Ellioti |

Here is my submission. Crunch only, so you can start checking it and ask questions. Background will follow in a few days.
Ulix Marcellus
Male Human (Taldan) cleric 12 Archetypes Iron Priest
CN Medium humanoid (human, grippli)
Init +4, Senses Perception +22
Aura aura of chaos, aura of madness (12 rounds/day)
AC 31, touch 17, flat-footed 27 (+9 armor, +3 deflection, +4 Dex, +5 shield, )
hp 99 ((12d8)+36)
Fort +13, Ref +11, Will +17
Speed 40 ft.
Melee melee touch attack +16 (reach 15 ft.) [w/ GMW]
Ranged Acidic Ray +13 (1d6+5 acid) [5/day]
Special Attacks Aura of Madness (12 rounds/day), Touch of Chaos (9/day), Vision of Madness (9/day)
Magic Item Spell-Like Abilities feather fall (at will)
Prepared Spells
Cleric (CL 12th; concentration +18)
6th-antilife shell, blade barrier (DC 22), phantasmal killer* (DC 22), summon monster vi
5th-angelic aspect, breath of life, confusion* (DC 21), slay living (DC 21), wall of stone (DC 21)
4th-confusion* (DC 20), freedom of movement, magic weapon (greater), protection from energy (communal), restoration
3rd-bestow curse (2x) (DC 19), dispel magic*, Sands of Time, magic vestment
2nd-eagle's splendor, early judgment (DC 18), ironskin, resist energy, restoration (lesser), touch of idiocy*
1st-air bubble (DC 17), ant haul, comprehend languages, entropic shield*, fallback strategy, obscuring mist, sure casting, Liberating Command
0th-create water, detect magic, light, read magic
*:Domain spell.
Deity Groetus; Domains Chaos (Entropy subdomain), Madness
Temporary Effects ant haul, greater magic weapon, magic vestment
Str 9, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 22, Cha 15,
Base Atk +9; CMB +8; CMD 25
Feats Agile Tongue, Eldritch Heritage (Aberrant Bloodline), Improved Eldritch Heritage, Racial Heritage (Grippli), Selective Channeling, Skill Focus (Knowledge (Dungeoneering), Perception), Weapon Finesse
Skills Appraise +4, Diplomacy +6, Disable Device +7, Heal +10, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +19, Knowledge (Engineering) +4, Knowledge (History) +4, Knowledge (Local) +4, Knowledge (Religion) +8, Perception +22, Spellcraft +6, Survival +10,
Traits Sacred Conduit, Scholar of Ruins (Knowledge (Dungeoneering)),
Languages Common, Undercommon
SQ Madness Variant Channel Negative Energy (3d6, DC 19, 5/day)
Gear Rod (Persistent/Lesser) (3 charges), potion of darkvision (5), potion of heroism, headband of inspired wisdom +4, shield, heavy steel +3 (mithral), ring of protection +3, ring of feather falling, belt of physical might (dex/con) +2, cloak of resistance +3, breastplate +1 (mithral), boots of striding and springing, bag of holding (type i), holy symbol (iron) (5), inquisitor's kit, scroll case, rod (persistent/lesser), 15274.0 gp
Aura of Madness (Su) You can emit a 30-foot aura of madness for 12 rounds per day. Enemies within this aura are affected by Confusion unless they make a Will save (DC 22). The Confusion effect ends immediately when the creature leaves the area or the aura expires. Creatures that succeed on their saving throw are immune to this aura for 24 hours. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.
Channel Negative Energy (Su) When an iron priest channels energy to heal or harm living creatures, she heals or harms constructs with the clockwork or robot subtypes as well. Constructs without those subtypes are also affected, but gain only half the normal amount of healing or take only half the normal amount of damage, as appropriate. This ability alters channel energy.
Variant ChannelingMadness: Creatures are confused until the end of your next turn.
Hasten the End At 8th level, as an immediate action upon successfully hitting an opponent with a melee attack, you reduce the remaining duration of all beneficial magical effects currently affecting the target by 1 round, minute, hour, or day—whichever measurement is used to determine the duration of each particular magical effect. You can use this ability twice per day.
Spontaneous Casting An iron priest can spontaneously cast make whole and weater make whole in place of cure/ inflict moderate wounds and cure/inflict critical wounds, regardless of whether she channels positive or negative energy. This ability alters casting.
Touch of Chaos (Sp) You can imbue a target with chaos as a melee touch attack. For the next round, any time the target rolls a d20, he must roll twice and take the less favorable result. You can use this ability 9 times per day.
Vision of Madness (Sp) You can give a creature a vision of madness as a melee touch attack. Choose one of the following; attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. The target receives a +6 bonus to the chosen rolls and a -6 penalty to the other two types of rolls. This effect fades after 3 rounds. You can use this ability 9 times per day.
Eldritch Heritage
Aberrant Bloodline There is a taint in your blood, one that is alien and bizarre. You tend to think in odd ways, approaching problems from an angle that most would not expect. Over time, this taint manifests itself in your physical form.
Acidic Ray (Sp) You can fire an acidic ray as a standard action, targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The acidic ray deals 1d6+5 points of acid damage. You can use this ability 5 times per day.
Long Limbs (Ex) Your reach increases by 5 feet whenever you are making a melee touch attack. This ability does not otherwise increase your threatened area.
Focused Study At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, gain skill focus in a skill of your choice.
Agile Tongue (Grippli) Your long pink tongue is capable of manipulating small items and even stealing objects.
Benefit: You have a prehensile tongue with a range of 10 feet. You can pick up items weighing no more than 5 pounds, make Sleight of Hand checks, perform the steal or disarm combat maneuvers, or make melee touch attacks with your tongue.
Sacred Conduit Your birth was particularly painful and difficult for your mother, who needed potent divine magic to ensure that you survived (your mother may or may not have survived). In any event, that magic infused you from an early age, and you now channel divine energy with greater ease than most. Whenever you channel energy, you gain a +1 trait bonus to the save DC of your channeled energy.
Scholar of Ruins (Knowledge (Dungeoneering)) From the moment you could walk and talk, the ruins of ancient civilizations have fascinated you. Because of this, you have special insight into geography as well as expertise in exploring lost places. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (geography) and Knowledge (dungeoneering) checks. One of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.

