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Organized Play Member. 355 posts (662 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 3 aliases.

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Silver Crusade

Be an alchemist with rogue dedication.

poison weapon

peshpine grenade

Use some potent alchemical poison...

One action to draw bomb
One action to apply poison and throw
Possibly less actions with more feats

Am I correct in assuming the injury or contact poison will affect all that are damaged by the piercing splash?

This would seem crazy powerful, but legal by RAW, right?

Silver Crusade

Concerning the ferocity discipline.

I really like this discipline, but I feel the bonus spells have been very lazily (hastily) chosen. I've taken some time to look for better options, and this is what I came up with. What do you think?

Current official spells:

1/1 anticipate peril
4/2 bull's strength
6/3 heroism
8/4 freedom of movement
10/5 stoneskin
12/6 transformation
14/7 greater arcane sight
16/8 mind blank
18/9 foresight

Ferocious, strong, tough: bull's strength, heroism, stoneskin, transformation
Sniff out danger: anticipate peril, foresight
Too primal to contain / comprehend: freedom of movement, mind blank.
Completely unrelated (maybe sniff out magic, but it's a long shot): greater arcane sight.

Problems: mind blank is a level late at 8, while it's a level 7 psychic spell, greater arcane sight has no place in the list at all.

Simple fix: mind blank to level 7, new level 8 spell: frightful aspect or rend body IV

Total overhaul: even though the currently chosen spells are relatable to the ferocity theme, I feel more fitting choices could have been made. And I also feel it's just mean to give transformation as a bonus spell, when you give a better version as a power at level 13. So, here goes my list of ferocious spells:

1/1 jump
4/2 acute senses
6/3 pack empathy
8/4 locate creature
10/5 animus mine, greater
12/6 primal regression
14/7 regenerate
16/8 frightful aspect
18/9 psychic crush V

Silver Crusade

Considering foe throw.

When the save is failed (not often), I sometimes (often) roll a 5 or something, missing the second target.

The initial target is not prone, and takes half damage... Sure. But...

" If your blast misses, the thrown creature can choose to occupy any space within 30 feet of the target"


This sentence put my DM in the following position:
I threw an opponent onto a target that was adjacent to that opponent. But because I missed, the thrown opponent suddenly has a choice of ANY spot within 30' of the target!!! Even if that is in the other direction entirely!! Perhaps even behind the party!

Ate we reading this right? What's the idea behind this rule?

Please help us understand.

Silver Crusade

Concerning the spell riding possession.

1 If you're riding something, do you sense what they sense?

2 Assuming the answer is yes: if you cast spells as purely mental actions (probably because you're a psychic caster), does that mean you're able to target creatures sensed by the creature you're riding?

3 Assuming the second answer is yes, too. Would your point of origin for the spell be your soul's or your (own) body's

4 Do any of the answers change if you're riding a willing target, your own familiar, or even a willing target you're continually mental contact with?

Silver Crusade

1 Can you cast possession on a corpse?

2 Can you cast possession on a target that you're already possessing (to increase the duration)?

3 Can you cast possession on a mindless undead?

4 and on a free willed undead?

5 Can you cast possession on a non native outsider?

6 question 2 with mind swap

7 question 4 with mind swap

8 question 5 with mind swap

Silver Crusade

Concerning the amnesiac and undercast spells, which are explained here

Do I understand correctly that when I use an amnesia slot to recollect a spell that can be undercast, I may immediately choose another spell for a lower level version I know?

And if I then forget that spell again the next day, does that change revert to what it used to be?

Please assist me here, because it's very foggy to my mind... (pun intended)

Silver Crusade

So, we know there are going to be 12 classes. I've searched, but can't find what they are. If I've missed it, please tell me.

Anyway, this is what I'd hope for:

Fighter: a master of arms, armor, and soldiery skills. But... With ample defences against magic, and good combat ability with magical weaponry.

Wild warrior: something of barbarian, ranger, shifter, hunter. Basically a fighter that's close to nature and its magic.

Devout warrior: those who dedicate their weapons to the gods and wield their power.

Wizard: simply the person who masters magic. But I think there should be many forms to choose from. Bookworm spellcaster, someone who deals with shady patrons or outsiders, a master of psychic wizardry, and more.

Natural spellcaster: I'd throw all sorcerer and druid types in here. People who learn magic because it comes to them naturally.

Devout spellcaster: those who follow the Gods and wield their magical power.

Wizard/warrior gish: arcanists and psychics who study magics with combat.

Natural spellcaster / warrior gish: Those who mix natural magics with savage combat.

Devout caster/warrior mix: those who mix divine magics with steely dedication.

Stealthy warrior: something like the rogue/ninja/slayer/ranger/monk. A character who has great physical (and supernatural) skills, but is equally adept at utilising magical items, to trick their way through the world of magic they live in.

Alchemist: a master of material, potions, transmutation, and the elements. Yes, include kineticists here.

Charmer: using either arcane tricks like a bard or psychic tricks like a mesmerist, any character who's a master at influencing others.

So what are your wishes?

Silver Crusade

Since a construct is a creature, it may be possessed.

Now, when possessing a construct like this, would that include immunity to mind affecting (like fear, but also morale bonuses)?

I'm asking because of the dichotomy: the body has no mind, so it is immune, but you're possessing it, and you do have a mind. The spell, however, mentions you getting all automatic abilities, which would include the immunity.

It's for a construct crafting mindblade who likes to 'wear' his creations as battle forms.

