighter 5 (mutation warrior)
FCB: +1 skillpoint / level

Guardian Librarian (campaign)
Dangerously Curious (magic)

1 VMC choice: void school
1 combat stamina (free)
1 mounted combat
1 ride-by attack
2 spirited charge
3 VMC wizard: familiar, owl (mauler)
4 risky striker
5 weapon training 1: pole-arms
5 spirit ridden

Perception 5r, +11 (+3 in darkness)
Ride 5r, +11 (-3 ACP)
Stealth 5r, +15 (-3 ACP)
Use magic device 5r, +11

Familiar: owl (mauler archetype)
Str 10/16, dex 17/15, con 11, int 6, wis 15, cha 6
Skills: perception +14, sense motive +6, stealth +23/+14

Lance +1, 2010
Breastplate +1, 1200
Handy haversack, 2000
Spectacles of understanding, 3000
Boots of the cat, 1000
Wand of cure light wounds, 750
Feather token (lance) 150
Bandana with continual flame on it, 50
2 scrolls of air bubble, 50
2 scrolls of endure elements, 50
scroll of keep watch, 25
2 scrolls of silent image, 50
2 scrolls of goobberry, 50
3 scrolls of longstrider, 75
Several outlandish novels, 10
Bedroll, 0,1
Blanket, 0,5
Medium tent, 15
Folding chair, 2
Hammock, 0,1
Soap, 0,01
Waterskin, 1
Signal whistle, 0,8

Starting out life reasonably carefree, Kellion, or Kell, as he was named back then, sought employment as a bookwagon guard. It’s master, an old, and not very powerful, human void wizard named Rath, took a liking to the unlikely guard, and told himself that the halfling, though not a great warrior, at least wouldn’t eat too much, because of his size. He turned out to be wrong about both Kell’s food intake and his prowess, and they became fast friends. Kell liked to read stories, and had quickly read all books that were in common and halfling. Rath, though, had read all the books, and Kell kept asking about their contents. At long last, Rath trusted Kell enough to loan him his spectacles of understanding. Kell was amazed. Through the spectacles he could read all the stories! And so Kell read about elven, dwarven, and even more exotic heroes, and many other stories. He wasn’t much for history books, preferring poetry and heroic deeds.

It was such a book that he’d been fully engulfed in, a ways away from the wagon, when suddenly they were attacked by vile goblins. Kell was far too slow to react, and Rath was slain in an instant. The goblins took their food, just that, and set the books ablaze, screaming in apparent joy about it. Kell was on his pony and riding hard in moments, and speared more than one goblin on his lance, to which they responded with a hasty retreat. But the damage was done. The books were all but gone, and so was Rath. Great sadness overcame Kell, as his life turned to ashes before his eyes.

Aimlessly, Kell wandered through the forest, until he caught the eye of pixies. They couldn’t stomach his clearly apparent sadness, and sought to do something about it. Starting with silly pranks, they tried to cheer him up. It wasn’t the best counselling a grieving person could get, but eventually, after days, Kell could smile a little again. The caring pixies wanted to know about his dreams and Kell told wistfully about the heroics he read about. The pixies, after a moot gathering, decided to bring their Kellion, as they had started calling him, to their fey court. Kellion was offered to swear nine years of service, serving as an aerial knight to the Court of Blossom, ruled by king Grapevine and Queen Honeysuckle. Kellion accepted service, and trained to become an aerial knight. His fellow knights were pixies, leshies, gathlains, and a few gnomes. He was the only halfling. He was taught about spirits, magical items, and how to gain a riding bird. Kellion named his owl Rath, after his dead friend, and slew many a goblin in service to the Blossom.

Now, nine years have passed, and Kellion was discharged honourably, after being proclaimed ‘lifelong friend to the Blossom’, and was invited to stay with the court. But he’d been away from humans and halflings for so long, that he’d started to miss them. After a month long visit to his parents, Kellion decided that he wished to see how Tamran was doing. He’d always liked that city, and if he were correct, they should have a festival about now. He mounted Rath and set off.

Silver Crusade

Vmc ok???

That opens so many more options for my concept! (the concept being: halfling on owl with lance). I could get the familiar via VMC...

Until when will you accept changes/makeovers?

Silver Crusade

Viondar wrote:

This is what I have so far

Kellion, knight of nature’s beauty

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Happy with it, so far. The idea is a halfling that got enchanted by the books he protected as a youngling, but (for a change, with that hook-up) did not become a bard, but instead...

So... I've decided to remove risky striker in favour of spirit ridden. I reckon the ability to use any skill is more valuable (and more fun) than extra damage to large creatures.


Lance +1, 2010
Breastplate +1, 1200
Handy haversack, 2000
Spectacles of understanding, 3000
Boots of the cat, 1000
Wand of cure light wounds, 750
Feather token (lance) 150
Bandana with continual flame on it, 50
2 scrolls of air bubble, 50
2 scrolls of endure elements, 50
scroll of keep watch, 25
2 scrolls of silent image, 50
2 scrolls of goobberry, 50
3 scrolls of longstrider, 75
Several outlandish novels, 10
Bedroll, 0,1
Blanket, 0,5
Medium tent, 15
Folding chair, 2
Hammock, 0,1
Soap, 0,01
Waterskin, 1
Signal whistle, 0,8
Total: 1089,51

Edit: forgot daggers to eat food and a hammer to put up that tent. Both are spare weapons, too. But I guess that's fine

Silver Crusade

There are some great psychic disciplines geared towards lore and knowledge, like the dream and the lore discipline.