Jereru |

Okay, this is the first draft of Lanyssa's background, a warpriest of Falayna (an Empyreal Lord).
Lanyssa was born a slave. Her early years were spent in a slave camp in Cheliax, were she learned well about justice. Or about the lack of it, we should say. Being a slave, a woman and a half-breed was no lottery, that’s for sure. She was abused and humiliated in many more ways than one could conceive. Her mother was killed just for the amusement of her captors. Many fellow slaves suffered the same destiny, either serving as moving targets or forced to fight each other to the death in the gladiatorial pits. Lanyssa suffered, but withstood. She ended up scarred, but in the end prevailed. Some guards were trying to abuse from another slave, a girl barely in her teens. Lanyssa’s mind snapped, and she got involved. She attacked the guards, took their sword and beheaded them. For a moment, everything stood still as she realised what had just happened. The rest of the slaves looked at each other, not knowing what to do. A minute later, the riot caused the blood of slaves and guards alike tint the nearby river in deep red.
Lanyssa knew it was going to be tough to be accepted. A former slave, of mixed heritage and who was far from submissive was beyond the common settlement tolerance. She forged her own destiny, selling her sword and seeking lost treasures and knowledge. Using all her might to help those in need, specifically slaves and women under abuse, she ended up embracing Falayna as her mistress. Many abusive husbands, pimps or slavers met their end at the edge of Lanyssa’s sword, and she finally reached Numeria.
In Numeria, she found the perfect breeding ground for a devout like her. A place under the iron rule of the Technic League, with its native people oppressed, where she could use all her skills for the greater good in the name of the Warrior’s Ring.
It was during the liberation of some slaves that something went wrong. The guards were better armed than she thought, and while she managed to get most of the slaves out of danger thanks to external help, she got caught herself between enemy fire. The explosions, lasers and plasma destroyed her vision and hearing, and some of her limbs were beyond recovery. Despite her tremendous resilience and willpower, it seemed like the end for Lanyssa.
It happened, though, that destiny had other plans for her. One of the slaves was Jolanda, the niece of Lady Altouna, ruler of Hajoth Hakados. Thankful, the Lady managed to save Lanyssa by having her experts replace the wounded half-orc’s lost limbs with cybernetic equipment. When Lanyssa woke up after her recovery and learned of the facts, she thanked Lady Altouna, and agreed to work together with her to liberate her people from the Tech League.
Lanyssa is a classical half-orc, muscled, tough, green skin, tusks and all that. She is smarter than the average individual, though, and gifted with an iron will. She suffers with abuses, and can’t control herself when a woman is treated as a tool or a possession. She will go out of her way to fix that situation, even though experience has taught her that sometimes there’s a greater evil to be fought. With Lady Altouna, she hopes for a better future for the Numerians, and is eager to spread rebellion through all of Numeria. Also, and though she refuses to admit it, the existance of Jolanda could well be an additional reason to fight for freedom.
Let me know if something doesn't belong. I took the liberty of creating Jolanda, Lady Altouna's niece. Maybe the name or anything else needs to be changed.
Now on with the crunch. I hope to have it ready for tomorrow.

