Kaynen Catesby |

Round 3
HP: 27/27; AC: 16 (T12/FF14)
F: +5*, R: +7, W: +5*
Spells Left Today: 1st - 2/2
Cognatogen Left: 1/1
Bardic Perform Left (rds): 2/6
Bombs Left Today (1d6+3 DC14 each): 4/5
Location: Back Row
SA: Fire arrow
Kaynen, observing his rousing ballad seems to be rousing his allies, continues on, despite the fact he's never really carried on a tune for more than a short while, at least one capable of supernatural rousing (6rds of bard song means Kaynen's stamina is good for 36 seconds of song a day? Pfff..)
He then fires off another arrow from his wretched shortbow, for what good it may do.
Shortbow (pt blank, inspire): 1d20 + 5 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 5 + 1 + 1 = 8 for 1d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 + 1 = 8
Another 1! At least these aren't saves!

Albrέkt Heißhungrig |

Round 3
Albrέkt bellows in pain as the holy light sears his flesh and fell soul.
The scream ebbs... giving way to a hacksaw laugh, as the wretch unleashes his own dark energies back at his angelic tormentor;
Channel Negative Energy (Effects all living creatures in 30ft Radius) - DC 14 Will Save for half damage
Urgathoa's Kiss: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 4) = 9

Xanos |

Albrekt, doesn't that include pretty much all of us? I know it includes me. I think I was throwing from 20 feet away.
Xanos grimly drew and threw another vial of alchemist's fire.
Ranged Touch: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
But this one flew wide.
Previous alchemist fire, secondary damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Will Save vs. Albrekt: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Xanos glared at Albrekt as his skin blistered for a moment under the garage of Negative energy.
4 Temp HP left from False Life.

Albrέkt Heißhungrig |

Collateral damage Xanos - can't make an evil omelette without cracking a few rotten eggs :) besides tis a blessing from The Pallid Princess... one step closer to joining the unhallowed ranks of the Deathless
I all seriousness I did muse not using that attack, but we figured Albrέkt would see any death as a unholy blessing. Plus he's a heartless basterd

GM Fanguar |
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Moving on. Also everyone who hasn't still needs to make a will save against Albrekt's hilariously reckless channel negative energy.
Will DC14: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Blindsided by the repentant Haruk's change of heat, the divine being hums with anger as acid pumps into its heavenly veins. Vank cuts deep and Xanos' fire keeps burning. Cackling with maniacal glee, Albrekt unleashes waves of icy death upon everyone in the room. The archon's light is much diminished, as your own darkness threatens to overwhelm it.
"Burn, vile creature."
Attack Albrekt: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (20) + 14 = 34
Confrim: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (9) + 14 = 23
Crit: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 1, 6) = 14
Attack Albrekt: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25
Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5
Everyone is up.
AC 21 (19), touch 17, flat-footed 13 (+7 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 natural, –1 size)
hp 19/117
Fort +9 (+13 against poison), Ref +13, Will +2
Defensive Abilities Aura of Menace (DC 16); DR 5/evil and magic;
Immune electricity, petrification
Speed fly 100 ft. (perfect)
Ranged 2 light rays +14 ranged touch (2d6) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks whirlwind (DC 18)

GM Fanguar |
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Ouch. Puts Albrέkt @ -17... Stone cold dead (ironically)...
Unless you'd prefer for the Vampanzer to exit stage left, I'll burn 2 Villain Points to cheat death... will leave GM-Fang to decide the exact way that plays out?
There's actually a couple of ways we can play this out. 1: You blow your villain points. 2: We can retcon a couple of Ember's actions, since it's pretty safe to assume that she would be healing you. 3: We let you die. You guys need to hit 5th level in the early stages of this assault and after defeating the Archons would be a thematically appropriate time to do so. Assuming your continuance along the path of undeath, your 5th level feat requires to to die, so that you can rise as a fledgling vampire. We can use this death as that opportunity, as long as your fellow villains don't throw you in a woodchipper, or something of the sort.

