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Organized Play Member. 215 posts (3,315 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 20 aliases.
Carrion Crown Council of Thieves Kingmaker Campaign - DM_Kudos Kings' patron - Worg Hunters The Kings' Patron OGGM's Kingdom Builder Shipmaster Dave's Skull and Shackles 5tongue's War of the Burning Sky (inactive) Ascension - Rebellion (inactive) dm night-shade and friends' Carrion Crown (inactive) DM-Tareth's Modified Kingmaker Campaign (inactive) GM FurtiveZoog's continuation of DM Dustin M's PFS First Steps (inactive) GM FurtiveZoog's PFS First Steps, Part I: In Service to Lore (Omega) (inactive) Kingmaker [PbP] (inactive) Kumo's Hell's Rebels (inactive) Nameless GM's Rise of the Runelords (inactive) Nixie's Murder's Mark (inactive) Nixie's Skulls & Shackles (inactive) Second chance - Way of the Wicked (inactive) Shadows of the Past (inactive) Something Wicked This Way Comes (inactive) Uncharted Edge (inactive) The Way of the Wicked-Evil Ascends! (inactive)