GM Niles Iron Gods |

Here is my submission. Crunch only, so you can start checking it and ask questions. Background will follow in a few days.
** spoiler omitted **...
You have a Grippli racial trait, was that on purpose?
NVM. I noticed the feats. I'm guessing that your thing is gonna be touch attacks at 15'...
I'm interested to see your background for sure.

GM Niles Iron Gods |

Okay, this is the first draft of Lanyssa's background, a warpriest of Falayna (an Empyreal Lord).
** spoiler omitted **...
So, Lady Altouna is a Lashunta who is trapped on Golarion from an elf gate on Castrovel. She doesn't have any relatives. However, she could easily have associates or friends that would fit the bill.

Jereru |

Alright, the important point is that whoever Lanyssa saved is much beloved to Lady Altouna. She doesn't need to be her true niece, just so close that would call her aunt out of affection. If we want to keep the classics, we could say she's the daughter of a servant who died protecting Altouna, and she swore to rise the little girl out of respect.
Apart from that detail, what do you think? Everything done?

GM Niles Iron Gods |

Alright, the important point is that whoever Lanyssa saved is much beloved to Lady Altouna. She doesn't need to be her true niece, just so close that would call her aunt out of affection. If we want to keep the classics, we could say she's the daughter of a servant who died protecting Altouna, and she swore to rise the little girl out of respect.
Apart from that detail, what do you think? Everything done?
Seems like a minor quibble, but she doesn't have to be from Cheliax. She can be from Numeria. It would make her hatred of the Technic League (who practices in the slave trade extensively) even more a part of her story. It would also give her tons of motivation to fight a war against them.

Ellioti |

Ellioti wrote:Here is my submission. Crunch only, so you can start checking it and ask questions. Background will follow in a few days.
** spoiler omitted **...You have a Grippli racial trait, was that on purpose?
NVM. I noticed the feats. I'm guessing that your thing is gonna be touch attacks at 15'...
I'm interested to see your background for sure.
Me too :)
I was about to write when I got accepted into another game. Thus I will withdraw and keep this build on hold.
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Quick note - still interested!
I kind of had my wings cut when J-12 mentioned the chainsaw as I had my mind on one of them as well.
I'm working on the crunch at the minute, and I'll present the backstory in a bit. I got rather carried away, but I hope you don't mind! Should be done by later tonight.

Guaire |

Quick note - still interested!
I kind of had my wings cut when J-12 mentioned the chainsaw as I had my mind on one of them as well.
I'm working on the crunch at the minute, and I'll present the backstory in a bit. I got rather carried away, but I hope you don't mind! Should be done by later tonight.
No need not to do anything with the chainsaw. It's the PC that's up for joining, not the weapon they hold. :)