Silver Crusade

Hey all,

Considering the phantom blade, and balancing them to the bladebound and the mindblade.

These three archetypes have a lot in common for various reasons, and it seems at first sight that choosing between them is just a matter of flavour preference. But it's not.

Because the two magus archetypes are based on the magus, they'll get 3 bonus feats and 6 arcana's (more if you're an elf), where the phantom blade gets just 4 bonus feats.

Now, my first question would be: Am I wrong in seeing a huge disbalance in power? If so, please help me see.

Second question: if I'm not wrong, what homerules would be an appropriate way to even things out?

Things I've considered so far:
- Let spellstrike and spell combat for the phantom blade work with any weapon form, including two handed weapons and (reach spellstrike for) ranged weapons.
- give phantom blade as many bonus feats as would otherwise be given to a spiritualist's phantom (8 in total)

What are your thoughts on this?

Silver Crusade

The occultist is one of the few non-level 9 casters who can pull off possession by level 10 and greater possession by level 16. So far, so good.

But... An occultist needs to hold their implements to cast spells (and for just about any other power). So when possessing, they'll first have to loot their own body to regain access to their class abilities. While this is crippling, it is comparable to a wizard having to loot their own spell component pouch. It's also circumventable by playing a battle host with a called weapon. One swift action and all is yours again.

But greater possession doesn't have this luxury. Once cast, your body is gone, so, presumably, so is our weapon. This makes greater possession, while clearly meant to be cool for an occultist, a horrible choice!

My questions;
1 is this likely to be intentional?
2 can you drop a weapon as a free action while in the process of casting?, because that would solve it for at least the battle host.
3 Do items with a continuous effect still work when using greater possession? Or does that headband cease to give its +6 int suddenly?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I didn't get the ultimate wilderness, because I found bad stuff on the shifter. But...

Now I found the terrakineticist! What an awesome archetype!!!

I have a (soon to be) level 10 gnome telekineticist (with aero second) and he's definitely going to be retrained to terrakineticist as soon as the current adventure ends.

He's also going to let grow his blue hair, smoke the blossoms of five fingered plants and say stuff like:

"I used to enforce my positivity and will upon my surroundings. It made me such an awfully controlling person! Now I've learned to accept what is around me, and welcome those naturally appearing elements into my body and mind. I'm so much more at peace, now. It's like I'm truly in the here and now for the first time!"

I can't wait to play his new him!

But, now that this archetype has come out... Would anyone ever seriously play another sort of kineticist?
A kinetic knight, maybe. But if you're not a minion of RAW, those archetypes are even compatible!

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Hey all,

As I really like the idea of a mauler (or maybe valet) leaf leshy familiar, I was reading into plant shape (because that's all a leshy warden has for wild shape).

As such, I found out that plant shape 1 (available for 6 hours per day to a level 6 leshy warden) allows you to assume the form of any medium plant.

Then I found this medium plant.

Now, as you would be taking the form of an avatar by means of a weak, mortal spell, you would be a mere shade of the real thing. But, by means of the spell, you'd still get:

Darkvision 60'
Low-light vision
Two slams at 1d8
Six vines (30' reach) at 2d6+grab
Six thorns (120' ranged touch) 2d6 (I'm not sure if you'll get the movement inhibitor as well)
Grab (colossal)
Constrict 2d6
The standard ability score adjustments
Quite humanoid form (wear your armor)

Isn't this a bit much? Are there restrictions on which plant forms can be taken?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Considering hardening.

When does a material lose its fragile quality? How hard must it get?

I know this is probably hard to answer, because this Pathfinder spell is a remnant from 3.5 days, but since it is Pathfinder, perhaps we can answer it :)

Silver Crusade

Hey all,

I have this vision of building a huge, fiery, armored character, that hits like a truck with a big weapon, and throws fireballs (or likewise spells) around. But... I just can't seem to get to it. I was wondering if this community would have some ideas I might have overlooked.

So far... I've got:

Armor abilities:
called (+1 enchantment) and fitting (+2000 gp). This would allow me to call my armor upon myself after I switch to elemental form.
Problem: there is no power to quickly remove armor (except for a 3.5 armor modification I found), so this has to be done outside combat.

Class options:

Pros: elemental form at hours per day starting at level 6. Fiery spells. Possible to take feral shifter archetype and planar focus to gain +1d6 / 4 levels on melee damage.
Cons: no metal armors, fire elemental doesn't hit like a truck and earth elemental isn't fiery.
Rectifications: voidglass armor?

Oracle or Ravener hunter (inquisitor archetype) with volcano revelation:
Pros: magma elemental from level 7/8
Cons: just 1/day (dispel sensitive), inquisitor has no fire spells, no permanent fire resistance (which is really odd when you're a burning person).
Rectifications: abundant revelations (can ravener hunter take this?) makes the hurt a little less. Try to cast energy resistance a lot...

Sorcerer shapeshifter bloodline (via eldritch heritage) combined with any class that casts elemental body (magus, maybe?)
Cons: just 1/day, at fairly high level

Elemental knight (elementalist archetype)
Pros: elemental form at level 10 lasts all day and looks the way you want to. Magma theme is entirely possible by that level. Some fire resistance (2/level), and some DR/adamantine (1/2 levels). You're actually wielding flame or magma.
Cons: elemental form has no real benefits. No damage increase, reach increase, but reach is already 15' by then, and size bonuses are got regardless of your size. Mostly, though, I'm currently playing a telekineticist, and I don't want to make yet another character with the same mechanics, who never wields a weapon, but always blasts away.

