Gavriil |

I completely understand the faces thing. That's why I think it's important to speak up if you are getting upset out of character. Not necessarily throwing a fit, but calmly explain to the other people Why you're upset. That way people can recitify it before it turns toxic.
At the end of the day, this is a game to have fun and to tell a story with good people and to cower under the gaze of the benevolent god of our world, OGGM. If I wanted to rage I'd turn on rainbow six siege for an hour or two lol

Talia Khavortorov |

Talia nods along with Gavriil, smil--
"Hey, wait a sec!"

Naralesh |
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Kill them.
Kill them all.
(I absolutely love this situation we're in, this is awesome, I am having the time of my life, I love how conflicted we all are, oh my gosh this game is the best ever. :D This is a moral quandary and a BELIEVABLE ONE too. This is the best.)

Vosil Comarenza |

Kill them.
Kill them all.
(I absolutely love this situation we're in, this is awesome, I am having the time of my life, I love how conflicted we all are, oh my gosh this game is the best ever. :D This is a moral quandary and a BELIEVABLE ONE too. This is the best.)
Wipe them out. All of them.
Wonderful, isn't it? Everyone really trying hard to do 'the right thing' - and everyone with a completely different idea of what 'the right thing' is...
I'm loving this.

Old Guy GM |

This is really good stuff. I'm letting you guys play this out. I don't have my 'voices' (Darick, Asha, Kesten) so I can't really add anything - as much as I'd like to.
I should bring up that we haven't heard from Kaalib since June 28. Close to two months, and it was a bit sketchy before that. I know he said he had some issues going on, but was following along. I hope to hear from him on this, otherwise we have to go searching again. Thoughts?

Old Guy GM |

I should add that as much as I like this, we should move on. If that means Talia makes the call as the ruler, then so be it. As long as everyone keeps their disagreement in character and doesn't take it personally, we can go forward. I'd hate to lose another player ala Magna. There's more where this came from, so no need to hold up the game longer than necessary.
Whatever the decision, if you agree or disagree, it will set up future RP opportunities for you as new situations arise.
It's a hard world, requiring hard decisions. Some will be right, some not. It's how you deal with the consequences that will mark you for Fame or Infamy.

Talia Khavortorov |

Regarding new players, I think we're fine as is. We've got six without Kaalib, and most roles are filled adequately enough in my opinion.
Is Kaalib (the PC) with us? That's the part I'm really wrestling with - Talia wanting to do right by the PC (and the parallels of him and her to their difficult - but still family - families). I'm just having a hard time picturing her condoning the destruction of his family (and Kaalib just accepting it). Talia would be forever the mortal enemy of anyone that did the same to her.

Old Guy GM |

I don't actually remember if he came along, and i can't find anything that says he stayed or went. The assumption would be he came along. Again, I'd hoped he would've chimed in by now - this whole saga directly affects him. I can only assume that because he hasn't, he's not going to.
It seems we are at a logjam then if Talia is waiting for some kind of input from him. I think I can settle this for both sides.

Talia Khavortorov |

OK, I've got a post incoming. Just needed to know if he's with us or not.

Talia Khavortorov |

Hopefully that compromise will be OK with everyone (not sure how it works into your plan though, OGGM).
Basically, my thinking is, we exile the kobolds (hopefully to the Temple of Abadar in Restov). Not many die during the process, assuaging the conscience of Gav, Dregan and myself. The kobolds get 500 gp from Talia's treasure to resettle (and bribe the Temple). None of our soldiers die. We aren't beholden to the Brighthammers, and they'll be thrilled to have another mine to work.
We should be able to take 10 kobolds nonviolently with whips, color sprays, sleep spells, and glitterdusts.
Again, hope that this is a good compromise for everyone.

Kaalib Coaltongue |

Hello everyone, I'm glad you still think of me.
I've lost a best friend, a classmate, and a surrogate mom this summer. I was highly involved in two of their funerals, even singing at one. I'm emotionally drained and I don't have much energy for roleplay at this time.
I've been putting off coming here because of what I've felt like I needed to do I didn't want to do. I'm sorry to say I won't be sticking with this campaign. Really, you guys have been great, and I have enjoyed playing Kaalib with all of you for a while. I'm just not fully here anymore.
In the future, I might like to come back when my energies are fully recharged. If you would like Kaalib to remain on the council or migrate with his kin to the temple, either could work. I honestly thought he might just have to just save some eggs and start from scratch. Saving a few extra would be fine with him.
Sorry to be so absent, but I wish you all well and happy gaming.

Vosil Comarenza |

Kaalib - sorry to hear that; I can't imagine what you're going through. Best wishes.

Gavriil |

I'm sorry for your loss, Kaalib. I was in a very similar boat a few summers ago. We'll be here if you ever want to come back.
Also, just a heads up, but I started my first day of classes today. Just letting you all know because I may be a little spotty this week on posting as I adjust to my schedule and figure out when I'll have time to write.

Talia Khavortorov |

Best of luck to you, Kaalib. I'm sorry to hear of everything that has happened.
Also, like Gav, a heads up; my wife and I have taken jobs in Texas and this week and next will be very hectic: contractors, house repairs, packing, driving 17 hours, unpacking, starting the new job.
I'll definitely be without internet from about the 31st - 2nd or 3rd, and may be slow posting until after the 6th. Please don't wait on Talia if I'm holding things up; just assume she smiles vacantly and rubber stamps any ideas*.
*Now's the time to ask for your brothel district, Gavriil! And your Owlbear breeding initiative**, Dregan!
**Sorry, Vosil!