Anyway, places not suited for flying are fine by me. The owl is medium size, so a 5' corridor should suffice for a charge run, just not for any maneuvring. I could also look for ways to increase the owl's land speed for ground-based charges. Or I can dismount and the owl can become tiny again to scout.

Thank you for your appreciation. I've never made a fighter, before, but these archetypes have always drawn me. Just like the gloomblade still draws me... But I can't have it all at once. :)

Silver Crusade

This is what I have so far

Kellion, knight of nature’s beauty

first impression:
Flying towards the festival came a strange and wondrous sight. An enormous speckled owl with a wingspan as wide as a human is tall. And on it was… a halfling with long black hair and a fashionable beard that was dressed up as a knight. Complete with plate armour and a lance in hand. Red, yellow and green ribbons were flowing from his helm and lance. He guided his owl deftly through the air and held its lance high as if accepting cheers from the crowd. From close by could be seen that a sigil was proudly displayed on his chest: a stag with jewelled antlers, and with a multi-coloured songbird sitting in those antlers The knowledgeable would recognise this as Shelyn’s bird sitting in the antlers of Cernunnos. After a few tours, the halfling landed skilfully, to walk proudly among the crowd, while his great owl picked a nice roof to sunbathe on.

20 pts
Str 14, 7 pts, -2 race, +1 lvl increase
Dex 16, 5 pts, +2 race
Con 12, 2 pts
Int 12, 2 pts
Wis 12, 2 pts
Cha 14, 2 pts, +2 race

Race: halfling
Small, humanoid, slow
Caretaker (+2 sense motive, familiar +2 str)
Fey thoughts (sense motive and stealth are class skills)
Keen senses (+2 perception)

Class: fighter 5 (eldritch guardian, mutation warrior)
FCB: +1 skillpoint / level

Armored rider (combat)
Guardian Librarian (campaign)

1 mounted combat
3 ride-by attack
4 spirited charge
5 weapon training 1: pole-arms
5 risky striker

Perception 5r, +11 (+3 in darkness)
Ride 5r, +12
Sense motive 1r, +7
Stealth 4r, +14 (-3 ACP)
Use magic device 5r, +10

Familiar: owl (mauler archetype)
Str 10/16, dex 17/15, con 11, int 6, wis 15, cha 6
Skills: perception +14, sense motive +6, stealth +22/+13

Happy with it, so far. The idea is a halfling that got enchanted by the books he protected as a youngling, but (for a change, with that hook-up) did not become a bard, but instead followed his instincts into the woods, to get trained by fey aerial knights (gnomes, pixies, gathlains, and the like).

I'll write a full background and look for magic items, but my wife has called me to bed half an hour ago, so... later ;)

Silver Crusade

This is cool!
Time to think on things :)

Silver Crusade

GM Niles wrote:
leinathan wrote:
Hey, I'm posting interest, but I just wanted to ask - why 'no occult classes'? Is it just a reaction to unfamiliar material, or is there something in the setting that makes you want to make that rule?
I'm unfamiliar with the rules, they seem unnecessary, they don't "really" fit with the scifi setting.

They're very sci-fi appropriate. Especially psychics (who have specific powers and even a subclass devoted to technology) and occultists, who do all kinds of stuff with resonating energy.

you should take a look at this

Silver Crusade

I'm withdrawing my dot. I wish you guys a lot of fun :)

Silver Crusade

Shall we skip to next morning, then? Alyna spends some time adjusting the banded mail. Let me know when it's wearable?

Silver Crusade

Nikolaus de'Shade wrote:

(@Brainiac/Wastrel: Ashlion's back! ;)) [I'd keep his original cleric of Gorum idea but someone else is already thinking cleric!]

Don't hold back on my account. I'm thinking caster cleric with negative energy. Gorum cleric might be something entirely different. Also, there are only 12 classes and no archetypes. Uniqueness will be found in the background, not the class.

Silver Crusade

Thanks :)
I had it the other way around in my head. Having a priest of Calistria in their natural attire running around screaming "Oh my gosh!", so to speak.

I'm thinking of a cleric of Abadar, a frontier missionary type.

Silver Crusade

I had the exact same issue. I tried to remember what archetypes are core. I found my core rulebook. Core has no archetypes. Brutal... I know...

Core is the core classes in original form, and some prestige classes that you won't make anyway. There are the 8 original wizard schools, quite a few cleric domains, and the most iconic bloodlines.

Also... Not a lot of feats. Weapon specialisation was still a thing to actually pick.

I'll uhm... Think about if I can make a cool character.

Also... Could you explain R-rating to a European? I'm not 100% certain about the ways I can swear, yet

Silver Crusade

This would've been a dream come true when I was still single and on the army base during weekdays. As it stands now, married, working and with an active social life. I can't really make the one month cut with anything I'd be really happy with.

I wish you all the best with such a wonderful campaign concept!

Silver Crusade

Indy a'Na, male half-elf occultist (panoply savant)

In ancient times, Indy's ancestor, pharaoh Anhotep, led a retaliation strike into drow territory, which failed utterly. After slaughtering Anhotep and his army on home ground, the drow enslaved his entire population, leaving an entire kingdom to the sands.
For centuries, Anhotep's people endured in slavery, and they still do to this day.
Indy's mother Gerehnesu, who was personal slave to a drow raider, managed to kill her master on a scouting mission and escape. She lived hiding for years, raising her half-drow baby Indy a'Na, which is an elven name vaguely indicating eternal freedom. Indy himself learned the hard way to be shy of humans, but respected his ancestry greatly and learned about it. He learned the value of heirloom items, because of the inherent psychic power, and learned to utilise them. When he was fourteen, his Gerehnesu undertook an expedition to locate one of the hiding spots her people had talked about, and found a princeling's sword, which she presented to her son.
Now, Indy is of age, and aims to reclaim his birthright as lord to his people. He means to delve into the ancient ruins to find powerful items to defeat the drow. His mother, meanwhile, is travelling the land, trying to locate any other escaped slaves. Perhaps one day, they'll take on the drow and free their people.
To get recruited, Indy approaches adventurers and starts quiet conversations, where he flaunts his extensive knowledge. Once he's got their attention and he deems the group reliable, he'll offer to join the group for equal share in the loot, clearly more interested in items than in gold.