VMC oracle (volcano)
Cons: start at level 15 and 1/day

Bloodrager (elemental bloodline)
Cons: fire or earth (no magma), start level 16 and 1/day

Same as bloodrager.

So... Is there anything I'm missing? Is there a way to pull this off the way I want?

-dependable magma form
-heavy armor
-2h weapon to hit like a truck with
-possibility to blast enemy with fire.

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.

So, I've been reading the new shifter, and would compare it against the old feral shifter
, feral hunter, and wild hunter archetypes.

Comparing them, they are mostly alike, with the following differences:

full BAB
Wis to AC
Very limited aspect options
Very limited wildshape options

Feral shifter:
Level 9 casting
Full options in wild shape
Option for 'planar focus' feat

Feral hunter:
Level 6 casting
Free teamwork feats
Unlimited time on focus abilities
All animal options in wild shape
Option for 'planar focus' feat

Wild hunter:
Full BAB
level 4 casting
Ranger combat styles
No wildshape
Option for 'planar focus' feat.

So... Considering these, the shifter class strikes me as extremely niche. Only a build with a very specific fighting style in mind would be a reason to abandon the advantages the other classes give. Full BAB is nice, of course, but it's not that nice. Especially considering the high likelihood of a natural attack build.

Am I wrong? Am I missing something?

Silver Crusade

The bloodrider`s blood bond ability specifies personal spells and sla's.

The arcane bloodline applies the effects of certain spells to yourself as a sla, effectively making their range personal.

Logic would dictate that in this case, the sla effects would be shared with the mount... Right?

Silver Crusade

Considering the battle host.

Since it is a masterwork item, the panoply bond can be enchanted, right?

But since it's also a class feature, the target weapon or armor can also be retrained, right?

I'm asking because I'd like to create a character that's a body-stealer. The idea would be to have a tiny butchering axe with the resizing and called magic weapon qualities.

I would take over an opponent next to the BBEG with possession, call my weapon to me, and full attack from an unexpected source.
Of course using bluff to act naturally until that time.

Future additions might be impact and/or an adamantine version.

All this could, of course, be done using other classes, but I just kind of like the battle host ;)

So, what do you recon?
Enchantment? Retraining? Both?

Silver Crusade

What happens if you cast both bilocation and divide mind? Shouldn't that effectively make you two people?

Silver Crusade

Hello everyone,

I've encountered some character options that make for great item crafters. I'd like to share those, and ask you all here if you know any more.

Thr whole point being that itwm crafting requires various feats, various skills, and various spells. I'm looking for ways a character can be as versatile as possible in this, and still be good at it.

The item creation feats:
Best thing I found here is to combine the shapeshifter level 3 bloodline power (through improved eldritch heritage, if need be) with the spell paragon surge. You'll get the relevant feat for most of the day, which makes it unnecessary to take niche feats, like forge ring, and craft staff.

The relevant skills:
Best thing I found here is the spirit ridden feat, which gives you the relevant skill for most of the day. This way, you could even forge the masterwork items to be enchanted yourself.

The spells.
Multiple things get you somewhere, nothing goes all the way.
- The Daivrat gets you everything on your own list up to level 8, and everything on other lists up to level 7.
- The spell sage wizard archetype gives you 3 level 9 spell lists all the way to the actual level 9 spells, and the bard one, for some reason. Incidentally, this is also the only way an atheist character can cast miracle.
- The rebirth psychic discipline gives one other class list (changeable per level) up to level 8.
- The pathfinder savant gives the ability to cast scrolls at character level, and a good UMD to go with it, which would enable you to at least cast everything, but at the price of scrolls.
- The skald with the expanded spell kenning feat has 5 class lists, up to level 6.

Am I missing really fantastic iptions, somewhere? I secretly hope so.

Silver Crusade

The spell sage is written before the psychic class existed. Is it then safe to assume that a spell sage can cast spells from the psychic list the same way he casts spells from the druid, cleric, and bard lists?

Or evem more? What about occultist, mesmerist, and spiritualist?

Silver Crusade

7 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Concerning the Pathfinder Savant, most recently from the adventurer's guide.

If my base class is a witch with an 'animals' patron.
1 Does esoteric magic mean to say I can add possession as a level 3 spell from the medium spell list (because it's on my spell list, too, albeit at level 5)?
2 And does it also mean to say that I could add fireball at level 3 from the wizard spell list (because I could 'use my base class to cast it', if only I would have had an elemental patron)?
3 And if that's true, does that mean that if my base class were psychic, I could add any spell of level 8 or lower without it increasing in level (because a psychic with the rebirth discipline could theoretically cast it)?

Please faq this if you agree that this needs to be clarified.

Silver Crusade

How big can the target of this spell be?

Could I target a castle to walk through several walls and immediately spot the secret room, and where all the bad guys are?

I would assume so, but that's kinda powerful...

Silver Crusade

How does one alter mindscape traits?

Specifically, the time and alignment traits.

Under the time trait it says that only powerful psychics can alter that trait, but it doesn't say how.

I've sifted through a lot of spells and through the occult rituals to find an answer.

Am I missing something?

Silver Crusade

If we were to make this a viable option. How would we adjust the dragon disciple class?

My first ideas:
- spontaneous psychic spells would work as class requirement.
- form of the dragon options would alternate to form of the alien dragon.

Am I missing anything?

Also... Would this be overpowered in any way?

Silver Crusade

Concerning possession, magic jar, and (although that one is kinda clear) clone.

