Time to die


The characters have been forced to participate in a violent bloodsport in an attempt to earn their freedom. yet freedom can only be found at the end of the dungeon, and at the edge of a knife

dungeon map

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Silver Crusade

Is VMC allowed?

And let's roll

4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 4, 5) = 14
4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 3, 3) = 14
4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 4, 5) = 15
4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 5, 3) = 10
4d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 3, 5) = 11
4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 2, 2) = 11

4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 4, 5) = 19 15
4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 6, 3) = 14 13
4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 5, 2) = 12 10
4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 4, 6) = 21 17
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 4, 2) = 13 11
4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 6, 6) = 16 15

That's not too bad :)

Viondar wrote:

Is VMC allowed?

And let's roll


4d6 15
4d6 13
4d6 10
4d6 17
4d6 11
4d6 15

That's not too bad :)


Silver Crusade

Variant MultiClass.


But it actually is only interesting when combined with regular multiclassing, which is not really the original intention.

Also, I saw the first mesmerist coming up, and I also really like the occult classes. Are they allowed?

Silver Crusade

Oh, and two more questions.

If we can all rage as a first level barbarian...
- would that be an unchained barbarian, or an old one?
- does that mean we can take the extra rage feat to rage more?

Gorthug uses Dex to Hit and Con for damage. I’d prefer Unchained as it gives him +2 Hit and +2 Damage in close combat.

Normal range gives him -2 Hit and +2 damage in close combat and ranged, as well as -2 AC and +2 Will. Which is...meh.

Is that a core or base class?

Viondar wrote:

Oh, and two more questions.

If we can all rage as a first level barbarian...
- would that be an unchained barbarian, or an old one?
- does that mean we can take the extra rage feat to rage more?



Silver Crusade


I'm thinking, so far, about creating a character with an animal companion and at least one level in Spiritualist (totem spiritualist)
This makes the animal companion into a phantom animal, and the archetype specifically states "A phantom animal is otherwise considered a phantom for the purposes of all feats and abilities."

What it doesn't say, however, is that the phantom animal would no longer be considered an animal companion for the purposes of all feats and abilities. And there are so many such feats and class features I'd like to use, that if that isn't the case, I'll be dropping that part of the concept.

So, my question to you, GM, is: would it still be considered an animal companion? Or only a phantom?

totem spiritualist

So this is basically Tomb of Horrors as Danganronpa or vice versa? Interesting. How do you feel about a character who refuses to play the game as intended and tries to keep everyone from killing each other? It would probably put a huge target on his back, but the challenge, and potential payoff, might be worth it. I'm also something of a contrarian at times and this is one of them.

The monk build isn't coming together quite as nicely as I'd hoped--even with decent stats, it's tough to get him to a place I'd like, especially since gear gets expensive fast. That said, I'm still going to be working on some manner of nonlethal build (maybe we can be pacifist buddies, Radiant!), so I'll keep things up to date.

EDIT: Actually, I may switch it up entirely if I get another good concept and build going. We probably don't need two peaceful contrarians in the group, in any case.

i wont say no to someone attempting to play a PC that refuses to play the game, but yeah, as you said, it would put a huge target on your back. Both by the games master (Not me, the DM, the NPC overseeing this event) and by other players that are willing to play the game to earn their freedom.

Think I might rebuild as a Primalist Bloodrager. Why?

Lvl 5 Feat:

Death Curse Tarn:

“Benefit(s): The character channels the power of a tarn linnorm. The character’s melee attacks deal an additional 1 point of acid damage. If the character is knocked unconscious or killed by an attack or spell, the attacker suffers the curse of death (Will negates).

Curse of Death: save Will DC 10 + 1/2 character’s level + character’s Charisma bonus; effect target is no longer affected by healing spells and can’t heal damage naturally by resting.”

Lvl 8 two rage powers.