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I went a little overboard, but once I got the writing bug to setup a scene, it was all or nothing.
Few Kellid, mainly the ones who sit in their tents with empty gums and wax the tales of roaming the wastes remember the tale of Clan Flameheart. Them, and one more, but to get anything out of him requires a lot of patience and a lot of bravery.
They will say that the Flamehearts were the greatest herbalists and healers in the land. That as they passed, the lands flourished. That their greatest would cleanse a polluted stream with a single pinch of mysterious powders, that a touch from them would send a horse fit only for food at the head of the charge. That they could walk through flame not only unscathed, but more powerful than before.
And then, the stars cursed them. A star had fallen into their camp, and the Servants of the Cog, the Technic League marched their terrible soulless machines and dark magics, and wiped Clan Flameheart out of existance with one adamantine swoop.
That, perhaps, may be true. And yet, the scattered piles of gearsmen and League members akin, torn with anatomical precision and seared in massive Kellid pyres suggest that the flame still burns, hungry to consume all it can before it dies.
The plan was cunning, if distasteful even for her. To poison the few springs in the punishing savanna, in the hopes of luring the Flameheart out was a long stretch, but as far as the Technic League knew, the psychopath never refused help. Something about the ways of his clan, and, Arcanist Xotha hoped, his downfall.
Riding her horse into the next settlement, two magi at her side and half a dozen gearsmen, she'd expected to see the next abandoned waystation, and not a surprisingly chipper outpost. The locals hurried inside when they saw the riders, of course, as they should. Hurling the reins at the other rider, she dismounted, grasping her Zero Rifle in her hand. A fitting weapon to hunt the last Flameheart, she thought. And though she'd never admit it to her superiors, a very handy thing to "accidentally" discharge in the blistering sun.
Crashing into the tavern with a swipe of the door, the gearsmen stood tall, blocking the locals from leaving. The two magi reached at their belts for a sword and a pistol, as she strut forwards, pointing the weapon at the tavern keeper. "Let's go talk.", she spat out, nodding at the keeper that it's best if he follow, as she dragged him to the cellar, away from unpleasant screams and cries of pain. Snapping her head back, she nodded at the others. "Drag everyone to the tavern. You, with me." With a nod, the sword-wielder and the gearsman bursted out through the door, while the frailer man with the pistol and the unhealthy smile followed inside.
The tavernkeep was hardy, she thought, feeling her bruised fist. "Spine. I like it. I don't have all day, though. Tuvo, grab me a couple of people from upstairs.", she barked, before turning back at the man, look of impatience and anger spreading on her face. "Now. Last time. Which direction did the Flameheart leave -", she shouted, before the muffled death screams of a man echoed down into the cellar. Laughing through his shattered teeth, the tavernkeep answered. "He never left...", he whispered as the Arcanist grabbed her rifle, snapped a spell around herself and rushed up the stairs and burst out into the street.
The scene was surreal. The gearsmen lay broken, snapped, cut in half, an arm still slowly crawling through a puddle of oil, hopelessly reaching for its master. The swordsman's still twitching body, impaled onto the hitching post, bloody scuffmarks on the baked soil pointing to the centre of the square.
In the centre of the square stood the Flameheart. Xotha was a Starfall-born Kellid. She'd seen large, bulky Kellid, alchemical mutants and even the results of cybernetic experimentation. The human standing in front of her, however, sent a chilling spike down her spine despite the midday sun.
Despite hunching over, he couldn't have been shorter than seven feet. Arms of sinewy muscles, covered in scarred and burned skin, wrapped around a chainsaw buried firmly into her last remaining ally. Thick, oily braids flowed down the man's face, an expression of animalistic hatred on the cracked, foam-covered lips. Her gaze locked with the pair of yellow, bloodshot eyes, as the man slowly turned his head towards her, nostrils flaring.