If you leave your body behind to possess something else, is your body actually a dead body?

How does it respond to the death watch spell?

And if it is a dead body, can it be targeted by spells that target objects, like shrink item? or an invisibility spell made permanent?

If, on the other hand, your dead body is still a creature, does that mean it can be targeted by spells that target creatures? Or, for that matter, humanoids?

Silver Crusade

Hey guys,

I’ve a fairly advanced character concept that I would like to use. But I wonder if perhaps any of you would know of good improvements to this build.

The Intruder

The concept of this character is that she is the ultimate infiltrator/spy/assassin. At low levels, she is a subtle spellcaster in a soldier’s outfit, who is able to go HAM in melee if needed.
At levels 7+, she’ll actually possess the body of an enemy and either cast spells of, once again, go HAM from within that body until it dies.

Race: Samsaran
A first level of psychic and the mystic past life (medium) is essential here, to grab possession as a level 3 spell. Some other nice spells won’t hurt, like bestow curse and regeneration, for example
By the by: If you want to do this in PFS, you’ll have to go via the Pathfinder Savant prestige class, which will cost another spellcasting level, but nevertheless will bring you online at level 8.
I’ve thought about switching psychic for mind blade, ectoplasmatist, phantom blade, or psychic sorcerer, but ultimately I liked the psychic best. This is personal, though.

Class build:
1 level Bloodrager (ID rager / steelblood), focus: anger
Result: martial weapons and heavy armor, free action rage gives: +6 str, -2 int, +4 con, and power attack
All other levels: psychic (mutation mind / amnesiac), discipline: rebirth
Result: highly mutable spell list, psychic spells castable from any body, +4 str as swift action for 1 minute/level

Abilities: intelligence first, charisma second, the rest can be average.
The character is probably starting as an older samsaran, to reincarnate at some low level to something young and fresh, probably through a scroll of reincarnate, contingent scroll (might be on a scroll too), and suicide. Best would be a half-elf body, for future use of paragon surge, and for the human favored class bonus.

Traits: magical lineage (possession), adopted (half-elf): bifurcated magic

Skills: investment in disguise, bluff, stealth, spellcraft, and knowledge skills

Signature move: either disguised as some uninteresting person (slumped on a chair or on the ground) or well hidden in some dark corner, cast possession on a chieftain’s guard. Then, with a free action and a swift action, add +10 str and power attack to said guard, and slay the chieftain.

Problems this build faces:
- Where to leave your body
- You won’t have your items, but, your body might have other items…

So… What feats and phrenic amplifications should I invest in? So far, I’ve thought of:

1 feat: scribe scroll
3 feat: extra rage
4 PA: Kinetic enhancement (psi-tech discovery)
5 feat: craft wondrous item (the amnesiac archetype allows for a ton of self-created spell lattices)
7 feat: quick draw (I’m not sure about this one)
8 PA: relentless casting
9 feat:
11 feat:
12 PA: recuperation (mutation mind special). Seriously, this is 50 hp/level of daily healing, going at fast healing 5!
13 feat:

Also… Looking at my choices for class skills. Is there any way I could have the same concept, but better?

Silver Crusade

A psychodermist has the trophies ability.

Trophies (Su): At 1st level, a psychodermist learns how to siphon power from pieces of creatures he has slain. The psychodermist gains Harvest Parts as a bonus feat, and he can select one monster part per implement school he knows to become a permanently preserved trophy so long as it remains in his possession. Each trophy functions as the psychodermist’s implement for its associated implement school. A trophy that fits multiple implement categories, such as a hand with clawed fingers, can function for only one implement school at a time. A trophy can be integrated into another item, such as an ornament or a magic item, but otherwise does not take up a magic item slot, even when worn. A psychodermist can replace trophies with new ones harvested from slain foes, although doing so causes the old trophies to rot at their normal rate. In order to craft a trophy, the psychodermist must have been present during the creature’s death.

This ability alters implements.

It's an archetype of the occultist, who has the implements ability.


Implements (Su): At 1st level, an occultist learns to use two implement schools. At 2nd level and every 4 occultist levels thereafter, the occultist learns to use one additional implement school, to a maximum of seven schools at 18th level. Each implement school adds one spell per spell level of that school of magic to the occultist’s spell list. No spells from any other school are considered to be on the occultist’s spell list until he selects the associated implement school. He can’t use spell trigger or spell completion magic items from unknown schools without succeeding at the appropriate Use Magic Device check. An occultist can select an implement school more than once in order to learn additional spells from the associated school.

Each implement school is represented by a small list of objects. Every day, the occultist selects one item from that school’s list to be his implement for the day for each implement school he knows. The occultist needs only one such item to cast spells of the corresponding school, unless he selected that implement school multiple times, in which case he needs one item for each set of spells gained from that school. Implements don’t need to be magic items, and nonmagical implements don’t take up a magic item slot even if they’re worn. Implements that are not magic items are often of some historical value or of personal significance to the occultist, such as the finger bone of a saint, the broken scepter of a long-dead king, the skull of a mentor’s familiar, or the glass eye of an uncanny ancestor.

Whenever an occultist casts a spell, he must have the corresponding implement in his possession and present the implement to the target or toward the area of effect. This act is part of casting the spell and doesn’t require any additional action. If the occultist lacks the corresponding implement, he can attempt to cast the spell, but must succeed at a concentration check (DC = 20 + the spell’s level) to do so. Spells cast by an occultist without the appropriate implement are always treated as if they were cast at the minimum caster level for the spell in question (caster level 1st for a 1st-level spell, caster level 4th for a 2nd-level spell, and so on).

