
Tim Woodhams's page

Organized Play Member. 215 posts (3,315 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 20 aliases.

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Uses per day remaining:
Wisdom of the Ancestors 1/1; Blood of Heroes 2/2; Ancestral Weapon 6/6; 1st lv spells 7/7; 2nd lv spells 6/6, 3rd lv spells 3/3
Hobgoblin; Oracle 6 (Ancestor)
HP: 57/57; AC: 18/12/16; Saves: F +4, R +4, W +3; Init: +4; Per: +2 Darkvision;

Before joining withTiadora Vank spends a little time walking amoung the horde, finding hobgoblins and talking to them of their lot within a bugbear lead army and spreading the word that any who wish may seek him out later.

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HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);

"What can you tell of fighting these trees? Are they like treants and will move or are you talking of particularly aggressive weed that smothers all other plants?"

I like the idea of an extreme gardening conflict, probably not in pathfinder but maybe another system.

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HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);

Dregan watches the argument unfold for a moment memorized by the beautiful fey before the thought of his beautiful Mary breaks him out of his stupor. Turning away his goes through a pack and comes out with rag. Covering his eyes would make him useless to his friends but he could block his ears and then it could give him any orders. And he was sure his Nan had said water Fey charmed you with their songs. He carefully ripped off tow strips of rag and stuffed them in his ears then strung his bow and watched his friends for strange behaviors showing that they had been charmed. He tried to ignore Gavriil as it would be odd behavior for him not to act like he was charmed by a mostly naked woman but the others should be more resistant to such things.

knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19 for info on Nixies (not sure that this is the right knowledge)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);

Dregan draws an arrow sights along it to the door of the hut. Sometime his companions surprised him with their innocent view of the world but he kind liked that in them. It meant that he was still valuable to them, and he would show his value now.

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HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);

Dregan shugs "I might well be able to sneak up on it, but unlikely to do much good. I suspect our only hope of getting through its shell will be that hammer of yours. Lead on general."

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Uses per day remaining:
Wisdom of the Ancestors 1/1; Blood of Heroes 2/2; Ancestral Weapon 6/6; 1st lv spells 7/7; 2nd lv spells 6/6, 3rd lv spells 3/3
Hobgoblin; Oracle 6 (Ancestor)
HP: 57/57; AC: 18/12/16; Saves: F +4, R +4, W +3; Init: +4; Per: +2 Darkvision;
Haruk wrote:

Sorry guys wrapping up my vacation, trying and hoping to get home soon, but I've been delayed

1d20+14 Disguise

No problem to me, I just though that a roll you will fail one time in 20 wasn't worth waiting for, hope you don't mind.

Surprise round
Vank smiles and nods to the approaching guards. as they arrive he steps past them summoning his ancestor's sword and cuts down on one.

Attack: 1d20 + 8 - 1 ⇒ (19) + 8 - 1 = 26 power attack
Damage: 2d6 + 6 + 3 ⇒ (2, 4) + 6 + 3 = 15 power attack

Crit comfirm: 1d20 + 8 - 1 ⇒ (10) + 8 - 1 = 17 power attack
Damage: 2d6 + 6 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (3, 4) + 6 + 3 + 2 = 18 power attack, killer trait

Assuming crits a flat footed opponent
The hobgoblin's blade slices down through the head and down into the neck. Vank grants slightly as he pull the blade out and turn to the other guard.

Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

4 people marked this as a favorite.
HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);
Gavriil wrote:

That evening...

Gavriil grins at Dregan pacing back and forth between the window and his chair. The normally cool and collected ranger seemed to be on edge tonight. Realizing that he is not going to get any sleep with the ranger going back and forth across the creaky floor boards, Gavriil sits up and says, "Well, considering that I didn't kill anyone this last year, I don't think I'll have to worry about any spirits coming for me. If anyone asks for me they're probably just looking for money. So, I guess that frees me up to help you with your ghosts. They say if you speak well of the dead tonight it may appease them. So, Dregan, why don't you tell me about your brother some. If I remember right, he was a bandit, but not all bandits are bad. Some are just trying to survive. Like Nat."