She didn't wait. A barrage of ice shot out from the Zero Rifle, the shots landing square into the man's chest, only for a few licks of a fiery tongue to burst from the man, licking the ice clean. "Cog-Thrall!", the man roared in a manic voice as the fire aura around him faded. "Star magic will not quench the flame!", he laughed out as he broke into a sprint, running into the hail of icy bolts. Closing her eyes, Xotha braced for death, only to feel the stampeding rush stop in front of her, and have the weapon torn from her hands. Staring straight into the Flameheart's face, her face blanked, only for him to lift her by her throat in a massive, calloused hand. "You win, Cog-Thrall from Starfall!", the hoarse laughter left the man's throat. "I'll walk the warpath. You won't pray to find me, but that I don't find you, Black Blood!", he roared in her face, spit covering the Arcanist's face. Tossing her onto the ground, she panickedly shuffled away as quickly as possible, as the Kellid tossed his chainsaw in the air, before catching it once more. Running to untie her horse as quickly as possible, she heard the manic scream once more at her back, daring not to turn. "Scatter, Slave of Starry Skies! Scream the spinal scare straight into their souls! The League will feed the Flameheart pyre!"
To most, Kzuk'oth would be a sight they'd avoid even in their dreams. A ragged Kellid, his lean muscular frame towers over seven feet. His natural shuffle and hunched back help little, once one stares into his eyes, full of pain, anger, and the feeling that he'd stepped on the wrong side of sanity one time too many. His arms are covered in scars, burns and cuts, though his hands are surprisingly clean. A surprisingly pleasant, sooty smell of ash and herbs follows him from a distance, and if one is to ignore the rabid Kellid's yellowish stare, they'd notice the multiple vials, poultices and healer's equipment on his belt and backpack.
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +0; Perception +1
Favored Class Bonus +1 to HP
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+6 armor, +0 Dex, +0 Natural, +1 Deflection)
hp 112 (12d8+36)
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2 (+3 add. vs fear);
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +2 Chainsaw +19/16 (3d6+12), or
Melee +2 Chainsaw +16/11 (3d6+21), or
Melee, mutagen +2 Chainsaw +19/14 (3d6+30)
Str 24, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +9; CMB +10; CMD 22
Feats Brew Potion, Throw Anything, Intimidating Prowess, Skill Focus (Intimidate, Craft(Alchemy), Heal), Power Attack, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Chainsaw), Weapon Focus (Chainsaw), Dazzling Display, Technologist Possibly.
Skills: (Rank/Class/Stat/Bonus)
Acrobatics +11* (12/0/0)
Craft(Alchemy) +37 (12/3/4/18)
Diplomacy +14 (12/0/-1/3)
Heal +22 (12/3/1/6)
Intimidate +36 (12/3/10/9)
Survival +16 (12/3/1)
Knowledge(Nature) +19 (12/3/4)
Knowledge(Engineering) +16 (12/0/4)
Stealth +12* (12/0/0)
Languages Kellid, Hallit, Androffan, Dwarven, Taldane
Special Abilities
Mutagen, Grand
Spontaneous Healing (60 hp/day)
Bruising Intellect Has a surprisingly... suitable vocabulary.
Against The Technic League (Campaign)
+2 Chain Shirt 4250
+2 Chainsaw 10700
+6 Belt of Giant Strength 36000
+4 Headband of Brilliance 16000 Stealth and Knowledge(Engineering). He may occasionally mention that his head is talking to him.
Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier 5000
+3 Cloak of Resistance 9000
Batteries. All the batteries ???
To be Continued.
To be Continued.
My general concept was for basically someone that the Technic League knows as a rabid psychopath with a chainsaw (and are technically correct), but has also reached there due to great tragedy, and is trying to get vengeance and redemption by doing what was once his sole path - healing those who need him. He'd probably be the healer of last resort to Hajoth Hakados (as nobody really likes spending time with the scary lunatic with the chainsaw), and he's sane enough to realise he needs the town's help to strike against the Technic League. That, and he's not quite given up his attempts at socialising, if with often humorous results, due to his proneness to speak in odd phrases.