Each implement school also grants a base focus power. This power is added to the list of focus powers possessed by the occultist (see Mental Focus below). In addition, each implement school grants access to a number of other focus powers that the occultist can select from using his mental focus class feature.

See the Implement Schools section starting on page 50 for a complete list of implements associated with each school and their focus powers.

Now, my question is if the psychodermist is obligated to always use trophies. Or can he use implements instead, if he so chooses?

I can't really find any definite text one way or the other, and I'm also unsure of what the intention might have been, so both RAW and RAI are unclear to me.

The reason to use original implements is mainly so that panoplies are an option. Because panoplies call for specific implements that trophies would not satisfy.

Silver Crusade

Hey all,

I'm planning on creating a character focused on the possession of enemy bodies. I've gotten so far as to be able to cast possession at level 6, and fight reasonably well in the new body at level 7. But... Items.

I'm looking for an item that lets you store stuff in your soul, preferably. If that can't be found, I'm looking for an item that can be easily (and if possible, stealthily) apported to your new body. Perhaps even an invisible soulbound storing item, that I can always call to me.

Do you fine folks have any idea?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

If you're a Daivrat, but you come from a class without a familiar, do you still get the Zhyen at level 6?

Or would you first need a familiar from some source?

Silver Crusade

Red Tongue Skald

So if a red tongue uses his duplicitous rhetoric to share combat trick... Do the affected:

1 get the combat feat the red tongue selected for combat trick, even if they don't meet the prerequisites?
2 get the combat feat the red tongue selected for combat trick, but can't use it unless they have the prerequisites?
3 select a combat feat of their choice on the spot?

Same question goes for ninja trick and minor magic / major magic, by the way...

Also, taking major magic as an example... Can this be shared with allies who don't have the prerequisite minor magic talent?

Silver Crusade

If I possess a dragon, and then cast Akashic Form, the form stored will be the dragon's body, right?

If I then end the possession or greater possession or the magic jar or whatever... The dragon is released.

But the dragon is angry at my possessing it! So it kills me.

I have now died within 24 hours. I'm now reformed as a dragon, right? A possession spell is still affecting my body at that point, but clearly not to keep my soul in. This body has just been created specifically for my soul, as per the wording of Akashic Form.

Am I reading it right? Is this a way to become the dragon?

And if not... Would a wish be sufficient to deal with the affecting possession in the manner I want?

Silver Crusade

Concerning Parasitic Soul

1. Can you use this spell to transfer your own soul? I'd say yes, but the wording leaves me wondering.

2. What part of the spell is actually permanent? If you cast this spell on yourself (assuming you can), are you now permanently in a gem, and then permanently able to possess creatures? What if you're dispelled out of the creature? Are you then once again in the gem, permanently?

3. If you've transferred another soul from a gem into a body and it gets dispelled out of it, does it reenter the gem, or is it destroyed?

4. If you're casting this on yourself (assuming you can), does the soul of the target get trapped in the gem, as per magic jar? Or does it get destroyed, as with the wording for transferring other souls?

5. Since the duration is permanent, does that mean that you get to keep the hitpoints of the target indefinitely, or do you eventually revert to own hitpoints modified by the new constitution score, as per major mind swap?

6. Is every use of this spell evil? What if you overtake an undead? Or what if you clone a body, animate it, and revive a stored soul by letting it enter the animated body?

Silver Crusade

As far as I read, exploiter wizard doesn't get consume spells, and no option to gain it, but they can take consume magic items and the swift consume exploit.

Is this intentional?

And should the exploiter wizard therefore be allowed to use consume magic when they choose the swift consume exploit?

exploiter wizard

Silver Crusade

Many threads like this have existed, but many (all?) of them are years old. I wonder, with all the current knowledge, what cool builds do we cook up? And what makes them so awesome? I'm going for fun to play, here, without distinguishing whether it's fun because of power or whackyness or other reasons.

I'll start off with a few:

The fated champion skald with the expanded spell kenning feat. Cool because:
- Super high initiative
- Can make a scroll of any level 6 or lower spell through spell kenning.
- Can make entire armies airborne if he performs loudly enough (greater air elemental blood rage power)

The scaled fist monk with a leveldip in nature oracle, with a possible leveldip in self-perfection psychic. Needs nature's whispers and the kinetic enhancement psi-tech. Would venerate arshea and have the proper obedience. Cool because:
- Adds int, wis, and twice cha to cmd
- Adds wis and thrice cha to AC.
- Could totally abuse the foot stomp style strike (going on cmd)
- Would be complete with 2 paladin levels for cha to saves :)
- Has sex with everyone without ever contracting diseases.

Arcanist with fighter leveldip and many EK levels, specialised in a combat maneuver and polymorph spells. Would need the knowledge is power wizard discovery as an exploit (there is an exploit to do that). Cool because:
- Changes into big creature to have an awesome cmb, because of high int and high str, then goes to town like a pro wrestler.
- Can use the dimensional slide exploit to come up behind, then bull rush off cliff.

I'm excited to see what you people come up with!

Silver Crusade

This thread focuses on the last paragraph of the bloodline development arcanist exploit.

the paragraph:
If the arcanist already has a bloodline (or gains one later), taking this exploit instead allows her arcanist levels to stack with the levels of the class that granted her access to the bloodline when determining the powers and abilities of her bloodline.

