The RSS Paradiso
Sailing Ship
Colossal ship
Squares 3 (30 ft. by 90 ft.)
AC 2; Hardness 5
hp 1,620 (sails 360)
Base Save +6
Maximum Speed 90 ft. (wind); Acceleration 30 ft.
CMB +8; CMD 18
Ramming Damage 8d8
Propulsion: wind or current
Sailing Check: Profession (sailor)
Control Device: steering wheel
Means of Propulsion: 90 squares of sails (three masts)
Crew 20 (Captain, Boatswain, Quartermaster, Master-at-Arms, Master Gunner, Ship's Surgeon, Cook, Cabin Boy and 12 able bodies sailors.)
Decks 3
Cargo/Passengers 140 tons and 10 passengers
Current Passengers:
Connor Whalend (explorer and the man in charge of financing the whole expedition)