Surazal "Raza" |

Lazarus the Immortal wrote:Is all Core material allowed, or is it restricted to what is mentioned here and in the Iron Gods Player's Guide?I'm not sure what you are asking. Anything in the CRB is allowed....
Well, damn. Now I'm not sure, either. Maybe I'm mixing up Core with Open Source.
I'll just ask my question directly. Is the Advanced Class Guide allowed?

GM Niles Iron Gods |

GM Niles Iron Gods wrote:Lazarus the Immortal wrote:Is all Core material allowed, or is it restricted to what is mentioned here and in the Iron Gods Player's Guide?I'm not sure what you are asking. Anything in the CRB is allowed....Well, damn. Now I'm not sure, either. Maybe I'm mixing up Core with Open Source.
I'll just ask my question directly. Is the Advanced Class Guide allowed?
Sure. But I reserve the right to say No on things I find offensive to my delicate GM tastes.

Ellioti |

I'm withdrawing my withdraw.
Here is my submission. Crunch only, so you can start checking it and ask questions. Background will follow in a few days.
** spoiler omitted **...
OK here is Ulix' background
Ulix would be a pretty man, if he'd bother to care. Hard to say when he had the last bath, haircut or shave. Probably the last time he had an audience with Lady Altouna, his current employer. But let's start further back in time.
He came to Hajoth Hakados and Numeria looking for answers, looking for prove he wasn't crazy. Aliens are real, he just knew it.
Too bad nobody at home in stupid Taldor believed him. "They're already here and they'll bring an early end to this world. The renewal is waiting." That's what he was trying to tell everyone. "He's only the messenger", he tried to explain. But people those people are all already lost it seems. Or why would they not listen to an envoy of the Great Groetus. The Majesty that will finish this miserable life and start some thing new. Something better. Ulix only tries to help. Tries to warn of the alien invasion that will be brutal and catastrophic.
Maybe his claims, he had been kidnapped and experimented on by aliens had something to do with it. But even his strange limbs and tongue apperently were not prove enough. "Your mother had a foul run-in with a demon-worshipping Grippli cult", they claimed. B$&*#%@#. It had to be the aliens, he had the visions and memories, after all.
Well, now he's here, researching the aliens first hand. Dumb luck even gave him said audience with their queen, where he explained to be a scholar and envoy from taldor. They talked a bit about what he knows and claimed a position as a minor advisor.
Well, he tried to stay close to her, for now, just to observe. It's a strange land with weird technology and he had to learn as much as possible if he ever was to return home. He needed to prepare his people properly for the coming.
I will make a few cosmetic changes to his stats, but nothing major. Gonna make him CG instead of CN, because he really just wants to help.

Seven.teen |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

As far as I'm aware it's VMC that's off limits (because you have to choose it at level 1 and it wasn't available back when we were level 1).
Most other stuff should be fine as long as it's reasonably balanced. A personal rule of thumb is content from core rule books (APG, ACG etc...) written by the PDT is usually fine. Stuff from splat books is a bit more suspect and needs to be examined on a case by case basis. Some options are badly edited and or overpowered.

GM Niles Iron Gods |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

As far as I'm aware it's VMC that's off limits (because you have to choose it at level 1 and it wasn't available back when we were level 1).
Most other stuff should be fine as long as it's reasonably balanced. A personal rule of thumb is content from core rule books (APG, ACG etc...) written by the PDT is usually fine. Stuff from splat books is a bit more suspect and needs to be examined on a case by case basis. Some options are badly edited and or overpowered.
Seven's player and I have been virtual gaming together since like 2012, he's 100% accurate. I don't read enough of the books to just ban stuff altogether, its more of a "if I notice its way out of line" thing.

GM Niles Iron Gods |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm withdrawing my withdraw.
Ellioti wrote:Here is my submission. Crunch only, so you can start checking it and ask questions. Background will follow in a few days.
** spoiler omitted **...OK here is Ulix' background
** spoiler omitted **
I will make a few cosmetic changes to...
So instead of the normal Groetus "The End is Nigh" your character is more like
"Guys, the End is Nigh and there's aliens about. IT'S GONNA BE AWESOME"

GM Niles |

Hey, I'm posting interest, but I just wanted to ask - why 'no occult classes'? Is it just a reaction to unfamiliar material, or is there something in the setting that makes you want to make that rule?
I'm unfamiliar with the rules, they seem unnecessary, they don't "really" fit with the scifi setting.

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leinathan wrote:Hey, I'm posting interest, but I just wanted to ask - why 'no occult classes'? Is it just a reaction to unfamiliar material, or is there something in the setting that makes you want to make that rule?I'm unfamiliar with the rules, they seem unnecessary, they don't "really" fit with the scifi setting.
They're very sci-fi appropriate. Especially psychics (who have specific powers and even a subclass devoted to technology) and occultists, who do all kinds of stuff with resonating energy.