Death Curse Tor:

“Benefit(s): The character channels the power of a tor linnorm. The character’s melee attacks deal an additional 1 point of fire damage. If the character is knocked unconscious or killed by an attack or spell, the attacker suffers the curse of boiling blood (Will negates).

Curse of Boiling Blood: save Will DC 10 + 1/2 character’s level + character’s Charisma bonus; effect target gains vulnerability to fire and is permanently staggered from the pain of its boiling blood (this is a pain effect).”

Death Curse Cairn:

“The character channels the power of a cairn linnorm. The character’s melee attacks deal an additional 1 point of negative energy damage. If the character is knocked unconscious or killed by an attack or spell, the attacker suffers the curse of decay (Will negates).

Curse of Decay: save Will DC 10 + 1/2 character’s level + character’s Charisma bonus; effect target takes 1 point of Con damage per day and ages at a rate of 1 year per day (eventually incurring all of the penalties of old age but none of the bonuses)”

Betray him and knock him unconcscious? Kill him? 3 will saves or be cursed!

Silver Crusade

Sounds scary, Gorthug ;)

Here are Zorgax the Brutal, Trax and Raz:
Zorgax was born and raised in the Red Claw orc tribe, and looks the part. His tattoos and scars are everywhere, he smells like he hasn’t removed his breastplate in about a year, and he’s got a huge falchion, which he’s got attached to his bracers with a length of chain. Aside from that he's got a thick longbow on his back, and a cestus strapped to his left wrist.
Despite his half-human ancestry, Zorgax managed to achieve considerable respect when he was send away to survive the wilderness for a month as part of his initiation, and returned with a tamed Rullian Warcat, named Trox, at his side, and a vicious falcon, named Raz, on his shoulder. As a raider and a devout worshipper of the ancestors, Zorgax lived for the plunder. It was on such an outing that his party was killed, and he came to his current predicament. Raz survived this, but Trox didn’t. Trox, however, never left. During his long moments of unconsciousness, undoubtedly watched over by loyal Raz, the Red Claw ancestors instructed him how to keep Trox’s spirit near, and taught him the way of the spiritualist. Perhaps now stronger than ever, armed with Raz once again on his shoulder, and Trox’s spirit harboured in his soul, Zorgax looks around at where he is and who his teammates/competitors are, Trox’s form already taking shape slowly beside him.
A desire burns in his soul to be free and take vengeance on whoever did this to him and his tribe.

build and crunch:
Zorgax the Brutal

Ability scores 15, 13, 10, 17, 11, 15
Str 20 (+2 race, +1 level)
Dex 16 (+1 level)
Con 11
Int 13
Wis 15
Cha 10

Medium size humanoid (orc, human), +2 str, 30’ movement
Dragonsight: darkvision 120’
Sacred Tattoo, +1 luck to saves
Racial weapons

Trait: Fate’s favoured, +1 to luck bonuses

7 Inquisitor (green faith marshal, sacred huntsmaster)
1 spiritualist (totem spiritualist)

Favored class bonus (inquisitor): add +4 hp
Add spells to list: purify food and drink (0), air bubble (1), liberating command (1)

Eagle domain:
Hawkeye 5/day: swift action to gain +3 on one ranged attack roll or perception roll
Aerial evasion: evasion when flying

Miscellaneous class features:
Etheric tether (keep Trox alive)
Power of nature (druid domain and spells)
Detect all kinds of alignments
Wild lore (add wis to knowledge nature)
Cunning initiative (add wis to initiative)
Track (add half level to track)
Bane (swift action to bane a weapon 7 rds / day)
Nature’s ally (commune with nature 1/week)

1 combat reflexes
3 weapon expertise
3bf pack flanking
5 planar focus
7 paired opportunists
7bf outflank