"Nah Ulric wasn't nice like Nat or anything. He had a lot going for him smart and athletic like I'm not. But he was nasty and ambitious too. Farming and hunting wasn't good enough for him." he looks embarrassed "My dad always said we were descended from the royality who had settled this land a long time ago. To me it was rambling of an old man, it didn't matter what our ancestors were, what mattered was what we were. But Ulric he wanted to reclaim some name for himself. I doubt he ever thought of himself as a bandit, it would have been a stepping stone to something greater for him. It was that search for power that made him nasty, when we were... Never mind, the world will be better without him, but you know he was family."

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HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);

the scoundrel-signal is a baby? I would think that would make Gavriil run away not towards. (I know I misread that for fun, but I liked the idea.)

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HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);

Dregan smiles as the others break into a gallop and almost spurs Bargriv to follow them but remembers that he is leading the pack horse. "Later you can have a run too." he says to his horse stroking her neck.

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HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);

Well done GM, gets us moving and a excellent resolution.

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Uses per day remaining:
Wisdom of the Ancestors 1/1; Blood of Heroes 2/2; Ancestral Weapon 6/6; 1st lv spells 7/7; 2nd lv spells 6/6, 3rd lv spells 3/3
Hobgoblin; Oracle 6 (Ancestor)
HP: 57/57; AC: 18/12/16; Saves: F +4, R +4, W +3; Init: +4; Per: +2 Darkvision;

No problem, my fault.

"We have some other friends that are thirsting to meet you. Come this way" Assuming we have asked everything Vank will lead him to the others.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Uses per day remaining:
Wisdom of the Ancestors 1/1; Blood of Heroes 2/2; Ancestral Weapon 6/6; 1st lv spells 7/7; 2nd lv spells 6/6, 3rd lv spells 3/3
Hobgoblin; Oracle 6 (Ancestor)
HP: 57/57; AC: 18/12/16; Saves: F +4, R +4, W +3; Init: +4; Per: +2 Darkvision;

I happy to accept that our intelligent characters (at least in my case more intelligent than myself) can find too many problems with the plan to goes through with it.

I agree with Albrekt hit any major figure not at the play but I the only named figure we know of that we haven't dealt with is the priest and the duke. I may forgotten others or we might not have learnt of them,

New plan: hide in the priest's room for him to get back from the play. Cast silence kill him and the acolytes then either sneak out or disguise ourselves as them for the day.(Probably safer to sneak out.

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Uses per day remaining:
Wisdom of the Ancestors 1/1; Blood of Heroes 2/2; Ancestral Weapon 6/6; 1st lv spells 7/7; 2nd lv spells 6/6, 3rd lv spells 3/3
Hobgoblin; Oracle 6 (Ancestor)
HP: 57/57; AC: 18/12/16; Saves: F +4, R +4, W +3; Init: +4; Per: +2 Darkvision;

@Albrekt - It's a sign of respect really, but it might double as a way of ensuring your dead don't become undead. He already has his tribe haunting him, what is one more...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Uses per day remaining:
Wisdom of the Ancestors 1/1; Blood of Heroes 2/2; Ancestral Weapon 6/6; 1st lv spells 7/7; 2nd lv spells 6/6, 3rd lv spells 3/3
Hobgoblin; Oracle 6 (Ancestor)
HP: 57/57; AC: 18/12/16; Saves: F +4, R +4, W +3; Init: +4; Per: +2 Darkvision;

"With Albrekt dead we need to regroup ano rethink he was the mightiest of us so a brute force approach might no longer be the best. I'd like to wait and murder the priest but the alarm might raised and our way out might have closed by then. I suggest getting out and returning tomorrow, take the heads of the fallen and hide our traces the best that we can. That will also give us a chance to honour Albrekt, in my culture a fallen warrior is consumed by the tribe so that they might live on in the tribe. I would be honoured if joined me in this."

regrouping gives an excuse for levelling, if weak, and gives a chance for Albrekt to raise again, if I haven't eaten him. But DM if that isn't a valid option please let me know.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);

The powerful lizard of Fairhaven.

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Uses per day remaining:
Wisdom of the Ancestors 1/1; Blood of Heroes 2/2; Ancestral Weapon 6/6; 1st lv spells 7/7; 2nd lv spells 6/6, 3rd lv spells 3/3
Hobgoblin; Oracle 6 (Ancestor)
HP: 57/57; AC: 18/12/16; Saves: F +4, R +4, W +3; Init: +4; Per: +2 Darkvision;

Well we could do with some wood chips...