Indy has a tanned skin, made a little blacker by his drow heritage. His short hair is light brown, his ears are slightly pointed, and he's got one red eye and one dark brown. He's in quite good shape, but he's got a clearly shy posture. He wears a brimmed brown hat, pulled askew to partly hide his red eye from the general public. His bearing is one of a person who is used to rejection and exclusion, but his clever mind and smooth voice make his tongue into a silver one. If ever anyone were to see him without his armor or clothing, they might notice tattoos indicating worship to the ancient Osiriani gods, namely Anubis, to whom he feels special connection.

15 pts

Str 15, 5 (17 with +2 enhancement)
Dex 12, 2
Con 14, 5
Int 17, 7, +2
Wis 8, -2
Cha 7, -4

Race: half osiriani, half drow
+2 int, medium, 30' movement
Drow heritage
Skilled (UMD)
Blended view
Keen senses

Languages: elven, undercommon, common, osiriani, ancient osiriani

Blood of pharaohs (campaign)
Pragmatic activator (magic)
Student of philosophy (social)

1 heavy armors
3 extra mental focus

1 Abjuration
1 transmutation
2 Trappings of the warrior (panoply)

Resonant powers:
Warding talisman (+1 resistance for 2fp in shield)
Physical enhancement (+2 str for 3fp in weapon)
Martial skill (+1 BAB for 4fp combined in weapon and shield)

Focus powers:
Mind barrier (free)
Legacy weapon (free)
Martial skill (free)
1 sudden speed
3 energy shield

FCB: +1/2 level to mental focus

Mental focus: 9 total

Spells per implement:
0 - resistance
1 - alarm
Long sword:
0 - mage hand, purify food & drink
1 - enlarge person, lead blades

Bluff 1r, +2/+7
Diplomacy 1r, +2/+7
Knowledge (arcana) 3r, +9
Knowledge (dungeoneering) 1r, +7
Knowledge (engineering) 1r, +7
Knowledge (history) 1r, +7
Knowledge (nobility) 1r, +8
Knowledge (religion) 3r, +9
Perception 3r, +7
Spellcraft 3r, +9
Use magic device 3r, +13

Khopesh +1, 2020 gp
6 chakram, 6 gp
Warhammer, 12 gp
Banded mail, 250 gp
Heavy steel shield, 20 gp
MW backpack, 50 gp
50' silk rope, bedroll, signal whistle, etc.

Indy Combat
Init +1, AC 20, touch 11, FF 19, CMD 15 (16 when wielding khopesh)
Saves +6/+3/+4, HP 24
Khopesh: +7, 1d8+4
Chakram: +3, 1d8+3

Since you, GM Dak, aren't very familiar with occult classes, I'll add this:
Things he can do now:
Swift action to move faster.
Std action to enchant weapons (both own and other's), bane or ghost touch are great options.
Swift or immediate action to absorb damage.
Move action to add a combat feat.

Things he can do in the future:
Fly, dispell, cast fireballs and more.

a note on the crunch:
I've asked the GM if I can have a khopesh as a martial weapon. My crunch assumes an ok on that. If the GM stays by the rules, it'll be a bronze longsword

Silver Crusade

I'd like to make an occultist, panoply of the warrior. Won't be strong in arcane per se, but would have a very good UMD roll, and will probably know quite well how to deal with DR.

I'm thinking of a half elf called Indy a'Na, which is a great name for any mummy tomb delver :D

Silver Crusade

Have fun! :)

Silver Crusade

Rakkan Rakkalan will be finalized if selected :)

And now I also remember why I hadn't done so, yet. I aimed to make him with item creation feats and still would like to know how you handle pre-game selfmade items money-wise...

Silver Crusade

To not spoil everything, I submitted the tweaked version of my character straight to the GM in a PM.

I'll make a distinction between public stats and hidden ones if I'm picked.

Good luck, all :)

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'd say attacking a demon on sight just cuz' it's evil is a decidedly chaotic good action.

Silver Crusade

Ah... Yeah that works :D
Couldn't see your feat build-up.

I'll finish tweaking my build saturday or sunday :D

Silver Crusade

I read 3 traits in your background. You do know we're only allowed one, right?

But ehm... Cool story, bro ;)

Silver Crusade

Viondar wrote:

I might have another look at items, the boots of speed are an odd and expensive choice. But that too, would be details :D

And the cestus is a remnant from when I had a brawler level.

Actually I'm going to tweak a whole lot more... Never mind me.

Overall description, background and concept will stand, though :D

Silver Crusade

Ok, thanks CampingCarl :D

I uhh... Realise that all my knowledge about the planes is pre faction war. Actually, I learned because of this thread that there had been a faction war.

My character submission reflects that.

Is there anything I really need to know about the faction war or the time after?

Silver Crusade

I might have another look at items, the boots of speed are an odd and expensive choice. But that too, would be details :D

And the cestus is a remnant from when I had a brawler level.