Now... What does this mean, exactly? Some questions about this:

1. Can this be used with both sorcerer and bloodrager lines?

2. Powers I understand, but abilities? Does that include bonus spells? Are they then added to your spells known? I.E. your spellbook?
If abilities does not include bonus spells, what does it include? Certainly not feats, right?

3. How does the bloodline arcana stack? Does it suddenly pertain to arcanist spells? Consider, for example, the psychic bloodline. It specifically calls out sorcerer spells. Does bloodline development allow that to include arcanist spells?

psychic bloodline arcana:
Your sorcerer spells and spell-like abilities count as psychic instead of arcane. You use thought and emotion components instead of verbal and somatic components when casting your spells.

4. How do a crossblooded sorcerer's bloodlines stack? I mean, the archetype is no longer effective on the arcanist. So, no dent in spells known, right? And do you get all powers and "abilities" from both bloodlines? Or do you still have to choose, as per the archetype?
And if the archetype actually still counts, whatever would stop a bloodline altering archetype like seeker from still working here?

I'm asking all this mainly because I honestly couldn't find the answers, and partly because I'm brooding on a crossblooded psychic / esoteric dragon bloodlines sorcerer (1) and arcanist or exploiter wizard (rest). There are so many vagaries!

Silver Crusade

So... If I use merciful spell to make my psychic crush spells deal nonlethal damage, and the opponent falls unconscious. So far, I'm all clear.

But now I cast marionette possession on the opponent. The opponent is unconscious, and as such considered 'willing'. (Not to be confused with 'consent', guys ;))

I am then in the opponent's body... Would I still have its damage / nonlethal damage? I wouldn't say I've hurt that body one bit... I've merely subdued its spirit/soul.

I can't really find anything in the rules for this... What do you guys think?

Silver Crusade

Not only archers are feat starved... Actually every character is. And while there is a certain romance to having to pick what feats best suit your character, I feel that the extremely small amount of feats gained versus the enourmous amount of feats available, unnecessarily restricts characters to taking just the required feats to make your character function reasonably well.

Therefore, in my home group, we're discussing a feat boost. Of course, this should be rebalanced, because many classes gain bonus feats and that bonus should not be diminished too much. So... What do you people think of this list...? (please excuse me for the lack of formatting as this is a copy-paste of a word doc)

The feat boost house rule

All characters
- get 2 feats instead of 1 at first level
- get a feat at each character level instead of every odd level

- get an additional trait at first level

- may select the ‘brew potion’ feat at effective caster level 3, and use it with extracts, if their archetype loses brew potion.
- gain a bloodline feat at level 3 in addition to their regular bloodline feats

- gain their bonus feats at every even level instead of at levels 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, and 20

- gain a bonus feat at every 3rd level, instead of every 6th

- gain a bonus feat at every class level, instead of level 1, 2, and every even level thereafter
- waive the once per five levels restriction for advanced weapon mastery
- waive the once per three levels restriction for advanced armor mastery
- fighters with the weapon master archetype get an advanced weapon mastery option for free at every 4th level

- gain an extra investigator talent at level 1 in addition to their regular talents
- may select the ‘brew potion’ feat at effective caster level 3, and use it with extracts

- may take the ‘extra wild talent’ feat from level 1 onwards, instead of from level 6 onwards.
- do not take into account the ‘2 levels lower’ aspect of ‘extra wild talent’ when they select wild talents from their primary element

- gain the ‘divine weapon specialization’ class feature from the tempered champion archetype
- paladins with the tempered champion archetype gain the ‘divine weapon specialization’ class feature at level 2 instead of level 4, and they get its bonus feat at every 2nd level instead of every 4th

- gain a combat style feat at every even level instead of at levels 2, 6, 10, 14, and 18

- gain a rogue talent at every level instead of every 2nd level

- may affect others with rage powers selected through ‘extra rage power’ as though the source were the skald class feature

- gain an extra slayer talent at first level in addition to their regular talents. They may not pick a ranger combat style feat with this first level slayer talent.

- gain an extra bonus combat feat at first level in addition to their regular bonus feats
- may count swashbuckler weapon training as a legal prerequisite for the ‘advanced weapon training’ feat, when using the appropriate weapons, but do not waive the ‘once per five levels’ limit as fighters do.

Silver Crusade

Hello everyone!

Now this thread is about major mind swap. If you're a half elf, the spell paragon surge can give you a feat on the fly. That feat could be: racial heritage.

Now, when you select this feat, you have a whole range of humanoids to share race with, which makes them eligible targets for major mind swap.

Sooo... I was wondering what would be great choices to permanently take over. It would have to be a one time choice, because afterwards, you're that race, no longer half elf or even human.

I'll start off with cloud giant for good con and strength, and their tendency to be either good or evil.

But probably you're a high level psychic (unless you use a scroll), so such a big guy/gal might not be optimal.

What humanoid gems can we think of? :)

Silver Crusade

So... Can a half-elf psychic with the dragon soul alternate racial trait target a dragon with greater mind swap?

And, related... Could an Aasimar target a Deva? A Tiefling a Succubus?

Silver Crusade

My gnome kineticist is about to get 'elemental whispers'. This will result in a tiny rabbit (sage archetype) that mostly lives in my character's head. The rabbit, when manifested, is created out of strands of aether, and wears a little monocle.

Aside from this epic RP aspect of my gnome seeming to have gotten a multiple personality disorder, and the surprise on everyone's faces when the familiar actually mamyfests, it has great game perks!