Gavriil |

Gavriil's eyes shift back and forth, "Dregan! We have instant approval from Talia and no treasurer to tell us to stop spending!!! WE'RE GOING ON A SHOPPING SPREE!!!
*Furiously starts making ground plans for a brothel/animal conservation park/ water park called "Splash Zone" in green crayon*
"It's fun for the whole family!!!

Dregan Hirscherz |

Put the new loot into the spread sheet. along with stuff from the barrow most of us have a good amount to spend (with the exception of Edric who owe the party a bit until we find more treasure.)
I haven't removed Magna and re-added Gavriil but will soon.

Vosil Comarenza |

Thanks Dregan, I very much appreciate the book-keeping you're doing so we don't have to... :)

Dregan Hirscherz |

Gav's back in and Magna's out. I have assumed we will sell the MW shield and crossbow bolts (I don't think anyone uses a crossbow.) If you would like them its easy to change.
Who would like the boots of elven kind?
Do we want to keep the scroll of fly as party loot (seems a good idea to me.)
Sell the the dust of illusions?
Did anyone grab the +1 chainmail from the barrow?

Vosil Comarenza |

It's fitting that the boots of elvenkind go to our resident derring-doer.
Agreed, a scroll of fly could come in handy at some stage.
Keep the dust of illusion? Again, it could be situationally very useful; or not...
Vosil can't use chainmail, so it's over to one of you who can - just Dregan and Edric, I think.
EDIT: Dregan - we need a Stability check to start Turn 8

Talia Khavortorov |

Did Magna take the chainmail?
Yes on keeping the fly scroll, imo.

Dregan Hirscherz |

no, she left before we got it. but we can say she bought it from eh group, no different than selling to random other person.
OK seems like we are keeping the scroll
what about dust of illusion? To me its a signal use hat of disguise at 1/4 the price, am I wrong?

Vosil Comarenza |

True - the dust probably isn't economically worth keeping, I just like the idea of it. But the practical thing to do is to sell it.

Vosil Comarenza |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ahhh, the pains of rulership. While the point was taken Talia, these simple folk can't imagine for a second being served by you - even out here. It's simply not how things are done. Remember - you are from Brevoyan nobility, so it isn't a stretch to see you as Viscountess. The feudal system is just a part of life. The fact that you all have made any effort at all to treat them like real people is a BIG DEAL to the Levertons. Keep in mind though, that not everyone will see that as an asset. For some, it will be seen as a weakness...Oooooo...foreshadowing!
I love this. Seriously authentic game-world creation, and an absolute joy to read. Thanks, OGGM!

Naralesh |

By the way - any thoughts on consolidating the two threads into one? I think that running two concurrent game threads was really confusing, and I'd rather switch between kingdom turns and adventuring in phases, rather than trying to do them simultaneously.

Old Guy GM |

well, this was supposed to be for just the Kingdom building part - the ooc rolling and decision making. It evolved into an adventure thread when we started running two timelines. Everything happening here is far ahead of where we are in the other thread. What happened was I started putting events in here, and that got this off track. From now on I will put events with dates in the other thread.
I think what we should do is keep this for what it was originally intended - just kingdom building. The other thread should be for adventuring.
So lets finish up at Oleg's and then keep all RP stuff in the other thread. This one will be for JUST kingdom building discussion and rolling.

Vosil Comarenza |

Makes sense - think the only thing left to do is find a Treasurer? If the Levetons are 'too umble' to accept, we need to find someone else, stat, before we start taking serious penalties.

Vosil Comarenza |

Hm - with Talia out, Gavriil is the only one of us with Diplomacy as a class skill: someone send out the Bat-Scoundrel-signal!
(Best guesses as to what the Scoundrel-signal would look like?)

Gavriil |

Gah! Babies! The lot of ya! You don't need rolls, you just need good role playing! :p
Also, sorry. Been hectic with school , suditions, my girlfriend moving in, and job hunting. I will try to get a post up by tomorrow morning at the latest. But feel free to chime in if anyone has a good idea what to say to the levetons.

Vosil Comarenza |

Talia - to aid your map update, we've claimed/built as follows:
C6, Farm, City of Concord
D5, Quarry
D4, Farm
C5, Fangberries, Farm
E3, Gold, Mine, Road
F3, Farm
E5, Silver, Mine
E4, Farm
F4, Farm
D6, Farm
We now have a reasonably substantial-looking realm!

Vosil Comarenza |

Edric brings up a good point (in t'other thread): time for another round of kingdom building?
I'm sincerely hoping that the werewolf attack was the event phase for this turn!

Vosil Comarenza |

Just been playing around with the spreadsheet and I realised that when we moved Edric from Diplomat to General, his stat being used went from Charisma (Diplomat) to Strength (General). His modifier should have gone from +3 to +4. Glad I spotted that.
I'll make the change at the end of this round. Yay, another +1 to Stability!
N.B. If any of you increase stats (by levelling up, magic items etc) please let me know so I can track it in the kingdom-building. Thanks in advance :)

Vosil Comarenza |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

MAP UPDATE: we've claimed hex F2, which now has a Farm and a Road.

Talia Khavortorov |

OK, out of time this weekend to work on the map. Will get into it next weekend.

Naralesh |

N.B. If any of you increase stats (by levelling up, magic items etc) please let me know so I can track it in the kingdom-building. Thanks in advance :)
Naralesh has a 21 intelligence from the headband of vast intelligence +2 that Kaalib crafted for him a while back, so his modifier should be +5.

Vosil Comarenza |
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Thanks for letting me know, I'll update the spreadsheet with the new stat.
In return, if Naralesh can ever find an opportunity to say in combat "your weapons are no match for my superior intellect!" it would warm my black heart :-)