Silver Crusade

Sounds scary, Gorthug ;)

Here are Zorgax the Brutal, Trax and Raz:
Zorgax was born and raised in the Red Claw orc tribe, and looks the part. His tattoos and scars are everywhere, he smells like he hasn’t removed his breastplate in about a year, and he’s got a huge falchion, which he’s got attached to his bracers with a length of chain. Aside from that he's got a thick longbow on his back, and a cestus strapped to his left wrist.
Despite his half-human ancestry, Zorgax managed to achieve considerable respect when he was send away to survive the wilderness for a month as part of his initiation, and returned with a tamed Rullian Warcat, named Trox, at his side, and a vicious falcon, named Raz, on his shoulder. As a raider and a devout worshipper of the ancestors, Zorgax lived for the plunder. It was on such an outing that his party was killed, and he came to his current predicament. Raz survived this, but Trox didn’t. Trox, however, never left. During his long moments of unconsciousness, undoubtedly watched over by loyal Raz, the Red Claw ancestors instructed him how to keep Trox’s spirit near, and taught him the way of the spiritualist. Perhaps now stronger than ever, armed with Raz once again on his shoulder, and Trox’s spirit harboured in his soul, Zorgax looks around at where he is and who his teammates/competitors are, Trox’s form already taking shape slowly beside him.
A desire burns in his soul to be free and take vengeance on whoever did this to him and his tribe.

build and crunch:
Zorgax the Brutal

Ability scores 15, 13, 10, 17, 11, 15
Str 20 (+2 race, +1 level)
Dex 16 (+1 level)
Con 11
Int 13
Wis 15
Cha 10

Medium size humanoid (orc, human), +2 str, 30’ movement
Dragonsight: darkvision 120’
Sacred Tattoo, +1 luck to saves
Racial weapons

Trait: Fate’s favoured, +1 to luck bonuses

7 Inquisitor (green faith marshal, sacred huntsmaster)
1 spiritualist (totem spiritualist)

Favored class bonus (inquisitor): add +4 hp
Add spells to list: purify food and drink (0), air bubble (1), liberating command (1)

Eagle domain:
Hawkeye 5/day: swift action to gain +3 on one ranged attack roll or perception roll
Aerial evasion: evasion when flying

Miscellaneous class features:
Etheric tether (keep Trox alive)
Power of nature (druid domain and spells)
Detect all kinds of alignments
Wild lore (add wis to knowledge nature)
Cunning initiative (add wis to initiative)
Track (add half level to track)
Bane (swift action to bane a weapon 7 rds / day)
Nature’s ally (commune with nature 1/week)

1 combat reflexes
3 weapon expertise
3bf pack flanking
5 planar focus
7 paired opportunists
7bf outflank

Skills: 54 ranks, 8 ranks max
2 Fly +8 (-3 ACP) (+3 when casting fly)
2 Handle Animal +5
1 Knowledge (arcana) +4
7 Knowledge (dungeoneering) +10
1 Knowledge (nature) +6 (+7 when phantom is harboured)
5 Knowledge (planes) +8
8 Perception +13 (+3 in bright light)
8 Ride +13 (-3 ACP)
3 Survival +8 (+3 when tracking)
8 Sense Motive +13
8 Stealth +14 (-3 ACP)
1 Swim +9 (-3 ACP)

Spiritualist spells:
Level 0: detect psychic significance, mage hand, message, open/close
Level 1: identify, shield

Inquisitor spells:
Level 0: create water, detect magic, detect poison, purify food and drink, read magic, sift
Level 1: air bubble, aspect of the falcon, divine favour, keep watch, liberating command, remove fear
Level 2: eagle’s splendour, invisibility, lesser restoration, resist energy, see invisibility
Level 3: dispel magic, fly, remove curse

Phantom animal: Warcat
Str 26, dex 15, con 18, int 2, wis 11, cha 5
1 combat reflexes
2 narrow frame
5 weapon focus: bite
8 power attack
1 Escape artist +6
1 survival +4
4 perception +7

Valet familiar: hawk
Str 6, dex 17, con 11, int 9, wis 14, cha 7
2 Fly +12
2 Handle Animal +0
1 Knowledge (arcana) +0
7 Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6
1 Knowledge (nature) +0
5 Knowledge (planes) +4
8 Perception +21
8 Ride +11
3 Survival +5
8 Sense Motive +10
8 Stealth +22
1 Swim +2

Adamantine keen falchion +1, 11075 gp
Deathless breastplate +1, 4200 gp
Cloak of resistance +2, 4000 gp
Boots of speed, 12000 gp
Wand of infernal healing, 750 gp
Composite Longbow (to +5 str), 610 gp
6 level 1 potions, 300 gp
Morningstar, 8 gp
Backpack, 2gp
20 orc trail rations, 20 gp
Cestus (on left arm), 5 gp
4 daggers, 8 gp

Zorgax combat:
Init +5, move 25’
Falchion +11, 2d4+8, crit x2 (15-20)
Longbow +8, 1d8+5, crit x3 (20)
AC 20, flat-footed 17, touch 13, CMD 23, HP 68
Saves: fort +11, ref +9, will +13
Negative energy resistance 10, 25% negative levels resistance
Often enjoyed bonuses:
(Trox harboured) +4 will vs mind-affecting effects
(Raz or Trox adjacent) Flanking +4 to hit
(Raz or Trox adjacent) attack of opportunity +4 to hit
(free action) Haste +1 to hit, +1 AC
(free action) Rage (melee) +2 to hit, +3 damage
(weapon expertise) -2 to hit, +2 AC
(swift action) animal/planar focus: so many choices!!
(swift action) Hawkeye (ranged) +3 to hit
(swift action) Bane +2 to hit, +2d6+2 damage
(spell) Divine favour +3 to hit, +3 damage
(spell) Shield +4 AC
(spell) energy resistance 20

Trox combat:
Init +2, move 40’, pounce
Bite +13, 1d8+8, crit x2 (20), grab CMB +19 (if grappled, rake next turn 1d6+8)
2 claws +12, 1d6+8, crit x2 (20)
AC 17, flat-footed 15, touch 11, CMD 26, HP 84
Saves: fort +9, ref +7, will +2 (+4 will vs enchantment = +6)
Often enjoyed bonuses:
Power attack: -2 to hit, +4 damage
(Raz or Zorgax adjacent) Flanking +4 to hit
(Raz or Zorgax adjacent) attack of opportunity +4 to hit
(swift action, permanent) animal/planar focus: so many choices!!