Will save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15 4 damage

Damn, too early. The vampire might be a lay ability in the long run but right now his skills were still needed. If I can bring down the angel quickly I might still be able to revive him...
Vank continues to swing at the angel.

Attack: 1d20 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (13) + 8 + 1 + 1 + 2 - 1 = 24 inspire courage, divine favour, flank, power attack

damage: 2d6 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 3 ⇒ (2, 1) + 6 + 1 + 1 + 3 = 14 inspire courage, divine favour, power attack

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Uses per day remaining:
Wisdom of the Ancestors 1/1; Blood of Heroes 2/2; Ancestral Weapon 6/6; 1st lv spells 7/7; 2nd lv spells 6/6, 3rd lv spells 3/3
Hobgoblin; Oracle 6 (Ancestor)
HP: 57/57; AC: 18/12/16; Saves: F +4, R +4, W +3; Init: +4; Per: +2 Darkvision;

Vank has suggested two game plans but only Ember has reacted, would be great to hear from the other players. Albrekt has wordlessly put forward the 'let kill them all and bath in their blood' suggestion.

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HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);

Dregan smiles at Gavriil We'll catchup after. Mary and I would love to have you for dinner" then he leave to prepare the horses.

Dregan will go with Talia in order to track the councilors, he figures any should be able to track the dwarves, there is a hundred of them wiand pack animals. He half expects to catchup with the dwarves along the way, they won't be moving fast and there aren't that many ways over the river,

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HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);

I've stayed out of this so for a few reasons. First I have a 5 week old child and this was a section that Dregan didn't have a active interest in. Additionally I didn't feel that my in put would help matters.

I am now writing because I am hoping that an outside voice might help. I know how easily this sort of game disagreements can get heated and it becomes hard to see the other persons perspective. Particularly in this medium (not face to face)

Both Vosil and OGGM have made some valid points. and I want to make a comments on a few of them in the hope that we can move towards a compromise.

I'm not sure that saying 'choice made' is the most useful. Yes some things are done, but the consequence shouldn't be determined yet. Someone can ride out and talk to the dwarves and correct some misunderstandings, particularly after heads have cooled etc.

We are playing a tabletop role playing game (if not at a table) and to me the beauty of tabletop rgps is that there are near infinite choices all the time. The adventure paths (and an unspoken agreement between us) try to funnels us in certain directions. I don't think anyone needs to label points where choices need to be made because that is every point (every post I have resisted the choice to declare war on Oleg but I could of (and everyone would have ignored me)).

Along the same line when players get involved in the role playing they are thinking about dice rolls, I think this is great, rolling dice can really disruptive a tense atmosphere and break a sense of disbelief. I think it is sensible for the GM to roll diplomacy or ask for a roll when they think it is required (otherwise you could make an argument that diplomacy roll should be with every post). For the same reason a player that wants to know motives can make their own sense motive rolls because the other option is the GM rolling for every post and... however I would suggest secret rolls by the GM to detect lying.

I have to go but I hope this will help rather than cause more problems.

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HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);

Dregan will come riding up quickly to the castle he is dressed in dirty overalls. Reigning in his horse he recovers his voice before asking "Is everyone alright? I heard there was a fight. Anything I can do?"

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HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);

For Dregan a buck rampant.

However I suggest separate crests, it's going to get very cluttered with all in one.

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Uses per day remaining:
Wisdom of the Ancestors 1/1; Blood of Heroes 2/2; Ancestral Weapon 6/6; 1st lv spells 7/7; 2nd lv spells 6/6, 3rd lv spells 3/3
Hobgoblin; Oracle 6 (Ancestor)
HP: 57/57; AC: 18/12/16; Saves: F +4, R +4, W +3; Init: +4; Per: +2 Darkvision;

Sorry in trying to get things moving one way there seemed to be indecision again so I thought that plan had been abandoned so tried to get things moving the other way. Now I've created chaos.

Vank casts silence on Kaynen then rushes down the stairs after albrekt

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HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);

Congrats,I hope everything goes well with the pregancy. Kaalib can always spend some time with his people and return to the story later.