Skills: 54 ranks, 8 ranks max
2 Fly +8 (-3 ACP) (+3 when casting fly)
2 Handle Animal +5
1 Knowledge (arcana) +4
7 Knowledge (dungeoneering) +10
1 Knowledge (nature) +6 (+7 when phantom is harboured)
5 Knowledge (planes) +8
8 Perception +13 (+3 in bright light)
8 Ride +13 (-3 ACP)
3 Survival +8 (+3 when tracking)
8 Sense Motive +13
8 Stealth +14 (-3 ACP)
1 Swim +9 (-3 ACP)

Spiritualist spells:
Level 0: detect psychic significance, mage hand, message, open/close
Level 1: identify, shield

Inquisitor spells:
Level 0: create water, detect magic, detect poison, purify food and drink, read magic, sift
Level 1: air bubble, aspect of the falcon, divine favour, keep watch, liberating command, remove fear
Level 2: eagle’s splendour, invisibility, lesser restoration, resist energy, see invisibility
Level 3: dispel magic, fly, remove curse

Phantom animal: Warcat
Str 26, dex 15, con 18, int 2, wis 11, cha 5
1 combat reflexes
2 narrow frame
5 weapon focus: bite
8 power attack
1 Escape artist +6
1 survival +4
4 perception +7

Valet familiar: hawk
Str 6, dex 17, con 11, int 9, wis 14, cha 7
2 Fly +12
2 Handle Animal +0
1 Knowledge (arcana) +0
7 Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6
1 Knowledge (nature) +0
5 Knowledge (planes) +4
8 Perception +21
8 Ride +11
3 Survival +5
8 Sense Motive +10
8 Stealth +22
1 Swim +2

Adamantine keen falchion +1, 11075 gp
Deathless breastplate +1, 4200 gp
Cloak of resistance +2, 4000 gp
Boots of speed, 12000 gp
Wand of infernal healing, 750 gp
Composite Longbow (to +5 str), 610 gp
6 level 1 potions, 300 gp
Morningstar, 8 gp
Backpack, 2gp
20 orc trail rations, 20 gp
Cestus (on left arm), 5 gp
4 daggers, 8 gp

Zorgax combat:
Init +5, move 25’
Falchion +11, 2d4+8, crit x2 (15-20)
Longbow +8, 1d8+5, crit x3 (20)
AC 20, flat-footed 17, touch 13, CMD 23, HP 68
Saves: fort +11, ref +9, will +13
Negative energy resistance 10, 25% negative levels resistance
Often enjoyed bonuses:
(Trox harboured) +4 will vs mind-affecting effects
(Raz or Trox adjacent) Flanking +4 to hit
(Raz or Trox adjacent) attack of opportunity +4 to hit
(free action) Haste +1 to hit, +1 AC
(free action) Rage (melee) +2 to hit, +3 damage
(weapon expertise) -2 to hit, +2 AC
(swift action) animal/planar focus: so many choices!!
(swift action) Hawkeye (ranged) +3 to hit
(swift action) Bane +2 to hit, +2d6+2 damage
(spell) Divine favour +3 to hit, +3 damage
(spell) Shield +4 AC
(spell) energy resistance 20

Trox combat:
Init +2, move 40’, pounce
Bite +13, 1d8+8, crit x2 (20), grab CMB +19 (if grappled, rake next turn 1d6+8)
2 claws +12, 1d6+8, crit x2 (20)
AC 17, flat-footed 15, touch 11, CMD 26, HP 84
Saves: fort +9, ref +7, will +2 (+4 will vs enchantment = +6)
Often enjoyed bonuses:
Power attack: -2 to hit, +4 damage
(Raz or Zorgax adjacent) Flanking +4 to hit
(Raz or Zorgax adjacent) attack of opportunity +4 to hit
(swift action, permanent) animal/planar focus: so many choices!!

Raz combat:
Init +3, move 10’ or 60’ fly
2 claws +8, 1d4-2, crit x2 (20)
AC 19, flat-footed 15, touch 16, CMD 16, HP 32
Saves: fort +11, ref +8, will +14
Often enjoyed bonuses:
(Trox or Zorgax adjacent) Flanking +4 to hit
(Trox or Zorgax adjacent) attack of opportunity +4 to hit

Hope you like him, GM :)
He's been a day's work :D

I still have to decide on my level 1 potions, and I'll probably want arrows, a belt, some pouches, a signal whistle, and the like. But nothing that can't wait.