Vank Stormfist |
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Well we could do with some wood chips...
Will save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15 4 damage
Damn, too early. The vampire might be a lay ability in the long run but right now his skills were still needed. If I can bring down the angel quickly I might still be able to revive him...
Vank continues to swing at the angel.
Attack: 1d20 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (13) + 8 + 1 + 1 + 2 - 1 = 24 inspire courage, divine favour, flank, power attack
damage: 2d6 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 3 ⇒ (2, 1) + 6 + 1 + 1 + 3 = 14 inspire courage, divine favour, power attack

Xanos |

I'm going to wait to post my action until everyone else has acted. I'm really hoping the rest of the party can kill this thing this round. All I have is more alchemist fire, and I'd rather not throw money away if I don't have to.

Kaynen Catesby |
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Round 3
HP: 27/27; AC: 16 (T12/FF14)
F: +5*, R: +7, W: +5*
Spells Left Today: 1st - 2/2
Cognatogen Left: 1/1
Bardic Perform Left (rds): 2/6
Bombs Left Today (1d6+3 DC14 each): 3/5
Location: Back Row
SA: Bomb!
Kaynen winces as he observes Albrekt collapse, but arches an eyebrow as he's fascinated as the man appeared to actually enjoy whatever was inflicted upon him.
He glances to his worthless bow and all put hurls it to the ground before he selects an "upgrade" in his assault with his free hand by liberating a small flask, shaking its contents and throwing it at the orb.
"Back up a moment!"
Tough without a map to aim a bomb, but in a mapped game, if folks 5ft out after their swings then 5ft back in to start their next action, throwing a bomb isn't too bad for allies. :)
Bomb (touch; pt blank; DC14): 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 5 + 1 = 17 for 1d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 3 + 1 = 7
Kaynen also continues to inspire for +1/+1.

GM Fanguar |

You have precise bombs, so don't worry about it. Also, it appears that you never leveled up to 4.
Acid: 2d4 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5
Haruk's fell magic continues to eat away at the angelic beings, while Vank's mighty blow causes the whole being to shudder. With a wild look in his eye, Kaynen lobs a sizzling projectile into the heart of the creature. The resulting explosion blows the archons into motes of dazzling light, which quickly fade, leaving the church dimmer than before. A faint, rank odeur rises up from the charred body of Albrekt, which smoulders before the Mitran alter.
We'll level up to 5 now.

Xanos |
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Xanos looked at the charred corpse of Albrekt. He had been a brute, and an insufferable zealot, but he had been an ally in a world where there were few. He had also been quite useful.
Once, Xanos would have been able to bring him back more powerful than ever with a wave of his hand. A Graveknight or a Mummy, perhaps. Something powerful and unstoppable. Now though, Xanos was an empty shell of his former self.
Strange, being so... human again after having once been so many other things through the years. Still, his blood held potency, and Albrekt was a favored champion of the goddess of undeath.
It was worth a try...
Xanos cut his palm open and let his blood drain into Albert's dead mouth and let forth a burst of necromantic power to catalyze the reaction.
A little Dhampir blood, with Blood Infusion and Bolster Undead?
Xanos has the blood of vampires in his veins (among other terrible things). He's kind of like Typhoid Mary. A carrier who's not really effected himself. I figured what better way to raise Albrekt than with some of Xanos' blood. If you don't like the idea, feel free to ignore it. i'm just improvising.

Vank Stormfist |
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"With Albrekt dead we need to regroup ano rethink he was the mightiest of us so a brute force approach might no longer be the best. I'd like to wait and murder the priest but the alarm might raised and our way out might have closed by then. I suggest getting out and returning tomorrow, take the heads of the fallen and hide our traces the best that we can. That will also give us a chance to honour Albrekt, in my culture a fallen warrior is consumed by the tribe so that they might live on in the tribe. I would be honoured if joined me in this."
regrouping gives an excuse for levelling, if weak, and gives a chance for Albrekt to raise again, if I haven't eaten him. But DM if that isn't a valid option please let me know.

Vank Stormfist |
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@Albrekt - It's a sign of respect really, but it might double as a way of ensuring your dead don't become undead. He already has his tribe haunting him, what is one more...