Raz combat:
Init +3, move 10’ or 60’ fly
2 claws +8, 1d4-2, crit x2 (20)
AC 19, flat-footed 15, touch 16, CMD 16, HP 32
Saves: fort +11, ref +8, will +14
Often enjoyed bonuses:
(Trox or Zorgax adjacent) Flanking +4 to hit
(Trox or Zorgax adjacent) attack of opportunity +4 to hit

Hope you like him, GM :)
He's been a day's work :D

I still have to decide on my level 1 potions, and I'll probably want arrows, a belt, some pouches, a signal whistle, and the like. But nothing that can't wait.

Silver Crusade


I'm thinking, so far, about creating a character with an animal companion and at least one level in Spiritualist (totem spiritualist)
This makes the animal companion into a phantom animal, and the archetype specifically states "A phantom animal is otherwise considered a phantom for the purposes of all feats and abilities."

What it doesn't say, however, is that the phantom animal would no longer be considered an animal companion for the purposes of all feats and abilities. And there are so many such feats and class features I'd like to use, that if that isn't the case, I'll be dropping that part of the concept.

So, my question to you, GM, is: would it still be considered an animal companion? Or only a phantom?

totem spiritualist

Silver Crusade

CampinCarl9127 wrote:
Wow. Glad I bowed out when I did. For the sake of your players I hope your DMing style isn't anything like your recruiting style.

unnecessarily harsh...

Silver Crusade

Oh, and two more questions.

If we can all rage as a first level barbarian...
- would that be an unchained barbarian, or an old one?
- does that mean we can take the extra rage feat to rage more?

Silver Crusade

Variant MultiClass.

But it actually is only interesting when combined with regular multiclassing, which is not really the original intention.

Also, I saw the first mesmerist coming up, and I also really like the occult classes. Are they allowed?

Silver Crusade

Is VMC allowed?

And let's roll

4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 4, 5) = 14
4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 3, 3) = 14
4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 4, 5) = 15
4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 5, 3) = 10
4d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 3, 5) = 11
4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 2, 2) = 11

4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 4, 5) = 19 15
4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 6, 3) = 14 13
4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 5, 2) = 12 10
4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 4, 6) = 21 17
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 4, 2) = 13 11
4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 6, 6) = 16 15

That's not too bad :)

Silver Crusade

This seems to be powergaming to the max. Cool, I'll think about it ;)

Silver Crusade

Gramork wrote:

Just found the Drider Template and it fits what I was going for. IS this acceptable? I was thinking of taking it with Young.

Also my character will now be an Inquisitor of Vhaeraun I need your imput as to which inquisitions I would be allowed to take.

Hmm... I'm not the GM, but I have played in a drow party (in the underdark) extensively, so I'll give you my thoughts.

Clandestine (thief god)
Crime (thief god)
Heresy (against Lolth)
Justice (for males)
Persistence (undermining Lolth's rule)
Politics (drow)
Secrets (everything about Vhaeraun)
Sedition (against the ruling clergy)
Sin (drow)
Vengeance (against surface elves)

I couldn't really find anything for his wizardly aspects, so you might want to look into domains if you wish to reflect that aspect.

Just my two cents ;)

Silver Crusade

I think powergamers shouldn't be judged so harshly. It's fun to be strong. It gives that 'Conan the Barbarian' or 'Gandalf' feeling. To just be very powerful, but mostly stopped by other things than not being up to the challenge.

I really like to roleplay, but I also really enjoy playing strong characters. Does that make me a powerplayer? Maybe. Does that make be a bad player? I shouldn't think so...

For some classes, +4 to all abilities does more than a level. Monk, for example... If those high scores make you happy, please go for it! If your monk is better than everyone else, who says you're not roleplaying? Monks strive for perfection, after all... Others have bloodlines, you have this...

Silver Crusade

I meant to be helpful. Sorry if it sounded anyway else.

Silver Crusade

The Beastlands, a portal, and fleeing prey? Seems like a story shouldn't be hard.

Or the outlands, if you don't like CG alignment...

Silver Crusade

The Kobold Klan wrote:

One good, one evil, both seeking the same thing for different reasons, with different people behind the scenes...

One good, one evil. Oh dear :D

Ah, well, just throw me in with the group that has a shortage, or a shortage in casters.
Although I should think I like the challenge of an evil party a bit more.

Silver Crusade

Nairb the Grey wrote:

And the only female character is being played by a male player...

So much for representation...:(

That's just the crowd. The poledancing school my wife attends has exactly two male students, and one of them is a real bottom boy.

Might as well look good rugby players at a chess tournament. They might be there, but you can't expect them.

Silver Crusade

I'll reply in the discussion thread ;)

Silver Crusade

I see I made a mistake in skills. I have 8 +2, not 6+2.
Oh well... will max out climbing, fly, and bluff.

Silver Crusade

Dear Lonely DM / Kobold Klan,

Hereby I put up Rakkan Rakkalan for play in your campaign. I'm very much open to questions and/or suggestions for changes.