GM Niles Iron Gods |

GM Niles wrote:leinathan wrote:Hey, I'm posting interest, but I just wanted to ask - why 'no occult classes'? Is it just a reaction to unfamiliar material, or is there something in the setting that makes you want to make that rule?I'm unfamiliar with the rules, they seem unnecessary, they don't "really" fit with the scifi setting.They're very sci-fi appropriate. Especially psychics (who have specific powers and even a subclass devoted to technology) and occultists, who do all kinds of stuff with resonating energy.
Maybe that one specific example fits well, but from what I've gathered the entire occult lineup is more gothic than anything else.

Jereru |

Grith |

D-Kal here with my oracle WIP.
Mostly just trying to spend money and pick spells.
Let me know if I need more background or did anything wrong.
Basic premise - half-orc shaman imbued with metal-magic by experimental Numerian fluid rite. Wears metal, wields metal, creates metal, controls metal, basically is metal.
Went with a chainsaw because that's awesome. And because I didn't see like a laser ax or anything?

leinathan |

So! I was busy all day yesterday and I'm not sure how much time is left to apply, but I'm looking to apply with a foreign warlord-type character. I intend to write up some backstory about a campaign that they have already completed.
This character is a half-orc barbarian (savage technologist) 6/skald 6. They came to the area because they heard about an insurrection against a powerful enemy and, quite simply, they are seeking a challenge against something powerful. Supporting the underdog is always more challenging than fighting with the establishment. I'll have a backstory and a statblock up in a few hours. I hope I'm not too late to compete!
Perhaps if you accept more than one, my character and Grith could know each other, and be traveling warriors from the same tribe?

Baalrak of Iron |

Baalrak is a half-orc warrior. His skaldic magic comes from his father's sorcerous bloodline, watered down by a generation's distance and his lack of focus. His skaldic songs come from his naturally inspiring presence and his own powerful battle-fury. He has had a long career of adventure up till now, and is looking to test himself against more and more powerful and exotic foes before his body begins to grow frail with the half-orc's early-onset aging.
Mainly, he is a melee combatant. His magic is generally self-buffs (heroism, feather step, bladed dash, etc.) He is also able to grant raging song, which enhances other melee combatants with boons of +hit, damage, Will saves, and two rage powers which make a person stronger against spellcasters.
Baalrak also is very good in social situations, with high modifiers to Diplomacy, Bluff, Intimidate, and Sense Motive. He is especially effective against other tribal people because of his rough-and-tumble nature (and the fact he can add his Strength modifier to Diplomacy with other tribals). This is sure to come in handy, considering Numeria is full of Kellids.
Baalrak worships Gorum and Cayden Cailean in equal measure. He is Chaotic Neutral not in a chaotic random sort of way, but because he despises structure and authority and does not fight for altruistic reasons: He fights because he enjoys the feeling of blood spatter on his face and the sight of an enemy crushed before him.
Baalrak could easily know any other career adventurers (just in case any other PCs - including existing party members - want to already know of Baalrak), especially other people from savage cultures (because he is most likely to get along with other savage people). In addition, because his mother was a slutty Lamashtan, any half-breeds could easily be a half-sibling of Baalrak, no matter where they are from.
He is capable of switch-hitting, although his damage output in ranged combat is piddly compared to his melee damage output (it's 2d8+12 damage/round compared to 4d6+34 damage/round). However, since he can use firearms he can at least hit people reliably.
He still needs to spend his last ~4,000gp on consumables, mundane gear, and ammunition for his gun.
Let me know if you have any further questions for him.

leinathan |

My question was specifically about the expectation for posting which you yourself set (3-4 times per week) which your party hasn't met for at least 9 months. I was simply wondering if there was a plan for each of you to get up to that level yourselves.
However, I get the message. I will withdraw my application.

Ellioti |

Our post rate fluctuates, its dependent on our (my) work schedules. If you read the very first post on this thread, you'd see that its not the rate that I'm proud of, its the duration of the thread. If you want a game where everyone is posting multiple times a day, this isn't for you.
To be fair, Leinathan didn't say anything about multiple posts per day. But the other end of the spectrum with 1-2 posts per week is also not appealing to anyone. It's something one can endure, because he's been part of it for a while, but it's not a good selling argument for others to start at.
I'm in enough slow games already. If you can't promise to try to increase speed to where it used to be, I'm out as well.