GM Fanguar |
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The smell of death and decay fills the chapel, as Xanos' blood spills into the corpse' mouth. A throaty, female laugh bubbles out from the darkness. "You would claim my champion, necromancer? Bypass the edicts? Rush the change? You are the ambitious one aren't you?." Another peal of seductive laughter rings out. "Oh, I think I'm going to like you. Yes, let's break some rules. But we're going to need more blood. So much more blood."
An invisible hand grips Xanos' wrist and was once a trickle of blood becomes a torrent. Albrekt's mouth fills and begins to overflow, but then the corpse swallows and then swallows again. A pale blue light begins to emanate from Albrekt. Before your eyes, his body shrivels, his skin becomes as cold white alabaster and fangs sprout in a wicked tangle from his mouth
At last, the stream of blood relents, and Xanos' arm is released. Albrekt slowly sits up. "Guard my champion well. I have plans for him." Deviously chuckling slowly fades and silence fills the room once more, though the stench of decay remains.
Vampire feat:
The Risen
You are now a fledgling vampire. However, you are still unsure of your powers and only begun to understand the full repercussions of this dark gift. Still, you are fast as lightning and full of fury. You can barely restrain your thirst for living blood.
Prerequisites: The Bitten, The Dying, 5th level
Benefits: You gain the feats Dodge, Improved Initiative and Lightning Reflexes. Your Dex score is improved by +2. You are now an undead and have no Constitution score. You gain resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10 in addition to all the normal defensive abilities granted by being an undead. You also gain the special attack Blood Drain (as per the vampire template).
However, you must sleep in a coffin every night, you gain the vampiric weaknesses to daylight (this replaces being sickened by daylight) and running water, and if you ever go more than twenty four hours without feeding on living blood you become sickened until you feed. If you are sickened from lack of food and encounter a living creature with blood in their veins, you must make a DC 12 Will save or immediately try to drain their blood. If you succeed at such a save you do not have to check again for one hour.
If reduced to zero hit points, you fall dead, indistinguishable from a normal corpse. You will remain this way until either you are healed by negative energy or fed blood enough to heal you.
For fun, I thought we would go with the trope that the longer that it has been since you've fed, the less human you appear. For now, consider yourself sickened, but having made your will save for you companions.
Take 3 points of temporary Con damage from blood loss.
The touch of the goddess left behind a gift, or perhaps she just awakened buried knowledge of a path not taken. Whatever the source, you now posses the knowledge to walk the path to lichdom.
The rules for the AP require you to be able to cast 5th level spells, spend 120k gp on your phylactery and it costs a feat. So start saving up.

Xanos |

Xanos looked a bit unsteady on his feet. "Always pleasant to speak with you, My Lady..." he said with a gentle smile that belied the fact that he'd just lost a great deal of blood.
He offered his hand down to help Albrekt rise.

Albrέkt Heißhungrig |

Albrέkt sits stock still, his face a pale mask wearing a crimson beard.
He smiles at the offered hand, bearing jagged fangs, and inhales this decayed perfume of the room as a newly born undead, before rising slowly;
"Danke Xanos. I haf seen better days... und yet nein better zan zhis moment Ja? Minn rebirth ast vun of der deathless... as Vampir."
Leaning on his scythe, the towering brute appears leaner and more feral perhaps, but no less menacing.

Xanos |

"Birth is never painless, nor bloodless." Xanos said. "Change is a violent thing."
"Your change has drained me. As we continue, I will need to be very careful while we face our foes."
Xanos is currently at 5 con, which means a whopping 17 HP max. He still has False Life up, which will help, but I'm going to need to be extra careful.

Haruk |

Haruk watches Albrekt's fall and subsequent rise as a vampire with the interest of a scholar. Transformations to a higher state were always of interest to him.
He then notes Xanos reduced state of health "Perhaps we should in fact retire from this battle for the evening after all. Xanos looks a little worst for wear, and I believe getting rest would be beneficial for us all"
Once done talking, and as he waits his allies' replies, the sorcerer will scan the chapel, looking for any magickal residue. 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21 Perception +Detect Magic

Xanos |

"We have to consider what retreating will mean. We still have the benefit of anonymity, and the performance at the theatre to draw away the leadership of the fort. I would say that we still have the opportunity to inflict much more damage on them before retreating."
"Since we have already gone beyond the parameters of tonight's operation, we need to go further. Cripple their ability to respond. Their ravens are dead, so they will have to send a rider. We should plan on ambushing that messenger."
"Tonight, we have fairly free run of the place and we should use it."
"I propose sabatoge. Wreck their food stocks. Destroy or steal their weapon stockpiles. Desecrate this shrine. Destroy the soldiers beds and blankets. Kill as many of the staff as possible."
"Then, if we have time, we bar the doors on the theatre while they watch their play, and burn the place to the ground."
"We do not need to fight them further tonight. We simply need to cripple them."