The idea behind Rakkan, roleplay-wise, is that he can be a driving force towards investigating just about everything in the multiverse, because he thinks it's all him, as befits the Sign of One.

There are some final touches to be done, but I need answers to my questions for that, and it would be wasted work if you don't like the character in the first place.

Rakkan Rakkalan (and Rekki):

Rakkan Rakkalan, N male planar Kynjo (alter ego) psychic 5 (amnesiac, psychic duelist) (self-perfection discipline), VMC wizard (void school), creature type: construct

Str 12, roll 14, -2 racial
Dex 16, roll 14, -2 racial, +4 template
Con -, roll 6, disabled by creature type
Int 22, roll 17, +4 racial, +1 by level increase
Wis 19, roll 15, +4 racial
Cha 13, roll 13

Traits: spark of creation, student of philosophy
Feats (free): simple weapons, toughness
feats (bonus): skill focus (perception)
Feats (2): scribe scroll, craft wondrous item
VMC: familiar: flying squirrel (figment, sage)
Phrenic amplifications: kinetic enhancement, relentless casting
Favoured class bonus: +1 HP / level

Skills (6 + 2 background):
Bluff: 4r, +8 / +13 for lying
Climb 0r, +9
Diplomacy 5r, +9 / +14 for persuasion
Fly 1r, +10
Linguistics 5r, +14
Lore (famous and infamous planars) 5r, +14
Perception 5r, +15
Knowledge (planes) 5r, +14
Sense Motive 5r, +12
Spellcraft 5r, +14

Vision: low-light vision, darkvision 60’
Languages: Kynjo, common, celestial, infernal, abyssal, aquan, auran, ignan, terran, protean, aklo, draconic, dabus (reading)

Familiar skills:
Knowledge (religion) +10
Knowledge (planar history) +18

Initiative +3
BAB +2, melee +3, ranged +5, CMB +8
AC 19, flat-footed 16, touch 18, CMD 23
Saves: fort +2, ref +5, will +8
HP: 42
Defensive qualities: DR 5/adamantine, fast healing 1
Immunities: mind-affecting effects, bleed effects, disease, death effects, necromancy effects, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, stunning, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, energy drain, nonlethal damage, and any effect that requires a fortitude save (unless it would work on objects)

Lvl 0: detect magic, detect psychic significance, ghost sound, grasp, mage hand, read magic
Lvl 1: variable, but includes expeditious retreat and detect thoughts
Lvl 2: variable, but includes instigate psychic duel

Still looking for something fun

Rekki, flying squirrel familiar (figment, sage)
Str 3, dex 15, con 8, int 11, wis, 12, cha 6
AC 15, HP 10
Feats: acrobatic, weapon finesse
Evolution: skilled: knowledge (planar history)

Kynjo are small humanoids who look like cloaked and hooded squirrels. Their ‘hoods’, however, are extensions of their skulls, to harbour their unusually large brains, and their ‘cloaks’, when spread out, are wings akin to those of bat’s, with large hooked nails on them, to assist in rapid and sure climbing. Unlike true bat’s wings, though, Kynjo don’t have the musculature to flap them to gain height, and can only glide, but do so well. Kynjo have arms aside from their wings, which allow them to manipulate tools while gliding or climbing.
The majority of Kynjo clans live inside the Spire, in the centre of the Outlands. Most others live inside Yggdrasil, and some rare clans have migrated to other extremely high locations on the planes, like Mount Celestia, or even high Cliffs in the Abyss. They cultivate the sparse vegetation and fungi that grow in their habitats, keep birds for the eggs, and sometimes glide to lower regions to obtain fruits, nuts, or whatever they can find or trade for. They need very little water, and can make do with a dew filled leaf or a flight through a cloud to survive another day. Kynjo are hoarders by nature, but hoard mostly expressions of culture, knowledge, and thought, and dig entire networks just to hold what generations of Kynjo have accumulated on their travels. They’re a communal people, and consider ownership to be a useless concept belonging to other races. Kynjo are a pondering, thoughtful people, who like to create all kinds of philosophical theories about the multiverse. They like unconventional thoughts and get excited to test new ideas.
Individual Kynjo quite regularly set out on adventures across the multiverse to test some theory, observe some phenomenon up close, or simply to explore and discover. Often, they temporarily join universities, monestaries, other places of knowledge and wisdom, or even the Society of Sensation.
Kynjo may be of any alignment, but usually match the Plane they’re born on, which means that most Kynjo are neutral. Kynjo adventurers are, more often than not, spellcasters, and seem to have a preference and aptitude for psychic magic.

Humanoid (Kynjo) (0 RP)
Small (0 RP)
Slow Speed 20’ (-1 RP)
Climb speed 20’ +8 racial to climb (2 RP)
Gliding Wings (1 RP I assume, as flight is cheaper)
Languages (standard): Kynjo, and common, can choose celestial, infernal, abyssal, Auran, Ignan, Aquan, and Terran.
Ability Scores: -2 str, -2 dex, -2 con, +4 int, +4 wis (6 RP, paragon intelligence and 5pts advanced wisdom)
Focused Study, like half-elves (4 RP)
Total: 12 RP

Rakkan Rakkalan was once a Kynjo full of self loathing, who had the feeling he wasn't really good for anything. Other Kynjo taught him things, and he could replicate, but he never had an original idea, he thought.

At some point, he decided he should prove himself to the world, and do something that was hitherto thought impossible by Kynjo scholars. He would glide from really high up the spire, to Sigil, the flying donut. He was a weak Kynjo, and the Spire has no reachable top, so took a long time, climbing. And then, when he gauged himself to be high enough 'above' Sigil, Rakkan took off.