Silver Crusade

I might have another look at items, the boots of speed are an odd and expensive choice. But that too, would be details :D

And the cestus is a remnant from when I had a brawler level.

Silver Crusade

Viondar wrote:

I might have another look at items, the boots of speed are an odd and expensive choice. But that too, would be details :D

And the cestus is a remnant from when I had a brawler level.

Actually I'm going to tweak a whole lot more... Never mind me.

Overall description, background and concept will stand, though :D

it looks like we have a lot of players tweaking their pcs just to have the right amount of backstabbing the backstabber, which is fine in this setting.

So i am going to keep this recruitment open through the rest of this week to give everyone an opportunity to tweak their PC just right.

But remember, not only do you have to be the last one standing, you have to make it through the dungeon.

Alright - all crunch is officially done. I may swap around a few spells in the spell book or skill ranks once we see what the party looks like, to help make us an effective party. But this is a good starting point. I have an alias ready to go, but I prefer not to post until accepted that way I can reskin the alias into a future submission if necessary.

Walay Sikulu Crunch:

Walay Sikulu
M CN Human U-Rogue/Wizard/Arcane Trickster, Level 1/3/4, Init 6, HP 66/66, Speed 30
AC 21, Touch 15, Flat-footed 17, CMD 19, Fort 7, Ref 11, Will 8, CMB +4, Base Attack Bonus 3
Light Crossbow +1 (20 regular/ 10 Acid) +8 (1d8+1, 19-20x2) Range 80'
Wand of Scorching Ray (50 Charges) +7 (+7/+7) (8d6 (4d6/4d6), 20 x 2) Range 40' (Ranged Touch)
MW Dagger +5 (1d4+1, 19-20x2)
Mithril Chain Shirt of Spell Storing +1 Currently Storing Ghoul Touch (+5 Armor, +4 Dex, +1 Natural, +1 Deflect)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 20, Wis 12, Cha 10
Condition None

Description & Background:

Background: Walay is a Korvosian orphan that grew up on the streets, using stealth and guile to make ends meet. When he decided to attempt to steal from the Temple of Nethys, the temple guards (called the Everwatch) apprehended him and brought him before the temple matron to determine his fate. During his interview, the matron found him to have a sharp, but undisciplined mind and felt he would likely make an apt pupil if given proper instruction and boundaries. Thus it was that he became a ward and pupil of the Knowing Academy.

The poor circumstances of his youth made him the target of ridicule and jealousy among the other novitiates. Many families paid large sums of money to send their children to the Knowing Academy, and here was a street urchin that had room and board provided for him. Most of his fellow students found it unbearable. For Walay's part, he did little to win them over to his side. He focused on his studies and his street smarts carried him through all but the worst of scrapes. Traits: Reactionary & Orphan]

Walay began at school late, and for the first semester or two found that he was behind his fellow students, especially in matters of arcane knowledge and practice. However, as soon as he learned a new magical skill, he found that his natural talent with it would often equal or surpass those of his classmates. This would often intensify their jealousy. [OOC]Trait: Magical Knack.

Upon graduation from the Knowing Academy Walay volunteered to be one of the novitiates that would travel the world and gather information to bring back. In this way he found ways to continue his study and grow his own talents without having to interact with the other graduates who by then well and truly hated him.