Albrέkt Heißhungrig |

Albrέkt looms stoically as he listens to the sager members of the Knot;
"Ja. Sabotieren ist der best korse... Bring zem to der knees before ve cut der throat..."
The brute leers at the thought, then mutters further in his croaking tongue;
"As ve move ve should vear der faces of der dead... Der Garde, Der Raben Wächter?"

Vank Stormfist |

Vank looks with amazement at Albrekt's transformation. Looking at Xanos with increased respect and says with a tone great seriousness "If I die please do not do that to me. Take my heart and feed it to another hobgoblin if possible, failing that to anyone capable of reproduction so that my soul and the souls on all my tribe that I carry may be reborn into a new generation."
"Right if we going to push on we need a plan. Assuming we do not complete this tonight we need to stop them from finding us and getting out a message. The priest may be able to both so getting rid of him would be great, however he is probably in the play. In the mean time I agree with Xanos, horses could be used for a messenger and later battle and hounds if they have any might be able to track us, I suggest a visit to the stables. Alternatively we could go straight to the burning, somehow blocking the exits to the hall and setting on fire even if we don't hang around to make sure no one escapes we cause a lot of death and confusion which will give us some time. It would be nice to wait for the priest and his underlings in their quarters and after killing them take their place for the day but I'm not sure we have the knowledge to do that. Anyone else?"

Haruk |

Haruk considers well the words of his Knot "Alright, sabotage it is. Let us ruin their ability to strike back at us, or anybody else for that matter. I suggest slaying their horses and any messengers, as well as any foolish enough to cross our path. And yes, fire. Lots of it."

Xanos |
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Xanos nodded to Vank. "If you fall, I will see to your wishes. Your heart will feed your people. The rest of your body will be used to further the goals you were not able to complete in life."
"As for tonight, here is my proposed plan. We move to the kitchens. There we will find a great deal of ground flour and cooking oil. They are the keys to this. We slay the staff and destroy or poison as much of the food stores as we can. Then we take the flour and oil to the tunnel. From there, we take the arrows stored on the second floor of the tower to the tunnel as well."
"We move the arrows, flour and the oil through the tunnel to the inn, steal a wagon or rickshaw from the carriage house, load it with our materials and head to the theatre. We set bundles of arrows soaked in oil around the foundation of the building. We infiltrate the theatre, plant additional bundles, and hang bags of ground flour upside down, tied shut with fuses, in the catwalks above the theatre lights."
"Then we light the fuses and leave the theatre. Once the fuses burn down, the bags will pour ground flour into the air above the stage and the crowd."
"Theatres are notorious tinderboxes. They are full of ropes, curtains, hot lights, thin wooden props and backdrops, and entire racks of clothing. Almost nothing is stored properly and very rarely do theaters have the money for proper maintenance."
"Once anything begins to burn, theatre fires spread incredibly quickly. An explosion the likes of which I think can be achieved will create a near instant inferno."
"In the chaos of the ensuing fire, we can visit the stables."

Albrέkt Heißhungrig |

Albrέkt smiles salicously at Xanos' strategem, and allows his gauntleted hand to find Vank's muscled shoulder as he addresses the oracle:
His tone is low and hints at disappointment:
"You vud pass up der chanze to bekome one of der Unvergänglich? I vill never understand you hoc-wichtal..."
The risen brute walks awkwardly, his scorched armour no longer fitting as it once did;
"On der dawn I must rest. Der accursed sonne ist minn bane, minn foe now..."

Kaynen Catesby |
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Busy weekend, catching up!
Kaynen observed Albrekt's transformation quietly, his mind racing to compose a dark ballad that would be befitting to accompany such a transition.
Absorbed in his own creativity, he was roused from his thoughts as Xanos proposed a plan involving fuses and fire.
Smiling, he began to sway and bob his head working Xanos's words into his composition of burning curtains and props. His fingers itched for the cold feel his flasks and the fire that burned to be unleashed from within.
That night he slept uneasy, anxiety consuming him and his thoughts of wanton fires and death looming on the next eve.