With just one feat/talent, my gnome got alertness, +4 initiative, an ally to chew through the occasional ropes when his hands are bound, and access to all knowledge skills, with free skillpoints to boot! What's not to love?

This made me wonder... What cool or funny familiar concepts have you people thought up, or better, used in the game. Let's hear the stories!

Silver Crusade

Hey all,
Just a quick check with you, because this seems horribly overpowered to me.

Consider a magus with the Bladebound and Myrmydarch archetypes

At level 9, the character has taken advanced weapon training and has selected warrior spirit (under 'advanced weapon training') with it.

Have this character wear gloves of dueling.

Now, it is my understanding that this character, at level 9, having spent only 15000 gp on an item, can boost its +3 black blade to a whopping +9 for only a swift and a standard action, adding a free action to up the damage another +3. All three abilities last one minute. The Warrior Spirit 3 points are completely free, so vicious or a targeted bane and/or blood-hunting is not excluded.

Am I right that this character can enter combat with a +5 shocking, bane, and holy weapon 3 times per day?

And if I'm correct. Does this all limit at +10? For that is the max for item creation. But how's it work with abilities like these?

Does this character get to +15 at level 20? Or +17 if VMC fighter?

Silver Crusade

Concerning fighter advanced weapon training: warrior spirit.

It works with one weapon each day.

How does it work with a double weapon?

Can you enchant both ends?
And if so, can you enchant them as one std action?
And is it one use per end, or one use for the weapon?

Silver Crusade

18 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

Concerning the Kineticist powers of telekinesis.

Basic telekinesis refers to "mage hand", which would exclude '"attended objects" from being moved. All clear here, no problems.

Now, the second level wild talent "telekinetic haul" vastly increases the weight of moved objects, going from 5lbs per 2 levels to 100 or 1000 lbs per level (without or with taking burn). In my opinion, merely this change of scale needs a new definition of "attended object". Let me explain.

Where to draw the line?
A worn set of clothing is attended, no argument there.
A plank upon which someone stands? Is that attended? maybe...
What about a ship with a single person on it?
Or a 4500 lbs rock with a 10 lbs pixie on it?
A dead tree with a fox sleeping inside? And what if it wakes up?
And if foxes count, what about insects? Can we, in fact, move anything at all?

Secondary: concerning the first level wild talent: telekinetic finesse: Can we use sleight of hand to steal something off a person using telekinesis? It seems to be RAI, but mage hand's description prevents us.

Please FAQ this. I would really like an official ruling on this.

Silver Crusade

I've read far and wide that kineticists suck. But, I'm playing a (gnome) telekineticist, and I don't feel like I suck at all. On the contrary, the sheer utility of my character often dominates the game. Therefore, to boost the (tele)kineticist image a little, I would like to run some things by you guys.

1. Silver Surfer
Is it just me or does basic telekinesis + extended range + telekinetic haul mean permanent out of combat flight at level 4? The way I see it, just move a plank around while standing on it. You can even carry your buddies this way! And, while it gets better every level, and faster with extreme range, it essentially still remains a level 1 SLA, which means it can be quickened by the feat 'quicken spell-like ability' somewhere around level 10!

2. Elemental overflow + force ward: golden!
Every morning, put a lot of burn in force ward, and you'll have all the good and none of the bad. At level 3: 1pt, lvl 6: 3pts, lvl 11: 5pts, and lvl 16: 7pts. If you're wise enough to boost Con up highest, not once will you have less starting HP than your normal max HP. But you'll have great accuracy, a damage boost and stat boosts (that btw increase your accuracy and damage even more)

3. Really good primary stats
Talking about HP, having con as your main stat nets you a whole lot! Con and Dex as primary stats is insanely good, combat wise. If you like having dumpstats, you can happily dump str, int, and cha!

4. Wow, that familiar!!
So, this one comes at level 6, flies, gives +1 to hit and dam. Has +4 for an aid another action, which essentially means +4 to almost every skill and often a +4 on the first melee attack of a round. Oh, and a last resort immediate healing ability to boot!

5. always invisible
Permanent invisibility for yourself and your familiar. So, even while your party might get ambushed, you're most probably not, and can enter any combat when you want.

6. a versatile healing ability
Firstly, you can set up shop on any battlefield, because even after a hundred heals, you can still do a thousand more. No one needs to bleed to death with you around. And... you have the most inconspicuous assassination ability ever! Heal them to death in their sleep by making them take so much burn that they die of nonlethal damage! And... Your familiar can perform this healing for you.

7. Ride the statue!
At higher levels, having an animate object ability that you can keep up all day with a move action means you can travel in your own fortified tower! This power also means that you can make anything move out of the way for you. And... While you hide invisibly, you can set object after object upon your enemies. This means a city is nothing else than a huge amount of potential weapons! Let them slay the houses (or tables, at lower level) one by one.

8. great battlefield control
From level 5 up (when the first infusion specialization comes online) your options in combat become manifold. Up close, hit in melee. step back, bowl them to the floor, when they run, just keep shooting with the higher range powers. At level 9, creating a whip costs no burn, and still does 5d6+5 base damage for all its attacks and AOO's. And if you have the luxury of gathering power (especially from level 11 onward) why not empower or maximise it, while still spending a free burn point on some nice infusion.