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HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);

Dregan releases two arrows in the owlbear then he steps up to be directly behind Vosil.

ac=19 since it will have cover
Attack: 1d20 + 8 + 1 - 2 - 1 ⇒ (20) + 8 + 1 - 2 - 1 = 26 point blank, rapid shot, deadly aim
Damage: 1d8 + 3 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 3 + 1 + 2 = 8 point blank, deadly aim
Miss on 1-20: 1d100 ⇒ 66 hit

Crit confermation: 1d20 + 8 + 1 - 2 - 1 ⇒ (14) + 8 + 1 - 2 - 1 = 20 confirmed
Additional Damage: 2d8 + 12 ⇒ (2, 5) + 12 = 19 total 27 damage

Attack: 1d20 + 8 + 1 - 2 - 1 ⇒ (15) + 8 + 1 - 2 - 1 = 21 point blank, rapid shot, deadly aim
Damage: 1d8 + 3 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 3 + 1 + 2 = 8 point blank, deadly aim
Miss on 1-20: 1d100 ⇒ 14 miss

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HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);

sorry dealing with a new born can someone post an action for me.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);

Please bot me if required over the next couple of days. My wife is entering labour.

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HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);
Talia Khavortorov wrote:

EDIT: I've messaged OGGM about this, but I should probably say for the planning purposes that I'll be out of the country at the end of next week and thus not in a position to post, so Talia may be in the background for much of the fight. It is a little metagamey, but she could pass of the CLW wand to Magna or Dregan, or Asha if she goes over the wall with us. Edric I suppose can't use it.

On a similar note at some random point in the next 5 weeks my wife will be giving birth. I am hoping that I'll have time to get on and warn people when it starts but I don't know.

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HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);

"Well spotted, I'll sneak forward 'ave a look around tha base ov tha fort. Have tha 'orses ready in case I get spotted an' 'ave t' run." Dregan says. After a quick survey of the land he sets off towards the tower through the area Talia indicated that was poorly observed.

Stealth: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
Perception for spotting weaknesses etc when he gets close: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24

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HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);
Magnitofera Skeller wrote:

So Magna gets the armor? Or Dregan uses it?

Once they have a grave dug Dregan will carefully remove the bones from the armour, and take them to the grave. Afterward he says to Magna "If yew aren't worried about dis ghost yew are welcome t' tha armour. But I do fnk if we can find out who dis geezer was all 'is fn' should be sen' t' 'is relatives. Like I 'ope yew would do fer me if I was t' die."

Dregan then spend the rest of the evening carving word in a good strong piece of drift wood. When he is finish it reads "Here lays an unknown geezer, killed by dragons"

Scale slows you down and makes it hard to sneak not what Dregan wants anyway

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One alternative you could replace the mythic with gestalt. It would probably lower the power level, especially with 15 put buy.

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Uses per day remaining:
Wisdom of the Ancestors 1/1; Blood of Heroes 2/2; Ancestral Weapon 6/6; 1st lv spells 7/7; 2nd lv spells 6/6, 3rd lv spells 3/3
Hobgoblin; Oracle 6 (Ancestor)
HP: 57/57; AC: 18/12/16; Saves: F +4, R +4, W +3; Init: +4; Per: +2 Darkvision;

sorry guys, but on the plus side best typo I've ever made.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);

I'm back from holidays. Sorry didn't have internet for the last bit (and health issues with family members) meant I haven't been keeping up. I'll take a moment to catch up and post soon. I might also have to disappear for a couple of days with little notice, sorry.

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Uses per day remaining:
Wisdom of the Ancestors 1/1; Blood of Heroes 2/2; Ancestral Weapon 6/6; 1st lv spells 7/7; 2nd lv spells 6/6, 3rd lv spells 3/3
Hobgoblin; Oracle 6 (Ancestor)
HP: 57/57; AC: 18/12/16; Saves: F +4, R +4, W +3; Init: +4; Per: +2 Darkvision;

Vank shrugs at the other's complaints "You asked for public, maybe we could invite select members of the community to a private event of some sort"

[ Ooc ] Just a quick reminder that I'm traveling for the next 2 weeks, the next 3 days are likely to be hard for me to post at all. Merry Christmas all. [/ooc]

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HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);

Dregan nods looking around "Vekkel Benzen was a fine 'un'er, as many who 'ave gone after tese beast 'ave been, do not fer a momen' fnk dis'll be easy. If ov course dis is Tuskgutter's lair not some uther boar 'ome."