Xanos |

"We must move quickly then. We will need one person to stay here and begin moving the arrows down to the tunnel. The rest of us, to the Kitchens." Xanos said.
I figure this is a good opportunity to leave Ember behind but still have her be useful. Do we have any idea where they are?

Vank Stormfist |

Vank nods his thanks to Xanos. Some of Xanos' plan probably wouldn't work since the play was being held in castle hall rather than a dedicated play house but the general plan was good. "If we can find the armory they might well have alchemist fire for the siege weapons which of course will burn. We should also take a moment to block up the exit out of the bottom of the hall." Vank says following the others.

Albrέkt Heißhungrig |

Albrέkt scowls as the group mull the pitfalls further;
"Und if vun of zhose inside can konjure wasser or douse der flammen? Vhat zhen?"
Think GM-F is giving us a reasonable heads up this could be folly. Not beyond reason that their spell casters will have access to weather based spells that might stymie us? Only grace might be if we disguise as dwarves to light the fires - if we're spotted or its thwarted, then they at least are in the frame for the crime...

Xanos |

"I cannot think of many spells that would serve to extinguish a large fire quickly. Aqueous Orb, perhaps, but that requires sight to control. Summoning a water elemental would do, but it would not exist for long and would have to navigate the crowd, make it through the barred doors, and face us on the exterior of the building to snuff the flames. It is a risk. I have a number of spells prepared designed to hinder movement of large groups. If we can prevent the fire from being extinguished for the first minute or two, I believe it will quickly grow to be uncontrollable."

Xanos |

"It requires a receptacle. It is not as though a geyser will pour forth from a priests hands at a whim. it will fill whatever water container is there. Perhaps several at a time, but the overall volume is still going to be limited to whatever cups or bowls they have in the hall."
Create water is surprisingly bad for putting out fires unless you have a big trough or barrel handy, and a bunch of people with buckets to fill from it. (There's a 3rd party cantrip called Drench that does exactly what most people assume create water does).

Albrέkt Incognito |

Presuming some hand waving regards strategy discussions?
Albrέkt grins and once again assumes the form of a deceased guardsman.
"I vill need to speisen... "dine" soon... Ja? Der hunger ist growing und zhould I lose kontrol you are all in danjer..."
His words linger as his dilated pupils flicker across each of you.

Vank Stormfist |

Vank assumes the the guise of one of the dead guards men,"I'm sure you can drink from one of the guards that comes to relieve us. Does he need to be breathing?"

Xanos |

"You are with me. We're going to move the arrows. We have two hours before the guard change." Xanos said.
He went back into the tower to leave the others to their espionage and started clearing the arrow stockpile out of the second floor. He had to rest frequently due to his bloodless, but Albert's now-endless endurance would make up for that.

GM Fanguar |

Albrekt's victims don't need to be conscious, but they need to living
Vank and Haruk, not really knowing the support staff routine, decide that the kitchen would be a good place to look for servants. Between the map and some educated guesses, they soon find themselves outside the door to the kitchen. Behind it, you can clearly hear several people at work.
Albrekt and Xanos begin eliminating the keep's arrow stores. Where are you moving them to?

Xanos |

Albrekt and Xanos begin eliminating the keep's arrow stores. Where are you moving them to?
Into the secret tunnel was my thought. Then when we leave we can take them with us, or break them, at our leisure.

Vank Stormfist |

"Lure one out, killing the serving people later will not be hard but the more we kill now the more chance of slipping up and alerting the whole keep. You probably know human ways better, in Hobgoblin society I would open the door and motion for one slave to follow then leave assuming they were following, would that work?"

Haruk |

Nodding, Haruk opens the door "Excuse me, could one of you help me out? My brother and I are arguing over which dinner we should make for our mother for her birthday tonight. Would one of you step out into the hall and help us decide what we should cook for our dear old mum?"1d20 + 16 ⇒ (19) + 16 = 35 Bluff

GM Fanguar |

The transport of arrows proceeds without incident.
The large, hot, kitchens has three servants scrubbing pots, while a large pot of something boils on the hearth. The three of them look at Haruk oddly, but one of them shrugs and comes over to him. "What was that now? You eat here. If you want advice about porridge or beans, I can help you. But birthday meals? You're asking the person."