He didn't make it, of course, the planes are endless, and Rakkan's self-doubt and self-loathing weren't enough by far to cross that line. But... He did stumble into a portal into the Akashic Record, close to an ethereal border, where he saw, within seconds, all the possibilities of his life, realised he actually had extreme potential, found courage, faith... and death. Or death found him, because he plummeted into a sharp set of memory crystals, and got spiked.

Now, Rakkan's self-worth and potential saw this happening to the rest of him. The utter emotional change had created a mirror viewpoint, which the Akashic had shaped, and the ethereal had given form. It saw the old Rakkan splatter to death in multiple different deaths, litterally. Many versions of Rakkan hit the crystal in many ways. It was a spectacle.

Now, the portal, it wasn't gone, but the new Rakkan couldn't provide the key, which was "being about to recieve great insight". Not that he wanted to return, though. This was a good place.

Rakkan learnt about the past, the present and a little about the future. Through memory crystals, he was able to act in past events. He saw a Sigil that was, where the factions were still in effect, and got accepted, by shades of the past, into the faction called the Sign of One, whose philosophy he assumed fully.

Now, Rakkan explored his own mind, as his mind was the mind that sprouted the multiverse. He developed his psychic abilities, and went ever deeper, and found the seeds of perfection. However, at some point he realised he needed to see the reflections of himself, to learn more about himself, so he started searching for a way out of where he was.

Rakkan eventually crossed the border into the Ethereal plane and wandered there for awhile. He travelled from there to the Astral and eventually found his way back into Sigil, where the glorious past had gone. Now, Rakkan is contemplating what this desolate reflection of his mind means. Does he need to accept entropy and mortality? Is his mind about to die and be reborn, or does he simply need to learn how to adapt his mind, so that the multiverse can sprout into new glory?

1)3 concepts that explain your character.
- Not truly alive, but thought given form.
- Philosopher searching for the true meaning of it all.
- Inflated sense of self-worth, confidence, and importance

2)2 secrets: one your character keeps from the party, one kept from your character
- Rakkan saw, in the Akashic Records, several ways for each of his party members to meet their end and knows that at least one of those ways is true for each of them. He doesn't tell about that.
- When the current Rakkan got split off, two other Rakkan personalities survived in the same way. Namely: pure anger and destructive hatred at the world, and extreme (and meddlesome) altruism. They're psychics with different psychic disciplines.

3)3-5 people with ties to your character (this one isn't needed as much- but you may apply as many or as few as you like)
- everyone has a tie to Rakkan, insofar as that the multiverse happens, coming from Rakkan's mind.
- Rakkan has seen many of the people he will meet in many different possible futures. He just can't ever know what future he's in.

4)1 goal you'd like your character to achieve, 1 goal you'd like the party to Achieve, and 1 goal you'd like to achieve as a player.
- Rakkan would like to understand himself so well, that he can control the mutliverse directly.
- I'd like the party to work together, and support each other's goals. Even NE and CE people can have friends and allies, and I like to work from that idea.
- As a player, I'd like to learn how to pbp properly.

5)I'd like 1 Fear your character possesses as well as 1 Flaw and 1 Positive Trait
- Fear: Rakkan knows that he looks alive, but isn't in the normal sense. He is afraid that enemies who defeat him in battle assume that they can cut him to unconsciousness, and then heal him or resurrect him. But he'll be already destroyed by then. Also, he is quite fragile. As such, Rakkan is really afraid of recieving any big amount of damage, and will surrender relatively easily. After all, the multiverse cannot be allowed to accidentally self-destruct.
- Flaw: Ralkan is utterly convinced of his own importance, and will not ever convincingly be humble.
- Positive trait: Rakkan is genuinely interested in, accepting of, and moderately compassionate with, all other beings and things he meets. Other people don't need to realise that this is only because he feels that everything in the multiverse is part of himself.

Silver Crusade

I'm going to have a flying squirrel familiar, namde Rekki with the figment and sage archetypes. I was planning on flavouring it as a miniature version of Rakkan that (in social situations) spouts all kinds of information about its knowledge skills. Is that ok?

And may I choose other feats for it, instead of acrobatics and weapon finesse?

Oh, and another question...

I'm planning to have scribe scroll and craft wondrous item.
This allows me to craft spell latices, and much more.

Do these feats allow me to buy my starting items at reduced cost, if they lie within my crafting abilities? And if yes, at what reduction may I purchase them?

Silver Crusade

So, I've succumbed to the lure of rolling dice.

4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 5, 6) = 15 = 14
4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 2, 5) = 14 = 13
4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 3, 6) = 17 = 15
4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 4, 1) = 17 = 16
4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 2, 6) = 15 = 14
4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 2, 5) = 14 = 13

4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 6, 6) = 22 = 17
4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 1, 1) = 7 = 6
4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 1, 5) = 15 = 14
4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 3, 6) = 18 = 15
4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 5, 2) = 16 = 14
4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 3, 2) = 15 = 13

That's not bad at all! Especially since I can pawn that 6 off to a disabled constitution!
All Hail the Dice Gods!

Silver Crusade

karlprosek wrote:

Fair enough. This is what I've got so far. I need to go over the numbers a couple more times and buy him gear.

For a familiar I picked an elven cat, if that's alright with you?

** spoiler omitted **...

Hello fellow bladesinger :)

So, when are you actually entering the game? I'm a bit short on fellow elves to be properly extremely racist :D

Anyway, just want to put right some tiny mistakes in your crunch. We use the same rules, so they're kinda apparent to me...