"A boar is most dangerous on tha charge so be ready fer that, but Tuskgutter 'as got tha be'er ov many 'un'ers 'e wouldn't 'ave what if 'e was nice an' predictable. There are generally free way t' 'unt a boar. Traps, but I suspect dis one'll be an' all wise t' be caught what way. Dogs, which we don't 'ave an' even if we did they need t' be specially trained fer boars. Boar spears, which we don't 'ave either but we might be able t' make wiv 'ime. Now I guess those wiv magic probably 'ave spells what could do it 'oo." Dregan pauses to look at Naralesh.

"So I figure we create our own way. First lets get tha 'orses away from 'ere, far an' all much chance ov 'em ge'in' accidentally maimed once tha fight starts. Then those what can cast magic an' tha like climb at least Neves foot up, maybe mawer, in a tree an' tie yourself there so what i' can't knock yew loose an' yew can use your 'ands. Everyone else got t' be super observan' an' ready tha get a tree between yew a chargin' boar, wai' fer i' t' exhaust its speed befawer yew surround it. OK?"

Naralesh, Kaalib and Dregan in trees and tied there so we can use our hands. Everyone has Magna's Lookout feet active and ready a move for when it charges, and get out of a charge line, then once it's charged surround it and kill it. Sound alright to everyone?

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Uses per day remaining:
Wisdom of the Ancestors 1/1; Blood of Heroes 2/2; Ancestral Weapon 6/6; 1st lv spells 7/7; 2nd lv spells 6/6, 3rd lv spells 3/3
Hobgoblin; Oracle 6 (Ancestor)
HP: 57/57; AC: 18/12/16; Saves: F +4, R +4, W +3; Init: +4; Per: +2 Darkvision;

Maybe as the handsome but single captain and the wife of the other captain.

I bags being the cheating wife.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Uses per day remaining:
Wisdom of the Ancestors 1/1; Blood of Heroes 2/2; Ancestral Weapon 6/6; 1st lv spells 7/7; 2nd lv spells 6/6, 3rd lv spells 3/3
Hobgoblin; Oracle 6 (Ancestor)
HP: 57/57; AC: 18/12/16; Saves: F +4, R +4, W +3; Init: +4; Per: +2 Darkvision;

I have. I say get stuck in and we can get things moving and work out the details later.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Uses per day remaining:
Wisdom of the Ancestors 1/1; Blood of Heroes 2/2; Ancestral Weapon 6/6; 1st lv spells 7/7; 2nd lv spells 6/6, 3rd lv spells 3/3
Hobgoblin; Oracle 6 (Ancestor)
HP: 57/57; AC: 18/12/16; Saves: F +4, R +4, W +3; Init: +4; Per: +2 Darkvision;

Thanks for the invite. Just noticed that your player who left causing you to look for more players was my GM who left causing me to look for a game.

Most of Vank's story can come out in role playing.. For the GM's reference Vank carves a fist clutching a lightening bolt into the flesh of any enemy he personally kills.

Has anyone been appointed leader of our knot?

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Kethaera Nightbreeze wrote:
Excellently written character Tim.

Thanks, Kethaera Nightbreeze looks good too. I've had the idea knocking about for ages but it didn't seem to fit in any of the adventure paths very well. But this AP seems exactly perfect for her.

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HP: 51/40 (DR 2 Silver or Magic); AC: 19/11/18; Saves: F +5, R +5, W +0; Init: +1; Per: +10 (darkvision 30 ft);

No hurry. Enjoying the game. Wish I had a computer to give away. Mine's 8 years old just hoping it'll keep working.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);

Dregan's bow follows the bird until it speaks at which point he clearly gives up and sits down to wait for the world to start making sense again.

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Male Human Oracle of Maitre Mer 3

The next morning "Captain, Mr Swurn did not return to the ship this morning. Ox Balgeson reported seeing him board another ship and all his personal stuff is gone." Gm if you are unhappy with this I'll retcon it but thought it wasn't unlikely given the situation.

matt lyons has not participated in any online campaigns.