Walay joined a travelling group of adventures that called themselves Thorne. The loose organization of unlikely heroes were primarily in it for the money, and found good use of Walay's skills to steal into dungeon and barrow alike to pilfer the treasures within. This last mission they bit off more than they could chew though, and it was just by the power of his wizardry that Walay was able to escape. When both of the melee specialists in his party fell finished he cast invisibility on himself and hid. When the healer of their party tried to save her fallen comrades she two found the power of their foe to be overwhelming and fell as well. Seeing his friends dead at his invisible feet, Walay cast expeditious retreat and ran from the encounter. Having seperated himself from the situation he stopped to lean on a tree and catch his breath. When the invisibility wore off, a bag with a strange smell of peppermint and sage was slipped over his head. He had trouble breathing and fell unconscious.

Description/b] Walay (Pronounced Wah-lay, like Wally with a long 'ah' sound.) Is a skinny human male standing 6'tall. He has blond hair that is faint, almost white and eyes that are dark grey and nearly devoid of color altogether. A dark backpack that lays flat on his back as if it is empty.

The fletching of crossbow bolts stick out of quivers on both of his legs and a dagger with a fine looking hilt sits at his waist on his belt. On close inspection hints of dagger hilts can also be seen in the tops of his boots and peeking out from underneath the sleeves of his shirt. A crossbow is slung over one should and rests at his hip.

A magical circlet adorns his head and a fine looking cloak droops down from his shoulders.

[b]Personality: Walay is an accomplished wizard with some capability when it comes to thievery and skulduggery. He is willing to make friends and alliances that serve his interests, but in his book the needs of the individual (and specifically him) out weigh the needs of the other or the group. If someone staying alive will increase his chances of survival he will fight within reason to make that happen. If someone dying will increase his chances of survival he has no compunctions against making that happen either.

Silver Crusade

I read 3 traits in your background. You do know we're only allowed one, right?

But ehm... Cool story, bro ;)

Using one of my feats on Additional Traits Not technically needed for the build, but I like having reactionary and orphan to help with some of his weak points.

If GM says no to the feat I can certainly drop them and find something else to do with the feat slot that would free up.

Wish I had noticed those formatting mistakes earlier. That tag mess is awful.

Silver Crusade

Ah... Yeah that works :D
Couldn't see your feat build-up.

I'll finish tweaking my build saturday or sunday :D

It looks like it it’s only the three of us so far with submitted builds. it’s going to be quite a tense game if it’s only three people.

Color me interested.

Profile is still a work in progress, but wanted to post in to show that I'm still here, wrapping up work on Rashed Al-Amin, a swift-footed champion of Sarenrae who refuses to kill unless absolutely necessary! Things are somewhat barebones at the moment, but should give a good idea of the character; more small purchases and explanations of option choices to come.

Silver Crusade

To not spoil everything, I submitted the tweaked version of my character straight to the GM in a PM.

I'll make a distinction between public stats and hidden ones if I'm picked.

Good luck, all :)

so, heres who submitted a completed character:

Viondar: Zorgax the brutal inquisitor
Helix: Rashed Al-amin human paladin
nairb the grey: walay sikulu rogue/wiz/arcane trickster
sashaa: Halfling Mesmerist
Gorthug: half-orc elemental annihilator

lets get this killfest started, shall we?

gamethread is now open

Sounds good to me.

Looks like we will be relying on Zorgax and Rashed for healing if any healing is going to be given. That should be fun.

I submitted my Warpriest, idk if you noticed or he didn’t get selected, just figured I’d ask.

Set 1
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 3, 3) = 17 14
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 4, 1) = 7 6
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 1, 5) = 10 9
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 5, 6) = 18 15
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 2, 4) = 12 10
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 3, 2) = 12 10
Oof, hope set 2 is better!

Set 2
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 3, 3) = 12 10
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 1, 2) = 13 12
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 4, 5) = 11 10
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 1, 5) = 15 14
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 4, 2) = 11 9
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 2, 5) = 14 12

I mean....Ow?

Oh nvm you finished recruit XD
only just noticed XD

Mythicman19 wrote:
I submitted my Warpriest, idk if you noticed or he didn’t get selected, just figured I’d ask.

Totally missed seeing the priest. Go ahead and jump in

Ok thanks.

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