You're using the bladesong fighting style... I read it as if that style is meant for characters who do not have the kit. But it's not written down expressly, so I guess that's up to the DM.

rules quotation:
There are two types of bladesingers: those who learn it as an additional skill (described below), and those who have made it their lives. Those in this second category are known as Bladesingers, and they are described in Chapter Ten.

Anyway, you only have 2 slots in the bladesong style. This gives you a +1, not a +2, to att or defence. You get a +2 when you spend 3 slots.

What you could do, when the DM decides that the bladesong style may not complement the kit, is take 2 slots in the single weapon style. This would give you +2 AC flat.

Also... As far as I can see, you have 3/2 attacks, not 2/1. Expertise gives the same attacks as specialisation, and that's 3/2.

Silver Crusade

Also... Who is actually in the party now?
I read something about another bladesinger (a fighter/mage) but I don't see them...

I see
A crystal dragon psionicist
A high elf thief
A dwarf fighter
A human priest of Helm
Myself... (wood elf bladesinger single class fighter)

Am I missing anyone??

Silver Crusade

Will do from now on in the languages department.

Ehm, I could do a different language, if that makes people happy. I speak Dutch (native), German, and a bit of Spanish and French. However, if it were up to me, I'd just put English behind a spoiler tab :D

Silver Crusade

Rakkan Rakkalan:

Rakkan Rakkalan was once a Kynjo full of self loathing, who had the feeling he wasn't really good for anything. Other Kynjo taught him things, and he could replicate, but he never had an original idea, he thought.

At some point, he decided he should prove himself to the world, and do something that was hitherto thought impossible by Kynjo scholars. He would glide from really high up the spire, to Sigil, the flying donut. He was a weak Kynjo, and the Spire has no reachable top, so took a long time, climbing. And then, when he gauged himself to be high enough 'above' Sigil, Rakkan took off.

He didn't make it, of course, the planes are endless, and Rakkan's self-doubt and self-loathing weren't enough by far to cross that line. But... He did stumble into a portal into the Akashic Record, close to an ethereal border, where he saw, within seconds, all the possibilities of his life, realised he actually had extreme potential, found courage, faith... and death. Or death found him, because he plummeted into a sharp set of memory crystals, and got spiked.

Now, Rakkan's self-worth and potential saw this happening to the rest of him. The utter emotional change had created a mirror viewpoint, which the Akashic had shaped, and the ethereal had given form. It saw the old Rakkan splatter to death in multiple different deaths, litterally. Many versions of Rakkan hit the crystal in many ways. It was a spectacle.

Now, the portal, it wasn't gone, but the new Rakkan couldn't provide the key, which was "being about to recieve great insight". Not that he wanted to return, though. This was a good place.

Rakkan learnt about the past, the present and a little about the future. Through memory crystals, he was able to act in past events. He saw a Sigil that was, where the factions were still in effect, and got accepted, by shades of the past, into the faction called the Sign of One, whose philosophy he assumed fully.

Now, Rakkan explored his own mind, as his mind was the mind that sprouted the multiverse. He developed his psychic abilities, and went ever deeper, and found the seeds of perfection. However, at some point he realised he needed to see the reflections of himself, to learn more about himself, so he started searching for a way out of where he was.

Rakkan eventually crossed the border into the Ethereal plane and wandered there for awhile. He travelled from there to the Astral and eventually found his way back into Sigil, where the glorious past had gone. Now, Rakkan is contemplating what this desolate reflection of his mind means. Does he need to accept entropy and mortality? Is his mind about to die and be reborn, or does he simply need to learn how to adapt his mind, so that the multiverse can sprout into new glory?

1)3 concepts that explain your character.
- Not truly alive, but thought given form.
- Philosopher searching for the true meaning of it all.
- Inflated sense of self-worth, confidence, and importance

2)2 secrets: one your character keeps from the party, one kept from your character
- Rakkan saw, in the Akashic Records, several ways for each of his party members to meet their end and knows that at least one of those ways is true for each of them. He doesn't tell about that.
- When the current Rakkan got split off, two other Rakkan personalities survived in the same way. Namely: pure anger and destructive hatred at the world, and extreme (and meddlesome) altruism. They're psychics with different psychic disciplines.

3)3-5 people with ties to your character (this one isn't needed as much- but you may apply as many or as few as you like)
- everyone has a tie to Rakkan, insofar as that the multiverse happens, coming from Rakkan's mind.
- Rakkan has seen many of the people he will meet in many different possible futures. He just can't ever know what future he's in.

4)1 goal you'd like your character to achieve, 1 goal you'd like the party to Achieve, and 1 goal you'd like to achieve as a player.
- Rakkan would like to understand himself so well, that he can control the mutliverse directly.
- I'd like the party to work together, and support each other's goals. Even NE and CE people can have friends and allies, and I like to work from that idea.
- As a player, I'd like to learn how to pbp properly.

5)I'd like 1 Fear your character possesses as well as 1 Flaw and 1 Positive Trait
- Fear: Rakkan knows that he looks alive, but isn't in the normal sense. He is afraid that enemies who defeat him in battle assume that they can cut him to unconsciousness, and then heal him or resurrect him. But he'll be already destroyed by then. Also, he is quite fragile. As such, Rakkan is really afraid of recieving any big amount of damage, and will surrender relatively easily. After all, the multiverse cannot be allowed to accidentally self-destruct.
- Flaw: Ralkan is utterly convinced of his own importance, and will not ever convincingly be humble.
- Positive trait: Rakkan is genuinely interested in, accepting of, and moderately compassionate with, all other beings and things he meets. Other people don't need to realise that this is only because he feels that everything in the multiverse is part of himself.

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