Here would be an example of a human telekineticist build which easily gives all the niceties I just named, and at fairly low level.
1f piranha strike
1f weapon finesse
1i kinetic blade
2u elemental whispers
3f weapon focus: kinetic blast
3i extended range
4u telekinetic haul
5f combat reflexes
5i bowling infusion
6u greater elemental whispers
6 human free talent: kinetic whip
7f extra wild talent: kinetic healing
7 expanded free talent: kinetic invisibility

Edit: just saw my mistake at level 6. Humans don't get a bonus wild talent, but the extra wild talent feat, which is not that good at all... Oh well, just pick kinetic cover or telekinetic finesse. Or don't play a human ;)

So, what do you think? Is my viewing of the telekineticist askew? Whatever makes this class suck?? Aside from a low will save, that is...

Silver Crusade

So, personally, I think pathfinder characters are too easily intimidated (demoralized). Mainly because all the bonuses they might have on will saves vs fear, will not apply to their demoralize DC. Now, I could think of all kinds of rules, but I wish for the fix to be as simple as possible.

What about?
The DC to demoralize is either your HD plus wis modifier, or equal to 10 plus your save bonus against fear effects.

This way, stuff like iron will, divine grace, or even the gnome variant ability ro gain +2 vs fear effects, still hold.

Another, more difficult ruling could be:
Any bonus or penalty that would alter your save vs fear effects, alters your DC to become demoralized by the same amount.

I personally like this one better, but it might raise questions. What do you guys and girls think? Should we even stop here? Or should we even give a plus 3 bonus to anyone who's ever had will as a high save? (to counter the class skill bonus with a 'sort of' class skill bonus to resist it)

For those who don't recognise my initial problem:

Any build that invests into intimidate can pretty much auto-succeed. skill-focus, intimidating prowess, the half-orc inquisitor favored class bonus... It's quite easy to have more than +20 to your roll at level 5. (5 ranks, 3 class skill, 5 half-orc inquisitor, 2 half-orc bonus, 5 from combined str and cha with intimidating prowess). The really tough warpriest opposing this dude has dc 18 (5 hd plus 3 wis bonus). Actually... hardly anything at that level will have a dc above 21! So even at a natural 1, our bully will intimidate EVERYONE. While that is cool for a "I'm really scary" character concept, it is completely ridiculous when you think of it, and most of all, far to easily achieved. Above example even shows that a human with charisma 10 and just 5 ranks in the skill, already intimidates the tough warpriest at a 10 or higher. It is just too easy!

Silver Crusade

So, I'm having a blast with this idea, and I think I've got a lot right already. But the wise boards always think of more than just little me. So any advise would be welcome!

Race: ifrit (plus to dex, +4 to initiative, ability to enlarge for extra reach and tripping big ones). Also matches well with Sarenrae

Deity: Sarenrae

Ability scores: High dex! Decent cha. The rest matters less

Build concept: Get the whip to damage asap, make it a viable tripper quite soon. Then go for area control, and finish with better tripping and whirlwind. Oh yeah, and more initiative somewhere.

Level 1: Swashbuckler (mysterious avenger)
Level 2,3: Fighter (lore warden)
Level 4,5,6,7,8,9: Slayer

Level 1
Free: weapon profiency: whip
Free: avenger finesse
Feat: weapon focus: whip
(At this level, just shoot a longbow, or use a rapier or something)

Level 2
Bonus feat: whip mastery

Level 3
Free: combat expertise (combined with defensive fighting and 3 ranks acrobatics, can give a situational +4 dodge to AC)
Bonus feat: slashing grace (whip)
Feat: fury's fall

Level 4
Ehm... Track and studied target...

Level 5
Slayer talent: rogue talent: combat trick: improved whip mastery
Feat: combat reflexes

Level 6
... Are those crickets I hear? Oh wait! Sneak attack 1d6!

Level 7
Slayer talent: ranger combat style: faithful: Sarenrae: improved initiative
Feat: improved trip

Level 8
Second studied target... And +2 to them

Level 9
Slayer talent: ranger combat style: faithful: Sarenrae: whirlwind attack
Feat: greater trip
sneak attack +2d6

Assuming a modest dex 18 at level one, 20 at level 9, I'm now looking at CMB +23 at level 9, without magic items and without studying a target. Assuming a modest +4 to dex and a +2 whip, that would be CMB +29

Damage is not optimal, though, going at 1d3+5 without magical aid. Reach and crowd control are great, though, and there is the possibility of sneak attacking a whole crowd with the +15 to initiative and whirlwind attack.

So... Any ideas?

Silver Crusade

Considering Whirlwind attack:

Say I have a character who uses a fauchard or other reach weapon, but does have a bite attack or an unarmed strike for nearby foes.

If I then use whirlwind attack... Can I make fauchard attacks at 10 feet and my close attack at 5 feet? I wouldn't know why not, but I'd rather be sure before I construct a build around it

Silver Crusade

This question has come up before. Does an improved familiar, like an arbiter inevitable, for example, actually lower its intelligence because it has the mauler archetype?

in answers to previous posts, no real answer is given. Just a deflection, stating that maulers cannot be improved, because they haven't got the "speak with animals of its kind" to trade in.

But... Enter the polyglot familiar feat, which specifically states that if a familiar cannot speak with animals of its own kind, then it gains the ability to do just that, the first time the polyglot familiar feat is chosen.

So... A polyglot mauler CAN be improved.

Now, back to the question: what to do with its intelligence?

Does the improved familiar get dumbed down to six? Or does it simply never increase beyond its starting intelligence?

Silver Crusade

What action is it to drop a style?

I'm asking because it's useful to dwitch from and to reach using dancing spear style.